The concept of the educational system, its properties. School as an educational system Functions of state educational standards

The concept of the educational system, its properties.  School as an educational system Functions of state educational standards

Article 10. Structure of the education system

1. The education system includes:

1) federal state educational standards and federal state requirements, educational standards, educational programs of various types, levels and (or) orientations;

2) organizations carrying out educational activities, teaching staff, students and parents (legal representatives) of minor students;

3) federal state bodies and government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, exercising public administration in the field of education, and local government bodies, exercising management in the field of education, advisory, advisory and other bodies created by them;

4) organizations providing educational activities, assessing the quality of education;

5) associations of legal entities, employers and their associations, public associations operating in the field of education.

2. Education is divided into general education, vocational education, additional education and vocational training, ensuring the possibility of realizing the right to education throughout life (lifelong education).

3. General education and vocational education are implemented according to educational levels.

ConsultantPlus: note.

On the correspondence of educational and educational qualification levels in the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol, see Art. 2 of the Federal Law of 05.05.2014 N 84-FZ.

4. In the Russian Federation, the following levels of general education are established:

1) preschool education;

2) primary general education;

3) basic general education;

4) secondary general education.

5. The following levels of professional education are established in the Russian Federation:

1) secondary vocational education;

2) higher education - bachelor's degree;

3) higher education - specialty, master's degree;

4) higher education - training of highly qualified personnel.

6. Additional education includes such subtypes as additional education for children and adults and additional vocational education.

7. The education system creates conditions for lifelong education through the implementation of basic educational programs and various additional educational programs, providing the opportunity to simultaneously master several educational programs, as well as taking into account existing education, qualifications, and practical experience when receiving education.

The education system in the Russian Federation is a set of interacting structures, which include:


The definition of the concept of an education system is given in Art. 8 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. It is a set of interacting subsystems and elements:

1) state educational standards of various levels and orientations and continuous educational programs;

2) networks of educational institutions implementing them; 3)

bodies exercising management in the field of education, and institutions and organizations subordinate to them; 4)

associations of legal entities, public and state-public associations carrying out activities in the field of education.

The system-forming factor in this case is the goal, which is to ensure the human right to education. The system under consideration represents a certain integrity, orderliness and interconnection of various parts of the structure of such a complex phenomenon as education. If education is understood as a process of upbringing and training in the interests of the individual, society and the state, then the education system in its most general form can be represented as an ordered set of relations between the subjects of the educational process. The main subject of the educational process is the student. It is no coincidence that in the definition of education given in the preamble of this law of the Russian Federation, human interests are put in first place. All of the above-mentioned elements of the education system are designed to ensure their implementation.

There are three subsystems in the education system: -

functional; -

organizational and managerial.

The content subsystem reflects the essence of education, as well as the specific content of education at a particular level. It largely determines the nature of the relationships between other subsystems and elements of the education system. The elements of this subsystem are state educational standards and educational programs. The functional subsystem covers educational institutions of various types and types that implement educational programs and directly ensure the rights and interests of students. The third subsystem includes educational authorities and institutions and organizations subordinate to them, as well as associations of legal entities, public and state-public educational associations. Obviously, in the context of this legal norm, we mean not educational institutions, but other institutions under the jurisdiction of educational authorities (to denote them, experts use the term “subordinate educational infrastructure”). These can be scientific and research institutes, printing enterprises, publishing centers, wholesale depots, etc. They play a fairly important role in the education system, organizationally ensuring its effective functioning.

The inclusion in the education system of various types of associations that carry out their activities in the field under consideration reflects the state-public nature of education management, the development of democratic institutions and principles of interaction between the state, municipalities, public associations and other structures in the field of education for the most effective implementation of individual rights for development through raising the educational level.

2. Forms, types, levels of education (Articles 10 and 17)

2. The concept of "education".

The term "education" can be considered in different meanings. Education is one of the most important areas of public life. Education is a branch of the social sphere and a branch of the economy. They often talk about education as a qualification requirement when filling certain positions or when concluding an employment contract.

Education is understood as a purposeful process of upbringing and training in the interests of an individual, society, and the state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of educational levels (educational qualifications) established by the state.

Thus, education is a process that meets the following characteristics:

1) purposefulness;

2) organization and controllability;

3) completeness and compliance with quality requirements.

3. Levels of education.

In educational legislation, the concept of “level” is used to characterize educational programs (Article 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”) and educational qualifications (Article 27). In Art. 46 provides that the agreement on the provision of paid educational services must, among other conditions, also determine the level of education.

Educational level (educational qualification) is the minimum required volume of educational content, determined by the state educational standard, and the permissible limit of the lower level of mastery of this volume of content.

In the Russian Federation, six educational levels (educational qualifications) have been established:

1. basic general education;

2. secondary (complete) general education;

3. primary vocational education;

4. secondary vocational education;

5. higher professional education;

6. postgraduate professional education (clause 5, article 27 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”).

7. additional education.

Achievement of a particular educational qualification must be confirmed by relevant documents. Mastering a certain educational level is a necessary condition for continuing education at a state and municipal educational institution of a subsequent educational level. The presence of professional educational qualifications is a condition for admission to certain types of activities and to occupy certain positions.

We can conclude that the level of education is determined by the level of the educational program being implemented. General education programs are implemented at such levels of education as preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general, and professional educational programs - at the levels of primary, secondary, higher and postgraduate education. Additional educational programs (Article 26 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”) are carried out within each level of professional education.

Preschool education (Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”) pursues the goals of raising young children, protecting and strengthening their health, developing children’s individual abilities and preparing them for school.

General education includes three levels corresponding to the levels of educational programs: primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) education. The objectives of primary general education are the education and development of students, teaching them reading, writing, counting, basic skills of educational activities, elements of theoretical thinking, simple self-control skills, culture of behavior and speech, as well as the basics of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle. Primary general education is the basis for obtaining basic general education, which should create conditions for the education, formation and formation of the student’s personality, for the development of his inclinations, interests and abilities for social self-determination. It is the basis for obtaining secondary (complete) general education, as well as for primary and secondary vocational education. Secondary (complete) general education should develop in students an interest in understanding the world around them, their creative abilities, and form the skills of independent learning activities based on the differentiation of learning. At this stage of education, additional subjects are introduced at the student’s discretion in order to realize his interests, abilities and capabilities. This is how the primary vocational guidance of schoolchildren is carried out.

Primary vocational education (Article 22 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”) provides training for skilled workers (workers and employees) in all main areas of socially useful activities on the basis of basic or complete general education.

Secondary vocational education (Article 23 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”) is aimed at training mid-level specialists, satisfying the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education. The basis for obtaining it can be basic or complete general and primary vocational education. Secondary vocational education can be carried out at two educational levels - basic and advanced. The basic one is implemented according to the main professional educational program, providing training for mid-level specialists, which should include general humanitarian, socio-economic, mathematical, general natural sciences, general professional and special disciplines, as well as industrial (professional) practice.

The duration of training on the basis of basic general education is at least three years. An increased level of secondary vocational education ensures the training of mid-level specialists with an advanced level of qualifications. The main professional educational program at this level consists of two components: a training program for a mid-level specialist in the relevant specialty and an additional training program, which provides in-depth and (or) expanded theoretical and (or) practical training in individual academic disciplines (cycles of disciplines). The duration of study in this case is at least four years. The education document records the completion of in-depth training in the specialty.

Higher professional education (Article 24 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”) is aimed at training and retraining specialists at the appropriate level. It can be obtained on the basis of secondary (complete) education or secondary vocational education.

Basic educational programs of higher education can be implemented continuously and in stages.

The following levels of higher education have been established:

Incomplete higher education;

Bachelor's degree;

Training of certified specialists;

Master's degree.

The minimum periods of study at these levels are two, four, five and six years, respectively. The first level is incomplete higher education, which must be carried out as part of the main educational program. Completion of this part of the program allows you to continue higher education or, at the student’s request, receive a diploma of incomplete higher education without final certification. The second level provides training for specialists with a bachelor's qualification. It ends with a final certification and issuance of a corresponding diploma. The third level of higher education can be carried out according to educational programs of two types. The first of them consists of a bachelor's training program in a specific area and specialized research or scientific and pedagogical training for at least two years and ends with a final certification, including a final work (master's thesis), with the assignment of a "master" qualification, certified diploma The second version of the educational program involves preparation and state final certification with the assignment of specialist qualifications (engineer, teacher, lawyer, etc.), which is also confirmed by a diploma.

Postgraduate professional education (Article 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”) ensures an increase in the level of education, as well as scientific and pedagogical qualifications on the basis of higher education. It can be obtained in postgraduate, postgraduate and doctoral studies created in educational institutions of higher professional education and scientific organizations. It can also be conditionally divided into two stages: preparation and defense of dissertations for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Sciences in the specialty.

Vocational training should be distinguished from vocational education (Article 21 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”), which has the goal of accelerating the student’s acquisition of the skills necessary to perform a specific job. It is not accompanied by an increase in the educational level of the student and can be obtained in educational institutions of primary vocational education and other educational institutions: in interschool educational centers, training and production workshops, training sites (shops), as well as in educational departments of organizations that have the appropriate licenses, and in the form of individual training from specialists who have passed certification and have the appropriate licenses.

Additional education forms a special subsystem, but it is not included in the structure of educational levels, since it is designed to provide additional educational needs of citizens, society and the state.

4. Forms of education.

When defining education as a purposeful process of training and education in the interests of the citizen, society and the state, it is necessary to take into account that it can be received in various forms that best meet the needs and capabilities of the subjects of the educational process, primarily the student. The form of education in the most general sense can be defined as a way of organizing the educational process. Classification of forms of education is carried out on several grounds. First of all, depending on the method of participation of an educational institution in the organization of the educational process, a distinction is made between receiving an education in an educational institution and outside it.

In an educational institution, training can be organized in full-time, part-time (evening), and correspondence forms. The differences between them lie mainly in the volume of the classroom load, or more precisely, in the relationship between the classroom load and the student’s independent work. For example, if in full-time education classroom work should account for at least 50 percent of the total hours allocated for mastering the educational program, then for part-time and part-time students - 20 percent, and for part-time students - 10 percent. This determines other features of the organization of the educational process in different forms of education (in particular, determining the number of consultations, methodological support, etc.).

In recent years, due to the development of information technologies (computerization, Internet resources, etc.), distance educational technologies are becoming increasingly widespread. Educational technologies, implemented mainly using information and telecommunication technologies with indirect (at a distance) or incompletely indirect interaction between a student and a teacher, are called distance learning (Article 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”). It provides access to education for those citizens who, for some reason, do not have the opportunity to receive education in traditional forms (those living in remote areas, suffering from certain diseases, etc.). Distance educational technologies can be used in all forms of learning. The procedure for using distance learning technologies was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2005 No. 137. Along with traditional information resources, specialized textbooks with multimedia support, educational videos, audio recordings, etc. are used to support the distance learning process. Current control and intermediate certification can be carried out using traditional methods or using electronic means that provide personal identification (digital electronic signature). Mandatory final certification is carried out in the form of a traditional exam or defense of a thesis. Students undergo practical training as usual, while educational training can be organized using distance technologies. The ratio of the volume of educational, laboratory and practical classes conducted using distance technologies or through direct interaction between a teacher and a student is determined by the educational institution.

Outside the educational institution, family education, self-education and external studies are organized. Only general education programs can be completed in the form of family education. This form of education is relevant for certain categories of students who may experience difficulties in mastering educational programs under normal conditions. It is also possible to receive help from teachers working on a contractual basis or from parents. In any case, the student undergoes intermediate and state final certification at an educational institution.

To organize family education, the parents (other legal representatives) of the student enter into an appropriate agreement with the general education institution, which may provide for the provision of guidance on the development of the general education program by teachers of the institution, the conduct of individual lessons in all or several subjects by teachers of this institution, or their independent mastery. According to the agreement, the educational institution provides the student with free textbooks and other necessary literature for the duration of his studies, provides him with methodological and advisory assistance, provides him with the opportunity to perform practical and laboratory work on existing equipment and carries out intermediate (quarter or trimester, annual) and state certification. The work of teachers whom an educational institution engages to work with students using this form is paid on an hourly basis based on the teacher’s tariff rate. The procedure for recording classes conducted is determined by the educational institution itself.

Parents, together with the educational institution, are fully responsible for the student’s mastery of the educational program. Parents must be paid additional money in the amount of the costs of education for each student at the appropriate stage of education in a state or municipal institution. The specific size is determined based on local funding standards. Payments are made in accordance with the agreement from the educational institution's savings fund. Additional expenses for parents to organize family education,

exceeding established standards are covered by them at their own expense. Parents have the right to terminate the contract at any stage of education and transfer the child to another form of mastering the educational program. An educational institution also has the right to terminate the contract if the student fails at the end of two or more quarters in two or more subjects, as well as in the event of failure at the end of the year in one or more subjects. However, repeated mastery of the program in this form is not allowed.

Self-education is the student’s independent mastery of an educational program. It acquires legal significance only in combination with external studies. External education refers to the certification of individuals who independently master an educational program. Externship is allowed both in the general and vocational education systems. The regulation on obtaining general education in the form of an external study was approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2000 No. 1884. Any student has the right to choose an external study as a form of education. To apply for an external study, you must submit an application to the head of the educational institution no later than three months before certification and submit existing certificates of intermediate certification or a document on education. External students are provided with the necessary consultations on academic subjects (including pre-exams) for at least two hours, literature from the institution’s library collection, and the opportunity to use subject rooms for laboratory and practical work. Externs undergo intermediate certification in the manner determined by the institution. If they have passed certification for the full course of a transfer class, they are transferred to the next class, and upon completion of a certain level of training they are allowed to take final certification.

According to a similar scheme (albeit with some peculiarities), professional educational programs are implemented in the form of external studies. For example, the Regulations on external studies in state and municipal higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of October 14, 1997 No. 2033, grants the right to receive higher education in this form to persons with secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education. Admission and enrollment in universities is carried out in accordance with the general procedure. In addition to the student card and grade book, the external student is given a certification plan. It is provided free of charge with sample syllabuses of academic disciplines, assignments for tests and coursework, and other educational and methodological materials. Current certification of external students includes taking exams and tests in disciplines provided for by the main educational program in the chosen field of study or specialty; reviewing tests and coursework, reports on production and pre-diploma internships; acceptance of laboratory, tests, coursework and practice reports. Examinations are administered by a commission of three full-time professors or associate professors, appointed by order of the dean of the faculty. The passing of the exam is recorded by members of the commission. Attached to the minutes are written responses and other written material accompanying the oral response. Other types of ongoing certification are carried out orally. The grade is given in a special certification sheet, which is signed by the members of the commission and endorsed by the head of the department. Positive grades are then entered into the grade book by the chairman of the commission. The final certification of external students is carried out in accordance with the generally established procedure and includes passing state exams and defending a diploma project (work). Certification can be carried out in one or several universities.

In the vocational education system, the right of students to choose certain forms of training may be limited, taking into account the specifics of training in certain specialties. For example, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 22, 1997 No. 463 approved the List of specialties, the acquisition of which in full-time, part-time (evening) form and in the form of external studies in educational institutions of secondary vocational education is not allowed; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 22, 1997 No. 1473 approved the List of areas of training and specialties in which higher professional education is not allowed to be obtained in correspondence and in the form of external studies. In particular, such lists include some specialties in the field of healthcare, transport operation, construction and architecture, etc.

Educational legislation allows for a combination of various forms of education. At the same time, for all its forms within the framework of a specific basic educational program, a single state educational standard applies.

5. Conclusion.

Thus, education as a system can be considered in three dimensions, which are:

– social scale of consideration, i.e. e. education in the world, country, society, region and organization, state, public and private education, secular and clerical education, etc.;

– level of education (preschool, school, secondary vocational, higher vocational at various levels, institutions of advanced training, graduate school, doctoral studies);

– profile of education: general, special, professional, additional.

Under system It is customary to understand the totality of a certain set of naturally interconnected elements that form a certain integrity. This definition is fully applicable to the phenomenon of education, which is a so-called large or complex system, the elements of which are lower-level systems, or subsystems. At the same time, due to its dynamic nature education as a system should be considered as a developing network of elements of various types and levels. Educational systems, generally speaking, should be considered all those social institutions whose main goal is human education.

Education as a system can be considered in three dimensions, which are:

Firstly, social scale of consideration, that is, education in the world, a certain country, society, region, individual organization, etc. The system of state, private, public, secular, clerical, etc. is also considered here. education;

Secondly, level, or stage of education. These levels are preschool, school, secondary vocational, higher education, master's degree, various systems of advanced training and retraining of personnel, graduate school, doctoral studies;

Thirdly, education profile. In accordance with it, general, special (mathematics, humanities, natural sciences, etc.), professional, and additional education are distinguished.

The educational system has specific educational institutions in which the relevant tasks are directly carried out. The main structural elements of the phenomenon of education as a specific educational institution are the following (Fig. 16):

Goals and objectives of education.

Ways to get education.

Forms of organization of the educational process.

The quality of education.

Educational environment.

Subjects and objects of the educational process.

The result of education, which determines the level of education of a person acquired in the process of education.

Let's take a closer look at the essence and purpose of each of these elements.

Rice. 16. General structure of the phenomenon of education

Under goals and objectives of education commonly understood consciously planned expected results that society, the state and the person himself strive to achieve at the present time and in the near future. This expected result is a person who has modern knowledge and skills and is able to successfully apply them in professional activities and in life. The goal of modern education is also the development of those properties and qualities of the individual that are necessary both for herself and for society in order to be able to effectively include a person in socially significant activities.

One of the characteristic features of modern education is that it takes place in a rapidly changing information environment, rich in constantly updated knowledge, in which both students and teachers must learn. In this regard, in the new conditions, to achieve this goal, the main objectives of education are:

Formation of basic knowledge;

Formation in a person of the ability and desire to independently learn and improve professionally;

Formation of motivational orientation towards the productive-contributive learning process.

The most important task of education today is the optimization of training, that is, the identification of such methods and forms of training of specialists that would improve the quality of their education while possibly reducing costs.

In this case, it is possible to optimize the education system by reducing the required amount of information and leaving only that which is absolutely necessary for the student to solve specific problems specified in the requirements of the social order.

In modern conditions, when determining the goals of education, both the social demands of the state and society, as well as the goals of the individual, his interests and inclinations are usually taken into account. The goals of education depend on various conditions: on the nature of society, on state educational policy, on the level of cultural development, on the system of priority values ​​and the socio-economic situation of the country.

Contents of the concept “education” means a certain a set of systematized knowledge, skills, views and beliefs, certain practical training achieved in the educational process. In each specific educational institution, the content of education is understood as the content of the activities of the subjects of the educational process, that is, the pedagogical activity of the teacher and the educational and cognitive activity of the student.

Under general is understood as education, the result of which is a person’s ability to perform his general cultural, universal functions and activities. Special education provides preparation for special, primarily professional activities.

Polytechnic education is considered as an area of ​​intersection of general and special education, which provides the opportunity for successful life of a person of any profession in our complex technical world, in conditions of constant development and complication of the technosphere.

Professional education is a certain type of education that prepares a person to perform certain socially differentiated functions.

The correct selection of educational content determines the quality of education and its impact on the formation and development of the individual.

At various historical stages of the development of society, the content of education changes qualitatively depending on various factors - on socio-economic, political conditions, on the goals and urgent tasks that society sets for educational institutions of various types, as well as on the goals and prospects for the development of the society.

The educational content of each discipline is specified in educational programs, each of which is meaningfully reflected in the curriculum, textbooks and teaching aids. There are several ways of structuring and constructing the content of education, which in pedagogical practice determine the ways of developing an educational program in a given discipline and writing the corresponding textbook. The main ones of these methods are linear, concentric, spiral and modular.

Linear The method of structuring the content of an academic discipline is to divide it into a certain set of relatively complete sections and topics, the possibility of sequential study of which is ensured by the fact that the material of each subsequent section is based on information already known to students, learned in the previous sections (Fig. 17).

Rice. 17. Sequential circuit

In this diagram, solid arrows show the sequence of studying sections and topics of the course, and dotted arrows show possible dependencies of the content of this section on the content of previous sections.

Concentric The method of structuring the content of educational material also consists in dividing it into separate large sections, as if nested sequentially within each other. The study of such a discipline occurs through the sequential development of the conceptual-information field of each previous level, which creates the prerequisites for the transition to the development of the conceptual-information field of the next, deeper level (Fig. 18).

Rice. 18. Concentric method
structuring the content of education

Spiral the method of structuring the content of educational material is somewhat reminiscent of concentric, however, the fundamental difference here is the study of the same material with a gradual deepening of the level of its complexity and rigor of presentation at each new turn of the spiral (Fig. 19). Usually there can be two or three such turns. An example of the use of this method is the study of physics in high school and university.

Rice. 19. Spiral method
structuring the content of education

Modular The method of structuring the content of the educational material of any discipline is to divide it into separate complete, relatively independent modules, which allows you to organize various options for their study. This means the possibility of not only sequential, but also parallel study, even with different teachers. In this case, individual modules can take the form of independent disciplines; the result of the final control at the end of their study can be counted towards students when passing an exam or test for the entire course. Schematically, this method of structuring educational material can be represented in the form of Fig. 20.

Rice. 20. Modular way of structuring
educational content

It should be emphasized that for each of the methods of structuring the content of educational material discussed here, both its advantages and certain disadvantages can be cited. Therefore, in real pedagogical practice one should proceed from the specific objectives of the academic discipline, the conditions for its study and the interests of students.

When designing the content of education, in addition to the ways of structuring it, there is such a pedagogical category as the levels of formation of the content of education that plays a very important role. Usually stands out three the main levels of formation of educational content (Fig. 21).

1. Level general theoretical understanding– the necessary content is fixed in the form of a generalized idea of ​​the main components of social experience that students need to master in the learning process.

2. Level academic discipline– work on individual elements, content and detailing their specific goals and functions in the general context of the designed content, as well as the formation and concretization of ideas about the main forms of implementation of this content in the educational process.

Rice. 21. Levels of formation of educational content

3. Level educational material– the development of the content of education is carried out in the composition, nature and content of the material, which becomes the direct subject or means of educational activity - in textbooks, teaching aids, methodological guides.

Each of the levels of content design identified here corresponds to one or another type of regulatory documentation.

The most important document fixing the content of education at the level of a general theoretical concept is specialty curriculum, establishing the composition of disciplines studied at a given university, their distribution by years of study, the weekly and annual amount of time allocated to each of them. It determines the general direction and main content of specialist training, types, forms and methods of educational work, forms and timing of testing students' knowledge. Every 5 years, curricula are revised based on accumulated experience and taking into account current and predicted changes in science, technology, production, and culture.

The curriculum receives its specification at the second level of content design - at the level of academic disciplines, the composition, content, goals and functions of which are reflected in educational programs. The program determines the content of a specific academic discipline, the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities that must be obtained in the process of studying it; forms, methods, teaching aids, types of intermediate and final control. The program also includes an explanatory note, which reveals the objectives of studying the academic discipline and its connection with other disciplines of the curriculum.

Further specification of the content of education is carried out at the third level - at the level of educational material. The most important form of recording educational material is textbook, acting as a leading element in the complex of teaching aids and other elements of methodological support for the process of studying this discipline. A university textbook must meet certain requirements: have a high scientific level, orient students towards in-depth independent study of the discipline, correspond to practice, take into account interdisciplinary connections, etc.

Since 1991, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges began to be revived in Ukraine, new educational systems, creativity centers, etc. appeared. In this regard, various schools and universities today operate according to different curricula and programs. In this case, the state establishes only general standards and requirements, the satisfaction of which is a mandatory condition for issuing a state document confirming the level of education received - a matriculation certificate or diploma.

There are several different ways to get education. The main ones today include:

Studying at a specific educational institution followed by passing final exams or defending a thesis (project).

Individual training at home independently or with the help of teachers and passing exams and other forms of reporting to the state examination commission at a specific educational institution (externship).

Distance or distance education (from the English distanse - distance) is learning using a computer and special training programs posted on the Internet.

Part-time study includes writing test papers, attending orientation and general lectures on the entire course, consultations, as well as passing tests and exams and (or) defending a final (diploma) thesis.

The following are distinguished: Forms of organization of the educational process:

Lesson (lasting 35 or 45 minutes) – at school;

A lecture (lasting 90 or 120 minutes) with or without a break is the main form of education at a university;

Seminars or practical classes for the entire study group are intended for a deeper study and practical consolidation of the material listened to in the lecture;

Laboratory workshop is a practical lesson using technology, special equipment, conducting an experiment, experience, research.

Group or individual consultations with a teacher on specific academic topics or issues.

The quality of education defined:

The degree of correspondence between the goals and results of education;

Correspondence between various parameters in assessing the result of a particular person’s education (the quality and depth of his knowledge, the degree of development of relevant skills and abilities, the development of creative and individual abilities, personality traits and value orientations);

The degree of correspondence of theoretical knowledge and skills to their practical use in life and professional activities in the development of a person’s need for constant updating of their knowledge and skills and their continuous improvement.

The quality of education depends on many factors, primarily on the quality of the pedagogical activities of the educational institution, as well as on its educational and material base and scientific, methodological, organizational, managerial, technical and personnel support, the scientific school through which the student passes during his years of study at the university. .

Atmosphere and environment of the educational process are complex concepts including:

Good relationships between all subjects of education,

Help and friendliness of the teacher towards students,

Rational and effective organization of teaching,

Creating an atmosphere of creative development,

Constant support of interest in learning.

A characteristic feature of the education system is that it is a continuously developing system. It is focused on the future, therefore it must meet the requirements of the time and at the same time be based on the strategy for the development of society and the people in it.

Principles of education.

The pedagogical practice of higher education has formed a certain set of general methodological principles for determining the content of education and planning the educational process. Let's look at these principles.

Principle compliance of education content in all its elements and at all levels of design requirements for the development of society, science, culture and personality. It involves the inclusion in the content of education of both traditional knowledge, skills and abilities, and information that reflects the modern level of development of society.

Principle structural unity of education content at various levels of its formation presupposes the presence of consistency of theoretical concepts, educational subject, educational material, pedagogical activity, and the personality of the student.

Principle flexibility, predictability, unity and continuity, diversity of education.

Principle compulsory availability of complete general secondary education, since the content of higher education is based on the knowledge acquired by students in secondary school .

Principle organic relationship with world and national culture, traditions. In the context of globalization, its role only intensifies, since a specialist, on the one hand, must be competitive in the international labor market, and on the other, take care of preserving and enhancing the achievements of the national culture of his country.

There are a number of other principles, the general focus of which is the formation of a highly moral creative personality with systemic innovative thinking.

Thus, education as a system represents the basis of all intellectual, cultural, spiritual, moral and socio-economic development of society and the state.

Module 1. Educational systems in a general theoretical aspect


1. Concept and types of educational systems.

2. Education systems on a national scale.

3. The system of educational organizations in modern Russia.

4. Educational organization as a system.

5. The educational process as a system.


Vorobyova S.V. Fundamentals of educational systems management: textbook. allowance. for students higher textbook institutions / S.V. Vorobyova. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2008. – 208 p. - With. 21-24, 84-94.

Question 1. Concept and types of educational systems.

Under system(in the general theoretical aspect) it is understood as something whole, which is a unity of parts that are naturally located and are in mutual connection (S.I. Ozhegov).

Educational system Any specially organized system is considered to be designed to include a person in culture (past, present and future) in order to form a certain readiness for action, to establish mechanisms of orientation, adaptation, motivation, communication, and the production of cultural values. (S.V. Vorobyova)

Based on this understanding, the following types of educational systems can be distinguished:

· Education systems on a national scale (education system of the Russian Federation; education system of a region (subject of the Russian Federation); municipal education system).

· System of educational institutions.

· Educational institution as a system.

· Educational process as a system.

Question 2. Education systems on a national scale. ( Vorobyova S.V. Fundamentals of educational systems management: textbook. allowance. for students higher textbook institutions / S.V. Vorobyova. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2008. – 208 p. - With. 21-24, 84-94; )

The structure of the education system in the Russian Federation consists of the following components:

· State educational standards and educational programs of various levels and directions;

· A network of educational institutions of various organizational and legal forms, types and types;

· Educational authorities.

The structures of the regional and municipal education systems are adequate to the above structure.

State educational standards act, along with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Federal Program for the Development of Education, the National Doctrine of Education, as well as the Concept of Modernization of Education, the most important state legislative document in the field of education.

Introduced in the 90s of the last century, GOSs perform the following Features:

Act as government mechanisms providing guarantees for education for all students (regardless of what program and what type of school they attend).

Ensure the integrity of the educational space within the Russian Federation.

Describe the requirements to the results, content and structure of educational programs and conditions for implementing the standard (three Ts)

Currently, in Russian education there are Federal State Educational Standards for primary general education (grades 1-4), adopted in 2009 (new generation standards). Since September 2013, new generation standards for basic secondary education (grades 5-9) have come into force. The fundamental difference between the new generation standards is that they proclaim as a priority the goals of personal development of students through educational means, due to which the main results of education are recognized not only subject (zoons), but also meta-subject (the so-called universal educational activities, which are indicators of independent educational activity and, as a consequence, indicators of personal development).

State educational standards are created for various levels education in the Russian Federation: primary general education, basic general education, secondary (complete) general education, secondary specialized education, higher professional education. In 2014, the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education was introduced for the first time, replacing the Federal State Requirements (FGT).

Based on the standards, basic educational programs (BEP) are created for various levels of education.

Educational program (EOP)– a normative document that defines the content of education at a certain level and focus. In the Russian Federation, educational programs are implemented, which are divided into:

· General education (basic and additional);

· Professional (basic and additional).

General education programs include:

· Preschool education programs;

· Primary general education programs;

· Basic general education programs;

· Secondary (complete) general education programs.

· Basic requirements for the results of mastering PLO: subject, meta-subject and personal.

·- syllabus

· - academic discipline programs

·- Program for spiritual and moral development, education of students

·- Program for creating a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle

·- Corrective work program

· - extracurricular work programs

· Technologies, methods and techniques of training and education.

· Forms of training and education, regime conditions for the implementation of educational programs.

· A set of diagnostics (didactic, socio-pedagogical, psychological, etc.).

Basic requirements for the conditions for implementing OOP.

Question 3. Types of educational systems. The system of educational organizations in modern Russia.

System of educational organizations (EO) in modern Russia it is represented by the following types of public organizations:

- preschool. Types of preschool educational institutions: kindergarten; kindergarten with priority implementation of one or several areas of children's development (intellectual, artistic, aesthetic, physical, etc.); a compensatory kindergarten with priority implementation of qualification correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils; kindergarten for supervision and health improvement with priority implementation of sanitary, hygienic, preventive and health-improving measures and procedures; a combined type kindergarten (which may include general developmental, compensatory and health groups in different combinations); child development center - a kindergarten with the implementation of physical and mental development, correction and improvement of all children;

- general education. Types of educational institutions: secondary schools; schools with in-depth study of individual subjects; gymnasiums; lyceums; evening schools; educational organizations such as boarding schools; special schools for children with disabilities in physical and mental development; out-of-school educational organizations (children's music and art schools, art schools, choir and choreographic studios, folklore ensembles, children's and youth sports schools, stations for young technicians, leisure centers, etc.);
- organizations for orphans and children left without parental care. Types of public organizations: orphanage; family-type orphanage;

- organization of additional education. Types of ODO: (organizations of additional education for children; organizations of additional education for adults;

- vocational education organizations(Types of educational institutions: secondary, higher);

- other organizations, providing educational services (training and production interschool plant).

Question 4. Educational organization as a system(Vorobeva S.V. Fundamentals of management of educational systems: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions / S.V. Vorobeva. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008. - 208 p. - p. 21 -24, 84-94.)

Let us consider from the standpoint of a systems approach such a type of general education organization as a school. The school as a system has a rather complex structure, especially since it is necessary to talk about the school system on several scales: on the social scale, on the scale of teams, on the scale of processes.

Invariant structural component in the “comprehensive school” system, at any scale, there is a target block that includes the mission and purpose of the school.

School mission(the term is borrowed from the conceptual apparatus of pedagogical management) - a decision made collectively and voluntarily about the purpose of the school. A mission is a kind of ideal that reflects the common values ​​that the school’s teaching staff strives for. Example of a school mission statement: We will provide the best education for all students, support the professional development of educators, and foster a community of educators, parents, and students.

The mission began to be formulated by schools quite recently in connection with the increasing independence of the school, its role as a regional center of culture and education (in a locality, region). The mission of the school is formulated taking into account the social order of the region and the capabilities of the teaching staff. Often, when deciding on its mission, a school is determined by its own appearance and status.

The purpose of the school is predicted educational results that the school strives for, the achievement of which is planned over a certain, fairly long time period. The long-term goal of the school is formulated depending on its mission. The goals of the school, planned for the short term, are already the goals of the school. Objective statements describe the stages and methods of achieving the school’s goals. Requirements for the goals and objectives of the school (the target component of the school’s activities):

· achievability (=reality);

· measurability (formulation in quantitative terms);

· specificity (expressed in the fact that the wording contains an indication of the time frame for achieving the predicted results).

An example of a school goal statement: By….year (in five years) create conditions for 80% of school students to achieve the planned educational results; advanced training and retraining of 60% of school teachers; involving 40% of parents in organizing leisure activities for students in the extracurricular environment of the school.

Variable structural components of the school as a system:

On a social scale The structure of the school is similar to the structure of the education system in Russia:

· A set of educational programs and standards implemented by the school.

· Structural units implementing educational programs (classes, groups, clubs, etc.).

· School services and governance structures.

On a team scale:

· Public management structures of the school (school council, school assembly, school board of trustees).

· School administration.

· Teaching staff.

· Student team.

· Team of parents.

On the scale of processes taking place at school(educational, innovative, providing and managerial). Let's consider the school system from the perspective of the educational process:

· Learning processes in individual subjects.

· Learning processes across subject cycles.

· Learning processes by grade.

· Parallel learning processes.

· Learning processes at school levels.

· Shift training processes.

· The process of educating various categories of students.

· Process of additional education.

Question 5. The educational process as a system.

Education must be considered from the perspective of an integrated system-procedural approach, i.e. as a process and as a system.

Education as a process- single purposeful process of education and training, which is a socially significant benefit and is carried out in the interests of the individual, family, society and state, as well as the totality of acquired knowledge, skills, values, operational experience and competence of a certain volume and complexity for the purpose of intellectual, spiritual, moral, creative, physical and (or) professional development of a person, satisfying his educational needs and interests (Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation”, 2013).

From the formulation it is clear that education as a process is two-way in nature, because is a set of co-processes such as the learning process and the upbringing process.

When considering education as a process, however, a systematic approach is retained, from the point of view of which:

Educational process as a system is a set of components of the educational process that are interconnected and interdependent, such as the target, content, procedural component (technologies, methods, forms, means of education and its organization), diagnostic (resultative) component.

From the perspective of a systems approach, the educational process is also a set of training systems and upbringing systems.

Due to the fact that modern education is aimed at human development in the process of training and education, developmental education as a process and as a system can be schematically represented as a set of developmental processes and systems of training and education:

Developmental education as a process

Developmental education as a system

When studying the content of this training course, we will reveal the educational process in a modern primary school from a systemic point of view, delving into the features of its target, content and procedural components, and also study the educational systems operating in a modern primary school.

Educational systems represent the main object of renewal and reform during the transition period during the development of society. The content of education, as well as its further implementation, make it possible to realize the goals that society sets for the new generation and strengthen unshakable values. But at the same time, the successful implementation of established reforms is a rather complex and elusive task, which requires careful planning, a well-developed strategy, special attention to resources and, of course, the commitment to this goal of those people who are involved in its implementation.

Reforms affecting educational systems are also difficult to implement because they are carried out in a society where infrastructure and teachers are not provided with adequate resources.

As it was before

The previous Soviet system was distinguished by the presence of fairly rigid curricula, the preparation of which was carried out centrally. Such plans were based on the fact that students constantly earned factual knowledge in various subjects aimed at narrow specializations. The main emphasis was on science as well as engineering, while virtually no place was given to any pedagogical initiatives on the part of teachers or school management.

The educational systems of the USSR provided for a common curriculum for all schools served, and its preparation was carried out under the close guidance of government agencies. The production of textbooks was carried out as a monopoly by the state, and at the same time they were absolutely free. Thus, there was a complete lack of a structured system for assessing educational standards on a national scale, and all needs were determined in accordance with centralized planning for the distribution of labor.

Like now

Russian society is constantly being restructured and, at the same time, trying to reassess its goals and values, which entails democratization in the educational sphere. Individualization, humanization, as well as the use of new concepts of civic education - educational systems of the present time make room for these factors. This is largely ensured due to the widest variety of available types of educational institutions (like Germany), as well as the variability of educational programs, which is directly related to the development of the current network of non-state educational institutions.

Features of education in the Russian Federation

Today, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation uses a system that is extremely similar to the German one, but is still presented in a much more simplified form:

  • Preschool education, which should provide children with basic knowledge, is not equivalent to the first stage of school education. Children are sent to kindergarten from approximately the age of one or one and a half years, and remain there until they reach the age of six (also voluntarily if there is a desire on the part of the parents).
  • Primary education starts when a child reaches the age of six and lasts for four years (in accordance with the results of recent educational reforms). Unlike Germany, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation allows children to receive primary education in lyceums or gymnasiums, since in Russia these types of institutions are comprehensive and offer education from grades 1 to 11.
  • Incomplete secondary education in gymnasiums, lyceums, and any general education schools lasts for five years. Completion of nine classes of any of the listed educational institutions entitles the student to a certificate of general secondary education.
  • Industrial and technical, or complete secondary education, which enables a person to subsequently enter a college, technical school or any other professional institution, is permitted after completing studies in the 10th and 11th grades of gymnasiums, schools or lyceums with a diploma of secondary education. This right also applies to those people who have already graduated from any professional institutions, while in Germany this is considered unacceptable.
  • After receiving higher education, a person is awarded a specialist diploma, and is also awarded a bachelor's, master's or master's degree, and at the same time he is given the right to improve his qualifications at a research institute or university in order to receive a candidate or even a doctorate degree.

Among other things, recently there has been an active individualization of education, which also affects the quality of the educational system.

Preschool education

In Russia, an expanded system of providing knowledge to preschool children has been used for quite some time. At the moment, the management of educational systems pays quite a lot of attention to it, so it still plays a huge role in the process of solving various issues of early upbringing and education of children. Today, the system is built in such a way as to fully meet the needs of children aged 3-7 years, while nurseries can be visited by children aged 1 to 3 years, and in rare cases even care for children aged two months to a year is allowed. The vast majority of kindergartens are funded by the state, as well as municipal or departmental bodies.

Which gardens to choose?

Recently, the management of educational systems has led to the fact that people began to open a large number of private or semi-private kindergartens, but their volume currently amounts to less than 8% of the total. Even in modern municipal kindergartens, the tendency remains for parents to pay approximately 10-15% of the services provided, and the system of their visits is quite flexible, and if desired, adults can always choose a specific type of visit for their child, which they consider the most satisfactory - full or part-time, full or part-time work week, etc.

It is also worth noting that the trend continues to build frank and trusting relationships between parents and staff, thanks to which educators can learn many interesting factors about the personality and any individual needs of a particular child. Due to this, individualization of training is gradually being built.

What are they needed for?

Quite important is the fact that kindergartens are multifunctional institutions that, in addition to educational ones, take on social, care and health functions.

Much attention is paid to trying to identify various shortcomings in the intellectual and physical development of students. A serious role in the development of various educational programs and plans, as well as in the further diagnosis of children, is assigned to professional psychologists. To treat children with any physical disabilities, it is customary to invite physiotherapists, while some gardens have swimming pools and gyms where correctional work is carried out. Speech therapists may also be involved to provide assistance in the field of swallowing correction and speech defects.

Primary schools

The system of educational organizations considers primary school as the first stage of education, when children are given the fundamental knowledge they need for subsequent education. At the moment, the school presents three main systems of primary education, based on the traditional system and various theories developed by prominent domestic teachers. All these systems are mainly aimed at the moral and intellectual development of students, and access to school is open to all children over the age of six. At the moment, future first-graders must undergo a testing procedure before enrolling in school, where they undergo an intellectual level test.

Along with various generally accepted educational subjects, many modern schools begin to teach foreign languages ​​to children from the second grade, which they plan to do everywhere in the future. It is also worth noting that in the near future it is already planned to introduce a system in which children from the second grade will learn computer skills.

General secondary education

The development of the educational system has led to the fact that general secondary education includes primary, five classes of general secondary school, as well as two senior classes. Thus, already at the age of ten, that is, after completing primary school, the child moves to the lower secondary level, where he receives knowledge for five years. In accordance with current legislation, this level must end at the age of fifteen, after which the child is issued a certificate of incomplete secondary education. After this, he can either continue his studies at school, or enter secondary or primary vocational schools.

Gradually, an updated algorithm for acquiring knowledge was established in the Russian Federation, and education itself was significantly transformed (educational systems, of course, have changed since the times of the USSR). Compulsory education was introduced in Moscow for eleven years; over time, this practice spread to other areas. Previously, only a nine-year course of school education was considered compulsory. Schoolchildren study together six days a week, and differentiation in this case affects only labor and physical education lessons in high school. The total number of hours per week is from 30 to 36.

Over the past few years, the educational system has undergone a lot of changes, which has led to a significant expansion of the schools available at the basic secondary level. All modern schools are fully responsible for mastering basic programs, and the certificate that the student receives is subsequently recognized by all regions of Russia, as well as various CIS republics.

Education at the Lyceum

Among modern types of educational institutions, the most popular in Russia are gymnasiums, lyceums and secondary schools.

The lyceum is a type of educational institution that has been actively introduced since the early 90s of the last century. It is worth noting that this name is often given to various secondary educational institutions that organize in-depth study of disciplines in a specific profile.

The formation of the education system has led to the fact that lyceums and gymnasiums have a fairly large number of similar features, but at the same time they are fundamentally different in some respects. Basically, lyceum education is relevant in educational institutions with a physics and mathematics focus.


The state educational system is structured in such a way that the vast majority of people associate the concept of “gymnasium” with a certain elitism, that is, with such prestigious institutions in which children can receive an education through connections and wealth, and where they try to actively prepare them for work in various leadership positions.

In fact, the characteristics of educational systems show that this format is used in closed educational institutions, which in most cases are private. It is they who provide the opportunity at the basic and senior levels of schooling to introduce new subjects into educational plans, including logic, economics, philology or any others necessary for more effective conduct of specific activities (for example, business). At the same time, gymnasiums for the most part are state educational institutions of the average type, and here children who are highly motivated to learn receive knowledge.

Just like in other types of such institutions, they offer the opportunity to receive an education that will be sufficient for further study at the university. It is worth noting that this is precisely what constitutes a significant difference between gymnasiums in Russia and Germany, since in the latter, their completion only allows one to enter a university. In addition, the formation of student groups in such institutions in Russia begins from the first grade. If desired, you can transfer from another school format to similar educational institutions, and you can transfer both at the main stage of education and upon completion. In this case, ninth grade graduates are also awarded certificates of basic secondary education, after which they independently decide whether they need to stay here to complete secondary education or go to some institution with a vocational bias.

The concept of “education system”

Regardless of the level of economic development, religious views, or political system, the priority task in every state is to create conditions for the harmonious and comprehensive development of its citizens. Responsibility for the implementation of this task rests with the existing education system in a given state.

Most often, the education system is understood as a social institution specially developed by society, which is characterized by an organized system of connections and social norms that correspond to a given specific society, its needs and requirements that it places on a socialized individual. But in order to understand more deeply what the education system is, you first need to analyze each component of this complex and capacious concept.

We should start with what is meant by education in pedagogical science. In the narrow sense of the word, education is the process of acquiring knowledge, training and enlightenment. In a broader sense, education is seen as a special sphere of social life, which creates both external and internal conditions necessary for the harmonious development of an individual in the process of assimilating cultural values, norms, behavior patterns, etc. Education is also understood as a synthesis of the processes of teaching and learning, and also education, self-education, development and socialization. Thus, we can say that education is a multi-level space that is designed to create conditions for the development and self-development of the individual.

Analyzing the concept of “education”, it is worth turning to the definition that was adopted at the 20th session of the UNESCO General Conference: “education is the process and result of improving the abilities and behavior of an individual, as a result of which it achieves social maturity and individual growth.” In addition, education should also be understood as the formation of a person’s spiritual image, which occurs under the influence of moral and spiritual values ​​that are accepted and are the reference in a given particular society. It is also a process of education, self-education and personal development, in which what is important is not so much the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired and acquired by a person, but rather the skillful combination of them with personal qualities and the ability to independently manage one’s knowledge, directing one’s activities towards constant self-development and self-improvement.

As for the system, it is a set of certain elements or components that are in certain relationships and connections with each other, as a result of which a certain integrity, unity is formed. That is why, when considering education from the perspective of the social system, the following definition is most often given: “a network of educational institutions in the country, namely preschool educational institutions, primary and secondary, secondary specialized, higher and postgraduate institutions, as well as out-of-school institutions.” Most often, the education system is understood as a model that unites institutional structures (preschool institutions, schools, universities, colleges, etc.), the main goal of which is to create optimal conditions for teaching students and their learning, as an active activity of subjects of educational process.


So, the education system is the structure of educational institutions existing on a national scale. This system includes nurseries, kindergartens, primary and secondary educational institutions, specialized and vocational schools, colleges and technical schools, non-school institutions, and higher education institutions. Often the education system also includes various educational institutions for adults (postgraduate education, adult education) and cultural educational institutions.

The basis of the education system is:

  • preschool education (nurseries, kindergartens);
  • primary (or elementary) education, the duration of which in different countries varies from 5 to 9 years (in our country this level corresponds to a nine-year basic school);
  • secondary education, which is provided by schools with a 4-6 year period of study;
  • higher education (universities, institutes, academies, higher technical schools, some colleges, etc.), the duration of study in which is 4-6 years, sometimes 7 years.

Features of the educational system

The education system occupies a central place in the pedagogical process, because it not only ensures the transfer of formal knowledge about the surrounding reality and the laws, rules and patterns existing in the surrounding world, but also has a significant impact on the development and formation of a person’s personality. That is why the main educational system is the regulation and direction of communication, activity and interaction of all subjects of the educational process to promote such personal qualities and properties that are necessary for the self-realization of each person at this particular stage of the cultural and historical development of the state and society as a whole.

Any education system, regardless of what time it existed and in what country, has undergone some transformations. But the development of the education system, including that of our country, is always influenced by certain factors, namely:

  • the existing level of development of social production and the improvement of its scientific and technical foundations, which causes an increase in requirements for the training (both general education and specialized) of future specialists and the corresponding level of development (material and technical base, pedagogical experience, etc.) of educational institutions institutions of the country. Thus, in countries where the level of economic and technical development is higher, accordingly, the network of specialized educational institutions is larger, and more and more new, improved types of educational institutions are emerging;
  • state policy in the field of education, which has a direct impact on the development of all types of educational institutions in the country and on the features of their functioning, as well as the interests of various classes;
  • historical experience, national and ethnic characteristics, which are reflected in the field of public education;
  • pedagogical factors, among which it is worth highlighting the early education of children, for which preschool educational institutions were created (initially, this was necessary to free women from the hassle of caring for their children during working hours, so that they could take an active part in socially useful work); vocational training to prepare youth for future professional activities.

Each education system has a structure in which 3 large sections can be distinguished (see diagram 1).

Scheme 1. Sections in the structure of the education system

The structural components of the education system presented in the diagram are basic, but if special, vocational and additional education are not taken into account, then the integrity of lifelong education would be destroyed. That is why the structure of education also includes out-of-school educational institutions and postgraduate education.

It should also be noted that the education system is designed to create optimal conditions for preparing young people for work, an adequate perception of the surrounding reality, society and the internal life of the state, which is why the education system also includes:

  • educational organizations;
  • state educational standards and plans that coordinate the activities of educational institutions;
  • controls.

As for existing education management systems, today there are three of them: centralized, decentralized and mixed. These educational management systems are described in more detail in Table 1.

Table 1

Structure of the Russian educational system

The modern education system in Russia is represented by a set of interacting components, among which the following should be mentioned:

  • continuous educational programs (various levels, types and directions);
  • federal state standards and requirements;
  • a network of educational institutions that implement the specified standards, requirements and programs, as well as scientific organizations;
  • persons engaged in teaching activities, parents, students, legal representatives of minors, etc.;
  • organizations that provide educational activities;
  • organizations that monitor the implementation of state standards, requirements, plans and assess the quality of education;
  • bodies that carry out management in the field of education, as well as institutions and organizations that are subordinate to them (consultative bodies, advisory bodies, etc.);
  • an association of legal entities, as well as public and state-public associations that carry out activities in the field of education.

Today, the Russian education system is rightfully considered one of the best in the world (it is part of the leading group of global educational systems and has not left the world top 10 over the past two decades). It should be noted that if previously the Russian educational system consisted only of state-type educational institutions, today it also includes private and corporate institutions.

The Russian education system is represented by general, vocational, additional and vocational education, which provides the opportunity to realize the human right to receive education throughout his life, that is, to lifelong education. More detailed information about the types and levels of education in Russia is presented in Table 2.

table 2

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