In the depths of Siberian ores, a simple analysis. Analysis of the poem “In the depths of Siberian ores

In the depths of Siberian ores, a simple analysis.  Analysis of the poem “In the depths of Siberian ores

Analysis of the poem by A. S. Pushkin “In the depths of Siberian ores”
1. Introduction (thematic)
The poem can be attributed to Pushkin’s freedom-loving lyrics and poems about friendship. Pushkin devoted many poems to the theme of friendship. This is mainly due to memories of the lyceum brotherhood. This poem is dedicated to the Decembrists, exiled to Siberia for hard labor. Among the Decembrists there were people familiar to Pushkin (579 people in total, five were hanged) and Lyceum friends (Iv. Iv. Pushchin, Wilhelm Kuchelbecker).
2. Main part
Perception. The poem is perceived as friendly support for people close in spirit and destiny. The optimistic mood of the poem is created by the positively charged vocabulary “high aspiration”, “hope”, “cheerfulness and fun”, “desired time”, “love and friendship”, “freedom”.
Associations that arise when reading: gladiators fighting for their freedom, for whom the sword (gladius) was a symbol of honor, but they dreamed of another sword, a wooden tool, a symbol of their freedom. After all, only a free person no longer sheds blood. He has already won his freedom.
1) Date, information from the history of the creation of the poem.
Written in 1826 to friends - Decembrists as a message. Pushkin passed it on through Alexandra Muravyova, who went to Siberia to visit her husband, a Decembrist. This was the time after the suppression of the December Uprising, when in documents the tsarist government claimed that the ideas of the Decembrists were base and insane, that the conspiracy was drawn up by “a handful of monsters.” The aristocrats turned their backs on the arrested Decembrists; even their relatives and friends did not dare to show sympathy for the prisoners. At such a time, Pushkin sends this poem to the Decembrists, which sounds like the voice of a friend who is in solidarity with them in spirit and aspirations.
2) Genre. Type of literature, literary direction, creative method.
Type of literature - lyric poetry
Genre in form - message
Content genre: civil poetry
Literary direction and Creative method (they are one and the same) - realism.
3) What mood becomes decisive for the poem as a whole? Do the author’s feelings change throughout the poem, if so, then thanks to what words do we guess about this?
Mood: support, hope, faith in the future victory of the idea of ​​freedom - optimistic mood.
The author’s feelings change progressively: first, consolation (“keep proud patience,” “your sorrowful work will not be wasted...”), then - firm confidence in victory (“the desired time will come”), then – a feeling of solidarity (“love and friendship will reach you ", "the brothers will give you the sword", "as my free voice"). And, finally, the feeling of the future triumph of the winners (“and freedom will greet you joyfully at the entrance”)
4) The conflict in the poem is between those who imprisoned their friends in the “convict holes” of Siberian mines, and those who fought for freedom and proudly endure punishment.
Positively colored words: “high aspiration”, “hope”, “cheerfulness and fun”, “desired time”, “love and friendship”, “free voice”, “freedom”, “joyfully”, “brothers”.
Negatively colored words: “Siberian ores”, “patience”, “sorrowful labor”, “misfortune”, “in a gloomy dungeon”, “gloomy gates”, “convict holes”, “heavy chains”.
5) Ideological and thematic content.
Topic and leading topic
Theme is when there are several topics in one work.

Theme is the vital material that is reflected in the work.

Topic: 1. The fight against autocracy. 2. The cruel fate of the fighters. 3. A look into a “joyful” future.
Leading theme: a look into a joyful future, free from shackles.

The main idea, its development - the sacrifices of the fighters are not in vain, their cause will not be lost, it has meaning and continuation in the minds of freedom-loving followers and will certainly win.

Emotional coloring and methods of its transmission, development of feelings. (see above - mood)
Does the social or personal sound prevail in the poem?

I believe that the poem conveys a personal attitude to the problem. The poet believes in a just future, like a utopian, and like the Decembrists themselves believed in it. They looked at society through the prism of their own soul, full of noble aspirations for goodness and justice for all, not realizing that society was unworthy of the future that they so longed for (remember the revolution of 1917 and how it turned out for the people)
Problematic and main problem.

(A problem is a question posed for resolution. A problematic is several questions for resolution)
1) In the name of what do the best people go to the slaughter?
2) What is the continuation of their feat?
The main problem: For what reason do the best people go to the slaughter?

Ideological content and main idea.
(Ideological content is a lot of ideas, their full set in a work. main idea- this is a search for an answer or an answer to the main problem)
The main idea: freedom, justice for the people is a high aspiration, it is worth giving up your dreams and life for it.
Eternal themes in the poem: friendship, solidarity, honor, nobility.
Historical theme: the fate of the Decembrists
An eternal problem: a human feat in the history of the country.
Eternal idea: freedom and justice.

6) Plot elements

1.Exposition - the conditions that created the conflict: “In the depths of the Siberian ores - keep proud patience, your sorrowful work and high aspiration will not be lost.” “Sorrowful work” - preparation for participation in the December uprising, “high aspiration” - These are the noble goals that the Decembrists set for themselves. All these are prerequisites for conflict.

2. The beginning is the beginning of the conflict, its origin.
Unluckily faithful sister,
Hope in a dark dungeon
Wake up cheerfulness and fun
The desired time will come
(The misery that accompanies the hope of liberation and joy)

3. Development of action - the progression of events in increasing order:
Love and friendship up to you
They will reach through the dark gates
Like in your convict holes
My free voice reaches
The love of wives who follow them to Siberia, friendship is the solidarity of like-minded people and people close in spirit and destiny who are not afraid to voice their moods and beliefs. All this is opposed to “gloomy gates” and “prison holes”, that is, to the system of autocracy.

4. Climax - the highest point of conflict tension: “Heavy chains will fall, prisons will collapse.” The dream of freedom will come true!

5. Denouement - resolution of the conflict.
...and freedom
You will be greeted joyfully at the entrance,
And the brothers will give you the sword"
Freedom, the joy of meeting with “brothers” who will return to them the “sword”, a symbol of honor, dignity, nobility, a symbol of struggle.

7) Features of the composition

External composition is the chapters, parts, sections of the work

The poem consists of four quatrains.
- Internal composition is the construction of events, settings, images - characters. Techniques of internal composition in this poem: 1. Monologue - appeal. 2. Landscapes (“in the depths of Siberian ores” (winter, cold, Siberia, mines, wilderness, Taiga – associations). 3. Interiors – “gloomy dungeon”, “dark locks”, “convict holes”, “dungeons”.
8) Features of the poetic form
Metrics is a section of poetry about the combination of strong and weak points in a verse, about poetic meters and sizes.
Meter is an orderly alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables in a verse. Syllabic-tonic.
Meter – iambic (two-syllable foot with stress on the second syllable)
(((--- (--- (---
In the depths of Siberian ores
(--- (---- (((--- (
Keep those mountains until you endure them
Rhythmic features
Rhyme: 1st line of the quatrain rhymes with the 3rd - masculine rhyme (ends with a stressed syllable) 2nd line rhymes with the 4th - feminine rhyme (ends with an unstressed syllable)
Method of rhyming - cross rhyme 1st with 3rd, 2nd with 4th (abab)
The specificity of the stanza is the quatrain (quatrain). Repeatability of rhyme, method of rhyming, size.
Stylistic and artistic techniques
- vocabulary works for contrast, conflict, opposition:

Proud patience - sorrowful work
High aspiration - dark dungeon
Love and friendship are dark gates
Free voice - convict holes
- tropes - words and phrases in figurative meaning: metaphors, metonymies, synecdoche, hyperbole (exaggeration), litotes (understatement), etc.

1. Epithets: “proud”, “sorrowful”, “high”, “gloomy”, “free”, “heavy”, etc.
2.Metaphor: “convict holes”
3. Personification: “freedom... will greet you joyfully at the entrance,” “the time will come,” “hope... will wake you up.”
4.Periphrase - replacing a word with a descriptive expression:
“the brothers will give you the sword”
“heavy shackles will fall” (meaning not only shackles, but also captivity, constraint, slavery)
- Shapes

1. Antithesis - comparison or contrast of contrasting concepts or images
Misfortune is hope
Convicts - free
Dungeons - freedom
2. Transfer - a discrepancy between syntactic reading of speech and reading of poetry:
“The prisons will collapse - and freedom will
You will be greeted joyfully at the entrance"
"Unfortunately faithful sister
10) The main images of the poem: images of prisoners, their friends, loved ones, “brothers” (like-minded people)
Artistic meaning: the prisoners are not alone, they can believe not only in the rightness of their cause, but also in their loved ones who are nearby - wives physically nearby, friends and “brothers” - in soul and thoughts.
11) The image of the lyrical hero (author)
A citizen, patriot, friend, like-minded person, he is also a fighter for freedom, but his job is to “burn the hearts of people with the verb” (a phrase from Pushkin’s poem “The Prophet”), that is, his poems, his words are aimed at the idea of ​​freedom and justice, like and among the Decembrists.
12) The place of the poem in the author’s work
Belongs to the so-called freedom-loving lyrics of Pushkin. These lyrics include his other poems: “Prisoner”, “To the Sea”, “Anchar”, etc.
13) Impressions
- the impetus for the creation of the poem is the 1st line, “In the depths of the Siberian ores.” The harsh music of “heavy shackles,” backbreaking labor, and the cold of Siberian winters sounds in the poet’s soul.
The last line – “And the brothers will give you the sword” – are words of support, faith, and solidarity. And if the “sword” is considered as a symbol of honor and dignity of a citizen of the country, then everything will be restored, returned.

They say that Pushkin once said that if his friends had not hidden from him about the preparations for the uprising (he was in Mikhailovskaya exile at that time), he would have been on Senate Square among the rebels.

The role of sounds in the poem: there are many sonar consonant sounds and sound combinations that create the impression of harsh conditions, darkness: “Siberian”, “keep”, gloomy”, “convicts”, “collapse”.

In the sounds depicted in the poem: the clicking of shutters, the clanging of chains, the roar of falling dungeons.
- The color of the poem is gray, black, dark. And in the end - the light of freedom. And this is confirmed by the words that speak of the color “gloomy lockers”, “gloomy dungeon”.
- Category of time in the poem.

The meaning of the past: “your sorrowful work and high aspiration will not be lost”
The meaning of the present: “proud patience”, “hope”, “my free voice reaches.”
The meaning of the future: “the desired time will come”, “the shackles... will fall”, “the sword will be given away”, etc.

Conclusion – personal assessment and personal perception
- In the poet’s work and in Russian poetry in general, the poem occupies a prominent place, thanks to its freedom-loving idea.

Universal significance - the problem of freedom and the struggle for it is one of the eternal ones in the history of mankind

Philosophical sound - 1) A person is one who has “high aspirations in thought” “) Human misfortune is always accompanied by hope: “misfortune is the faithful sister of hope.”

A masterpiece is an exceptional, exemplary work. “To Siberia” is a masterpiece, because it was created by a master for centuries, it is relevant to this day.
- Discoveries in the soul.
After reading, you think more deeply about fate the best people in world history (they were always persecuted), and about Pushkin, who was always under surveillance, but dared not to be afraid to extend a friendly hand to “state criminals” who rebelled against the autocracy.

The poem “In the depths of the Siberian ores” by A.S. Pushkin was published in 1827. This poetic work is an act of high civil courage of a person, a poet.

“In the depths of the Siberian ores” is Pushkin’s sincere, passionate message to the Decembrists serving exile. In it, the author expressed hope for a speedy amnesty for the Decembrists, which actually took place only in 1855.

The poem appeared on a wave of enthusiasm, which was caused by the decisive act and feat of a considerable part of the wives of the Decembrists. They neglected everything - position in the world, wealth, nobility, and followed their husbands into exile.

Pushkin was especially touched by his farewell meeting with Maria Raevskaya, whom he once loved. Now she was among the first to leave, as the wife of S.G. Volkonsky. Volkonsky's punishment was measured at twenty years of hard labor.

The poem “In the Depths of Siberian Ores” is dominated by a civic theme, the theme of loyalty to the ideals of youth. The goal that the poet set for himself was to strengthen and raise the spirit of not only two former graduates of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum - Pushchin and Kuchelbecker, but the entire composition of the Decembrists, doomed to hard work “in the hard labor holes” of the Transbaikal Nerchi mines, to instill in them hope for the best. The belief that everything bad will end soon - this is what determines the emotionally rich tone of the work.

The Decembrist uprising failed. But given the balance of power in society that existed at that time, it could not help but end in failure.

But the Decembrists could not help but speak out. Their liberation thoughts were too strong, their civic-patriotic feelings were high. And although the Decembrists did not achieve a positive result, everything that happened was not in vain.

After the suppression of the December uprising, Pushkin was returned from exile by Nicholas I. They had a long and lengthy conversation face to face. Nikolai assured the poet that he sincerely wanted to use his power for the good and prosperity of the people and asked Alexander Sergeevich to help him with his creativity in this. Pushkin, of course, listened to the opinion of the tsar, but did not abandon his previous convictions. Just as he did not renounce his Decembrist friends. After the conversation, exposing himself even more to danger, he sent them heartfelt, hopeful poems to them in Siberia. The poet hoped that his personal efforts in promoting the speedy release of people languishing in exile would be successful.

The genre of the work “In the depths of Siberian ores” is a civil and friendly message. The message is one of Pushkin’s favorite genres.

Means of poetic expression used
“Shackles, dungeons, dungeons, gates, convict holes” - terminology associated with the uprising and its consequences.

Epithets used in the work are “mournful work”, “proud patience”, “gloomy shutters”, “free voice”.

A comparison that takes place in the poem “In the depths of the Siberian ores”:

"Like in your convict holes
My free voice is being heard.”

To give the poem greater richness, firmness and determination, Pushkin uses the method of alliteration (alliteration with “R”).

"In the depths of Siberian ores,
Be patient and proud.
Your sorrowful work will not be wasted
And I think about high aspiration.”

The poem “In the depths of the Siberian ores” is written in iambic tetrameter.

A wonderful poet who is known throughout the world. His pen includes the most best works XIX century, which continue to excite even the modern younger generation. While studying the history of the Decembrist uprising, every person will definitely read the immortal work of Alexander Pushkin - “In the depths of the Siberian ores...”.

In contact with

History of the creation of the work

In 1825, there was growing resentment against royal rule. The nobles were the first to defend the rights of the people. Their uprising took place on Senate Square. Pushkin did not participate in this movement, since he was considered a “disgraced” poet and was in exile at that time. Being out of favor with the emperor , Alexander Sergeevich was in exile for quite a long time.

When information about the events that happened to his Decembrist friends reached Mikhailovskoye, Pushkin regretted that he was so far away and could not personally support his friends. The “disgraced” poet perceived the defeat of the Decembrists as if it were his personal tragedy.

Once, the emperor himself, unable to bear it, asked Alexander Pushkin where he would have been if he had been in St. Petersburg during the Decembrist uprising. Pushkin, without hesitation, immediately answered Nicholas the First that he would be with his friends.

But the friends of the great poet, worried about his fate, tried not to let Alexander Sergeevich know what was going to happen on December 14th. They were in a secret society for some time, but the poet was not invited there because he was already out of favor with the emperor.

Author's personal tragedy

All the lyceum students who were friends with the “disgraced” poet maintained good and strong relationships until last days own life. For Alexander Sergeevich this lyceum brotherhood was a dear memory of his life, which he sacredly cherished.

On each anniversary of their lyceum graduation, the famous poet wrote a new poetic work, which was dedicated to his fellow lyceum students and their strong friendship.

Among the lyceum students, Alexander Sergeevich had friends: Ivan Pushchin, who visited him in exile, as well as Wilhelm Kuchelbecker. These officers, former lyceum students, just came out to Senate Square, after which the emperor ordered their execution. This event became a personal tragedy for the poet.

When the fate of the participants in the December uprising was decided, and they were sent to Siberia, Alexander Pushkin decided to support the Decembrists and, showing courage, wrote the poem “In the depths of the Siberian ores...”. Poet, who wanted to encourage the Decembrists with his message who found themselves in Siberia, dreamed of supporting in their lyceum friends the spirit of freedom and the belief that freedom would still come to their country.

In his work, the poet addresses his friends in exile as a comrade who is still free and fully shares their thoughts, thoughts and “high aspirations.” This poetic work was written almost a year after the uprising, in January 1827.

But before this message reached the Decembrists, it was revised several times by the poet himself. In the original version, the text was placed in the album of Princess Evdokia Rostopchina. But, continuing to work on the poem, the author changed the second and third stanzas, and this helped Pushkin improve it, illuminating him with hope, strong friendship, and love.

The second, revised version of the poetic message has already reached Siberia. Alexandra Muravyova, who visited her Decembrist husband, delivered a letter from Pushkin, which contained a poem, to Siberia.

  • Freedom.
  • Hope.
  • Love.
  • Misfortune.

The author understood that his friends, who were in exile, deprived of freedom, dignity and honor, needed his support. Therefore, Pushkin dared to write this poem in the genre of a message and tried to do everything to ensure that it was delivered to his Decembrist friends.

In his message, Alexander Sergeevich addresses them, saying that “your sorrowful work will not be wasted.” He believes that their ideas, “high aspirations” will find their embodiment in life. It is known that the idea of ​​freedom is fundamental in the work of the poet himself.

Poetic theme

The main theme of the poem is freedom and loyalty to Decembrist ideas. This theme can be seen in other poetic works of the poet:

  • "Arion";
  • "Prophet";
  • "Stanzas".

But even in the poetic message to the Decembrists, the author’s thought about the heroism and courage of his friends is embodied. To do this, the author uses vocabulary that calls for freedom:

  • The shutters are “dark”.
  • The voice is “free”.
  • The holes are “convicts”.

Another poet, Alexander Odoevsky, responded to Pushkin’s letter to the Decembrists with his own poem. His lines “From a spark will ignite a flame!” became the motto of revolutionaries.

Alexander Pushkin builds his message on oppositions. In the first part of the poem the author talks about the “dark dungeon” where his comrades are, but in the second part, despite even the dungeon, he calls for spiritual freedom. Alexander Sergeevich is trying to bring the future closer for these people, to bring their freedom closer.

First, the author talks about important spiritual values, and then tries to make this inner freedom real. Alexander Pushkin tells future generations about his Decembrist friends as courageous, persistent and courageous people. He shows the reader that if you fight for your ideals, follow your faith in freedom to the end, then a person becomes invincible and will ultimately achieve his goal.

Expressive means

Despite the understanding of the author of the poetic message that his friends would not return from Siberia, he tried to support and console them. Therefore, he wrote that strong friendship and true love would reach them “through dark gates.” Alexander Sergeevich was sure that his friends had accomplished a real feat that would be remembered by all subsequent generations. And he was not mistaken in this.

But in his message Alexander Pushkin nevertheless, he expresses the hope that fate will be more favorable to his friends than the king. The author writes about the hope that the shackles will still fall, the prisons will “collapse,” and these people will be free again. Pushkin hopes that “freedom will welcome you joyfully.” But this Pushkin prediction never came true, since some Decembrists, having survived exile, returned home old, sick and exhausted. Their future life was not happy, they were deprived of all noble privileges and no longer had any titles.

Pushkin uses various means of artistic expression:

  • Metaphors (“hope will awaken cheerfulness in a dark dungeon”).
  • Epithets (“proud patience”, “heavy chains”).
  • Comparisons.
  • Assonance.

The meter of the work is iambic tetrameter.

With his beautiful and touching poem, Alexander Pushkin tried to convey to readers his experiences and worries for the fate of his people and for the fate of his country.

In 1827, Alexander Pushkin’s poem “In the depths of Siberian ores” was published, which is considered to be a manifestation of the poet’s civic position and courage. It is dedicated to Decembrist friends who were in Siberian exile at that time. Warmly and sincerely, the poet speaks about the fact that he is waiting for an amnesty for his friends and hopes that very soon they will seem to be free. But historical facts indicate that liberation for the Decembrists occurred only in 1855.

The poet turned to this topic only after the wives and brides of the Decembrists, without hesitation, went to Siberia, experiencing hardships. These women, having accomplished a feat, lost everything: position in society, title, wealth. But that didn't stop them. The poet was especially impressed by his meeting with Maria Raevskaya before her departure to her husband. Alexander Pushkin himself was once in love with her. She was the first to rush to her husband, the famous Decembrist Sergei Volkonsky, who was supposed to serve twenty-five years in hard labor.

The main poetic theme of this Pushkin work is the theme of the citizen and civic duty, the theme of loyalty to ideals. Alexander Pushkin created his work, hoping that it would definitely be read by the Decembrists. This message is for them, because among the Decembrists, who were now doing hard labor in Siberia, were friends of his youth, with whom he once studied at the Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo. He tried to convey to them that he was with them with his thoughts and continued to hope for the best. The idea that runs through the entire text of the poem is that this terrible dream should soon end and these people will be free again. Hence the rich and emotional tone of Pushkin’s poem.

It is known from the history of the Decembrist uprising that they were defeated. But it couldn’t have been any other way at that time, since Russian society I wasn’t ready for this yet. But the Decembrists also could not do otherwise, since they were true patriots of their country. And although they suffered, were sent to the mine and were forced to become convicts, their movement was not in vain and their actions found a response in many hearts of people.

One of these patriots who supported the Decembrists was Alexander Pushkin. At the time when the Decembrist uprising occurred, the poet was in exile. But immediately after the incident, Nicholas the First returns him from exile and invites him to a conversation. It was a long one, where the king tried to convince the poet that all his actions were aimed only at the benefit of the people. Having listened to him carefully, Alexander Pushkin remained unconvinced and did not change his views. He did not renounce his Decembrist friends either. But even after a private conversation with the tsar, realizing the danger he was exposing himself to, Alexander Pushkin continued to send enthusiastic letters to his friends, which included poems.

So, the genre of Pushkin’s poem “In the depths of the Siberian ores” is a friendly message in which the author’s civic position is clearly clear and understandable. Among the artistic and expressive means that the poet uses, a special terminology stands out, which indicates the uprising and what its consequences are: shackles, hard labor, locks, dungeons, dungeons. The author often uses epithets, giving a special poetry to the work: mournful work, gloomy retreats. Comparisons help convey the attitude of Alexander Pushkin himself: the holes are convicts, but the poet’s voice is free.

Pushkin’s text also uses alliteration, which gives the text firmness and decisiveness. This is achieved through the numerous use of the letter “r” in the first quatrain: Siberian, ores, patience, proud, will disappear, labor, aspiration. The size of Pushkin's text is iambic tetrameter.
