Learn English on your own. Several arguments in favor of learning English Why am I against learning English

Learn English on your own.  Several arguments in favor of learning English Why am I against learning English

Purpose of this article:

  • a little “think out loud” about the difficulties that many of our clients face when it comes to learning English;
  • analyze ways to study it and possible options;
  • choose the most appropriate path that will lead you to the desired result and
  • will protect your family budget from serious waste.

You will learn English (you definitely will), if you want to connect your future with Australia, even temporarily. If the question becomes more serious, and the words “Immigration to Australia”, “Study in Australia” are used, you simply will not be able to avoid taking the IELTS test!

If you have studied English since childhood, spoken English in your family since childhood, graduated with honors from a secondary school with in-depth study of the English language or a “University Foreign Language” in your homeland, then this article is not for you. Please return to the main page of the site and study other sections that are more educational for you.

Of course, the ideal option for anyone who does not meet the requirements of the previous paragraph is to move to one of the IELTS test preparation centers in Australia or New Zealand and learn English until you can easily understand “that nonsense” carried by a drunken native." This is the ideal version, which is not accessible to everyone and is far from real life. There are a number of restrictions here, both financial and immigration rules from the Australian Department of Immigration (DHA).

Let's talk about everything in order.

The best teacher will not develop language skills in a student if the language is not his native one. That's right, an English-speaking teacher does not know your language and thus will not give you concessions in the process of explaining: subtleties, phrases or grammar. You won’t ask him in Russian: “What is this and why is it like this?” You will be forced to ask him a question in English and will receive an explanation in English. If you don’t understand, it’s in “English-gestural” language! But there will be no concessions or indulgences for you!

Moreover, the HOW English was taught in Russia, guided by the methodology of the Ministry of Education, cannot be taught from the beginning. It’s crazy when some uncle who had only been to England on business trips issued a decree on where to start in studying and where to end! Your Russian-speaking teachers themselves studied according to these rules (not their fault for this) and, accordingly, will transfer this knowledge to you. As a result, “ugly speech patterns and stupid grammatical forms” are initially embedded in the student’s subconscious. In real life, no one would ever say that; you might even be kicked out of decent society if it were said there. Alternatively, the English-speaking teacher is initially not familiar with such “nonsense”, so you, the students, will not encounter them either.

Thirdly, how can you successfully study a language in Russia if you, having just finished studying 4 hours a day with the best teacher, went out into the street and when boarding the bus you hear in a non-English language: “Where is your ticket, mate?” , and in Russian: “Where are you going without a ticket?” When there is Russian speech on TV, when the price tags in the store are in Russian... In 15 minutes you will forget everything you went through during 4 hours with the teacher.

Fourth, you can only learn a language when you speak it! You will simply have to return to Russian to ask questions in the store or to your loved ones in the family. 4 hours with a teacher is not enough to develop speech skills.

What is the problem with learning English in Australia?

First of all, it is human complexes and a feeling of self-doubt. It’s not so easy in an Australian store for a person with a low language level to explain to an ethnic Australian salesperson what you want. Not only words and phrases are forgotten, sometimes people’s tongues simply get stuck. It all ends with primitive monkey gestures. This is a very difficult threshold, which sometimes remains simply insurmountable for many.

Secondly, purely for everyday reasons, a new arrival in another country will be drawn to his ethnic circle of already old immigrants. This is understandable, we need worldly advice, we need clear explanations for everyday issues, we just need to relieve stress in the communication of “people close in historical spirit.” And here: a question in Russian, an answer in Russian, newspapers in Russian, vodka - also Russian, a “heart to heart” in Russian - today, tomorrow, after tomorrow... Where they left is where they came!

Thirdly, there is a misconception that if you live in an English-speaking family, everything will come naturally, your English language skills will begin to develop on their own. Yes, we agree, but this will only happen if you live in a student dormitory and follow the same daily routine as everyone around you. If you pester with a question in “English sign language” the owner of the English-speaking family where you are going to live, who has just come home from work, then in 90% of cases you will hear: “Leave me alone, I’m tired, I came home from work, I’m going to bed.” I want" or "Can't you see - I'm watching rugby on TV!" As a result, the person again withdraws into himself.

Fourthly, you can get a job to learn the language “in practice”, but without a fluent language you will be hired as a waiter at best. Language progress will be made, but within the framework of the menu and a couple of phrases like: thank you, come again, good luck to you... etc. In a real situation, you will be hired as a loader in a grocery store, as an office cleaner at night, as a watchman at a construction site - where language progress develops “narrowly”, according to the specifics of the enterprise. Moreover, you will be tired during your work shift - but you still have to do your homework and prepare for tomorrow's classes at the Australian Language College. Your performance, and therefore the effectiveness of such classes at a language college, drops sharply.

In the fifths..., in the twenties..., in three hundred fifths...

Let us now look at the current issue from a financial point of view.

Option 1.

When applying for a student visa to study English in Australia for a period of 50 academic weeks (There is a restrictive condition for students from countries of the “third reliability group”: the total ELICOS language course cannot exceed 60 academic weeks and no more than 50 academic weeks on one student visa, this is firstly. Secondly, in order not to receive restrictive condition 8534 “Without the right of further stay”) on the initial student visa, you will have to present:

  • certificate of full payment for the language course at the college. This is approximately AUD 300 per week. We calculate AUD 300 x 50 = AUD 15000;
  • Availability of funds in the account based on payment for accommodation of AUD 1500 per month plus 28 days, medical insurance and two-way air ticket. This works out: AUD 18000 + AUD 600 + AUD 2000 = AUD 20600;
  • visa fees, payment for a medical examination, payment for translations of documents when applying for a visa, travel expenses to Moscow for a medical examination, additional expenses - approximately AUD 2000.

We are considering the option that you do not work, but only study and spend all your energy on learning the language.

Let's summarize... - AUD 37,600 for a stay in Australia - 1 year + waiting time and hassle in the process of preparing an immigration case and making a decision on granting a visa - approximately 6 months. This does not include immigration agent fees if you apply for the visa yourself.

Let's add the immigration agent's fee to this amount, add a little for "unforeseen expenses" and get AUD 40,000 - the money that needs to be spent for a year of studying English in Australia.

Option 2.

Learning the language in Russia. The study period is 50 weeks - the period is identical to that discussed above. We consider ideal conditions: You do not work, study individually with a teacher 5 days a week for 3 academic hours a day, do not leave your apartment (go out only to get to the place of classes and then with headphones in your ears at this time), you listen only to English-language broadcasts on satellite television. You eat, study, do homework and sleep...

For example, a very experienced teacher from St. Petersburg, to whom we refer our clients, charges about 500 rubles per academic hour of individual lessons. Total: 1500 rubles per day, 7500 rubles per week. It turns out: 50 weeks per course x 7,500 rubles = 375,000 rubles;
  • installation and payment for connecting satellite television equipment - approximately 10,000 rubles + 1,000 (rough) rubles per month. It turns out: 21,000 for 1 year;
  • food, utilities for the apartment - 3,000 rubles per week. It turns out 150,000 rubles.

Let's summarize... - 546,000 rubles. Divide by the AUD to RUR exchange rate - what happens?

In Russia, under “ideal living conditions”, learn a language cheaper than under “harsh living conditions” in Australia.

Let's now look at this from the perspective of the Australian Department of Immigration (DHA) 'immigration rules'.

When you finally achieve a positive decision on granting you a student visa to study English in Australia for a period of less than 44 calendar weeks (10 calendar months), then in 100% of cases the immigration officer will “imprint” a small inscription on your visa stamp: 8534 “No further stay”. It is simply translated: “Without the right of further stay.” This visa restrictive condition states that you will be REQUIRED to leave Australia before the date specified on the visa. You will not be able to apply for any other visa category in Australia. (except refugee) and extend the current one for a further period. YOU WILL BE DEPORTED! After 10 months in Australia, you return to Russia and begin the immigration process again by applying for a new student visa.

Therefore, to learn English in Australia, the most rational way is to take the ELICOS language training course lasting from 44 calendar weeks (10 calendar months + 2 days)- up to 50 school weeks (it is still difficult to say how long 50 academic weeks will stretch in calendar time, taking into account breaks and vacations - this will be precisely indicated in the Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE), which will be issued to you by the Australian educational institution).

When you learn English in Russia, the entire immigration process can proceed in parallel, since in most cases at the first stage of immigration (profession confirmation) There is no requirement to provide a certificate of passing the IELTS test. In other words: “You are at home in Russia, in warmth, comfort, learning English, and the immigration process at the “first stage” moves by itself. The process has approached the “second” stage - we went to take a language test. We passed the IELTS test to the required score - the immigration process moved on painlessly. If you didn’t pass - study further, then went to take the language test again. As soon as you passed the test - the “ice has broken” again... It turns out that in this scenario, your time is not wasted and Your nerves are fine!

What can we advise in these cases?

First of all, it’s good to weigh everything yourself again. We can only give general advice; we do not know your individual abilities, true aspirations and desires. We only ADVISE.

Those who need to know the language at an “Academic level” - usually for further admission to an Australian university or college (with subsequent immigration to Australia through Independent (professional) immigration)- those people are better off learning the language in Australia. You will need a professional level of language teaching with a "bias" towards academic knowledge of the rules of writing, research and reports. This requires knowledge of the structure of written assignments, their features and standard rules from the point of view of traditional academic teaching. It is best to apply for a “combined” visa of subclass 573 (or 572) for two years or more with preliminary study of English at a language college at the same university, which has such a preparatory language department. In the case of a student visa of subclass 570, where the educational process itself will last more than 10 calendar months, visa restrictive condition 8534 “Without the right of further stay” is not imposed. After 10 calendar months (minimum) of successfully studying the language and passing the “Academic section” of the IELTS test in Australia, you have a chance to change your educational institution to a university without violating visa regulations. If this is done correctly, then you will have the opportunity to extend your initial student visa for the full period of study at a university in Australia (without leaving the country) and study in peace, and then 100% immigrate to Australia as a person who studied at an Australian university and received Australian university education, also without leaving Australia.

Those who need to know the language at the “General level” - as a rule, to complete the immigration process for an independent category of visa, work visa, etc. - the better it is to learn the language in Russia. For “general English” it is enough to understand and express your thoughts in writing and orally. For these purposes, an experienced Russian-speaking English teacher is quite suitable.

When choosing a teacher, pay attention to the fact that you need classes with a focus specifically on passing the IELTS test. This is not the same as learning just English!

Isolate yourself from the outside world, work individually with a teacher, watch only English-language news broadcasts (ABC, CNN, SBS, Sky News, Euro News, etc.) and transfers of cognitive nature (Geographic Channel, Planet of Animals, Historical Channel, Travel, etc.). This is very important, since the announcers in these programs speak correct, very expressive, natural language without accents, jargon or abbreviations. Watch movies on DVD - once with subtitles and without sound, a second time with sound but without subtitles. Watch children's cartoons - this is very important, since you will subconsciously perceive the most basic expressions in the simplest structural presentation. Sing karaoke in English - it's just fun, but with a huge effect on remembering words. Play computer "verbal guessing games."

Do not under any circumstances take English courses in Russia! (We repeat once again, learning English is a completely different concept from preparing specifically for the IELTS language test). Don't waste your time and money! Don't trust any new fancy speed learning technology! Don't fall for the "massive deception hook"!

Please note that we have provided ONLY ADVICE based on our own experience. This is in no way a “guide to your action.” The choice should be yours alone!

According to our personal belief, we we do not recommend our clients to come to Australia to study English in order to successfully pass the IELTS language test, since in this case there will not be a single argument in favor of Australia!

So you wake up in the morning and realize: the only thing you lack for a full, happy life is English.

After surfing the Internet and interviewing friends, you sadly realize that tutoring courses will cost you a pretty penny. And you are a frugal person, and the holidays are just around the corner - you will need money for a good vacation and gifts for friends.

Independent study of a foreign language is becoming more common at universities around the world. Original “laboratories” for language learning are being created: media libraries with computers and headphones, where you come at a time convenient for you and teach yourself what you have planned.

So, as a self-confident and frugal person, you think: “Why do I need these tutoring courses? I can learn this English of yours myself!”

There are really a lot of advantages to this solution.

The benefits of learning English on your own

Saving money

On average, we are talking about savings from 3,000 to 10,000 rubles per month (it all depends on your wishes regarding the method and place of training).

Truly free and flexible schedule

You don’t have to warn your tutor 24 hours in advance that something isn’t working out for you. You don’t have to think that you, again, are losing the funds you’ve already paid for training.

Today you can study for 2 hours, and tomorrow for 30 minutes - it all depends on you!

In any case you have to

To be honest, even if you study in courses or with a tutor, real progress is noticeable only with additional independent work. And I’m not necessarily talking about doing some grammar exercises in a workbook, I’m talking about something else, namely, “building” English into your life, into your schedule. You will master the language only when you start using it: read your favorite(!) and useful magazines, blogs, books, watch movies, TV series, news, TV shows in English.

Some students say: I don’t watch, I don’t read, I don’t listen to ANYTHING. I can only envy them, because it’s hard for me to imagine modern life without any media influence: news, the need to read at least for personal development, pleasure, or listening to music (well, the one with words).

Another popular excuse is that there is no time. I advise such students to schedule every minute from waking up until they “go to bed.” You can do it in the evening, or you can do it in the morning, as soon as you wake up. I'm almost sure that you will find a lot of free time. At the very least, it will definitely be there for 20-30 minutes every day. Or don’t take up English at all then – do you need it?

In one of the following articles we will definitely talk about time management in learning English.

Variety of learning tools and methods

Choose which one you want!

Learn English by watching TV series and listening to songs (those that you like), through social networks, specialized websites, various mobile applications, podcasts and much more.

I can only advise one thing: if you don’t like this or that resource, don’t torture yourself, choose another one. You should like learning.

There are a lot of resources for learning English online, just a lot.

Do you feel like you don't have enough practice speaking to a native speaker? No problem! There are many resources for “speaking” English. For example, italki.com. You choose a native speaker, arrange a language exchange with him on Skype: speak with him for 30 minutes in English, then 30 minutes in Russian. Free and fun!

Personal development

Since the creation of platforms such as coursera.org and futurelearn.com (free online courses in various subjects from leading universities around the world), you can study what you like in English: economics at Yale University, psychology at Stanford University, physics at MIT. At first, perhaps not everything will be clear, but over time you will gain the desired knowledge and begin to understand all the necessary English vocabulary in the right context! English and personal development are a very good combination!

Disadvantages of learning English on your own

Not for beginners

Of course, you can learn English on your own at the elementary level, but it is very important to lay the foundations CORRECTLY. Therefore, at the initial stage, experts advise seeking the help of a qualified teacher. At the same time, it does not matter whether it is individual or group training. The teacher will answer questions and tell you exactly what you need to know to get started.


It’s like with words in a dictionary: there are a million translations, and you don’t know which one you need. And none of them seem to fit the context.

A qualified teacher will usually tell you what is needed at this stage and what is not. And what exactly to study next.

Time and self-organization

If you are a disorganized person and can easily exchange a planned “hour of English” for a spontaneous meeting with friends, going to a movie premiere, a date or just “for a walk,” then learning English on your own is not for you.

Self-study requires regular (ideally daily) English lessons. If you miss 3 scheduled classes a week and decide to “catch up” with these 3 hours in one day, self-study is not for you. Yes, maybe you will learn some list of words and a set of rules, but without using English at least 3-4 times a week, you will not learn the language.

Lack of control

Yes, it is the lack of control that discourages you from learning a language on your own.
You study and don’t know whether you understand certain words correctly. You don't know if you are using this or that time correctly, and you want someone to control you. And you certainly don't want to learn anything incorrectly.

We should not forget that we all learn differently. And, perhaps, even with a high level of organization, communication with other people is important for you. Maybe this is exactly why you go to group classes. But if you choose to study with a teacher or in a group precisely because of a lack of organization, you should not forget that most of your success depends on your personal efforts outside of class.

Whether you like it or not, self-study is the key to good English, and in combination with the guidance of a qualified teacher, it significantly reduces the time to achieve the desired “fluent English”.

Many people interested in learning English have had the idea of ​​learning the language on their own. Some were able to achieve significant success, while others abandoned this venture as soon as they started. Why is that? Why do some people manage to learn a language without outside help, while others do not? Let's find the answers to this question by understanding the pros and cons of learning English on your own, and try to find out whether it's worth studying on your own.

Problems with self-study

To begin with, we suggest you figure out why the idea of ​​self-study may seem far from the best to some, why many people give up halfway, and also how you can solve this or that problem.

The main problem is the lack of control.

When you study on your own, there is a temptation to get distracted by something or postpone the lesson to the next day. It seems that nothing bad will happen if you devote time to English not today, but tomorrow. But in reality, rescheduling can quickly become a habit, causing your study time to dwindle.

Create a study schedule and strictly follow it. Don’t come up with excuses for your laziness - learn to fight it. How to do it? Just start the lesson! Before you even blink your eye, you will be drawn into the process.

Inability to properly manage your time

You may feel that you are too busy to devote time to English, because there is so much to do in your free time. But think about it, do you really have no time, or is this, again, just a good excuse?

It is not necessary to devote 3 days a week for an hour and a half to study. You can create your lesson plan in a way that is convenient for you. For example, you can study every day for 20 minutes, you can repeat learned words during your lunch break, etc.

Mistakes and lack of speaking practice

Naturally, you will make mistakes during the learning process. And you may be scared that if you study on your own, there will be no one to correct you. Another common fear when teaching yourself is not being able to practice spoken English.


Practice communication on different forums, test yourself with the help of online translators, Google grammatical structures that you doubt the use of. Practice English on Skype with a native speaker, asking in advance to correct you if you say something wrong.

Benefits of learning English on your own

Now let's talk about the benefits.


By studying on your own, you don’t need to spend money on expensive courses or travel. You can find tutorials on the Internet, find sites with exercises that are often available for free, even if you choose a site that has a paid course or paid access to certain materials - purchasing them will cost much less than taking courses.

And, most importantly, learning a language on your own allows you to save time - one of the most important resources you have. You don't have to spend a lot of time getting to school. In addition, what the courses cover in several lessons, you can master on your own much faster!

You don't have to listen to the clumsy speech of your fellow students

By self-studying, you can avoid listening to your classmates' incorrect answers, pronounced with a strong accent, and the teacher correcting them. Perhaps, like them, you don’t have enough knowledge of the material or misunderstood something, then listening to another explanation will be useful. But, if you have already sorted out the material covered and delved into it, waiting until everyone understands it is a real theft of precious time.

It may be the opposite situation, the material that is familiar to your fellow student is unfamiliar to you, or you could not understand the teacher’s explanation and you need to explain something in more detail, but you do not want to interrupt the lesson and concentrate the teacher’s attention only on you.

Of course, you can argue that there are also good courses, with mini-groups, where everyone is given a sufficient amount of time, and the material is covered quickly. Yes, the courses are different and the quality and speed of teaching may vary. However, regardless of the quality of the courses you choose, compare the result obtained with the effort and time spent.

By learning a language on your own, you can go through the program at a pace that suits you; if you misunderstand something, or find a gap in your knowledge, you can understand the topic at a calm pace. And, conversely, if the topic was very easy and quick for you, you can safely move on to the next one.

You can choose your own educational materials and resources

You can choose on your own those materials that will be interesting to you, without adjusting to anyone else’s taste. Interest plays an important role in the learning process. The more you are interested in your classes, the faster your knowledge will progress. Surely, it’s no secret that when you are interested in something, when you are passionate about the process, you remember new material much faster.
For example, you can remember the words of your favorite song the second time, or even the first time, but memorizing boring information can take a lot of time. The same system works when learning foreign languages.
You will remember much faster a grammatical structure that you heard in a TV series and then analyzed in a textbook. When studying on your own, you can get the most out of a lesson by simply choosing the material that you really like. There is a lot of material for different levels - exercises, series, audio, video lessons, adapted literature... you just need to choose.

So, it's time to take stock. Study at home, according to the program you choose, or attend courses—the choice is yours. Both ways of learning a new language have their advantages and disadvantages. Not always and not everyone has the opportunity to attend language courses or study with a private tutor, but this is not a reason not to learn a language if you want to. For any problem, a solution can be found, as shown above.

The main thing is your desire to learn English on your own and the ability to follow your intended goal. don’t look for reasons and excuses, but look for opportunities 😉

Published: 10/27/2012

Greetings, dear readers, to another article on self-development.

Today we will touch on the importance of learning English. We will give you arguments for and against, and also look at some resources that will help you in your training.

Let's start with the arguments against, of which there are very few, but they still exist among the people and spread exponentially among ordinary people, nipping at the root their desire to develop and become successful people. So that this does not happen so often and so that my conscience does not gnaw at me, I will give you a couple of such arguments and prove to you that they are not supported by reality.

Arguments against language learning

So the argument many times is that people think that they don’t need English in life at all. This is perhaps the deepest and most merciless misconception. Nowadays, technology is developing unusually quickly, mainly information, the spheres of economic activity are also expanding, and you and I, like the rest of the world, are undergoing gradual globalization.

The problem is that all these processes are taking place under the American and British flags and in order to keep up with progress, we need to stay on the wave with the rest of the world, and not wait for our good people to decide to introduce new progressive technologies and information solutions in our native language. This may not happen at all or happen very late. And if it does happen, it will probably not be for disinterested purposes. For example, remember what is translated from English the fastest. And popular films and books are translated the fastest. Why? Because there is material interest. Now think about it: is anyone interested in your education and development besides you?!

Now argument number 2: Many people know English at the most basic level and believe that this is enough for them. Oh, how they are mistaken! Development itself presupposes communication with the right environment and literally verbatim knowledge of the language. How will knowing a couple of words in the form: milk, newspaper, yogurt and my mother works as an engineer help such people if they suddenly have to reserve a hotel room when they go on vacation. Or they will need to know what time and where breakfast will be held. Is the cost of breakfast included in the price of the tour and similar things.

And finally 3, in my opinion the most offensive and stupid excuse or argument. People say: “I will never need English, I will find everything in my native language and in general I don’t think I will ever meet a person who wants to communicate with me in English.” There's probably no point in even trying. The man is a staunch conservative, to put it mildly. He was sitting in his cave, so let him continue to sit there until the roast rooster pecks. And when it bites, it will be, believe me, too late. But let's leave these people alone. This is their choice, and if you approach them with your beliefs, you will still remain misunderstood, and they will probably say an offensive word to you. Think about why you need this?!

What will knowing English give you?

Now let's talk about the positive factors that learning this language will bring you. Firstly, like any difficult task that you complete, it will give you more confidence in yourself and your abilities, which is already important. After all, the stronger and more confident you feel, the easier it is for you to solve complex issues and the easier complex matters will seem to you.

Secondly, these are the factors I cited above, where I wrote about how negative beliefs are harmful to your future. This is actually true, take my word for it. You will no longer lag behind the world and will be the first to be informed; new knowledge will also be available to you among the first to receive.

Thirdly, when learning a language, you expand your world boundaries. Actually your own world. You can already watch the news of another country, appreciate its culture and understand its position in relation to what is happening. This is often useful when reading newspapers and watching the news. You will already have the opportunity to evaluate the new incident from different angles, and not only under the prism of our media and the beliefs instilled in us. As you already know, everything is learned by comparison, and in order to have something to compare with, we, in fact, need knowledge of other languages. In addition, if you wish, you can visit the country whose language you have studied and it can become your second refuge in case of any critical situation.

Free websites to learn English

Now I will give you a couple of resources that I myself use to learn the language and the quality of which seemed good to me. At least in relation to other services.

The first on our list is lingualeo.ru Here you can train your English language skills daily and for free. Moreover, the service is made as convenient and easy as possible for understanding and studying materials in English. Your personal dictionary is here. Dictionaries with the most frequently used parts of speech in the English language and, naturally, the grammatical rules of this very language. Essentially, the resource is a collection of materials for learning English scattered across the Internet.

Second on the list for better study I will give you funny british teacher channel. It will help you simply playfully raise the level of your English one step higher.

And finally, as a third resource, I will give you the website of another British podcaster who is involved in charity and generally works for the benefit of society www.podcastsinenglish.com I especially liked his approach. Using ordinary and at the same time interesting life stories, he manages to tell how grammar is used in the English language and why it is needed in general.

Brazhnikov Alexander. School No. 1, Akbulak, Orenburg region, Russia
Essay in English with translation (topic in English)

What can you say for and against learning foreign language in a native speaking environment?

They say that it is better to study a foreign language in a native country, but there is another opinion: it is possible to learn it without going abroad. So we have different opinions which we’ll try to discuss.

Some people think that learning English abroad is more productive. Let’s discuss arguments “for”. Firstly, children, living in English-speaking country, have the opportunity not only to study the language at school, but communicating with foreigners. Secondly, they may visit various concerts, shows and brush up English there. Thirdly, to know the language properly is impossible without knowledge of the native country’s history and its sights. How wonderful it is to visit historical places listening to excursions in English language!

But there are some arguments “against”. Firstly, it’s difficult to live far away from your family. Then, in my opinion, not every person could pay for such kind of education. And lastly, there is no necessity to study English abroad if you are not going to be an interpreter.

As for me, I may simply prove my English using special programs on-line. In the center City & Guilds, for example. I have Internet at home and my parents will give me money for such courses. From the one hand, I would be with my family. From the other hand, it would be much cheaper.

They say that it is better to study a foreign language in your native country, but there is another opinion: it is possible to study it without traveling abroad. So we have different opinions that we will try to discuss.

Some people think that studying English abroad is more productive. Let's discuss the pros. Firstly, children living in an English-speaking country have the opportunity to learn the language not only at school, but also by communicating with foreigners. Secondly, they can attend various concerts, shows and improve their English there. Thirdly, it is impossible to know the language perfectly without knowing the history and sights of the country - a native speaker. How amazing it is to visit historical sites while listening to guided tours in English!

But there are also several arguments against it. Firstly, it is difficult to live away from your family. Then, in my opinion, not every person can pay for this type of education. Finally, there is no need to study English abroad if you do not intend to be a translator.

As for me, I can simply improve my English through various online programs. In the City & Guilds centre, for example. I have Internet at home and my parents will pay for such courses. On the one hand, I could be with my family. On the other hand, it would be much cheaper.
