An armada of eight giant UFOs approaching the earth has been identified. Disguising alien ships near earth when a UFO attacks

An armada of eight giant UFOs approaching the earth has been identified.  Disguise of alien ships near the earth When a UFO attacks

Most people are not ready to see with their own eyes the ships of extraterrestrial civilizations arriving from other worlds in the sky. Animal instincts and fear still prevail in human behavior, especially in extreme situations, and they always accompany contacts of the 1st and 2nd degrees.

The supervising civilizations know about this and try to work near the Earth so as not to disturb the quiet life of people. In my opinion, human fear arises due to ignorance and lack of any knowledge about aliens. When the enlightened time comes, man's reason will finally prevail over his instincts.

In the case when the CC ships need to approach each other in the air with the aviation and space technology of earthlings (to carry out observation or measurement purposes), but the CCs do not want to detect themselves, and even more so, they do not want conflict situation, they use various methods of camouflage or distraction.

At the level space orbits our satellites and orbital ISS, camouflage of alien spacecraft is used as a necessary measure, since visibility in outer space is very good, and even at a distance of 100 km, flying objects (UFOs) are clearly visible to earthlings.

Bright illumination in the form of flashing multi-colored lights only speeds up the detection of these objects by our astronauts. In such cases, aliens use a variety of camouflage methods. I will list these methods:

1. Installation of the smoky cover . In conditions earth's atmosphere the spaceship is enveloped in an artificial dense foggy cloud. Against the background of natural cloudiness in the sky, this serves as a good camouflage. But against the background of a completely cloudless sky, the method does not work much.

An unusual lenticular cloud beneath an ordinary cloud obscuring the Sun

Objects disguised as a “cloud”, however, can be calculated. The first thing that catches your eye is the unusual shape of the strange “cloud” - a clearly defined cloudy “lens”, a cigar-shaped “cloud”. Light and light rays can break through from inside these strange clouds.

The only lenticular cloud in the sky

At night, the interior lighting can be clearly visible. If there is a constant wind in the sky and clouds move across the sky, these objects can stand still, that is, they do not obey the wind, they can move against the wind or across the direction of the blowing wind.

It turns out that if you see an unusual cloud that looks like a cigar, and this is the only cloud moving across the wind, then this is definitely a disguised alien device. Against the background of white natural clouds, an artificial cloud may have a grayish tint and a dense structure.

UFO disguised as a jellyfish cloud, Denmark, 1974

Usually this method is used by medium and underdeveloped civilizations that have heavy technical ships and dense material manifestation in our world. It is most difficult for them to disguise technical devices.

There may be hiding inside a thick cloud big ship aliens. Reconstruction

2. Control and change of reflected-refracted radiation. These ships can be perfectly visible to ordinary observers, they can be observed visually by military services, but radar radars do not detect these objects, that is, radio devices do not pick up the reflected signal. For air defense services, these objects remain as if invisible. This method of “radar blinding” is usually used by moderately developed civilizations.

A variation of this masking method is the effect on optical reflection - the refraction of visible light, which can be accompanied optical effects distortion of visual perception of an object.

If the ship's hull begins to reflect the entire visible range light, then the ship will be covered with a mirror shell, which will hide appearance of the ship, at least from visual observation, its hull will merge with the surrounding background due to mirror reflection. But the anomalous energy emanating from the walls of the ship will still be detected by special instruments. For example, thermal sensors in the IR spectrum can indicate the presence of such a cloaked ship.

A flying object completely reflects the incident light - it is covered with a mirror membrane. Reconstruction

3. Ships are often covered with an energy holographic shell , which completely hides the real appearance of the aircraft. The color of the shell is whitish, pearly, yellowish. These camouflage shells can be accompanied by “New Year’s illumination” - bright dots glow inside them, which can also confuse an inexperienced observer. At night, holographic shells can also be softly illuminated from within.

A whitish and dense camouflage shell around the object. Reconstruction

In this case, a person may observe something incomprehensible to him - a formless substance floating in the air, an object of incomprehensible shape that randomly and randomly spins in the air, a pin-shaped object spinning around its axis, or an object similar to irregular shape and lumpy balloon large sizes And so on.

Holographic UFO camouflage. Reconstruction

This method of camouflage, combined with the second method, is very effective. That's why he's in Lately widely used by aliens during flights in Earth orbit and during low descent and hovering near the surface of the planet. This method is used by many civilizations.

An increase in the vibration level causes the “flying saucer” to become “transparent”. Reconstruction

4. Changing your own cosmic frequency - increasing the vibrations of the existence of one’s matter. During the process of increasing the frequency of energy vibrations, the ship’s hull seems to “melt” and becomes first translucent, transparent, and then completely invisible, while no increase in the luminosity of the object is observed. Often there is no luminosity of the body at all.

It turns out that relative to our world, the alien ship has become transparent and invulnerable. For people's perception, the spaceship disappeared in place. This method is used by many highly developed civilizations.

Turning on the invisibility mode, only the lights around the perimeter of the ship are visible. Reconstruction

They have no problems with camouflage, since even dense material objects, for example, rushing space meteorites, our planes and rockets flying at full speed, simply freely slip through the hovering alien ship, transferred to such a transparent state. The same method is applied every time you meet with armed forces earthlings.

The transition of an alien spaceship into an invisible state by increasing the level of energy vibrations - the ship, as it were, “melts”. Reconstruction

Ufologists know of a case of UFO camouflage near a military facility. So, in 1991, a large lens-shaped object was observed near the Dorokhovo military airfield in the suburbs of Bezhetsk (Tver region). The military services did not notice him. The object hung motionless at an altitude of about half a kilometer and was white-silver in color. Along its perimeter yellow lights shone in a row at regular intervals. After some time, the object lost its visibility, as if it had melted, but the lights remained in the same place for a long time. The witness is a resident of the city I.M.

An elongated “cigar” type UFO deliberately loses its outline near the aircraft due to changes in the energy vibrations of the body

5. Distracting Holographic Manifestation (optical illusion) simultaneously with the screening of real objects and real events. There were cases that occurred in anomalous zones. Ufologists specially arrived in the zone to look at the UFO and take pictures with photo and video cameras. But they were not allowed to do this, setting up a diversionary maneuver.

At night, ufologists observed small luminous balls above the forest, which, as if playing, either emerged from the forest thickets, then sank back into the forest thicket. At this very time, behind them, at a safe distance, under the cover of a mirror camouflage screen, real spacecraft dense "flying saucer" type.

Having landed, the devices were covered with a dome-shaped protective screen on top and became invisible and inaccessible to people. Later, contactees from among these ufologists were telepathically informed that ufologists did not see everything that happened near them. They did not see the most important thing, but this was done for their own safety.

6. Protective energy field. However, sometimes there are principled and proud aliens who do not hesitate to catch the eye of earthlings; they are not going to hide and disguise themselves. For example, their spaceship, without hiding at all, hovered motionless at an altitude of three kilometers above the surface of our planet. It looks absolutely vulnerable to military air defense and air forces, but this only seems so at first. Seeing approaching interceptor fighters or surface-to-air missiles, the aliens immediately establish a protective energy field (with a radius of about 100-150 meters) in the form of a transparent shell around a clearly visible ship.

Missiles fired from aircraft at an air target explode before reaching the target. Airplanes, when faced with such a field, are destroyed into pieces or completely fail (the engines are cut off). In such cases (there are thousands of them), the pilots, if they are still alive, are forced to eject from the falling plane.

Aliens never turn on a protective field when approaching civilian aircraft. Moreover, they use civilian aircraft as cover from air defense services when they need to fly over military ground targets. To do this, the alien ship is attached to the rear as close as possible to a civilian aircraft making a normal flight; the radars only record the reflected signal from our aircraft, and do not notice the UFO hanging on its tail. There are a lot of such cases known.

Ufologist-researcher Pavel Khailov, especially for the “World of Secrets” website

Alarming messages on the Internet are again exciting the minds of fans of the UFO theory. Ufologists have noticed an alien fleet moving towards Earth! A number of articles appeared on the Internet with such subtitles. true or not?

The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration published photographs showing bright lights of unknown origin. According to experts, the recorded objects are not terrestrial devices.

When does a UFO attack?

Ufologists analyzed the published NASA photographs taken by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory and stated that an alien fleet of aliens is flying in the direction of Earth. For greater persuasiveness, a photo is also attached to the message.

It is worth noting that not everyone adheres to the above version. For example, a number of ufologists claim that aliens have divided into groups. The first flies to the Earth with the goal of enslaving humanity, the other flies to the Sun as a source of energy.

Do UFOs foretell the end of the world?

Conspiracy theorists are spreading information that in a few days, on August 12, the planet Nibiru will overtake the Earth, and humanity will die in agony. NASA specialists hastened to refute the reports that are spreading panic among the population, reports.

According to some reports, NASA has data on the approach of Nibiru, which has allegedly already “dealt with” Venus, but the coming Apocalypse is deliberately concealed. The agency, essentially accused of a crime, responded to the statements. They reported that no mystical planet Nibiru exists.

NASA advised not to panic and forget the worst-case scenario.
