Writing an essay in English, ready-made essays. Writing an essay in English English language Unified State Exam essay samples

Writing an essay in English, ready-made essays.  Writing an essay in English English language Unified State Exam essay samples

Without much embellishment we can say that in Unified State Examination in English the essay is the most difficult task. How can you correctly express your thought, give it logical arguments, support them with examples and explanations, and at the same time format the text correctly and without errors, and also not go beyond the limit on the number of words? In this article we will try to analyze the structure of the essay and give tips on improving the quality of your essay.

Let's start from the end. The essay you write will be assessed according to the following criteria:

The maximum number of points you can receive for an essay is 14 points.

Before thinking about how to properly fulfill each criterion, first let's make our English essay testable. The most important thing here is volume.

Formally, your English essay should be within 200-250 words. This should not be taken literally and panic if you have written 198 words. However, keep in mind that the essay will not be checked if the number of words in it is less than 180. If you get more than 275 words, then the examiner will count 250 words from the beginning of the essay, mark out the rest and check everything down to the line. That is, in the first scenario you lose the entire essay; with the second, you will most likely lose the conclusion, which is also important.

First of all, your English essay must cover ALL the aspects outlined in the assignment, and must also be written in an appropriate (neutral) style. It should be logically divided into paragraphs and correspond to the plan proposed in the assignment.

In order not to get confused in the process of writing your essay, you need to spend 5-7 minutes thinking about the plan and preparing all the arguments. Traditionally, we will divide the essay into five paragraphs.

Paragraph 1. Introduction

There should be a problem statement here. Since the statement of the problem is already stated in the assignment, your task is to correctly retell it. It is RETELL, not paraphrase.

Advice: Do not re-read the task 10 times until the wording is hammered into your head. Then writing the introduction in your own words will be very, very difficult. Read the situation given in the task once or twice, make sure that you understand it correctly. Close the finished situation and try to retell it in English exactly as you understood it, as if you were telling a friend about it who did not understand what was being said. ATTENTION: after you have done this, be sure to open the situation and make sure that your retelling essentially coincides with the situation given to you. Now you can move on.

Instead of banal “ Some people think, ... Others think, ..." can be used:

Some people claim that ..., while others argue that ...

After you have described the essence of the problem, you can ask the question directly, which you will answer in your essay. For example: “What is better: ... or ...?”, “What should we do: ... or ...?” etc. In 2018, a clarification was issued that classified rhetorical questions as stylistic errors. That's why we don't use them.

The last sentence of the introductory paragraph should state the purpose of your essay. This can be done, for example, like this:

In this essay I will try to look upon this issue.
In this essay I will try to express my opinion on this issue.
In this essay I would like to express my point of view on this issue.
In this essay I will try to answer this question. (This is the simplest option, if it is difficult for you to remember the previous two, remember it)

Paragraph 2. Your opinion

It is most logical to start this paragraph by expressing your position on this issue. Useful phrases(be sure to follow this punctuation!):

In my opinion...
From my point of view, ...
To my mind...
Personally, I think that...
I am certain that... (Please note! We do not abbreviate: we write I am...)
As far as I am concerned, ...

Next, you need to give 2-3 arguments confirming your point of view. There can be any arguments, as long as you interpret them correctly. That is, such that it would be difficult to argue with them (within reasonable limits, of course).

Advice: It is better to give 2 arguments and justify them in detail and give examples to support them, than 3 short and not fully developed ones. Remember that the essay has a word limit.

Here we must not forget about the means of logical connection of sentences. The first argument is good to start with:

To start with, ...
To begin with, ...
First of all...

After you have formulated the first argument, you need to confirm it and/or give an example to support it. Here are the simplest models of how this can be done:

<аргумент>. That's why...
<аргумент>. For example, ...

If you started with the word “Firstly,...”, then the second argument should begin with the word Secondly...

If the first argument came with the phrases “To start with, ...”, “To begin with, ...”, then the second argument can be started with the following words:

In addition...

The second argument must also be supported by an example or proof.

Paragraph 3. Opposite opinion

You will begin the paragraph by stating an opposing opinion on the proposed topic or issue. You can do it like this:

Others believe that...
Some people argue that...
However, some people think that...

This is followed by 1-2 arguments confirming the opposite opinion. I advise you to initially think about two. And how much to write in the end: 1 or 2 – decide in the process, based on the resulting size of your essay.

Advice: You will have to challenge opposing arguments later, so when you come up with them initially, think about how you will challenge them. If you have nothing to object to an invented argument, it is better to immediately replace it with another, so as not to have to do this while writing an essay. It's also limited!
Tip: When challenging arguments, you should not repeat anything written in the second paragraph. Therefore, if you cannot come up with a counterargument without repeating yourself, try to come up with something else. Alternatively, you can come up with other arguments in favor while the essay is not yet written. In any case, it is better to think about this initially while you are planning your essay, rather than during the writing process!

Paragraph 4. Your counterarguments

The point of this paragraph is to explain why you disagree with the opposing opinion. You can start a paragraph, for example, with a sentence:

I cannot agree with this opinion because ...
I am afraid I cannot agree with this idea because ...
“I am afraid” rather than “I"m afraid” sounds a little strange, but it’s better not to shorten it, because you can pay for it with precious points.

ATTENTION: if you gave two arguments in the previous paragraph, then you must refute both. They can be distinguished by the following phrases:

As for...,
Speaking about...,
As far as... is concerned,

Advice: When refuting opposing arguments, it is best to suggest ways to solve them, rather than prove their ineffectiveness. For example, if someone believes that pets are dangerous, then one should not argue that they are, in fact, harmless. It is better to turn this disadvantage into an advantage, saying that they are excellent guards in country houses.

Paragraph 5. Conclusion

The most common mistake many students make is that in conclusion they simply express their opinion. This is not enough. After all, the conclusion applies to the entire essay, not just the second paragraph.

Thus, in the conclusion you need to summarize everything that was said in the essay and express your point of view. You can also give your recommendations on the existing problem. The most important thing is that the conclusion should not contain any new information.

In conclusion...
To sum up...
To conclude...

Next, we let the reader understand that there are two points of view on this problem, and despite the opposite point of view, we still adhere to ours. For example, this can be done according to the following scheme:

Despite the fact that ..., I am convinced that ...
Taking into consideration different opinions on this issue, I believe that ...

Language design of the essay

After you have written your Unified State Exam essay in English, be sure to review it again for possible errors. From my experience of the most common mistakes, I advise you to pay attention to the following things.

Hello my beloved readers.

If you are confident that you write excellent essays, forget about it!

Okay, it's kind of rough. But in reality this turns out to be true. All of us - Russian-speaking people - write excellent essays in Russian, but when it comes to essays in English for the Unified State Exam, then we start having problems (to put it mildly). The whole point is that we do not follow their rules and structure, but we should...

Therefore, today we will learn how to write an essay correctly, what requirements to comply with, and I will also give you ready-made essays so you can clearly see what they should look like.

For high-quality preparation for the Unified State Exam, you need to use simulators, which bring you as close as possible to the exam situation. You can use a similar simulator here . Practice and pass with 100 points!

What is an essay and its types

Let's start with the main question. It is probably already obvious that an essay is a kind of composition on a specific topic. But it's not that simple. The first thing you need to clearly understand is the difference between the two types of essays. These include essays expressing personal opinion, as well as essays with a “pros and cons” structure. And you should know the difference between them by heart.

Essay requirements

The main requirement for this task in 2017 is the volume of words. Alas, you are limited to 180-275 words. In addition, your essay must be grammatically correct, and the vocabulary, of course, must correspond to the language level. Use words from Elementary level, when you are trying to pass the exam, I do not recommend it.

Style is also considered a very important element in assessing the quality of a written work. Yes, we are usually not very attentive to this aspect. With us, the “richer” and more “informal” the language you use, the better. But the British love a clear structure, so I not only do not advise you to do anything other than a formal writing style, but even forbid it!


Plans for different types essays are also different.

Pros and Cons Essay Outline

For a pro-con essay, the following structure is usually used:

  • Introduction.

Start with a clear statement of the problem at hand, as well as a sentence that expresses ambivalence.

  • Arguments for".

Decide on the arguments for it. Express them clearly and, most importantly, do not forget that they are still related to the problem.

  • Arguments against".

Decide on the arguments against. You can even combine them with the previous paragraph. The main thing is that your thoughts are clearly defined and reasoned.

  • Conclusion.

In conclusion, clearly and clearly summarize what has been said, but still repeat the controversial topic again, expressing some hope for its solution.

What I usually recommend to my students is to outline your essay before you write it. The worst mistake is to write at random. Then you will find many mistakes, as well as complete confusion in your thoughts.

Personal opinion essay plan

If you need to express your opinion, then the structure of the text will be completely different:

  • Introduction.

In this type of essay, the beginning is identical to the previous one: you just need to identify the question that interests you.

  • Expressing your opinion.

Here you express your point of view and give several arguments why you think it is correct. Don't waste all your arguments on this part. One or two will still be useful to you in the future. Here you can give 2-3 arguments.

  • Expressing an opinion opposite to yours.

Any point of view has arguments opposing it. So imagine them here. It is not advisable to write less than two.

  • Your counterarguments.

And here you can use those couple of arguments that I advised you to save. In this case, 1-2 will be quite enough.

  • Conclusion.

Words- assistants

The rules for writing an essay are an important stage, but it is equally important to use introductory structures and expressions that will show your level of language proficiency, as well as dilute the boring formal text with neutral phrases. Let's look at some examples with translation:

People say.../ It is thought... - They say...

Firstly… / Secondly… - Firstly/secondly…

To begin with... - Starting with...

In addition to… - In addition…

Besides... - Besides...

Despite… - Despite…

As a result... - As a result...

On the one hand... on the other hand... - On the one hand... / On the other hand...

The problem is/might be/seems to be… - The problem is/maybe/seems to be…

While... - While...

What is more... - Moreover...

Summing up... - Summing up...

In conclusion… - In conclusion…

Suggested Topics

Of course, I cannot say with certainty what essay topics will be this year, but from experience I can say that the topics are always of a general nature. The reason for this is that few people can write about banking, for example. But on general topics, any of us can write anything based on our own experience. Therefore, here are some suggested essay topics:

  • Food - Food.
  • Traveling - Travel.
  • Fashion - Fashion.
  • Love and friendship - Love and friendship.
  • Money - Money.
  • Environment - Environment.
  • Family problem - Problems in the family.
  • Work and career - Work and career.
  • Leisure time activities - Things to do in your free time.

By the way, there is a wonderful guide that will help everyone learn to write essays perfectly! Just follow the rules and practice. The author gives here the maximum that a student can get when preparing for the written part of the exams.


Of course, I couldn’t leave you with nothing, and not even give you a template or example of how to complete this task. Read and analyze.

Have domestic appliances improved the quality of our lives?

Nowadays, many people have a great variety of devices at home that are thought to make our life easier. However, they also have some disadvantages. (Remember that you need to start with a clear definition of the problem)

On the one hand(don't forget to use introductory words ) , they definitely reduced the amount of time we spend on doing household chores. Cleaning, for example, has become much easier due to the invention of vacuum cleaner. What is more, washing clothes does not seem to be a big problem anymore. Women do it far more quickly than they used to. In addition, the process of cooking for a big family has become much easier. You can have a microwave as long as multi-cooker to prepare food in an hour insteadofspending the whole evening in the kitchen. (In this type of essay, it is important to have a clear structure: write only about the advantages right away, and then only move on to the disadvantages. Or vice versa. But never mix).

However, even though all this equipment was made to save our time, it also encourages people to work more, or spend their free time in front of television or computer. And that does not necessarily make people happier. They become lazier and in case something happens- they will no longer be able to survive without all these appliances.

Summing up, it must be said that although technology has made the life easier it should not define thequality of our lives. (Don't forget to make a conclusion at the end, but by doing so, emphasize your point.)

The structure of the essay, as I already said, differs depending on the type. Therefore, I will give you an example with various clichés of the second type.

Is it better to go on holiday with family or friends?

It is usually thought that going on holidays with friends is much better than spending free time with your family. I completely disagree with it. ( Similar to the previous comment - don't forget to identify the problem and mention it).

First of all, it is much more economical as parents usually pay for their children so you do not have to spend much of your money. Secondly, it may seem that going on holidays with your parents may be boring, but the reality shows that you can have as much fun with your relatives as you could have with your friends. (We express 2-3 arguments in support of your opinion).

There is also an opinion, that spending time with your friend or without your parents makes you more responsible and confident. It is thought that you learn to live on your own. (Don't forget that it is also necessary to indicate someone else's opinion opposite to yours).

I cannot agree with this point of view as the adolescence is the process that cannot be fulfilled during your holidays. And sharing time with you family, on the other hand, strengthens your relationship and encourages you to develop core human values. (Contrast the new arguments with the counterarguments that you received).

So whether there is a question who to spend your vacation with, make sure that it will be spent with those who love you most- your family. (And, in the end, remember to make the right point when asserting your opinion).

Common mistakes

Of course, there are no mistakes. But there are mistakes that are typical for almost 50% of students taking the exam. Therefore, I want to highlight those that will be embarrassing:

  • Forget about structure. Use informal words, phrasal verbs, or simply inappropriate vocabulary in style and format.
  • Write abbreviations don’t, haven’t, etc.
  • Do not use introductory structures.
  • Write less or more than the prescribed word limit.
  • Do not reveal the topic of the essay or “go away” from it, hoping that you will be appreciated for writing at least something.
  • Stupid grammar mistakes. Better check and correct it 10 times.

Guys, if you seriously want to structure your knowledge and improve your skills for the Unified State Exam 2017 under the guidance of a great teacher:

Quicker sign up for a free introductory lesson at the EnglishDom online school. There will determine your level language proficiency, learn weak sides, will pick up the most suitable a teacher for you, and you can study individually through a convenient online platform at the optimal time for you and for a reasonable fee.

Well, my dears, I am sure that your essay is no worse, and maybe even better. I hope that after today’s lesson, writing will become much easier for you, and the word “essay” will move from the category of “oh, what a horror” to the category of “well, that’s wonderful.”))

And in order to improve not only your writing skills, but also everything else that you will need when passing the frightening three-letter appearance, subscribe to my blog’s mailing list. There I regularly share useful materials, tips and tricks based on personal experience.

In the meantime, I say goodbye to you.

Until next time.

P.S. If you are interested in learning about my experience passing entrance exams and just reading my thoughts on this topic, then go ahead to my article “”

Discovering the world with English. New 150 essays for the Unified State Exam. We are preparing for the Unified State Exam. Yuneva S.A.

M.: 20 1 5. - 88 p.

The manual is addressed to students independently preparing for the Unified State Exam in English, as well as to teachers who can use it in class and when preparing students for tests, exams or Olympiads. It includes 150 essays compiled in accordance with all the requirements for a written statement with elements of reasoning. The main purpose of this guide is to help students excel in essay writing.

Format: pdf

Size: 3.2 MB

Watch, download:drive.google


Study guide “Discovering the world with English. New 150 essays for the Unified State Exam" is an additional component to educational and methodological kits in the English language. Its main purpose is to help you cope with writing part of the Unified State Exam in English, namely, essay writing.
This manual is intended for students who are independently preparing for the Unified State Exam in English. It is also addressed to teachers who can use it in class and when preparing students for tests, exams or competitions. The manual consists of 150 essays compiled in accordance with all the requirements for a written statement with elements of reasoning.
The written part of the One State Exam is one of the most difficult and requires careful preparation. Section 4 (“Writing”) consists of two tasks and is a short written work (writing a personal letter and a written statement with elements of reasoning). The recommended time to complete this section of the work is 80 minutes.

The Unified State Examination in English 2020 involves writing an essay. This is task number 40, which involves composing a detailed written statement with elements of reasoning. The essay must be written correctly in order to be able to earn the maximum 14 points, which are very important for getting a high grade for the test work as a whole. Let's take a look at the basic requirements for the essay and the evaluation criteria for this assignment. In this article, we will also provide information regarding the structure, outline and topics of a long-form English writing assignment. All this will contribute to writing an essay with a high score.

Changes in essays in the Unified State Exam 2020 in English

There are changes in the essays in the Unified State Examination 2020 in English, but they are not drastic. The main innovations include the following:

  1. Now you can choose a topic. The ticket offers students two topics, from which they need to choose one and start writing. Remember that it is important to immediately decide on the preferred option so as not to waste precious time on throwing.
  2. The criteria for assessing task performance have been changed. You will learn about them below.
  3. The wording of the task was clarified. In particular, this applies to “Make an introduction (state the problem)”, which became “Make an introduction (state the problem paraphrasing the given statement)”. This was done so that examinees understood the need to rephrase the topic, and not simply rewrite it.

You need to leave enough time for writing an essay, since usually there is sorely not enough time after completing previous difficult tasks. It is important to remember all the nuances. To guarantee an excellent score, you need to prepare for the essay in advance, working through the possible structure (plan), topics and preparing cliches.

The volume of the essay remained unchanged. It falls within the range of 180 to 275 words. Experienced teachers say that 200-240 words are enough. If more is written, but there is no meaning, but only “water,” then this will not lead to a positive result. By the way, if you write more than 275 words, the reviewers will count the first 275 and check only on them.

Assessment criteria for assignment No. 40

The assessment criteria for assignment No. 40 have been changed in 2020. In particular, this affected such a criterion as “Solving a communicative problem.” Currently, there is already precise information regarding exactly how points will be calculated. The information was published on the official website of FIPI, and we have duplicated it below in the table.

PointsSolving a communication problem (K1)Organization of text (K2)
3 The task is completed in full when all the aspects specified in task No. 40 are fully reflected, the style of speech is neutral.All statements are completely logical, the structure of the text corresponds to the plan, the means of logical communication are used in the correct form, and the text has paragraphs.
2 The task is completed if most of the aspects are revealed, but there are some style violations in the design.Almost all statements are logical, although there are slight deviations from the plan, shortcomings in the use of linking words, and the text is not always correctly divided into paragraphs.
1 The task is not fully completed, if the text does not reflect all aspects of the task, there are a significant number of style problems.Not all statements are logical, the plan is broken, there are errors in the use of linking words or these phrases are given in a limited number, there is no division of the text into paragraphs.
0 The assignment is not completed when the aspects given in the assignment are not reflected, the essay does not correspond to the specified volume, or more than 30% of the text is “water”, coincides with the finished essay or the work of another student.There is no logic in the construction of sentences, the plan does not correspond to the topic.

Advice! It is enough to write an essay according to plan, adhere to the volume and neutral style of design. If you omit this information, then there is a high probability of getting zero points for this criterion, which leads to zeroing the entire work.

Remember that there is a word count criterion. Moreover, the calculation takes into account words, articles, particles, and auxiliary particles. When composing a personal letter (this topic is also available), you should take into account the address, date and signature. The expert will pay attention to individual details. In particular, you need to write numbers in numbers (for example, 25, 126,965, 2020, etc.) or numbers with symbols (25%, 23%, etc.). So they will be counted as one word. Numerals expressed in words are counted like other words. Compound words (well-bred, twenty-five, good-looking, etc.) are counted as one, as are abbreviations (USA, CD-rom, e-mail, etc.).

By the way, experts will judge compliance with a neutral style of presentation by the absence of abbreviations and colloquial vocabulary. It is also advisable to avoid using rhetorical questions.

The criteria for scoring the grammatical-lexical and spelling-punctuation design of an essay can be found in the table below.

PointsVocabulary (K3)Grammar (K4)Spelling and punctuation (K5)
3 The vocabulary is sufficient and corresponds to the complexity of the task; there is no more than one lexical error.Grammatical means are used in sufficient quantities and in accordance with the task. No more than two errors are allowed.None.
2 The vocabulary is sufficient and has up to three lexical errors. Or lexicon limited, but no lexical errors.Grammatical means are used correctly and in sufficient quantities. There are no more than four errors.The text is divided into sentences correctly from a punctuation and spelling point of view. There is no more than one error, either spelling or punctuation.
1 The vocabulary does not fully correspond to the task. There are up to four lexical errors.The grammar does not fully correspond to the task and the established level of difficulty. There are up to seven grammatical errors.The text contains up to four spelling or punctuation errors.
0 Vocabulary is poor and does not correspond to the task. The text contains more than five lexical errors.Grammar used incorrectly. There are more than eight errors in the text.The text contains more than five spelling or punctuation errors.

The maximum number of points that each student can score for an essay is 14. Moreover, the scoring is determined by various criteria, which are given in the table below.

You should know! Lexical errors are understood as incorrect use of words, errors in compatibility, omission of words for no reason, errors in word formation, errors in a phrasal verb, spelling errors that lead to a change in the word.

Grammatical errors are understood as omissions of words if they affect the structure of the sentence, incorrect word formation, problems with grammar or word order in a sentence. Punctuation and spelling errors should be understood as any that fall under this category, as well as illegible spelling of words or letters.

Structure of writing an essay in English

The structure of writing an English essay is very important to follow so that you can get a high score. Remember that the purpose of writing an essay is to demonstrate the ability to think analytically and reason in English on various topics. In other words, the level of proficiency in grammar and vocabulary is checked, without which it is impossible to solve the assigned tasks.

The structure of the essay involves five mandatory points:

  1. The first part is Make an introduction (state the problem), that is, the introduction. Here you need to rephrase the topic and select two opposing opinions. Further in the text there will be reflections in the format “Some believe that ... when others ...”. Following this simple outline makes the writing process easier and allows you to focus on the problem at hand. By the way, if it is difficult to give an opposing opinion, then you need to rephrase the problem, and write the second part as “... whereas others think that handmade presents are more impressive.”, “..., whereas others don’t agree.” or “..., whereas others think that it’s not true.”
  2. The second part is Express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion, that is, your personal opinion on the topic and two or three arguments in support. Here you need to express your personal opinion, which must be supported by arguments. It is best if each statement is supported by an example. The length of this paragraph is approximately six sentences. To make your writing more elegant, it is rational to use linking words.
  3. The third part is Express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion, that is, the opinion of opponents and one or two arguments in support. Here you should give an opinion opposite to yours and select arguments for it. In principle, the task is simple, since there is nothing difficult in finding at least one argument that is opposite to yours. You can use words and expressions such as “At the same time there are people who say that”, “in contrast” (in contrast to this, for comparison, on the contrary) ), “in spite of” (despite), “in comparison with” (in comparison with), “unlike” (in contrast to), “however” (however), “yet” (while same time, at the same time, on the other hand, however), “still” (at the same time) and others.
  4. The fourth part is Explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion, that is, an explanation as to why you do not agree with the opinion of your opponents. The purpose of this paragraph is to find another argument in favor of your point of view. Remember that you need to take a rational approach to assessing your strengths, that is, if you have come up with only three arguments, then write two in the first part and one in this paragraph. Moreover, the opponent’s opinion must be treated with respect.
  5. The fifth part is Make a conclusion restating your position, that is, a conclusion that should confirm your position. Here you should once again briefly express your opinion as a conclusion. Moreover, you need to write in different words, since simply rewriting the topic will not lead to the desired result.

Note! The first and last paragraphs of the essay should be different. Points will be deducted for identical proposals.

Remember that using abbreviations is highly undesirable. For example, it would be incorrect to write isn’t; it would be better to write is not. Also, you should not write don’t or shouldn’t, more correctly – do not or should not. In addition, it is not advisable to start sentences with the words also, but or and. Introductory words (you know, well, etc.) are also prohibited, as are slang words (bunch of people will have to be replaced by a lot of people, and stuff by thing). When writing, do not copy native language. Expression of thoughts must be in English.

Template and example of writing assignment No. 40

The template and example of writing assignment No. 40 are essentially the same thing. An example will help you understand how to write an essay correctly. Pay attention to the photo, which shows one of the options.

In general, it is enough to adhere to the following writing algorithm:

  1. Allow at least 60 minutes.
  2. Read the topic and make a mind map. Make sure your arguments are correct.
  3. Read your arguments again, paying particular attention to parts three and four.
  4. Compose the essay as a draft, but if there is too little time, then you need to immediately write the essay as a clean draft.
  5. Check for errors and correct them if found.
  6. Rewrite the essay into a clean copy.

When writing an essay, you must first indicate the assignment number on the form. Also remember that you cannot write on the back of the form. That is why, if suddenly something does not fit, it is better to ask for another form. If you omit this recommendation, there is a high chance that points for the assignment will be canceled.

Topics and cliches for the English Unified State Exam 2020

Themes and clichés English Unified State Examination-2020 you need to know for successful essay writing. Among the topics that may appear in exam tickets, it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. Some people think that extreme sports help to build character.
  2. Some people think that to get a good education one should go abroad.
  3. Some people think that you can have only one true friend.
  4. Some people think that learning foreign languages ​​is a waste of time and money.
  5. Some people think that young people should follow in their parents’ footsteps when choosing a profession.
  6. Virtual Internet communication results in losing real-life social skills.
  7. In any occupation discipline is more important than talent.
  8. Public libraries are becoming less popular and they will soon disappear.
  9. A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter.
  10. A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily teach it.
  11. Every city ​​and every town should have a zoo.
  12. Fast food outlets should be closed.
  13. It is the government’s responsibility to protect the environment.
  14. It’s not right to be strict with little children.
  15. Internet is the greatest time-waster.
  16. Computers cannot replace people.
  17. Exams motivate students to study harder.
  18. Space exploration was the greatest achievement of the 20th century.
  19. Sports help people to fight stress.
  20. Clothes people are wearing can influence their behavior.
  21. Sport units people.
  22. Playing sports is better than watching others do it.
  23. There are no men’s or women’s professions.
  24. There are more disadvantages than advantages in living in a big city.
  25. Distance learning is the best form of education.
  26. The best holidays and festivals are those with specific traditions for celebrating.
  27. Everybody would like to work from home.
  28. The Internet is the biggest evil of our time.
  29. The best time is that spent with family and friends.
  30. A pupil cannot study effectively without a computer.
  31. Taking a gap year after school is a necessary step for every teenager.
  32. Choosing future profession is a difficult task for every school-leaver.
  33. Diets are important to stay fit and healthy.
  34. Healthy eating is an important part of everyday life.
  35. Having only one language of communication on our planet is a wise decision.
  36. Zoos should be prohibited.
  37. Zoos help most animals to survive.
  38. Studying a foreign language abroad is important for everyone.
  39. Knowing one foreign language isn’t enough.
  40. The Internet is the most useful invention in the world.
  41. Human cloning experiments should be prohibited.
  42. The Internet will be the main source of studying in the future.
  43. Computer games are one of the best ways to spend free time.
  44. Space exploration is very important for the future of our planet.
  45. Space travel should be available for everyone in the future.
  46. Mobile phones are one of the most convenient ways of communication.
  47. Modern teenagers are criticized for no reason.
  48. Young generation lives better that people lived in the past.
  49. Soap operas are not interesting and take too much time.
  50. Violence on TV should be prohibited.
  51. To be rich means to be happy.
  52. Distant learning will become the only type of education in the future.
  53. Online education is very important nowadays.
  54. Home schooling is a very convenient way of studying.

Clichés are introductory phrases that are convenient to start a sentence with. But remember that they do not play any semantic or grammatical role in the sentence. In fact, clichés are needed to enhance the expressiveness and emotionality of the statement. The main options for introductory phrases include those shown in the photo below.

When writing, you must adhere to the established topic of the essay. You shouldn't deviate from it. The optimal style of presentation is formal, and the passive voice serves as an assistant. By the way, use too simple sentences It’s not worth it, as the expert may consider that you cannot think in English and reduce points for this. You should also pay attention to the following tips when writing an essay (see photo).

Advice! You can find many ready-made English essays on the Internet. Remember that they are not the best options. Firstly, they may contain errors. Secondly, often experts who check essays know ready-made options, because they are repeated on the Unified State Exam from year to year. The optimal solution is to write an English essay on your own, and ready-made versions can be used as a sample.

Now you know how to write an essay in English for the Unified State Exam -2020 with a high score. Remember to adhere to the established structure and take into account the basic requirements. Pay attention to the assessment criteria to ensure you get an excellent mark. You can use a plan or template to eliminate the possibility of making mistakes. Remember that the ability to write an essay in English is important not only for successfully passing the exam. This useful skill will be needed when taking international exams, including IELTS, TOEFL, FCE, etc.

Additionally, you can pay attention to the video, which talks about the correctness of writing an essay in English for the Unified State Exam -2020.

© O. S. Kalinina, 2018

ISBN 978-5-4493-5196-8

Created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero


Successful passing of the Unified State Exam is the key to admission to higher education educational institution Your dreams. That is why, in order to make your cherished dreams come true, you need to persistently and purposefully prepare for it. Obviously, you need to approach the preparation process responsibly, with full dedication, as well as an awareness of what the structure of the exam requires of you and what skills and knowledge you need to have in order to successfully cope with it.

Task No. 40 is a task of a high level of complexity and requires well-developed both subject and meta-subject skills. Undoubtedly, the examinee must not only have a rich vocabulary and know the rules of grammar, but also have a broad outlook in order to bring different points of view on a certain problem, as well as argue for them.

The value of this book lies in the fact that it presents essays on topics from different spheres of life, in which arguments/counterarguments to them are clearly and correctly selected.

Due to the fact that during the school year I wrote these essays “for myself”, in order to practice and “get better”, and not in order to publish a book, they were all carefully and thoroughly checked and corrected by my teacher Olga Gennadievna Kutyina, to which I am very grateful.

With careful and conscious reading, you will learn simple, easy-to-remember clichés, learn new vocabulary and new grammatical connections. Moreover, this collection will help you broaden your horizons and look at some social, economic, political and spiritual problems from a completely different angle. Your consciousness will become more flexible, which will help you better and more clearly formulate and express your thoughts and ideas when writing such works.

Also, I would like to add that the Unified State Exam is really just one of life’s tests that can actually be overcome. The main thing is to clearly define your goals and constantly remind yourself of them when you want to give up. Believe me, the game is worth the candle.

Boys and girls should study separately at different schools

Undoubtedly, education plays a crucial role in the existence of the society. Currently the majority of schools are co-educational.

I totally disagree with the statement above. I strongly believe that studying together is extremely necessary for individuals. Firstly, the world is not separated for males and females. In the childhood people tend to be less vulnerable to failures in relationships. In consequence at school they learn how to socialize with another sex, which assists them in avoiding social mistakes in the future. Secondly, while studying together pupils may find out some psychological features of another gender. Finally, contradictions between boys and girls motivate both to study harder in order to be better than another sex.

Nevertheless, there is another point of view on this issue. Some conservatives claim that productivity and efficiency of getting education will increase, if pupils are taught separately. Psychologists have already proven that boys have natural abilities to technical subjects, while girls are likely to be skilled at mastering humanities. Subsequently, co-educational schools do not have individual approach to students depending on their gender. Moreover, passion and affection seem to distract students from studying.

However, I still insist on my opinion. It surely goes without saying that love improves personalities on the ground that they are eager for being better to please a partner. So, they study harder.

In conclusion, I would like to stress once more that under no circumstances should pupils be diminished an opportunity to study together. If schools were not co-educational, the majority of people would not be able to communicate with another gender.

A man that does not know the history of his/her country is like a leaf that is not aware of being a part of a tree

It is common knowledge that a person is a citizen of that country where s/he was born. Under some circumstances one can change a citizenship or have a double one. Undoubtedly, a person considers himself/herself to be a citizen of that country where his/her heart is.

I totally agree with the statement above that a person ought not to be ignorant of the history of his/her motherland. Firstly, if a resident has no knowledge of the history of his/her native country, s/he will not take part in historic festivals, where people become mentally united. Secondly, being unaware of the events of the past, a citizen cannot keep up a conservation with compatriots. Finally, griefs, sorrows and failures have always been consolidating nations. If a person has no idea about mistakes of his/her ancestors, s/he does not have any patriotic feelings.

Nevertheless, there is another point of view on this issue. Some people claim that it is senseless to learn the history of the motherland. Present is much more significant that the past. Moreover, interactions with other citizens may bring a person a feeling of felicity and patriotism.

However, I still insist on my opinion. It is usually said that history repeats itself. In consequence a citizen ought to be good at national history in order to prevent his/her motherland from the same disastrous mistakes in the future.

In conclusion, I would like to stress once more that under no circumstances should a person ignore the life of his/her ancestors. If the humanity did not rely on the history, the world would turn into chaos.
