Real fight in Chechnya video

Real fight in Chechnya video

Miracles of Altai. People are so carried away by foreign resorts that they forget that our country is much larger than the whole of Europe. For example, the territory of the Altai Mountains, whose area is 9.2 thousand km2, can accommodate ten Great Britains. And only 200 thousand people live on its territory. So it turns out that for secrets and riddles this is the most the best place. And if you want to touch ancient history and get acquainted with the real secret, then come here. Valley of the Dead. History and a large number of free space allowed amazing monuments to survive. For example, in the Chemal region there is a whole “valley of the dead”. The banks of the Katun River and its tributaries are dotted with thousands of Scythian mounds, most of which have not yet been excavated. It's an amazing sight. But modernity interferes even in seemingly inviolable places. In the near future it is planned to resume construction of the Katunskaya hydroelectric power station. The resulting reservoir threatens to flood a significant number of mounds, so now Russian and Altai archaeologists are trying to speed up their work. The oversaturation of graves gives rise to numerous guesses as to why there were so many of them in Altai. According to one of them, this land was the ancestral home of all humanity. More modest scientists agree that Altai is the ancestral home of the Indo-European race. There is a version that here was the center of the powerful Scythian empire, whose borders reached the Danube. Many artifacts of the famous Scythian “animal style” dating back to the 13th century BC are actually found here. – 3rd century AD They say that the sacred land of Altai magically did not let go of its sons, and they, subject to its spell, brought the dead (wherever death overtook them) right here, to their historical homeland. Chudi. There are ghost mountain people. Chudi. They lived a long time ago and came from the Emond steppe. They were the masters of Altai. Their disappearance has something to do with the color white. One theory somehow ties white birch. Roerich's theory says that the disappearance of this people is associated with the appearance of white people. Allegedly, the miracles refused to obey. Nevertheless, the miracles disappeared and disappeared very in an interesting way- they dug themselves in: the Chuds dug large holes, made a flooring of earth supported by wooden posts, went in there with the whole tribe and brought the “roof” down on themselves. At the site of these self-burials, conical pits are formed over time, into which people sometimes fall. There is a hypothesis that in this way Chudi tried to move to another, a parallel world. And they succeeded. There are people (mountaineers, rock climbers) who claim that they saw certain creatures similar to people who came out of the rocks and went back in. Although, these visions could be the result of altitude sickness.

155251 Kadyrov will have a rematch with the SOBR member who broke his rib The head of Chechnya will not punish the impudent... Video of militants in Chechnya. Slices. Fighting in Chechnya, the first Chechen war, SOBR in the war, Minutka Square, the death of SOBR.

Website in memory of SOBR who died in Chechnya - www.sobra.rf. Battle at Yaryshmarda. So, at one time, the Airborne Forces in Dagestan and Chechnya caused a lot of trouble for armed militants.

Real fight in Chechnya video

Despite the fact that the militants left the battle, the column suffered heavy losses. Perhaps the airborne reconnaissance in Chechnya did not work well enough, or maybe the column was simply “surrendered”. Airborne special forces in Chechnya performed a wide variety of tasks and the operation always ended in success. For obvious reasons the video airborne special forces in Chechnya, this is as rare a thing as, say, a video of Bigfoot.

Fighting in Chechnya without comment

Chechnya, Grozny, region 95, Vainakhs, Chechens, Lovzar, Kadyrov, Lezginka in Chechnya, Chechens at a wedding, Chechens... All the hottest news is on our channel! Join the video discussion... Heavy fighting took place in various... Dagestan All the criminal problems of the Republic of Dagestan in its proximity to the rebellious Chechnya.

Special Forces - Area of ​​Responsibility (Armored Train of the 21st Century) During the war in Chechnya, a fairly large number of aircraft were shot down. Not recommended for viewing by children. Videos of combat operations, sweeps, special operations. Chechnya. Damaged tank, August 1996. Soldiers pulled the body of a burnt tank mechanic out of the tank. My affiliate program VSP Group. Connect!

GRU and combat, preparation of special forces training, as real ones are carried out. During these battles, at least 30 soldiers were killed at their hands and at least 13 were wounded. A fight ensued, as a result of which one of the policemen was wounded. To fight with such vehicles, you don’t need cards. All data is received via satellite. Until quite recently, the name of the small North Caucasian republic of Chechnya was firmly associated in our minds with the word war, as strong as a shot. But today is a different time and different concepts.

In March 1996, Grozny was attacked by militant groups. Did you know that you can add videos from other video hosting sites to the favorite videos section? To view the list of favorite videos, you need to log in to the site using your username. From 1995 to 2004, the 7th Novorossiysk took part in major battles in the North Caucasus region. So during the First Chechen War alone, the division lost 12 people.

During the First Chechen War, the division carried out a special mission (November 1994 - April 1995). Take, for example, the attack on the column of the 51st Airborne Regiment (battle near Serzhen-Yurt). Airborne special forces snipers played a significant role in the battles. For example, in the battles of Grozny, General Rokhlin alone lost up to 30 soldiers a day at the hands of Chechen snipers. After all, the guys worked secretly and getting caught on video for such a unit could mean death and failure of the mission.

Chechnya, Grozny 1994-1995 .Exclusive 6476

Filming of the New Year's assault on Grozny from the Chechen side. The HOMEMUS.RU website is a catalog of music and videos that are constantly updated. Chechen militants launched a desperate assault on Grozny. Storming an apartment with militants. - there are more videos here. Comments containing: swearing, insults, inciting ethnic hatred - will be deleted!

Real combat

Over the course of the year, the military prosecutor’s office opened 6,432 criminal proceedings regarding desertion. Syrian television confirmed the participation of Russian troops in the war on the side of the Syrian government.

Chechnya - fighting in Grozny. Video filmed by militants

Driving a tank professionally costs a lot. The following video shows how such a large and powerful machine can be manipulated. Tank duel. The fight took place in the Chechen village of Shali. The upgraded T-72BM vehicles show a high rate of fire and accuracy at any speed.

Today, let's hope that all these weapons will not be useful for military purposes. That all preparations and training battles, duels to keep troops on the move and mobile, are only for defense. The war in Chechnya has long crossed the borders of the republic, this ancient land has become a training ground for bandits from all over the world, they don’t care what they fight for, they don’t care who they kill.

This Documentary Investigation will talk about the leaders of the Chechen militants, their life and death. Having carried out a raid of more than 500 kilometers, Basayev and a gang of militants captured the city of Budyonnovsk in June 1995. In 1991, Dudayev announced the sovereignty of Chechnya, Moscow granted them freedom and turned off the financial tap, three years later the Chechen economy collapsed, columns of migrants rushed to Russia.

On January 14, 1995, Pskov film journalist Valentin Janus filmed his own death from a Chechen sniper’s bullet not far from Dudayev’s palace. Action footage showing how the sniper position was suppressed.

The second war became even more tragic. In 2000, the division completely lost the 6th company, which faced Khattab’s many times superior group. In addition, in 1999 the division was awarded the Pennant of the Minister of Defense.

In 2000, on April 23, militants from Abu al-Walid and Abu Jafar ambushed a convoy delivering fuel and lubricants from railway station. There were 2 fire groups on the militants’ side. After some time, the convoy was covered by several Mi-24s, which forced the militants to retreat. Legal Service Specialist Day is celebrated annually on March 29th. In 2014, the holiday will be celebrated for the eighth... This holiday, which is celebrated by all employees...

The Chechen Republic Taekwondo Championship brought together more than 60 athletes from all over the republic. Operation Muslim: Dagestan detective The beginning of 2005 in Dagestan turned out to be very hot.

Now that active fighting Tensions ended long ago in Chechnya... The war in Chechnya. Filming of employees of the Department of Internal Affairs of Kamensk-Uralsky. We all know that not so long ago there were real battles in Chechnya, where there were real tanks and real deaths soldiers, civilians. Chechnya 90s. Fierce fighting in 1996-1999. Attack on the Botlinsky military airfield 08/9/1999 My affiliate program VSP Group. Connect! GRU special forces operations in Chechnya result in losses in special forces units.

Chechnya, Grozny January 9, 2002 Ministry of Internal Affairs of Chelyabinsk. On it is easy to watch online Chechnya is a territory of death. Chechnya today: Business trip No. 12 A film about the war in Chechnya through the eyes of police officers Irkutsk region. Now that active hostilities in Chechnya have long ended, tensions... Report by Anton Grishin - Death of a convoy of the 2nd battalion of the 451st Internal Troops Regiment Documentary report from the NTV channel about the death of a military convoy of internal troops. Execution Chechen militants soldier…

The HOMEMUS.RU website is a catalog of music and videos that are constantly updated. We offer a free download of Chechnya, a real fight right on this page.

Federal forces are again looking for militants in the village of Alkhan-Yurt. As RIA Novosti reported in the district administration, on Wednesday units of the Joint Group of Forces in Chechnya blocked the village. The movement of vehicles and pedestrians in the village is limited, their entry and exit is prohibited. At the same time, as the administration emphasizes, “the checks are targeted.”

The film from the TVC channel, recorded in 1999, reveals the secrets of the Chechen war. It wasn't on TV anymore. The film features A. Korzhakov, who by that time had separated from Yeltsin. On April 26, 2000, a convoy of the 2nd Battalion of the 451st Regiment was ambushed. Salty jokes are interspersed with confessional stories about what is happening in Chechnya. Everyone who stepped into the war will come out of it a different person.

The second column coming to the rescue was also ambushed and forced to retreat. This GRU special forces company became famous during the first Chechen war and was called “Mad Ones”. They came down from the mountains from neighboring Chechnya in August 1999 - hundreds of militants hoping to quickly seize power in Dagestan. Operation Muslim: Dagestan detective The beginning of 2005 in Dagestan turned out to be very hot.

The documentary is dedicated to ten years of service of employees in the city of Argun Chechen Republic. Chechen militants launched a desperate assault on Grozny. Storming an apartment with militants. Until quite recently, the name of the small North Caucasian republic of Chechnya was firmly associated in our minds with the word war, as strong as a shot. But today is a different time and different concepts.

On the night from 1994 to 1995, everyone was preparing to celebrate the New Year and almost no one knew what was happening at that moment in Grozny. This Documentary Investigation will talk about the leaders of the Chechen militants, their life and death.

In 1991, Dudayev announced the sovereignty of Chechnya, Moscow granted them freedom and turned off the financial tap, three years later the Chechen economy collapsed, columns of migrants rushed to Russia.

A lot of filming takes place during operations in the mountains. Exclusive video filmed in the cockpit of a combat helicopter during live firing. Foreign mercenaries are shown training Chechen fighters. Did you know that you can add videos from other video hosting sites to the favorite videos section? To view the list of favorite videos, you need to log in to the site using your username. To display this content, JavaScript must be enabled in your browser!

Tanks in Chechnya - video is an information and entertainment Internet project aimed at a wide range of the Siberian region. According to Rambler Top100, is the most popular portal in Siberia. Tactics of Chechen militants during the first and second Chechen wars, as a rule, did not change much.

Most often, Chechen militants used the tactics of “combat trios”, which included a sniper, a grenade launcher and a machine gunner. All three militants tried to take up dispersed positions. After the start of the attack, the militants, using cover, shot federal soldiers almost point-blank - from a distance of 100-150 meters.

Special Forces - Area of ​​Responsibility (Armored Train of the 21st Century) During the war in Chechnya, a fairly large number of aircraft were shot down. Dagestan All the criminal problems of the Republic of Dagestan are in its proximity to the rebellious Chechnya. But militant snipers proved themselves to be most effective during battles in populated areas and city neighborhoods. Heavy fighting took place in various... The film tells about the operation carried out by border guards in 1999 against armed formations in Chechnya - the Argun Gorge.
