Quotes about Sunday. Weekend quotes Statuses about Sunday

Quotes about Sunday.  Weekend quotes Statuses about Sunday

Any of us can remember the asshole who woke him up on an early Saturday morning.

We erase numbers that were once dear to us from the phone's memory. After all, we are “not small, and there is pride,” but every Saturday evening, the “Drunken Tariff” is connected, since the ill-fated number cannot be erased from memory ...

- Is it Saturday? - Yes. - Then let's go to the registry office.

The realization of what a mess you have in your apartment appears when you try to put it in order.

Best Status:
Everyone is twisting love-carrots, and my only concern is that homework in geometry and a tail in chemistry, which needs to be tightened up until Saturday.

Once upon a time, the devil conjured a working week, in response, God created the weekend. But the unclean one distinguished herself here: working Saturday - isn't it her tricks ?!

- It's Saturday. - I see, so what? - Let's get drunk. So we're in a quarrel! - If we quarreled, this is not a reason to cancel the booze.

It’s only as you grow older that you begin to realize that nightly discos on the weekends and alcohol are not “cool” at all. The main thing is health, good sleep and loved ones, relatives around you.

Today is Saturday, and the state is like the beginning of the working week early in the morning.

Well, gentlemen, the weekend is over, let's go to work tomorrow to rest?

There is nothing better than coming to work and finding out that you have a day off :)

What do people do on their weekends who haven't had enough sleep all week? They get enough sleep. And what about those who get enough sleep? And here they are drilling with a drill

I'm going to be a bitch this weekend. Urgently looking for a guy with low self-esteem!

In thousands of eyes to find the very ones that will begin to tear my crumpled soul. And then draw them in a dream and dream of finding them. Again and again. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday. Sunday. Soul to pieces.

If only to live until Wednesday, and there the weekend is not far .. 🙂

Diet: Monday: take an egg. Tuesday: cook. Wednesday: clean. Thursday: Eat protein. Friday: Eat the yolk. Saturday, Sunday - unloading

I read from a girl: “This October there are 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays, 5 Sundays. This happens once every 823 years! Achumeeeet ”And the fact that in July 2011 it will be the same, she will generally throw herself off the window?!?!)))

there is no one to drink a pancake day off with, but they are all about sex)))

What are we doing this weekend??? -We conquer the world ..!) -Clearly, then we drink again ..

Sometimes my mother allows me not to go to school on Saturdays, they say what to do there, and like a fool I go there to look at you with one eye ...

It’s interesting why on weekdays, I get up to school, and I immediately feel like sleeping so much, I don’t want to get up at all, but like Saturday or Sunday, I get up at seven o’clock, go to bed at one in the morning, but get up at seven.

Dude, who last Saturday around 21.00 was walking along the square. Alexander Nevsky in the subway with a rubber doll in an embrace - a huge respect! cheer up)))

Who else doesn't love rain, especially on weekends?

I can only talk to her on weekends, the rest of the days she is busy with lessons ..)))

If only every day was a Saturday...

Saturday is the second most important holiday after Friday)))

If you don't call on weekdays, don't call on weekends either.

Day off… Parents watch those films that they like… And from time to time I come to watch commercials…

For a real woman, a day spent in vain is a day off without scandal.

It's so great to automatically wake up at seven on Sunday and think: Lord, bless the one who invented the weekend!)))

And he is far from me, and he treats me a little rudely, but I still wait for Saturday to come to him! And I don't understand what's going on...

Summer is over, which means now it will only be: I want to sleep, I'm cold, and let's get drunk on Saturday. 🙂

How you get drunk in the morning sucks you think I won’t do it again, the next weekend comes I forgot everything and get drunk again, and in the morning again you think I definitely won’t do it again! Ahah)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday... These are the days that I want to spend with him... Only seven days, but they always repeat... So I want to be with him always...

Oh, director, you are mighty, You drive flocks of clouds, You make us go to work on Saturday too. Al will you refuse me an answer? Have you seen where in the world you have an annual salary? I'm looking for her ... - Wait, there is a mountain in the north, There is a deep hole in it, In that hole on three ropes The coffin swings from gold, In

It’s terrible to study without days off and holidays, I demand that weekends and holidays be the same as at school, it’s unbearable to study for half a year, then rest for a week and study again for half a year and in the summer a month of sessions ... a nightmare ...

If you had a dream on the night from Saturday to Sunday, then Saturday was not a success!

I want a weekend .. so much ... and from the heart!)

Let's take a day off and stay awake tonight!

Shit Monday, Shit Tuesday, Shit Wednesday, Shit Thursday, Shit Friday, Saturday, Sunday. That's how I live.

Saturday, early, morning .. school, reluctance .. but after the call and the words “Good morning, darling, wake up, today will be your day, I'm sure you can do everything today! I'll pick you up in half an hour, I love.. “.. the morning becomes really good, and you start to believe in yourself, nothing is scary, everything is fine..

by what time someone got into contact on Sunday, you can determine who and how spent Saturday evening 😀

In the store: -What do you want? -Happy weekend!=)

Girls who want to be called somewhere are enraged ... and when you call, it starts: “I can’t, I’ll be busy tomorrow, maybe next weekend”!

Saturday is World Cleanup Day!

again Saturday, again in the evening and again I'm at home ..

This morning I got up, washed, dressed, got ready, put on my shoes, and then I fucking understand that Saturday ... o_O

Yesterday was Friday, tomorrow is Saturday, and today what then? O_o

I drink on those days that begin with the letter "C": Wednesday, Saturday and Today.

Monday-Pink, Tuesday-White, Wednesday-Yellow, Thursday-Black, Friday-Green, Saturday-Blue, Sunday-Red. Dress like this and you will be happy!

If you love, then love without a trace, to the tips of your eyelashes, without thinking about yourself, 60 seconds a minute, on weekends and weekdays ... otherwise why love then?

My sexual fantasy for the weekend is to sleep in all positions!

Saturday evening, I'm sitting at home, everything's okay ... - Dad, buy a beer. -What daughter? I understood everything without any questions (I'm 17 years old) Nice

Saturday - nerd day

when you turn on the TV in the mornings on weekends, you realize with horror that our country cooks food on weekends and makes repairs in apartments!

And tomorrow is Saturday. Tomorrow everyone will finally be happy. Because everyone gets drunk.

Why is it harder to get up early on weekdays than on weekends?

Kapets, study again ... and again we live from day to day, and again we are waiting for the weekend ...

Saturday ... How much in this word ... A rag in my teeth, a vacuum cleaner in my legs and went to dance around the apartment ...)

Let's give each other a wonderful weekend, shall we? - Come on, of course. - Then, until Monday?

And today is Saturday. Today everyone will certainly be happy. Because everyone will get drunk ...

What day of the week is today? -Thursday ... no, fuck, Tuesday. - Yeah, Saturday. I knew since morning.

Either women in Russia are so influential, or the men in the government are afraid of us. One day off on February 23, and three on March 8 🙂

I'll give myself a day off: cigarettes, coffee, popcorn, contact and movies)

Over the weekend, my father pasted a picture of a Nissan X-Trail into his wishlist. And yesterday he hit him...

  • For example, I really like it when it rains on Sunday. Somehow you feel more comfortable. Erich Maria Remarque, Three Comrades.
  • From the point of view of the allocation of time resources, religion is not very efficient. There are plenty of other things I could do on a Sunday morning. Bill Gates
  • To start a new life on Monday, you must live until Sunday. Boris Krutier
  • Only when you meet Monday morning do you begin to regret that you did not rest on Sunday.
  • In every egg-Sunday, the evil Monday-chick persistently hammers the shell from the inside with its beak. Yuri Tatarkin
  • Sunday is a pale, sickly shadow of an energetic Saturday. Sunday is a day of forced rest for people who are not at all inclined to this. Tom Robbins. Still life with woodpecker
  • Fresh roses on Sunday, and even at such an early hour, undoubtedly smell of theft. Erich Maria Remarque, Three Comrades.
  • Sundays are to blame for everything, if there were no Sundays, there would be no Mondays! Gabriel Garcia Marquez. bad hour
  • After a hard week at work, he slept through the weekend. By Sunday evening was like a cucumber. I couldn't sleep for a long time on Monday night. In the morning I got up completely broken and hobbled to work.
  • I’ll leave the Saturday massacre - I’ll survive Sunday.
  • Sunday is the worst day of the week. Everyone does not answer calls, they go around in anything and do unproductive things. Douglas Copeland. jpod
  • On forgiveness Sunday, I write my SMS: - Forgive me for Christ's sake! After a long pause, the answer: - With whom did you sleep?
  • Sunday was the day of the mob, given to her to be torn to pieces. Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Hyperboloid engineer Garin
  • Small people - clerks and clerks, officials and employees - had fun, as best they could, that day. Big, businesslike, respectable people sat at home by the fireplaces. Sunday was the day of the mob, given to her to be torn to pieces.
  • Sunday was created by the Lord for children to play and have fun. And not at all in order to collect money from people or scare them with the coming end of the world.
  • June is Friday, July is Saturday, August is Sunday.
  • Sunday. Not a day, but only a narrow gap between two ordinary days. Francis Scott Fitzgerald. Crazy Sunday
  • For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like the angels of God in heaven.
  • For many, Church is a means of family entertainment on Sundays, with a useful load on the brain. Vladimir Borisov
  • A woman weeping at the grave of her cruel husband will weep even more after his resurrection.
  • if Monday starts on Saturday, then Sunday ends on Wednesday. Igor Sivolob
  • If you dream on the night from Sunday to Monday that the alarm clock is ringing, then know that this is a prophetic dream. Yuri Tatarkin
  • If from Sunday to Monday you dream that the alarm clock is ringing - a prophetic dream
  • There are people who yearn for immortality, but do not know what they will do if it rains on Sunday. Benny Hill.
  • If on Sunday you did not wake up, but resurrected, then Saturday was a success.
  • Breakfast on Sundays is not a date. Behind him they meet with relatives whom they do not like. Removal rules: Hitch method
  • Yesterday was a forgiven Sunday... I called the bank - they didn't forgive the loan!
  • Because of all these divorces, the first thing I think about when I meet a man is: “Is this the man to whom I would like to give my children on Saturday and Sunday?” Rita Rudner
  • Sunday!? Perhaps - this is the best thing that could be heard in the morning!
  • Who will remember those times when he really rested on Sundays, and not on Mondays? Frank Hubbard
  • Sunday clears rust all week. Joseph Addison
  • Honey, today is Sunday. Take your child to the toilet!
  • Sunday is holy, Monday is black, Tuesday is a devotee, Wednesday is fasting, Thursday is reread, Friday is squirming, Saturday is an initiative.
  • I dressed slowly. It made me feel like Sunday. Erich Maria Remarque. Three comrades
  • Monday differs from Sunday only in that on Monday comes three times more spam. Yuri Tatarkin
  • Sunday is the night from Saturday to Sunday.
  • Look, I'm only here until next Sunday. Are you free on Saturday evening?
  • Sunday is the day before Monday, so he is poisoned. Kate and Leo
  • On Monday - to the burial ground, on Tuesday - to the kokornik, on Wednesday - to the front, on Thursday - to the cats, on Friday - to the mill, on Saturday - to work, on Sunday - to fun.
  • Middle age is when you sit at home on a Sunday evening, the phone rings, and you hope that it is not you who are calling.
  • On weekdays, we do not use our morality very well. By Sunday, it always needs repair. Mark Twain
  • Sunday has only one significant drawback - for some reason it ends twice as fast as any Monday or Thursday. Hope Kuzmina. Dragon heiress. Hunting.
  • August is like Sunday evening.
  • Oh, not in vain ... It was not in vain that Robinson called his friend Friday, otherwise it was all Saturday and Sunday, and Saturday and Sunday - and after all, one could sleep to the green devils! Vladimir Borisov
  • - Honey, go take out the trash. - Dear, today is Sunday ... - And what about the garbage, what are the days off? Vladimir Borisov

So, what's up? Sunday play!!!

The site site has prepared another selection of statuses about the days of the week. By the way, while raising the level of literacy of the population, we note in parallel that it is correct to say statuses about Statuses about Sunday, because statuses about resurrection- this is a completely different, religious theme.

Statuses about Sunday are funny:

How impudently all the same birds sing on Sunday at 14 o'clock in the morning!!! © site

That's what's good, no matter where you are, no matter how you hide, Sunday will still find you! © site

Sunday in the eternal struggle with Friday for second place, and only Saturday, confidently holds the first! © site

The quality of music is falling (total vulgarity and monotony), the level of culture is the same, I wanted to introduce my neighbors to quality music on Sunday afternoon at 8:20, and met with misunderstanding. The level of literacy, by the way, too - it is correct to say ooh @ ate, and not ahu @ l! Where are we heading…©

Experienced financiers advise that in order to quickly increase your capital, you need not go shopping on Sunday! ©

Statuses about Sunday and Love:

The most pleasant thing about Sunday is the opportunity to hug your favorite ... pillow in bed even during the day! © site

Sunday is like a past Love - only memories remain, about how good it was for you! © site

In a relationship, you need to give so much freedom so that the person himself wants to be near you on Sunday. © site

A small happiness is when you have a person who will hug you on Sunday! ©

Sunday statuses:

You need to live in such a way that you can buy yourself every Sunday! © site

Sunday, don't rush, well, where are you in a hurry ?!

All the beauty of Sunday evening is killed by the inevitability of Monday morning!

A folk sign, if in the morning from Saturday to Sunday you remember what dream you had, then Saturday was clearly not a success!

If from Sunday to Monday you dream that neither light nor dawn wakes you up - a prophetic dream! ©

The biggest crime against yourself is to betray your dream and go to work on Sunday! ©

Statuses about Sunday for Vkontakte:

From the comments on Sunday morning, you can easily find out who, how and even where spent Saturday.

Sunday friend of the sofa and brother of the TV!

The most difficult are the first five days after Sunday.

The main task on Saturday is not to forget to turn off the alarm clock so as not to spoil your Sunday!

There is no better antidepressant than bed, TV and Sunday!

All good thoughts about how good it would be to relax on Sunday come one day late on Monday! ©

Quotes about Sunday and holidays:

  • For example, I really like it when it rains on Sunday. Somehow you feel more comfortable. Erich Maria Remarque, Three Comrades.
  • From the point of view of the allocation of time resources, religion is not very efficient. There are plenty of other things I could do on a Sunday morning. Bill Gates
  • To start a new life on Monday, you must live until Sunday. Boris Krutier
  • Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Hyperboloid engineer Garin Haruki Murakami. 1Q84
  • Only when you meet Monday morning do you begin to regret that you did not rest on Sunday.
  • In every egg-Sunday, the evil Monday-chick persistently hammers the shell from the inside with its beak. Yuri Tatarkin
  • Sunday is a pale, sickly shadow of an energetic Saturday. Sunday is a day of forced rest for people who are not at all inclined to this. Tom Robbins. Still life with woodpecker
  • Fresh roses on Sunday, and even at such an early hour, undoubtedly smell of theft. Erich Maria Remarque, Three Comrades.
  • Sundays are to blame for everything, if there were no Sundays, there would be no Mondays! Gabriel Garcia Marquez. bad hour
  • After a hard week at work, he slept through the weekend. By Sunday evening was like a cucumber. I couldn't sleep for a long time on Monday night. In the morning I got up completely broken and hobbled to work.
  • I’ll leave the Saturday massacre - I’ll survive Sunday.
  • Sunday is the worst day of the week. Everyone does not answer calls, they go around in anything and do unproductive things. Douglas Copeland. jpod
  • On forgiveness Sunday, I write my SMS: - Forgive me for Christ's sake! After a long pause, the answer: - With whom did you sleep?
  • Sunday was the day of the mob, given to her to be torn to pieces. Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Hyperboloid engineer Garin
  • Small people - clerks and clerks, officials and employees - had fun, as best they could, that day. Big, businesslike, respectable people sat at home by the fireplaces. Sunday was the day of the mob, given to her to be torn to pieces.
  • Sunday was created by the Lord for children to play and have fun. And not at all in order to collect money from people or scare them with the coming end of the world.
  • June is Friday, July is Saturday, August is Sunday.
  • Sunday. Not a day, but only a narrow gap between two ordinary days. Francis Scott Fitzgerald. Crazy Sunday
  • For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like the angels of God in heaven.
  • For many, Church is a means of family entertainment on Sundays, with a useful load on the brain. Vladimir Borisov
  • A woman weeping at the grave of her cruel husband will weep even more after his resurrection.
  • if Monday starts on Saturday, then Sunday ends on Wednesday. Igor Sivolob
  • If you dream on the night from Sunday to Monday that the alarm clock is ringing, then know that this is a prophetic dream. Yuri Tatarkin
  • If from Sunday to Monday you dream that the alarm clock is ringing - a prophetic dream
  • There are people who yearn for immortality, but do not know what they will do if it rains on Sunday. Benny Hill.
  • If on Sunday you did not wake up, but resurrected, then Saturday was a success.
  • Breakfast on Sundays is not a date. Behind him they meet with relatives whom they do not like. Removal rules: Hitch method
  • Yesterday was a forgiven Sunday... I called the bank - they didn't forgive the loan!
  • Because of all these divorces, the first thing I think about when I meet a man is: “Is this the man to whom I would like to give my children on Saturday and Sunday?” Rita Rudner
  • Sunday!? Perhaps - this is the best thing that could be heard in the morning!
  • Who will remember those times when he really rested on Sundays, and not on Mondays? Frank Hubbard
  • Sunday clears rust all week. Joseph Addison
  • Honey, today is Sunday. Take your child to the toilet!
  • Sunday is holy, Monday is black, Tuesday is a devotee, Wednesday is fasting, Thursday is reread, Friday is squirming, Saturday is an initiative.
  • I dressed slowly. It made me feel like Sunday. Erich Maria Remarque. Three comrades
  • Monday differs from Sunday only in that on Monday comes three times more spam. Yuri Tatarkin
  • Sunday is the night from Saturday to Sunday.
  • Look, I'm only here until next Sunday. Are you free on Saturday evening?
  • Sunday is the day before Monday, so he is poisoned. Kate and Leo
  • On Monday - to the burial ground, on Tuesday - to the kokornik, on Wednesday - to the front, on Thursday - to the cats, on Friday - to the mill, on Saturday - to work, on Sunday - to fun.
  • Middle age is when you sit at home on a Sunday evening, the phone rings, and you hope that it is not you who are calling.
  • On weekdays, we do not use our morality very well. By Sunday, it always needs repair. Mark Twain
  • Sunday has only one significant drawback - for some reason it ends twice as fast as any Monday or Thursday. Hope Kuzmina. Dragon heiress. Hunting.
  • August is like Sunday evening.
  • Oh, not in vain ... It was not in vain that Robinson called his friend Friday, otherwise it was all Saturday and Sunday, and Saturday and Sunday - and after all, one could sleep to the green devils! Vladimir Borisov
  • - Honey, go take out the trash. - Dear, today is Sunday ... - And what about the garbage, what are the days off? Vladimir Borisov

Phrases and quotes about Sunday and weekends with pictures

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Cool statuses about Sunday

All Sunday I will do “The Great Nefiga”, and in the evening I will also get tired ... ***

Every Sunday morning, such horrors are shown in the mirror .....


Sunday, tell Monday not to come!


Sunday... Life is beautiful!

I don't need to go to work. I'm on satin sheets

Happy to lie around all day.

Sunday - in the morning the sounds of the trumpet remain from the evening of Friday and the full day of Saturday ... In the evening, the Soul begins to prepare for the emotional trauma of Monday ... ***

Consuming too much on Sunday can cause another Sunday


Sunday I spend them in 3D format: At home I press the sofa ...


Sunday evening - millions of shoulders burned in the gardens.


Sometimes you want to call Monday Sunday ... because you have to Resurrect again after a stormy weekend


Sunday is the day before Monday, so he is poisoned.


I want to wake up early on Sunday, stretch, take a shower, make coffee, watch the sunrise and know that you have a whole day ahead and a lot of interesting events ...

But in fact, you barely get up at about two o'clock in the afternoon, with a heavy head and sit at the computer until the evening ... ***

Sunday - everyone does not answer calls, walk around in anything and do unproductive things.


Sunday - the soul sings, the cardiogram dances.


Sundays are to blame for everything, if there were no Sundays, there would be no Mondays!


What impudence, neighbors - to make noise on Sunday at 15 o'clock in the morning.


The week is awarded on Sunday.


Sunday. Morning. You think: "That's it ... I don't drink anymore ... um ... vodka ... singed ... this week


The most terrible music in the world is the one that the neighbors play at 6 am on Sunday ...


If on Sunday you didn’t wake up, but resurrected… it means that Saturday was a success!!


I cleaned the house, put things in order, washed it, stroked it, cooked it, worked with the child, went shopping ...

How I love Sunday! ***

M-yes… today is Sunday… and where to start relaxing with laundry or cleaning!!!


How I love to wear a sofa on my back on Sunday,

But you still have to again ... cook pilaf, cook cabbage soup! ***

I dressed slowly. It made me feel like Sunday.


Sunday? Already?? So how did it end???


For example, I really like it when it rains on Sunday. Somehow you feel more comfortable.


Sunday spent ineptly - this is REST!


Ahead Sunday - dances, songs and fun!


By how much someone got into contact on Sunday, you can determine who spent Saturday evening and how


Over every carefree Sunday evening, the dark shadow of Monday looms.


Sunday... drinking tea... laying in bed... enjoying idleness.


Sunday is a day of double feelings. You enjoy the weekend for half a day, and for the second half you torture yourself with thoughts: “Damn, I have to work tomorrow ...”


Sunday… I woke up at one in the afternoon. I drank coffee, painted my nails, talked on the phone with a friend, turned on the computer, poked around on the Internet, ate an apple ... looked at the clock, twelve at night! Went to bed… Awesome meaningful and eventful weekend passed!


The best thing about Sunday afternoon is Saturday evening.


The mood is cool, spring! I'm walking, smiles are not melting ... It's Sunday for me today and I don't care that everyone has Wednesday!


The most difficult are the first four days after Sunday.


Sunday and Saturday, I love my job!

Jokes about corporate parties

Cool statuses about Childhood

Funny poems about the weekend for adults

Cool aphorisms and statuses about Tea


Statuses about Sunday

Statuses about Sunday and days off - for contact and classmates.

  • I am a completely hopeless person from Friday to Sunday...
  • On Sunday evening, the soul begins to prepare for the spiritual grass of Monday ...
  • Thursday is even better than Sunday. And all because after Sunday comes Monday, but after Thursday comes Friday.
  • On Sunday, I myself am not mine, but I won’t take anyone else!
  • Well done, if you yourself on Sunday night, you can say that you spent this day awesomely meaningful and eventful!
  • Sunday is to blame for Monday!
  • It feels like tomorrow is Sunday! Unfortunately, feelings can be very deceiving...
  • Wake up very slowly - this allows you to better experience Sunday.
  • Sunday - everyone does not pick up the phone, walk around the house like homeless people and do unproductive things.
  • The week is rewarded with a Sunday…
  • Sunday I spend in 3D format: At home I press the Sofa ...
  • Sunday - the soul sings and rest is in full swing ...
  • Every clear Sunday afternoon is overshadowed by the overcast shadow of Monday.
  • Sunday is dancing, singing and fun!
  • My favorite thing to do on Sunday is to carry a sofa on my back!
  • Evening, Sunday - I lie on the couch and look at the ceiling - this is my rest!
  • Sunday, drinking green tea, lying on the couch and enjoying doing nothing.
  • I love to guard the sofa on Sunday and choke the pillow….
  • Sunday ... my favorite day, on this day you make plans ...
  • How cool it is when in the morning you can turn off the alarm clock out of habit and realize that today is Sunday.
  • The most difficult, only the first four days after Sunday, then it lets go)))))
  • Sunday afternoon is best spent in bed with a hot mug of tea…
  • How much I love Sunday! And how terribly I dislike Monday!
  • If on Sunday you woke up happy, then Saturday was a success!!!
  • Every Sunday morning I can’t look in the mirror - it shows such horrors ... ..
  • Tomorrow is a dull, boring Sunday or a cool and awesome Sunday - which will you choose?
  • You need to live happily! - as if every day is Sunday.
  • Every Sunday spoils my Monday morning...
  • Sunday is ahead - beware of nest egg and savings!
  • What impudence and bad manners, my neighbors are noisy on Sunday morning at 12 o'clock.
  • Sunday? Already? What? How? So how did it end?????
  • It's great when every Wednesday is Sunday for you)))
  • Sunday. Morning. You think: "That's it ... I'm starting life from a new leaf ...
  • My Sunday is a bunch of interesting events and exciting adventures...
  • Sunday, tell your relative Monday, even if he doesn’t show his eyes ...
  • On Sunday, I have a goal - “The Great Nefig”, and in the evening I will also get tired ...
  • Sunday is such a special day, everything seems to be fine, but something is not right ...
  • Head secretary: - Tanechka, bring me coffee. - Sergey Petrovich, today is Sunday, move away from the intercom!
  • Sunday is a day of dual feelings. It seems like you are enjoying the weekend, but you seem to be suffering from thoughts: “Damn, I have to work tomorrow ...
  • Relax only with those who are in the subject on Sunday!
  • Sunday spend in contact with people, not online!
  • The worst music is the one you hear from your neighbors at 6 am on a Sunday.
  • On Saturday evening, it becomes warmer in the soul from the realization that Sunday morning is ahead ...
  • The worst nightmare if from Saturday to Sunday you dream that the alarm clock is ringing and it's time to go to work ...
  • Sunday evening - millions of people begin to relax.
  • Only on Sunday you realize that you didn’t come up with plans for this day ...
  • On Sunday, I want to walk as if today is Friday ...
  • I want Sunday, so that there is more of everything and with all my heart!)
  • On Sunday and Saturday, I really love my job!
  • Excessive use of Sunday can cause Monday to come unexpectedly...
  • Sunday spent without talent - this is a real vacation!

Release theme: cool statuses about Sunday and weekends, for VKontate and classmates.

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Cool statuses about Sunday

Sunday in many countries and cultures is considered a special, family day. On this day, many gather at the same table to celebrate another week lived, given to all by God. This is the day when you need to thank the higher powers for the opportunity to celebrate Sunday with your family. This is the day to hope for a positive start to the coming week. This day without holidays and special events can still be memorable and incredible, in a way. Don't know how to do it? Everything is pretty simple. You just need to pick up a cute status with which you can say a lot about your feelings and your emotions. At your disposal are comic statuses that can make everyone smile and laugh. You can pick up something more serious, turn to your loved ones with words of support, inspire them for a great day.

Sunday, drinking tea, lying in bed, enjoying idleness. *** Sunday, but I want to get drunk like it's Friday. *** What a cool feeling when the alarm goes off at 6 in the morning, and you turn it off thinking Today is Sunday, and nowhere :)***I'm hopeless from Friday to Sunday...***We rest only with those who are with us in the subject, burn time, swing the swing and dream about something on Sunday morning...* ** I want Sunday, so much and from the heart!) *** Sunday - the soul sings, the cardiogram dances. *** Sometimes I want to call Monday Sunday ... because I have to Resurrect again after a stormy weekend *** Sunday ... I woke up at one day. I drank coffee, painted my nails, talked on the phone with a friend, turned on the computer, poked around on the Internet, ate an apple ... looked at the clock, twelve at night! Went to bed… Awesome meaningful and eventful day off! *** The best thing about Sunday is Saturday evening. *** The best thing about Sunday is Saturday evening. *** Thursday is even better than Sunday. Because on Sunday tomorrow is Monday, and on Thursday tomorrow is Friday. Tuesday to go to college, but on Wednesday I found out that it would rain on Thursday, and then on Friday I thought: why go to college on Saturday, if Sunday is a day off? *** Every Sunday morning, such horrors are shown in the mirror .. ...*** What impudence, the neighbors - to make noise on Sunday at 15 o'clock in the morning. I'm walking, smiles are not melting ... It's Sunday for me today and I don't care that everyone has Wednesday! :)***Every Sunday I'm spoiled by waiting for Monday. *** Ahead of Sunday is dancing, songs and fun. *** I never thought that I would spend Sunday in bed with my beloved! Mmm, I'm going to lie down some more... *** It feels like tomorrow is Sunday! But Sunday won't come tomorrow...***You have to live like every day is Sunday.***The hardest days are the first four days after Sunday.***Sunday and Saturday, I love my job!***Sunday - in the morning, the sounds of the trumpet from Friday evening and the full day of Saturday ... From the evening the Soul begins to prepare for the mental trauma of Monday ... *** Excessive consumption on Sunday can cause another Sunday *** Sunday I spend them in 3D format: Home I press Sofa ... *** Sunday evening - millions of shoulders burned in the gardens. ***Sometimes I want to call Monday Sunday...because I have to Resurrect again after a stormy weekend***Every Sunday morning, such horrors are shown in the mirror.....***Sunday, tell Monday not to come!*** Sunday is the day before Monday, so it's poisoned. you get up at about two o'clock in the afternoon, with a heavy head and sit at the computer until the evening ... *** Sunday - everyone does not answer calls, go in anything and do unproductive things. *** Sunday - the soul sings, the cardiogram dances. *** Sundays are to blame for everything, if there were no Sundays, there would be no Mondays! *** What impudence, the neighbors - to make noise on Sunday at 15 o'clock in the morning. Morning. You think: "That's it ... I don't drink anymore ... um ... vodka ... burnt ... this week *** The most terrible music in the world is the one that the neighbors turn on at 6 am on Sunday ... *** If on Sunday you did not wake up, but resurrected ... so Saturday was a success! *** I cleaned the house, put things in order, washed, stroked, cooked, worked out with the child, went shopping ... How I love Sunday !!! *** M-yes ... today is Sunday ... and why start to relax with washing or cleaning!!! *** How I love to wear a sofa on my back on Sunday, But I still have to do it again ... cook pilaf, cook cabbage soup! *** I dressed slowly. It made me feel like Sunday. *** Sunday? Already?? That is, how did it end???*** For example, I really like it when it rains on Sunday. Somehow you feel more comfortable. *** A badly spent Sunday - this is REST! ​​*** Ahead of Sunday - dancing, songs and fun! *** By the time someone got into contact on Sunday, you can determine who and how I spent my Saturday evening *** Over every carefree Sunday evening, the gloomy shadow of Monday looms. *** Sunday ... drinking tea ... lying in bed .. enjoying idleness. You enjoy the weekend for half a day, and for the second half you torture yourself with thoughts: “Damn, I have to work tomorrow ...”

Statuses by days of the week: Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Weekend

IN this Sunday I will do “The Great Nefiga”, and in the evening I will also get tired ...

TO Every Sunday morning, such horrors are shown in the mirror .....

IN Sunday, tell Monday not to come!

IN Sunday... Life is beautiful!
I don't need to go to work.
I'm on satin sheets
Happy to lie around all day.

IN Sunday - in the morning the sounds of the trumpet remain from the evening and the full day of Saturday ... In the evening, the Soul begins to prepare for the emotional trauma of Monday ...

H excessive consumption on Sunday can cause another Sunday

IN Sunday I spend them in 3D format: At home I press the sofa ...

IN Sunday evening - millions of shoulders burned on.

AND sometimes I want to call Monday Sunday ... because I have to resurrect again after a stormy weekend

IN Sunday is the day before Monday, so he is poisoned.

X I feel like I wake up early on Sunday, stretch, take a shower, make coffee, watch the sunrise and know that you have a whole day ahead and a lot of interesting events ...
But in fact, you barely get up at about two in the afternoon, with a heavy head and sit at the computer until the evening ...

IN Sunday - everyone does not answer the phone, walk around in anything and do unproductive things.

IN Sunday - the soul sings, the cardiogram dances.

IN Sundays are to blame for everything, if there were no Sundays, there would be no Mondays!

TO what impudence, neighbors - to make noise on Sunday at 15 o'clock in the morning.

H the week is rewarded on Sunday.

IN Sunday. Morning. You think: "That's it ... I don't drink anymore ... um ... vodka ... singed ... this week

WITH The worst music in the world is the one played by the neighbors at 6 am on a Sunday…

E if on Sunday you didn’t wake up, but resurrected ... then Saturday was a success !!

D Oma cleaned up, put things in order, washed, stroked, cooked food, worked out with the child, ran around the shops ...
How I love Sunday!

M-yes... today is sunday... and where to start relaxing with laundry or cleaning!!!

TO how I love to wear a sofa on my back on Sunday,
But you still have to again ... cook pilaf, cook cabbage soup!

ABOUT I moved slowly. It made me feel like Sunday.

IN Sunday? Already?? So how did it end???

I For example, I really like it when it rains on Sunday. Somehow you feel more comfortable.

B A well-spent Sunday is REST!

IN before Sunday - dances, songs and fun!

P about how much someone got into contact on Sunday, you can determine who and how spent Saturday evening

H hell every carefree Sunday evening hangs the gloomy shadow of Monday.

IN Sunday... drinking tea... laying in bed... enjoying idleness.

IN Sunday is a day of double feelings. You enjoy the weekend for half a day, and for the second half you torture yourself with thoughts: “Damn, I have to work tomorrow ...”

IN Sunday… I woke up at one in the afternoon. I drank coffee, painted my nails, talked on the phone with a friend, turned on the computer, poked around on the Internet, ate an apple ... looked at the clock, twelve at night! Went to bed… Awesome meaningful and eventful weekend passed!

WITH The best thing about Sunday is Saturday evening.

H the mood is cool, spring! I'm walking, smiles are not melting ... It's Sunday for me today and I don't care that everyone has Wednesday!

WITH The most difficult are the first four days after Sunday.

IN Sunday and Saturday, I love my job!
