The use of tenses in English: the logic of use. At what time and where At what time and where do events take place

The use of tenses in English: the logic of use.  At what time and where At what time and where do events take place

In the section on the question: At what time and where do the events of the story “a horse with a pink mane” take place? PS continued inside given by the author demand the best answer is “The Horse with a Pink Mane” - a story from V. Astafiev’s autobiographical book “The Last Bow”. The writer’s mother drowned in the Yenisei, the boy was raised by his grandmother, Ekaterina Petrovna Potylitsyna. The author gives his final bow to her. The events take place in a Siberian village in the 30s - this is the time of the author’s biographical childhood. At this time, life in the Russian village was very difficult: poverty, the consequences of collectivization, etc. This is reflected in the story - the grandmother is forced to sell strawberries in the city, and the gingerbread horse is a huge value for the young hero, because such a delicacy was rare. But the story primarily tells about a lesson in wisdom and kindness that the author remembers all his life

Answer from Luiza Gudkova[newbie]

Answer from make christ[active]
Events take place in summer in Siberia.

Answer from Neurosis[active]
In the village

Answer from Igrok igrok[newbie]

Answer from Narek Akobian[newbie]
The events of the story take place in a Siberian village before the start of the Great Patriotic War. The signs of this time are hungry life, individual farming, lack of cars and good roads, rare trips to the city by boat. Characteristic features of the place - Yenisei, ridges, taiga near the village

Answer from $ALEX$[newbie]

Answer from Yovetlana Nikiforova[newbie]
The events of the story take place in a Siberian village

Answer from MIKHA SMOLNIKOV[newbie]

Where on Earth do new calendar days begin, or, in other words: where does a day begin on our planet?

We know that the entire surface of the globe is conventionally divided into 24 time zones, and the beginning of the counting of geographical longitudes comes from the prime meridian, which many know as Greenwich.

It is the meridian of the zero time zone, to the east of which Moscow, for example, is located with a time difference of 4 hours, i.e. UTC +4 (daylight saving time), and on the western side, for example, in Alaska, UTC -9 hours.

So, on the world map there is also a conventional date line, relative to which in the west and east the current date differs by a whole day. This line corresponds to the 180° meridian.

The need to delimit the Earth's surface with such a line is primarily to avoid confusion in calendar dates when moving it by air and water vehicles. Astrology, by the way, also takes into account the exact place of birth or the data of a specific event when it comes to constructing a natal chart or transit horoscope.

The line on which the date changes does not exactly follow the strictly drawn line of the 180° meridian and practically does not pass anywhere on land, except Antarctica and the ice of the North Pole. And if this happens, then the governments of the states themselves decide which part of the earth, relative to the date line, to attribute their possessions to - eastern or western. More often, such a decision is associated with close economic and political ties with neighboring states, with which it is easier to do business on the same date, or within the country itself. For example, when Alaska was sold to the United States, the date on it was moved back one day, since the dates in Russia and the United States did not match.

From the north, the date line runs along the Arctic Ocean, goes around Russia from the east, passing through the Bering Strait and dividing Russia and Alaska, makes a bend to the west from the meridian 180°, leaving the Aleutian Islands in the east, then returns to the meridian line and follows the Pacific ocean to Antarctica. Here the date line deviates strongly to the east only in Oceania, skirting the islands of Kiribati and others, whose inhabitants are the very first on the planet to celebrate the new day.

From a tourism point of view, it is very interesting to visit, for example, the picturesque islands of Tonga, Samoa or Fiji, located along the international date line, in order, for example, to celebrate the New Year twice, flying from west to east on a charter flight from the Tonga archipelago, where January 1st, to some Samoan island, where the day begins on December 31st.

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Many philosophers and sages of East and West have argued that time does not actually exist. Thus, Democritus, following Parmenides in this, wrote: “Time is appearance in the form of days and nights.” Aristotle defined time as “the number (that is, the measure) of movement,” which means that movement is real, but time is relative. But on the other hand, why then is the power of time over a person so inexorable, why can’t we turn back time, stop it or speed it up?

From the point of view of Indian philosophy, there are different levels of consciousness and reality, and at each of them time has a different meaning and a different origin.

1) Object, or objective time - the time of the waking world, which “collects” our consciousness when we are awake. Regarding this time, Plato’s words in the Timaeus remain true that the planets are “instruments of time,” that is, this time is literally generated, and not simply measured, by the movement of the planets (stars are also included in this concept). Indeed, if time is the number of motion, then in the Universe the greatest amount of motion (momentum) has the total motion of stars and planets.

2) Subjective time – psychological time, the time of dreams. Here time is derived from the intensity of experiences and their quality, as described in the above quote from the Mahatma Letters. We can speed up and slow down this time, but we cannot stop or reverse it.

3) The time of dreamless sleep is no longer quite time in our usual understanding. This is semantic time, which is generated by attention. When we say “You won't give me a little time,” it is the same as “You won't give me a little attention,” which means time and attention have the same root. But at the level of dreamless sleep, the boundaries of subjects are erased, and we need to talk about a certain non-subjective attention, which can be compared with the currents in the intelligent ocean of Solaris. Although this attention is non-subjective, in religions it is sometimes personified in the image of God. So, this is that terrible Time (Kala), the image of which Krishna showed to Arjuna in Chapter XI of the Bhagavad Gita.

4) And only at the 4th level of consciousness and reality there really is no time, since this is the level of the Absolute, incomprehensible and inexpressible in our human concepts, including in the concepts of time.

So, time is truly relative and does not have an independent reality, but at different levels it has a different nature and different sources. And since human existence and man himself as such also have a relative existence at the same levels of relativity, it is logical that human existence is subject to the limitations of time at the corresponding level. To completely free yourself from the limitations of time, you need to completely dissolve in the Absolute.

Time is based on seconds, minutes and hours. While the basis for these units has changed throughout history, their roots can be traced back to the ancient state of Sumer. The modern international unit of time is determined by the electronic transition of the cesium atom. But what is this physical quantity?

Time measures the progress of events

Time is a measurement of the progression of events. Physicists define this quantity as the progression of events from the past to the present and into the future. Basically, if the system is immutable, it is outside this indicator. Time can be considered as the fourth dimension of reality, used to describe events in three-dimensional space. It is not something we can see, feel or taste, but we can measure its passage.

The arrow shows that time moves from the past to the future, and not vice versa

The hand on the clock shows that time moves from the past to the future, and not in the other direction. Physical equations work equally well whether a quantity is going forward into the future (positive time) or backward into the past (negative time). However, in the natural world this quantity has one direction. The question of why it is irreversible is one of the biggest unresolved questions in science.

One explanation is that the natural world follows the laws of thermodynamics. The second law of thermodynamics states that in a closed system, its entropy remains constant or increases. If the Universe is considered a closed system, its entropy (degree of disorder) can never decrease. In other words, time cannot return to the exact state it was in at an earlier point. This quantity cannot move backwards.

Slowing down or speeding up

A working watch keeps time accurately. In classical mechanics it is the same everywhere. However, we know from Einstein's special and general theories of relativity that quantity is a relative concept. The indicator depends on the observer's frame of reference. This can lead to subjective deceleration, where the time between events becomes longer (expands) the closer one of them gets to the speed of light.

Moving clocks operate more slowly than stationary clocks, with the effect becoming more pronounced as the moving mechanism approaches the speed of light. Clocks in Earth's orbit record time more slowly than those on the surface, muon particles decay more slowly as they fall, and the Michelson-Morley experiment confirmed the contraction of length and expansion of magnitude.

Parallel reality helps avoid time paradox when traveling through time

The time paradox of time travel can be avoided by traveling to a parallel reality. Travel means moving forward or backward at different times, just as you can move between different points in space. Jumping forward in time occurs in nature. Astronauts on the space station experience acceleration as they return to Earth and slow down relative to the station.

Existing problems

However, time travel creates problems. One of them is causation, or cause-and-effect relationship. Moving backwards can trigger a time paradox.

The Grandfather Paradox is a classic example in science. According to him, if you go back and kill your grandfather before your mother or father is born, you can prevent your own birth.

Many physicists believe that time travel to the past is impossible, but there are solutions to the paradox, such as travel between parallel Universes or branch points.

Perception of physical quantity

Aging affects the perception of time, although scientists do not agree with this point. The human brain is capable of keeping track of time. The suprachiasmatic nuclei of the brain are the area responsible for daily or circadian natural rhythms. Neurostimulants and drugs significantly affect its perception. Chemicals that excite neurons cause them to function faster, while reducing neuron activity slows down the perception of time.

Basically, when everything around you seems to be speeding up, the brain produces more events within a certain interval. In this regard, time really seems to fly when you're having fun. But it seems to slow down during times of emergency or danger.

Scientists at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston say the brain doesn't actually speed up, but an area like the amygdala does become more active. The amygdala is the part of the brain that is responsible for creating memories. As more memories are formed, time seems to drag on.

The same phenomenon explains why older people seem to perceive time at a faster pace than when they were younger. Psychologists believe that the brain forms more memories of new experiences than familiar ones. Since there are fewer and fewer new memories in later life, time seems to pass faster in the older person's perception.

The beginning and end of time

More and more scientists are inclined to believe that our Universe was born as a result of a powerful explosion of a certain conventional point, at which such indicators as mass, time and space were not noted.

Astronomer Stephen Hawking and his Cambridge colleague Neil Turok suggest that there was an original idea from which the word was born. It was these two concepts that contained time and space.

It is unknown whether time has a beginning or an end. As for the Universe, time began in it. The starting point was 13,799 billion years ago when the Big Bang occurred. Evidence of this process is the relict radiation in space and the position of retreating galaxies. At this time, transitions begin to take place from one level of natural organization to another - from the nucleus to the atom, and then to the molecule, from which living matter emerged.

We can measure cosmic background radiation as microwaves from the Big Bang, but no radiation with earlier origins has been observed.

One argument about the origin of time is that if it were to expand indefinitely, then the night sky would be filled with the light of old stars.

Will there be an end to time?

The answer to this question is unknown. If the Universe expands forever, time will continue. If there is a new Big Bang, our timeline will end and a new countdown will begin. In particle physics experiments, random particles emerge from the vacuum, so it appears that the universe will not become static or timeless. Time will show…

Physicists have made a shocking statement - time does not exist

Physicists have made a shocking statement - time does not exist. For humans, time definitely exists: we wake up in the morning, move forward in time during the day and at some point go to bed, and in our sleep we also continue to move forward in time. The old adage “time is running out” seems quite true, doesn’t it?

The problems began when Einstein's general theory of relativity, which describes the laws of physics on large scales, collided with quantum physics, the field that tries to describe the smallest particles in the Universe, and the theory of wave-particle duality, which states that light is both waves and particles. was tested for the first time. For years, physicists have tried to unite the two disparate fields by composing the Great Unifying Equation, believing that, despite scale, everything in the Universe must be connected, from particles to galaxies.

A little over 40 years ago, two brilliant physicists John Wheeler and Bryce-De Witt developed such an equation. However, their discovery immediately seemed controversial because, if the equation was correct, then there would be no such thing as time. doesn't exist at all at the most fundamental level of matter. Although the concept is confusing, it seems that it may be true, and what we subjectively perceive as “time” is actually a measurable effect of global changes in the world around us. And the more we delve into the world of atoms and photons, the less relevant the concept of time becomes. This opinion is supported by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

NIST is the keeper of the world's most accurate atomic clocks, against which all other clocks around the world are checked. NIST scientists say their ultra-precise clocks don't measure time at all: The time is determined by the marks on the clock. In fact, time allows us to create order in life: if we had not come up with such a concept as “time,” there would be complete chaos around us. I kind of agree with this.

Scientists at the Bistra Research Center in Ptu, Slovenia, have theorized that Newton's idea of ​​time as an absolute measure that moves on its own, and that time is the fourth existing dimension, are incorrect. They proposed replacing these concepts of time with a new view that relates better to the physical world: time is just a numerological order of physical changes.

From the editor

Time truly does not exist and never has existed. Academician Nikolai Levashov explains this by saying that the term "time" was invented by people for your own convenience. In nature there are only processes that occur in one way or another. Processes can be periodic (repeating) or non-periodic. But any process reflecting what we mean by the term "time", not in nature! In his unique book, academician N.V. Levashov discussed this issue in Chapter 12 "System of matrix spaces", in the following way:

«… And one more thing... I would like to draw your attention to such a natural phenomenon as time. What is time? Every person knows the day of his birth and the fact that from this day he walks sometimes faster, sometimes slower towards his death... A person knows that he was given a certain period of life measured in years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds...

But few people understand that time doesn't exist at all, that it is only a reference system that was invented on Earth by man for his own convenience. Time is conditional, how conventional are the processes occurring in matter, in matter, which have their own cycles, rhythms, and people use them as a unit of time. The same processes in different parts of the planet occur with some differences, which are often so insignificant that they are simply not noticed. But nonetheless, they are. The speed of processes is influenced the form of material bodies, the quantity and quality of energies coming from. And I would like to note that changes (disturbances) occur not only at the physical level. They also arise at all other levels.

The impact of flows coming from outside primarily causes changes in mental, then on the astral and etheric levels. And only after that - on physical. This is due to the fact that they all make up one system, but have different quantitative and qualitative compositions of their constituent materials, and also have different mobility of structures (inertia). And therefore, to create instability and modification, different forces of external influence are required to cause this change. The change that arose on the outer planes of our planet, successively passing through previous levels, will naturally reach the physical level and manifest itself on it. We have now come to understand the possibility visions of the future... And, as you can see, there is nothing mystical or supernatural about this.

Let's imagine that you and I are in a seven-story building. The first floor is the physical level and, accordingly, the second is the etheric, the third is the astral, the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh are the first, second, third and fourth mental levels. Now let’s consider a situation where the “residents” of the seventh floor did not turn off the water, and it begins to flood this floor. After some time, water will leak onto the sixth floor, then the fifth, fourth, third, second and finally onto the first floor. And if some “tenant” of the first floor takes the elevator to the seventh floor before the water seeps into the other floors, sees this and, having descended, begins to warn everyone else about the danger, then they may simply laugh at him... Or simply will be considered crazy, as very often happened to those whom people called “ prophets" or " clairvoyant“, because what they saw on the “seventh floor” most often did not really please those in power on “ first»...

And it was always better for such a “seer” to simply find the “key” to the apartment where the water is flowing and try (if possible, of course) to close the tap. But very rarely, unfortunately, it was possible to find this “key”... And many prophets, out of ignorance or at the behest of the “strongest”, were simply stoned or burned at the stake, like sorcerers and witches... One of the most famous there was a queen of prophetesses and clairvoyants Micalda, which a thousand years before the birth of Christ described the events associated with him and even showed the tree from which the cross on which he would be crucified would be made. This woman caused horror in the minds of the people around her, who were unable to understand what was happening. Only three of the nine books she wrote about the Future of Humanity have survived to this day, the rest were burned... Another woman who was reputed to be a clairvoyant was Cassandra from, daughter of King Piers, who was also not understood even by those closest to her (Homer writes about this in part). A later prophet was Nostradamus, who in his poems very accurately described the events of the future, but unfortunately he did not find that “magic key” to change anything...

These are those about whom we have more or less heard, and how many names have not been preserved by the memory of mankind... Almost always these people were very unhappy and incomprehensible to their contemporaries. They were crushed and oppressed by the weight of knowledge of the future, which they were unable to change... The depth of penetration by thought, consciousness into the future depends on what level, “floor” of the planet, a person was able to shift with his consciousness. The maximum depth of penetration into the future of our planet is possible with a mental shift to the fourth mental level of the planet. At the same time, you can look hundreds, thousands of years into the future. The minimum shift is to the etheric level, when you can see the future of the coming days, months and years..."

And one more small, but very useful for us fragment from the same chapter:

«… The Future and the Past are material and real, and are parts of one inextricable process . Nuclear physics at the level of elementary particles is faced with a paradox - the past determines the future... In principle, there is no paradox in this, it is natural and natural, just as death is natural after birth. Death on one level is birth on another and vice versa..."

This wonderful book was first published in a small edition 20 years ago. And, despite the fact that later its dissemination was diligently made difficult by those in power, “scientists” are still forced today to openly admit that the term "time", invented by people for the convenience of organizing their lives, does not exist in nature. Congratulations to everyone on debunking another “scientific” myth...
