Is there a competition for target places? What is targeted admission to universities and how to get into it

Is there a competition for target places?  What is targeted admission to universities and how to get into it

The basis for targeted recruitment (admission) to educational institutions is the need for certain specialists to solve the socio-economic problems of individual regions in training personnel for enterprises located on their territory.

It is useful for future applicants wishing to obtain a specialty in a higher educational institution to know that there is a form of budget training called “targeted training”.

The main feature of entering a university for targeted training is that the applicant submits to the university admissions committee, along with a standard package of documents, an agreement on targeted training from a specific enterprise or department. In this case, the applicant does not participate in the general competition, but is selected in a separate competition for “target students”, which, according to the rules, should not be less than 2 people per place. The order for enrollment as students for targeted training appears before the order for enrollment of the remaining participants in the competition for budget places.

To prepare applicants for admission to the university for targeted training, the Center (at the request of local authorities and enterprises) organizes meetings of representatives of the customer (employer) of universities with students and their parents, conducts career guidance among high school students in order to identify talented, motivated, inclined students to work at the enterprise. Under agreements with enterprises and universities, we organize targeted pre-university training for applicants and support for targeted students throughout their studies at the university.

How to become a target enrollment student?

It is far from easy for the applicant himself to get into training according to the target enrollment. Either the enterprise itself or the local administration can send for targeted training.

We have been working in the field of education and training at the request of enterprises for more than 10 years, promoting the development of cooperation between educational institutions and potential employers in various regions.

Therefore, we offer the applicant to take part in the Targeted Training Program with the opportunity to enter a university, successfully graduate and find employment in an enterprise.

To do this you need:

  • go select and
  • take part in a targeted recruitment competition

What a targeted applicant needs to know:

  • The selection of applicants recommended for admission to the university for targeted enrollment is carried out according to a separate (preferential) competition for Unified State Exam results received at school.
  • The competition for targeted admission is held earlier - before the start of the first wave of the main competition for admission to the university. If it is not passed, the applicant may participate in the main competitive selection on a general basis.
  • Applicants who do not score enough points for admission to the target enrollment can enter the selected university for a contract form of study or another university for a budget department.
  • An agreement on targeted training is drawn up after approval of the lists of applicants recommended for enrollment in a specific university for a targeted enrollment.
  • An agreement on targeted training can be concluded with graduates of previous years and graduates of professional educational organizations.
  • ATTENTION! In the target area, you can enroll only in one specialty of your chosen educational institution.
  • Students of the target intake are provided with a hostel.

Anna Kurskaya, RIA Novosti.

The rules for targeted training of specialists in state universities in Russia will soon change: targeted students will enter into contracts with the university and the employer who sent them for training. In accordance with the contract, if a young specialist does not want to work in the place for which he was trained, he will have to pay the cost of training from his own pocket, Russian Minister of Education and Science Andrei Fursenko said at a press conference at RIA Novosti on Wednesday.

Until now, target recipients have not been held responsible for their reluctance to work for the organization that sent them.

The number of targeted students will also change, the minister said. that in 2012 the share of their admission will be reduced from 20 to 15%.

The parties must be responsible

“Today, targeted training is ordered by the relevant ministry, not the Ministry of Education, and we cannot demand that the targeted person go to work in his profession,” said Andrei Fursenko.

According to him, only the employer can require the target to work in production; for this it is necessary to conclude a contract with him.

“Our idea is to move to targeted contract training, when the employer participates in the targeted recruitment. And when the student has an absolutely ironclad obligation to either work in the place for which he was trained, or pay for the training,” the minister emphasized.

According to experts, until now the main problem of targeted admission has been the lack of clear mutual obligations between the enterprise, the student and the university. The targeted approach in its current form does not impose virtually any obligations on either party.

Nowadays, some cases of targeted admission are not regulated by contracts, but are issued at the request of the enterprise, and the student’s liability for absence from work at the enterprise is not provided for. “They sent a 17-year-old boy to study, 4-5 years passed, he matured and changed his mind about going to work at the enterprise. Today, the mechanism that requires him to come to work essentially does not work,” Vice-Rector of MSTU told RIA Novosti. N.E. Bauman by educational work Boris Padalkin.

Targeted admission for all specialties is not necessary

According to Andrei Fursenko, today there is no need to train specialists on a targeted basis in those areas where today there is already a surplus of labor, so quotas for targeted specialists in these industries will be reduced.

“I can understand the reception of target specialists, for example, in aviation, because there are not very many qualified aviation engineers to work at aviation enterprises, to operate aircraft,” said the minister. “But why target lawyers are needed, I cannot understand. What do we have?” , a lot of empty places in the prosecutor's office? We don't have enough people?

In his opinion, priority should be given to targeted training of specialists in priority areas of the economy and only in cases where “socially important, significant places are not filled in another way.”

Experts agree that the situation when targeted applicants send an application for a specialty not according to the profile of the enterprise, but for a more popular one, has become quite typical today.

“We expect that we will train process engineers, since the enterprise has a large fleet of machines, and we are asked to accept, for example, three people to learn information security,” says Boris Padalkin. “According to the current rules, the management of the enterprise has the right to do this.”

Target students enter with low Unified State Exam scores

Another reason for the reduction in targeted admission is related to the struggle with admitting students with low Unified State Examination results, said Andrei Fursenko. “The average scores of children enrolled on a competitive basis are lower than those of children enrolled on a competitive basis,” the minister said, answering a question from a RIA Novosti correspondent.

The minister’s words are confirmed by the results of the enrollment of applicants posted on the websites of universities. Applicants in the targeted area undergo a separate competition - usually a small one - and in most cases, for admission, it is enough for the target-oriented applicant to have the minimum allowed number of points in the subject. Universities cannot influence this circumstance, since they are obliged to accept everyone who was sent with a referral within the quota.

“Often, the criticism that universities are subjected to for admitting applicants with very low Unified State Examination scores is caused precisely by those who were admitted through targeted admissions,” emphasizes Boris Padalkin.

However, experts do not believe that lower USE results among target students are always reflected in the level of their preparation at the university.

“This is a difficult question,” Oleg Smolin, deputy chairman of the Education Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, told RIA Novosti. “Most likely, average level The Unified State Exam scores of target students are lower than those of ordinary students. But a high Unified State Exam score does not guarantee the successful education of students, since the requirements of the university often diverge from the requirements unified exam. I know a lot of guys with high scores Unified State Examination students who do not study very well in universities, and vice versa."

Boris Padalkin does not note a clear relationship between a student’s performance and the method of his admission to a university. If a student has good motivation to study, even without becoming an excellent student, he can do without “tails,” says the vice-rector of MSTU. N.E. Bauman for educational work.

“I would not say that target students study poorly. In my opinion, the method of admission affects the student’s performance in the first session, and to a much lesser extent in the second. Already in the second year there is no difference in the performance of students admitted by competition and by I don’t see any targeted reception,” he notes.

Legacy of the era of developed socialism

According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science on the procedure for admission to universities, quotas for targeted admission to state universities are established annually by the ministries for each group of specialties in agreement with the Ministry of Education and Science.

In 2011, universities accepted up to 20% of applicants in the target area, and in 2010 - 25%. In total, 230 thousand people were enrolled in the universities of the Ministry of Education and Science in the 2011 admission campaign for budget places, out of almost 15 thousand according to the target enrollment, August 14 Andrey Fursenko.

Targeting has been widespread in Soviet times, in the era of state distribution of university graduates.

The government resumed this practice in 2004 due to acute labor shortages in some industries. A state plan for personnel training was adopted, as well as a number of other documents and orders designed to revive targeted reception.

The current rules provide for targeted training of specialists at the request of municipalities at the expense of the federal budget. A special commission finds out what specialists the region's enterprises need, the municipality finds applicants for target places.

Universities also operate a so-called “contract” targeted admission scheme, when applicants are sent by specific enterprises, which pay for their education. The applicant undertakes the obligation to work at the enterprise for at least three years after receiving the diploma or return all the money for five years of study.

Targeted admission has existed for several years, and so far experts have not undertaken to unambiguously assess how effective this form of specialist training is. However, there is another way to solve the problem of training specialists needed by the economy. “It’s more effective to work differently: to create attractive jobs,” the minister concluded.

Although target direction It is widespread in universities; not all applicants know how to use this method of admission. This article will provide comprehensive information on this issue.

What is a target direction?

Many applicants who are faced with the question of what is this - targeted admission to a university? A target direction is a special document that is provided by a department, enterprise or government authority to an applicant for the purpose of admission to a certain university in a specific specialty. At the same time, the student is guaranteed subsequent employment. The document is submitted to the educational institution with the final results Unified State Examination grades. What is this - targeted admission to a university? This is admission under a contract to a specific university in a target area. The following types are distinguished:

  • target quota recruitment;
  • with direction from the organization (targeted contract training has been developed).

Targeted enrollments are a tripartite agreement between the educational institution, the employer and the applicant. The company pays all training costs and then receives compensation from the budget. Therefore, this direction is a type of budget education. Educational institution can agree with the founders of the company on a higher share of incoming applicants.

After successful completion of training, the specialist is required to work for a certain period of time at the enterprise. As a rule, targeted recruitment is carried out at industry educational institutions. Applicants applying for individual competitions are not exempt from taking the test. entrance examinations. The target direction is provided individually for admission to a specific specialty at a specific university.

Main advantages and disadvantages

Advantages upon admission:

  • there is no need to participate in a general competition;
  • the opportunity to apply for participation in the general competition if the applicant did not pass in the target area.

Advantages during training:

  • reimbursement of training costs from the budget;
  • possibility of receiving a scholarship;
  • providing a place for internship;
  • providing support and assistance during the training period.

Benefits upon completion of training:

  • job guarantee.


  • not in all cases the applicant’s choice completely coincides with the customer’s needs;
  • the student's choice may change;
  • work for 3 years in the specialty specified in the contract;
  • reluctance to undergo training entails payment of the full cost of training.

However, there are good reasons why an applicant may refuse to undergo probation:

  • maternity leave;
  • the presence of disability of the 1st and 2nd groups in the student or his close relatives;
  • presence of children under 3 years of age;
  • joining the army;
  • single fathers and mothers;
  • bankruptcy of an enterprise;
  • the impossibility of the enterprise providing work in the specialty.

How to implement?

Targeted admission is actively practiced in many educational institutions in Moscow. Among them are the following: State University of Education, Moscow State Technical University, RUDN University, Russian State Medical University and others. The procedure for targeted admission is identical both in Moscow and in the regions.

Applicants can receive a targeted referral in the following ways:

  • in local administration;
  • in an organization (factory, enterprise, etc.).

The municipality can independently find applicants for targeted places in an educational institution. In order to receive a referral to an educational institution for targeted enrollment, you must contact the school director, who will petition the municipality. You can also find it yourself Educational establishment, while universities are indifferent to the source of referral.

Competition basis

Applicants can find out on the university website about the availability of targeted admission and familiarize themselves with the list of specialties. Then you need to select the reception customer and contact him with an application. You can also provide various certificates, certificates, diplomas and other achievements in your chosen specialty. After passing the interview and receiving a positive decision, you can enter into an agreement with the customer. After this, you can submit a complete package of documents to the admissions committee. Targeted admission and targeted training are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2013 N 1076.

Applicants in this area undergo a separate competition. However, the number of such places is regulated by individual educational institutions. In some universities, 2 people can apply for a target place, in others - 5. An educational institution can reduce the number of places, but does not have the right to increase them. Target places are characterized by favorable conditions for admission based on passing scores. Creative developments, participation in various competitions and awards are also taken into account.

Focusing on nuances

The applicant submits to the admissions committee an application and a tripartite agreement between the Contractor, the Customer and the Consumer. Particular care must be taken when concluding a contract. It is important to read all points and ask questions. The agreement is signed by the chief accountant, the head of the future company and certified with a seal. If an applicant does not submit an agreement to the admissions committee, he will be removed from participation in the competition.

During the training period, force majeure circumstances may arise. In the interests of students, these should be detailed in the contract. Among them are the provision of maternity leave or academic leave.

Possible difficulties

Despite the fact that it is much easier to enter a university this way, obtaining a referral becomes a problem for ordinary applicants. Only employees can easily get the target direction Agriculture, teachers and doctors who will work in the regions. For other specialties it is more difficult to get a referral to study at the chosen university. However, this problem can be resolved thanks to the perseverance and determination of the applicant himself. After reading the information in this article, students will know what targeted reception means.

There is little joy for the applicant

The university admissions campaign has entered a decisive phase, and passions around enrollment are running hotter than ever. True, curbing the mass production of fake 100-point USE scores has somewhat reduced the boiling point. However, another problem arose: the non-competitive “capture” of a significant part of the budget places by targeted students - guys sent to study at a university by large enterprises and obliged to work for a set period of time at these enterprises after receiving a diploma. The same complaint came to MK.

“A lot of places in the country’s leading universities are allocated in advance and regardless of the applicants’ exam results, which makes it impossible for schoolchildren who have passed the Unified State Exam to be admitted there,” complains Artem. - Here at MSTU. Bauman for the direction of training " Information Systems and Technology" (bachelor's degree) accepts only 60 people. Of these, three people “have special rights”, 23 people for the Ministry of Industry and Trade, 8 people for Roscosmos, 6 people from government bodies. And of these 37 people, only one would have a small chance of admission if admitted honestly, and Unified State Examination points the rest of the schoolchildren are sufficient only for universities of a much weaker level!

As a result, Artyom calculated that only about a third of the 60 budget-funded places left for school graduates entering based on the results of the Unified State Examination, while two-thirds did not make it to the competition. “There are only 19 places left for the general competition!!! This means that a student who scores 287 points on three exams no longer gets into college, while the majority of schoolchildren who score “through pull” have less than 250 points!” - he is indignant.

Let’s clarify right away: about cronyism in literally there are no words to speak of here. Three “those with special rights” are official beneficiaries for medical and social indicators, and their non-competitive enrollment is legal. As for the remaining 37 people, these are applicants going to the university through a targeted intake. The competition for them is indeed lower than for “ordinary” applicants, because... they do not come “on their own”, but are sent to study by the enterprise, for which a special agreement is drawn up. But, like everything in life, you have to pay for it. Having received a diploma, the target graduate does not go to a foreign master’s program or to a promising service identified during his studies, but straight to the enterprise that sent him to study. You will have to work off your “debt” there for at least three years. But no, you have to return all the money spent on your studies - hundreds of thousands of rubles.

However, this does not make it any easier for non-targeted candidates, because their competitive places are melting away before our eyes due to the targeted recruitment. So in the specialty indicated by Artem in Baumanka, MK confirmed in admissions committee, the following situation has arisen: “The volume of target enrollment is established not by the university, but by the Ministry of Education and Science in accordance with the government assignment. It depends on the needs of the state, therefore, every year the number of targets and their share of the total enrollment are determined anew. It even happens that for some specialties the number of target students sometimes exceeds the number of budget places!”

The Ministry of Education and Science "MK" confirmed that the targeted admission quota for budget-funded places at universities is established by the founders - the relevant ministries. But the ministry “every year during monitoring admissions campaign collects information about students enrolled in training within the framework of targeted admission.” “If the Unified State Exam scores of targeted students differ significantly from the Unified State Exam scores of applicants applying on a general basis, this will be a reason to reduce the targeted admission quota educational organization next year,” the department warns.

Of course, there will be little joy for a 2017 applicant if the university that he did not get into due to the influx of target students this year cuts off the target enrollment in the future. However, not everything is so bad: “The targeted admission mechanism is available to all applicants, and targeted admission to universities takes place on a competitive basis,” the ministry emphasizes. - As part of targeted admission and targeted training, the student at the university prepares for labor activity in a specific organization. This mechanism involves employers in the training process, allowing them to meet the demands of the labor market and the needs of industrial areas in terms of personnel needs.”

So think about it, 2018 applicant, maybe you should apply to the target students before it’s too late? However, as “MK” emphasized in the acceptance of MSTU, “applications for the target enrollment are submitted with a significant excess. In reality, not everyone comes to the university, and we transfer the vacant places to a general competition.”

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I would like to remind or tell applicants about the target direction, its pros and cons. So, what are the good and bad things about applying for a target area? In fact, the topic is quite extensive, so I will cover the main points; if you have any questions, ask in the comments, I will try to answer.

What is a target direction, how to get it and what are the advantages?

The target direction is the opportunity to study at a university for free, get a specialty and, most interestingly, a place of work. How to get a targeted training direction? Let’s be frank, often the target direction is obtained through what is called “through pull”, but officially the options for where to get the target direction are as follows:

But you shouldn’t think that having a target area automatically makes you a student; this is not entirely true. There will still be competition for admission, but not among all applicants, but only among “target applicants,” that is, applicants who have a targeted direction. This competition is easier, since the competition is much lower, and the USE passing scores are somewhat lower.

Another point related to training in the target area is that now all universities are switching to the so-called Bologna system education. Simply put, now instead of training specialists, there is training for bachelors and masters. A logical question arises: what can you become after studying in the target area - a bachelor's or a master's degree? This is not stated at the legal level (or I couldn’t find it), but I found that whether you become a bachelor or a master depends on the agreement concluded with the enterprise and its willingness to pay for your education. If an enterprise needs masters and is willing to pay for a master’s degree, then you should be a master, otherwise you should be a bachelor

Now let’s put together all the benefits of enrolling in the target area:

  • It’s easier to get in, there are fewer competitors, the Unified State Exam passing grade is lower.
  • Free training, since everything will be paid for by the company that issued the target direction.
  • Availability of a job after graduation. Moreover, after admission, an agreement will be drawn up between the institute, the enterprise and you, which will stipulate that you are obliged to work for several years at this enterprise or reimburse the enterprise for all the money spent on paying for your training.

Admission in the target direction, disadvantages.

As always, in any good business there is a fly in the ointment. Perhaps all this will be trifles for you, but it will not be superfluous to know about them:

  • You may be disappointed in your choice of specialty. Suddenly you realize that you want to be not, say, a doctor, but, for example, an architect. But after completing your studies, you will have to work as a doctor for several years (at least 3 years).
  • You will not receive a scholarship from the institute and you can forget about that too. Perhaps there will be a scholarship from the enterprise, but not a fact.
  • You will not be able to move to another city until you have completed the period specified in the contract.
  • Perhaps every summer you will do an internship at the enterprise that gave you the target direction.
  • You may not like the institute you entered, but this is a completely trivial matter, as it seems to me.
