Chinese educational dictionaries. Explanatory dictionaries of the Chinese language Chinese-Russian dictionary of online hieroglyphs into Russian

Chinese educational dictionaries.  Explanatory dictionaries of the Chinese language Chinese-Russian dictionary of online hieroglyphs into Russian

Sometimes it is necessary to know the interpretation of a word in order to use it correctly in the context; for this purpose, there are Chinese explanatory dictionaries; they give the interpretation of words in Chinese, which is very useful for intensive study. The most popular dictionaries in this category are: Zdic ( and Baidu Dictionary (°Ш¶ИґКµд) (

Zdic - this dictionary provides detailed definitions, interpretations, etymology, stroke order, English translation and detailed information on each hieroglyph separately.

Baidu Dictionary (°ШЧ¶ИґКµд) - In fact, Baidu is a huge search engine, for example, like we have Yandex, and it also has its own dictionaries, so translators with a good command of the language can make search queries there and receive answers accordingly. This online dictionary contains a huge number of idioms, proverbs, established expressions and other words that are often not found in other dictionaries. Constantly updated by users, quite detailed and simple to design.

Online dictionaries for translation into Traditional Chinese

There are also online dictionaries for translation into traditional Chinese; such dictionaries are more suitable for professionals than for beginners, people who are working with wenyan not for the first time. Chinese spell checker ( - in this dictionary you can check the use of hieroglyph variants in in different words; Dictionary of hieroglyphic variants ( - this dictionary searches for different (outdated) variants of hieroglyphs, an indispensable site for advanced translators. The only negative is that it is not easy to use, and sometimes gives unclear interpretations; Chinese Dictionary of the Ministry of Education of Taiwan ( - This dictionary is good to use for looking up words that cannot be found anywhere, as well as for finding detailed information on hieroglyphs. Compared to other dictionaries, it is very detailed. Sometimes it contains old examples, complex explanations, too detailed interpretations, so it may be difficult for beginners to use; Taiwan Ministry of Education Dictionary for primary school( - This dictionary contains interpretations of single characters and phrases in Chinese, more understandable than the Chinese Dictionary of the Ministry of Education of Taiwan. But the inconvenience of use lies only in the fact that the search is possible only by single hieroglyphs; Dictionary of the Ministry of Education of Taiwan on the order of writing characters ( - This dictionary can check the order of strokes in a character and the current writing standard in Taiwan, the dictionary is quite detailed and well structured.

The purpose of the educational dictionary is to facilitate the first steps in mastering Chinese writing. The dictionary includes more than 300 of the most common hieroglyphs and about 2,500 words and phrases. The publication is modeled after the Chinese teaching aids and dictionaries for schoolchildren with explanations of keys arranged thematically. The dictionary is intended for those starting to study the Chinese language, as well as for everyone interested in the origin of Chinese writing.

What is a Chinese character?

Unlike Russian letters, which denote certain sounds, the Chinese character denotes a concept. Since there are many more concepts than sounds, there are many more hieroglyphs than letters. Each hieroglyph records not only a concept, but also the sounds with which this concept is associated. These sounds and concepts were recorded at first using simple drawings, but gradually they turned into diagrams in which it is difficult to recognize the original drawing. Thus, each hieroglyph can have three aspects. The first aspect is graphic. This is a schematic drawing consisting of individual features (graphic elements - see p. 7).

The second aspect is semantic. It is the aspect of a concept or meaning that is different languages may appear in more or less the same form. For example, in Chinese, Japanese and other languages ​​that use hieroglyphs, the hieroglyph means “person”. The third aspect is phonetic. This is a pronunciation that “looks” different in each language. The Chinese reading of each character is one and one syllable only. Graphics and semantics in historical development hieroglyphs appear in unity. Not only the complex hieroglyph as a whole, but also individual graphemes carry a certain semantic load. In the ancient language this connection was stronger, since hieroglyphs came from pictures. It is impossible to determine just by the appearance of a modern hieroglyph what it means, but some hints of it can still be found.

From the authors.
Human life and activity.
Labor results.
Graphic elements - keys.
Table of cyclic signs.
Table of hieroglyphic keys.
Alphabetical index.
List of hieroglyphs.

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The origin and development of Chinese language dictionaries.

The continuous development of Chinese lexicographical thought, starting approximately from the 3rd-2nd centuries BC. e., created a tradition and continuity between dictionaries of different eras.

Sustainability of writing literary language Wenyan allowed for many centuries to maintain the stability of the hieroglyphic set and the uniformity of interpretation of hieroglyphic characters.

Linguists consider dictionaries from three periods as fundamental dictionaries of ancient and modern Chinese:

Dictionary Er"ya 尔雅 "Approaching the classics" (III-II centuries BC).

Fan Yan 方言 "Local words" (the first dictionary of dialect vocabulary). Western Han ( 西漢 ) (206-9 BC). More than 9000 hieroglyphs.

Showen Jiezi 说文解字 (Xu Shen, Ding Han). The dictionary describes the meaning of 9353 hieroglyphs, as well as 1163 graphic variants of their spelling.

Zihui 字彙 /字汇 (, published in 1627. On its basis, the Kangxi Zidian dictionary was created.

Kangxi Zidian 康熙字典 (1716) Contains 47,021 hieroglyphs.

3. Modern Chinese dictionaries of characters (Zidian字典 )

Qiyuan 辞源 "The Source of Words" (First edition: 1915)

Tsykhai 辞海 "Sea of ​​words." (First edition: 1936)

Xinhua Zidian 新华字典 (published since 1953. Tenth edition in 2004)

Zhonghua dazidian 中华大字典

Hanyu dazidian 漢語大字典 (1986-1989, contains 54,678 characters)

Guoyu Qidian 国语词典

Xiandai Hanyu Qidian 现代汉语词典

Hanyu datsidian 汉语大词典 (Big dictionary Chinese language) / Ch. ed. Luo Zhufeng ( 罗竹风 ). T. 1-12. Shanghai, (1986-1993).

Zhongwen Da Qidian 中文大辭典 (Large Dictionary of the Chinese Language in 38 volumes. Taipei, 1962-1968).

1. Dictionaries of Ancient China. The era of the beginning of our era.

Er'ya Dictionary ( Erya) 爾雅 "Approaching the classics."

The origin of explanatory Chinese dictionaries dates back to the period of the creation of the first ancient Chinese lexicon, which reached the 21st century.

The Erya dictionary is considered by researchers as the oldest explanatory dictionary Chinese characters, Chinese encyclopedia, the founding manuscript of vocabulary in China.

Dating of the manuscript: III-II century BC.

The original version of the dictionary dates back to the end of the Zhanguo era (3rd century BC).

Subsequently, throughout the Han era and later, the dictionary was edited and expanded.

Dictionary sources: ancient Chinese written monuments of the pre-Qin period, belonging to various genres. Additional sources are considered spoken language and professional jargons of Ancient China.

Literal translation of the dictionary title:

Ĕr: "You, you, ours, yours",

Yǎ: "elegant, correct, correct, intelligent."

Hypothesis 1: collective work of scientists ancient China, created in the III-II centuries BC. e.

Dictionary classification:"Er'ya" is defined as a complex dictionary that combines the properties of linguistic and encyclopedic dictionaries.

The meanings of ancient Chinese words are explained or translated using the commonly understood language of the time.

Contains interpretations of hieroglyphs, information on spelling and grammar, and encyclopedic data.

The dictionary reflects the lexical composition of the ancient Chinese language of the pre-Qin period.

The subject of lexicographic description in the dictionary is one- and two-syllable units written using hieroglyphic writing.

Explanation of vocabulary (interpretation of the meaning of hieroglyphs found in ancient texts)

Explanation of words (interpretation of adjectives and verbs found in ancient texts)

Explanation of glosses (interpretation of common words and phrases)

Clarification of kinship (interpretation of kinship terms)

Explanation of dwellings (buildings and their elements)

Explanation of utensils (dishes, food, clothing)

Musical Instruments Explained

Explanation of celestial bodies (astronomical objects and phenomena)

Explanation of territories ( Administrative division)

Clarification of elevations (hills and heights)

Mountains explained

Clarification of the waters

Herbs explained

Trees explained

Insects explained

Fish explained

Birds explained

Explanation of wild animals

Pets explained

The dictionary consists of nineteen parts, each of which contains headings and subsections. Parts (4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 18 and 19 thematic).

Part 4 explains vocabulary in the semantic field “family, marriage”.

Parts 1-3 reveal the meaning of abstract concepts.

Parts 4-19 clarify specific words and terms.

All vocabulary in the dictionary is divided into two groups:

Conventional (abstract, non-terminological);

Terminological vocabulary.

Structure and composition of a dictionary entry:

The minimum unit of information representation in the Er’ya dictionary is a gloss, written in the form of one or another formula.

Standard full-length gloss “Er’ya”: includes:

Unit of description “unknown” (explained/interpreted part);

Interpretation (explanatory/interpretive part).

Number of dictionary entries: 2094

In total, the dictionary explains 13,113 hieroglyphs written on 19 pyans - bundles of 20-30 bamboo strips. Plank size: 1x 20-40 cm.

Modern, most complete dictionaries of the Chinese language contain interpretations of about 60,000 characters. Educated native Chinese speakers master about 10,000 characters over a lifetime.

The absence of an alphabet in the Chinese language created a structure for the distribution of dictionary entries by topic: kinship terms, homes, utensils, musical instruments, celestial bodies, territories, hills, mountains, waters, grasses, trees, insects, fish, birds, wild animals, domestic animals.

Dictionary meaning:

The creation of the Er'ya dictionary symbolizes the beginning of the Chinese linguistic tradition. Subsequently, lexicography becomes a popular area of ​​Chinese linguistics.

Dictionary of Showen Jiezi 说文解字 ( pinyin: Shuōwén Jiĕzì ).

Dictionary meaning: sample explanatory dictionary of Ancient China.

The first dictionary containing all Han-era characters.

During the Han era, a need arose for dictionaries with a more expanded semantic field. At that time, the most common lexicographical source was canonical works.

The author of the dictionary laid the foundations for the theory of word formation and linguistics, which later developed into the doctrine of the “six categories of hieroglyphs.” The dictionary "Shouwen Jiezi" is a valuable source of information about the language of Ancient China.

Translation of the dictionary title:"Explanation of simple characters and interpretation of complex ones", "Explanation of simple ones and analysis of complex hieroglyphs."

Author of the dictionary: presumably the Chinese scientist Xu Shen (1st century AD), who created most books. Due to the persecution of science and Confucianism, the creation of the dictionary was suspended. Compilation of the dictionary was resumed during the reign of the next emperor, when the dictionary was published, presented to the imperial court by the scholar's son Xu Chong in 121 AD.

Dating of the manuscript: around 100 AD (the afterword to the dictionary indicates the fact that the dictionary was provided to the emperor in 121).

By the beginning of our era, the number of written characters had increased significantly.

The list of Li Si (III century BC) covered 3300 characters.

The dictionary "Sho Wen" contained about 10,500 characters.

The dictionary "Guyang Ya" (beginning of the 3rd century AD) described more than 18,000 characters.

One of the character properties of Chinese writing is the absence of an alphabet. The compilers of dictionaries used the method of arranging hieroglyphs in a certain order, making it possible to quickly find the desired hieroglyph.

"Shouwen Jiezi" is the first dictionary with the applied method of distributing hieroglyphs according to keys, the basic graphic elements of hieroglyphs, optimizing the search for interpretations of hieroglyphs in cases where even the approximate meaning of a word is unknown.

To search for words, a rubricator has been created with 540 basic categories in which hieroglyphs are combined into categories.

Simple (consisting of one graphic element, formed from an ideogram or pictogram, an ancient image).

Complex (formed by merging two or more simple graphic elements).

The difference between this dictionary and the “Er’ya” dictionary is the presentation of the etymological meaning of the word.

Number of dictionary entries: 9353

Dictionary entry:

The dictionary entry "Shouwen jiezi" consisted of:


Explanations of its meaning,

Explanations of graphic structure.

The meaning of the hieroglyph was determined through synonyms.

Less common words were interpreted with the help of more common ones, ancient words with the help of modern ones.

In the absence of a synonym, a description was used: for example, “leopard” (bao) - “looks like a tiger, but with round spots.”

In some cases, interpretations of meanings were encyclopedic in nature.

Occasionally there are several meanings of the interpreted word. Sometimes the borrowed meaning, rather than the main one, is the main interpretation.

In most cases, there is no indication of reading hieroglyphs in the Shuo Wen dictionary. In some cases, if it was necessary for understanding, reading was indicated using another well-known sign (“read the same way as ...”).

2. Dictionaries of the late imperial period.

Dictionary "Kangxi Zidian" 康熙字典 (Pinyin: Kāngxī Zìdiǎn).

Dictionary meaning: a sample of historically valuable dictionaries. Dictionary of the Chinese language, considered the standard guide throughout the 18th and 19th centuries.

Dating of the dictionary: compiled in 1710-1716. by order of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty.

History of the creation of the dictionary: By order of the emperor, the compilation of the dictionary was planned to take 5 years, which made the presence of errors in the compilation of texts inevitable.

After the publication of the dictionary, Emperor Daoguang founded a board, which, in the “Study of the Text of a Dictionary of Hieroglyphs” (1831), corrected 2,588 errors, mainly in quotations and statements.

The expanded dictionary contained 47,035 hieroglyphs and an additional 1,995 graphic variants, totaling 49,030 characters. The hieroglyphs were grouped into 214 keys and distributed in order by the number of additional lines in the hieroglyph.

Dictionary sources: the foundation of the Kangxi dictionary are two famous examples of dictionaries dating from the previous Ming dynasty (1386-1644):

Zihui Dictionary ("Hieroglyphic Glossary") Published 1615

Dictionary of Zhengzi tong ("Fundamentals of Spelling"). Published 1625

Number of dictionary entries: about 49,000.

Dictionary features: The dictionary also provides explanations of obsolete characters, explains etymology, semantics and phonetics, and is one of the main sources for the study of wēnyán ("classical Chinese written language").

Dictionary entry: The article on hieroglyphs gives their spellings, pronunciations, variations, meanings and examples of use in the form of quotes from Chinese classics. The dictionary also contains rhyming tables with hieroglyphs.

3. Modern dictionaries.

Xinhua 新华字典 "New Chinese Character Dictionary" (Xīnhuá zìdiǎn).

Meaning: the most famous modern explanatory dictionary of the Chinese language. Best selling Chinese dictionary.

Dictionary popularity scale: world.

Dating of the dictionary: 1953, edited by the famous linguist and lexiographer Wei Jiangong (1901-1980).

Dictionary history:

1957 - reissue of the dictionary with categories according to the phonetic principle. The original version has received significant changes. Commercial Publishing House has released the Xinhua Character Dictionary, organized in pinyin alphabetical order. It has long been popular among Chinese students.

The dictionary was reprinted about ten times.

2000 - the newest edition of the dictionary is equipped with English translation words

The total circulation of the publication at the beginning of 2006 was 500 million copies.

2004 - publication of the 10th edition of the dictionary (11,200 hieroglyphs).

The dictionary uses simplified hieroglyphs and Pinyin phonetic transcription.


Index of hieroglyphs by phonetic transcription,

Index by keys,

Index by number of traits,

Index to four corners.

Number of dictionary entries: 11 200.

Dictionary "Sea of ​​Chinese characters".

Dictionary meaning: Dictionary of hieroglyphs used in the countries of the Chinese cultural circle.

Dictionary editors: Leng Yu-long and Wei Yi-hsin 冷玉龙,韦一心著 . 中华字海 . 北京 : 中华书局,中国友谊出版公司 .

Dating of the dictionary: 1994 Second edition - 1996

Number of dictionary entries: 87 019

sources of increasing the volume of vocabulary vocabulary:

Buddhist texts,

All types of abbreviations and variations,

Common folk styles from different times (the so-called suzzi), found in woodblock-printed folk books and some novels, as well as used by illiterate merchants or waiters.

The dictionary reflects local characters for writing dialect words, such as Cantonese. The dictionary covers a wide range of characters used in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Japan and Korea.

"Big Chinese Dictionary"

Dictionary meaning: Currently, this is the largest and most complete dictionary of word combinations in the Chinese language (there are only 22,000 individual characters in it).

Dictionary editors: Luo Zhu-feng 罗竹风主编 . 汉语大词典 . 1-12. 附录 . 索引 . 上海 : 上海辞书出版社 .

Dating of the dictionary: 1986-1993

Number of volumes: 12

- ancient vocabulary;

Modern vocabulary indicating the readings of hieroglyphs;

Clarification of the meaning of words;

Accepted abbreviated forms of hieroglyphs.

Dictionary "Source of hieroglyphs" 约斋编

Dictionary meaning: a hieroglyphic dictionary that explains ancient pictographic designs, providing information about the graphic source, the prototype image that gave rise to the modern writing of the hieroglyph.

Dictionary editor: Yu Zhai.

Dating of the dictionary: 1953

Pictographic styles of 1096 hieroglyphs;

An image of the gradual transformation of styles into modern signs.

Each sign is given:


Short description its transformation with the image.

All signs are distributed by topic: man, nature, vessels and utensils, etc.


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There is a strong belief that learning Chinese is extremely difficult or almost impossible. However, most linguists and specialists specializing in China agree that for full communication, reading major newspapers and even many books, knowledge of only 3,000 characters is enough.

Each Chinese character is a separate syllable that can be pronounced in one of five keys. It is the tones of the Chinese language that pose the greatest difficulty in learning, because there are no analogues in native language, as a rule, no. Nevertheless, after a certain, sometimes short, practice, depending on the student’s hearing, a moment comes when the tones begin to differ by ear. To write Chinese syllables taking into account tones, there is a Pinyin system based on the Latin alphabet.

    First tone- pronounced high and evenly, like the squeak of Morse code. Indicated by a straight line above the letter mā or simply ma1.

    Second tone- ascending from medium to high level, sounds like a peculiar question. Denoted má or ma2.

    Third tone- low decreasing, and then rising to a medium level. The tone is more reminiscent of the Russian interjection “Well then!?” Denoted mă or ma3.

    Fourth tone- falling from high level to low, sounds like a kind of statement. Denoted by mà or ma4.

    Syllable without tone- is not indicated in any way and is pronounced without tonality.

But the specificity of China and its inhabitants is such that the standard pronunciation of syllables is not widespread everywhere, and even if you travel 500 kilometers to another point in the country or communicate with a representative of Chinese nationality anywhere in the world, you risk being misunderstood. That is why the hieroglyphic notation for the Chinese plays the same important meaning, both within the country and outside its borders, as any language of international communication widespread in the world plays for people from other countries.

To learn Chinese, you need to know 214 key hieroglyphic characters, according to which Chinese and Japanese characters are most often located in dictionaries. These 214 keys will help you easily navigate new and unfamiliar hieroglyphs, quickly find their meaning in dictionaries and reference books, and even approximately guess the meaning and pronunciation of hieroglyphs.

Key signs relate to the following areas of knowledge:

Several key hieroglyphs.

    - (Japanese 大漢和辞典 Dai kan wa jiten?) the world's largest Japanese dictionary of Chinese characters, compiled by a team of authors led by Tetsuji Morohashi from 1925 to 1960. The dictionary contains more than 50 thousand individual hieroglyphs and 530 thousand... ... Wikipedia

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    - (Chinese trad. 中华字海, ex. 中華字海, pinyin: zhōng huá zì hǎi) the largest printed dictionary of Chinese characters, compiled in 1994 and consisting of 85,568 characters. Contents... Wikipedia

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    Language Self-name: 日本語 Countries: Japan, Guam, Taiwan, North Korea, South Korea, Peru, Australia. Official status: Japan Regulatory organization ... Wikipedia


  • Large Chinese-Russian dictionary (set of 4 books), V. A. Panasyuk, V. F. Sukhanov. The "Big Chinese-Russian Dictionary" includes about 16 thousand nested hieroglyphs and over 250 thousand derivative words and expressions. The dictionary was created on the basis of the Chinese dictionaries “Guoyu Qidian”,…
