Children's certificates for Cosmonautics Day. Medal "Young Cosmonaut" made of paper

Children's certificates for Cosmonautics Day.  Medal



About departmental awards of the Federal Space Agency

Lost force on March 25, 2017 on the basis
Order of the State Corporation "Roscosmos" dated February 8, 2017 N 23

The document does not require state registration
Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. -

Letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated February 13, 2008 N 01/1374-ab.


In order to further improve the practice of encouraging employees of the central apparatus of the federal executive body for space activities - the Federal Space Agency, organizations of the rocket and space industry, as well as citizens who have made a significant personal contribution to the development of astronautics in Russia, increasing production efficiency, improving the quality and competitiveness of products products, development of new types of products and materials, advanced technologies and highly efficient processes, solution of socio-economic issues and for many years of conscientious work in accordance with paragraph 6.6 of the Regulations on the Federal Space Agency, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 26, 2004 N 314 ( Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 27, Article 2777; 2006, No. 52 (Part III), Article 5587),

I order:

1. Establish badges agreed upon with the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation: the Tsiolkovsky badge, the Korolev badge, the Gagarin badge, the badge “For ensuring space launches”, the badge “For promoting space activities”, the badge “For international cooperation in the field of cosmonautics” and the Honorary Badge certificate from the Federal Space Agency.

2. Establish that the badges and Certificate of Honor of the Federal Space Agency, specified in paragraph 1 of this order, are departmental awards of the Federal Space Agency.

3. Approve the attached Regulations on badges and the Certificate of Honor of the Federal Space Agency.

4. Entrust the Department of Personnel and Security of Roscosmos with organizing the awarding of departmental awards established by this order, their storage, as well as recording of awarded persons.

5. The Personnel and Security Directorate of Roscosmos, within two weeks after the publication of this order, develop and approve in the prescribed manner forms of submissions for awarding departmental awards of the Federal Space Agency.

6. I reserve control over the execution of this order.


Regulations on departmental awards (badges) of the Federal Space Agency

1. Awards of the Federal Space Agency as a federal executive body exercising functions to ensure the implementation of state policy in the field of space activities are a form of encouragement to employees of the Federal Space Agency and rocket and space industry organizations for active participation in the creation and operation of rocket and space technology and in works on the exploration and use of outer space. In some cases, employees of other organizations and citizens of foreign countries who have made a great personal contribution to the development of astronautics in the Russian Federation may be nominated for awards.

2. The establishment of departmental awards and their awarding are carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The establishment of departmental awards is carried out in agreement with the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation.

Departmental awards should not have external similarities or similar names with state awards of the Russian Federation and the USSR.

3. The head of the Federal Space Agency establishes departmental awards, approves regulations about them, their descriptions, samples of certificates for them and a graphic image (drawing).

4. Applications for awarding departmental awards to Roscosmos employees are submitted to the Roscosmos Personnel and Security Department signed by the heads of Roscosmos departments according to their subordination.

5. Petitions for departmental awards for employees of rocket and space industry organizations of the Russian Federation are initiated in the teams of organizations and are submitted with award sheets in the form in accordance with the appendix to this Regulation to the Roscosmos Personnel and Security Department signed by the head and deputy head for personnel work or the head of personnel services of the organization.

In case of presentation of the award to the head, deputy heads, chief accountant of the organization, information on the financial and economic indicators of the enterprise is attached.

6. Applications for awarding departmental awards of Roscosmos to employees of other organizations, as well as foreign citizens, are submitted to the Roscosmos Personnel and Security Department signed by the deputy heads of Roscosmos.

7. Nominations for awards to employees of Roscosmos, organizations of the rocket and space industry of the Russian Federation and other organizations are submitted to the head of Roscosmos by the head of the Personnel and Security Department of Roscosmos.

Nominations for awards from foreign citizens residing in the Russian Federation or abroad are made on the basis of this Regulation.

The decision to award departmental awards is made by the head of the Federal Space Agency and is formalized by order.

8. On behalf of the head of the Federal Space Agency or on his behalf, awards can be presented by deputy heads of the Federal Space Agency, heads of departments of Roscosmos, heads of organizations of the rocket and space industry of the Russian Federation.

The organization of the presentation of awards is entrusted to the Roscosmos Personnel and Security Department and the personnel departments of organizations.

9. Awards and certificates for them are presented to the recipients in a solemn ceremony no later than two months from the date of signing the order of the Federal Space Agency on the award.

In the event of the transfer of awarded employees to a new place of work or dismissal from the enterprise before they are presented with awards, extracts from the orders of the Federal Space Agency on awarding, together with awards and certificates for them, are sent to the relevant personnel departments for subsequent presentation. In this case, control over the presentation of awards and documents for them is assigned to the personnel departments of those organizations whose leaders submitted proposals for the award. Relevant officials are obliged to promptly notify the Roscosmos Personnel and Security Department about the presentation of awards and documents to the recipients.

10. An entry about the award is made in the workers’ work books, a copy of the award order is filed in the personal file of the awardee.

11. Re-awarding employees of rocket and space industry organizations with departmental awards for new merits is possible no earlier than one year after the previous award, with the exception of awards for special merits in the performance of production tasks of particular complexity and importance.

12. In the event of the death of the recipient, departmental awards and documents for them remain with the heirs (one of the spouses, father, mother, children).

In the absence of heirs, departmental awards and certificates for them must be returned to the Roscosmos Personnel and Security Department.

13. In the event of the loss of departmental awards and certificates to them by a recipient as a result of a natural disaster or under other circumstances when it was not possible to prevent their loss, by decision of the head of the Federal Space Agency by the Personnel and Security Directorate of Roscosmos on the basis of a written personal statement of the awardee and a petition from the head of the organization , where the awardee works, duplicate certificates for awards may be issued.

14. Departmental awards and documents accompanying them of the deceased recipient, with the consent of the heirs, by decision of the head of the Federal Space Agency, can be transferred for permanent storage and display to space museums.

15. The order of wearing and placing awards is determined in the regulations on them.

Head of Department
personnel and security

Appendix to the Regulations. Award list

to the Regulations on departmental
awards (badges)
Federal Space Agency

(republic, region, region, city)

(name of the sign)

1. Last name

Name Patronymic name

2. Position, place of work

(full name of organization)

4. Date of birth

(day month Year)

5. Place of birth

(republic, region, region, territory, city, district, town, village, village)

6. Education

(specialty in education, name of educational institution,

year of ending)

7. Academic degree, academic title

8. What state awards was awarded and dates of awards

9. Home address

10. Total work experience

Experience in the industry

Work experience in this team

11. Labor activity (including studies in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, military service)

Month and year

Position indicating





The information in paragraphs 1-11 corresponds to the work book data

(position, signature, surname, initials)

12. Characteristics indicating the specific merits of the person nominated for award


collective or its council, local government body of a rural settlement

(name of organization, local government body of rural settlement,

date of discussion, protocol number)

Head of the organization

Chairman of meeting

team or its council

(surname and initials)

(surname and initials)

Regulations on the Tsiolkovsky sign

1. The Tsiolkovsky Badge is the highest departmental award of the federal executive body for space activities - the Federal Space Agency.

2. The Tsiolkovsky Badge is awarded to employees of Roscosmos and organizations of the Russian rocket and space industry who have worked in the industry for at least 10 years, for:

direct participation in solving complex scientific problems that contribute to the progress of domestic astronautics;

many years of creative work in conducting scientific research in the field of exploration and use of outer space;

high results in the field of applied mathematics, as well as theoretical research on current problems of space exploration.

3. The Tsiolkovsky Badge is awarded to employees of other organizations for their significant contribution and active participation in conducting fundamental research in the field of exploration and use of outer space.

4. The Tsiolkovsky Badge is awarded to foreign citizens for their significant contribution to scientific research in the field of exploration and use of outer space.

5. The Tsiolkovsky Badge will not be awarded again.

6. The Tsiolkovsky badge is worn on the right side of the chest and is located below the state awards of the Russian Federation.

7. A description of the Tsiolkovsky mark is given in Appendix No. 1 to these Regulations.

8. A sample certificate for the Tsiolkovsky mark is given in Appendix No. 2 to these Regulations.

9. The drawing of the Tsiolkovsky sign is given in Appendix No. 3 to these Regulations.

Head of Department
personnel and security

Appendix No. 1. Description of the Tsiolkovsky sign

Appendix No. 1
to the Regulations
about the Tsiolkovsky sign

The Tsiolkovsky badge is made of nickel silver with gilding and has the shape of a slightly convex equal-pointed cross covered with white enamel. Between the ends of the cross there is a golden laurel wreath. In the center of the cross there is an invoice, a slightly convex, round golden medallion with a relief image of K.E. Tsiolkovsky and the inscription along the circumference: “K.E. Tsiolkovsky.” The medallion is covered with blue enamel.

The sign is attached to a golden rectangular block measuring 24 x 31 mm using a ring and lugs. The block is covered with a blue silk moire ribbon 20 mm wide. In the middle and along the edges of the ribbon there are golden stripes 2 mm wide.

The lapel version of the badge is made of nickel silver with gilding and has the same shape and image as Tsiolkovsky’s breast badge. The applied medallion with a portrait of K.E. Tsiolkovsky is golden in color. The distance between the ends of the cross is 20 mm. A collet fastening is used to attach the sign to clothing.

Appendix No. 2. Sample certificate for the Tsiolkovsky badge

Appendix No. 2
to the Regulations
about the Tsiolkovsky sign

Appendix No. 3. Drawing of the Tsiolkovsky sign

Appendix No. 3
to the Regulations
about the Tsiolkovsky sign

Regulations on the Queen sign

1. The Korolev badge is awarded to employees of Roscosmos and organizations of the Russian rocket and space industry who have worked in the industry for at least 10 years, for:

personal creative contribution to the implementation of space programs and projects;

active participation in the creation of products, systems, components and assemblies of rocket and space technology, ground launch and technological equipment;

skillful organization of work and high results achieved in the operation of rocket and space technology samples.

2. The Korolev Badge is awarded to employees of other organizations for active creative participation in the implementation of space programs and projects, in the creation and operation of rocket and space technology models.

3. The Korolev Badge is awarded to foreign citizens for their great contribution to the implementation of international space programs and projects, to the creation and operation of rocket and space technology.

4. The Queen Badge will not be awarded again.

5. The Korolev badge is worn on the right side of the chest and is located below the state awards of the Russian Federation after the Tsiolkovsky badge.

For daily wear, a lapel version of the badge is used.

6. The description of the Korolev mark is given in Appendix No. 1 to these Regulations.

7. A sample certificate for the Korolev badge is given in Appendix No. 2 to these Regulations.

8. The drawing of the Korolev sign is given in Appendix No. 3 to these Regulations.

Head of Department
personnel and security

Appendix No. 1. Description of the Queen sign

Appendix No. 1
to the Regulations
about the Queen sign

The Queen badge is made of oxidized nickel silver and has the shape of a slightly convex equal-pointed cross covered with white enamel. Between the ends of the cross there is a silver laurel wreath. In the center of the cross there is an invoice, a slightly convex, round golden medallion with a relief image of S.P. Korolev and the inscription along the circumference: “S.P. Korolev.” The medallion is covered with blue enamel.

The distance between the ends of the cross is 35 mm.

On the reverse side of the cross in the center is the number of the sign.

The sign is attached to a silver rectangular block measuring 24 x 31 mm using a ring and lugs. The block is covered with a blue silk moire ribbon 20 mm wide. In the middle and along the edges of the tape there are silver stripes 2 mm wide.

On the reverse side of the pad there is a device for attaching to clothing - a pin.

The lapel version of the badge is made of oxidized nickel silver and has the same shape and image as the Korolev badge. The applied medallion with a portrait of S.P. Korolev is golden in color. The distance between the ends of the cross is 20 mm. A collet fastening is used to attach the sign to clothing.

Appendix No. 2. Sample certificate for the Queen badge

Appendix No. 2
to the Regulations
about the Queen sign

Appendix N 3. Drawing of the Queen sign

Appendix No. 3
to the Regulations
about the Queen sign

Regulations on the Gagarin sign

1. The Gagarin Badge is awarded to employees of Roscosmos and organizations of the Russian rocket and space industry who have worked in the industry for at least 10 years, for:

personal creative contribution to solving complex technical problems in the creation and testing of rocket and space technology samples and high performance in production activities;

direct active participation in testing samples, systems, components and assemblies of rocket and space technology, ground launch and technological equipment;

courage shown in the implementation of programs for the exploration and use of outer space in conditions associated with risk to life.

2. The Gagarin Badge is awarded to employees of other organizations for their significant contribution in testing new models of rocket and space technology, as well as for their great personal contribution to the exploration and use of outer space in conditions associated with a risk to life.

3. The Gagarin Badge is awarded to foreign citizens for their great personal contribution to the exploration and use of outer space under conditions associated with risk to life.

4. The Gagarin Badge will not be awarded again.

5. The Gagarin badge is worn on the right side of the chest and is located below the state awards of the Russian Federation after the Korolev badge.

For daily wear, a lapel version of the badge is used.

6. A description of the Gagarin sign is given in Appendix No. 1 to these Regulations.

7. A sample certificate for the Gagarin badge is given in Appendix No. 2 to these Regulations.

8. The drawing of Gagarin’s sign is given in Appendix No. 3 to these Regulations.

Head of Department
personnel and security

Appendix No. 1. Description of Gagarin's sign

Appendix No. 1
to the Regulations
about Gagarin's sign

The Gagarin badge is made of oxidized nickel silver and has the shape of a slightly convex equal-pointed cross covered with white enamel. Between the ends of the cross there is a silver laurel wreath. In the center of the cross there is an invoice, a slightly convex, round silver medallion with a relief image of Gagarin and the inscription along the circumference: “Yuri Gagarin.” The medallion is covered with blue enamel.

The distance between the ends of the cross is 35 mm.

On the reverse side of the cross in the center is the number of the sign.

The sign is attached to a silver rectangular block measuring 24 x 31 mm using a ring and lugs. The block is covered with a blue silk moire ribbon 20 mm wide. In the middle and along the edges of the tape there are blue stripes 2 mm wide.

On the reverse side of the pad there is a device for attaching to clothing - a pin.

The lapel version of the badge is made of oxidized nickel silver and has the same shape and image as Gagarin’s breast badge. The applied medallion with a portrait of Gagarin is silver. The distance between the ends of the cross is 20 mm. A collet fastening is used to attach the sign to clothing.

Appendix No. 2. Sample certificate for Gagarin's badge

Appendix No. 2
to the Regulations
about Gagarin's sign

Appendix N 3. Drawing of Gagarin's sign

Appendix No. 3
to the Regulations
about Gagarin's sign

Regulations on the sign "For ensuring space launches"

1. The badge “For ensuring space launches” is awarded to employees of Roscosmos and organizations of the Russian rocket and space industry who have worked in the industry for at least 10 years, for:

personal creative contribution to the creation of ground-based space infrastructure facilities for cosmodromes and a command and measurement complex;

contribution to the development, preparation and testing of launch vehicles, spacecraft, automatic interplanetary stations, spacecraft and orbital stations, ground launch facilities and technological equipment;

demonstrated initiative and high results achieved in the operation of ground-based space infrastructure facilities at cosmodromes and the command and measurement complex.

2. The badge “For Providing Space Launches” is awarded to employees of other organizations for their significant creative contribution to the creation and operation of ground-based space infrastructure facilities at cosmodromes and the command and measurement complex.

3. The badge “For ensuring space launches” is awarded to foreign citizens for their great personal contribution to the creation and operation of ground-based space infrastructure at cosmodromes and the command and measurement complex.

4. The badge “For ensuring space launches” will not be awarded again.

5. The badge “For ensuring space launches” is worn on the right side of the chest and is located below the state awards of the Russian Federation, after the Gagarin badge.

For daily wear, a lapel version of the badge is used.

6. The description of the sign “For ensuring space launches” is given in Appendix No. 1 to these Regulations.

7. A sample certificate for the sign “For ensuring space launches” is given in Appendix No. 2 to these Regulations.

8. The drawing of the sign “For ensuring space launches” is given in Appendix No. 3 to these Regulations.

Head of Department
personnel and security

Appendix No. 1. Description of the sign "For ensuring space launches"

Appendix No. 1
to the Regulations on the sign
"For ensuring
space launches"

The sign “For ensuring space launches” is made of nickel silver with gilding and has the shape of a slightly convex four-rayed star with a relief surface. Between the rays of the star is a golden laurel wreath. In the center of the star is an applied, slightly convex, round golden medallion with a relief image of the Soyuz launch vehicle launch complex. The medallion is covered with blue enamel.

The sign is attached to a golden rectangular block measuring 24 x 31 mm using a ring and lugs. The block is covered with a blue silk moire ribbon 20 mm wide. Along the edges of the ribbon there are golden stripes 2 mm wide.

On the reverse side of the pad there is a device for attaching to clothing - a pin.

The lapel version of the badge is made of nickel silver with gilding and has the same shape and image as the badge “For ensuring space launches.” An applied medallion with a relief image of the Soyuz launch vehicle launch complex is golden in color. The distance between the ends of the star's rays is 20 mm. A collet fastening is used to attach the sign to clothing.

Appendix No. 2. Sample certificate for the badge "For ensuring space launches"

Appendix No. 2
to the Regulations on the sign
"For ensuring
space launches"

Appendix No. 3. Drawing of the sign “For ensuring space launches”

Appendix No. 3
to the Regulations on the sign
"For ensuring
space launches"

Regulations on the sign "For assistance in space activities"

1. The badge “For Promoting Space Activities” is awarded to employees of Roscosmos and organizations of the Russian rocket and space industry who have worked in the industry for at least 10 years, for:

demonstrated initiative and sponsorship in the implementation of programs for the exploration and use of outer space;

success in improving professional and pedagogical skills;

significant contribution to personnel training for Russian rocket and space industry organizations;

active efforts to promote the history and achievements of Russian cosmonautics.

2. The badge “For Promotion of Space Activities” is awarded to employees of other organizations for active assistance in the implementation of the Federal Space Program of Russia, for their great contribution to the training of specialists, and promotion of Russian achievements in the field of astronautics.

3. The badge “For Promoting Space Activities” is awarded to foreign citizens for promoting space activities, making a major contribution to the training of specialists, and promoting Russia’s achievements in the field of astronautics.

4. The badge “For Promoting Space Activities” will not be awarded again.

5. The badge “For Promoting Space Activities” is worn on the right side of the chest and is located below the state awards of the Russian Federation after the badge “For Promoting Space Launches.”

For daily wear, a lapel version of the badge is used.

6. The description of the sign “For Promotion of Space Activities” is given in Appendix No. 1 to these Regulations.

7. A sample certificate for the sign “For Promotion of Space Activities” is given in Appendix No. 2 to these Regulations.

8. The drawing of the sign “For Promotion of Space Activities” is given in Appendix No. 3 to these Regulations.

Head of Department
personnel and security

Appendix No. 1. Description of the sign "For assistance in space activities"

Appendix No. 1
to the Regulations
about the sign "For assistance
space activities"

The sign “For Promotion of Space Activities” is made of oxidized nickel silver and has the shape of a slightly convex four-rayed star with a relief surface. Between the rays of the star is a silver laurel wreath. In the center of the star is an applied, slightly convex, round golden medallion with a relief image of the Salyut orbital station and the Soyuz spacecraft. The medallion is covered with blue enamel.

The distance between the ends of the star's rays is 38 mm.

On the reverse side of the star in the center is the sign number. The sign is attached to a silver rectangular block measuring 24 x 31 mm using a ring and lugs. The block is covered with a blue silk moire ribbon 20 mm wide. Along the edges of the tape there are silver stripes 2 mm wide.

On the reverse side of the pad there is a device for attaching to clothing - a pin.

The lapel version of the badge is made of oxidized nickel silver and has the same shape and image as the badge “For Promoting Space Activities.” The applied medallion with the image of the Salyut orbital station and the Soyuz spacecraft is golden in color. The distance between the ends of the star's rays is 20 mm. A collet fastening is used to attach the sign to clothing.

Appendix No. 2. Sample certificate for the badge "For assistance in space activities"

Appendix No. 2
to the Regulations
about the sign "For assistance
space activities"

Appendix No. 3. Drawing of the sign "For assistance in space activities"

Appendix No. 3
to the Regulations
about the sign "For assistance
space activities"

Regulations on the badge "For international cooperation in the field of astronautics"

1. The badge “For International Cooperation in the Field of Cosmonautics” is awarded to employees of Roscosmos and organizations of the Russian rocket and space industry who have worked in the industry for at least 10 years, for:

active participation and outstanding personal contribution to the implementation of international space programs and projects;

development of international cooperation in the field of exploration and use of outer space;

merits and labor achievements in the field of environmental protection and ecology.

2. The badge “For international cooperation in the field of astronautics” is awarded to employees of other organizations for significant creative contributions to the implementation of international space programs and projects, for achievements in the field of environmental protection and ecology.

3. The badge “For international cooperation in the field of astronautics” is awarded to foreign citizens for their great personal contribution to the implementation of international space programs and projects, for achievements in the field of environmental protection and ecology.

4. The badge “For international cooperation in the field of astronautics” will not be awarded again.

5. The badge “For international cooperation in the field of astronautics” is worn on the right side of the chest and is located below the state awards of the Russian Federation, after the badge “For assistance in space activities.”

For daily wear, a lapel version of the badge is used.

6. The description of the sign “For international cooperation in the field of astronautics” is given in Appendix No. 1 to these Regulations.

7. A sample certificate for the badge “For international cooperation in the field of astronautics” is given in Appendix No. 2 to these Regulations.

8. The drawing of the sign “For international cooperation in the field of astronautics” is given in Appendix No. 3 to these Regulations.

Head of Department
personnel and security

Appendix No. 1. Description of the badge "For international cooperation in the field of astronautics"

Appendix No. 1
to the Regulations on the sign
"For international
cooperation in the field

The sign "For international cooperation in the field of astronautics" is made of oxidized nickel silver and has the shape of a slightly convex four-rayed star with a relief surface. Between the rays of the star is a silver laurel wreath. In the center of the star is an applied, slightly convex, round golden medallion with an image of the Earth surrounded by the orbit of the first artificial Earth satellite. The satellite is made in the form of a point. The medallion is covered with white, blue and dark blue enamels.

The distance between the ends of the star's rays is 38 mm.

On the reverse side of the star in the center is the sign number.

The sign is attached to a silver rectangular block measuring 24 x 31 mm using a ring and lugs. The block is covered with a blue silk moire ribbon 20 mm wide. Along the edges of the tape there are blue stripes 2 mm wide.

On the reverse side of the pad there is a device for attaching to clothing - a pin.

The lapel version of the badge is made of oxidized nickel silver and has the same shape and image as the badge “For international cooperation in the field of astronautics.” The applied medallion with the image of the globe is golden in color. The distance between the ends of the star's rays is 20 mm. A collet fastening is used to attach the sign to clothing.

Appendix No. 2. Sample certificate for the badge "For international cooperation in the field of astronautics"

Appendix No. 2
to the Regulations on the sign
"For international
cooperation in the field

Appendix No. 3. Drawing of the sign "For international cooperation in the field of astronautics"

Appendix No. 3
to the Regulations on the sign
"For international
cooperation in the field

Regulations on the Certificate of Honor of the Federal Space Agency

1. Awarding the Certificate of Honor of the Federal Space Agency (hereinafter referred to as the Certificate of Honor) is a form of encouragement to employees of Roscosmos and organizations of the Russian rocket and space industry who have made a great personal contribution to the development of Russian cosmonautics, increasing production efficiency, improving the quality and competitiveness of manufactured products, and to its promotion to the world market, the development of new types of products and materials, advanced technologies and highly efficient processes, in solving socio-economic issues, as well as for many years of conscientious work. In some cases, employees of other organizations who have made a great personal contribution to the development of Russian cosmonautics may be nominated for awards.

2. Certificates of honor are awarded to employees of Roscosmos and Russian rocket and space industry organizations who have worked in the industry for 10 years or more.

3. A petition for awarding a Certificate of Honor to Roscosmos employees is submitted by the heads of departments in agreement with the deputy heads of Roscosmos, and to employees of organizations - by the management of these organizations.

When making proposals for awarding a Certificate of Honor, the following documents are submitted:

an application for an award addressed to the head of the Federal Space Agency in any form;

information about the production, scientific and other achievements of persons nominated for awards;

certificate-objective on the person nominated for the award.

4. The decision to award a Certificate of Honor is made by the head of Roscosmos and is formalized by order of the Federal Space Agency.

5. On behalf of the head of the Federal Space Agency or on his behalf, the Certificate of Honor can be presented by deputy heads of Roscosmos, heads of Roscosmos departments, and heads of Russian rocket and space industry organizations.

The organization of the presentation of the Certificate of Honor is entrusted to the Roscosmos Personnel and Security Department and the personnel departments of organizations.

6. The certificate of honor is presented to the recipients in a solemn ceremony no later than two months from the date of publication of the award order.

7. An entry about the award is made in the workers’ work books, a copy of the award order is filed in the personal file of the awardee.

8. Repeated awarding of the Certificate of Honor is not carried out.

9. A sample form of the Certificate of Honor is given in the appendix to these Regulations.

Head of Department
personnel and security

Application. Sample Certificate of Honor form

to the Regulations
about the Certificate of Honor

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official website of Roscosmos (scanner copy)
as of 08/30/2010

On April 12, the whole world celebrates Aviation and Cosmonautics Day. This is a special day - a day of triumph for science and all those who are involved in the space industry today.

All over the world, since the decision was made in November 1968 at the Congress of the International Air Sports Federation, April 12 is celebrated as World Aviation and Space Day. Although it would be more correct to say that in Russia we celebrate Cosmonautics Day, in other countries the attitude towards the holiday is more loyal. This is understandable, since Russia was the first space power for decades.

Russia celebrates Cosmonautics Day to commemorate the first space flight accomplished by Yuri Gagarin. The holiday was established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on April 9, 1962.

The flight, which lasted only 108 minutes, was a powerful breakthrough in space exploration. And today we see amazing successes of space technology - tens of thousands of satellites orbit the Earth, spacecraft landed on the Moon and Venus and brought back soil samples from there. Automatic probes landed on Mars and Venus, several spacecraft left the Solar System and carried messages to Extraterrestrial Civilizations.

Mysterious space wanderers - comets - were investigated - it’s simply amazing how 16 years ago the simply fantastic missions of the Soviet “Vega-1, -2” were successfully completed, the first part of which was devoted to the study of Venus (with the probe being dropped), and in the second, direct research was carried out for the first time comets (Halley).

Space observatories appeared - astronomy became all-wave - this is perhaps one of the most important achievements of astronautics - the X-ray and gamma ranges became available to astronomers.

Crafts for April 12: rocket

Make a rocket like this with your child for Cosmonautics Day! Just print, cut and glue.

Diplomas for competitions for Cosmonautics Day

Backgrounds for Cosmonautics Day in .png format

Poems for Cosmonautics Day
On Airplane and Rocket Day,
Decorated with fresh leaves
You squeeze it tenderly in your hand
The helm of your beautiful destiny!
Clearer in the heart, louder, purer,
And in this finest hour of spring
We wish you, my friend,
May all your dreams come true;
So that illness and old age do not come,
He was loved and dear to everyone,
May they remain in your soul forever
Lights of your flying days!!!
"Yuri Gagarin" V. Stepanov
In a space rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.
Sings songs about it
Spring drops:
Will be together forever
Gagarin and April.
Great day! The skies fell
For man, the curtain is raised.
Everyone looks into the distance, covering their eyes with their hands -
The path to space is open to humanity today.

"Vostok" took off, Baikonur was abandoned,
“Let’s go!..” froze in people’s hearts,
When He waved his hand with a smile,
When the ship was carried away to the stars.

The April flight lit up the sky,
The Earth's leap into space.
Gagarin was the first to accomplish the feat
Bringing closer to what we only dreamed of.

Great day! He will not be forgotten
Just the first step into the depths of the universe.
And the feat of the Fathers will not belittled
And will not reduce the temporary flame

Sons and daughters of planet blue
They soar up, disturbing the peace of the stars.
The path to interstellar space has been established
For satellites, rockets, scientific stations.
The era of space is moving forward!
The rockets continue their flight
Starting from Baikonur every year.
People are accustomed to such phenomena.
He keeps his first love in his soul,
Let thousands fly to the stars again,
But Gagarin was the first, he was his own,
Dear, with a childish, mischievous smile.
When Cosmonautics Day is celebrated,
Everyone remembers their favorite.
But on this day we will congratulate those
Who creates glory for the country, success:
Everyone who is watching the remote control from Earth,
How cosmonauts accomplish feats
And those who send ships,
Starting from Mother Earth, -
Everyone who is connected with space science in life.
The people owe them their love.
The country is proud of its astronautics:
We needed it and will continue to need it!
You can do what someone else dreams of
He doesn't even dare. You are much cooler:
You can fly above the clouds
You fly above the most menacing cloud!
Other: are you a bird? isn't it? - will not understand,
But, the gravity of gravity is stronger,
You fly a plane into the sky
It's like you're stretching your arms like wings!
No, not alone to fly under the Sun for a year
To you, and therefore: earthly luck,
Soft landings, less bad weather,
Wives, beautiful children, houses, dachas!
Flying in the sky like a bird,
We wish we don’t turn into a bird!!!
I wish you well on your life's journey.
Win when no one believes in you!
May inspiration visit you every day
And the stars sparkle brighter ahead! I know that as a child you dreamed of flying...
You didn’t tell me about this, but I know for sure!
And even if this dream has not yet come true,
But it's never too late to start
Strive for goals that are still unattainable!
The night has come and spread beads of stars in the sky
And the stars scattered across thousands of miles
How they beckon and call for you
That you are ready to follow the star.
They hide millions of mysteries,
They sparkle, flicker, and beckon to the sky.
Now, if only we had our own wings,
We too would get off the ground
If only we could fly in this starry silence,
Where there is absolutely no one, not a soul
And they would see from above, holding their breath,
How beautiful our Earth is!!!

Valentina Korobkova

Medal« Young cosmonaut» from paper. Master class for educators.

Good day, dear colleagues!

April 12 is approaching - World Aviation Day and astronautics. In our senior mixed age group "Sun" There will be a sports competition dedicated to this holiday. As usual, after the competition the winners receive a reward. We decided to give all participants medals made with your own hands from cardboard and colored paper. I present to your attention master class - medal« Young cosmonaut» . To work for us required: color set paper, black or blue cardboard, scissors, PVA glue, glue brush, oilcloth, hole punch, narrow ribbon or ribbon, or woolen thread for knitting (any color).

Trace the circle template onto black cardboard (you can circle a plate from children's dishes) and cut it out.

Using the template, cut out the yellow stars and glue them in a circle. For one medal twelve stars must be cut out.

We cut out the rocket from paper white and paste it in the middle of the circle.

From paper Cut out a green porthole in the shape of a circle and glue it.

Rocket wings - red - cut out in the shape of a triangle and glued on.

On the back side medals glue a white circle with the inscription « Young cosmonaut» , printed on a printer.

Now we make a hole with a hole punch and tie a narrow ribbon,

I tied a wool thread for knitting. The medal is ready!

I think children will be pleased to receive such an award.

I'll be glad if mine master- the class will be useful to someone! Thank you!

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