Baumanka assignments from previous years. Attention: Olympiad "Step into the Future"! Requirements for work registration

Baumanka assignments from previous years.  Attention: Olympics
August 17, 2011 at 10:24 pm

Admission to the Department of Information Security at Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman through the “Step into the Future” program. Moscow"

Good afternoon everyone.
In this article I want to continue the popularization of the “Step into the Future” program, started last night by the user vaboretti, and also dispel the myth that it is impossible for an ordinary person to enroll in the IU8 department at MSTU.

To begin with, briefly about the program: “The Russian scientific and social program for youth and schoolchildren “Step into the Future” is a whole complex of all kinds of research pursuing the following goals:

  • support vocational training and intellectual development of Russian youth in the unified scientific and educational space of Russia, promoting the reproduction of personnel for the scientific and technical complex of the country;
  • development of effective mechanisms to ensure interaction between science, higher and secondary education, interregional cooperation in the field of youth creativity and professional mentoring;
  • ensuring one of the principles public policy in the field of education - the state-public nature of education management.
But we, sinners, are interested in the Olympiad, first of all, as a way to enter the N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University. And not just anywhere, but one of the most difficult departments of the university (the competition for Unified State Examination students this year was 166.6 people per place).

Here is brief information about this year's enrollment: in total, about 25,000 applications were submitted to 115 departments (if I suddenly confused the numbers, please forgive me. The error is +_ 5%). Of these 25,000 applications, more than 2,000 are only for the department of PS-8 “Information Security”. There are 80 budget places at the department.

Good news: out of 80 budget places, 41 are “Step” winners and runners-up. Another 27 are beneficiaries and target recipients, and a total of 12 are for the general intake.

The Olympiad takes place in two stages: project defense and physics competition. Both tests are worth a maximum of 50 points, i.e. 100 points in total is the maximum. Next, the participant who scores passing points for each test receives a benefit of some type:

There is no need to talk about the physics competition. I think everything is clear to everyone: an ordinary Olympics ( test in physics).
The main (and hardest) part of the Olympiad is defending the project. Actually, the defense proceeds as follows: the jury members sit at the table, before whom you need to fully present your project, i.e. explain its pros/cons, novelty, uniqueness, etc. and so on. Depending on how serious the project is and how effectively its presentation takes place, the jury assigns points.

I decided to write in C#, as the most suitable and quickly learned language.
To write the program I used the following literature:

  1. M. Abrahamyan - “Visual C# with examples”;
  2. Yu.M. Krakovsky - “Information security and information protection”;
  3. A.Yu. Shcherbakov - “Modern computer security”;
  4. N. Smart - “The World of Programming. Cryptography".
It took a lot of time to come up with the idea for implementing the project, describing all kinds of encryption mechanisms, etc. As a result, the project received 46 points out of 50.

The general plan of the program looks something like this:

The main essence of the project, as can be seen in the diagram above, was to layer several encryption methods on top of each other.
Encryption security was achieved by superimposing an unlimited number of ciphers of each type on top of each other:

In this case, an extensive library of ciphers was used, adapted specifically for understanding by the program.

I worked on finding and adapting ciphers for a little over a month.
For example, below is a diagram with the possible number of combinations of decrypting the original text encrypted with different numbers of ciphers of the same type (i.e. only text, only graphics or only sound):

To record the key, it was decided to use a separate text file in which all the numbers of all encryption algorithms with the keys for each algorithm were recorded. Accordingly, decryption took place in reverse order using the key file:

True, on the night before the defense, the long-awaited insight came, and another module was added to the program, allowing you to encrypt not only graphics/text/sound, but also, in principle, any file stored on the computer. I will definitely write about this module in the coming days, because... this requires a separate post. As a result, I imagined protecting the project with four types of encryption.

And as a result, on this moment I am a student in the department of IU 8 “Information Security of Automated Systems” at Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman.

P.S.: It is indeed very difficult to get into the PS8 department based on a general competition, but this does not mean that the department only accepts thieves. Thieves go to business and management, but not to technical specialties. The Step into the Future Olympics is probably one of the most available ways get to MSTU. The main thing is to force yourself to spend a year writing and defending a project and a physics Olympiad.
P.P.S.: When writing the article, graphic files were used from the website of N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University (the first 2) and clippings from the presentation accompanying the defense of the project (all other images).

All-Russian Forum of Scientific Youth “Step into the Future”

The organizers reserve the right to make changes to this program
The Olympics will be held on a separate schedule. Additional information will be posted on the Step into the Future program website in January 2019

March 17, Sunday
10.00-18.00 Arrival and registration of forum participants; arrival and settlement of non-resident participants (independent settlement)
12.00-17.00 Rehearsal presentations by regional delegations for the Opening Ceremony
10.00-18.00 Science exhibition. Setting the Exposure
17.00-18.00 Organizational meeting heads of delegations and accompanying persons with the participation of representatives of the organizers
March 18, Monday
11.00-12.30 The opening ceremony. Greetings from delegations and organizers, presentation of scholarships from the “Step into the Future” program
12.30-14.00 Science Exhibition. The exhibition is visited by representatives of the press and guests. The jury interviews the exhibition participants
13.30-15.00 Time for lunch
16.00-18.00 Plenary sessions of symposiums. Leading Russian scientists make presentations on current issues modern science and technology (according to the symposium schedule)
March 19, Tuesday
09.00-13.00 Scientific Conference
13.00-14.00 Jury meeting at the conference sections: discussion of the work, summing up the preliminary results of the sections’ work
13.00-14.00 Time for lunch
14.00-16.00 Excursion to the Science Museum MSTU named after N.E. Bauman (by appointment)
14.00-17.00 Science Exhibition
15.00-19.00 Intellectual competition on technology for the development of memory and logic (team competition) in the computer room
17.00-18.00 Jury meeting scientific exhibition: discussion of works, summing up preliminary results
March 20, Wednesday
09.00-13.00 Scientific Conference. Work of scientific sections of the conference. Participants' reports (according to the section schedule)
13.30-14.30 Time for lunch
13.00-15.00 Jury meeting at the conference sections: discussion of the work, summing up the work of the sections
14.00-17.00 Science Exhibition. The jury interviews participants, visiting the exhibition
15.30-19.30 Intellectual competition on technology for the development of memory and logic (individual test)
17.00-18.00 Dismantling of exhibition stands
17.30-19.30 Meeting of the Expert Council of the “Step into the Future” program, the jury of the scientific exhibition and representatives of the jury of the conference sections: summing up the results of the forum
March 21, Thursday
09.00-13.00 Olympiads for forum participants
11.00-13.00 Session of the Central Council“Step into the Future” program with the participation of members of the Central Council, heads of regional branches of RMPO and heads of delegations
13.30-14.30 Time for lunch
15.00-18.00 National Festival of Young Fashion Designers and Designers. Demonstration of clothing models on the catwalk of the Institute of Arts
16.00-17.30 Scientific Conference. Summing up the work of the sections, presenting certificates and diplomas to participants (according to the section schedule)
March 22, Friday
11.00-12.30 Analysis of Olympiad tasks
12.00-13.00 Excursion to the Museum of Science of MSTU named after. N.E. Bauman (by appointment)
14.00-15.00 Presentation to forum participants recommendations for international youth scientific events and special exhibition diplomas
15.00-17.00 Award ceremony forum laureates
17.30-18.00 Consultations laureates recommended for the Russian National Delegations to international scientific events
March 23, 24, Saturday, Sunday
Departure of nonresident forum participants

Faculty of Pre-University Training

Olympics "Step into the Future"

Round 2 for participants!

Dear Guys! The final of the “Step into the Future” Olympiad will be held in the food production building of Altai State Technical University. The entrance to the food production building is from Kirova Street (from the main building you need to go to the right past the Altai State Technical University swimming pool).

Please come to the Olympiad early, without being late.

We remind you:

To participate in the second round you must:

1) download, print and fill out in block letters registration card

  • paste a photo into the registration card
  • Do not put the ShM registration number anywhere
  • if you participate in the Olympiad in two or three categories, then fill out one card, but indicate all subjects

2) certificate from school with a photo 3x4 cm

4) for the Olympiad, having with you your passport and everything indicated in the registration card, you must arrive without delay at the food production building of Altai State Technical University (at the shift, say that you have come to the “Step into the Future” Olympiad):

Admission to the final stage of the “Step into the Future” School Olympiad will be granted only upon presentation of a passport.

Finalists of the “Step into the Future” Olympiad:

  • Computer modeling and graphics
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Computer science

To prepare for the Olympiads, which are held annually, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the assignments of previous years posted on the website of the Center for Pre-University Training at MSTU. N.E. Bauman.

Winners and runners-up of the second (final) stage are provided with benefits upon admission to higher education institutions. educational establishments.

Coordinators of the Olympiad at Altai State Technical University:

Belousov Nikolay Alexandrovich, tel.: 8 (3852) 29−08−92, 8−906−961−25−17

Zimina Ekaterina Sergeevna, tel.: 8 (3852) 29−07−37, 8−961−984−52−64
