Categories of suitability for military service decoding. Categories of suitability for military service: how to decipher them on a military ID

Categories of suitability for military service decoding.  Categories of suitability for military service: how to decipher them on a military ID

In 2018, the list of diseases for which people are not allowed to serve for the good of the Fatherland is quite long. The most important reason for unfitness is serious dysfunction and severe congenital diseases.

Categories of suitability for military service

In 2018, there are five categories by which the commission determines the degree of suitability of a conscript.

  • fit;
  • suitable with minor restrictions;
  • has limited validity;
  • temporarily unfit for military service;
  • unfit.

In case of controversial issues, the citizen is prescribed an additional examination and, if necessary, treatment in a hospital.

After its completion, a second commission is appointed, where the final decision is made:

  • for military service;
  • call him up for alternative civil service;
  • grant a deferment;
  • carry out exemption from conscription;
  • enlist in reserve;
  • according to legal grounds, grant freedom from military service.

The law of the Russian Federation states that the conscription age for men lasts up to 27 years, after which they are not subject to service.

A citizen may also be declared unfit if there are significant dysfunctions due to peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines, hernia, or psoriasis. Conscripts who lack limbs or fingers on their feet and hands, which impede movement, have flat feet and chronic kidney disease, cannot serve.

During the period of military conscription in the armed forces of the Russian Federation, doctors must carefully examine the health status of each conscript.

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How strong our entire army will be depends on this. Therefore, guys with serious illnesses may be considered unfit for military service.

Although in reality, in almost 90% of cases, even those young people who cannot serve for health reasons are drafted into the army. This is due to the plan for the call that needs to be followed.

Let's try to understand in more detail what categories of fitness for military service exist, who is entitled to a deferment, and who cannot become a conscript at all.

General information

There are several reasons why a young man may not be drafted into the army. All of them are listed in Article 23 of the law under number 53-FZ.

One of the most common reasons is the health condition of a young person, which does not allow him to serve.

Certain eligibility categories were created specifically for conscription into the ranks of soldiers. It is on their basis that it is determined whether a citizen will be able to repay his military duty.

For this purpose, a medical examination is carried out to examine health at the time of service. In addition to health conditions, reasons for not being drafted into the army may be:

  • completion of civilian alternative service;
  • do not conscript citizens who are serving or have already served in the army;
  • if the person has already completed military service in another country;
  • if the citizen has an academic degree approved by special scientific certification;
  • cases where the citizen is the son or brother of military personnel who died as a result of performing military duties;
  • if the citizen at the time of conscription is serving a sentence of imprisonment or forced labor;
  • if a citizen has an outstanding criminal record, an investigation is being conducted against him or he is a suspect in legal proceedings.

Schedule of illnesses

The list of diseases for which people are not allowed to serve is constantly updated. In 2014, the country's military leadership introduced an amendment to the law regarding diseases that do not qualify for entry into the army.

It is still relevant in 2019. In total, there are more than two thousand diseases that exempt people from service. Among the most common are the following:

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system Flat feet of the third form, severe form of scoliosis and others
Problems with the gastrointestinal system Polyps, all types of stomach ulcers
Cardiovascular diseases
Neurological problems Paralysis, epilepsy, consequences of serious injuries
Genitourinary diseases Urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, nephritis
Diseases of the endocrine systems Excessive obesity, diabetes mellitus
Serious vision problems
Severe food allergy
Inadequate physical activity

If the conscript finds his illness on the schedule, then he will be able to determine whether he can count on receiving a full exemption or whether he is entitled to a deferment. A schedule of illnesses is available.

The question of whether a young man’s illness allows him to serve in the army is decided by a special selection committee. It all depends on how severe the disease is and on the decision of the medical board.

The legislative framework

All questions regarding the procedure for conscription into the army of the Russian Federation are considered in the Federal Law number 53 of 1998, as amended on March 7, 2018. The list of diseases is listed in the special disease regulations.

It is compiled annually. The reasons why a person cannot be drafted into the army are listed in Article 23 of the law under number 53-FZ.

Medical indicators of suitability for the army

If you just received a summons to join the army, then you shouldn’t be scared right away. The first summons is needed to evaluate your category. This is necessary to find out whether you are fit for service and whether you were fit for what particular type of army.

Where can I find out the health categories?

It strictly evaluates the health status of a potential conscript. No one is involved in making any diagnosis or prescribing the necessary treatment.

The main purpose of this commission is to determine the degree of fitness and the assignment of a suitable branch of the military in which a particular young man will be most appropriate.

After receiving the summons, the conscript must appear at the military registration and enlistment office at the place of his registration. There he will have to undergo the following doctors:

  • neurologist;
  • surgeon;
  • psychiatrist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • Laura;
  • therapist;
  • dentist

There they talk about their state of health, whether they have any diseases and what diseases they have suffered from before.

Based on the conclusion from each individual specialist, a decision is made on the category and suitability for service. This allows you to determine which type of wax to send the future soldier to.

What types are there (A, B, C, D, D and their interpretation)

At the moment, there are only 5 categories for assessing the suitability of potential military personnel:

Factors preventing conscription

If we talk about factors preventing service due to health reasons, the following categories are considered not conscript:

He is automatically enlisted in the reserves and receives a military ID. If you have this category, a repeat medical examination is not required, even if your health status changes in the future.

“B” is assigned only if the citizen can confirm the presence of the corresponding diagnosis. Another category that allows you not to serve legally is “G”.

It does not completely exempt from military service, but only provides a short deferment. A deferment from military service is granted due to injury or illness.

It can be provided for a period of six months to a year. Subsequently, the conscript once again undergoes a medical examination, based on the results of which he can go to serve.

According to the provisions of the legislation of 2005, if there is a category “D”, then no additional commissions are required to confirm the disease.

To assign a fitness category “D” to a young man, it is required that his diagnosis sound exactly as it is indicated in the Schedule of Diseases.

If the chairmen of the commission have the slightest suspicion about the extent and seriousness of his illness, then he will be sent for additional examination.

If a citizen refuses to undergo a consultation at a special clinic, then the commission has the right to make a decision on the fitness category based on the actual condition at the moment. In this case, instead of category “D”, category “B” will most likely be assigned.

Restrictions on further professional activities

If a young person has been assigned category “B” or “D”, then in the future he may have some difficulties when applying for a job.

This especially applies to attempts to get a job in the following bodies:

However, after the updated regulation on conducting a medical examination was introduced, the situation changed a little.

Now the procedure involves re-passing a medical commission to identify the likelihood of changes in the health of citizens who were previously classified as fitness category “B”.

If the re-examination reveals changes, then a corresponding note is made on the military ID indicating the new category.

In some cases, this procedure still allows you to get a job in the units listed above without serving in the army.

However, this does not mean at all that military commissions will stop requesting data on why a citizen did not perform military service.

Data from these commissions will continue to be taken into account when deciding whether to accept a citizen into a particular unit or not.

There is a common myth that citizens declared unfit are subject to restrictions on obtaining a driver's license. This is not entirely true.

Persons subject to military conscription, according to the law, must be healthy - there are a number of criteria for determining the condition of a conscript, thanks to which the medical commission makes a verdict on whether the young man is fit for service or not, and in which troops it is better for him to serve. The categories of suitability for military service, which are determined by state law, appear in the relevant Resolution regarding military medical examination.

Detailed explanation of all health categories

Which of these health categories a potential recruit should be classified into is determined by a number of professional doctors at the military registration and enlistment office as part of the medical commission. In 2019, the law provides for division into 5 main categories. We will look at what these categories mean next:

Category A

Designation A indicates that there are no restrictions on service for a young man in the army, i.e. the conscript is healthy. However, there are 2 subcategories for this type:

    A2 . He is healthy, but there are restrictions on the workload, additional selection is necessary for such a conscript, the young man underwent serious treatment. Such a conscript is sent for military service in any general and special forces.

Persons for whom the medical commission has established category A, as a rule, are sent to prestigious branches of the military (submarines, airborne forces, marines, navy, etc.).

Category B

The category implies that a conscript whose state of health does not allow him to serve in any branch of the military. Young people to whom doctors assign this category experience health problems, but this does not affect their service. This type is divided into four subcategories:

    B1 . Young people are fit to serve in special forces, airborne forces, can become marines, join the airborne troops, and also go to defend the Motherland as border guards.

    B2. Conscripts with this category can be sent to the fleet (including submarine), as driver-mechanics of armored vehicles, tractors, etc.

    B3 . Future soldiers can be assigned as drivers and crew of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, and missile launchers. It is also possible to get into the internal divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, guard and chemical units. Such conscripts can be sent to fuel and lubricants depots, as well as to air defense forces.

    B4 . Young people with this subcategory can be sent to guard especially important facilities (for example, in the missile forces). They also fall into radio engineering units and communications troops, other units and branches of the Armed Forces, and other formations and structures.

A conscript with this type is considered limitedly fit for service. Such persons have serious illnesses that allow the young man to avoid military conscription in peacetime. Such conscripts are provided with a military ID, which exempts them from service - however, the young man is listed in the reserves, which is mandatory during the introduction of martial law (the so-called recruitment of units of the 2nd stage). In this case, the conscript’s educational qualifications will correspond as closely as possible to the specialty acquired in peacetime.

Do you want to get exemption from the army?

Get advice from a military lawyer about your situation with the military registration and enlistment office. You will learn how to get a military ID step by step and not serve in the army.

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stands for Military Specialty. This is a designation of the military profession, in the form of numbers and letters.

Since in peacetime a conscript assigned to this category for health reasons is not threatened with service, many quite healthy young people who do not want to repay their debt to their homeland are tempted to avoid serving this particular type of service. To do this, they consult with lawyers and strive to undergo an independent examination, which is designed to identify a serious illness - some, years before conscription, draw up a medical history so that, after reading it, the doctors at the military registration and enlistment office are left with the feeling that the young man is seriously ill. Moreover, some young people actually succeed in this.

In addition to health exemptions, there is a whole. You will find it on our website.

This is partly explained by the fact that, unfortunately, since 2009, an increasing number of young people have been diagnosed with diseases for which the law prohibits conscription into the army. However, a serious illness can only be identified with a comprehensive study, which sometimes requires more than one month. In this case, not only the degree of development of the disease is taken into account, but also medical documents that detail the course of the disease, the frequency of visiting a doctor at the place of residence, the duration of treatment, etc. It is important to understand that such documents must confirm that the disease has not been cured.

The category is deciphered in such a way that the young man is temporarily not subject to conscription. The law provides for a deferment of 6 to 12 months for such persons (it is believed that during this period the conscript can undergo a course of treatment to help get rid of the disease). After this, you should be re-examined at a medical examination, where doctors at the military registration and enlistment office will once again examine the conscript and render a verdict on the suitability category - on the basis of which the next decision is made.

Category D is issued to persons who have experienced trauma (fractures, concussions) or suffer from other ailments incompatible at the time of conscription: dystrophy, excessive obesity, etc. However, it is understood that there is hope for recovery, and for this the military registration and enlistment office gives a maximum period at 12 months. Doctors have the right to give a young person a deferment more than once, and in some cases the latter is awarded category B.

Alas, in our native Fatherland, no one canceled the seasonal plans for conscription. In this regard, military registration and enlistment offices often turn a blind eye to many diseases, sending sick young people to serve in the army (the most common violation is assigning category “G” instead of “B”). The conscript must know his rights; in such cases, it is definitely worth going to court, which can overturn the decisions of the medical commission of the military registration and enlistment office. The court's decision will be based on the so-called. – for those who are trying to avoid joining the army for health reasons, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with this document in more detail.

Category D

This category implies a complete inability to serve in the army. Moreover, a person with category D is not even subject to conscription. Such people are entitled to a military ID, which indicates complete disrepair. In this case, the passport must contain the appropriate stamp.

Persons assigned category D have very serious pathologies and diseases - for example, a significant disruption in the functioning of various body systems (advanced glaucoma, for example), the absence of some internal or external organs, repeated strokes, HIV.

Which category is suitable for contract service?

It is worth saying that the law also provides for the definition of army categories for those who want to connect their lives with the army even after serving in the Armed Forces. In this case, we are talking about categories A and B. Only these categories of conscripts provide the possibility of further service in the Armed Forces in the future. Moreover, if a conscript aspires to join the elite branch of the Russian military after the army, he must be completely healthy - and this is exclusively category A. If you have it, you can serve in the airborne forces, in the submarine fleet, or become, for example, a marine.

Restrictions for subsequent profession depending on the category of military service

It is necessary to understand that in the presence of V/D categories, problems are possible for a number of young people in subsequent employment. It is definitely unlikely that you will be able to get a job in any law enforcement agency (FSB, police (MVD), FSIN, etc.) - this is explained by the fact that to work in these departments you must serve in the army. However, it is quite possible to work in other government institutions with such categories (say, in the office) - factories, factories, large enterprises, etc.

There is still a myth circulating among people that people who have been assigned fitness categories B or D are not able to obtain a driver’s license. This is only partly true - those who have significant impairments in musculoskeletal functions, problems with the sensory organs, mental illnesses, etc. cannot have a driver’s license. However, other, no less significant impairments in the functioning of the body (for example, heart disease) -vascular system) are not always taken into account by the medical board. However, for persons with a V/D fitness type, when obtaining a license, there may be some restrictions for a number of driving categories. They may also be prohibited from engaging in certain types of work in a given field (say, a taxi driver or a bus driver).

Any military ID contains a special column where you can find out the category of fitness. If a young man’s health does not allow him to serve in the army, the fitness category V/G will be indicated in the column. At the same time, the disease that caused it is not reflected here.

Almost always, the categories of military service that are set in this document cannot be changed. The law, on the one hand, provides for challenging the contents of this column through the court if the young man managed to improve his health after some time, and the military registration and enlistment office prevents the conscript from changing the fitness level.

regulates all aspects of the relationship between young men of military age and the state. It indicates on what grounds it is possible to assign one or another category.

On the other hand, the commissariat is also understandable. For example, some persons who have category B on their military ID (exemption from military service) upon expiration of the conscription period suddenly decide to work in some law enforcement agency (for which category A1 must be on their military ID). In this regard, the reasoning of the military registration and enlistment office is clear - he turned away from military service, and then suddenly decided to get a job, for example, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the military registration and enlistment office reasonably believes that such persons should not work in law enforcement agencies.

The suitability category simultaneously reflects two points. Firstly, it indicates the result of passing the medical examination (page 13 of the military ID), and secondly, thanks to the category, it is possible to determine whether the young man served at all. It is to reflect such information that page 2 is highlighted in the document. The commonly used meaning of the suitability group is usually indicated in the form of Cyrillic letters, although in some situations there is also a decoding. The category marked on the military ID must be exclusively one of the possible ones. For unambiguous verification when filling out a document, it will be necessary to identify the correspondence between the decoding of the category and its symbolic designation.

How to change your eligibility category for military service

Of course, such a possibility is provided for by law.

The holder of a military ID can himself initiate a review of the conclusion of the medical commission that made the initial verdict on the fitness of the conscript.

The first thing that is required is to fill out a written application, which will reflect the request to carry out another examination by the medical board. The rationale for this will be positive changes in health. This document will need to be sent to the military commissariat where you are registered. By law, after receiving your application, the military registration and enlistment office must assemble a medical commission that will re-examine you, taking into account the relevant medical documents you submitted. After this, the experts will make a new decision, on the basis of which they will confirm the category previously set on the military ID or change it to a new one.

If there is an improvement in the health of the applicant, doctors must upgrade the old category. And with a greater degree of probability the new one will be A/B.

If the military registration and enlistment office, represented by doctors, a commissar or anyone else, refuses you to pass the above commission, or the medical commission, with obvious improvements in health and a corresponding medical diagnosis, did not consider it necessary to change the category, you have every right to appeal the decision of the commissariat through the court.

In 2018, the list of diseases for which people are not allowed to serve for the good of the Fatherland is quite long. The most important reason for unfitness is serious dysfunction and severe congenital diseases.

Categories of suitability for military service

In 2018, there are five categories by which the commission determines the degree of suitability of a conscript.

  • fit;
  • suitable with minor restrictions;
  • has limited validity;
  • temporarily unfit for military service;
  • unfit.

In case of controversial issues, the citizen is prescribed an additional examination and, if necessary, treatment in a hospital.

After its completion, a second commission is appointed, where the final decision is made:

  • for military service;
  • call him up for alternative civil service;
  • grant a deferment;
  • carry out exemption from conscription;
  • enlist in reserve;
  • according to legal grounds, grant freedom from military service.

The law of the Russian Federation states that the conscription age for men lasts up to 27 years, after which they are not subject to service.

A citizen may also be declared unfit if there are significant dysfunctions due to peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines, hernia, or psoriasis. Conscripts who lack limbs or fingers on their feet and hands, which impede movement, have flat feet and chronic kidney disease, cannot serve.

And so, the time has come to repay your debt to the Motherland - you received a summons and you ran, either in panic or in joy. It would seem that you go through all the doctors and run to the military registration and enlistment office to get a military uniform, but no - it’s not so simple!

Even with all your desire or unwillingness, surprises may await you during the medical examination, which are usually called categories of suitability for military service. What is it and what is it eaten with? Let's look at it in order:

Fitness category for military service “A”

Well, if you were planning to get into elite troops such as marines, submarines, etc., then this category is what you need!

Or rather, what elite troops need when they select absolutely healthy and strong fighters into their ranks! It is the mark with category "A" your medical record will make it clear that you are absolutely healthy!

  • How to organize properly
  • How long will you serve in the army this year?
  • All about

There are also subparagraphs from 1 to 4, which can be assigned to the letter “A” - do not be alarmed, perhaps you had injuries or chronic diseases, but recently they have not manifested themselves in any way, which means you have every chance of getting to the elite!

Fitness category for military service "B"

And so, instead of the long-awaited category “A”, you were given category “B” on your medical record. Don't despair - your dreams of elite troops may yet come true! So What is the difference between category “B” and “A”? Let's try to figure it out:

If everything is already clear with category “A”, then with category “B” there are certain nuances. If you have the “B” mark, then you are also fit for military service, but with minor health deviations, which, nevertheless, do not prevent you from serving in the elite troops, but, attention, not in all!

This category also includes your physical development (such nuances as hearing, vision, and your height are important here). Here, too, there are subcategories in the form of numbers from 1 to 4. If you have the number 3 or 4, then, unfortunately, the road to elite units is closed to you. However, there are a lot of other troops where you will definitely not be bored - for example, guarding combat missile systems - the soldier is sleeping - the service is in progress! The year of service will fly by!

Fitness category for military service “B”

Didn't want to join the army? Well, get it - it shines proudly on your medical card category "B". For those who dreamed of having fun, but couldn’t save enough money for a military ID, this category is just a jackpot!

  • How to get

You are not only unfit for military service, but you will also take the military into your hands! Although the word “unfit” is not entirely accurate - temporarily unfit for military service in peacetime. What does this mean? Well, in short, until, God forbid, a war begins, you can safely continue to mow away from the army, so to speak, officially. Well, if the war does knock on our doors, then everyone will fit in the war - both old and young and those with category “B”.

Fitness category for military service "G"

If you think that after category “B” the others will also be supportive of canceling your service, then you are mistaken - the mark with the letter “G” gives you only a temporary reprieve. Why?

Well, imagine that you broke your arm while being drafted into the army, and there is a summons lying in your mailbox - the commission will conclude that you cannot yet be drafted, and will give you a deferment for six months, after Why will you appear before the doctors again, where they will give you another category, in which you will no longer be able to “screw up”.

No, of course, you can break your limbs once every six months, but if I were you, I would serve quietly for a year and maintain my health!

Fitness category for military service "D"

At all! Not at all fit for military service! They will even remove you from the military register, just so as not to see you in the ranks of the Russian army! They can also put a stamp in your passport indicating the corresponding professional incompetence. What's good? Nothing - this category can only be given to you in case of serious pathologies and serious illnesses, which you would clearly refuse if such a thing were possible!

“B” 3rd category of fitness for which troops?

I already wrote above that subcategory “B” numbers above 3 will not give you a chance to get into elite troops, such as border troops, airborne forces, marines, aerospace forces and air assault units.

So where can you then be assigned to this category? Well, you can safely apply for the position of driver of an armored personnel carrier (or other combat vehicle) somewhere in, or simply be a member of the crew.

Chemical troops, anti-aircraft, anti-aircraft (since they didn’t take them into space, you can safely shoot at those in the sky). You can become a refueling specialist, or guard the fuel tank. You can end up in the Ministry of Internal Affairs units. You can also safely join the guard units - you will get involved in the guard schedule and the service will fly by in an instant!

Suitability category "B" 4

If you thought that we have listed everything with category “B” 3, then you are mistaken - with category 4 there are also many troops where you will be terribly interested: How do you like a specialist in the security and defense of combat missile systems (BMK)? Sounds serious, doesn't it? Maybe you want to be a signalman in the signal forces? No problem! Also, radio engineering parts will help you! Few? Here are some more special troops for you. structures! Technical cargo parts.

Fitness category "A" 1

In fact, as stated above, you are absolutely fit to join any army! They can, of course, find fault with your height (for example, they won’t take you on a submarine if your height is more than 182 cm - you’ll knock down the ceilings with your forehead, which will break the silence at the right moment and give away your location to the enemy). You can express your desire to the military medical commission about your intention to serve in some specific troops. At least you won’t have any problems if you want to join such troops as, for example, airborne troops, marines, and special forces.
As you can see, there is nothing difficult in understanding categories of suitability for military service No. If you have questions, ask below in the comments.
