How to make a wish so that it comes true for sure. How to make wishes so that they come true? You can wish for something only for yourself, but not for others

How to make a wish so that it comes true for sure.  How to make wishes so that they come true?  You can wish for something only for yourself, but not for others

How much time and effort we spend on fulfilling our dream! At the moment, there are many ways to achieve what you want as soon as possible. The easiest of them is to make a wish at a certain minute of the day.

It's time to learn how to calculate the "golden minute" of the day. When making a wish from the 1st to the 24th of the month, you must remember that the day of the month is the hour, and the number of the month is the “golden minute”.

For example, if you want to make a wish on March 20, you can do it at 20:03. It is during this period that the "golden minute" will come.

From the 25th to the 31st of each month, the calculation rules are slightly different from the above.

If you want to make a wish on December 31, you need to do it at 12:31. As you noticed, only the order of the numbers has changed, but this will not affect the fulfillment of your desire. In addition, this means that in the New Year you will be able to tell the Universe about your dreams not only at midnight. Don't forget that you only have 60 seconds to voice your dream. There is no need to load a huge burden on the Universe: make only one wish per day. In this case, they will be executed much faster.

After your wish is fulfilled, you can start life from scratch. Before embarking on new endeavors, you need to get rid of negative memories. A few simple but effective recommendations will help you with this. May all your wishes come true. be happyand don't forget to press the buttons and

20.03.2018 03:59

At all times, people sought to improve their lives and performed various ceremonies and rituals in order to...

Are all your desires fulfilled? Do you want to know why many of our desires remain at the level of words or thoughts and never turn into reality? From this article you will learn how to make a wish so that it comes true.

There are 9 steps or components in the realization of every desire, and all of them are equally important for the fulfillment of the desire. Here are the steps:

1. You can wish for something only for yourself, but not for others.

If you desire something for another person, then such desires are not fulfilled.

If you want another person to do something towards you, then the desire must be formulated not specifically about this person, but in general, in principle, what you want.

For example, "I want to marry a tall blonde" will do better than "I want to marry Vasya Ivanov." The last option is a love spell, so you can get the opposite effect. So state your wish as wide as possible, based on what you end up wanting.

All wishes must be for the benefit of otherwise you will get backlash.

2. In what state to make a wish

Your inner state, in which you are at the moment of formulating your desire, directly affects the result.

There are two opposite states - ”state of poverty” and ”state of prosperity”. Depending on which one you are in, the results will be different.

AT poverty a person lacks something and wants to “get” it from the outside. For example, a person lacks love in life and a person is looking for it from the outside. He is looking for a person who will make up for this “lack” of love.

AT prosperity a person feels that inside him it is full of it and he wants to share it with someone else. In the same example about love, a person feels so much love from the inside that he is overwhelmed and ready to share with someone else.

We attract what we have inside.

As you probably already understood, in a state of poverty, we attract to ourselves the absence of what we so much want - love, money, joy, happiness.

And in a state of prosperity, we just attract to ourselves what we so desire - love, money, joy, happiness, and so on.

Therefore, be careful in what state you make your wishes.

Important learn to switch yourself into a state of prosperity and desire something precisely from this state.

3. What is this desire, or desire desire strife

Desires such as security, respect, love, recognition– impossible to find from the outside, they can be nurtured only within yourself. If you yourself do not experience these feelings for yourself, then from the outside you will not find it, but only aggravate the situation.

It often happens that a person does not even suspect what is behind his “ordinary” desires like “I want more money!” "I want a new relationship!" “I want a new prestigious job!”

For example, if a person wants more money (which is, of course, great in itself!) but at the same time, in fact, he needs money in order to feel more secure (or to prove something to someone or himself - that I can, what is worthy, etc.), then such a desire is unlikely to be fulfilled in the form in which you want.

So when you make a wish, ask yourself, Is this what I really want? What do I really want? What does money, relationships, etc. mean to me? in fact?

Only the answer must be honest. You are answering yourself.

4. The power of desire, or "Climb one peak!"

Need focus on one thing(maximum 2-3 wishes) and send there great flow of your energy. That is, to think about it, to take concrete steps to achieve it. Ask yourself, “What else can I do to make this happen?”

The more energy you put into your desire, the faster it will come true. You invest energy when you perform actions, think, visualize your desire. Where you direct your energy is what manifests in your life.

If you have chosen a lot of desires at once and are trying to realize them all at once, then there will be a conflict between the desires, there is clearly not enough energy for everything. That is why it is necessary focus on 1-3 desires, invest enough energy in them and when you see that the desire has begun to be realized, then you can then move on to other desires.

5. Limiting beliefs and fears

If your desire causes conflict within you, then it will NOT be realized easily and quickly.

Internal conflict can cause restrictions that prevent your desire from being fulfilled.

What are the restrictions:

  • Don't know what i really want
  • I want but I do not believe what can I do
  • I want, but not ready to this (For example, create a long-term relationship with a man)
  • Hidden benefits: I want, but I don't want to lose something else that I have to part with if my wish comes true(For example, I want to move to another country, but I do not want to part with my parents and old friends)
  • Not your desires, but you want something that others have (For example, a career, a car, excellent students, a husband, etc.)
  • First I must do this, and only then I will have what I want. (For example, first I need to lose 5 kg, and only then can I meet a decent man)

Need deal with each limitation separately, understand its causes and why it limits you, to understand why you do not believe or are not ready, and what you really want. You need to compare two realities - you today and you are in the reality where you already have all this, and draw a conclusion about what you still want, what is more important for you.

If you have already had a bad experience associated with what you want, then old programs are turned on, for example, “I won’t succeed”, “All men are ....”, here everyone has their own programs. They need to be identified and rewritten into positive ones that will positively set you up to get what you want.

if you have desire to change something outside(husband, child, boss, girlfriend), then such desires not implemented. We cannot want something for another person. And if you are also struggling with something in another person, you don’t accept something in him, then you will encounter this more and more often, because by fighting you attract only fighting.

6. Focus on what is, not what is not

Many focus on what they don't have rather than what they have. ”No money” ”No work” ”No love” But if we We constantly say that we do not have this, then we will not have this. The universe hears our every word and executes exactly.

So change your focus to what you already have and what you want even more.

To do this, you need to learn give thanks for everything you have. Then there will be more of it.

There is another extreme - many direct their attention to what is impossible to control. If you cannot influence something, then you do not need to invest energy there, think about it, worry, try to fix it. Therefore, you need to be able to switch off from this.

That's why the focus should be on what you want, what you want to get to, not what you want to get away from.

7. Emotions are the fuel for the energy of desire.

Emotions are very important when making wishes, they launch energy to fulfill this desire. That's why emotions should be joyful.

Therefore, always try to track your emotions about what you want - you are dissatisfied with something or annoyed if something does not work out. Or you are always positive when you think about what you want and your desire. This brings us back to the discussion of the state of poverty (I react) and the state of prosperity (I choose).

8. Take action, or "God has no other hands but yours!"

Take action! But action must be conscious, based on the vision of the final result. If I want this, then what specific actions should I take?

If you ask yourself more often “Why am I doing this?” then it will become clearer whether you are approaching your dream or not. If you are doing something and want to get some reactions from others(to be praised, appreciated, supported, etc.), then most likely there will be the opposite effect.

This also brings us back to the state of poverty (I do this to get what I do not have - support, attention, to prove something to someone) and the state of prosperity (I do this for myself, but share it with others because I can do it).

Often we sabotage ourselves when we expect favorable circumstances, and thereby delay the fulfillment of our desires: “Here when I have so-and-so then I will do it!” (e.g. “That’s when I get married, or when I have a lot of money or something else, then I will be happy!”)

9. Faith that things will happen exactly the way you want them to!

faith when you know for sure that this is exactly what will happen. That is the way you want. At the same time, you have inner peace and you calmly expect this to happen. You don't know exactly when it will happen, but you know exactly what will happen this way or even better.

You can relax and just wait for it to happen. But you are sure that this will happen for sure. And therefore, you do not need to double-check and control the Universe for the fulfillment of your desire.

To get to this state need to believe that this is exactly how everything will be, to believe that you are worthy of it and not to feel inside any restrictions that were mentioned above.

Pay special attention to sensations in the body that arise when thinking about the desired. If, for example, when you think about what you want and at the same time you feel cold, contraction, tension, internal bounce in your body, then your body tells you that there is a blockage, a clamp, some kind of restriction that does not let you in. into a new reality when your wish came true.

How Reincarnation helps speed up the fulfillment of desires

The method of working with memory and the subconscious can significantly help to speed up the realization of desires.

This is because Reincarnation allows find your limitations that hinder the fulfillment of your desire. It could be limiting beliefs, fears, or hidden benefits of staying where you are and not changing anything. Or maybe it's not really your desire, but your mother's desire that you have it? Then your desire cannot be fulfilled or will be fulfilled, but with great effort on your part.

For example, one of my clients said that she wants to get married, she is actively dating men, but does not understand why they do not stay in her life. Already in the conversation it becomes clear that “relationships with a man are difficult, because you need to constantly monitor yourself.” That is, she believes in it, and therefore everything in her life develops.

That is, a relationship with a man for her does not allow her to be herself, she must force herself to be some other person in order to meet the expectations of a man. And she doesn't want that. So subconsciously she wants to stay single, because that way she can be herself.

Practical exercise:

Want to check if your subconscious wants the same thing as you?

Do a short meditation and check it out.

Practice needs to be done in a calm relaxed state:

  1. Sit comfortably, relax your body, close your eyes.
  2. Focus all your attention on your breathing, take a few deep breaths in and out.
  3. Imagine that your wish has come true. Imagine it in every detail. What will you be like when this happens in your life.
  4. Now listen to the sensations in your body. Track the reactions of your body - is it joy, happiness, delight or something else?
  5. Focus your attention on a particular reaction of the body and try to understand what do you react to? What caused your reaction?
  6. Is there any thought associated with this reaction? Perhaps there is some thought, belief in the background, try to clearly formulate it, verbatim.

This practice can be used to test any of your desires. If at the moment when you think about your desire, imagine the end result, joy and happiness appear in your body, then the desire will be easily realized, the subconscious mind will arrange a favorable regime for you.

If there is an unpleasant reaction in the body(clamps, rattling, palpitations, cold, pain, etc.), then this suggests that you don't really want it and therefore this desire will not be realized.

see also An open video broadcast where meditation is given, which will help you immerse yourself in that reality when your desire has already come true and track the reactions in your body.

How Reicarnationics Consultation Helps:

  • Find and remove your inner limitations, hindering the fulfillment of your desire. Our body and subconscious “signals” us about these limitations, they are very easy to identify during a consultation.
  • Understand is this your desire, or it was imposed on you by someone from the environment, or you took it as your own, but at the same time subconsciously do not want it
  • What specific steps for you to take to make your wish come true as soon as possible.
  • see and to feel that new reality when your desire has already been fulfilled. What are you like there? Are you comfortable there? How do you feel there, what do you think about, what is your inner state? This inner state will give you faith that your wish will come true, will give you faith that it is possible and that is how it will be.

How Reincarnation works and what is the effectiveness of the method:

  • The client is in a trance state and is communicating directly with the subconscious
  • All you already have the answers inside and through the correct viewing of situations of the past, these answers can be found
  • Method works through viewing situations from your life, that are related to this desire
  • View past life, where the problem first arose, helps to eliminate your internal restrictions on the way to what you want.
  • Viewing past lives helps to feel (precisely feel, live, absorb with every cell!) that state, when what you want now you already had in a past life while you were happy. You will live this inner state, activate it and bring it into your current life. You will think and feel like a person who already has it and thereby attract it into your life. Like attracts like.

So, in this article, I told you about 9 proven steps, the observance of which makes a wish come true quickly and easily. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to what internal state you are in when you think about what you want, and also to track the reactions of your body, which serve as clues whether you yourself want your desire to come true or whether it will be easier and easier for you to stay in what you have, nothing. without changing.

The most important thing is that ALL our wishes come true. If your desire is not fulfilled, then YOU really do not want it. You do not want to, because there is no faith, there are fears, restrictions, hidden benefits. Having worked and removed all these restrictions, you give the green light to the fulfillment of your desire.

Do you want to see your past life where your wish was realized?

If yes, then I suggest you go through the meditation “Journey to the Past Life” and find out in which of your past lives you were able to do what you so want now!

With this meditation, you will master the basic techniques of Reincarnation to activate memory and take a trip to a past life.

Go to enter your name and email address where you want to receive the meditation and click on the button “Get Meditation!”

Secrets and ways to correctly make a wish will help your plan come true. But remember, in order for the cherished dream to come true, you need to make an effort. Reading this article will be your first step.

Rules for the successful fulfillment of a dream

First of all, you need to decide what desires you can make. Regardless of who you will turn to - the Universe, magical evil spirits, magical monuments that are located in different parts of the world - it is best to make wishes that:

  • unable to perform themselves and need Magical help;
  • which are realistically feasible (the Universe will not send you the wealth of the whole world, the love of all women on earth, will not make you invisible);
  • positive, bright, cherished.

The dream, for the fulfillment of which it is necessary to damage other people, will not be fulfilled. If the desire is sincere and in the end you do not harm others, you can safely make it.

Regarding the phase of the moon, ideal for the fulfillment of desires, several versions. Many are sure that any dream can be made for any phase of the moon (except for the waning one). But according to the correct one, they ask for the addition of something for a growing one, for a decreasing decrease, the full moon and the new moon are the time for universal requests. The best time is midnight.

There is a version that it is better to perform rituals on significant days - birthday, New Year, Christmas, the day of the spring or autumn equinox.

Ways to make a wish

The simplest and most effective is to write what you want on a piece of paper, being illuminated by moonlight at midnight, say the text aloud, burn the piece of paper, and scatter the ashes in the wind. It is important during the manipulations to imagine that everything has already been implemented and you got everything you wanted.

Dream Exercises

There are special exercises that will allow you to get everything you want.

To complete the first task, you need to stay alone in the room, relax, "move" in the clouds. Sit and think about what you like. It's best to focus on one thing. If you imagine what you want for 5-10 minutes a day, it will soon come into your life.

The second option is mantras and meditations. Such a practice is able to harmonize a person, which, in turn, leads to the fulfillment of cherished desires, the implementation of planned projects.

Guessing on a shooting star

Probably each of us has heard that a cherished wish will come true if you make it on a shooting star. The sign appeared in ancient times. The starry sky has always been an object of study, it was believed that it is a symbol of the world where gods and spirits live, which must be treated with special respect.

People on different continents often associated stars with human souls. Many myths indicate that if a star falls, it symbolizes the soul of a child, which is sent from heaven to our world in order to move into a newborn. At that moment, she moves from one world to another, and they are very much connected. Therefore, the voiced dream will reach those who live in that world and they will be able to fulfill it.

The next version says - this is a signal given by higher powers, saying that the time has come for something important. The shooting star unites Heaven and Earth, indicating their union. To take advantage of this phenomenon, look at a shooting star and aloud or to yourself briefly, concisely describe your desire.

What to wish between people with the same names

There is a belief that a dream voiced between people with the same name will surely come true. This sign did not just appear. Previously, children were often named after saints, and if there are many people with the same name in one place, the strength of their heavenly patron increases several times, respectively, the likelihood of a miracle happening increases.

Our ancestors believed that several people with the same names could influence the amount of crops and prevent diseases. Psychics confirm that the energy of several namesakes is much stronger, a particularly force field is formed around them.

If you have time to penetrate it and voice your request, the Universe will fulfill it. The distance between you and people should be no more than half a meter and, voicing a desire, you should touch both.

It is better to guess from 12:00 to 14:00 - the probability of execution is higher. People with the same name do not have to be blood relatives.

Notes on dreams

Folk wisdom says that if you saw on an electronic watch same digits for hours and minutes(eg 12:12, 22:22), make a wish, it will come true. At night they saw a spider - the dream will come true, which is also warned by the spider sitting in the center of the web.

You can fulfill your wish if:

  • having heard from the right side, shake the coins and voice the request;
  • both ears burn at the same time;
  • were very close to the edge of the rainbow;
  • found a four-leaf clover, or a lilac flower with five petals;
  • on the hand of the village - you can ask her for the realization of a dream;
  • while cleaning peas, they found a pod with nine peas;
  • saw two rainbows;
  • all the candles on the birthday cake were blown out at once.

For the fulfillment of desires on clothes, embroider a windmill or a lighthouse, a calm sea, hummingbirds. If you find a horseshoe on the street, in order to achieve what you want, you need to spit on it and throw it over your left shoulder. Voice a dream if your eyelash fell out.

As you can see, it is actually very easy to make a wish come true. The main thing is to want this and not just wait until the higher powers do everything for you, but also take some action.

Every person has a cherished dream, to the fulfillment of which he aspires. Someone does not believe in miracles, so they prefer to fulfill such goals through hard work. However, there are people who are tormented by the question of how to make a wish so that it comes true. There are a lot of nuances here, implying the correct formulation, the presence of faith and the absence of prejudice.

So how to correctly formulate desires so that they are fulfilled in the shortest possible time?

How to make wishes

People who believe in a variety of supernatural things are well aware of how important any nuance is when making a wish. Which of these secrets of correct behavior must be taken into account?

It is very important to make wishes on the day and hour when a person was born. People who are fond of esotericism believe that this minute has incredible power, and it is during this period that a person can achieve everything he wants. It is enough just to think about what you want.

Psychologists advise you to correctly analyze your own dreams and goals. Often a person is embarrassed to admit to himself what he really wants. As a result, he hides true dreams deep in himself and thinks about what he does not really want. Usually such tricks do not work, and the dream is never fulfilled in the end.

That is why it is necessary to understand oneself in advance, write down everything that a person wants not on paper, and only after that proceed to guessing.

In order to better understand how wishes are made correctly, let us dwell on some points separately.

Clarity and specificity

This is perhaps the most important nuance, often preventing you from getting what you want. In most cases, a person has a poor idea of ​​what he really wants. The scope of his desires and interests is so wide that his eyes literally run wide and faced with the need to make a wish, such a person is simply lost.

So, how to make a wish come true, and how to form your needs?

You can guess what a person wants to achieve, both at a variety of happy places, and on important dates for a person. For example, during a birthday or New Year's Eve, dreams tend to come true.

Some esotericists are sure that a wish made by several people at the same time comes true faster. That is why the couple should think together to have children as soon as possible, and colleagues are encouraged to dream together about a big salary. So the chances of facing the execution of the plan will be higher.

How to make a wish for the New Year so that it comes true

The most magical time of the year is surrounded by numerous myths and legends. It is believed that it is on this night that it is necessary to make wishes so that they come true. There are several options here:

Psychologists note that any person has a decent power of self-persuasion. Constantly thinking about the dream, he can inspire confidence in the imminent achievement of the goal. Such reflections have another benefit: they can help you find ways to achieve what you want without resorting to magic or the consumption of ashes.

Absence of negatives

Why does one person make a wish, and they come true, and another is disappointed over and over again in such an approach to changing his own life? Everything is very simple: the fulfillment of the plan often depends not only on the presence of a sincere desire, but also on faith.

A person must believe that the dream will surely come true. He must go to this, strive, believe day after day. That is why during the guessing period it is important to abandon denial. “I’ll make a wish, but it still won’t come true”; “I’ll try, but it won’t help” - phrases of this type should be immediately thrown out of your head.

It is also very important to correctly formulate your thought. For example, the elementary desire “I don’t want to get divorced” should be transformed into “I want to save marriage and love.” The presence of a “not” particle immediately introduces a certain negative into the sincerity of a person’s intentions.

Psychologists also advise to repeat to yourself more often that the desire will surely come true. A person must convince himself of this, and then the dream can be easily reached.

present tense

Another important nuance concerns the deadline for the fulfillment of the desired. For dreams to come true, it is necessary to think of them, mentioning the present. That is, you can not say "I want to meet my love someday." This phrase is better to transform into "Let me meet my love." Having the present time will help you achieve your goal faster.

Psychologists also advise you to work yourself, not relying only on ghostly luck. If a person makes efforts every day to fulfill his goal, then it will be much easier to get to it. Moreover, it will be possible to do this in the present, and not in the distant future.

Certain deadlines for the implementation of the plan

Desire is an ephemeral substance. It may be fulfilled, or it may remain a formality. If a person wants to achieve the goal within a certain time frame, esotericism alone is not enough. What else needs to be done to achieve the fulfillment of a dream within a certain time frame?

Desires tend to come true, and a real dreamer will never give up on his goal, even if it seems that it cannot be realized in any way. Psychologists note that the desired is achieved by people who are not deprived of talent, strength and faith in themselves. Only by making sure of the limitlessness of one's own possibilities, a person will realize his plan.

Tatiana, Orenburg
