The Queen takes over. How Elizabeth II occupied the English throne

The Queen takes over.  How Elizabeth II occupied the English throne

Today, the most famous woman on the throne, Queen Elizabeth II of England, celebrates her birthday. Despite her venerable age, the Queen continues to delight us with her appearances, is the constant heroine of our “Stylish Monarchs” column, and gives valuable instructions to her heirs, Prince Charles and William, as well as her young daughter-in-law, Kate Middleton. HELLO.RU congratulates Elizabeth II on her birthday and recalls 15 interesting facts about this legendary person.

Elizabeth II

1. Queen Elizabeth was born on April 21, 1926. At the time of her birth, she was third in line to the throne; then they could not even think about her future elevation to the throne. Her father, George VI, began to rule after the unexpected abdication of his elder brother, King Edward, and thus Elizabeth came closer to power.

Queen Elizabeth II with her mother Elizabeth I and father George VI

On the day of her father's death, her younger sister, Princess Margaret, approached 25-year-old Elizabeth and said: Does this mean you will become queen? Poor thing!

2. Elizabeth's education was personally handled by her father, King George VI. Her teachers also included the Vice-Rector of Eton and the Archbishop of Canterbury.

From an early age, Lilibet, as she was called at home, was an enthusiastic and active person. She really enjoyed learning languages. Thanks to foreign governesses, she became fluent in French as a child. At age 11, while still a princess, Elizabeth became a scout and then a sea ranger.

Elizabeth II in scout uniform, 19423. Since childhood, the queen has been very fond of animals. She is the breeder of many thoroughbred horses, and often comes to watch equestrian competitions, as well as the races in which her horses compete.

Elizabeth II has been riding a horse almost since birth
Queen Elizabeth II with Prince Philip at the Hippodrome Elizabeth II also loves dogs. Her favorite breed is the Welsh Corgi. Her father gave her her first puppy for her birthday, and since then she has had more than 30 corgis, each of which is a descendant of her firstborn, Susie. The dogs live with the Queen in the castle, travel in limousines and live in hotels.

Queen Elizabeth II with her dog

4. The Queen met her husband, Prince Philip, at the age of 8. The son of a Greek prince was forced to flee his native country to England at the age of 1 in an orange box. Naturally, King George VI of Great Britain did not welcome his daughter’s union with the “impoverished prince.” According to rumors, Elizabeth herself achieved the favor of Philip, with whom she was in love from an early age, and then proposed marriage to him.

Elizabeth and Philip at their engagement party, 1947

5. The couple announced their engagement in 1947. The wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten took place on November 20, 1947. 2000 invited guests attended the celebration. The wedding dress was made by designer Norman Hartnell, and the bride's head was decorated with a diamond tiara, which Queen Mary gave her as a child.

Wedding of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip

After his marriage to the princess, Philip was not anointed king. When his wife ascended the throne, he was the first to take the oath to her with the words:
I, Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, will become your vassal in sickness and in health, and will serve you faithfully, with honor and respect, until my death. May God help me.
61 years have passed since then, and Philip is still always and everywhere next to his queen.

6. Elizabeth II is the Commander-in-Chief of the British Armed Forces. She herself conducts all important meetings with the heads of the Commonwealth, and also visits military installations during her visits to other countries. She is preparing her son, Prince Charles, and grandchildren, William and Harry, for political affairs, but does not yet trust them to make decisions.

Queen Elizabeth II with her first child, Prince Charles

7. Despite her steely character and talent for government, the queen does not forget about femininity. The bright colors of dresses and suits, which she has preferred since a very young age, reveal her creative and mischievous nature.

A recognizable style, the main elements of which are a monochrome suit of rich color, a matching hat, black shoes and a handbag, was formed at the very beginning of her reign. Now, despite her advanced age, the queen is not at all afraid of bright colors and still does not change her habits. As Karl Lagerfeld said, in order to become a recognizable person, you need to dress in such a way that it is easy to copy a caricature of you. Queen Elizabeth II inspired the creativity of both famous creators and animators.

Queen Elizabeth II, 1986

8. Order surrounds the Queen in everything, so it is not surprising that in Elizabeth II’s dressing room all things have a serial number. The place and time at which the outfit was worn is also indicated. Given the Queen’s busy work schedule, this is the only way she can avoid “fashion repetitions.”

9. The Queen's working day is scheduled minute by minute. At 7:30, a tray containing a silver teapot, a jug of water and milk is brought to her bed. She starts her duties at 10:00 and finishes work around 23:00. First thing in the morning she looks at the British daily newspapers and the racing magazine The Racing Post.

Elizabeth II, 2013

After this, from the hundreds of letters from her subjects that arrived during the day, she selects a few, which she reads, and then dictates to her assistant the answers to each of them. In the first half of the day, the queen schedules several meetings - with ambassadors, bishops, and judges. Each takes no more than 15 minutes. In the evening, Elizabeth II meets with the Prime Minister and gets acquainted with official papers. At the end of the day, she attends exhibitions, concerts and other events.

10. Queen Elizabeth II has a very large family: four children, eight grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. When she is not busy with business, she loves to be at home with her loved ones.

Elizabeth II with Prince Philip, three sons and daughter

She spends several weeks in August and September alone. These days, the doors of Buckingham Palace open to everyone, and the Queen goes on vacation to the Scottish castle of Balmoral. There she enjoys reading novels, doing crossword puzzles and taking a bath. By the way, Elizabeth has a funny habit associated with her latest pastime - the queen never takes a bath without her rubber duck.

Another favorite pastime of the Queen on weekends is “fussing” with dogs. Rumor has it that Elizabeth loves to comb their fur herself and even look for fleas on them.

11. The Queen is the only resident of Great Britain who does not have a passport or license. However, this does not stop her from actively traveling and driving. By the way, she first got behind the wheel at the age of 19. With 67 years of driving experience behind her, the Queen was spotted behind the wheel by paparazzi in 2012. In an unaccompanied car, Elizabeth II was returning from her Scottish residence, where she was hunting hazel grouse.

Queen Elizabeth II driving12 .During travel, the weight of the queen's luggage can reach several tons. A record figure was recorded during Elizabeth II's trip to a meeting of the heads of the Commonwealth of Nations in 1953 - the queen carried 12 tons of clothing with her. Considering the number of her dogs that travel with her everywhere, she has also accumulated several tons of grooming supplies.

Elizabeth II

13. Elizabeth II has a number of secret signs. For example, if during official events she places her handbag on the table, then it becomes clear to those accompanying her that the Queen wishes to leave the meeting after 5 minutes. When she begins to twirl a ring on her finger or shift her bag from one hand to another, this means that she is bored with communication with her interlocutor.

Queen Elizabeth II
14. The most difficult times in the queen's life were 1992 and 2002. In the early 90s, the reputation of the monarchy was under attack due to the divorce of the Queen's heir, Prince Charles, from Princess Diana. And in 2002, the Queen lost two loved ones at once - her sister Margaret and her mother Elizabeth I.

Queen Elizabeth II with Princess Diana

15. Despite the fact that the Queen turns 88 today, this event will be celebrated on a national scale only in the summer. According to a tradition that has developed over the years, the birthday of the reigning monarch of Great Britain is celebrated twice: directly on the day of the celebration with loved ones and on one of the weekends in June. It is in the summer that lavish festivities take place, people take to the streets to celebrate another year in the life and reign of the most popular monarch in the world.

VIVAT, QUEEN! Dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Elizabeth II.

Queen Elizabeth II

On April 21, 2016, Europe's oldest monarch, Elizabeth II, turned 90 years old. Her Majesty not only personifies the traditions of the United Kingdom, but also takes an active part in the destiny of the country. Rumors about the abdication of Elizabeth II of the throne arise with enviable frequency, but few of its subjects can imagine Great Britain without its queen.

Elizabeth Alexandra Maria Windsor

Elizabeth Alexandra Marie Windsor, eldest daughter of Prince Albert, Duke of York and Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, was born on 21 April 1926. The girl was named after her mother Elizabeth, grandmother Maria and great-grandmother Alexandra.

Duke of York with his eldest daughter Elizabeth

the future Queen Elizabeth II is pictured with the Queen Mother and her younger sister Princess Margaret in 1939. The princess died in 2002 at the age of 71.

sisters Elizabeth and Margaret

At the time of her birth, Elizabeth was third in line to the throne - after her uncle Edward, the future King Edward VIII, and her father Prince Albert, the future George VI. At that time, no one imagined her possible ascension to the throne.

Elizabeth with her parents

Elizabeth with her favorite animals

However, the fate of the future queen turned out differently. Her uncle Edward, who spent only 10 months on the throne from January 20 to December 11, 1936, wanted to marry twice-divorced Wallis Simpson. In addition to the fact that his chosen one had a bad reputation in high society, she also expressed open sympathy for Nazi Germany.

sisters Elizabeth and Margaret with their parents

The British government could not approve such a dubious marriage, to which Edward declared: “I found it impossible to perform the duties of a king without the help and support of the woman I love.” He then abdicated the throne in favor of his brother Prince Albert, Elizabeth's father, the future King George VI.

Princess Elizabeth in Buckingham Palace Park

Princess Elizabeth

When news arrived that George VI had come to the throne, his youngest daughter Princess Margaret sympathized with her older sister Elizabeth: “Does this mean you will become queen?!” Poor thing! However, young Lilibet, as she was called in childhood, did not take these words seriously.

In the photo, Princess Elizabeth (right) with her younger sister Margaret

Elizaveta joined the "Auxiliary Territorial Service" and was trained as a mechanic-driver of an ambulance, receiving military rank Lieutenant

When Elizabeth was 13 years old, the Second World War began World War. On October 13, 1940, she made her first radio appearance with an appeal of support to children affected by the disasters of war. During World War II, Elizabeth joined the Women's Auxiliary Territorial Corps, where she served as an auto mechanic and truck driver. It is worth noting that the Queen still has a passion for cars and is well versed in mechanics.

Elizabeth with her fiancé Philip Mountbatten

After the war, when Elizabeth was 21 years old, she married a 26-year-old British naval officer, Philip Mountbatten. The couple met while he was in college. The young people corresponded for a long time, and in 1946 Philip asked the king for permission to marry.

Despite the fact that Elizabeth fell in love with Philip almost at first sight and immediately declared that she would marry him, the family of the future queen was categorically against it. The catch was that although Philip was formally the prince of Greece, his father Andrei left his son neither fortune nor land holdings - nothing except his pedigree and the signet ring that the duke still wears. Elizabeth, however, convinced her father to give permission for the marriage. Philip converted from Orthodoxy to Anglicanism, renounced the title of Greek prince and accepted British citizenship.

Marriage of Elizabeth II to Prince Philip in 1947

Philip is Elizabeth's fourth cousin through her great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria. He is also a descendant Russian Emperor Nicholas I, and his mother was the niece of the Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, wife of Nicholas II.

The wedding of Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh took place in Westminster Abbey on November 20, 1947. Two thousand guests attended the ceremony. The wedding cake was nine feet high and featured the heraldic insignia of both families, monograms of the newlyweds, sugar figurines, and regimental and naval badges. The cake was cut using a sword given to Philip by his father-in-law, George VI.

The cake was 9 feet tall, had 4 tiers and weighed a whopping 250 kilograms

On their wedding day, Philip gave his bride an elegant silver cosmetic bag, which she still carries with her in her purse. Elizabeth II's engagement ring was made by Philip Antrobus Ltd using diamonds from Prince Philip's mother's tiara.

official coronation ceremony of Elizabeth II in 1953

On February 6, 1952, King George VI died after a long illness. And on June 2, 1953, the official coronation ceremony of Elizabeth II took place. This was the first coronation of a British monarch to be televised. According to the data, 27 million viewers watched the ceremony, and 11 million listened to it on the radio.

The Queen with her six ladies-in-waiting
From left to right: Lady Moira Hamilton (now Lady Moyra Campbell), Lady Anne Cox (now the Right Honorable Lady Glenconner), Lady Rosemary Spencer-Churchill (now Lady Rosemary Muir), Lady Mary Bailey-Hamilton (now Lady Mary Russell), Lady Jane Heathcote -Drummond-Willoughby (now Baroness de Willoughby de Eresby), Lady Jane Van-Tempest-Stewart (now the Honorable Lady Rayne)

Even the harshest critics cannot blame the queen for neglecting her duties. Elizabeth II once gently hinted at her wealth of experience, saying that she had the “pleasant responsibility of dealing with 12 prime ministers and signing 3,500 laws.”

Indeed, during the reign of Elizabeth II, there were 12 British prime ministers - from Winston Churchill to David Cameron, 12 American presidents - from Truman to Barack Obama, seven popes - from Pius XII to Francis. Tony Blair, former Prime Minister of Great Britain, was born during the Queen's reign. The first time Elizabeth II saw Tony was when he and her son Edward played rabbits in a school play.

Although the Queen does not participate in government decisions, the British Prime Minister meets with her face to face every week to discuss major issues in the country's political and economic life.

British Queen Elizabeth II spoke at the opening ceremony
regular session of parliament with speech from the throne

Despite her advanced age, the queen leads a very active life. Her schedule is scheduled minute by minute. Exactly at 7.30 they bring her breakfast. At 10.00 Elizabeth II begins her duties and finishes work around 23.00. In the first half of the day, Her Majesty holds meetings with ambassadors, bishops, and judges - each lasting no more than 15 minutes. In the evening he receives the Prime Minister and reviews official papers. At the end of the day, he attends exhibitions, concerts and other events.

Vladimir Putin, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Elizabeth II with her husband Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, before the start of the gala dinner at the G8 summit in Gleneagles

Elizabeth II has enormous influence on the international stage. In 16 countries, the British Queen is officially considered the head of state, where governors-general rule on her behalf. Elizabeth II has the right to appoint and remove them from office. At the same time, the queen herself says that her title means nothing, real power is in the hands of the people, and she is only a tribute to tradition, a kind of symbol of power.

Obama's London visit ends with an official royal banquet at Buckingham Palace.

Since her accession to the throne in 1952, Elizabeth II has given an annual Christmas speech. The only exception was in 1969, when instead of a Christmas address, a documentary about the British royal family was shown. Elizabeth II is also actively involved in charity work and social activities. The Queen of England is a trustee of more than 600 different public and charitable organizations.

Perhaps no one travels more often than Elizabeth II in Great Britain. In 1954, Her Majesty became the first monarch to trip around the world during a six-month tour.

During the reign of Elizabeth II, the process of decolonization was completed, which was marked by the final collapse of British Empire and its transformation into the Commonwealth of Nations.

In 2015, Queen Elizabeth II set an absolute record for the length of her stay on the throne - 63 years and 217 days. Before that, Britain's oldest monarch was her great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria.

As for Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, he was never crowned. According to British law, the husband of the queen regnant does not become king, but remains a prince consort. Nevertheless, he was the first to pledge allegiance to Elizabeth II. “I, Philip, become your vassal, body and soul; I swear to serve you faithfully until the end of my days, protecting you from any enemies. May God help me,” he said on the day of his coronation.

From the first days of Her Majesty's reign, Philip actually accompanied her on all her trips and attended protocol events. True, the prince more than once found himself in situations for which his wife had to blush deeply. So in New Guinea, Philip asked a passerby: “Listen, my dear, how come you haven’t been eaten here yet?” In China, turning to English tourist, he said in a casual tone: “Make sure you don’t stay here for too long, otherwise your eyes will narrow.” And in Paraguay, at a meeting with the bloody dictator Stroessner, Philip said: “It’s amazingly nice to be in a country that is not governed by the people.”

In addition to diplomatic missteps, Philip often gave palace gossips reason to gossip about his love affairs on the side. He was credited with an affair with the cousin of Elizabeth II, and there was talk of illegitimate children from different women. But the queen did everything to stop such rumors. The couple managed to save the family. And in 2007, Elizabeth II and Philip celebrated their diamond wedding - the 60th anniversary of their marriage. For the British monarchy, this is a solid marriage record and another record.

Charles, Prince of Wales

Unfortunately, their eldest son Prince Charles was unable to follow his parents' example. The heir to the throne divorced Princess Diana after 15 years of marriage. Neither two children, William and Harry, nor the persuasion of the queen herself saved the family. By the way, Elizabeth II played a significant role in arranging this marriage.

Among all the candidates vying for the “post” of the prince’s wife, Diana Spencer, a young Englishwoman of noble birth with a good upbringing, submissive and modest, became the best option. The Queen invited her to all the events in which Charles participated in order to bring them closer. As a result, succumbing to social pressure - the prince was already over 30 - and his overbearing mother, Charles proposed to Diana.

But the prince was not known for his loyalty and did not hide it. His heart belonged to Camilla Parker Bowles, who later married him. And Diana did not silently tolerate her husband’s infidelity. She had been in a close relationship for some time with her riding instructor, James Hewitt, as she admitted in a 1995 television interview (a year earlier, Charles had made a similar admission about an affair with Camilla). Shortly before her death, in June 1997, Diana began dating film producer Dodi al-Fayed, the son of Egyptian billionaire Mohamed al-Fayed.

On August 31, 1997, Diana died in a car accident in France. People filled the fences of Buckingham and Kensington Palaces with flowers, soft toys, balloons, and letters of condolences. For the lack of reaction of Elizabeth II to the death of the princess beloved by the British people, the Queen was subjected to the wrath of the public and many major media outlets. The Queen's popularity plummeted. For the first time in 10 years, the number of those who were confident that Britain “would be better off” without the monarchy increased from 13 to 30%.

Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall
Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall

Prime Minister Tony Blair had to save the situation. He persuaded the queen to personally honor the memory of the princess. Elizabeth returned to London five days after Diana's death. Together with Prince Philip, she walked to a pile of flowers outside Buckingham Palace, showing people her sympathy. The crowd started clapping. That same day, the Queen addressed the nation live on television, calling Diana “an exceptional and gifted person.” “Neither in joy nor in sorrow did she lose her ability to laugh and support others with her warmth and kindness,” Elizabeth said.

During the years of Elizabeth's reign, the royal guards recorded more than 20 incidents related to violations of the personal safety of members of the royal family. As the Queen herself says, “danger is part of my job.”

In 1974, an attempt to kidnap Princess Anne was foiled near Buckingham Palace in London. In May 1981, an assassination attempt on Prince Charles was foiled when, in the post office sorting department in western region An envelope filled with explosives addressed to the Prince of Wales was intercepted in London.

The attack on the queen herself took place a month after this incident. During the traditional parade, a young man shot Elizabeth II's horse six times. The pistol turned out to be loaded with blank cartridges. The attacker was accused of violating a law dating back to 1842, which provided for punishment for firing a weapon in close proximity to a royal person in order to frighten her.

In 2014, Scotland Yard foiled another assassination attempt on the British Queen. In London, four people were detained on suspicion of preparing a terrorist attack. They planned an attack on Elizabeth II using bladed weapons.

Crown of the British Empire

An elegant creation of human hands, before which more than one generation of people bowed their heads, the Royal Crown of Britain is a crown with alternating four lilies and crosses. Above them are four semi-arcs, which are crowned by a ball with a cross. The basis of the splendor is a velvet hat with an ermine trim. In total, the crown of the monarchs is decorated with 2868 diamonds, 17 sapphires, 11 emeralds, 273 pearls, 5 marvelous rubies.

Her Majesty wears the crown once, maximum twice a year. The Crown of the British Empire, which the Queen wears to the Opening of Parliament, is very heavy, so Elizabeth II had to wear it for several days before the event to get used to its weight. Prince Charles once said that one of his most vivid childhood memories was when his mother bathed him in the bath with a crown on her head as she prepared for the opening of Parliament.

On May 27, 2015, Queen Elizabeth II opened the 63rd session of Parliament.
This is, of course, the most amazing, most royal spectacle.

The Queen and Prince Philip in a carriage. The Queen also wore her personal diamond jewellery, the King George Three Strand Diamond Necklace and Queen Mary Brooch Earrings

The Queen arrived at Westminster Abbey

Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Charles

the queen enters parliament

On this day she always wears white. All ladies, even maids of honor, must all wear white at this ceremony. The Queen arrives in Queen Victoria's carriage wearing King George's tiara. In the "canonical" form, which is printed on money and stamps.

the crown is being carried in the carriage

crown of the british empire

15 minute speech from the throne

Elizabeth has finished her speech from the throne and is about to leave parliament.

The Queen is no longer crowned with the British Empire

and the Crown of the British Empire goes back to the Tower

Speaking about the queen's dressing room, it is worth noting that military order always reigns there. Each new thing is entered under own name in a special catalog, which also indicates the date, time and place when exactly it was worn. This allows Elizabeth II to avoid fashion repetitions.

Queen Elizabeth II - 63 years of monarchy in hats

On September 9, Queen Elizabeth II broke Queen Victoria's record to become the longest-serving monarch in British history at 63 years and 7 months. Below are the Queen's famous hats, which she wore at important moments throughout her reign.

Today the Queen dresses according to her age

Angela Kelly, Elizabeth II's personal dresser for 40 years, with Her Majesty's permission, wrote a book about her work called Dressing the Queen: The Jubilee Wardrobe.

Angela Kelly has been working on royal image, she helps select outfits for all events, and the Queen of Great Britain has a great many of them. Angela designs costumes, participates in the acquisition of new items and, of course, knows all the secrets of Elizabeth II’s impeccable style.

Angela Kelly at work

Of course, everyone knows about such an item of the royal dress code as a hat. But it turns out that when Queen Elizabeth II is going to visit a nursing home, she specially selects a structured hat in a bright color so that even people with low vision can see the accessory.

Elizabeth II has never been a fashionista. And, as the royal press secretary admitted in one interview, even in her youth, Her Majesty dressed conservatively and never wore a miniskirt. Although at that time everyone was crazy about a new item in the women's wardrobe that had just come into fashion.

Elizabeth II often uses accessories to convey secret signs. For example, if during official events she places her handbag on the table, it becomes clear to those accompanying her that the Queen wishes to leave the meeting in five minutes. When she starts twirling a ring on her finger or shifting her bag from one hand to another, it means that she is bored with communication with her interlocutor.

One of the privileges of the Queen is that Her Majesty is exempt from paying taxes into the Royal Treasury. However, since 1992, she has been regularly filling out the declaration without taking advantage of tax benefits. The Queen is also the only resident of Great Britain who does not have a passport or driver’s license.

It is noteworthy that, despite all her wealth, Queen Elizabeth has never been included in the famous Forbes list. This is due to the fact that a significant part of her fortune comes from real estate of the British royal court. The Queen's main source of income is a fixed percentage of the profits of the Crown Estate, or the so-called sovereign grant.

According to the law, all income from the Crown Estate goes to the state treasury, after which the British monarch receives 15% of her share. The Crown Estate is an independent business entity with the largest property portfolio in Britain. The company's capital is estimated at 11.5 billion pounds.

The Queen receives an annual salary of approximately £40 million. The sources of finance that support the monarchy are investments and income from royal land holdings.

In June 2015, the Financial Times reported that Elizabeth II will receive record income from transactions with real estate owned by her, which is managed by the Crown Estate. In the first three months of 2015, the company earned £285 million, of which Elizabeth II is owed £43 million.

No matter how much money the Queen has in her account, she can always withdraw it using her personal ATM. It is installed on the ground floor of Buckingham Palace. One of the most prestigious and reliable banks in the country, Coutts, is responsible for its service. And, of course, it never runs out of cash. This is strictly monitored.


With Elizabeth II, like with all people, funny things happen from time to time. One of these was associated with the pride of our cosmonautics, Yuri Gagarin. The story took place in 1961. According to English palace etiquette, you cannot eat lemon from a cup after drinking tea. However, Yuri Gagarin, a bearer of Soviet traditions, did not know this. The Queen and her entourage were shocked when the astronaut crushed the lemon in the container and put it straight into his mouth. But Elizabeth did not risk offending the invited guest and saved the situation by doing the same.

Her Majesty receives the President of the United States at Buckingham Palace
Barack Obama and his wife Michelle

Another violator of royal etiquette was the wife of US President Michelle Obama. In 2009, at a reception at Buckingham Palace, she gave the royal lady a friendly hug on the shoulder. Such a gesture is considered a gross violation in the UK. According to existing protocol, which dates back to the Middle Ages, no one has the right to touch the British monarch.

Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain awarded the Hollywood actress
Angelina Jolie is a dame for her humanitarian work.

The actress was awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. George

Her Majesty at a meeting with the actors of the Game of Thrones series. The series now involved in the biography of the royal person is “Game of Thrones”. The Queen of Great Britain visited the new studios where the mega-popular series is being filmed. Elizabeth II talked with the actors and walked around the film sets, but never decided to sit on the throne.

One day, in 1991, Elizabeth herself was denied access to the private wing of the Royal Windsor Horse Show by a security officer. He later made excuses: “I thought this old lady was just lost.” And in 1982, an unemployed man burst into Her Majesty’s private chambers. The stranger sat on the queen’s bed for 10 minutes while she entertained him with calm calm, waiting for the security and police officers.

Renamed from September 2012 and named after Queen Elizabeth

The name of Elizabeth II has been repeatedly assigned to various territories, including Queen Elizabeth Land in Antarctica and the Queen Elizabeth Islands in Canada. Even the famous clock tower Big Ben, the symbol of London, has been officially called the “Elizabeth Tower” since September 2012. The rose variety Rosa Queen Elizabeth is also named in honor of Her Majesty. In the United Kingdom, 237 streets are named after Elizabeth.

Queen Elizabeth Islands in Canada

Barbeau Peak, English. Barbeau Peak

Barbeau Peak (2616 meters) is the highest peak of Ellesmere Island, the archipelago and territory of Nunavut. The climate of the islands is extremely harsh, arctic. The islands are covered with polar deserts. The total area of ​​the islands is 419,061 km². Many of the islands are among the largest on Globe, the largest of them is Ellesmere, the other large island is Devon.

Today, Elizabeth II has 8 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. The eldest son of the heir to the throne, Prince Charles, Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton gave the Queen great-grandchildren Prince George and Princess Charlotte. This means that neither the Queen nor her subjects should worry about the future of the monarchy in Great Britain.

Prince Charles's eldest son is Prince William

Prince William (William) Arthur Philip Louis, Duke of Cambridge

Prince William and Kate Middleton

wedding ceremony of Prince William and Kate Middleton
29 April 2011 at Westminster Abbey in London

George Alexander Louis - firstborn, was born on June 22, 2013 at St. Mary's Hospital in London

The two-year-old prince went to West Acre Montessori nursery in Norfolk in eastern England. Duchess Kate chose a kindergarten for her two-year-old son not on the basis of prestige or cost, but for reasons of educational efficiency. In the garden where George Alexander Louis went, teaching is based on the Montessori system. This system is focused on independence, creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.

Daughter Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, born May 2, 2015

To celebrate the birth of Prince William and Kate Middleton's baby, Tower Bridge was lit up with pink lights in London. The whole world rejoiced and rejoiced for the happy royal family.

Charlotte is 6 months old. The newborn princess became fourth in line to the throne after her grandfather Charles, father and brother George.

Prince Charles's youngest son is Prince Harry

At the end of 2015, Prince Harry took first place in the ranking of the most eligible bachelors on the planet. From a young age, journalists have been closely following Harry, not missing the slightest opportunity to highlight any of the prince’s misdeeds in the press. From the age of 17, he regularly appeared in gossip columns. He was once filmed drunk in a pub, and later scandalous photographs of the naked Prince at a party in Las Vegas were published. The royal family was seriously worried about his behavior. Father Charles decided to send his son after graduating from college to Military Academy Sandhurst. The measure taken was beneficial, and Harry calmed down a little.

When Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her 90th birthday, she became not only the oldest monarch in the world, but also the longest-reigning head of state in British history. She comes from the Windsor dynasty and, in addition to her native island, is recognized as queen in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Papua New Guinea, Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas and eight other small countries. The reign of Elizabeth Alexandra Maria saw the final collapse of the British Empire and the withdrawal of the colonies from English rule. Despite quite impressive criticism, Elizabeth II is quite a popular person in her native country.

She was born on April 21, 1926 in the family of the future king, and. The girl received her name in honor of her mother, but full name Princess also consists of the names of the grandmother and great-grandmother. The queen's zodiac sign is Taurus. Elizabeth II had a sister, who was born four years after her, but died at the age of 72.

The first title in the biography of Elizabeth II appeared immediately after birth: the girl was named Princess of York. At that time, her father and uncle Edward VIII stood in front of her on the way to the throne, as did any boy who could theoretically be born to each of the candidates for the throne. The uncle initially became king, but less than a year later he lost the title to his brother.

Elizabeth II and her parents move to a luxurious castle - Buckingham Palace, where they spend their childhood and youth. Elizabeth II studied at home, but received an excellent humanities education. She is on high level I studied art, religion, law, and specifically the British Constitution. Elizabeth II is fluent in French and is believed to have learned it on her own.

For the first time, Elizabeth II addressed her future subjects at the age of 13. During World War II, she appeared on the radio and expressed support for children who were affected by the bombing. At the age of 16, the girl already independently appears in public, and a year later she becomes a state adviser and joins the women's self-defense unit. The princess learned to drive an ambulance, received training as a mechanic, and rose to the rank of lieutenant. She is the only head of state who served in real life in that war.

Governing body

On the day of her coming of age, Elizabeth II officially promised the British Empire to devote her life to serving people, although at that time her inheritance of the crown was still in doubt. After the death of her father George VI, on February 6, 1952, Elizabeth II was proclaimed Queen. It is curious that the coronation of the girl was broadcast on television for the first time in history and many believe that this event gave a sharp boost to popularity this tool media in Britain.

At the time of Queen Elizabeth's ascension to the throne, the ruler's possessions were much wider than they are today. Then the empire included South Africa, Pakistan and Ceylon, which later abolished British rule. Interestingly, Elizabeth II almost immediately paid a visit to each of the countries, becoming the first monarch to visit Australia and New Zealand.

By tradition, Queen Elizabeth II has virtually no influence on the governance of the country. A woman’s task is to represent the country at international summits and maintain the authority of the British monarchy. Throughout her entire tenure on the throne, Elizabeth II maintains correct relations with all prime ministers. And although she is above the political fray and does not publicly express her own political opinions, statesmen consider it important to consult with her on many issues. She valued the queen's opinion, which she wrote about in her memoirs.

During her long reign over Great Britain, Elizabeth received both praise and harsh criticism. But both the queen's supporters and opponents emphasize the queen's humanity. The events of 1986 are an indicative fact. Elizabeth II was sailing on her yacht Britannia to one of her subject countries when she learned about the beginning civil war in Yemen. She immediately ordered to change course and take on board as many as possible ordinary people. Thanks to the direct assistance of Queen Elizabeth II of England, over a thousand people were evacuated.

In 2015, "Canada's sexiest politician" visited Buckingham Palace. Then the Queen noted that the meeting with the Prime Minister was a unique occasion, because the last time they saw each other was 40 years ago: Justin’s father took him to see Elizabeth II when the boy was 3 years old. At the meeting, the Queen noted: “Nice to see you again, but under different circumstances.”. To which the politician retorted: “The last time we met, you were much taller.”.

Today, the queen’s height is 152 cm and her weight is 55 kg.

Personal life

Elizabeth II's personal life changed immediately after coming of age. The princess married a British naval officer, who after the wedding received the title Duke of Edinburgh. The husband of Elizabeth 2 is a descendant of Queen Victoria and the offspring of Greek and Danish royal dynasties. They met when the future Queen Elizabeth II was eight years old, and romantic relationship The relationship between the lovers began in 1939, when the princess visited the naval college, where young Philip was then studying.

Wedding of Elizabeth II and Prince Philip

Queen Elizabeth II and her husband had four children: , and Edward. The last two were born after their mother’s accession to the British throne. Family tree The British royal family continues to grow: children have long since acquired their own families and presented the reigning queen with grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In the family of Elizabeth II there was and, the first wife of Prince Charles and the mother of and. One of the strongest waves of criticism swept over Elizabeth II when she reacted with obvious delay to a car accident.

Queen Elizabeth II's favorite hobbies are breeding purebred dogs and horse riding. As she grew older, she replaced horses with cars and even today gets behind the wheel herself. By the way, the Queen does not have a driver's license. Even in her old age, Elizabeth II became interested in gardening. She is considered one of the world's most traveled heads of state and has already visited over 130 countries. The personality of Elizabeth II attracts attention and motivates creative people to create works of art. There are many lifetime monuments and sculptures of Elizabeth II. In honor of the queen, bridges and buildings are built, parks and alleys are laid out, stamps and coins are issued, and a variety of roses is even named after the monarch.

Elizabeth II often becomes a character in films. The queen was portrayed on screen, along with a dozen other actresses. And once Queen Elizabeth II herself starred in a promotional video for the opening of the London 2012 Olympics. Together with the actor who portrayed her, she flies to the Olympic Stadium by helicopter and “jumps” with a parachute. Behind this role The 87-year-old Queen of Great Britain was awarded the BAFTA film award for best actress.

Royals are prohibited from maintaining social media accounts. However, the royal family has a person who monitors their official " Instagram" And " Twitter", where he posts photos and recordings with the permission of the highest authorities.

It is known that a whole team works on the queen's wardrobe. Experts suggest that Elizabeth's favorite color is blue. It was in clothes of this shade that the woman most often appeared in public. This may be due to the fact that Elizabeth II's eye color is blue. Designers have always noted the elegance and refined taste of the monarch.

Despite her age, Elizabeth II prefers to go without makeup and usually only uses lipstick. The woman puts on her makeup herself.

The Queen has a collection of hats. Elizabeth has more than 5,000 of these hats in her arsenal. Moreover, the monarch appeared in public in each of them.

In 2016, for the Queen's 90th birthday, a documentary film about Elizabeth II was released. Director John Bridcut was allowed to look into the personal video chronicle of the royal family.

Elizabeth II now

In January 2017, subjects were worried about the health of the ruler. Elizabeth II became very ill: the woman was struck down by a cold. For this reason, the Queen missed the Christmas and New Year's services.

In June, the monarch gave a speech from the throne in parliament. Elizabeth II presented the government program for the next two years.

In September, Elizabeth II said she plans to wait for someone other than “Mr. Putin” to rule Russia. According to the British monarch, he has lost touch with reality and there is nothing to talk about with him. The woman is sure that the time will come when Russians will again look at the British with aspiration.

In December, the Queen took part in a hunt at her country residence Sandringham. Sources reported that when the dog brought a wounded pheasant to the monarch’s feet, Elizabeth II was not at a loss and finished off the bird with a cane.

In November 2017, it became known that Prince William's brother, Harry, was officially engaged to the actress. The lovers were scheduled for May 19, 2018. However, Queen Elizabeth II did not give her consent to the marriage of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry for a long time, and according to the law regulating royal marriages, before the celebration, the monarch must give official written permission to marry. And only a week before the wedding, Buckingham Palace published the consent of the British Queen. The public was sure that Elizabeth would not approve of Harry’s union with a former actress who had previously been married.

And on May 19, 2018, the whole world watched the royal celebration. 600 guests were invited to the wedding, among whom were, with his wife and others. During the wedding, the queen did not show joyful emotions and never smiled. After the ceremony, Meghan was given the title of Duchess of Sussex.

Now the British public is waiting for Markle to announce her pregnancy and give Prince Harry an heir. The press periodically reports facts that confirm that spouses are striving to have offspring.

In February, the queen rented a plot in the center of Kyiv. The media were tormented by guesses why Elizabeth II needed land in Ukraine. It turned out that the embassies of Canada and Australia, which are members of the British Commonwealth and recognize the authority of the British crown, are located on this site.

On June 18, Elizabeth II attended the traditional ceremony for presenting the highest order of knighthood in Great Britain.

On June 19, an important public event started - the royal races at Ascot. Her Majesty attended this event.

That same month, the Queen's cousin Ivar Mountbatten announced that he planned to marry boyfriend James Coyle. Two years ago, a man caused a real stir in the family when he announced his non-traditional sexual orientation. Until 2011, Ivar was married to a woman named Penelope Thomson. In this marriage, the couple had three children. Ivar's ex-wife knew about her husband's inclinations and supported him. It will be Penny who will lead Ivar to the altar. The woman immediately found mutual language with Mountbatten's lover. This will be the first same-sex marriage in the royal family.

The Queen is scheduled to meet with the President of the United States on July 13, 2018. The working visit of the American leader will take place at Windsor Castle. In addition to meeting with Elizabeth, the president plans to spend several hours with the British Prime Minister.


A loud scandal occurred in the 90s associated with Prince Charles. As you know, the man married Diana Spencer, who fell in love with the royal family and the British public, but all his life the queen’s son loved Camilla Shand. However, the monarchs were against their son’s marriage to a rootless girl, so she also quickly found a gentleman. But meetings with the prince did not stop. Diana knew about her husband's infidelities. William and Harry's mother tried to save the marriage, but it didn't work out. In 1992, recordings of a telephone conversation between Charles and Camilla were presented to the public. The words that the lovers said to each other made the royals’ ears “sag.”

Diana then became furious. As a result, the marriage turned into a war that ended in divorce.

After the tragic death of Princess Diana, those who blamed Prince Charles for what happened appeared. We went, and this happened not without the participation of Elizabeth II.

They also said that Prince Philip, the queen's husband, cheated on his wife many times. The woman did not comment on such statements.

In 2012, there was a scandal associated with the name of Prince William and. The future parents were vacationing in a private villa in France. The couple thought that they were alone on the beach, and calmly walked there, either in swimsuits or without any clothes at all. At this moment, the husband and wife were caught by the paparazzi lens.

At one time, the Queen’s sister Margaret “shone” in the center of gossip columns. In her youth, the girl was not allowed to marry for love, and she began to often visit dubious establishments. It was rumored that the ruler's closest relative was addicted to cocaine. Then she married an unloved man, whom she left after 18 years. During and after marriage, the woman did not give up pleasure walks. As a result, Margaret ended her life unhappy in a wheelchair.

The press wrote that Elizabeth II could help her sister and approve a bill that would allow her to marry her loved one. But this did not happen.

Once the queen was even buried. This happened live on the BBC. Then presenter Danny Kelly announced the death of the monarch. Later, the management of the television and radio corporation had to make an official apology to the royal family.

In 2016, there were rumors that the Queen was planning to abdicate in favor of Prince William and Kate Middleton, bypassing Prince Charles. But the rumors remained rumors.

On January 20, 1961, he ascended to the presidency of the United States. Four months later, the man and his wife met with the queen. The couple was invited to dinner. John came to visit Elizabeth II with a gift: the man presented the monarch with his photographic portrait. Historians wonder what the newly minted US president was trying to demonstrate with such a gesture. Elizabeth was surprised, but accepted the gift.

Jacqueline admitted that she was very worried before meeting the queen, but she warmly greeted the president’s wife and, so that she could calm down, showed the first lady a collection of works of art. Nine months later, Jacqueline Kennedy visited the Queen again, alone. And I was delighted with the visit. Six months later, the woman planned to host Elizabeth II, but when it turned out that the queen was pregnant, the meeting was postponed.

On April 12, 1961, a Soviet pilot-cosmonaut made his first flight into space. As a result, the young man turned into world celebrity. Yuri Alekseevich was invited by foreign governments and organizations, including Great Britain. As a result, the queen herself wanted to talk to Gagarin, inviting the man for breakfast. Contrary to protocol, Elizabeth II sat the astronaut next to her and asked questions. Those present noted that the atmosphere in the hall was relaxed.

Queen Elizabeth II is the only UK resident who does not have a passport.

Interestingly, no one except the husband has the right to touch the Queen in public. And Elizabeth the Second never raises her voice or gives interviews.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor (b. April 21, 1926, London) is the 12th Queen and Head of State of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and is also Queen of 15 Commonwealth nations. (Australia, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Grenada, Canada, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Jamaica), chapter Anglican Church, Supreme Commander armed forces and Lord of the Isle of Man. From 29 May 1953 to 31 May 1961 she was also Queen of South Africa.

Eldest daughter of Duke George of York, future King of Great Britain George VI (1895-1952)

and Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (1900–2002).

Her grandparents: George V (1865–1936), King of Great Britain

and Queen Mary (1867-1953), Princess of Teck, on her father's side,

Claude George Bowes-Lyon (1855-1944), Earl of Strathmore and Cecilia Nina Bowes-Lyon (1883-1961), on their mother's side.

early years Elizabeth II

1. The Queen was born at 2:40 am on April 21, 1926 in London's Mayfair at the residence of the Earl of Strathmore at No. 17 Brewton Street.
2. She was the first child of the Duke and Duchess of York, who later became King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.

3. At the time, she was third in line to the throne after Edward, Prince of Wales (later King Edward VIII), and her father, the Duke of York. But no one expected her father to become king, much less that she would become queen.

4. Princess Elizabeth was baptized with the names Alexander and Mary in the chapel of Buckingham Palace. She was named after her mother, and her two middle names are after her paternal great-grandmother, Queen Alexandra, and her paternal grandmother, Queen Mary.

5. The Princess's early years were spent at 145 Piccadilly, her parents' London home, where they moved shortly after her birth, and at the White House in Richmond Park.
6. When she was six years old, her parents received government positions at the King's House in Windsor Great Park.
7. Princess Elizabeth was educated at home with Princess Margaret, her younger sister.

8. Elizabeth’s education was personally handled by her father, King George, and classes were also conducted with Henry Marten, Vice-Rector of Eton. The Archbishop of Canterbury studied religion with her.
9. Princess Elizabeth learned French from French and Belgian governesses. This skill served the Queen well, as she could personally take part in conversations with ambassadors and heads of state from French-speaking countries, as well as when visiting French-speaking areas of Canada.

Princess Elizabeth in 1933

10. Princess Elizabeth became a Scout when she was eleven years old and later became a Sea Ranger.
11. In 1940, at the height of the war, the young princesses were moved for their safety to Windsor Castle, where they spent most of the war years.

1943 with sister

Women's Auxiliary Territorial Corps: Princess Elizabeth, 2nd Chief of Internal Affairs, in overalls.

Royal romance

12. The Queen is the first British monarch to celebrate her Diamond Jubilee.

13. Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip met at the wedding of Prince Philip's cousin, Princess Marina of Greece, to the Duke of Kent, who was Princess Elizabeth's uncle, in 1934.

14. Princess Elizabeth's engagement to Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten was announced on July 9, 1947. Prince Philip received the title Prince of Greece and Denmark at birth. He joined the Navy in 1939 and after the war, in February 1947, became British citizen. Prince Philip had to choose a surname in order to continue his career in the Royal Navy and he took the surname of his mother's British relatives, Mountbatten. At the wedding, King George VI elevated him to the title of Duke of Edinburgh.

15. The royal wedding rings were decorated with platinum and encrusted with diamonds by jeweler Philip Antrobus. He used diamonds from a tiara belonging to Prince Philip's mother in the jewelry.
16. Prince Philip had two stag parties before his wedding: the first - a formal one in Dorchester, which was attended by invited guests from the press, and the second - with close friends at the Belfry Club.
17. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh were married in Westminster Abbey on November 20, 1947 at 11:30 am. The celebration was attended by 2,000 invited guests.

Video: "Wedding"

The bridesmaids' dresses were made in the same style. They were made from cheaper materials (also purchased with coupons), but due to the embroidery and interesting design they looked decent.

Princess Margaret as a bridesmaid at Queen Elizabeth’s wedding

Princess Alexandra of Kent as a bridesmaid at the Queen’s wedding

18. Elizabeth had eight bridesmaids: HRH Princess Margaret, Princess Alexandra of Kent, Lady Caroline Montagu-Douglas-Scott, Lady Mary Cambridge, Lady Elizabeth Lambert, Pamela Mountbatten, Margaret Elphinstone, Diana Bowes-Lyon.
19. Also present at the wedding were HRH Prince William of Gloucester (aged five) and HRH Prince Michael of Kent (also aged five).
20. The Queen's wedding dress was made by designer Sir Norman Hartnell.
21. The fabric for the dress was specially made by Winterthur Silks Limited in Dunfermline, Canmore factory. To make it, threads from Chinese silkworms were brought from China. Placed throughout the dress, garlands of fleur-dorange flowers (the emblem of virginity), jasmine (the emblem of happiness, purity, sincerity) and the white rose of York (a white rose means purity) were embroidered with small pearls and crystal rhinestones.

22. The queen's veil was made of light transparent fabric and topped with a diamond tiara. This tiara (which can be worn as a necklace) was made for Queen Mary in 1919. The diamonds from which it is made come from a necklace and tiara purchased by Queen Victoria from Collingwood and a wedding gift to Queen Mary in 1893. In August 1936, Queen Mary gave the tiara to Queen Elizabeth when she was still Princess Elizabeth for her future wedding.

Elizabeth “borrowed” the tiara from her mother. An hour before the celebration, the tiara broke in half in the hands of the bride and she had to wait for a jeweler who urgently repaired it.

23. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Abbey is the only stone that is not covered with a special cover. The day after the wedding, Princess Elizabeth, following a royal tradition begun by her mother, sent the wedding bouquet back to the abbey, where flowers were laid on this grave.
24. The bride's wedding ring was made from a Welsh gold nugget that was sent from the Clogau St David mine near Dolgello.
25. About 10 thousand congratulatory telegrams were received at Buckingham Palace, and the royal couple also received more than 2,500 wedding gifts from well-wishers around the world.

26. In addition to jewelry, the couple received many useful items for the kitchen and home from close relatives, including salt shakers from the Queen Mother, a bookcase from Queen Mary, and a picnic set from Princess Margaret.
27. A "wedding breakfast" (lunch) was held after the wedding ceremony at Westminster Abbey in the Round Dining Room at Buckingham Palace. The menu included Filet de Sole Mountbatten, Pedro Casserole, and Princess Elizabeth Ice Cream.
28. On their honeymoon, the couple left Waterloo station with the princess's dog, Susan.
29. The newlyweds spent their wedding night in Hampshire, at the house of Prince Philip's uncle, Earl Mountbatten. The second part of the honeymoon took place in Birkhall, on the Balmoral estate.
30. In early 1948, the couple rented their first family home, Windlesham Moor, in Surrey, near Windsor Castle, where they remained until they moved to Clarence House on 4 July 1949.
31.After his marriage to Princess Elizabeth, the Duke of Edinburgh continued his naval career, reaching the rank of lieutenant commander in the command of the frigate HMS Magpie.
32. Although he was the Queen's husband, the Duke of Edinburgh was not crowned or anointed at the coronation ceremony in 1953. He was the first to pay his respects and take the oath to Her Majesty. He kissed the newly crowned Queen with the words: “I, Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, will become your vassal in sickness and in health, and will serve you faithfully, with honor and respect, until my death. So help me God.”

Herbert James Gunn Coronation Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II

33. Prince Philip accompanied the Queen on all her Commonwealth trips and state visits, as well as on state events and meetings in all parts of the UK. The first of these was the Coronation Tour of the Commonwealth from November 1953 to May 1954, in which the couple visited Bermuda, Jamaica, Panama, Fiji, Tonga, New Zealand, Australia, Cocos Islands, Ceylon, Aden, Uganda, Libya, Malta and Gibraltar, covering a distance of 43,618 kilometers.

34. The coronation took place at Westinster Abbey on June 2, 1953. The sacred ceremony was led by Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury.
35. The Coronation was broadcast in every part of London, the Navy, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.

Norman Hartnell's sketch for Elizabeth II's coronation dress

Coronation dress designed by Norman Hartnell

Joan Hassell. Invitation from Prince Charles, 1953

36. The Queen and Duke Philip of Edinburgh have four children: Prince Charles, Prince of Wales (born 1948), Princess Anne (born 1950), Prince Andrew, Duke of York (born 1960) and Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex (b. 1964).
37. With the birth of Prince Andrew in 1960, the Queen became the first reigning monarch to give birth to a child since Queen Victoria. youngest child whom, Princess Beatrice, was born in 1857.

Prince Charles, Prince of Wales (b. 1948)

Princess Anne, (born 1950)

The Queen with her son Charles and daughter Anne, 1954.

The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Duke of Cornwall and Princess Anne October 1957

Prince Andrew, Duke of York (b. 1960)

Queen Elizabeth II's two youngest children, Princes Andrew and Edward.

Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex (b. 1964)

Prince Edward and Princess Sophie

38. The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh Philip have eight grandchildren -

Peter Phillips (b. 1977),

Zara Phillips (born 1981),

Prince William (born 1982),

Prince Harry (born 1984),

Princess Beatrice (born 1988),

Princess Eugenie (born 1990),

Lady Louise Windsor (b. 2003)

and James, Viscount Severns (b. 2007),

has a great-granddaughter - Savannah (born in 2011) and great-grandson Prince George of Cambridge (2013)

The Queen and Prince Philip pose with their grandchildren (l-r) William, Harry, Zara and her brother Peter (back row) in a warm portrait sent out for Christmas 1987

Speeches of the Queen of England

39. The Queen broadcasts a Christmas message on television every year except 1969, when she decided the royals had had enough on television after an unprecedented documentary about her family. Her greeting took the form of a written address.
40. In a 1991 message, the Queen denied rumors of abdication as she pledged to continue serving.
41. The Queen issued an injunction against The Sun newspaper in 1992 after it published the full text of her speech two days before it was broadcast. She later accepted an apology and £200,000 in donations to charity.
42. The Queen's grandfather, King George V, was the first royal to speak live on radio from Sandringham in 1932.
43. George V was initially against the use of wireless communication devices, but eventually agreed.

44. There was no Christmas broadcast in 1936 and 1938.
45. In 2010, the Queen's speech was broadcast from Hampton Court Palace - the first time the historic building had been used.
46. ​​Each speech is written personally by the Queen, each has a strict religious framework, reflects current issues and is often based on her own experience.

Interests and hobbies

48. An animal lover since childhood, the Queen has a keen and very knowledgeable interest in horses. As an owner and breeder of Thoroughbreds, she often comes to watch races to evaluate how her horses perform in the race, and also frequently attends horse racing events.
49. Elizabeth II took part in the Derby, one of Britain's classic races, and the Ascot summer race, which has been a royal race since 1911.
50. The Queen's horses have won races at Royal Ascot several times. Notable was the double victory on 18 June 1954 when Landau won the Rous Memorial Stakes and Halo won the Hardwicke Stakes, and in 1957 Queen had four winners during the race.

Zara Phillips, Princess An and Elizabeth II

Elizabeth II also encourages her young grandchildren (the children of Prince Edward) to become interested in horses.

51. Other interests include walking in nature and the countryside. The Queen also loves to walk with her Labradors, which were specially bred at Sandgreenham.
52. Less known is the Queen's interest in Scottish dancing. Each year during her stay at Balmoral Castle, the Queen hosts dances known as the Gillis Balls for neighbors, estate owners, castle staff and members of the local community.
53. The Queen is the only person in the UK who can drive without a license or registration number on her car. And she doesn't have a passport.
54. The Queen is the patron of more than 600 charities.
55. To formally greet the Queen, men must bow their heads slightly, while women curtsy slightly. When presented to the Queen, the proper formal address would be "Your Majesty" followed by "Ma'am".

Queen's leisure

56. Queen Elizabeth II is the fortieth English monarch since William the Conqueror.
57. She visited Australia 15 times, Canada 23 times, Jamaica 6 times and New Zealand 10 times.
58. Her Majesty sent about 100 thousand telegrams to centenarians in the UK and Commonwealth countries.
59. The Queen dined on 23 ships and spoke with five astronauts at Buckingham Palace.
60. She made her first airplane flight in July 1945.
61. Her Majesty is the only British monarch in history who knows how to change spark plugs.
62. On VE Day, the Queen and her sister Princess Margaret slipped in the crowd during celebrations.
63. For her wedding dress, the Queen collected coupons for clothes.
64. The Queen has a bank account with Coutts & Co.
65. The Queen celebrated her golden jubilee in 2002 by visiting 70 cities and towns across the UK.
66. Tony Blair was the first prime minister born during her reign, during which there were already nine prime ministers before him.
67. The Queen attended 91 state banquets and posed for 139 official portraits.
68. Technically, the Queen of England still owns sturgeon, whales and dolphins in the waters throughout the UK, which are recognized as the "King's Fish". In addition, she owns all the wild flocks of swans that live in open water.

69. The Queen developed a new breed of dog known as the Dorgi when one of the Corgis was bred to a Dachshund named Pipkin.
70. The Queen is the first British monarch to see her children divorce three times.
71. Her Majesty demoted a footman for serving whiskey to her corgi.
72. The Queen has nine Royal Thrones: one in the House of Lords, two in Westminster Abbey and six in the throne room at Buckingham Palace.

73. She is a patron of the Royal Pigeon Racing Association. One of the queen's birds is called the Sandringham Lightning.
74. During the queen's reign, there were six archbishops of Canterbury.
75. The Queen is 5 feet 4 inches or 160 centimeters tall.
