How to get rid of feelings and emotions. How to get rid of emotions? The wrong way

How to get rid of feelings and emotions.  How to get rid of emotions?  The wrong way

Any life situations evoke certain emotions in us. Moreover most of which we are not even aware. Positive emotions do not harm us, but, on the contrary, cause a surge of strength, joy, and lightness. But negative ones take away energy. And that is not all. We forget most of them, but they don't really go away. Any emotion is a charge of energy. And if it is not thrown out, it remains in the body, forming into a block. Over the years, hundreds of such blocks accumulate in our business. They create muscle tension, spasms, cause organ diseases, and other disorders, adversely affecting health.

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Someone pushed us in the store - this caused us to be indignant. But not wanting to make a scandal, we restrain ourselves and the energy charge remains inside. After 15 minutes, we forget about the incident, but this charge is firmly lodged, most likely, in the throat area (after all, we should have expressed indignation). And after 2-3 days we may wonder why we got a sore throat on a warm day. You may not believe it, but our emotions can provoke diseases in this way. Therefore, it is very important not to keep these blocks within yourself, but to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Below are 10 ways you can let go of negativity without hurting others or yourself.

1. Tears

Never hold yourself back if you feel like crying. The only exceptions are inappropriate situations when it is better not to give vent to tears. In this case, it is better to postpone this process to a more convenient time. The advice applies not only to women, but also to men. In our society, it is believed that men do not cry. But then nature rewarded them with tear ducts? In fact, tears are a wonderful natural way to expel resentment and even anger from yourself. Many people probably know that after tears you always feel better and your head clears. So cry for your health!

2. Scream

There are times in life when you want to scream because of pain, resentment, or worry. There is no need to restrain yourself in this desire. Of course, in conditions modern city it is difficult to find a suitable place to shout. It’s good if there is a field nearby, or maybe an exit to a large roof or a window onto a deserted street. As a last resort, you can drive your car further away, close all the windows and yell as hard as you can. It is not forbidden to mix screaming with tears and even swearing.

3. Reprimand for water

It has been proven that water absorbs external information and can transform energy. Not all people can cry and scream. For calmer natures, this simple method is suitable. It is preferable to sit by the river, but an open tap in the bathroom will do. Sit down and calmly tell the water everything you think. Express all your worries, anxieties, grievances and everything that you cannot tell people. Ask the water to carry all negativity deep into the earth and dissolve it. Don't forget to say thank you to the water at the end.

4. Whipping pillow

A proven method of letting out emotions. For this, it is better to have a separate pillow. It is not recommended to sleep on it. Every time you are angry, frustrated or offended, knock on the pillow, beat it, reprimand it whatever you see fit. You can imagine a person in it to whom your flow of thoughts and emotions is addressed.

5. Letter

This method of dissolving grievances, claims and other similar feelings is recommended by many psychologists. Choose a time and place so that no one will disturb you. Take paper, pen or pencil and write down whatever you want. You can write a letter to a specific person if you feel offended towards him. Here it is very important to write by hand, and not on a computer. Finally, you can burn the letter or tear it up, but be sure to get rid of the message.

6. Dancing

Active, selfless dancing very well cleanses of foreign energy and negative emotions. Pick a few favorite tracks and dance when no one can see you. Give yourself over to the dance completely, trying at these moments to imagine how all the energy blocks are literally flying out of you. Dance until you feel very tired.

7. Swimming

As mentioned above, water can take away bad energy from us. To free yourself from serious blocks and accumulated experiences, you need to swim not in a bathtub, but in a pond. It is advisable that the water be cold. It is necessary to make several jumps into the water with your head, and each time you emerge, imagining how you are cleansing yourself. After the procedure, you will feel light in your body and thoughts.

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8. Meditation

Today there are many visualization meditations for getting rid of energy blocks created by negative emotions. Sometimes one session is enough, and in other cases it takes 5 or even 10 meditations to completely dissolve resentment, fear, irritation, and anger. Choose suitable meditations for yourself and do them as needed.

9. Rest

What is meant here is not an ordinary vacation, in the form of evening leisure or sleep, but a trip to new places. It could be a suburban area, an unexplored side of the forest, a sandy beach by the sea, a tourist voyage across countries, in a word, anything, as long as it’s fun. While being in nature or on exciting trips, our energy changes and some blocks fly out by themselves.

10. Mindfulness

This method is available at any time, anywhere and in any situation, unlike all of the above. Mindfulness allows us to monitor our emotions in the here and now and instantly transform them. Let's take the same example in the store. Our foot has been stepped on, and it’s quite natural that we want to tell the person: “hey, be careful, watch where you’re going.” Especially if it happens after a hard day, when we are hungry and tired. This is exactly what we think (in most cases), guided by instinct. But if you fall in love with awareness, you can instantly imagine yourself in that person’s place. Obviously he didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable. He is also tired and may have his own problems. He is very uncomfortable that he stepped on your foot and he did not wish you anything bad. In order not to preserve the block in your body, it is enough to immediately forgive this person and wish him well. You will immediately feel that your energy level has increased. Not only did you not retain in yourself bad emotion, but also added positive energy.

Choose the best option for yourself, or maybe two or three at once and try it in action. Don't hold grudges, they destroy us from the inside. Farewell, love and be truly happy!

Having experienced any emotion, a person must express it in thoughts, facial expressions, gestures, and actions. This is the nature of emotions, they originate in us and manifest through us. If an emotion is not expressed, it means that it is suppressed. Suppressing emotions is mental process, in which a person does not allow his emotions to manifest themselves.

As noted in, negative emotions negatively affect a person and destroy his life and health. A short-term outbreak of negative emotion cannot cause significant harm to a person’s health.

Only frequent experiences of fear, despondency, anger, sadness and similar emotions lead to mental and physical health. This condition is caused by constant suppression of emotions.

The process of suppressing emotions can be divided into several stages, according to the degree of damage to human health:

Control of emotions

We have to control our emotions when expressing them is inappropriate or will lead to undesirable consequences.

Most readers have probably had occasions when, during their student years, they had to suppress laughter during lectures, otherwise the teacher might get angry and kick him out of the classroom. Or there is a meeting at work, where the boss does not show himself in the best possible way and if you try to object to him, you can make an enemy or even get fired.

Control of emotions in itself cannot be called something bad; on the contrary, this quality allows all people to coexist peacefully. A timely, restrained outburst of anger or discontent can save a person from many problems in life.

If a person, after an event when he had to control his emotions through an effort of will, does not find a way to express them, cannot relieve stress, or free himself from accumulated negativity, then his attention becomes fixated on the negative experience.

From time to time a person remembers stressful situation, reliving experienced emotions, causing your body to experience pain.

Muffling feelings

This stage begins when we do not find a way to let go of our negative experiences. Feelings of guilt, shame, resentment or self-pity constantly attract our attention to the events of the past. Time after time, we have to experience heartache again.

None of us want to live with the feeling of pain every day, so we begin to dull our feelings. We begin to suppress painful sensations, as if not to feel them. In a state of dull pain, a person finds relief, but it is only temporary.

You cannot deceive nature; suppressed emotions require expression. Clogged emotions, unable to find a way out, begin to destroy a person’s body, depleting his vitality.

Sooner or later, a mentally exhausted person will no longer be able to contain the accumulated negativity within himself, and then the dam will break, emotions will find their expression in quarrels, scandals, and mental breakdowns.

Extreme suppression

At this stage, a person has been suppressing his feelings and emotions for a long time. Since emotions do not allow one to forget about themselves, they have to be suppressed even more. A person drowns out his feelings, his negative experiences and emotions associated with them as much as possible, trying to lock them in the deepest basement of his subconscious.

For this purpose they are used different shapes suppression: alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, overeating and the like. Almost all bad habits can be used. Until a person stops the process of suppressing emotions, it is impossible for him to get rid of his vices.

The process of self-destruction is activated and manifests itself externally in the form of stress, absurd accidents and bad luck. Imagine a kettle on the stove, in which water is constantly boiling, and there is nowhere for the hot steam to escape.

Likewise, a person is literally seething with suppressed emotions, but he himself no longer feels it, does not realize it. The internal state is manifested in events and in the medical record. In appearance, such a person is calm, balanced, but the liver is in trouble and often tense situations occur nearby, people swear or fight.

At this level of suppression, serious health problems occur. Negative emotions are increasingly manifested in mental breakdowns. The human world is changing, the colors of life are dimming, everything is annoying.

It’s normal to experience anger sometimes if you don’t push it and live it safely. To be at odds with the world, when you want to control everything everywhere, and when this does not happen - to be angry all the time - this is no longer normal. How abnormal it is not to be able to control it. Control is to let off steam in ways that are safe for everyone, leaving nothing in yourself and not dumping anything on others. How to do this?

Emotions are experienced only through the body - analysis by the brain gives nothing. Because they live in the body and exit through the body. If I think and analyze, I understand everything in my head, but it still infuriates me.

For example, you have a difficult relationship with your mother. And if you only let off steam and scream into the pillow without changing anything in your attitude towards your mother, then it is pointless. This is the same as taking painkillers when you have a toothache and not going to the doctor. Teeth need to be treated, right? And relationships need to be healed. This is primary. justify;"> We will talk most about anger, because it is not clear what to do with it and where to put it. And one way or another, in any complex interweaving of emotions, there is a lot of anger. The way out of many difficult conditions, such as feelings of guilt and resentment, occurs through anger. And by refusing to live it, we cannot move on.

But I ask you to distinguish between anger as a momentary emotion that naturally appears when something does not happen the way you wanted (this is the nature of anger), and anger as a quality of character, that is, anger. It’s normal to experience anger sometimes if you don’t push it and live it safely. To be at odds with the world, when you want to control everything everywhere, and when this does not happen - to be angry all the time - this is no longer normal. How abnormal it is to not be able to control it.

Controlling anger does not mean not feeling it or suppressing it.

Control is about letting off steam in ways that are safe for everyone, leaving nothing to yourself and not dumping anything on others. Think of anger as a natural waste product in the body, just like digested food. What happens if you consider this matter “dirty” and stop going to the toilet? Forbid yourself from doing this? What will be the outcome? Maybe our task is to create such a “toilet” for emotions – a place where we do something calmly and safely, without harming anyone?

And I ask you to avoid premature spirituality in emotions. This is when it boils and hurts inside, and we from above crush it all with the word “impossible” and delve into the reasons. Most often, this is exactly how we treat other people’s feelings, like, I’ll tell you now why your karma got it! Reasons are sought after the emotion is released. It will be much easier for you to see all this with a clear head later. First, live. Or let the person live, help him with this.

Now let's get started. I want to divide the ways of experiencing emotions into constructive and destructive. Those that are harmless and those that hurt someone.

Destructive methods:

Pouring it on other people, especially those who were “passing by.”

At work, the boss got it, but we can’t say it to his face, so we come home and it ends up with the cat who turned up under the arm, that is, under the leg, or the child who brought the “C” again. Sound familiar? And it seems that you will yell and it will become easier, but then comes a feeling of guilt - after all, the cat or the child had nothing to do with it.


In the same situation, when the boss drove you crazy, but the anger remained inside, you don’t have to take this bomb home, knowing that it will explode there. And pour out your anger on the saleswoman who works slowly and makes a mistake, on those who stepped on your foot or crossed your path, and at the same time on those who are very annoying happy face. And also of little use. Even if there is no feeling of guilt, the negative emotions of the other person on whom all this was poured will definitely return to us one day. Again. So they go back and forth while we are rude to each other.

Trolling on the Internet

This method seems safer and with impunity. An anonymous page without an avatar, even if it has an avatar, will definitely not be found and beaten. The boss brought it up - you can go to someone’s page and write nasty things - they say, that’s how ugly! Or write nonsense! Or provoke some kind of dispute on difficult topic, throwing mud at opponents, poking them with a needle in different places to cause pain. But the law of karma also works here, even if the laws of the state are not yet everywhere.

Load up on sweets

Another method that, by the way, we often see in films. When a heroine's lover leaves her or cheats on her, what does she do? I have this picture before my eyes: a crying girl in bed watching a movie and eating a huge can of ice cream. The harm of such an event, I think, is clear to many.


Another way may look like this: you were rude, and you are rude in response. Your husband came and yelled at you - and you yell at him too. It seems like you are being honest. The person is the cause of your negative feelings, you need to urgently express them. But by doing so, you only fan the fire, intensify the conflict, and nothing good comes from it. A quarrel always takes out all our strength, including all hidden reserves, and after it we remain devastated and unhappy. Even if the argument was won.

hit someone

Again - children, dogs, husband, boss (you never know). Any person who is the cause of your anger or just happened to be at hand. Physical punishment For children, during a parent's emotional breakdown is very traumatic. They provoke in the child both a feeling of humiliation and reciprocal hatred, which he cannot express in any way. If you hit your husband, you might get hit back, which, unfortunately, is not uncommon. And I saw statistics that about half of women who suffered from domestic violence started a fight first, not expecting that the man would fight back. This does not justify men, but it does not honor women either.


There is a belief that anger is bad. The more religious a woman is, the more she suppresses anger. She pretends that nothing is pissing her off, smiles tensely at everyone, and so on. Then anger has two ways out - to explode in a safe place (again, at home, on loved ones) - and she will not be able to control this. And the second option is to attack her health and body. It seems to me that it is no coincidence that today so many people die from cancer; it is a disease of unlived emotions, as many psychologists have repeatedly written about.

Breaking dishes and breaking things

On the one hand, the method is constructive. It's better to break a plate than to hit a child. And you can certainly use it sometimes. But if we destroy some things on our way, then we need to understand that then all this will need to be restored. My husband once destroyed his laptop in a rage. It was a terrible sight, and then I had to buy a new computer. This is costly, and therefore less constructive than we would like.

Slam the door

It seems to me that this method is nice to many teenagers. I remember myself like this, and in some places I already see children like this. In principle, not the worst way. Only once I slammed the door so hard that the glass broke. But nothing special.

Beat with words

You don't always need hands to hit someone. We women are good at doing this with words. Poking at painful points, making sarcastic remarks, teasing - and then pretending that we are not to blame and have nothing to do with it. The more different dirt inside us, the sharper and more caustic our tongue. I remember from myself that before, when I didn’t know where to put my feelings, I constantly teased everyone. Many people called me an “ulcer”, I couldn’t help myself. I thought it was funny.

The more I learn to experience feelings, the softer my speech becomes. And the less there are any kind of “hairpins” in it. Because it doesn’t do anyone any good. For a couple of minutes you can feed your ego and at the same time destroy relationships and earn karmic reactions.


Often, in a fit of anger, it seems that if we take revenge and wash away the shame with the blood of the enemy, we will feel better. I know that some women, during a quarrel with their husband, have sex with someone, for example, to spite him. This is a blessed option that many consider acceptable, especially if the husband has cheated. But what's the end result? Revenge only exacerbates the conflict and increases the distance between us. Revenge comes in different forms – subtle and gross. But none of them are useful. No one.


Not the best The best way release, although it is physical. Because sex is still an opportunity to show love for each other, and not to use each other as exercise equipment. Our mood during intimacy greatly affects our relationship as a whole. And casual connections with just anyone, for the sake of detente, are not only not useful, but also harmful.


Women often go to the store feeling upset. And they buy a lot of unnecessary things there. Sometimes they even deliberately spend more money than necessary in order to take revenge on, for example, their husband. But it turns out that at this time we waste the resources that are given to us for good deeds - that is, money - at random and try to use them to harm others. What will be the result? Resources will run out. And what they were spent on will never be useful. The dress you bought in anger will absorb your condition and you will find it difficult to wear.

The list turned out to be impressive, not entirely joyful, but nevertheless, most often this is exactly what we do. Because we don’t have a culture of dealing with feelings. We were not taught this, they never talk about it anywhere - they only ask us to remove our feelings from sight. That's all.

Constructive ways to experience emotions:

Allow feelings to be.

Sometimes - and by the way, very often, to experience a feeling it is enough to see it, call it by your name and accept it. That is, at the moment of anger, say to yourself: “Yes, I’m very angry now. And that's okay." This is very difficult for all those who have been told that this is not normal (because it is inconvenient for others). It's hard to admit that you're angry right now, even though it's written all over your face. It’s hard to say that this also happens. It is sometimes difficult to understand, what kind of feeling is this? I remember in the constellations a girl whose nodules were shaking, her hands tensed into fists, and she called her feelings “sadness.” Learning to understand what this feeling is is a matter of practice and time. For example, you can watch yourself. At critical moments, look in the mirror to understand what is on your face, follow the signs of the body, observe the tension in the body and the signals in it.


In traditional Indian dances, a woman stomps a lot, it is not so noticeable, because she dances barefoot. But in this way, through energetic movements, all tension is released from the body into the ground. We often laugh at Indian films where they dance from any event - good or bad - but there is a special truth in this. Experience any feelings through your body. Allowing the anger to flow through you as you vigorously release it through vigorous stomps. By the way, there are also many such movements in Russian folk dances.

You don’t have to go to the dance class right now (although why not?) Try to close your eyes and, feeling the emotion in your body, “give” it into the ground with the help of stomps. Of course, it is best to stomp while standing on the ground, and not on the tenth floor of a high-rise building. It's even better if you can do it barefoot on the grass or sand. You will physically feel how much easier it becomes.

And you don't think about what it looks like. Ideal, of course, if no one sees you or distracts you. But if there is no such place, close your eyes and stomp.


Some trainings practice a form of cleansing such as screaming. When we scream into the floor, with a partner who helps us, we can also scream into the pillow in any other way. Usually some important word is shouted. For example, “Yes” or “No” - if it suits your emotion. You can simply shout “Aaaah!” You take a deep breath, and then open your mouth - and thus empty your heart. Do this several times until you feel empty inside.

Sometimes before this they do some kind of “pumping” - first they breathe very, very quickly, exclusively through the nose.

This technique has weaknesses. For example, neighbors and family. The scream is very loud. And if you cannot relax and not worry, then he will not heal. The scream must come from a relaxed throat, otherwise your voice may seriously break. It’s better to try this for the first time somewhere with experienced people, then the effect will be greater.

Talk it out.

Women's way. To experience any feelings, we really need to talk about it, tell someone. About how the boss offended you and someone on the bus called you names. Not so much even to receive support (which is also nice), but to pour it out of yourself. This is approximately why people go to psychologists to get everything that is eating away at their heart out of there. One friend who has been working as a psychologist for a very long time once shared that most of her clients are helped by one simple method. She listens to them, asks questions so that they describe the situation as comprehensively as possible, and that’s all. Doesn't give any recipes or advice. He just listens. And often at the end of the conversation a person comes up with a solution. Same. It was as if the veil of anger that had covered his eyes had been lifted and he saw the way.

Women do the same with each other, speaking out. There are only two points here. You can't tell anyone about your family life- about the problems in it. Otherwise, these problems can get worse. And if they tell you something, you shouldn’t give advice. Just listen. By the way, you can organize a circle in which women share all their emotions - and then somehow symbolically say goodbye to them (which is often done in women's groups).

Be careful not to dump all your emotions on your husband. He just can't stand it. If you speak out to your friends, first get their consent to do so. And don’t forget to share the good things too (otherwise your friend may feel like a “toilet” that is only needed to drain negative emotions). It's great if you can cry to your mom or dad, if you have a mentor who listens to you, or a husband who is ready to do this.

Any of our blocks and clamps in the body are unlived emotions. Of course, I’m not talking about light strokes, but about deep work with the body, with force. A high-quality massage that kneads these points helps us cope with emotions. In this place, the main thing - as in childbirth - is to open up to pain. They press on you somewhere, you feel pain - breathe and relax towards the pain. Tears may flow from your eyes - this is normal.

A good massage therapist will immediately see your weak points - and he will know exactly where and how to apply pressure to remove the clamp. But often it hurts so much that we stop it and don’t go further. Then the massage becomes a pleasant relaxation procedure, but does not help relieve emotions.

When you are in the current state, sometimes you want to hit someone. For example, spank your husband or child. Try at this moment to switch to the pillow - and beat it with all your heart. The main thing is not to sleep on such a pillow - let it be your sports equipment, which lies separately. You can cry into it. Or you can get yourself a punching bag and gloves. This is also an option, however, it requires free space at home.

Hit the sofa with a rolled up towel.

Does incontinence bother you? Do emotions come up at the most inopportune moments and you can’t get rid of them? Then it’s urgently time for you to work on yourself. Have you ever wondered how to turn off your emotions? This is not very difficult to do, the main thing is to practice often.

Deal with your emotions

Don't know how to turn off emotions? Before you think about it, you should understand the reason for their appearance. Emotions are a consequence, and it will not be possible to eliminate them without knowing the cause. How to find the root of the problem that is causing so much inconvenience? Monitor your feelings carefully.

Every time a wave of feelings comes up, whether they are good or bad, notice the reason for their occurrence. It will take a long time to make such observations, at least for a month. During this period of time, you will be able to collect fairly accurate statistics regarding how you feel and in what situations. And what now needs to be done with the collected information? Apply it.

Whenever you find yourself in a situation that might cause you strong emotions, try to get ahead of them. If you say to yourself everything that will happen a second later, it may simply not happen. Feelings are controlled by the brain, and if you make a game out of the process of having them, you will soon learn to understand what you should feel, but not experience it.

Learn to go out onto the balcony

Working on yourself and controlling your feelings is very labor-intensive. How to turn off emotions and do it quickly? This method is suitable for people who can switch consciousness instantly. How to do it?

During the conversation, you need to master the skill of detaching yourself from the situation and looking at yourself from the outside. The moment you realize that emotions are rising, just step back. Do not worry and do not color what is happening or the words of the speaker. An imaginary balcony can be a salvation. To learn to control the situation, at first you will have to often be distracted from the words of your interlocutor. You need to practice the skill of detachment immediately with living people. From time to time, distract yourself from your feelings and value judgments and look at the dialogue as if from the outside. It will be difficult to concentrate on what you are saying and on your emotions, which will certainly appear in the moment. Over time, it will be much easier for you to make such leaps.

Train your imagination

Can you abstract yourself from what is happening? Some people have this ability, others do not. Even if you are deprived of it today, don’t worry, it can be developed. How to do it?

You don't take part in the conversation and it starts to irritate you? Instead of experiencing negative emotions, imagine any picture that, in your opinion, corresponds to a state of mental peace. This could be a forest landscape, a sea coast or snow-capped mountains. Take an imaginative walk in nature and don't pay too much attention to conversation. But don't go too deep into your thoughts. Some part of the mind must remain alert. If you are asked a question, you must respond. But at this moment you will already be calm and satisfied. How to turn off emotions? Don't get caught up in everything that's happening and don't worry. Take care of yourself and your nerves.

Practice meditation

And emotions? To find harmony in the soul, a person must engage in meditation. A practice that allows any person to clear their consciousness in a split second is one of the most useful in human life. It is not as difficult to achieve perfection in it as many people think. What should you do for this?

The first stage is focusing on breathing. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. At this moment, get rid of all thoughts. If this practice turns out poorly, then count your inhalations and exhalations. Can't concentrate even like that? Take the rosary in your hands. Roll the balls with your fingers in time with your breathing. With experience, you will be able to breathe calmly and relax within minimal amount time. Want to achieve the best results? Then combine the practice of meditation with yoga. It is better to do such exercises in specialized courses. At home, due to inexperience, you can perform exercises incorrectly and harm your health.

Morning Pages

Are you wondering how to turn off emotions forever? Do you think this is possible? Even the most level-headed people worry from time to time and can even become depressed. How then?

You can express your emotions immediately after waking up. Such a morning ritual will allow you to remain in harmony with yourself throughout the day and not be overly emotional. How to introduce morning pages into life? Take three blank sheets of paper, sit at the table and write. About what? Write everything that comes to mind. Pour out your anger, resentment, mistrust and joy onto paper.

Your task is to write impartially, do not evaluate your own creation. You don't need to show your pages to anyone. This writing will be akin to a personal diary. But the difference will be that you write the diary consciously, and the morning scribbles should come from the heart and soul, and not from the mind. You need to write every day and all three pages. Nothing to write? Just write that you have nothing to write about. After three lines of repetition, thoughts will definitely come to mind.

Find an outlet

A person is not a robot. He cannot turn off emotions and feelings forever. How then to live? You need to be able to control your emotions and their manifestation. To avoid losing your temper in public, you need to find a hobby that will become your personal outlet. What could it be? Handmade, sports, programming, drawing, organizing events, etc. A favorite activity helps a person relax and forget about his problems for a while. A person who receives a charge of positive energy and emotions after doing his favorite work will feel great. It is simply impossible to piss off such a person or somehow undermine his calm. Happy people rarely react even to the most rude attacks in their direction.

Develop self-confidence

How to learn to turn off emotions? Train self-confidence. A person who considers himself an excellent specialist and wonderful person, will be less irritable and more objective. A self-confident person will be cool-headed. Look at any famous businessman. Its very appearance inspires calm and tranquility. A person feels a similar state within himself. A person can suppress his emotions by withdrawing from them. High self-esteem does not allow the brain to break through the psychological defenses, and it does not panic every time it hears not very pleasant things about itself or about loved ones. A person who can independently judge certain circumstances and not listen to gossip will go very far.

Why can people deliberately spoil the mood of others? Energy vampires feed on the emotions of weak-willed people. How do vampires turn off emotions? They piss you off and boost their self-esteem at your expense. Don't let anyone do this.

To the interlocutor? Surely there is a peaceful way to resolve the situation.

Gradually, anger will appear less and less. Over time, try not just to suppress, but not to allow them into your consciousness. Before you feel the urge to lash out, repeat to yourself three times: “I am calm.”

The same principle applies when managing other emotions. If, for example, you are overwhelmed by fear, hold your breath for a few seconds, exhale, and assess the situation soberly. Scary? Yes. Dangerous? Maybe. Doable? Certainly! And convince yourself three times that there is no fear in you.

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The second way is to draw from your experience. Now you feel everything more acutely, and this encourages creativity. Write novels, compose odes, play music, philosophize. This will bring your thoughts to a common denominator. And then tell yourself: “This feeling has brightened my life. But now it is in the past.”

Imagine your painful feeling as a needle piercing your heart. Mentally pull out the needle and throw it into the water. Watch her drown. Now imagine that the needle wound on your heart is slowly healing. Do this exercise several times a day for a week. You yourself will not notice how no trace of painful sensations will remain, and a pleasant chill will settle in your heart towards the person who once tormented you.


  • suppression of feelings in 2019

One of the causes of chronic stress is the suppression of negative emotions. The accumulation of negative energy leads to the appearance of many diseases. This happens because intemperance is not one of your personal qualities, and you do not know how to get rid of negativity.


Learn to share your troubles with friends, colleagues, relatives, without fear of being branded as a person who is always on something. Take care of yourself and yours mental health instead of worrying about how other people will perceive your behavior.

Getting rid of negative emotions by screaming, crying, stomping your feet and breaking dishes is considered effective way releasing emotions. Go where it is most convenient to do this - out of town, into the mountains, to the shore of a lake or river, to attractions, etc. If you love rock music or football, then combine the cleansing of negativity with the opportunity to enjoy songs or cheer for your favorite team. At stadiums and concert halls there is an amazing surge of adrenaline, along with which your worries, fears and other negativity go away. Roller coasters and other thrilling activities are also good for healing.

The opposite principle is that you should not cry and scream, but laugh loudly and hysterically. You won’t be able to achieve this, so buy a ticket to a funny comedy or purchase a collection of humorous programs. Devote a few evenings to watching fun films and videos.

Sometimes the body itself reacts to the accumulation of negativity - you become irritable and fall into hysterics, often for a completely harmless reason. This self-defense mechanism allows you to protect nervous system from overload. Therefore, if you suddenly want to cry, then do it - with rapture, for a long time, removing all sadness, tension and fatigue.

You can also share your experiences on paper - in the past it was customary to keep diaries. Buy a nice notebook and write down everything that oppresses you. A good opportunity to talk about everything and get advice or support - conducting -. Anonymity and complete freedom of action are attractive to those who do not want to advertise their problems to people they know.

If you need to suppress anger, then purchase a punching bag or allocate a large “punching” pillow. You can break cups and plates, cut old and unnecessary things into small pieces, and tear paper.

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Tip 4: How to understand what close person suppresses emotions

Tears, screaming, fear, indignation are normal human reactions when faced with negative situations. However, some people withdraw into themselves, drowning their emotions in the abyss of dark thoughts. Experts have proven that prolonged stay in this state leads to serious psychological disorders. How can you tell if a loved one is suppressing emotions?

  • Silence. Constant silence and indifference may be the first warning signs for you. Repressed emotions are always hidden behind them. A person concentrates as much as possible on the problem and for a while simply falls out of reality. It can also be a way of showing dissatisfaction.
  • Change of mood. If your loved one behaved superbly all day, smiled and kept up the conversation, but somehow tensely and suddenly flared up because of a trifle, then he is clearly suppressing his emotions. He is oppressed by some problem that needs a solution. But he's not there yet.
  • Search for loneliness. When a person needs to understand himself, his thoughts and circumstances, he retires and spends a lot of time in silence. This is a long established fact. If your friend or relative is looking for loneliness, avoids company, discussions, then he definitely does not want to tell anyone about his problems and suppresses emotions.
  • Alcohol abuse. Many people still believe that alcohol and drugs are a good way to get away from problems. Leave, but not solve them, unfortunately. And maybe find another more serious one. Such dependence is harmful to health. Therefore, be attentive to your loved ones. Perhaps alcohol is a consequence of suppressed emotions, and not a classic excuse for fatigue.
  • Trying to get distracted. If your loved one suddenly plunges headlong into an unusual activity, then two reasons can be seen here. One is related to self-development. In this case, the person takes the matter calmly and thoroughly, devoting several hours a day to it. But this can also be a way of suppressing emotions, switching from depressing problems. A person temporarily becomes obsessed with a new activity. When it does not bring relief or the desired solution, he abruptly abandons it.
  • Absent-mindedness, complaints about health. If your loved one often promises something, but soon forgets about it, listens to you but does not hear and constantly asks again, there is clearly a problem in his head. He tries in every possible way to hold on and behave as before. But the suppression of emotions betrays itself.


If you notice these signs, rush to talk to a loved one. Just get ready! The whole barrage of suppressed emotions can come crashing down on you. Alternatively, you can try extreme mountain hiking, kayaking, parachute or airplane rides. This will help shake a person up, throw out emotions, and remove tensions. If the problem continues, it is better to contact a specialist.
