Pleiades Taurus is an open star cluster. Types of star clusters

Pleiades Taurus is an open star cluster.  Types of star clusters

The Pleiades is a star cluster in the constellation Taurus, consisting of hundreds of stars and located 400 light years from Earth. Although they are called the Seven Sisters, only six stars can be discerned in the night sky with the naked eye.

Our Sun, the eighth star of the Pleiades and twin of Sirius A, orbits Alcyone, the central star of the Pleiades, in 24,000 years (not to be confused with the main star of the Pleiades mic cycle taking 26556 years).

In the Pleiades, six planets are inhabited by evolved Pleiadians who differ from each other in genotype and conscious expression.

Three of the six planets are inhabited by Pleiadians of the humanoid type, that is, their bodies are similar to ours. And on the remaining planets live light and energy beings and there is a council of twelve higher beings who control the Pleiadian civilization.

The three planets inhabited by the physical type are called Aryan, Alderon and Aldebaran.

There is a group of Pleiadians, consisting of beings who are simultaneously in both the physical and light bodies, and who are channeling information to Barbara Marciniak.

Human-type Pleiadians vary in height. One of the races reaches more than two meters, and the other will be lower - from 1.5 to 1.8 m. These Pleiadians belong to the Caucasian type and are a mixture of several genomes.

The eyes range in color from blue to golden, and in the lower race they are slightly almond shaped. Their hair is light, very rarely dark or red, and their ears are located slightly lower than those of humans.

The two-meter Pleiadians once visited the Orion Empire, wanting to direct this civilization towards a more spiritual path of development. The ego of the Orions was suppressed by the high growth of the Pleiadians, their size and the speed of the spaceships.

Both races, the Orions and the Pleiadians, considered this lengthy visit a cultural exchange, although the intention of the Pleiadians was re-education, and the Orions - a deceptive attempt to adopt advanced technologies and, moreover, to slow down the Pleiadians in development.

Needless to say, the exchange was not successful.

(From the book “Aliens and Aliens” by Noel Huntley)


The speech of NASA press secretary Trish Chamberson was incredibly shocking. Ufologists around the world finally breathed a sigh of relief, because According to her, agency representatives knew about the existence of alien life for many years, but simply forgot to mention it.

"Regret. We just assumed that everyone knew about it,” she told a packed room at NASA headquarters in Washington.

Thus, during the two-hour briefing, NASA confirmed the assumptions previously made by the public about the existence of UFOs and alien technologies.

Moreover, according to Waterfordwhispersnews, NASA representatives reported that they are in constant contact with four separate races of aliens, who literally asked to say “hello” to earthlings.

“There are so many movies, documentaries and television programs about aliens that we thought everyone already knew about them,” Ms. Chamberson told a shocked crowd of reporters. “Aliens have been visiting our planet for thousands of years.

Who do you think built the ancient pyramids and all the other megalithic structures around the world? In my opinion, everything is obvious."

“We apologize for this misunderstanding; we didn’t think it was important,” another NASA official said. “We were so busy with our engineering technology that we simply forgot about it.

They even have bases on the dark side of the Moon and are currently mining for minerals on several planets in our solar system. Recently, they have been actively developing on Jupiter and this could lead to the formation of new rings around this planet.

Even though they prefer not to interact with us, they constantly complain about the use and testing of nuclear weapons on Earth. According to them, every nuclear explosion affects parallel universes."

Such statements have led many eminent ufologists into real indignation. After all, the publication of this information occurred, in their opinion, after 70 years of countless UFO sightings and abductions.

Against this background, the statement by NASA representatives that “the aliens are actually harmless and are only interested in the natural resources of the planet”, as well as that “their existence should not cause us any problems” looks somewhat ridiculous.



Some of you are sure that the beginning of civilization, its seeds and sprouts, could probably be located in places like the Indus Valley [ancient Pakistan, India, Afghanistan]. These are the places where very old civilizations have been found. But, alas, this is just the history of this current phase of civilization. I want to clarify something for you.

Humanity has already had five starts. From now on, when I talk about “starts,” I mean the following: the emergence of the civilization that you call humanity, its development, and the almost complete cessation of its existence, which has already happened four times.

You are in civilization number five. It's about 10,000 years old, so when you mark what you think is your history, you're really only looking at the last phase - phase number five. Think about it! There were four other human civilizations before you. I have a reason to tell you about this.

Note that many authorities date events differently, count more or fewer phases, and consider everything that began after 2012 to be another phase. But I want you to know that this discussion is not about the details of time dating, but much more about the depth of what is now being revealed - there is much more history here than you think, and a much older role that plays in it your soul group.

Hello, guests and regular readers of the blog site. In this article we will talk about an alien civilization from the star system - the Pleiades, which are commonly called the Pleiadians.

Pleiadians is a race of conflict-free civilization from the Pleiades star cluster. The Pleiadians are masters of light and sound creations and have developed and activated a huge number of channels on Earth for the successful development of science.

Pleiades. An open star cluster in the zodiacal constellation Taurus, containing hundreds of night celestial bodies, is commonly called the Pleiades. This star cluster is closest to Earth, about four hundred light years away. Often, the Pleiades are called the Seven Sisters (however, only six stars are visible to the human eye) or, as the Slavs would say, Stozhars. The shape of the Pleiades resembles the dipper of Ursa Minor.

The Pleiadians who settled in the Pleiades are a breakaway subset of the Lyrans, creatures who once inhabited a small constellation in the northern hemisphere - Lyra. It was conflicts and ongoing wars that led to the split of civilization. Some of the alien creatures settled in the Pleiades, while others went to Earth.

However, the new refuge led to new disagreements, and the part that arrived on Earth was again divided into two parts, one of which left the planet and joined its brothers in the Pleiades.

Since that time, both civilizations (Lyrians and Pleiadians) have been visiting the Earth for a long time, influencing the genome human race. That is why many ufologists call the Pleiadians our closest brothers.

Alien creatures who settled in the Pleiades abandoned aggression, devoting themselves to spiritual practices, including self-knowledge and positive thinking. Thousands of years of spiritual evolution allowed this civilization to overtake the earthly inhabitants both technologically and spiritually for many decades.

Striving for non-conflict, the Pleiadians became a civilization isolated from everyone. This resulted in a loss of contact with reality. Meanwhile, galactic wars began, which were unleashed by the Orions. This empire quickly captured the planets, gaining omnipotence. In this regard, the remaining civilizations, contrary to which the Orion Empire went, created the first confederation.

The inhabitants of the Pleiades, who had withdrawn into themselves, had no idea what was happening. But the information that reached them still forced them to get involved in the fight. The internal suppression of negative feelings practiced by this alien race was a reflection of the hostility of the Orions.

Thus began the confrontation between the Pleiades civilization and the Orion empire. During the war, one of the planets inhabiting the constellation was destroyed, which is now incinerated.

Result: The warlike empire of Orion came to an end. Moreover, the Orions who survived the war are now part of the Galactic Council. The Pleiadians understood the role the Orions played in their internal conflict. Some individuals even reincarnated into their enemies from the constellation Orion.

General information

As already mentioned, the star cluster (Pleiades) consists of six planets visible to the human eye. They are inhabited by highly developed entities - the Pleiadians. Like man, a given race differs from each other, some by the aggregate of genes, others by conscious expression.

The Pleiadians of three of the six planets are of the humanoid type, that is, the structure of their bodies is similar to that of humans. The remaining three planets are inhabited by light and energy entities, as well as a supreme assembly of 12 beings who lead their civilization.

Planets with physical alien beings are named: Arian, Alderon, Aldebaran.

One of the Pleiadian races, belongs to the Caucasoid type, differs from its fellows not only in its mixed genotype, but also in height. The maximum elevation is 2.50 meters.

Eye color can be blue, blue, in some cases reaching golden. Almond-shaped eyes are observed in representatives of lower races (1.50-1.70 meters). They have pale skin.

Hair color is white, very rarely dark. Some information sources claim that there are Pleiadians with light brown hair. Their hearing organs are slightly lower than human ones.

On an emotional level, Pleiadians are similar to humans, however, when encountering negativity, they try not to succumb to it, but also do not close themselves off from it as before.

Pleiadians are especially spiritual in the first months of their birth and during last years life. Therefore, a child born in the Pleiades almost immediately begins to perform spiritual practices and receive education.

At the age of 7-8 months, the Pleiadian child is most receptive to other dimensions and past incarnations. At this time, adults collect as much information as possible, which is then loaded into a special crystal and transferred to the child.

Music and dancing are the favorite path of this civilization.

  • Pleiadians, likewise, travel a lot, exploring different corners of the Universe. They have the ability to return to the past and travel to the future. They pass on their knowledge and experience to everyone who wants it.

This is only a small part that tells about the friendly alien race; more complete information is found on the pages of the books: “Encounters in the Pleiades”, “Race of Explorers”, and in the books of Barbara Marciniak.

The appearance of the Pleiadians on Earth

Having appeared on Earth, the Pleiadians encountered their own negative emotions, born after communicating with backward earthlings. The latter mistook the guests for Divine messengers.

Since then, the inhabitants of the Pleiades visited the Earth quite often. And recently, they found a new way to move. Their spaceships, easily passed through the funnel. All because the tilt of the earth’s axis was changed, which shifted the pointed direction of the pyramid (from Sirius to the Pleiades). Before this, the Sirian race used this funnel in cases of emergency.

The series “Star Trek” introduced us to such a concept as the “First Directive”. The essence was a ban on the intervention of highly developed alien species in the evolution of less developed civilizations. The Pleiadians treat this law with all severity and caution, since they have already violated the ban on non-interference. This happened at the last crossing solar system with the Photon Belt (energy-information compaction of the Universe).

This connection provoked a lot of problems on Earth. Therefore, the alien civilization decided to evacuate the inhabitants of the Earth, saving them from the upcoming cataclysms. Such interference served as a stupor in the development of our civilization. It is believed that this problem would help earthlings make a photon change in learning and development. The experience of facing disasters would serve as a catalyst for change for humanity.

As a result of this intervention, which led to global catastrophes and a halt in the development of the human race, the Pleiadians, obeying their spiritual law, remained on Earth as assistants in the evolution of people. This doomed the inhabitants of the Pleiades to their own spiritual stagnation until they raised the earthlings to their level. Having accomplished this, they can continue their upward movement.

The Pleiades is an open star cluster that contains over 1000 stars, of which we see only fourteen.

The Pleiades is an open star cluster known to the inhabitants of our planet since ancient times. The ancient Slavs called this constellation in different ways: “Stozhary”, “Seven Sisters”, etc. Today, both domestic and foreign astronomers know for certain that there are not seven Pleiades at all. This asterism has over a thousand stars that originated from one molecular cloud. This means that these celestial bodies are united by a common structure, composition, and are also close to each other in age. According to the Hertzsprung-Russell theory, which allows us to determine the approximate age of stars, focusing on the stage of their evolutionary period in which they are in this moment, the age of the Pleiades is approximately 75-150 million years. Such a wide scatter in the ages of stars in a given cluster is caused by the imperfection of the above-mentioned method for calculating it.

A more accurate age of the Pleiades can be determined by analyzing one of the smallest objects of this asterism - brown dwarfs. Brown dwarfs are stars that can retain lithium in their mass for quite a long period of time. In simple stars this chemical element burns out almost immediately after their formation. Thus, by detecting the oldest brown dwarfs in the Pleiades, it is possible to determine the age of the entire star cluster, which originated from a common molecular cloud. According to the results obtained using this method, the age of the Pleiades open star cluster is approximately 115 million years.

Location and observation

The Pleiades is an open star cluster that is known to many cultures. It is not difficult to guess that since many peoples of the world have heard about these stars, then, most likely, the Pleiades are very easy to observe. Indeed, the Pleiades can be observed in the Northern Hemisphere sky at the end of winter and early spring. They are especially visible in the latitudes of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The ancient Slavic tribes inhabiting these territories called this asterism “Stozhary”, and associated it with the god of fertility Veles. This is presumably due to the fact that the pleiades appear in the above-mentioned latitudes at the beginning of spring, during the sowing period of agricultural crops.

The open star cluster - Pleiades is located in the constellation. If you observe the Pleiades with the naked eye, you will notice seven bright stars. As a rule, these are Alcyone, Atlas, Electra, Maia, Merope, Taygeta and Pleione. We specially arranged the stars here according to the decrease in brightness they reproduce - from the brightest to the dimmer stars. The magnitude of the brightest star of this asterism, Alcyone, is 2.865 magnitude. The magnitude of the last of the Pleion stars presented here is 5.09. By the way, Pleione is also a variable star.

Each of the stars listed above received its name in honor of one of the seven daughters of Atlas, whose story came to us from Greek mythology. According to legend, in order to protect the daughters of Atlas, the Pleiades, from the revenge of Orion, who wanted to destroy them for fighting on the side of the Titans during the latter’s war with the gods, Zeus turned them into doves and sent them to heaven, where they are now , in the form of the constellation we are talking about in this article. Mythological galaxies are repeatedly found in the works of Homer - the Iliad and the Odyssey.

Structure and composition

However, it is only at first glance that the open star cluster Pleiades consists of seven stars. In fact, if you use field binoculars to observe this asterism, you can already detect 20-40 stars there. But if you use a good amateur or semi-professional telescope to observe them, this figure will instantly increase several times.

The Pleiades star cluster occupies a fairly large area in the sky. It is 12 light years in diameter. Moreover, in this territory there are simultaneously over 1000 stars, the total mass of which is equal to 800 masses of our Sun.

According to some estimates, the Pleiades system contains over three thousand gravitationally bound stars. Moreover, a significant part of these objects are small celestial bodies. They are typically white or brown dwarfs whose mass and composition are insufficient to emit large amounts of light that could be observed from Earth with the naked eye. Such objects can only be observed using special optical and radar equipment. There is evidence that double systems of brown and extremely rare astronomical objects are quite common in the Pleiades.

History of discovery

The Pleiades is an open star cluster known to mankind since time immemorial. Archaeologists find rock paintings of this amazingly beautiful asterism in almost all corners of the world. As you understand, these drawings were made long before the beginning of our era.

Since the Pleiades can be observed in the Northern Hemisphere in winter and in the Southern Hemisphere in summer, it is not surprising that they are visible on all continents of the world except Antarctica. Since in order to see the brightest objects of the Pleiades, no technology is needed, but only good vision and attentiveness are enough, references to these stars are found in ancient Greek myths, Chinese treatises and even the Bible. From this we can conclude that this constellation has been known to humanity since time immemorial.

However, the first serious observations of a star cluster were made only in the 18th century. Using the optical technology of that time, attempts were made to calculate the total number of stars included in a given asterism. But, for example, a scientist and part-time priest in 1767 tried to calculate the probability of the random formation of such a huge number of stars in such a relatively small area of ​​​​the sky. According to his data, it was equal to 1:500000, from which the pastor concluded that the Pleiades are gravitationally bound stars. Basically, he was right.

  1. The Pleiades are approximately 135 parsecs distant from Earth.
  2. Under some circumstances, a reflection nebula can be seen around the Pleiades - a cloud of cosmic dust illuminated by stars.
  3. The shape of the Pleiades resembles Ursa Minor.
  4. The first rock painting of the Pleiades dates back to 16,500 BC.
  5. About a quarter of the total number of stars inhabiting the Pleiades astronomical cluster are brown dwarfs.

« Pleiades constellation- the most famous star cluster. Because Pleiades constellation can be clearly seen in the night sky; it has been known to earthlings since ancient times. First mention of Pleiades constellation found in Chinese chronicles dating back to around 2300 BC. Earliest European sources mentioning Pleiades constellation, is a poem by Hesiod (circa 1000 BC) and Homer's Odysseus."

In Japanese, "Subaru" means "to unite", although the same word refers to a cluster of six stars in the constellation Taurus, named by the ancient Greeks Pleiades.

In ancient times, it was believed that these stars represented the seven daughters of the characters of Greek mythology - Atlas and Plione.

But how can there be seven daughters and only six stars in the constellation? Pleiades?

There are actually seven stars, but only six of them can be seen with the naked eye.

Seven daughters

The names of these seven daughters are as follows: Alcyone The queen who wards off evil. Alcyone is the central and most a big star constellation Pleiades. It is often seen as representing an entire cluster of stars. Asterope Double star in the constellation Pleiades, literally translated as "lightning". Merope The only one to marry a mortal, her star does not shine as brightly as the others. Maya The eldest of seven sisters. They say she is the most beautiful. According to Greek myths, Maia was the favorite of Zeus and gave birth to Hermes. Taygeta After Zeus defiled her into unconsciousness, she went into wanderings. Keleno She was the wife of Poseidon. Translated, her name means “darkness” or “blackness.” Keleno is sometimes called the Lost Pleiad, as this star is sometimes difficult to see with the naked eye. Electra The third brightest star in the constellation. Electra means "amber", "shining" and "bright". This sister was the wife of Coritus. She seduced Zeus and gave birth to Dardanus, who became the founder of Troy.


star cluster Pleiades, also known as Seven sisters And Messier 45, is quite visible in the night sky.

In general, there are hundreds of stars in the cluster, but only a few of them can be seen with the naked eye.

The stars in the Pleiades are believed to have formed about 100 million years ago, making them 50 times younger than our Sun.

These objects are located at a distance of approximately 130 parsecs (425 light years) from Earth.

They are visible in the constellation Taurus, with approximate celestial coordinates of 3 hours 47 minutes in right ascension and +24° declination.

For residents of the northern regions cluster is above and to the right of Orion the Hunter as it emerges to the south, and passes, reaching its highest point in the sky, midway between sunrise and sunset - around 4 a.m. in September, midnight in November, and 8 p.m. in January.

In very good weather conditions, some people see up to 10 stars in a cluster at night.

Thanks to binoculars and a small telescope, it is possible to view a much larger number of stars included in the constellation Pleiades, covering approximately one degree of sky.

By at least, 300 stars are members of the group, which is 400 light-years from Earth.

Alien race Pleiadians

Alien race Pleiadians, have existed for a very long time, and their ancestors came in unimaginably long ago from another universe that had reached completeness - unity.

Earth Pleiadians visit to help humanity achieve such completeness while on one planet.

The current time period is very important in this regard, and what happens on Earth will affect the entire universe.

Achieving completion involves people understanding who they are and continuing with the experiment.

Ancestors Pleiadians came from a universe that realized itself as a unity, understood that it was inseparable from the Creator, or First Cause, and was the journey of the Creator through time.

These ancestors came from a universe whose essence was creativity. This is how they realized that they themselves are creators.

These ancestors Pleiadians were among those who founded various worlds, created civilizations, and did it perfectly. The earth was also not ignored by them.

So, it turns out that the ancestors Pleiadians They are also the ancestors of earthlings - our very ancient ancestors.

Allegedly, they shared their DNA with those who worked on the “Original Plan”, and it entered the human genome.

There are countless worlds in the vast expanse of space, and their inhabitants have been visiting the Earth since time immemorial.

Not only Pleiadians helping people, this is just one group of many who want to show a person the right path of development.

Aliens come to our planet for a variety of reasons.

In most cases, highly developed aliens want to help people move to the next level of development, although there are also unfriendly aliens whose tasks are completely different.

Appearance Pleiadians has a humanoid form, more reminiscent of elves and emitting light.

Their average height is higher than human height, their appearance is feminine.

By nature they are friendly and peaceful, inquisitive and calm.

Some of them are able to appear before people only in a shining form, having a white-blue color.

People began to deify the “newcomers from heaven,” like children who look at their parents doing things that children cannot do and idealize them.

The three-dimensional world contains a great challenge, because in such conditions very strict restrictions are possible that form certain structures.

People's participation in this process is creativity for them. A person comes to know himself as a part of the Creator, who, in turn, receives life experience through people.

There is information that Pleiadians advise people to ask questions, to find out more alternative opinions on this or that serious issue.

They warn that only people, and not they, are responsible for their lives and decide which path to choose.

Pleiadians They just give hints, but the final decision is made by the person.

Aliens tell us that answers to questions must be sought in the depths of our souls.

Questions arise in human consciousness, and the answer comes from the very depths of our being.

And to get answers, the first thing you need to do is believe that all the necessary information is actually contained within us!

+24° 07′ Distance 440 St. years (135 pcs) Apparent magnitude (V) +1,6 Visible dimensions (V) 110′ Constellation Taurus physical characteristics Class I,3,m Weight 800 solar masses Radius 6 St. years Age 100 million years Information on Wikidata?

For the ancient Greeks and Romans, the rising of the Pleiades in the morning before sunrise meant the return of spring.

History of discovery

It has long been known that the Pleiades are a connected group of physically close stars, and not stars at different distances from the Earth that are only visible nearby on celestial sphere. The priest John Michell in 1767 calculated the probability of a random combination of such a number bright stars in such a small area of ​​the sky as equal to 1:500000, and suggested that the Pleiades, like other star clusters, should be physically connected. This was confirmed when the first measurements were taken relative speed stars: it turned out that their own motions are very close, which indicates their gravitational connection.
