Igor Vasilyevich is a northerner. Severyanin I

Igor Vasilyevich is a northerner.  Severyanin I

Igor Severyanin (real name Igor Vasilievich Lotarev) was born May 4 (16), 1887 In Petersburg. An officer's son. Due to the difficult relationship between his parents, he spent his adolescence in Soyvol near the city of Cherepovets, Novgorod province, where his uncle’s estate was located.

He studied at the Cherepovets real school, then went to Far East, where his father received a position as a commercial agent. Life in the Far East during the Russian-Japanese War contributed to the fact that among the love lyrics that Northerner began to write, poems on patriotic themes appeared. The poem “The Death of Rurik” was published in the magazine “Word and Deed” ( 1905 ). Severyanin’s first collection of poems, Lightnings of Thought, was published in 1908. Considering himself a follower of the “pure lyricism” of K. Fofanov and M. Lokhvitskaya, Severyanin came up with a number of formal innovations in poetry. Some of the word formations he created entered into Russian speech (for example, mediocrity), and were suggested by him to V. Mayakovsky (derived verbs “to knock around”, “to screen”).

The arrival of Igor Severyanin in poetry was welcomed by V. Bryusov. Speaking negatively about Severyanin’s “restaurant-boudoir” theme, M. Gorky appreciated the authenticity of his lyrical talent. In 1911 The northerner led the movement of ego-futurism, uniting the poets who published the newspaper “Petersburg Herald” (K. Olimpov, R. Ivnev, etc.). The program of egofuturists, formulated by Severyanin, provided for self-affirmation of the individual, the search for the new without rejecting the old, bold images, epithets, assonances and dissonances, meaningful neologisms, etc. Later he joined the Cubo-Futurists. In 1913 published the collection “The Thundering Cup” (with a foreword by F. Sologub), which went through seven editions in two years. After performances in Crimea with V. Mayakovsky, D. Burliuk, V. Kamensky, he parted ways with the Cubo-Futurists.

Poems from the collections “Zlatolir” ( 1914 ), "Pineapples in champagne" ( 1915 ), "Victoria Regia" ( 1915 ), "Poetic interlude" ( 1915 ) and others are predominantly decadent in nature, their language is distinguished by pretentiousness, mannerism, deliberateness, bordering on tastelessness. Using a variety of meters that had almost never been used before, Severyanin boldly introduced new ones and, combining them, invented a number of poetic forms: garland, triolet, square of squares, mignonette, diesel, etc. Severyanin’s poetry enjoyed success in the pre-revolutionary years. In the spring of 1918 at an evening at the Polytechnic Museum he was elected “king of poets.”

On February revolution Igor Severyanin responded with the poems “Hymn of the Russian Republic”, “To My People”, “And This Is Reality” (March, 1917 ), which were included in the collection “Mirrelia” (Berlin, 1922 ).

Summer 1918 The northerner, who was then living in Estonia, found himself cut off from his homeland. His collections "Vervena" ( 1920 ). In 1922 Northerner performed in Berlin together with Mayakovsky and A.N. Tolstoy; here he published the collections “Mirrelia”, “Minstrel” ( 1922 ), a novel in verse “Falling Rapids” ( 1922 ), in 1923– collections “The Nightingale”, “The Tragedy of the Titan”. In 1925 an autobiographical novel in verse “Bells of the Cathedral of Senses” (Yuryev) was published, in 1931– collection “Classical Roses” (Belgrade), in 1934 – collection of sonnets “Medallions” (ibid.), in 1935– “novel in stanzas” “Royal Leandra” (Bucharest). In poems written abroad, Northerner glorified his homeland and spoke in tragic tones about the impossibility of returning.

Poetry last period It is distinguished by lyricism, refusal of pretentiousness, variety of sizes, melodiousness. Poems by Igor Severyanin were set to music by M. Bagrinovsky, A. Vertinsky, N. Golovanov, S. Rachmaninov (“Daisies”) and others.

Igor Severyanin translated from French (C. Baudelaire, P. Verlaine, S. Prudhomme, etc.), German (D. Lilienkron), Polish (A. Mickiewicz), Hebrew (L. Stope), Serbian (J. Ducic), Bulgarian (H. Botev, P. Slaveikov), Romanian (M. Eminescu), Estonian (A. Alle, J. Liiv, F. Tuglas, I. Semper, J. Barbarus, G. Visnapu, M. Under), Lithuanian (S. Neris) languages. In 1928 published an anthology covering 100 years in his translations. Severyanin's poems have been translated into almost all European languages.

The loving Ivan Vasilyevich Lotarev sang in his poems human feelings, relationships and the beauty of nature. the poet, who took the pseudonym Igor Severyanin, consists of fragments of the time of the Tsarist and Soviet eras. The revolutionary component, the bold ideas of the literary environment helped to form my own style of writing poetry.

Igor Severyanin: biography

The poet was born in St. Petersburg in 1887 into the family of a tradesman Vasily Petrovich Lotarev and a born noblewoman Natalya Stepanovna. Later, when the boy was 9 years old, the family broke up. The future genius of the pen was brought up in a family of relatives near Cherepovets. In the city, Igor graduated from the 4th grade of school and moved to China to live with his father. Unfortunately, he died soon after short biography ended in the East, the young man was taken by his mother to the cultural capital - St. Petersburg. I fell in love many times in my life, but I had only one wife – Felissa Kruut. There are children from an unregistered relationship: two girls and a boy. Igor Vasilyevich suffered from tuberculosis. He died in the capital of Estonia in 1941 from heart failure.

Life and literary work

Poems began to come out from the pen of the talented child when he was only seven or eight years old. Igor Severyanin considers the official beginning of the biography of his work to be the works that were published in 1905 in the press for the people “Leisure and Business”. Acquaintance with Feofanov influenced the poet’s literary path. Having personally paid for the publication of 35 brochures, Severyanin planned to subsequently combine them in a collection of poems. I saw one poetry notebook, and after reading it, I criticized it.

Criticism did Severyanin good; the entire press wrote about his works and himself. Having created the poetic movement of egofuturism (a “refined” attitude to reality), Severyanin leaves the circle, imbued with the ideas of the Symbolists. At the age of 26, Igor Vasilievich publishes the most important literary biography collection of poems – “The Thundering Cup”, for short time brought him fame and recognition. The poem “Pineapples in Champagne,” published in a collection of poems in 1915, is still often quoted. Due to a change in the ruling power in the country, Northerner left for Estonia. He continued to publish poems and novels in verse abroad. In addition to the poetic composition of words, the writer was engaged in translations.

An interesting fact about concert life in Igor’s biography was that at the first concerts in Georgia, the audience perceived the poetic works recited by the author as a comic performance. The hall exploded with laughter when Severyanin read poetry. At the following concerts, feeling the power of the poetic word, the audience applauded and showered the creator with flowers.

My ambiguous glory

My unambiguous talent...
I. Severyanin

Childhood of Igor Vasilievich

In fact, Northerner is a literary pseudonym. In one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, Igor Vasilyevich Lotarev was born in St. Petersburg into the family of a retired staff captain, a cultured family that loved literature and music, especially opera (“I heard Sobinov alone at least forty times”). Igor's mother came from a noble family of the Shenshin family. A. Fet and N. Karamzin belonged to this famous family. Parents separated. And all subsequent years, Igor Vasilyevich lived in the Novgorod province in the Cherepovets district. The future poet lived on the estate of his father's sister.

Traveling around your native country and the beginning of creativity

Then Igor Severyanin travels with his father throughout Russia. Then he goes to the Far East, where he remains for several years. And in nineteen hundred and four he returns to his mother. It is there that he will meet many future famous poets, writers, cultural figures. Severyanin himself will call his early publications brochures. The young poet sent his poetic experiments to various editorial offices, which were regularly returned. However, in 1905 the poem “The Death of Rurik” was published, then a number of separate poems.

The appearance of a pseudonym or big name

A new era has begun in Russian literature and poetry. Lotarev, or the future Igor Severyanin, whose biography developed in such a way that he appeared as a poet at the same time, will become truly famous much later. But it was at this time that his literary pseudonym appeared. At first it was Igor the Severyanin, that is, with a hyphen, and a little later this sign will disappear and a big name will remain.

Interesting facts about the poet’s work

The first poet to welcome the appearance of “Severyanin in poetry” was K. Fofanov (1907), the second was V. Bryusov (1911). From 1905 to 1912, Severyanin published 35 poetry collections (mainly in provincial publications).

One of the poems, which begins: “Plunge the corkscrew into the elasticity of the cork...” was read in Tolstoy’s house in Yasnaya Polyana. It was an ordinary noble life - reading books aloud. The entire Severyanin brochure caused an unusual stir, but this work created a real sensation. Everyone laughed at the unusual moves of the author's new poetry. But suddenly Lev Nikolaevich got angry and said: “There are gallows, murders, funerals all around, and they have a corkscrew in a traffic jam.” Soon these words were replicated in many newspapers. This is how Igor Vasilyevich Severyanin gained fame. His biography and work became popular literally the next morning.

The true popularity of the creator and the most famous book

But real fame came after the publication of the book “The Thundering Cup.” This was followed by other collections of Northerner’s poems - “Zlatolira” (1914), “Pineapples in Champagne” (1915), etc., which were reprinted many times. The name of Northerner was associated with a new direction in literature - futurism. In nineteen hundred and twelve, the direction of egofuturism emerged, and Severyanin stood at its head. Then he will move away from his brothers.

Searching for a creative circle

There was a lot of new things in Igor Vasilyevich’s poems. It is no coincidence that he declared himself as a poet who changed the course of Russian literature and poetry. He was an innovator in the field of poetic language, was engaged in word creation, and introduced many new words into Russian literature. The Northerner was so multifaceted.

King of Poets

The northerner spoke at the Polytechnic Museum at a poetry evening. It was February 27, 1918. Evenings were regularly held there where poets from various schools of thought performed. Previously, posters were posted, where everyone was invited to a competition for the title of “King of Poetry.”
The stage was as crowded as a tram. Severyanin’s reading style had a hypnotic effect on the audience.
The election of the “king” was accompanied by a playful crowning with a mantle and a crown, but it is known that the poet himself took this very seriously. In May, the almanac "Poesoconcert" was published with a portrait of Igor the Severyanin on the cover indicating his new title.

From the memoirs of Gergiy Ivanov - “St. Petersburg Winters”:
“Then Northerner was at the zenith of his fame. Triumphant trips around Russia. The huge hall of the City Duma, which could not accommodate everyone who wanted to attend his “poetry evenings”. Thousands of fans, flowers, cars, champagne. It was real, somewhat actorly, perhaps, glory ".

From the memories of Sun. Rozhdestvensky about poetry evenings:

“The poet appeared on stage in a long frock coat, narrow at the waist. He held himself straight, looked slightly down at the audience, occasionally shaking his black, curled curls hanging over his forehead.

Putting his hand behind his back or crossing them on his chest near the lush orchid in his buttonhole, he began in a deathly voice, more and more sing-song, with a special cadence inherent only to him with fading, rising and an abrupt break in the poetic line...

The mournfully intoxicating melody of half-chanting and half-chanting powerfully and hypnotically captured the listeners..."

last years of life

In 1920, Severyanov went on vacation to the Estonian seaside village of Toila, and in 1920, Estonia separated from Russia. The poet found himself in forced emigration.
He lived with Felissa Krut for 16 years. She protected him from all everyday problems. Before his death, he admitted that breaking up with her in 1935 was a tragic mistake.
And there, cut off from Russia, Igor Vasilyevich Severyanin will continue to create and create a kind of epic lyrics that will reflect human life, suffering and ideas about happiness.
While in exile, he published collections of poems “Vervena” (1920), “Minstrel” (1921), a novel in verse “Falling Rapids”, etc. He published an anthology of Estonian classical poetry.
In recent years, his life in Estonia was very bad.

"I have a blue boat,
My wife is a poetess."

He was starving. He spent whole days fishing from his blue boat and began to lose his sight from the sparkling ripples of the water.

Joining Estonia in 1940 Soviet Union awakened in him hopes for the publication of his poems and the possibility of traveling around the country. The illness prevented the implementation of not only these plans, but even his departure from Estonia when the war began.
On December 22, 1941, the Northerner died in Nazi-occupied Tallinn.
A northerner once prophetically wrote: “How good, how fresh the roses will be, / My country threw me into my coffin!”

Brief biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. Brief biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.

  1. “I, the genius Igor-Severyanin”
  2. King of Poets Igor Severyanin

Igor Severyanin wrote his first poem at the age of eight. At the beginning of the twentieth century, he became the first pop poet, performing his “poetry concerts” in different cities of Russia. In 1918, at a poetry evening at the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Museum, Severyanin was declared the “King of Poets” - he beat out all the participants, including Vladimir Mayakovsky.

“I, the genius Igor-Severyanin”

Igor Severyanin (born Igor Lotarev) was born in St. Petersburg. Already at the age of eight he wrote his first poem - “The Star and the Maiden”.

There was a difficult relationship between his parents, military engineer Vasily Lotarev and Natalya Lotareva, who came from a wealthy noble family of the Shenshins. In 1896 they separated. In the same year, the father of the future poet resigned and together with his son moved to the Soyvole estate near Cherepovets. There Igor graduated from four classes of a real school, and in the spring of 1903 he and his father left for the Far East. The trip across Russia inspired the 16-year-old boy, and he began writing poetry again. At first love lyrics, and with approaching Russo-Japanese War- patriotic texts.

At the end of 1903, Igor Severyanin moved to St. Petersburg to live with his mother, breaking off relations with his father. The Northerner never saw him again: a year later his father died of tuberculosis.

Vadim Bayan, Boris Bogomolov, Anna Chebotarevskaya, Fedor Sologub, Igor Severyanin. 1913. Photo: fsologub.ru

Igor Severyanin. 1933. Photo: stihi-rus.ru

Alexis Rannit and Igor Severyanin. 1930s. Photo: pereprava.org

In 1905, Severyanin’s poem “The Death of Rurik” with the signature “Igor Lotarev” appeared in the soldier’s magazine “Leisure and Business”. With his uncle's money, he began publishing thin brochures of poems and sent them to editors to get feedback. The poet recalled: “One of these little books somehow caught the eye of N. Lukhmanova, who was at that time in the theater of military operations with Japan. I sent 200 copies of “Novik’s Feat” for reading to wounded soldiers. But there were no reviews...” In total, the poet published 35 brochures, which he later decided to combine into the “Complete Collection of Poets.”

Soon Severyanin met his main poetic teacher, Konstantin Fofanov, who later introduced him to editors and writers. The day of his first meeting with Fofanov was a holiday for Severyanin, which he celebrated annually.

Then the poet took a pseudonym for himself - Igor-Severyanin. The poet intended just such a spelling - with a hyphen, but it was not fixed in print.

Around this time, the first notes on poetic brochures began to appear: “There weren’t many of them, and the criticism in them began to scold me a little”. Leo Tolstoy also scolded the poet. In 1909, the writer Ivan Nazhivin brought the brochure “Intuitive Colors” to Yasnaya Polyana and read some poems to the count. “What are they doing!.. This is literature! All around are gallows, hordes of the unemployed, murders, incredible drunkenness, and they have the elasticity of a traffic jam!”- Tolstoy said then. Negative review The venerable writer aroused a wave of interest in Severyanin’s work: comments appeared in the press for each of his brochures (not always positive), the poet was invited to charity evenings, and magazines began to publish his poems. Igor Severyanin has become fashionable.

I, the genius Igor-Severyanin,
Intoxicated with his victory:
I'm completely screened!
I am completely confirmed!

Igor Severyanin, excerpt from a poem

"Association of Egofuturism" and poetry concerts

In 1910 the main thing literary movement At the beginning of the 20th century, symbolism began to experience a crisis: internal contradictions and different views of symbolists on the tasks of art emerged. Igor Severyanin came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a new direction - egofuturism. The Association of Egofuturism includes poets: Konstantin Olimpov and Ivan Ignatiev, Vadim Bayan and Georgy Ivanov. In an interview with a Belgrade newspaper, Igor Severyanin spoke about the creation of a new direction and emphasized that it “ the main goal was to assert one’s self and future. And the main doctrine was “Soul-truth”. The circle of egofuturists did not exist for long: a year after its formation, the poets dispersed, and Igor Severyanin wrote “Epilogue of egofuturism.”

Severyanin gained even greater fame after his first volume of poems, “The Thundering Cup,” was published in 1913, in the publication of which the poet was helped by the writer Fyodor Sologub. In the same year, Northerner, together with Fyodor Sologub and Anastasia Chebotarevskaya, made his first tour of Russia. During these years, the poet’s fame bordered on idolatry: poetry concerts, as the poet himself called them, were literally bursting with audiences, mesmerized by the peculiar musical manner of reading. Igor Severyanin performed in a long black frock coat. Measuring the stage with long strides, he recited poetry in a chant, without looking into the audience. The poet Abram Argo in his book “With My Own Eyes: A Book of Memories” wrote about Severyanin’s performances:

“With great long strides in a long black frock coat he went out onto the stage A tall man with a horse-like oblong face; with his hands behind his back, his legs spread like scissors and pressing them firmly into the ground, he looked in front of him, not seeing anyone and not wanting to see anyone, and began chanting his chanted caesura stanzas. He didn’t notice the audience, didn’t pay any attention to it, and it was this style of performance that delighted the audience.”

At the height of the First World War, Igor Severyanin began publishing collections one after another: “Pineapples in Champagne”, “Our Days”, “Poetic Intermission”. However, they no longer caused such delight as the “Thundering Goblet”. Critics scolded the poet for shocking the audience and using many foreign and made-up words. The poet Valery Bryusov spoke about him in an article in 1915: “As soon as Igor Severyanin takes on a topic that requires primarily thought... his powerlessness is clearly revealed. Igor Severyanin lacks taste, lacks knowledge".

King of Poets Igor Severyanin

In January 1918, the poet moved from Petrograd with his seriously ill mother, common-law wife Elena Semenova and daughter Valeria to the small village of Toila in Estland (today Estonia). After some time, he briefly went to Moscow. On February 27, a poetry evening was organized in the Great Auditorium of the Polytechnic Museum. Posters hung all over the city: “Poets! The Constituent Tribunal convenes all of you to compete for the title of King of Poetry. The title of king will be awarded by the public by universal, direct, equal and secret vote. All poets who want to take part in the great, grand festival of poets are asked to sign up at the box office of the Polytechnic Museum until February 25.”.

The audience was overcrowded: Vladimir Mayakovsky, who was reading “Revolution” that evening, barely had enough space to wave his arms. Igor Severyanin appeared at the end - in his unchanged black frock coat, in his usual manner, he recited poems from the famous collection “The Thunder-Boiling Cup” and won. The public awarded him the title “King of Poets.” Mayakovsky became second, Vasily Kamensky - third. In March, the almanac “Poetry Concerts” was published, on the cover of which it was stated: “The King of Poets Igor Severyanin.”

From now on my cloak is purple,
Beret velvet in silver:
I have been chosen as the king of poets
To the envy of the boring midge.

Igor Severyanin, excerpt from the poem “Rescript of the King”

Soon after this, Igor Severyanin finally moved to Estonia. In 1919, his first Estonian poetry concert took place in Reval (today Tallinn) at the Russian Theater. When Estonia declared its independence in 1920, the poet found himself in the status of a forced emigrant. However, he did not return to the USSR. In exile, Northerner translated into Estonian poetry, collaborated with Riga, Tartu, Berlin and Russian newspapers. During his entire emigration, Igor Severyanin gave about 40 poetry concerts, published 17 books, including: “Classical Roses”, “Novel in Stanzas”, “Royal Leandra”, “Zapevka”, “No More Than a Dream”.

Maria Dombrovskaya. 1920s. Photo: passion.ru

Igor Severyanin. 1933. Photo: russkiymir.ru

Felissa Kroot. 1940s. Photo: geni.com

In December 1921, Severyanin married the homeowner's daughter Felissa Kruut - this was the poet's only legal marriage. Kroot was also a writer. She introduced Igor Severyanin to popular Estonian writers, accompanied him on poetry trips, helped with translations, making interlinear translations for her husband. However, in 1935, Severyanin and Kruut separated, and the poet first moved to Tallinn and then to the village of Sarkul. At the end of the 30s, he wrote practically no poetry, but translated many poets, including Adam Mickiewicz, Hristo Botev, Pencho Slaveykov and others.

The poet died after a long heart disease on December 20, 1941 in Tallinn, where he moved after the Germans occupied Estonia. He is buried at the Alexander Nevsky Cemetery.

Lecture: “Igor Severyanin. Life and art"
Lecturer: Oleg Kling

1887 , May 4 (16) - born in St. Petersburg into the family of a retired staff captain. He spent the first 9 years in St. Petersburg.

1903 – having finished 4th grade at the Cherepovets Real School, in the spring he and his father made a trip to Dalniy Port (Dalian, China), where they lived for six months.

1904 - returns to his mother in Gatchina.

1907 - meets the poet K. Fofanov, who warmly approved of his poems.

1911 – Northerner announces the creation of “Ego of Universal Futurism”.

1913 – publication of the collection “The Thunderboiling Cup” in the Moscow publishing house “Grif” with a foreword by F. Sologub. In the same year he began giving his own poetry concerts. March–April 12 – the first concert tour at the invitation of Sologub and Chebotarevskaya to Russian cities, performing in Minsk, Vilna, Kharkov, Ekaterinoslav, Odessa, Simferopol, Rostov-on-Don, Baku, Tiflis, Kutaisi and other cities.
November 2 – performance at the St. Petersburg Women’s medical institute together with V. Mayakovsky, V. Khlebnikov, N. Burliuk and V. Gnedov.
November 29 – performance in the “Salt Town” hall in St. Petersburg together with Mayakovsky, Kulbin, Kruchenykh.
December 14 – first solo poetry concert in the hall Tenishevsky School In Petersburg.

1914 , February 18 – the publishing house “Grif” publishes the fourth edition of the book “The Thundering Cup”. Circulation 1000 copies.
March 4 – Igor Severyanin’s second book “Zlatolira” is published, M., K-vo “Grif”. Circulation 1415 copies.
November 9 – is present at the First Evening of Russian Music at the artistic cabaret “Stray Dog”. Singer A. I. Egorov performed the Northerner’s “Poet about Belgium,” set to music by composer N. K. Tsybulsky. The sheet music of this work was published with a cover by Sudeikin.

1915 – release of the collection “Pineapples in Champagne”. The poet's evenings were a huge success. B. Pasternak recalled: “... On the stage before the revolution, Mayakovsky’s rival was Igor Severyanin...”

1917 , October–November – in Petrograd, in the hall of the Petrovsky School (Fontanka, 62), 5 poetry evenings by Igor Severyanin are held, at which the poet reads poems from the collections “Thunderboiling Cup”, “Zlatolira”, “Pineapples in Champagne”, etc.

1918 , February 27 - in the hall of the Polytechnic Museum - election of the king of poets. K. Balmont, V. Mayakovsky and other poets took part in the competition. The Northerner won, and was awarded the title of “King of Poets.”

1918 - Since this year he has been living permanently in Estonia, having found himself outside his homeland after Estonia was declared an independent state.

1922 , November 7 – performs in Berlin at concerts together with V. Mayakovsky and A. N. Tolstoy.

1924 , June 14 - at the Pushkin evening in the building of the German Theater in Tallinn, he reads poetry dedicated to A.S. Pushkin.

1925 – a “novel in stanzas” entitled “Royal Leandra” was published.
April – Vadim Bergman’s publishing house (Yuryev-Tartu) published a book by Igor Severyanin: “Bells of the Cathedral of Senses. Autobiographical novel in 3 parts" (circulation 2000 copies). Part of the edition came in a dust jacket in the form of a ribbon with a red inscription: “XX. Igor-Severyanin. The latest manuscripts published on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the poet’s literary activity.”

1928 – publishes an anthology of Estonian poetry covering 100 years.
February 16 – evening at the Russian House, organized by the Union of Russian Writers and Journalists in Poland. In the newspaper “For Freedom!” reported: “The poems dedicated to Russian writers and Russia were met with noisy and long-lasting applause from almost exclusively the Russian public who had gathered to listen to their native poet.”

1930 , December 20 and 29 – gives a lecture about K. Fofanov and a lecture “Estonian Triolet Sologub” in Russian scientific institute at the Chamber of the Academy of Sciences in Belgrade (Yugoslavia).

1931 , February 27 – performance at the Chopin Hall in Paris with the program: 1. “Classical Roses” (New Lyrics). 2. “Medallions” (12 characteristics). 3. “Thundering Cup” (Ante-War Lyrics).
Present at the concert is M. Tsvetaeva, who said in a letter to S.N. Andronikova-Galpern on March 3, 1931: “...The only joy (not counting the Russian reading of Moore, Alina’s drawing successes and my poems) - for all this time - long months - evening of Igor Severyanin. He more than remained a poet, he became one. It was the twentieth anniversary on the stage. Old to the point of dying of heart: wrinkles like those of a three-hundred-year-old, but - he lifts his head - everything is gone - the nightingale! That dictionary is not singing and gone. When we meet, I’ll tell you everything as it was, for now: my first POET, that is, the first consciousness of a POET in nine years (as I am from Russia).”

1941 , spring - sends sonnets about Russian composers to Leningrad.
Severyanin’s poems are published in the magazines “Krasnaya Nov”, No. 3 and “Ogonyok”, No. 13.
December 22 – died in Nazi-occupied Tallinn. He was buried at the Orthodox Alexander Nevsky cemetery in Tallinn.

Addresses in St. Petersburg:
1. Gorokhovaya, house number 66 - born in this house on May 4, 1887.
2. Corner of Degtyarnaya and 8th Sovetskaya streets. (the exact address of the house has not been established) - I have been here since 1911. The editorial office of the newspaper “Petersburg Herald” was located

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