The brightest star in the constellation is called the swan. Constellation Cygnus - sky bird

The brightest star in the constellation is called the swan.  Constellation Cygnus - sky bird

The constellation Cygnus is located in the northern hemisphere of the celestial sphere. Its bright stars are arranged in the form of a cross, which stretches along the Milky Way. The ancient Greeks associated this form with a flying bird. In mythology, the swan is inextricably linked with Orpheus. This is a singer and musician, born from the river god Eagra and the muse Calliope. The poor guy was torn to pieces by the maenads. And then Zeus placed 2 constellations in the sky - Lyra and Cygnus. The latter personified Orpheus.

The most bright Star Deneb or Alpha Cygnus. This is a white supergiant. Its luminosity exceeds that of the sun by 67 thousand times. It is located at a distance of approximately 2.6 thousand light years from Earth. There is also an opinion that this value corresponds to 1.55 thousand light years with an error of 10%. This is the brightest distant star, which is almost 2 times brighter than other distant stars. Its mass is estimated at 20 solar masses. In one day, Deneb emits as much light as the Sun in 140 days. Translated from Arabic, the name of the star means “tail”.

On the other side of the "swan's body" is Albireo star. It is visible in the night sky naked eye, and through a telescope it is visible as a double star system. It is located 430 light years away from the blue planet. The main star of the system, or Albireo A, is an orange giant. The second star, Albireo B, is a rapidly rotating blue Main Sequence star. WITH Arabic The name translates as "chicken beak".

Star Sadr or Gamma Cygnus is located at the intersection of 5 stars, which are called the Northern Cross. The name is translated from Arabic as “breast”. The luminary is one of the brightest in the constellation. It is separated from the Earth by 1.8 thousand light years with an error of 15%. Its mass is 12 times that of the Sun, and its radius is 150 times. It has a yellow-white luster, and according to its temperature regime it belongs to the F-type.

Delta Cygni is the 3rd largest star. It has the traditional name Rukh. This is a triple star system located at a distance of 170 light years from Earth. It consists of 2 stars located close to each other and one distant one. The brightest star is a blue-white giant. Its luminosity is 180 times greater than the sun. The radius exceeds the radius of the Sun by 4.7 times, and the mass by 3 times. A yellow-white star is circling nearby, its luminosity is 6 times higher than that of the Sun, and its mass is 1.5 times greater. The third component (orange star) is inferior to the Sun in all respects.

Epsilon Cygnus or Jenach, which means “wing” in Arabic, is located 73 light years from Earth. Its luminosity is 62 times greater than that of the sun, and its radius is 11 times greater. This is a giant star that has already left the Main Sequence and has begun its last stage in stellar evolution. Since 1943, its spectrum has served as the standard by which other stars are classified.

The remaining stars included in the constellation Cygnus are dimmer. Nebulas are observed. This Crescent Nebula NGS 6888, which is an emission nebula (clouds of ionized gas). Its size is approximately 20 light years, and the distance to Earth is 4.7 thousand light years. It was formed about 400 thousand years ago as a result of emissions of the super giant star HD 192163, which is of the Wolf-Rayet type. You can also call the Veil and Witch's Broom nebulae.

The constellation is home to the black hole Cygnus X-1. This is the strongest source of X-ray radiation. Its mass is 15 times that of the sun. It is located at a distance of 6.07 thousand light years from the Sun. Several planets have been discovered. These are HAT-P-7b, HAT-P-11b, HD 187123 B and others. The most notable is the planet Kepler 22b. She is supposed to be a twin earth. This conclusion is based on the temperature conditions of its surface. In 2010, 2 more planets were discovered: Kepler 5B and Kepler 6b. Thus, this star cluster has the largest number of exoplanets.

Let's say a few words about galaxies. This is, of course, NGC 6946. It belongs to the intermediate spiral galaxies. It was discovered in 1798 by William Herschel. It is heavily obscured by interstellar matter. It is located at a distance of 22.5 million light years from Earth. Since 1917, 9 supernovae have appeared in this star cluster.

And, of course, Northern Cross. It is part of the constellation Cygnus. Consists of the five bright stars that we have examined. The top of the cross is the star Deneb, the base is the star Albireo. The crossbar consists of Rukh, Jenah and Sadr. The Northern Cross is an asterism, that is, a group of stars clearly visible in the sky, which has its own historical name.

The cluster of cosmic luminaries we examined is one of the most ancient. It was included by Claudius Ptolemy in his tome Almagest in the 2nd century. But the great astronomer of antiquity called it not Swan, but Bird. However, this does not change the essence, and after 2 thousand years the same stars continue to shine on celestial sphere attracting people with its mystery.

Webinar report 07/12/2015

When I started looking for the intro for the webinar on July 12, it was this picture that SB stopped at when I asked what to put on for today. They brought me back to her. From this I understand that for now we look like this to them.


Dear sunny friends! I am listening to you!

Today is a holiday(my daughter Elena was born on this day, and her guests were in the house).And you have a trip to the constellation Cygnus. (As I learned later, the constellation Cygnus was previously called the Cross of St. Helena).

Along the way we will exchange knowledge, treat you and heal your memory.

Many of you came from there, from the stars. Your stellar memory will speak for the first time today at a meeting with Us, those who have recently returned from a stellar journey Home - to our Alma Mater.

(As I understand it, this phrase says that before the ascension/transition, Entities return to their Alma Mater and then choose their next step in cosmic life. That is why all the Teachers left us for a while and then returned, for example, Sanat Kumara, Lucifer, Michael, etc.)

Each of you has a Home, you call it Alma Mater. This is the motherboard, this is the beginning of your destiny in the constellation Cygnus. Each of you passed part of your incarnation here, without fail, because this is the Alma Mater for all of us.

I know I was raised by Alpha Centaur...

This is the beginning of your destiny, then you visited many places in the universe. And now you will begin to put together the mosaic of your story. And each of you will feel native energies and long-forgotten melodies of the soul, as if memories will flood into you... But these memories will not be as bright as earthly lives.

We will try to make sure everything goes well for us.

How should we tune in?

The setting is normal.

Cygnus (lat. Cygnus, Cyg) - constellation of the northern hemisphere starry sky. Bright stars form a characteristic cross-shaped pattern, the Northern Cross asterism, stretched along the Milky Way, which ancient people associated with a flying bird. The Babylonians called the constellation “forest bird”, the Arabs called it “chicken”.

In the middle latitudes of Russia, the constellation can be found at any time of the year, however, best conditions observations - in summer and early autumn.

(From Wikipedia)

Deneb (Alpha Cygnus) is the brightest star in the constellation Cygnus, the very brightest star in the sky, a white supergiant with 67,000 times the luminosity of the Sun, and the twentieth brightest star in the night sky, with an apparent magnitude of +1.25m. Together with the stars Vega and Altair, Deneb forms the “summer-autumn triangle”, which is visible in the Northern Hemisphere during the summer and autumn months.In the picture, the yellow dot is our Sun, the white part of the picture on the left is a fragment of Deneb.

(From Wikipedia)

Swan X (eng. Cygnus X) is a giant molecular cloud, a vast star-forming region located in the constellation Cygnus at approximately 5000 light years. years from the Sun. It is part of the Cygnus molecular cloud complex.The region includes many massive young stars, as well as complex structures of filaments and globules, representing regions in which the process of birth of the next generations of stars occurs. This chaotic structure is formed by streams of stellar wind and radiation emitted by the most powerful stars. The Cygnus OB2 association associated with the cloud consists of thousands of stars that reveal themselves through influence on environment. The result of this interaction is a "glow" at the center of the cloud, visible due to the heating of dust and gas.

The network of filamentary formations and filaments are areas of intense star formation.

(The star Alma Mater is still there!)

Cygnus constellation

“The constellation Cygnus is often called the Northern Cross, the Crucifixion, the “Cross of Christ” and the “Cross of St. Elena." Beginning in the 17th century, illustrated planispheres sometimes depicted the constellation Cygnus as the crucified Jesus, with its six brightest stars corresponding to the crown of thorns, the three nails in the palms and soles of the feet, the spear wound on the thigh, and finally the sacred heart. The identification of the constellation Cygnus with the Crucifixion dates back to 592 AD. This year, Saint Gregory of Tours (544-595), a French bishop, wrote a treatise On the Path of the Stars. It not only mentioned the Grand Cross, but also indicated that it was the constellation Cygnus.The Hyperboreans are descendants of the Titans, witnesses and participants of the Titanomachy. Ancient authors directly point to this: “The Hyperboreans were of titanic origin... They grew up from the blood of former titans.” Let us remember that the sea near Hyperborea was called Kronidsky, named after the head of the titans Kron - the father of Zeus. And Cronus himself, if we ignore the later pro-Olympic version of the overthrow into Tartarus, continued to rule over the Islands of the Blessed, which were not much different from the earthly paradise and were again located at the latitude of Hyperborea. Life on the Isles of the Blessed, as it was imagined and described by ancient authors, almost completely coincides with the descriptions of the life of the Hyperboreans.

As has already been mentioned several times, among the titans - the masters of the North of Eurasia - there was also Iapetus (Iapetus), who became the prototype of the biblical Japheth, from whose son - Mosoh (Moskha, Mosk) came the Muscovites - residents of Moscow and Muscovy. In the ancient tradition, this era of the titans was called the “golden age” - the kingdom of happiness, goodness, justice and abundance. The Russian people preserved the memory of the Golden Age in the form of a fabulous image of the Golden Kingdom - a source of wealth, prosperity and prosperity.

Apollo is the classic Sun God. Its cosmic-stellar essence is also due to its origin. Mother Leto gave birth to her sun-bearing son on the island of Asteria, which means "star". Leto's sister was also called Asteria (Star). There is a version that the cult of Apollo was reintroduced to the Mediterranean during Ancient Rome. The cult of the pan-Indo-European Sun God was brought here by the proto-Slavic tribes of the Wends, who founded and gave their names modern cities Venice and Vienna.

Lucian preserved a description of a flying Hyperborean magician who visited Hellas: in front of astonished spectators, he flew through the air, walked on water and walked slowly through fire.

The Titanide Leto herself was also a flyer when, pursued by a jealous Hero, she rushed from the borders of Hyperborea throughout the world to seek refuge where she could be relieved of her burden. She found such a place on the island of Delos, where the sanctuary of Apollo subsequently arose, where the Hyperboreans constantly sent their gifts. Naturally, the children of Leto-Latona, Artemis and Apollo, also flew. The sun god Apollo of Hyperborean was often depicted flying to his homeland on a chariot drawn by swans, or on a “vehicle” with swan wings.

A short report on our trip to the constellation Cygnus


We are all gathered together, and we are heading to the constellation Cygnus.

We land on the central star of Cygnus, in its heart - the star Sadr, on one of its planets. This is where we once were. It is very difficult for us to feel something, and we are given time to get used to the change in energies.

The leader of the community in this constellation had the form of a bird similar to the Swan. And our bodies were not human at all. An advanced civilization developed here and gained connections throughout space. This association organized travel from this planet in different directions for the humanitarian purpose of collecting information about the aborigines on different inhabited stars and with the aim of helping undeveloped civilizations. One of the teams arrived on Earth, where at that time there were already people. Since the aliens were much higher in consciousness, people took them for gods and began to worship them. They left, leaving behind a lot of knowledge, culture, and the birth of a language. They foresaw the flooding of the continents, but flew away long before that. It was a friendly action.

SB question: Which of you flew at the very first expedition? One of you was on this ship. (I was not)...

There were more and more arrivals with humanitarian actions. They invited other civilizations here, which also came to Earth and about whose arrivals historical data has been preserved - drawings, icons, sculptures, images on stone and clay tablets.

The Hyperboreans themselves were not the backbone of Hyperborea, because there were few of them. They became educators, gods, who laid the foundations of a culture here that they instilled in people. Their local followers became teachers for new generations.

It seems to me that it was on a mental level... It’s difficult for me to connect this with physical Hyperborea...

They tell me that Hyperborea was still in the mental plane. These were the harbingers of the Lemurians who descended into the astral plane.

A Guide came to each of us. We “take him by the hand” and through him we feel what they want to convey to us (we connect with him with consciousness). They want to reveal to us the pages of our lives in the constellation Cygnus. Don’t imagine people, there will be no houses, no earthly nature. Everything will be felt only through the consciousness of the body, not through the eyes or other earthly organs. Try to feel at least something - your form and what the planet on which you once incarnated looks like. There are no husbands or wives here (we don’t know what kind of families there were), but there were probably parents. We are looking for a ray of consciousness for our ancestors...

I found it... and we merge at the heart center. This is a conversation with hearts, without words, only with energies. It is impossible to describe in words... This source of energy, which gave birth to me, inspires me, heals me and still loves me. We were given very high ideas, programs and directions of development, we have now grounded them a little in accordance with our intentions. But the highest vibrations, the highest intentions, truths and divine knowledge are read there.

“I look around”...

I feel the Vedic surroundings and the energies of ancient Indian deities and heroes - I saw Ganesha, winged deities... This is where Hinduism and Vedic culture come from!

I see that the Hyperboreans brought the Vedic cult to two points - to Hyperborea and India. The two civilizations developed in parallel and simultaneously. The Aryans fled from the invasion and went from Arkaim and from other places in Russia to India to their like-minded people in religion and culture. They were accepted as part of India because the culture was similar.

They point to Indonesia (the former Lemurian part), it is from there, in more early times, the teaching came to India.

The energies are now very Vedic. Jesus also has a part here, and He is also here with us.

Together with this memory, the SB are trying to activate all the knowledge that was or now is in the aspect that is here, so that it would be easier for us to perceive the new things that are now happening on Earth. Because this new thing penetrates with great difficulty into our template consciousness, filled with three-dimensional images. We are very grounded, and it is very difficult for us to perceive anything that is not earthly. This is the activation of our higher Hyperborean consciousness.

Now we are being shown that some of us came to India, and some to the north, to Hyperborea. There are both types of people in our group. Now the consciousness and knowledge of both the north and the south have united in our group, and this knowledge is being exchanged.

We meditate on the central star Sadr to concretize our knowledge.

There was a collective consciousness there. The individual self was weak and very small. They offer to feel and live the consciousness of Unity - what it is.

Here we feel ourselves all at once, which is very important for our development of consciousness on Earth. What is me and we?

How were we born? We have been synthesized by so many entities. It was a collective creation. Each entity gave its own piece: some energy, some magnetic fields, fate, name, form...

I Am Everything... and where is your little mosaic piece in this collective mosaic panel? You can find this piece, let’s find it... I feel like I found it, but it’s difficult to maintain this consciousness, I immediately switch to “We”.

(Commentary by N.K. From here it is more clearly visible how we took steps towards the creation of individual consciousness. Here, individuality is still almost undeveloped, there is too much merging with the collective consciousness - influence, dependence, and attachment. On Earth we have already reached almost complete separation from all Unity. A huge period of time and an infinite number of creations passed - between that consciousness and ours, a huge number of creators were engaged in the new consciousness that we embodied on Earth. But, probably, our consciousness is still so imperfect that not a planet will remain in it for a long time. no person can stay. Let's “check out” the path that we have come here from the stars. And even if we don’t know what value our “low” consciousness represents, let’s just understand that we needed it. Now we have to build the entire spectrum. consciousnesses vertically – from the “lowest” to the “highest”, which is what we do in such meditations).

In such a consciousness it is difficult to fight... with ourselves? And the Hyperboreans probably came here in such a consciousness of Unity, as collective entities... Yahweh is also a collective entity...

Let's look for love here. What is she like here?

We are accustomed to hot earthly love, to bright feelings. Here love is cool, calm, neutral.

- Love is like a wave, you can direct it, concentrate it.

- Love is broad, calm, measured, spread to everyone.

- Love is very calm, I perceive light and light crystals.

I have a love for indigo color – dark blue, not hot, closer to neutral.

- Yes, exactly blue!

Compared to our earthly love, it is neutral.

- Bright neutral!

- I incarnated in India, where love is warmer, more merciful, in the north there are majestic Hyperborean energies.

I suddenly saw that I was in Apollo’s group, He was the leader or Teacher, that’s why I felt such a connection with Apollo, I was his student! From Him I first learned about the solar system. And He was among the Hyperboreans who came to Earth... I probably came to Earth later than Him.

The topic is very complex; the highest consciousness is being activated. But our audience is ready. We've been working toward this for six months now!

- I understand how we create ourselves. There is still a connection!

This is not just a journey, this is not an excursion, this is the next step in activating our high consciousness, activation of our ancient memory.

The meditation itself on the constellation Cygnus and on the image of the swan symbol reveals something inside, like files of consciousness...

I feel the energies of those communications between us - soft, warm and very pure, joyful... there was no double bottom there, as there is now - I think one thing, say another. Everything sparkled and sparkled there...

- I understand why Hyperborean energies are activated - these are Greatness, Glory, and the Power of the Creator, combined with high Feelings.

These high feelings have already been revealed to us in the higher mentality, now, in this memory, they arise. We will master them. Try to understand that you are only remembering.

A fiery stream fills me, very bright, clear, pure, dear.

standing right in front of me A tall man Russian type... I can’t remember him... Who is standing in front of us? This is the type of Ilya Muromets - big, kind, tall, calm... He was the head of an expedition to Hyperborea several times, He is the progenitor of Hyperborean energies, the culture of which originated in the North.

The name “Clear Sun” is suitable, or something clear...

He unites with our Unity and brings knowledge into our Unity... Such joy in the heart, such a holiday! As if something is becoming clear. He's trying to make our history clear to us! He carries it in his memory! Everyone asks him a question with their heart and gets their ancient history, and part of our DNA - the historical part - is activated.

I hear a legitimate question: why is this necessary? We go into our VY, and the memory of one of the higher aspects is now activated. This memory is directly connected to the Earth. We are not activating our Venusian or Martian annals, but only the part of history associated with planet Earth.

Each of us is in one way or another directly connected with Hyperborea - either we were incarnated in Hyperborea, or we were on those stars where the Proto-Hyperboreans lived. And you came with expeditions to the north and south. We learned to fight here (remember the Indian epic).

We mastered technologies in Hyperborea and then brought them to Atlantis. But there the consciousness became more personal, a division into classes occurred, competition and competition developed - “I’m the coolest.”

The isolation of personality led to confrontation and wars. We needed competition for the development of consciousness, but here development went the wrong way, and we closed this page.

This memory that we activate was with us all the way to Atlantis. The Atlanteans were connected to these energies that we are discovering now. The Atlantean levels of consciousness are already available to us. And we move on.

We passed several stars and several planets to Earth solar system, collected a lot of knowledge, and we came to Earth as experienced souls who applied this knowledge on Earth.

- We, as Hyperboreans, incarnated on Earth, taking different qualities, and began to experience them, dividing our consciousness.

- A platform for unity and unity of consciousness is being laid.

We are taught a single consciousness - “I am all people”, so that we go out to the galactic Unity and already own it, and bring this consciousness to Earth.

We very joyfully embrace with the Solar Brothers on this planet - we unite our energies. We are taught Unity at a very high level.

On a very dark plane there is also One, a single consciousness, but not collective, but primordial. We evolved from this One, grew and became buds on the Tree. And now we are connecting all the consciousnesses of the Tree.

My little self disappeared like a drop in the ocean. I am nowhere and I am everything.

There are a lot of sources in me, a lot of rays are connected to me, which feed me, give me information, feed me with energies...

Feel that you do not have two poles, but many poles. Something different comes from each pole.

(Magnetosphere of the Sun

There are different areas in me - denser, looser, lighter... Each density plays its role in my unity. Each density has its own ways and methods of understanding realities. We combine them into Unity, combining them with other methods.

What if there is a connection with the Higher Self?

Very great connection with VYa! Something amazing was revealed there... it is impossible to describe... There is an even more complete Unity, high divinity. I dissolve, and my human consciousness here is one atom. But the most amazing thing is that I somehow feel it! This Unity is connected with an even higher Unity - the Higher Self.

It enters me, I enter it... and my bodily cells are now reacting with complete dissolution... This can only be felt by bodily consciousness, which is not closed. Our head will not help here in any way.

This is a point of very high consciousness, and here our guides make the final point. Now our mental aspects are directly connected to this consciousness.

We have climbed above the Great Goddess and below the Divine Guardian.

It dawned on me who came to us - it was Gabriel! I have never seen him like this - Bright Morning Star is his Name from Urantia! This is the first level in vibrations after the Divine Guardian!

Gabriel laughs and hugs. (I’m describing how I saw him before).

Tears from the eyes. Beautiful energies... Confirms that this is so!

(Webinar participants confirm)

Rejoicing, supreme joy, admiration, happiness...

« This is a reunion,” says Gabriel. “I once let you go on a long journey. I have supported you all these lives. Directed you first to one place, then to another. I always loved you and knew where you were.”

- Choir of angels!

- Laughs and pours radiance and love into me...

- Very happy, yes he is! In the beginning the name was Clear Light.

We ascended to the plane we once were on, and Gabriel reunited with us on this plane. And we learned a little history about ourselves, and about the Earth, and about Gabriel. Here it is, confirmation that we are archangels! We rose extremely high.

I congratulate you!


Review by Tatyana Baltser about the session with the Solar Brotherhood from 07/12/15.

Hello dear Natasha! I decided to write a little about my experiences during yesterday’s meeting with the Solar Brotherhood.

Amazing session. In the morning there was a message to clean the “bottoms”. I invited the Goddess Venus and asked for help. Apparently she felt that we would “go” high.

The constellation Cygnus enveloped me in something close and dear. I asked V.Ya.: “Is this my House?” - “No, but I was there.”

We were moved to one of the planets in the Cygnus constellation. But I was attracted to the star Deneb, which is many times larger than our physical sun. Deneb’s colossal size is simply impressive, making you think about yourself – small. It was impossible to resist, and for a moment I entered her. It’s difficult to endure such vibrations, especially to realize something there, and I returned.

Teachers came with us, and later representatives of other civilizations. These are the ones who founded Hyperborea. I greeted them. The Guides stood on either side of me. Moreover, Their energies are different, but so dear and familiar. I expanded with the energies of love, gratitude, and suddenly my pole opened up (I am a sphere, a large segment opened up) and a powerful, huge flow of response began to enter it. I didn’t feel that the poles might have opened somewhere else, but I felt this one well.

At the end of the meditation, everyone was asked to go higher and higher along the sutratma. Everyone rose to end point of our journey - the energy of Archangel Gabriel, whom many did not recognize at first on this plane, and neither did I.

The meditation ended, and “another song” began for me: I began to rapidly rise, and I reached new plan and further, further... She asked: “Why am I drawn upward?” - “Natasha, she said that you are going to the Divine Guardian.” I really came to Her. A lot of lightness, light, just grace and a pleasant, cool fire. Not even fire, but a slight fiery quality. I thanked the Divine Guardian for such a gift! And she asked Her for guidance and the ability to discern. I felt the energy of joy. “Yes, you’re already using this,” She smiled and invited me to come more often. - “Thank you immensely!”

The energies have changed and it's time to return. I collected everything I “carry with me” and returned. But for a long time, the energies of the Teachers dear to my heart were with me.

I sincerely thank ALL the participants, the Solar Brotherhood, Natasha, Volodya for supporting the operation of the equipment and EVERYONE who helped! And yourself, of course!

Mystical constellation Cygnus - constellation of the northern hemisphere of the starry sky, it is also called the Northern Cross. Bright stars form a characteristic cross-shaped pattern that stretches along the Milky Way, as if the Swan is soaring above the Earth with its wings spread. Cygnus is one of the most ancient constellations. In ancient images of the constellation, the swan flies with its wings spread wide and its head stretched forward, as if showing us all the way.

Various legends are associated with the constellation Cygnus.

In myths different countries world with the image of the Swan is associated with mythical, and maybe not mythical images - Aphrodite, Apollo, Zeus, Leda, Orphem, Brahma, Saraswati. I think that many people know the honest myth about how Zeus, captivated by the beauty of Leda, turned into a Swan, descended from heaven and in this form conquered her. And then he “flew away” into the sky. So, from this height he has been looking at his beloved for centuries.

And another myth tells about the beautiful Orpheus and his beloved Eurydice. This Thracian singer is personified in the constellation Cygnus, paired with the constellation Lyra. Orpheus is also not a completely clear-cut legendary figure. There are all prerequisites to consider him a native northern people. Although they say that all roads lead to Rome. But I am increasingly convinced that all roads for the emergence and development of civilizations go to the North. But that’s not about that now.

There is another version of the myth about the constellation Cygnus, which is less common, but does exist. The constellation Lyra represents the lyre of the god Apollo, which he left in the sky. According to the legends of the Greek chroniclers, Apollo traveled to his homeland, Hyperborea, once every two years.

Swan main Hyperborean symbol. And the Hyperborean swan symbolism covered all the northern countries of Europe and went deep into the Eurasian continent.

Interestingly, this constellation is also called the Northern Cross.

Why was this constellation identified with the cross and even with Jesus crucified on the cross?

One French bishop, Gregory of Tours, who lived in the fifth century AD, wrote a large treatise “On the Path of the Stars”, where he mentions the constellation Cygnus as the Great Cross, in which there is the letter Alpha on one side and Omega on the other side, i.e. confirming that the constellation Cygnus is the cosmic cross on which Christ was crucified.

One day, a star shone in this constellation of Cygnus, which eclipsed both the sun and the stars, and turned night into day. It burned for several days. And since the constellation is in the north, it did not go beyond the horizon.

Now this star is invisible. This is the Swan sun, which emits its glow in a different range, invisible to our eyes. But at the end of August 1975, an unknown star shone again in the constellation Cygnus and was much brighter for several days main star Deneb. And then gradually faded away.

The mystical constellation Cygnus attracts the attention of not only scientists, but also esotericists and religious figures.

Various sources are now trying to convey the message that on the morning of December 21, 2012 the sun will be at the Great Gap of the Milky Way (Constellation Cygnus), visually in the center of our galaxy and this will be the Zero Point of the new Time Wave, which will determine the key moment in the evolution of Man.

It is believed that the mysterious radiation emanating from the center of the constellation influences the development of civilization on Earth, filling it with vital juices from the source of cosmic creation. The large gap in the Milky Way in the constellation Cygnus is considered something like a “Cosmic birth canal” from where the “Baby RA” is born annually (on the day of the winter solstice).

This star is identified with Christ on the Cross.

If you look at paintings that depict the crucifixion of Christ and the constellation itself, you can see repeating contours. In the middle is a cross with the crucified Christ. On the sides are thieves on crosses. The constellation Cygnus looks exactly the same.

In ancient times, the constellation Cygnus was also identified with Iriy - the place of Paradise, the world's tree of paradise. In the ancient Vedas, Iriy is the Sun.

More than 15,000 years ago, the North Star was the star Deneb in the constellation Cygnus. It was then that the understanding arose that the World Tree (Iriy, Paradise) was of astronomical nature. It is difficult to say what our ancestors meant when they called this constellation the Gate of Heaven, but the fact that the constellation Cygnus was considered and revered as the most powerful source of God.

The image of a swan in ancient Slavic myths is associated with the primordial egg and the bird that creates the world. Swan symbolism is totemic; it permeates the entire history of the peoples of Eurasia. Traces of the worship and exaltation of the swan are found in the Middle Urals and rock art of the White Sea and Lake Onega. Some esotericists believe that our first ancestors, the clans of Sva-ga - the blue-eyed Svyatorus, flew from the Cygnus Constellation - the Hall of the Swan (Makosh or Ladle Ursa Major) .

And what about the warlike German Valkyries with swan wings on their helmets and their swan knight Lohengrin? According to legend, these “fairytale” Valkyries-Swan Maidens often appear by the river, shed their swan plumage and splash in the cold waters.

And the ancient Slavs have a story about how the Swan Maiden, from whom one brave, kind fellow stole her plumage, became the foremother of their clans. We can say that the entire early Christian period was marked by the Cult of the Swan

The Swan Virgin (Leda, Lada) is an ancient and comprehensive image. And if we talk about it, then this article will not be enough, since this image was deliberately distorted and turned into a more militant and even ugly one in the legends ancient Greece(Medusa Gorgon). Plots of transformation into a Swan are common among many nations, and myths also repeatedly speak of marriages between a person and a swan.

So flying swans northern countries very often they became symbols or their images were applied to coats of arms. For example, here is the coat of arms of the city of Kurkkijoki (Karelia).

A flock of Swans flying like a wedge is a symbol of the EU, which When Britain assumed its presidency of the European Union in 2005, she made a flock of swans flying in a wedge as a symbol of her chairmanship. This symbol was supposed to show that there would be a change of leaders in a friendly alliance.

Swans currently play the role of a measure or expression of morality, respect for traditions, the desire for purity and the development of intelligence.

IN Slavic mythology The swan is one of the revered, “holy” birds. In northern Rus', the Swan is placed above other birds, as evidenced by, for example, fairy tale plot about the choice of the King of the Birds, who becomes the white Swan

For Christians, the White Swan is purity, mercy and a symbol of the Virgin Mary.

The Evenki swan is the leader of a flock of birds carrying the soul of the Shaman.

The Chinese Swan is a solar bird, personifying the masculine principle of Yang.

Among the Celts, swans are solar deities who bring good to people, heal people with the energy of the Sun and water.

IN Ancient India There is also a pair of Swans - Ham and Sa (Saraswati), who feed only on the honey of the blooming lotus of knowledge and live in the Almighty.

In ancient India, Brahma rides on the Swan

It turns out that the White Swan is a symbol of the Spirit and the pure human soul. And the constellation Cygnus is a cosmic projection of this powerful legendary bird.

Swan(lat. Cygnus, Cyg) - constellation of the northern hemisphere of the starry sky. Bright stars form a characteristic cross-shaped pattern, the Northern Cross asterism, stretched along the Milky Way, which the ancients associated with a flying bird - the Babylonians called the constellation “forest bird”, the Arabs - “chicken”.

The optimal time of year for observation is summer.

click on the image to enlarge it

Lat. Name Cygnus
(b. Cygni)
Reduction Cyg
Symbol Swan
Right ascension from 19 h 05 m to 21 h 58 m
Declension from +27° 30′ to +60° 55′
Square 804 sq. degrees
(16th place)
Brightest stars
(value< 3 m)
  • Deneb (α Cyg) - 1.25 m
  • Sadr (γ Cyg) - 2.23 m
  • Hyenach (ε Cyg) - 2.48 m
  • δ Cyg - 2.87 m
Meteor showers
  • October Cygnids
  • Kappa Cygnids
Neighboring constellations
  • Cepheus
  • The Dragon
  • Chanterelle
  • Pegasus
  • Lizard
The constellation is visible at latitudes from +90° to -29°.
Best time for observation - July.

Asterism "Northern Cross"

Northern Cross asterism defining characteristic shape constellation, includes stars - α (Deneb), β (Albireo), γ (Sadr), δ and ε (Hyenach).

Deneb (α Cygni, apparent magnitude 1.25) is a very bright star, a white supergiant with a luminosity 67,000 times that of the Sun.
One of the corners of the Summer Triangle.
- Albireo (β Cygni) is a beautiful double star, easily distinguishable in .
- 61 Cygni - a multiple star, the first candidate for a stellar mass black hole
- Cygnus X-1 is a bright X-ray source, one of the candidates for black holes.
- Cygnus X-3 is a double star with a relativistic object.
- Cygnus OB2-12 is a high-luminosity star, a blue hypergiant. - NGC 7000 - nebula
North America
- IC 5070 - Pelican Nebula
- Northern Coal Sack - M39 - scattered
star cluster
- 16 Cygni - a triple system with two stars similar to the Sun and a planet; in 1999, a radio message from the inhabitants of the Earth to extraterrestrial civilizations was sent to the system.
- Nova Cygni 1975 (V1500 Cygni) - the brightest Nova in the last 60 years, reached 2.0 stars. led
- Flicker nebula - a planetary nebula that exhibits an external structure when observed with averted vision
- Crescent Nebula
- Witch's Broom Nebula
- Veil Nebula
- Cygnus OB2-12 is a very bright blue hypergiant with an absolute bolometric magnitude of -12.2, whose luminosity is approaching the upper limit of stellar luminosity.
- P Cygni - a rare type of flare variable star
- Chi Cygnus is a bright Mira, during a period it can change its brightness by 12m - from 2.3m to 14.3m, from visible to the naked eye to invisible even to some.
- SS Cygni - the progenitor of the type of cataclysmic variable stars, one of the observed variable stars in the world


Ancient constellation. Included in Claudius Ptolemy’s catalog of the starry sky “Almagest” under the title “Bird”. According to one of the ancient Greek myths, the Swan is Zeus pursuing Leda. According to another version, Orpheus was placed in heaven in the form of a swan near Lyra.
