Several new ones have appeared in them. City sports facilities: achievements and prospects

Several new ones have appeared in them.  City sports facilities: achievements and prospects

1. Most of the time passes fruitlessly.
2. At the zoo, a small kangaroo sat in a cage and cleaned its feathers.
3. There has been a tremendous improvement in living conditions.
4. The experience of recent years inevitably shows the correctness of these gloomy forecasts.
5. Extensive testing of this vitamin bioactive cream led to extremely positive results.
6. The stranger mounted his horse and rode off on foot.
7. It was so crowded on the bus that someone suggested: “Stand flat, then it will be freer!” .
8. The records continue.
9. Several new enterprises and public transport have appeared in our city.
10. Yesterday I took a plane and flew to Moscow (from the speech of a foreigner).

1. Most of the time is fruitless.
2. At the zoo, a small kangaroo sat in a cage and cleaned itself.
3. There is an improvement in living conditions.
4. The experience of recent years inevitably shows the correctness of the gloomy forecasts.
5. Extensive testing of this vitamin bioactive cream has led to extremely positive results.
6. The stranger mounted his horse and rode at a walk.
7. It was so crowded on the bus that someone suggested: “Stand up straight, then it will be freer!” .
8. Records are set.
9. Several new public transport enterprises have appeared in our city.
10. Yesterday I boarded a plane and arrived in Moscow (from the speech of a foreigner).

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  • please help me decide! ! (1.6*10 to the minus fifth power) *(4*10 to the second power)
  • Because of this, 19.6 grams of sulfate acid was neutralized with excess magnesium oxide. How much speech is made with salt?
26/02/2018 2 790

City sports facilities: achievements and prospects

Several new sports facilities have appeared in our city in recent years. And there are many new ones in the future. Which ones exactly, he told Deputy Head of the City for Social Policy Yuri Sergeevich Ladeishchikov:

— In 2012, a phased plan for the construction of new sports facilities was drawn up. That same year, we adopted a fairly ambitious goal: by 2020, every school should have new school stadiums.

Several stadiums have already been put into operation, in particular the new multifunctional stadium at Vysokaya, 14 (the second building of school No. 2) costing 9.4 million rubles. Please note that the share of co-financing from the local budget is very significant - 3.7 million rubles.

Just a year ago, a multifunctional stadium for school No. 4 was opened. Its cost is 6.4 million rubles. The ratio of co-financing from the regional and local budgets is 50/50.

To date, several projects have already been prepared and passed the state examination: in particular, the multifunctional stadium of school No. 9. We applied to the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports in 2018. But to increase our chances, we are making changes to existing projects and are trying to apply to the Ministry of Education in the next two months. The cost of this object in the future will be more than 13 million rubles.

As of this time, new school No. 3 on the street. March 8, which will appear in the coming years, has passed the state examination. There will also be a multifunctional stadium.

Also this year we are starting to develop design and estimate documentation for a sports stadium in the village of Pudlingov.

Attention is also paid to sports grounds. In 2017, two facilities were put into operation: a hockey rink on the street. Manchazhskaya, 34 worth more than 2 million rubles. and a skate park worth more than 4 million rubles, which will begin operating in the spring.

For the future, two design projects and design and estimate documentation for sites for street gymnastics are being developed. With one site, which will be located at the central stadium, we are announcing for 2018, with the other - on the street. Metalworkers - for 2019.

Also, by 2020 we plan to completely reconstruct the hockey rink on the street. Yubileiny.

In 2016, the Sokol sports center was opened.

As for large investment projects, I would like to note that at the moment, the examination of the ski-talon center has already been completed in 2017. We announced with him for 2018. Its cost is 270 million rubles. Such a large-scale sports cluster will help significantly increase the potential of our region. Just today, an application was prepared to the Minister of Sports Mutko. We hope that the implementation of the first stage of construction will begin in 2018. During the governor’s visit in 2016, we were given the task of dividing the project into two stages, based on its high cost. This work was carried out in 2017. We have completed it and are ready to implement the project this year.

For 2019, we have announced the construction of another sports complex with an ice arena. Its cost is more than 200 million rubles. Initially, the object was attached to Ukhtomskogo, 2. Unfortunately, the sports complex does not sit on this land plot. The option of planting the object on the street is now being considered. Mizerov on the territory of a former military unit. The territory of the Lokomotiv stadium remains a backup option.

I would like to draw attention to the financing of the sphere of physical education and sports over the past five years. In 2012, budgetary allocations in the amount of 17.8 million rubles were allocated for this entire area, including the youth sports school, the stadium and all ongoing events. That is, over five years, funding has increased 4 times. And today the amount is almost 65 million rubles. in year. These are budgetary allocations only for the maintenance of facilities and events.

Also, over the past five years, investments in the construction of new facilities, including design, amounted to 245 million rubles. But when we started this activity in 2012, not a single project was ready. To date, we have prepared design and estimate documentation for new projects worth more than 500 million rubles.

Therefore, I would like to note that special attention is paid to the field of physical culture and sports. Financing made it possible not only to introduce new sports facilities, but also to create new sports institutions. That is, if in 2012 in the city, due to budgetary allocations, only five departments functioned on the basis of the Youth Sports School, then in 2018, with the new sports school, we already have 11 such departments (8 - on the basis of the Youth Sports School, 3 - on the basis of the Leader school ). All this is on a budget basis. More than 900 people are already studying there.

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New cities on the map of the country, and the world as a whole, appear infrequently, which is not surprising - the emphasis is on the development of megacities: here is money, infrastructure, proven technologies in all areas of life. In general, it is believed that there are more opportunities in a big city. But in recent years, residents of megacities are increasingly looking at small settlements, choosing them to live. The world is turning upside down: small cities are appearing, comparable in level of well-being to megacities. I found the most progressive newcomers on the map of Russia and talked with their residents.

“Building new cities from scratch is a colossal challenge: imagine all that rich, rich, truly comfortable environment for residents, which usually takes centuries or at least decades to form,” says Yulia Shishalova, editor-in-chief of Project Russia magazine. - It has to be created in a very limited period of time. Of course, years of scientific study of the city phenomenon were not in vain either - rules were formulated, the observance of which helps to quickly “grow” the living environment. This includes a clear hierarchy of private and private public spaces, saturation of space with different functions, developed infrastructure, and visual diversity.”

According to the expert, a clear concept, be it an art district or an innovation center, is the first and necessary condition for the construction of a new city. For example, all over the world, despite the general trend to use and develop existing structures and resources, a number of eco-cities are being built - from Masdar in the UAE to Songdo in Korea. “In them, life is organized according to completely different laws and makes it possible to achieve results impossible in the “old” city: zero energy consumption, a comfortable microclimate all year round, and so on,” points out Shishalova.

Science and life

Skolkovo is an innovation center within the borders of Moscow, which is being created by the foundation of the same name. This is the dream city of young businessmen, scientists, and entrepreneurs. The history of the project began in 2010 with a decree on the creation of a science city, which was supposed to become a national analogue of Silicon Valley and at the same time a prototype of the city of the future. The life of the science city is concentrated around the technology park - a space for resident companies that combines numerous offices, laboratories, co-working spaces and public spaces. All this is located on an area of ​​more than 96 thousand square meters - the largest among all technology parks in Europe. Skolkovo’s portfolio already includes about two thousand startups.

In addition to science and business, a unique comfortable urban environment is being formed in Skolkovo: exemplary housing with ergonomic layouts, building heights are strictly limited, public spaces are the most progressive. Another important element of the Skolkovo concept is ecology: the city is being built according to the principles of maximum resource conservation and reduction of harm to the environment.

It is expected that the city will receive at least half of its energy from renewable sources, cars with internal combustion engines will be banned, and waste disposal will be carried out by plasma combustion. But at the same time, Skolkovo is still unable to break away from the metropolis - the emphasis is on the fact that the center of Moscow can be reached in 30-40 minutes.

“My family and I rented a house in Moscow on Avtozavodskaya,” says Leonid, a resident of Skolkovo. - Our son went to school and, despite the fact that the building was across the road, we took him and picked him up ourselves - there is a road around, you can’t let him go alone. I didn’t like all this, so I started looking for housing with a fenced-off courtyard so that I wouldn’t have to worry about the safety of the child. Coincidentally, at the same time I became interested in the Skolkovo project, because I really like the spirit of innovative entrepreneurship! At that time, I didn’t have a startup, but I had ideas in my head for a long time, but I didn’t have an understanding of how exactly to bring them to life.”

A startup is a risky endeavor, notes Leonid: in nine out of ten cases, a business ends up in a financial graveyard. “But we took a risk and have been living in Skolkovo for the third year,” he says. - Here we had a daughter, who became the first child born in the new city. A month ago she went to kindergarten, my son is in fifth grade, and I already have several projects inside Skolkovo that I am trying to develop. Of course, not everything is so smooth, but looking at our neighbors, new forces emerge.”

Leonid claims that Skolkovo does not have the usual conservatism of the business environment in Moscow. “You can meet with the director of any company, the main thing is that the offer is truly valuable,” he notes. - Persistence, energy, ups, downs, and again everything from scratch - this is a normal chain in the world of startups. Everything works out for those who don’t give up.”

Other worlds

Skolkovo's competitor and follower, Innopolis, is the first Russian city for IT specialists, which appeared in 2015. By 2019, only 147 residents were officially registered in Innopolis - it is the smallest city in Russia by population, but in fact about 3 thousand people live on its territory. The influx of new people and companies is largely ensured by the special economic zone, which gives city residents the right to tax benefits. Now among them there are more than 80 companies, including Schneider Electric and MTS.

The main city facilities in Innopolis are a technology park, a university, a stadium and residential areas, between which residents can move on city electric buses or an unmanned taxi. All city issues are discussed in a Telegram chat, the participants of which include the city mayor, chief architect, university rector and other key people.

Innopolis regularly opens its doors to events of various formats: scientific, sports and entertainment. Its site has already hosted the Russian Internet Forum, the All-Russian Robotics Olympiad, the Second Russian Youth Architectural Biennale, the IoT World Russia Summit and many other events.

Mow and slaughter

The programmers' village is one of the opportunities to escape from the hustle and bustle and get down to business without anyone bothering you. In 2014, a former Yandex employee purchased 17 hectares of land in the Kirov region, installed electricity and the Internet and announced the start of the project. His goal was to create a calm and comfortable place in nature for families who work remotely.

In addition to this format of work, the residents of the village are united by a love for a healthy lifestyle: as stated on the project website, none of the nine families that now make up its population smoke or drink alcohol. Over time, the focus of the village has shifted from the IT sector - now representatives of other professions also live here.

In addition to residential buildings, the village has now built a Khutorium - a platform for intellectual hangouts in nature, a co-working space and a mini-hotel. Schools, hospitals and shops are located two kilometers away, in the town of Slobodskaya.

“Life in modern Russian society - especially in large cities - is more like survival,” explains the project’s website. - Eternal traffic jams, environmental problems and the same type of architecture provoke constant stress, resulting in aggression, alcoholism and drug addiction. If you earn money remotely, you have a unique opportunity to move for permanent residence to a more comfortable country. However, then your children will never be able to read “Materials of the XXII Congress of the CPSU” in their native language. What if you are not ready for such sacrifices? We decided to find a quiet and beautiful place in nature in the outback, provide it with all communications for a comfortable life and remote work, and establish a village there for families who (like us) earn money by remote work.”

The village has a high rating of 4.3 out of 5 possible points. Some who have been there, however, note that the place lacks infrastructure. “It’s not at all clear what people are doing there,” writes Internet user Ronan the Accuser. But the settlement was not created to be understood and accepted by the general public. This is a place “for our own people”, and you can see what they do there page villages on Instagram: they build houses, hold concerts and intellectual events, admire sunsets and swim on SUP boards (inflatable paddle boards).

Pound water in a mortar

In addition to conceptual settlements, satellite cities are appearing in Russia, which are created on the initiative of development companies. One of the largest examples is New Stupino, 70 kilometers from Moscow. The low-rise satellite city project was launched in 2009 on the basis of a public-private partnership, and over the past decade its area has grown to 1.2 thousand hectares and its population to 55 thousand people.

New Stupino is positioned as an eco-city: energy-saving technologies were used in its construction, and the industrial zone involves environmentally friendly production. In addition, it is located on the territory of the Stupino Kvadrat special economic zone, which gives residents the right to tax benefits.

Residents of the city have a name of the same name community on VKontakte. The photographs posted by the new residents show rather monotonous low-rise buildings, poorly maintained roads and lawns. Among the topics discussed - nothing environmentally friendly. People complain about the lack of a fire station, loud barking dogs and broken benches, look for lost pets and join together in interest groups.

“The advantages (of the city - approx. ""): location (if you have a car), nature, silence, good people, the general format of the city is family-friendly, one of the residents lists in the community. - Cons: location (if you don’t have a car), undeveloped municipal infrastructure (perhaps this is temporary - this point needs to be reviewed every six months). Summary: potentially a great place. But it has not yet begun to sparkle with its colors. In the future it should be good (we’ll check it at the same time).”

Now let's live

Another format of a new type of settlement is a city for a good life. The principles of this format are embodied by Dobrograd, which is being built not in the progressive Moscow region, but in the Vladimir region.

Dobrograd was founded in 2014 by an entrepreneur - the founder and CEO of the Askona group, which produces mattresses. Construction began not with the construction of housing (as is customary when implementing large residential projects in Russia), but with the formation of sports and entertainment infrastructure. Currently it includes a park hotel, a spa complex, a family recreation park, a sports center, rope and skate parks.

The venues for outdoor events annually host the well-known Usadba Jazz festival, tours of the Bolshoi Theater, numerous concerts, children's and business events. This helped provide the territory with an influx of people, potential new residents who, coming here to relax, stayed. The main issue when changing place of residence - the issue of employment - is resolved here with the help of a specially created recruitment agency.

So far, the population of Dobrograd is about a thousand people. Not far from the city there is the First Clinical Medical Center - the largest private multidisciplinary clinic in central Russia. The opening of a kindergarten and school is planned for 2021.

It is expected that by 2034 the city's population will reach 50 thousand residents, for whom 2.5 million square meters of residential and commercial space will be built. One of the important events in Dobrograd will be the opening at the end of 2019 of a special economic zone with preferential tax conditions, which will help attract a new flow of residents to the city.

“At first there was an idea to build a house, we found a construction company, chose a project and only after that we started looking for a place where we would live,” say Dobrograd residents Artem and Maria (Artem is a programmer, Maria is a photographer, now on maternity leave). - We toured many sites in the Moscow region, but could not find a suitable option. They decided to build a house in Dobrograd after staying at a park hotel here. The most important thing is that we now see care for the residents of the city and its development. The ecology here is excellent; there will never be crazy metropolitan traffic. It seems to us that there really is more good here. We could move to another country, but we think it’s better to live in Russia and travel more. I want to see how children grow up, communicate with parents more often and not miss the most important moments of life.”

Another resident, Inna, compares Dobrograd to an exemplary military garrison - from the point of view of residential safety. “As a child, I lived with my parents in a military garrison, and I clearly remember the feeling of security that never left me,” she says. - When I got married, my husband and I spent a long time looking for a place for a home where we and our children would be comfortable and calm. We arrived in Dobrograd, and it was here that this feeling of security returned to me: I am under protection, everything is like in my childhood.”

Everything from childhood

The urbanist, co-founder and general director of the strategic development agency Center notes that the search for a new city model and alternative practices of urban life was actively pursued back in the USSR. “Nuclear and military cities of a closed type, science cities can, in a sense, be considered prototypes of modern innovation clusters and technopolises,” he points out.

In the 21st century, conditions have formed in Russia for the creation of cities of a new type, such as Skolkovo, Innopolis, Dobrograd, which have become striking examples of a non-standard approach to urban planning, the expert notes. “Many people have doubts about the growth potential of such cities, since at the moment they do not have a high population or an abundance of services,” says Georgievsky. - And yet, the development of such cities is based on the idea of ​​overconcentration of human capital, which determines the urban vector of development. However, it should be noted that there is a risk of new cities becoming dependent on state budgeting, which requires the search for new formats for interaction between business and the state. For example, the creation of Skolkovo and Innopolis was carried out within the framework of a public-private partnership with the participation of large state corporations.”

For those who grew up in single-industry towns, the very idea of ​​creating specialized settlements may cause rejection: many such cities fell into complete decline with the collapse of the USSR due to the bankruptcy of industrial enterprises that provided residents with a normal existence. But on the other side of the scale is the experience of the same Silicon Valley, which is considered in the USA to be almost the best place to live (which is confirmed by local real estate prices).

Whether Russian newcomer cities will become analogues of Palo Alto or sink into oblivion like Kadykchan, Nikel and other geographical corpses depends on many factors, the main one of which is probably demographic: small settlements have no reason to die out as long as people live in them - get married, work, raise children and do not limit the perception of home to the threshold of their own apartment.

Feedback from the "" department:

If you have witnessed an important event, you have news or an idea for material, write to this address: [email protected]

1. In the XVIII-XIX centuries. Due to the differentiation of sciences, a huge amount of information was accumulated; by the beginning of the 20th century. has become immense.

2. It is characteristic that during friction significant deformations of the boundary layer are observed, accompanied by structural transformations and selective diffusion: taking into account all these processes is difficult due to the strong dependence on temperature.

3. Constant flexibility of the educational process through active research activities of teachers has become a factor in the survival of the university.

4. A light quantum, penetrating inside a substance, knocks out an electron, transferring it from a bound state (in an atom) to a free one - thus, when semiconductors and dielectrics are irradiated through the photoelectric effect, free current carriers appear inside the crystals, which significantly changes the electrical conductivity of the substance.

5. Basov's expedition was the beginning of a movement that lasted until the end of the 18th century and led to the creation of the Russian-American Company and the annexation of the Northern Islands and Alaska, lost only in the 1860s thanks to the state mistake of Alexander II and Peschurov, to Russia.

TASK No. 9. Read the sentences. Fill in the missing endings.

1. Most practical applications of ultrasound are based on the cavitation effect.

2. Most of the students came.

3. Most students constantly attend___ lectures on statistics.

4. Plants have certain musical tastes, especially flowers. Most prefer melodic pieces with calm rhythms, but some - say, cyclamens - prefer jazz.

5. For most metals, resistance increases linearly with temperature. At the same time, a number of alloys have a negative temperature coefficient of resistance.

6. There are a number of substances in which the quantum effects of interatomic interactions lead to the appearance of specific magnetic properties.

7. A number of scientists have proposed__ various algorithms for controlling the flight of an aircraft.

8. The tube is made of durable metal, with many small holes drilled into it, covered with a semi-permeable shell, for example, cellulose acetate.

9. Many researchers, following Academician P. L. Kapitsa, assert that ball lightning is a volumetric oscillatory circuit.

10. Most metals are non-ferrous.

11. A number of the greatest discoveries were__ made__ by accident, for example, Oersted’s discovery of the effect of electric current on the magnetic needle of a compass.

12. Most of the secondary electrons have__ insignificant kinetic energy.

Section 4. Lexical norms

TASK No. 1. Instead of dots, insert the desired word or phrase; motivate your choice.

l.In place of a small factory... (erected, built, created) a large woodworking plant. 2. Depending on the specific conditions, the installation can be... (built, assembled, created, installed) both in an open area and indoors. 3. Already in October, the farmer began... (ship, deliver, send, hand over) green onions to the capital’s stores. 4. Technologist Kalinina proposed... (remake, transform, modernize, update, change) the design of two... (large, large, powerful, huge) horizontal boring machines. 5. At the carpet factory in... (last, last, past) year, production improved. Already... (released, manufactured, produced, made) 867 sq. meters... (products, carpets and runners, carpet products). 6. It is known... (to anyone, everyone, everyone) that even the most... (good, excellent, wonderful, magnificent, excellent) ... working conditions are not yet... (determine, decide, provide, guarantee) success. 7. In this work, the author managed... (reveal, reveal, sing, depict, describe, imagine) tragic events in the life of... (his generation, his peers, his contemporaries). 8. This... (flaw, flaw, defect) in a detail can be... (seen, identified, determined, noticed, noted) with the naked eye. 9. The winner of the competition... (awarded, appropriated, issued, allocated) a prize. 10. In the new hotel... (primary, paramount, main, leading, most important) attention is paid to... (good, excellent, impeccable, optimal, attentive) guest service.

TASK No. 2. Indicate words whose use leads to a violation of lexical compatibility, correct speech errors.

1. The author of the anthology has not yet compiled an annotation. 2. The factory club hosts crowded evenings. 3. We wished the organizers to organize such evenings more often. 4. Harvesting is in full swing in the village. 5. Shevchenko opened the beginning of the harvest last year, working on the grain harvest; the same honor was entrusted to him today. 6. Increasing the protein content of grain poses great difficulties for researchers. 7. Two birds do not live in the same den. 8. The book fair cordially invites publishers and authors to visit the pavilions. 9. Kolos athletes established 32 new achievements in the region. 10. In a magazine I read a great discussion about the role of a father in raising his children. 11. This policy is already bringing positive results. 12. Much attention will be paid to the improvement of the city. 13. We give priority attention to this issue. 14. Our farmers won the world record for shearing wool from a fine-wool sheep. 15 The overwhelming majority of those present understood this topic.

TASK No. 3. Indicate speech errors, edit sentences.

1. He began writing songs in his deep youth, and only now fame fell on his gray-haired head. 2. These years have seen rapid growth in our cinematography. 3. Ivanov has been working in this difficult area for a long time, and doing a good job. But in the last two years, he began to have negative glimpses. 4. He set so many world records that only die-hard sports statistics buffs remember them. 5. Dog grazing is prohibited. 6. The warehouse is closed for a sanitary day due to the arrival of cockroaches. 7. It is prohibited to place household and industrial garbage dumps. 8. An elderly house is for sale. 9. The lecture for childless parents is postponed to Thursday. 10. Students in our group have seen a deterioration in their discipline and academic performance this semester. 11. In our work, leading importance is attached to moral and labor education.

TASK No. 4. Combine words from the left and right columns into phrases, taking into account the peculiarities of their lexical compatibility. Please indicate possible options.

1. Antique, classic. Mythology, languages.
Innate, born. Talent, intelligence.
Hospitable, welcoming, hospitable. Welcome, owner, person.
Disastrous, harmful. Influence, action.
One, one. Moment, moment.

Long, lengthy, long, long-lasting Impact, period, path, fees,

permanent, long lasting. credit.

2. Nominate, express, correct, eliminate. Hypothesis, guess, shortcomings, errors
Find, find. Support, support.

Apply and leave. Imprint, trace.

Discover, discover. Law, regularity.

Prove, justify. Theorem, theory.

To foretell, to predict. Defeat, success.

Expand, increase, increase. Opportunities, potential.

TASK No. 5. Indicate lexical errors in the following sentences, highlighting cases of violation of semantic and grammatical compatibility. Edit the sentences.

1. A young birch oak grove grew green outside the outskirts. 2. Children recite a poem while standing scattered. 3. The film “Return of the Black Blonde” is showing in cinemas. 4. It was so crowded on the bus that someone suggested: “Stand flat, then it will be freer!” 5. The records continue. 6. Suddenly she noticed: a cat was walking along the corridor on tiptoe. 7. Most of the time passes fruitlessly. 8. The teacher suggested that we write the test orally. 9. At the zoo, a small kangaroo sat in a cage and cleaned its feathers. 10. There has been a tremendous improvement in living conditions. 11. The experience of recent years inevitably shows the correctness of these gloomy forecasts. 12. Extensive testing of this vitamin bioactive cream led to extremely positive results. 13. The stranger mounted his horse and rode off on foot. 14. A three-year-old Parisian sits barefoot in a sandbox and, digging in the sand, wears the simplest dirty dress with grace and ease. Who taught her facies? 15. My body gave way on my legs from fatigue. 16. The restaurant was filled with a cheerful hubbub, the guitar sobbed hysterically, the drum groaned. 17. Several new enterprises and public transport have appeared in our town. 18. Stand still and don’t swing your eyes (from a kindergarten teacher’s speech). 19. This is how I clench my fists on my hands and feet! (child’s speech) 20. Yesterday I took a plane and flew to Moscow (from the speech of a foreigner).

TASK No. 6. Pay attention to speech insufficiency, note cases of unclearness of the statement, distortion of its meaning. Correct the sentences.

1. The exhibition of young artists at the House of Pioneers was such a success because Karpenko N.I. During her drawing lessons she managed to instill beauty in her students. 2. Student Belov took first place in English. 3. They graduated from a vocational school, but to work well, they need direct experience at the machine. 4. For mistakes and shortcomings, the chairman of the state farm, Pashkov, deserves punishment. 5. A few hours are enough to dress the whole family in warm mittens using a hand knitting machine. 6. The cash desk receives for baby products. 7. Binding has become an integral part of room decoration. 8. Mayakovsky’s work excites readers in a variety of languages.

TASK No. 7. Compare offers; analyze the stylistic edits. What errors did the editor notice and fix? If you disagree with the editor, please provide your edits.

1. If you look at the city from a bird's eye view, the houses will appear as bright islands among the green-blue sea.

2. The dimensions of the control plane must be larger than the prepared plane.

3. Let’s compare the latest economic indicators of the Laima factory workers with previous years.

4. The volume of net output can and usually is expressed in monetary terms.

5. Three hotels will appear at the intersection with Leningradskoye, Yaroslavskoye and Kashirskoye highways.

1. If you look at the city from a bird's eye view, the houses will seem like bright islands among the green-blue sea.

2. The reference plane must be larger than the one being prepared.

3. Let’s compare the latest economic indicators of the Laima factory with the indicators that the enterprise achieved in previous years.

4. Net output can be and is usually expressed in monetary terms.

5. Three hotels will be built at the intersection of the ring road with Leningradskoye, Yaroslavskoye and Kashirskoye highways.

TASK No. 8. Identify various forms of speech redundancy (pleonasm, tautology, hidden tautology, repetition of words), correct sentences.

1. Next year we have a lot of work to do to develop an annual plan for the upcoming work. 2.The duration of the melting process lasts several hours. 3. Residential areas are supposed to be turned towards the river, so that the existing pine grove will be preserved in the city center. 4. The plaintiff substantiates his claims on unsubstantiated grounds based only on assumptions. 5. The building will be decorated with stained glass windows made of colored cast glass. 6. In the fire of 1812, all the wooden structures of the monastery were destroyed, and the stone structures were also burned. 7. Historians explain the rapid development of the city by the fact that important trade routes met here. 8. On the western side, if you look from north to south, there is a reservoir, and on the southern side, if you look from east to west, there is a forest. 9. This year, flowering will occur on these flower shoots. 10. The park was cleared of debris, but it remained unfenced, and now it still serves as a pasture for livestock.

TASK No. 9. Indicate speech errors (repetition of words, obvious and hidden tautology, pleonasm) in the following sentences. Edit them.

1. The direction of economic development in the 20th century both here and in the West took the wrong direction. 2. Our program is dedicated to the creativity of veterans of technical creativity. 3. The act is not signed, but a copy is signed, but on the copy that is signed, it is written that it was copied from the original, which is not signed. 4. He was so sick that he constantly caught colds and was sick. 5. We are about to make decisive decisions. 6. A strange situation has arisen: according to this agreement, we must achieve indicators that we have never shown before and cannot show. 7. It also happens that in response to criticism you receive a reverse boomerang. 8. Returning home from a foreign trip, cruise, tour, everyone strives to bring a gift or souvenir as a keepsake. 9. The fact is that previously everyone participated in the good deeds of our department, in its initiatives and undertakings. Now it's a completely different matter. 10. The cost of staying in this hospital is not financed by the state. 11. The government in these difficult and difficult times must represent a single monolith. 12. Visitors to our restaurant can taste exquisite and tasty delicacies made from fresh fish. 13. A crowd of people burst into the building.

TASK No. 10. Indicate the different types of speech redundancy. Edit sentences if pleonasm and tautology should be eliminated.

1. Passengers traveling with travel tickets or documents entitling them to travel for free shall pay the cost of carriage of each piece of baggage on a general basis. 2. The factory's athletes cannot boast of sporting achievements. 3. Igor was demobilized from the army and came to our factory. He began to learn plumbing from the very beginning. 4. In the icy cold and cold, Pavel works at this narrow-gauge railway construction site. 5. In the further development of the plot, many surprises and interesting surprises await us. 6. When people cooperate and work together, they must mutually respect each other, be mutually attentive, helpful, and sensitive. 7. All teams worked efficiently and in an organized manner; all available drum dryers were used. 8. She cried and was in no hurry to wipe away her tears. 9. The proposed logging area was replete with swamps and countless mosquitoes. 10. The young man learned to respect work, to work honestly, to value working time, to love equipment and cars. 11. There have been snowfalls in the past few days, and weather conditions during the current race have created additional difficulties during the current race. 12. They said about Blok: “He died of death.” One can say about Vysotsky: “He died of life.” He strained himself, the life in him was overflowing, he overexerted himself... (Eut.)

TASK No. 11. Make up phrases with the words market, bazaar; annual, annual, using words for reference. What determines the possibility/impossibility of combining these words with other words?

Words for reference: city, central, indoor, Christmas tree, book, world, outdoor, vegetable, bird; cycle, vacation, meeting, income, estimates, stock.

TASK No. 12. For each word of the first group, select the corresponding one or more words from the second group and write down the resulting phrases.

1. Armada, legion, cohort, galaxy, crowd, gathering, flock, herd, herd, heap, mass, lot, multitude, concourse, myriads.

2. Ships, planes, tanks, numbers, information, motorcycles, revolutionaries, facts, friends, books, extremists, papers, documents, geese, horses, cows, stars, liars, sailors.

TASK No. 13. Read the text and say which speaker made a mistake? How should I say it correctly?

Two friends are going on a trip to the Caucasus. We began to think about preparation. One says: “We need to buy tourist maps and tourist jackets.” “First, let’s develop a tourist route,” another suggested.

TASK No. 14. Write which of the words (tourist - tourist) is combined with the words: DINNER, AVENUE, TRIP, COSTUME, HIKE, EQUIPMENT, GUIDE, BUREAU, LUNCH, SEASON, TRAIN, BASE, BACKPACK.

remember, that tourist - adjective of the word tourist, A tourist- adjective to the word tourism.

TASK No. 15. Edit the text.

1. At the station there is a notice: “The ticket office for business travelers is on the second floor.” 2. Gentlemen, travellers, receive your travel certificates. 3. First-year students must provide certificates to move into the dormitory. 4. The chairman of the meeting introduced the floor to the speaker. 5. The authors provided the publisher with the manuscript of the book. 6. Rats and mice in warehouses and vegetable stores destroy a lot of products. 7. The station can supply energy to a plant with great effect. 8. He was a funny guy; once he starts laughing, you can’t stop him. 9. You can start the meeting: the forum already exists. 10. I have no time to study with my younger brother. I'm very busy today. 11. The passenger was reprimanded for inappropriate behavior. 12. The author of the article writes about another requirement of L.N. Tolstoy for language, the requirement of simplicity and clarity, intelligibility. 13. Not a single injection given by nurse Natasha was painful.

TASK No. 16.

TASK No. 17. Choose the correct option from the words in brackets. Using an explanatory dictionary of the Russian language and the “Dictionary of Foreign Words”, establish the semantic and stylistic similarities and differences between these words.

1. Achieving this humane goal (is not limited, not limited) either by the state of science and technology, or (resources, capabilities, reserves) of labor and means. 2. Marked signs (heterogeneous, heterogeneous). 3. The (preventive, warning) effect of new drugs is even more striking. 4. Varieties of new crops are more (constant, stable), i.e. they better (transmit, transform) to the offspring such properties as yield, fruit size, taste. 5. In the depiction of a character there must be a (predominant, dominant) feature, which the (writer, author) must (hypostatize, make self-sufficient) based on his own (concept, idea) about (characters, heroes, images).

TASK No. 18. Edit the sentences so that each word is clear.

1. My friend recently bought himself a bike. 2. For the artist, tanks and bucks were not the main thing in life. 3. The foreigner paid fifteen pure American greens for the painting. 4. One of the features of a non-market economy is the shortage of goods and services. 5. The government’s task is to contain and curb inflation. 6. The hero of the day was given a fashionable case. 7. After much debate, a consensus was reached at the meeting. 8. It is necessary to give the protest a legitimate form. 9. When you buy an imported item, be sure to study the label(s). 10. Organizers of theatrical performances and all kinds of shows strive to gain not only profit, but also publicity.

TASK No. 19. Determine which of the given words correspond to the norm of literary speech, and which correspond to common speech.

I will lie down - I will lie down, I will lay down - I will lay down, I will have a fever - I will have a fever, I will reward - I will reward, I will splash - I will splash, I will throw - I will lay down; lie down - lie down, put it down - put it down, purr - purr, drink - drink; callus - calluses, colander - colander, baking sheet - baking sheet, pancake - pancake; shoe - shoe, debt - debt, intercity - intercity, soft - soft, purring - purring.

TASK No. 20. Find errors associated with the use of words without taking into account their semantics. Make stylistic edits to your sentences.

1. Planning, calculation of your kitchen, living room, bedroom, children's room, etc. is free; 2. We use new alternatives to increase production. 3. It is too difficult and multifaceted to be responsible for all security. 4. The team of teachers develops educational material in such a way that children quickly learn the material they are learning. 5. Image is an image created to show others the external qualities of a person, his lifestyle, his actions. 6. A partner is an accomplice to any action, event, or game. 7. I asked a passerby to describe the road to the station. 8. The teacher drew a plan for completing the work on the board. 10. Air pollution contributes to lung cancer and other diseases. 11. It is difficult to determine pollution standards due to incomplete and controversial technological and biological information. 12. It is known that Rodion, when he appeared on stage, was a very spoiled child. 13. Some workers make defects in the operation of machines. 14. Fashion designers have proposed several new designs for women's dresses. 15. The landscape of the city was enriched with new buildings.

TASK No. 21. Find errors caused by a violation of the lexical compatibility of words. Make stylistic edits to your sentences.

1. In our lyceum there is an in-depth study of major subjects. 2. Emphasis is placed on a more in-depth study of subjects related to the chosen direction. 3. We use an individual approach, taking into account the interests and abilities of the child. 4. You must go there yourself. 5. The company traditionally produces jewelry, but can also produce other products. 6. Alexey Vavilov, who has been studying at the University of Stockholm for the second year, is a recognized leader there. 7. On the eve of the cold season, preparation for winter is a matter of particular importance in the city.

TASK No. 23. Determine which words are stylistically unjustified. Make stylistic edits.

1. The most modern equipment is used in the fields of the livestock farm. 2. By the end of the year, workers of the capital’s trading network will report. 3. Punishment for carelessness in defense overtook Zenit already in the fourth minute of the first half. 4. The builders promised to erect a new computer center building in September.

Section 5. Speech qualities

Accuracy as speech quality

“The only means of mental communication between people is the word, and in order for this communication to be possible, it is necessary to use words in such a way that with each word the corresponding and precise concepts are undoubtedly evoked in everyone.”

A.N. Tolstoy

Task No. 1.

The young poet's poems will soon be published in the magazine. After his revolver was stolen at a rally, he now carried two and filled his pockets with bullets. The forest, shrouded in dark darkness, terrified us. Terrible poverty forced him to eke out a miserable coexistence. He was late back to class. When the curtain parted, an actor in a gilded role stood on the stage. Some members of the group did not appear for the mathematics exam. The appointment of the chairman seemed successful to everyone. The writer showed how young, almost teenage youth fought against enemies. He did not like to work; I led a holiday lifestyle. Learn your lessons first, and then go for a walk. In the Miss Autumn competition, this nomination is of great importance. The new play attracted the attention of critics with its original plot to the point of banality.

Task No. 2. Find speech errors in sentences that lead to subject or conceptual inaccuracy.

Ilyin’s characterization did not correspond to reality. We went to work in a backward brigade. Car mechanics tap the cast iron wheels with hammers. All the heroes of the work have their own individual traits. Who's last to get tickets? In his works, Mayakovsky uses a traditional satirical technique based on exaggeration - allegory. The poet's early works are understandable and accessible to everyone. The engine roared and the plane rushed upward. Joint recreation, like work, makes people drunk. Bulgakov's hero is a clear prototype of the Christian Jesus Christ. The indigenous people of North America - the Indians - are significantly disadvantaged in their rights. The good news put him in a minor mood - he was ready to jump with happiness.

Task No. 3. Find speech errors in sentences that lead to subject or conceptual inaccuracy.

The novel is based on the story of a typical noble family. Warm spring days occurred at the beginning of April. The students listened intently to the teacher's story. This man made a great impact on me. Our successes in the economy have led to noticeable regression in other areas. In the capital of India, we were met by a government delegation, whose members were in traditional Indian clothes - saris. At first, upon arrival in Moscow, he felt very bad. Mayakovsky stood at the sources of new poetry. He is a complete ignoramus when it comes to art. This tradition has been revived again in our country. Larina herself beat the courtiers if they could not please her. At the sight of the gift, the little prankster’s eyes sparkled, her facial expression became enthusiastic and melancholy. Three horses with a covered bag rode up to the entrance.

Task No. 4. Read excerpts from articles by V.G. Belinsky. Tell me, what did he mean by precision of speech?

1. Gogol does not write, but draws; his images breathe the living colors of reality. You see and hear them. Every word, every phrase sharply, definitely, clearly expresses his thought, and in vain you would like to come up with another word or another phrase to express this thought (Literary conversation overheard in a bookstore).

2. What precision and certainty in each word, how in place and how irreplaceable each word is with others! What conciseness, brevity and at the same time meaningfulness! When you read the lines, you also read between the lines; Understanding clearly everything the author said, you also understand what he did not want to say for fear of being verbose. How figurative and original his phrases are: each of them is suitable as an epigraph to a large essay (“Hero of Our Time”, composition by M. Lermontov).

3. Each word in a poetic work must exhaust the entire meaning required by the thought of the whole work so that it is clear that there is no other word in the language that could replace it. Pushkin is also the greatest example in this regard: in all the volumes of his works one can hardly find at least one inaccurate or refined expression, even a word... (Poems by M.Yu. Lermontov).

Task No. 5. Read the sentences. Say what two meanings each of them has. Correct the sentences so that they are not ambiguous.

1. While playing, he forgot about his glasses. 2. The boy was sent for grenades. 3. An hour after the case was received, Stepanov called me. 4. This morning the broken vase will be glued back together. 5. We have fulfilled our obligations to produce poultry meat and milk. 6. District leaders often explain concessions of this kind simply. 7. After the foreman left, a package was brought to the workshop. 8. Grandmother kept money in the bank.

Task No. 6. Find errors and correct texts from school essays .

1. We arrived in Volgograd on May 9 for an excursion. We were immediately taken to the Victory monument. Our attention was especially drawn to the obelisk called “Stand to the Death.” This obelisk is the figure of a soldier clutching a machine gun in his hand.

2. In Samara, on one of the streets there is a two-story house with an attic. There is a memorial plaque on the pediment of this two-story building. There is an inscription on the board: “The great proletarian writer A.M. lived here. Gorky in 1895."

3. The research scientist made a great contribution to the development of speleological science.

Task No. 7 . Read the text and say which speaker made a mistake? (How should I say it correctly?

Two friends are going on a trip to the Caucasus. We began to think about preparation. One says: “We need to buy tourist maps and tourist jackets.” “First, let’s develop a tourist route,” another suggested.

Task No. 8 . Write which of the words (tourist - tourist) is combined with the words:

Dinner, prospectus, voucher, suit, hike, equipment, directory, bureau, lunch, season, train, base, backpack.

remember, that tourist - adjective of the word tourist, A tourist - adjective of the word tourism.

Task No. 9 . Make up phrases with the following paronyms:

Successful - lucky, understandable - understanding, neighborly - neighborly, masterly - economical, offensive - touchy, burdened - burdened, careful - thrifty.

Task No. 10. Edit the text.

1. At the station there is a notice: “The ticket office for business travelers is on the second floor.” 2. Gentlemen, travellers, receive your travel certificates. 3. First-year students must provide certificates to move into the dormitory. 4. The chairman of the meeting introduced the floor to the speaker. 5. The authors provided the publisher with the manuscript of the book. 6. Rats and mice in warehouses and vegetable stores destroy a lot of products. 7. The station can supply energy to a plant with great effect. 8. He was a funny guy; Once you start laughing, you can’t stop it. 9. You can start the meeting: the forum already exists. 10. I have no time to study with my younger brother. I'm very busy today. 11. The passenger was reprimanded for inappropriate behavior. 12. The author of the article writes about another requirement of L.N. Tolstoy to language - about the requirement of simplicity and clarity, intelligibility. 13. Not a single injection given by nurse Natasha is painful.

Task No. 11. From the words in brackets, choose the one you need.

1. Our people will never forget the (heroic - heroic) days of the Leningrad siege. 2. The plot of the story was the (dramatic - dramatic) situation that developed in the writer’s family. 5. Registration (for business travelers - business travelers) is carried out in the lobby. 4. Four Moskvich cars can (fit - fit) in the back of the truck. 5. To achieve success, one must (take - take) (effective - effective) measures.

Task No. 12. Open the brackets to choose the appropriate word. Justify your choice. For references, consult dictionaries.

1. (Executive, executive) authorities at the local level must intensify their work. 2. The quality of the refrigerator has been improved due to some (design, structural) solutions. 3. This (planning, scheduling) deadlines for completing the work turned out to be premature. 4. Because of the fire (fire), the street became lighter. 5. Many of our films have received (great appreciation, great recognition) abroad. 6. Builders performed below their capabilities (worked, worked) in December. 7. This person met criticism addressed to him with (great irritability, great irritation). 8. At the end of the book there was a list of (recommended, recommended) literature. 9. (Decision, decisiveness) of his action surprised everyone. 10. There were a lot of people at the (assembly, collection) point, but work had not yet begun. 11. He (found, gained) respect and good reputation as an innovator, as a person of creative thought.

Task No. 13. Instead of dots, insert words that most accurately express the idea; motivate your choice. (See the words at the end of the exercise for the words the author used.)

Human... ( invented, found, found, invented, created) words for everything that he discovered... ( in the world, in the universe, on earth). But this is not enough. He... ( named, explained, defined, pointed out) every action and state. He... ( named, designated, explained, baptized, defined) words of the properties and qualities of everything that surrounds him. Dictionary... ( reproduces, defines, displays, reflects, records) all changes, ... ( happening, happening, existing) in the world. He... ( captured, reflected, preserved) experience and wisdom of centuries and, not lagging behind, accompanies life,... ( movement, progress, development) technology, science, art. He can... ( highlight, name, designate, define, point out) any thing and has the means to... ( expressions, designations, explanations, transmissions, messages) the most abstract and generalized ideas and concepts.

(According to S. Marshak)

Note: found, in the universe, named, defined, reflects, occurring, captured, development, name, expressions.

Exercise 14.

1. A young birch oak grove grew green outside the outskirts.

A young birch grove grew green outside the outskirts.
The young oak grove was green outside the outskirts.

2. Children recite a poem while standing scattered.
Children read the poem while standing separately.
Children read a poem, standing up.
Children read a poem while standing and waddling.

3. The film “Return of the Black Blonde” is showing in cinemas.

The film "Return of the Tall Blonde" is in theaters.

4. It was so crowded on the bus that someone suggested: “Stand flat, then it will be freer!”

It was so crowded on the bus that someone suggested: “Lie down flat, then you will be freer!”

5. The records continue.

Records are being set.
Athletes continue to set records.

6. Suddenly she noticed: a cat was walking along the corridor on tiptoe.

Suddenly she noticed a cat sneaking along the corridor.

7. Most of the time passes fruitlessly.

Most of the time goes away without a trace.
Most of the time is wasted (wasted).

8. The teacher suggested that we write the test orally.

The teacher asked us to take the test orally.

9. At the zoo, a small kangaroo sat in a cage and cleaned its feathers.

At the zoo, a small kangaroo sat in a cage and cleaned its fur.

10. There has been a tremendous improvement in living conditions.

There has been a significant improvement in living conditions.
There has been an incredible improvement in living conditions.

11. The experience of recent years inevitably shows the correctness of these gloomy forecasts.

The experience of recent years convincingly proves the validity of these gloomy forecasts.

12. Extensive testing of this vitamin bioactive cream led to extremely positive results.

Extensive testing of the vitamin-bioactive cream has led to very positive results.

13. The stranger mounted his horse and rode off on foot.

The stranger mounted his horse and (slowly) rode away.
The stranger mounted his horse and set off.

14. A three-year-old Parisian sits barefoot in a sandbox and, digging in the sand, wears the simplest dirty dress with grace and ease. Who taught her grace?

The three-year-old Parisian is already a lady. Here she is, barefoot, digging in the sand, but even in the most modest and already fairly soiled dress she looks elegant and light. Who taught her grace?

15. My body gave way on my legs from fatigue.

My legs were giving way from fatigue.

16. The restaurant was filled with a cheerful hubbub, the guitar sobbed hysterically, the drum groaned.

The restaurant was filled with a cheerful hubbub: the guitar strings sang melodiously (ringingly) and the drum beat.

17. Several new enterprises and public transport have appeared in our town.

Several new public transport enterprises have appeared in our town (city).

18. Stand still and don’t swing your eyes (from a kindergarten teacher’s speech).
Stand still and don't wave your arms.
Stay calm and don't blink your eyes.

19. This is how I clench my fists on my hands and feet! (child's speech)

This is how I clench my fists.

20. Yesterday I took a plane and flew to Moscow (from the speech of a foreigner).

Yesterday I took a plane ticket and flew to Moscow.
Yesterday I bought a new plane and flew to Moscow on it.


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