Forms of knowledge control in physics. Effective forms of control in physics in high school

Forms of knowledge control in physics.  Effective forms of control in physics in high school

Traditional and non-traditional forms of knowledge control in physics as a means of improving the quality of education Olga Gennadievna Butenko, physics teacher of the first qualification category, MBOU "Secondary School 7" VII city scientific-practical conference teachers “Experience, skill and knowledge of teachers to implement the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard” Winter, 2012

Types of control ContentsMethods Preliminary level of knowledge of schoolchildren, general erudition. Testing, conversation, questioning, observation. Current Mastering educational material on the topic. Oral surveys, physical dictation, practical (laboratory) work, short-term independent work, quiz, crossword puzzle, testing. Final control over the implementation of assigned tasks. Written test, laboratory work, test tasks, oral test on the topic.

Test work Advantages Disadvantages Tests the ability to solve problems on a topic Tests a rather narrow range of knowledge and skills Tests various skills in the use of physical knowledge when solving experimental problems Must be combined with other forms of control Multi-level tasks Result after some time

Non-traditional forms of control matric test Questions Answer options Card given to the student Questions Answer options Answer card Control matrix (key)

Rating monitoring and evaluation system educational achievements Point grading system Rating system lack of a weighted share of grades to differentiate the significance of grades received by a student for performing various types of work Extracurricular activities are practically not taken into account academic work(participation in olympiads, competitions, etc.). Students are not given the right to choose the time, the form of the answer, to adjust their work, based on the analysis of the dynamics, not only for the teacher, but also for the student, thereby placing him in the position of a subject of the educational process; a small amount of controlled educational material for each student. Sometimes the grade for a quarter is based on one or two answers to determine the level of preparation of each student at each stage of the educational process;

Point system Rating system Inhumanity of the system. A student cannot always claim the highest grade, answer when he wants, when he is ready Plan and predict the range of knowledge levels, correlating the capabilities of each student with the educational standard Narrow range school grades, greater subjectivity of the assessment, vagueness of its criteria. Lack of self-esteem Increase the objectivity of assessing knowledge and dynamics educational education student not only during school year, but also for the entire time of schooling;

« Methods of questioning students in physics lessons »

Kushnareva Larisa Anatolyevna

Testing knowledge, skills and abilities is always at the same time a means of repetition, deepening, consolidation and systematization of knowledge. In the process of teaching physics, it is often combined with solving various kinds of problems, performing laboratory work and experiments, i.e. promotes formsAnddevelopment of certain skills and abilities in students, development of their memory, thinking andspeech, brings their knowledge into the system. Proper organization of knowledge checksknowledge, skills and abilities can be considered when specific control functions are combined with other important learning tasks. She demanddoes not receive from the teacher, in addition to knowledge and skill, special preparatory workyou - planning all stages of inspection, advance preparationcontrol tools: questions, flashcards, tasks for testsworks different types in a sufficient number of copies and variants,means of programmed knowledge control, etc.

The main requirements for checking student progress are regularity andobjectivity of the assessment. The main methods of verification;oral (individual,compacted, frontal survey, test),written (short-term and itonew tests, dictations),through the use of technical teaching aids (computer tests, monitoring devices)and reviewing homework.

Oral test is the most common type of test of knowledge and intelligencenium, allowing you to follow the student’s train of thought and the development of his speechAnd logical thinking. At the same time, it is possible to fully identify the gaps in the student’s knowledge, the difficulties he encounters and outline ways to overcome them.nia. Therefore, oral performance testing should take place at mostparts of physics lessons, no matter how different their goals and no matter what technicalthe means of control were not at the disposal of the teacher; only high OR is importantorganization to ensure the rational use of educational time verbally ny survey.

Oral questioning can be carried out at the beginning of the lesson to check that students have completed their homework and are ready to learn new math.rial. To do this, the teacher asks the group several questions that establish connections with previously learned concepts. At the same time, being an “introduction” to the new educational material, oral questioning also serves as a means ofphenomena of the state of knowledge of students and the success of each of them.

Oral testing of knowledge and skills is used when consolidating new material, during problem-solving lessons, and before starting laboratory and frontal experiments, with final repetition.

Depending on the time allocated for checking progress in a given lesson, the educational situation and the consistent solution of developmental learning tasks, individual or frontal questioning is used, as well as control and self-control, and tests.

At individual survey thoroughly reveal the knowledge of severalstudents (usually 1-3), while teaching them to conduct a coherent story, analyzesummarize, classify facts and phenomena, etc. In this case, the teacherasks the whole group and (if necessary) gives a general answer plan orspecific instructions (make a drawing, assemble a circuit, demonstrateperform experiments, etc.), then provides students with 1-2 minutes to think andcalls a student to the board.

Most often (especially in lessons for testing knowledge and skills) they use so-called, Condensed individual survey. Its essence is that after asking 2-3 questions, 2-3 students are called to the board and demonstration table, who, after thinking and preparing, answer consecutivelyspecifically. Such a survey is especially appropriate in cases where students are offered questions and tasks that require them to independently generalizestudying the studied material, applying known laws in practice, performing experiments with diagrams and drawings.

At Individual survey questions can be divided into main and additional. The first requires a more or less detailed story, solution to a problem, formulation and explanation of an experiment; if a studentfinds it difficult to answer it or needs to find out whether it is systematicallyworks on educational material and is asked additional questions. Whatthe questions would be interesting It is useful for all students to put questions thatrequire not only a retelling of part of the paragraph or what was stated by the teacher, but alsoanalysis of known phenomena in conditions that have not yet been considered, independent application of what has been learned, and manifestation of ingenuity.

Therefore, questions should promptstudents to reveal the physical essence of phenomena and the relationships between them, for example: “What is the essence of a phenomenon?”, “Under what conditions does itproceeds most successfully?”, “Why does this or that phenomenon occur”,“How is it used in practice?” and so on. It is better to ask them in a logical sequence so that students have the opportunity to follow up the analysis of the phenomenon, the derivation of the formula, etc.

Student survey (regardless of his academic performance)sti) should not be long; if large gaps in his knowledge are discovered, you need to interrupt the answer, turning to the students with the question: “What do you think?”are you?”, and call another to the board (you should not “pull” the answer out of an obviouslyprepared student).

Frontal survey differs from individual in that during it a significant number of students are interviewed (sometimes the entire group); they answer,usually from the spot. In this case, the teacher asks vague questions, I demandfor short answers. If the student is silent, the question is asked to another, third (the so-called cursory survey). But even with the correct answer, the teacher canaddress the group with the question: “What do you think?” in order to teachstudents to be attentive and independent.

A frontal survey should be combined with individual and other methods.bami accounting knowledge. It is useful when students are thinking about answers at the board and demonstration table, and the resulting pause is filled, thusway, by the work of the whole group. It is also convenient for updating knowledge before learning something new, before posing an educational problem, and during the initial consolidation of educational material.

For example, before performing the laboratory work: “Measuring acceleration free fall using a pendulum" I conduct a frontal survey on the following questions:

What are fluctuations?

What is a mathematical pendulum?

What should be the length of the thread?

What should be the mass of the load?

What is the acceleration of gravity, how is it designated and what is it equal to?

A written way to test knowledge and skills.

This method is carried out using tests various kindslasting from 10-15 minutes to a whole lesson. Written works provide an opportunity to test the knowledge of certain issues of the program by all students; They are especially valuable for determining the ability to solve physicaltasks, operate with the names of units, derive formulas, construct andread charts, etc.

Short-term (“volatile” - for 10-15 min) test papers

are carried out without warning students in order to find out their knowledge of handicapsmule, laws, schedules and the ability to apply them. So, after studying the units electric charge(10th grade) students are asked to find, for example, forceinteractions of two (three) stationary charges, if their values ​​are knownand properties of the environment. The task is given in one or two versions, since the likelihood of cheating is reduced due to the short period of time.

Written tests for the entire lesson, are carried out (usually 1-2 times a year) after studying major topics and sections in which the physics program provides for the study of quantitative relationships between quantities. To ensure independent execution, you shouldgive at least four to six options for assignments for each class. Time,time allocated for the test should be sufficient for students toof average academic performance could complete it freely, and those with good academic performancethe students were quite busy.

Physical dictations, usually represent severalsentences of physical content related to a specific topic, each of which is divided into two parts: dictated by the teacher (sometimes it iswritten on the card offered to the student) and completed by the student.

For example, a few sentences from a physical dictation on the topic: “Mechanical movement”:

A trajectory is a line that …………………..

(describes material point)

Mechanics is a branch of physics that studies……………

(mechanical movement)

Uniform motion is a motion in which the body... intervals of time pass…..…….

(equal, equal distances), etc.

View home written work - necessary componentcontrol of students' knowledge. It is carried out in the process of individualquestioning (a student called to the board shows the teacher his notebook), andto check (several times a year) the notebooks of all students in the class to identifysolving and eliminating existing shortcomings and periodically “quickly” reviewing the completion of homework by walking around students’ workplaces, atwhere their open notebooks lie (in this case, only the fact of completing the task and the quality of the notes are established).

Programming methods knowledge tests. Tests.

This knowledge test eliminates one of the significant shortcomingstraditional control methods are a practical impossibility for the teachercontinuously monitor the quality of material mastery by each student andon this basis, adjust the educational process. Indeed, the aboveknowledge testing methods allow the teacher to establish the level of mastery of educational material immediately after it is communicated or only in a small numberstudent (3-5 people), or for everyone, but at the same time the verification process turns out to bevery labor-intensive, and its results are brought to the attention of students after a considerable time has passed (at best, the next day, and more often after several days, i.e., when they have already lost their sharpness).

Programmed test tasks in physics - these are questions for dachas with a set of correct and possible (but incorrect) answers. Questions and answers must be numbered, so verbal descriptions are replaced by a short numeric code that can be analyzed using monitoring devices (punch cards, computer, etc.).

All programmed test tasks designed to test knowledge of educational material of a limited volume are also calledfeedback programs or tests; These tasks belong to the so-called selection programs (they have a selective response form). Importantthe requirement for them is the plausibility of incorrect answers and inclusion inthese are typical mistakes of students. Since subsequent ana is expectedliz students their answers (justification for their choice), then unacceptableobviously ridiculous answer options (why analyze them?!)

For example, test questions that can be administered at the end of the stage of acquiring new knowledge

The learning process is impossible without monitoring knowledge and skills. The development of a control system is carried out not only by scientists - teachers who publish various manuals, but also by every teacher - a subject teacher in particular. Modern requirements Training programs require the mandatory availability of test and measurement materials. Before compiling them, you need to answer a number of questions:

  • What are the functions of educational control?
  • What kind, type and form of control would be appropriate in a particular topic?
  • Which control method would be most appropriate for this lesson?
  • What controls need to be developed for the lesson?

Educational control functions

Control, in simple words, this is a check of the compliance of the results obtained with the learning goals set in advance. But its functions are not limited to checking the compliance of knowledge and competencies with the requirements educational standard. In modern didactics, the following functions are distinguished:

  • Diagnostic. The teacher receives reliable information about gaps in students’ knowledge, about common mistakes and their nature. This helps to choose the most effective methods and teaching aids.
  • Controlling. As a result, the level of mastery of competencies and knowledge is established; level of intellectual development of students.
  • Educational. By completing assignments and solving problems, students improve their knowledge and skills, applying them in new situations.
  • Prognostic. Based on the results of the control, it is possible to understand whether knowledge has been sufficiently acquired and competencies have been developed in order to move on to new educational material.
  • Developmental. Its essence lies in the development of speech, memory, attention, thinking, creativity students, what happens in the process of completing tasks.
  • Orienting. Its essence is to identify the degree of knowledge of the topic.
  • Educational. Periodic checking contributes to the formation of a sense of responsibility and accuracy; disciplines students.

By compiling test and measurement materials that perform the listed functions, the teacher will be able to increase the effectiveness of learning several times.

Variety of control types

The type of control in the lesson depends on the stage of training. In this regard, the following are distinguished:

  • Preliminary
  • Current
  • Thematic
  • Final control

When moving to study a new topic or section, the teacher needs to determine what knowledge and skills the student already possesses. This is especially true in the fifth and tenth grades, since students arrive with varying degrees of preparedness. In addition, for example, in history lessons, the concentric system presupposes repeated, but deeper, scientific study of almost all topics in the 10th grade. Therefore, here the holding preliminary control especially important. The value of this type of review is evident in identifying issues that will need to be given increased attention.

One of the main conditions for successful training is the constant detection of existing gaps in knowledge for their timely elimination. This will help current control, which is basically part of the lesson.

Name « thematic control» speaks for itself. It is carried out after studying a new topic or section, mainly in lessons of control and correction of knowledge. The main goal is to prepare students for tests or final control.

At the end of the school year and after completing a certain level of education (primary, basic school) final control. We can say that all previous types of checks prepare for the main, final check. Based on its results, the degree of mastery of the curriculum over a year or several years is determined.

Forms of monitoring students' knowledge and skills.

In school practice, five main forms of control are used:

  • Frontal. The task is presented to the whole class. Usually the guys give short answers from the spot.
  • Group. The class is divided into groups. Each group receives its own task that must be completed together.
  • Individual. Each student has his own task that needs to be completed without anyone’s help. This form is suitable for determining the knowledge and abilities of an individual.
  • Combined. This form of control combines the three previous ones.

Control methods

Control methods are methods that help identify the degree of knowledge acquisition and mastery of the required competencies. Control methods also make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of a teacher’s work. The school uses such methods as oral questioning, written work, tests, tests.

Oral questioning is one of the most common verification methods. It can be carried out in individual, frontal, and combined forms. Let's look at their differences.

  • Individual survey carried out with the aim of determining the depth of knowledge acquisition by an individual, specific student. Usually he is called to the board and answers in detail either to a general question with subsequent clarifications, or to a number of individual ones.
  • Frontal survey involves several related questions asked to several students. Answers should be concise. The advantage of this method is the ability to simultaneously interview several students and obvious time savings. But there is also a significant drawback - the impossibility of checking the depth of knowledge. In addition, the answers may be random.
  • Combined survey will be the “golden mean” when choosing between individual and frontal. One student gives a detailed answer, and several others complete individual tasks.

Written work may be offered in different forms, depending on the subject: dictations, essays, reports, tests, tests, graphic works. Dictations can be used not only in Russian language lessons; they can be historical, geographical, mathematical and others. They also now produce various printed notebooks for almost every subject.

In connection with the introduction of the Unified State Examination and the General Examination, in Lately The test method is very popular. It allows you to quickly test your knowledge on one or more topics. This method should not be used continuously as it cannot test creativity and students may answer at random; The test method does not allow the student to deeply analyze the topic.

Types of control

Depending on who performs the control, they divide:

  • External control. Performed by the teacher on the activities of students.
  • Mutual control. It is carried out by students on top of each other.
  • Self-control. The student checks himself ready-made samples or the correct answers.

It is advisable to combine different types rather than constantly using only one of them.


The teacher faces the difficult task of choosing the appropriate means of assessing knowledge and skills for the lesson. As mentioned above, one of the most common methods currently is testing. A great variety of tests are now published in all subjects. In addition, the teacher himself can create test questions or assign this task to students (of course, for a separate mark). Test questions can be:

  • Multivariate. In this case, several answers are offered to the question, where only one or several will be correct.
  • Alternative. Two judgments or answers are offered; you need to choose the correct one.
  • Cross Selection Questions. It is necessary to find correspondences between the proposed options.
  • Open. There are answer options.
  • Closed. You need to answer it yourself. There are no options.

Questions must be precise, not controversial, and consistent curriculum and the material covered.

In addition to tests, you can use Handout. Now you can develop it yourself, buy it or download it from the Internet. These can be cards with questions, maps, diagrams, etc.

Also one of the means of control is homework. It can take place in different forms, but if it is completely absent or irregular, then the homework itself will simply become worthless.

Computer-based assessment tools are now very popular. Their advantages: no need to waste material for compilation, quick checking (carried out by computer), and student interest is activated.

Requirements for control in training

Control will give the desired effect if its implementation meets the following requirements:

  • Systematicity. Knowledge and skills need to be tested regularly. Students should know that after studying each new topic there will be Verification work; homework is checked at every lesson, etc.
  • Objectivity. Control should realistically assess the abilities and knowledge of students. Any personal relationships and preferences of the teacher are not appropriate here. It is recommended to take into account not only the correct answer, but also the method of obtaining it: the course of reasoning, the method of solving the problem.
  • Pedagogical tact. The essence of this requirement is to maintain a calm and business-like atmosphere. If this condition is met, students will not be afraid to answer questions and express their opinions.
  • Time-efficient.
  • Variety of methods and forms of control used.

Control is a necessary part of any lesson. The effectiveness of training depends on its organization, conduct and assessment.

In 1976 he graduated from the Khabarovsk State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in physics teacher. Teaching experience – 29 years. Working on the topic of self-education “Forms and methods of monitoring students’ knowledge in physics lessons.”

Control includes various types of dictations, individual homework, all kinds of tests, independent work and tests. Using various methods of monitoring knowledge in physics, Igor Vasilyevich hopes that this will contribute to a more solid assimilation of the material covered.

Due to the fact that the number of hours of physics is decreasing, but the requirements remain the same, Igor Vasilyevich believes that for students to successfully master the material, it is most acceptable to present new material in large blocks, using the Shatalov method. This saves time for solving problems.


My topic of self-education is: “Methods for testing knowledge in physics.” Control includes various types of dictations, homework, all kinds of tests, independent work and tests. So, in order: physical dictations. I start taking dictations in 7th grade. They include: letter designation, units of measurement, formulas, conversion of units of measurement to the SI system. I will dwell on the latter in more detail. For example, turn 200 cm2 into m2. First, I demand that they understand the concept of a standard number, I explain why it is needed (there will be no textbook for grade 7, and the calculator will not allow the use of very small and very large numbers), after that I explain the purpose of prefixes for the formation of decimal multiples and submultiples, and only then, using knowledge of mathematics and mental arithmetic, I translate them into the SI system and standard form. As a rule, I work with the prefixes: S, N, K. I already divide physical dictations in high school into two types. The first type is based on physical concepts. These dictations were published in finished form in the newspaper “Physics at School” (Supplement to September 1). The point is that I read an unfinished definition, one by one, and the students must complete it. For example, the force with which the Earth attracts all bodies.... Students write: gravity. The options are chosen as follows: odd questions - the first option, even questions - the second. If students receive a negative mark for dictation, they can correct it, but in a different way. Now I say at the blackboard: gravity..., and the student must answer: the force with which the Earth attracts all bodies. The second type is based only on formulas. Before the start of each topic, a list of all formulas for this topic without names is posted in the classroom. (see Attachment). In the process of explaining new material, students sign the names of the formulas. As soon as the topic ends, we conduct a dictation. The peculiarity is that the dictation is carried out quickly and the formulas are called scattered, (see appendix.) so that there is no time left for copying.

Homework. This is not a traditional task that we do after each lesson, but a strictly individual task for each student. The first time I give homework in the 9th grade on the topic: “Mechanical vibrations”, where from the graph you need to determine the amplitude, period, and using the formula to calculate the frequency of oscillations, the length of a mathematical pendulum, etc. In the 10th grade, I give homework already in the system: “Gas laws”, “Principle of ionization”, “Magnetic field”. For example, the topic: “Gas laws” - the student, using an individual card, prepares a summary table in which he indicates: the law, process, which parameter remains constant and which parameters change, and so on for each topic.

Tests. Testing as a way to control the level of knowledge in our country began to be used not so long ago. There is still debate about which type of test is more objective: an oral or written exam, or testing? There are many pros and cons. In respect of psychological comfort testing has a great advantage: you have time to tune in, “gather your thoughts”, the subjective attitude of teachers is eliminated, you can return to a difficult question, you don’t have to answer to the commission. If during the exam, the student, while solving a problem, was unable to complete the solution to the correct answer, the examiners can always follow the course of his thoughts and appreciate his knowledge. During testing with dichotomous assessment - (true - false), only absolutely correct answers are credited to the student. Therefore, an experiment is being conducted to introduce a more flexible – polytomous (differentiated) assessment of results. The bottom line is that if a student knows the formulas, knows how to use them, has drawn the drawing correctly and compiled the system of equations correctly, but for some reason could not get the correct answer, then this answer is worthy of at least half a point. I use tests in grades 7-8 based on the books: “Testing students’ knowledge in physics”, author A.V. Postnikov. In high school I use tests from various sources. When performing tests, the question arises: what should a student put in a cell if he does not know the answer - put it at random or leave the cell empty.

Independent work. After completing a topic, I give Rymkevich 5-6 problems from the problem books. For the next lesson I ask if there are any difficulties? If there are any, then we solve the problem that caused difficulties. During the second lesson, I challenge you to solve one or two problems at the board. Then, in the third lesson, independent work is carried out on the remaining tasks.

And finally, tests. Previously, when there was a lot didactic material, and it was possible to choose tasks, i.e. three to five tasks should be included in the test, and moreover, several options at once. Now I had to return to writing the test work on the blackboard for the majority of students (I level of difficulty); I give the stronger students tasks of II level of difficulty.

Thus, using various methods of control in physics, I hope that this will contribute to a more solid assimilation of the material covered.

Forms of control of knowledge and skills in physics

In school practice, there are several traditional forms of monitoring students’ knowledge and skills:

    physical dictation


    independent work

    written test

    laboratory work

  • oral examination on the studied topic.

1. Physical dictation– a form of written control of students’ knowledge and skills. It is needed in cases where it is necessary to check students' understanding of physical definitions, formulas, graphs, terms, etc. A dictation is a list of questions to which students must give immediate and concise answers. The time for each answer is strictly regulated and quite short, so the questions formulated must be clear and require unambiguous, not
long thoughts, answers. For example, the text of a dictation to test the assimilation of a graphical representation of uniformly variable motion may have the following content: the body, the graph of the speed of movement of which is given in the figure, has an initial speed...

The acceleration of this body is...

The equation for the speed of movement of a body has the form...

Conducting a physical dictation allows you to measure the time for completing each task, promotes the development of students’ attention, and disciplines them.

2. Test tasks. Here students are offered several, usually 2-3,
options for answering a question from which you must choose the correct one. This
the form of control also has its advantages:
the guys do not waste time formulating answers and writing them down, which
allows you to cover more material in the same time.

3. Independent work.

Here, students are also asked a number of questions to which they are asked to give their informed answers. The assignments can be theoretical questions to test the knowledge acquired by students; tasks to test the ability to solve problems on a given topic; specific situations formulated or shown to test students' ability to recognize physical phenomena.

IN independent work all types can be covered
activities other than the creation of concepts, because it requires more
time. With this form of control, students think about the plan for their
actions, formulate and write down their thoughts and decisions.

4. Written test- the most common form in
school practice. Traditional tests in physics
are carried out with the aim of determining the final result in teaching the skill
apply knowledge to solve problems of a certain type on a given topic or section. The content of the tests consists of both textual and experimental tasks.

5. Laboratory work.

Laboratory work is a form of control that requires students not only to have knowledge, but also the ability to apply this knowledge in new situations and intelligence. Laboratory work activates cognitive activity students, because From working with a pen and notebook, the children move on to working with real objects. Then tasks are completed easier and more willingly.

6. Writing abstracts.

Some essays are read in class, discussed and assessed. A written knowledge test is more objective than an oral test. It requires students to be more precise in expressing thoughts and to be completely independent. In this case, it is easier to achieve equality in the measure of identifying students’ knowledge. This test of knowledge in physics promotes the development of skills writing and saves teaching time (all students in the class are tested, the number of grades increases).

7. Oral test on the topic studied.

Frontal oral check knowledge is usually carried out in the form of a conversation at all stages of the lesson: to update basic knowledge, during repetition, in the process of learning new material, during independent work. The suggested questions require a short answer and the whole class should participate in the conversation. At the same time, the activity of students increases, their interest increases, and attention develops.

However, such a knowledge test must be combined with individual, since students get used to answering small questions and then it is difficult for them to give logically consistent detailed answers. During a frontal oral assessment, the student can be graded after completion and at the end of classes, taking into account work at all stages of the lesson. Frontal assessment allows you to evaluate a large number of students in one lesson; promotes the development of skills to accurately express one’s thoughts; the verification functions combine well with the functions of generalizing repetition and systematization of knowledge. However, with such a test it is difficult to objectively assess the knowledge of students, since each of them has the opportunity to answer what he knows well.

In practice, physics teachers use compact knowledge testing; while some students answer orally, others do written, graphic, experimental tasks, etc.
