Technologies and methods of independent activity of students. Organization of independent work

Technologies and methods of independent activity of students.  Organization of independent work

for students on the organization of independent work

in the course of studying the discipline: "Multimedia technologies"

the main educational program in the specialty

230201.65 Information Systems and technology

(direction of training a certified specialist in the specialty 230200 Information systems)

General provisions

Society imposes a fairly wide list of requirements on a modern specialist, among which the graduates have certain abilities and the ability to independently obtain knowledge from various sources, systematize the information received, and evaluate a specific situation. The formation of such skills occurs throughout the entire period of study. at the same time, independent work of students plays a decisive role in the course of the entire educational process.

Independent work - planned educational, teaching and research, research work of students, performed outside the classroom (classroom) time on assignment and with the methodological guidance of the teacher, but without his direct participation (with partial direct participation of the teacher, leaving the leading role for the work of students) .

Independent work of students (SIW) at the university is an important type of educational and scientific activity of the student. The main educational program in the specialty 230201.65 Information systems and technologies for independent work in the study of the discipline "Multimedia Technologies" provides 34 hours out of the total labor intensity of the discipline 68 hours. In this regard, training at a university includes two parts that are almost identical in volume and mutual influence - the learning process and the self-learning process. Therefore, the SIW should become an effective and purposeful work of the student.

Forms of independent work of students in the study of the discipline "Multimedia Technologies" include:

    study of educational, scientific and methodical literature, materials of periodicals with the involvement of electronic means of official, statistical, periodical and scientific information;

    preparation of reports and abstracts, writing term papers;

    study and systematization of reference materials using information retrieval systems and the global network "Internet";

    participation in the work of student conferences, complex scientific research.

Independent work introduces students to scientific creativity, search and solution of topical contemporary problems.

Goals and main tasks of independent work of students

The leading goal of the organization and implementation of the SIW should coincide with the goal of student education - the training of a specialist with a higher education. When organizing the IWS, an important and necessary condition is the formation of the ability to work independently to acquire knowledge, skills and the possibility of organizing educational and scientific activities.

The purpose of independent work of students is to master fundamental knowledge, professional skills and skills of activity in the profile, experience in creative, research activities. Independent work of students contributes to the development of independence, responsibility and organization, a creative approach to solving problems of the educational and professional level.

The tasks of the SRS are:

    systematization and consolidation of the received theoretical knowledge and practical skills of students;

    deepening and expanding theoretical knowledge;

    formation of skills to use normative, legal, reference documentation and special literature;

    development of cognitive abilities and activity of students: creative initiative, independence, responsibility and organization;

    formation of independent thinking, abilities for self-development, self-improvement and self-realization;

    development of research skills;

    the use of material collected and received during lectures, in laboratory classes, in the course of independent work, when writing term paper, for effective preparation for final tests and exams.

"Organization of independent work of students"

1. The role of independent work of students in the educational process

2. Basic concepts and definitions

3. On the motivation of independent work of students

4. Organization and forms of independent work.

5. Methodological support and control of independent work.

The role of independent work of students in the educational process

The main task higher education consists in the formation of the creative personality of a specialist capable of self-development, self-education, innovation activities. The solution to this problem is hardly possible only through the transfer of knowledge in finished form from the teacher to the student. It is necessary to transfer a student from a passive consumer of knowledge to an active knowledge creator who is able to formulate a problem, analyze ways to solve it, find the optimal result and prove its correctness. The current reform of higher education is inherently related to the transition from the paradigm of teaching to the paradigm of education. In this regard, it should be recognized that the independent work of students (SIW) is not just an important form of the educational process, but should become its basis.

This implies an orientation towards active methods of mastering knowledge, the development creativity students, the transition from in-line to individualized learning, taking into account the needs and capabilities of the individual. This is not just about increasing the number of hours for independent work. Strengthening the role of independent work of students means a fundamental revision of the organization of the educational process at the university, which should be built in such a way as to develop the ability to learn, to form the student's ability for self-development, creative application of the acquired knowledge, ways of adapting to professional activity in modern world.

At the same time, independent work, its planning, organizational forms and methods, the results tracking system are one of the weakest points in the practice of higher education and one of the least studied problems. pedagogical theory, especially in relation to the current educational situation (diversification of higher education, the introduction of educational standards, the introduction of a system of pedagogical monitoring, etc.).

In studies devoted to the planning and organization of independent work of students (L.G. Vyatkin, M.G. Garunov, B.P. Esipov, V.A. Kozakov, I.Ya. Lerner, M.I. Makhmutov, N.A. Polovnikova, P.I. Pidkasisty and others) general didactic, psychological, organizational and activity, methodological, logical and other aspects of this activity are considered, many aspects of the problem under study are revealed, especially in the traditional didactic plan. However, the issues of motivational, procedural, technological support for independent classroom and extracurricular cognitive activity of students require special attention - a holistic pedagogical system taking into account the individual interests, abilities and inclinations of students.

Basic concepts and definitions

First of all, it is necessary to clearly define what is independent work of students. In the general case, this is any activity related to the education of the thinking of a future professional. Any type of occupation that creates conditions for the emergence of independent thought, cognitive activity of the student is associated with independent work. In a broad sense, independent work should be understood as the totality of all independent activity students both in the classroom and outside it, in contact with the teacher and in his absence.

Independent work is implemented:

1. Directly in the process of classroom studies - at lectures, practical and seminar classes, when performing laboratory work.

2. In contact with the teacher outside the schedule - for consultations on educational issues, in the course of creative contacts, in the liquidation of debts, in the performance of individual tasks, etc.

3. In the library, at home, in the hostel, at the department when the student performs educational and creative tasks.

The boundaries between these types of work are quite blurred, and the types of independent work themselves intersect.

Thus, independent work of students can be both in the classroom and outside it. Nevertheless, when considering the issues of independent work of students, they usually mean mainly extracurricular work. It should be noted that for active possession of knowledge in the process of classroom work, it is necessary, according to at least, understanding educational material, and the most optimal creative perception of it. In reality, especially in junior courses, there is a strong tendency to memorize the material being studied with elements of understanding. Departments and lecturers often exaggerate the role of the logical principle in the presentation of their disciplines and do not pay attention to the problem of its perception by students. Internal and interdisciplinary connections are weakly highlighted, the succession of disciplines is very low, even despite the existence of continuous training programs. Students' knowledge that is not secured by connections has poor retention. This is especially dangerous for disciplines that provide fundamental training.
Although in educational standards half of the student's study time is allocated to extracurricular work, this standard is not met in many cases. The number and volume of assignments for independent work and the number of control measures for the discipline is determined by the teacher or the department in many cases based on the principle "The more the better". Even an expert one is not always done, i.e. justified personal experience teachers, assessment of the complexity of the task and the time required for its preparation. The deadlines for submitting homework assignments in various disciplines are not always coordinated in time, which leads to uneven distribution of independent work over time. All these factors push students towards a formal attitude towards doing work, towards cheating and, paradoxically, towards reducing the time actually spent by a student on this work. Quite common was the non-self-fulfillment of homework, course projects and work (sometimes for a fee), as well as cheating and cheat sheets at control events. Many study tasks are not tuned in to the active work of students, their implementation can often be carried out at the level of a number of formal actions, without a creative approach and even without understanding the operations performed.

On the motivation of independent work of students

Active independent work of students is possible only if there is a serious and stable motivation. The strongest motivating factor is preparation for further effective professional activity.
Consider the internal factors that contribute to the activation of independent work. Among them are the following:

1. The usefulness of the work performed. If a student knows that the results of his work will be used in a lecture course, in a methodological manual, in laboratory workshop, when preparing a publication or otherwise, then the attitude towards the completion of the task changes significantly for the better and the quality of the work performed increases. At the same time, it is important to psychologically set up the student, to show him how necessary the work is.

Another option for using the utility factor is the active application of the results of work in vocational training. So, for example, if a student received an assignment for a diploma (qualification) work in one of the junior courses, he can perform independent assignments in a number of disciplines of the humanitarian and socio-economic, natural science and general professional cycles of disciplines, which will then be included as sections in his qualification work.

2. Participation of students in creative activity. This may be participation in research, development or methodical work held in a particular department.

3. An important motivational factor is intensive pedagogy. It involves the introduction of active methods into the educational process, primarily game training, which is based on innovative and organizational-activity games. In such games, there is a transition from one-sided particular knowledge to multilateral knowledge about the object, its modeling with the identification of leading contradictions, and not just the acquisition of decision-making skills. The first step in this approach is business or situational forms of study, including those using computers.

4. Participation in olympiads in academic disciplines, competitions for scientific research or applied work, etc.

5. The use of motivating factors for knowledge control (cumulative grades, rating, tests, non-standard examination procedures). These factors, under certain conditions, can cause a desire for competitiveness, which in itself is a strong motivational factor for student self-improvement.

6. Encouragement of students for success in studies and creative activity (scholarships, bonuses, incentive points) and sanctions for poor study. For example, for work submitted ahead of schedule, you can put down an increased mark, and otherwise reduce it.

7. Individualization of tasks performed both in the classroom and outside it, their constant updating.

8. The motivating factor in intensive educational work and, first of all, independent work is the personality of the teacher. A teacher can be an example for a student as a professional, as a creative person. The teacher can and should help the student to reveal his creative potential, to determine the prospects for his inner growth.

The methodology for organizing independent work depends on the structure, nature and characteristics of the discipline being studied, the amount of hours allotted for its study, the type of tasks for independent work, the conditions learning activities.

Methodically to ensure the independent work of students means:

draw up schedules of independent work, containing a list of forms and types of independent work of students, the goals and objectives of each of them, deadlines and forms of control;

develop guidelines for students on independent work, containing the target setting and motivational characteristics of the topics studied, structural-logical and graphological schemes on the topics studied, lists of basic and additional literature for studying the topics of academic disciplines, interdisciplinary courses of the professional module, theoretical questions and questions for self-study, target algorithms the activities of students in the performance of the received tasks in practical classes, etc.

The main element of independent work is creative learning task (task).A learning task is a formed task aimed at searching for new knowledge, requiring a solution in the course of observation, experiments, studying literature and other types of cognitive activity. The educational task, as a didactic unit, has a number of functional features:

is the subject of cognitive activity;

contains a contradiction between the given and the desired;

It includes all parts of cognitive activity: goal setting, motivation, choice of rational solutions, selection of methods of action and means of their implementation, obtaining a result, its analysis and presentation forms;

acts as a means of logical and psychological organization of educational material;

· integrates the processes of mastering knowledge, mastering skills, forming practical experience of activity, which is necessary for mastering general and professional competencies.

The solution of a creative problem includes several stages:

1. Preparatory: setting and understanding the creative task. An unknown new is determined, which should be found as a result of solving a creative problem.

2. Informational: search for the necessary information sources to solve a creative problem.

3. Analytical: analysis and processing of information. content this stage is the perception, understanding, comprehension of the information received, its evaluation, the establishment of links between disparate facts and phenomena, their generalization to obtain the result of solving a creative problem.

4. Final: design and definition of forms for presenting the result of solving a creative problem.

Depending on specific learning objectives which must be solved in the process of independent work, the content content, the duration of individual stages change, but their presence in the structure of the process is mandatory.

Practical task:

1. Analyze the functional features and stages of solving a cognitive learning task (task).

2. Fill in the table.


Independent work of students is divided into classroom and extracurricular.

Independent (classroom) work of students takes place under the control of the teacher and involves the definition of group or individual cognitive learning tasks (assignments) for students, their independent implementation by students under the methodological and organizational guidance of the teacher.

Classroom independent work of students provides for:

performance of independent work;

Performing control and laboratory work, drawing up diagrams, diagrams;

problem solving;

work with reference, methodical and scientific literature;

protection of the work performed;

Interviews, colloquia business games, discussions, conferences;

testing, etc.

The amount of time for classroom independent work of students is included in the total amount of time for their classroom work and is regulated by the class schedule (class timetable).

Practical task:

1. Analyze the proposed information material on independent (classroom) work of students.

2. Fill in the table.


Independent (extracurricular) work of students - planned educational, educational-research, research work performed outside the classroom on the instructions and with the methodological guidance of the teacher, but without his direct participation. In the system of average vocational education in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, up to 50% of the study time is allocated for independent (extracurricular) work of students.

The purpose of independent (extracurricular) work of students is to master fundamental knowledge, skills and abilities of professional activity, experience of creative, research work, design skills. The content of extracurricular independent work is determined in accordance with the types of organization of independent (extracurricular) work. educational practice the following types of independent (extracurricular) work are used:

· knowledge acquisition: reading the text (textbook, primary source, additional literature); drawing up a text plan; graphic representation of the text structure; note-taking of the text; extracts from the text; work with dictionaries and reference books; familiarization with regulatory documents; educational and research work; analysis of the content of audio and video recordings, Internet resources, etc.;

· consolidation and systematization of knowledge: work with lecture notes; work on educational material (textbook, primary source, additional literature, audio and video recordings); drawing up a plan and theses of the answer; drawing up tables to systematize educational material; analysis normative documents; answers to control questions; analytical text processing (annotation, reviewing, abstracting, etc.); preparation of abstracts for presentations at a seminar, conference; preparation of abstracts, reports: compilation of bibliography, thematic crosswords and etc.;

· skills formation: solving problems and exercises according to the model; solution of variable tasks and exercises; execution of drawings, diagrams; performance of settlement and graphic works; solution of situational production (professional) tasks; preparation for business games; design and modeling of different types and components of professional activity; coursework and theses(projects); experimental design work; experimental work; exercises on the simulator; sports and health-improving exercises; collection (biological, numismatic, fashion own products, collection of hobbies, technical inventions, drawings…); forecast of the development of the situation (for example, environmental); reference book (for example, on the toponymy of city streets); comparative analysis (contemporary works, own translation of poems, etc.); study guide on a specific topic, cycle training sessions(possibly electronic); dictionary (on a specific topic).

As forms and methods of monitoring extracurricular independent work of students, frontal surveys at seminars and practical classes, colloquia, tests, testing, self-reports, tests, defense of creative works, educational project and etc.

The criteria for evaluating the results of independent (extracurricular) work of a student are:

the level of mastering the educational material,

The ability to apply theoretical knowledge in the implementation practical tasks,

completeness of general educational ideas, knowledge and skills on the topic under study, to which this independent work relates,

Validity and clarity of the presentation of the answer to the extracurricular independent work question,

Design of reporting material in accordance with the requirements known or specified by the teacher.

The main types of organization, management and control of independent (extracurricular) work of students, approximate norms of time for students to perform independent (extracurricular) work are given in tables 1, 2.

Independent work is a type of learning activity performed by a student without direct contact with a teacher or managed by a teacher indirectly through special learning materials; an integral mandatory link in the learning process, which primarily provides for the individual work of students in accordance with the instructions of the teacher or textbook, training program.

In modern didactics, independent work of students is considered, on the one hand, as a type of educational work carried out without direct intervention, but under the guidance of a teacher, and on the other hand, as a means of involving students in independent cognitive activity, forming their methods of organizing such activities. The effect of independent work of students can be obtained only when it is organized and implemented in the educational process as an integral system that permeates all stages of student education at the university.

Types of independent work of students. According to the particular didactic purpose, four types of independent work can be distinguished.

1st type. The formation of the trainees' skills to identify in the external plan what is required of them, based on the activity algorithm given to them and the premises for this activity contained in the assignment condition. In this case, the cognitive activity of the trainees consists in recognizing the objects of a given field of knowledge during the repeated perception of information about them or actions with them.

As independent work of this type, homework is most often used: work with a textbook, lecture notes, etc. Common to independent work of the first type is that all the data of the desired, as well as the method of performing the task itself, must be presented explicitly or directly in the task itself, or in the corresponding instructions.

2nd type. Formation of knowledge-copies and knowledge that allows solving typical problems. In this case, the cognitive activity of trainees consists in pure reproduction and partial reconstruction, transformation of the structure and content of previously military educational information, which implies the need to analyze this description of the object, various ways of completing the task, choosing the most correct of them or sequentially determining the logically following one after another methods solutions.

Independent work of this type includes separate stages of laboratory work and practical exercises, standard course projects, as well as specially prepared homework assignments with algorithmic instructions. The peculiarity of the work of this group is that in the assignment it is necessary to communicate the idea, the principle of the solution and put forward the requirement for the students to develop this principle or idea in a way (methods) in relation to these conditions.

3rd type. Formation of students' knowledge underlying the solution of non-standard tasks. The cognitive activity of trainees in solving such problems consists in accumulating and manifesting in the external plan a new experience for them on the basis of previously acquired formalized experience (actions according to a known algorithm) by transferring knowledge, skills and abilities. Tasks of this type involve the search, formulation and implementation of the idea of ​​a solution, which always goes beyond the limits of the past formalized experience and requires the student to vary the conditions of the task and previously learned educational information, considering them from a new angle. Independent work of the third type should put forward the requirement to analyze situations unfamiliar to students and generate subjectively new information. Typical for independent work of students of the third type are term papers and diploma projects.

4th type. Creation of prerequisites for creative activity. cognitive activity students in the performance of these works lies in a deep penetration into the essence of the object under study, the establishment of new connections and relationships necessary to find new, previously unknown principles, ideas, and generate new information. This type of independent work is usually implemented when performing research assignments, including term papers and graduation projects.

Organization of independent work of students. In the process of independent activity, the student must learn to identify cognitive tasks, choose ways to solve them, perform operations to control the correctness of solving the task, improve the skills of implementing theoretical knowledge. The formation of skills and abilities of independent work of students can proceed both on a conscious and on an intuitive basis. In the first case, the initial basis for the correct organization of activities is a clear understanding of the goals, objectives, forms, methods of work, conscious control over its process and results. In the second case, a vague understanding prevails, the action of habits formed under the influence of mechanical repetitions, imitation, etc.

Independent work of a student under the guidance of a teacher proceeds in the form of business interaction: the student receives direct instructions, recommendations from the teacher on the organization of independent activity, and the teacher performs the function of management through accounting, control and correction of erroneous actions. Based on modern didactics, the teacher must establish the required type of independent work of students and determine the necessary degree of its inclusion in the study of their discipline.

The direct organization of independent work of students proceeds in two stages. The first stage is the period of initial organization, requiring the teacher to be directly involved in the activities of the students, with the detection and indication of the causes of errors. The second stage is the period of self-organization, when the direct participation of the teacher in the process of self-formation of students' knowledge is not required.

In the organization of independent work of students, it is especially important to correctly determine the volume and structure of the content of educational material submitted for independent study, as well as the necessary methodological support for independent work of students. The latter, as a rule, includes a work program (observations, study of primary sources, etc.), variant tasks, non-standard individual tasks for each student, tools for their implementation. The various methodological manuals currently used for independent work of students are usually informational in nature. The student must be oriented towards creative activity in the context of the discipline. Therefore, fundamentally new methodological developments are needed.

Principles of organization of independent work of students. Analyzing the situation with independent work of students that has developed in universities, V. A. Kan-Kalik puts forward his thoughts on the principles on which such student activity should be based. When planning independent work on a particular course, first of all, it is necessary to single out its so-called fundamental tree, which includes the main system of methodological, theoretical knowledge that needs to be submitted for mandatory lecture study. So, from a 100-hour course, the fundamental volume will take up half of it. Further, as derivatives of this “fundamental tree”, it is proposed to form various types of independent work of students, providing for them topics, the nature of the study, forms, venue, variable methods of implementation, a control and accounting system, as well as various reporting methods. According to Kan-Kalik, without such a system, not a single type of independent work of students will give an educational and professional effect.

The success of independent work is primarily determined by the degree of preparedness of the student. At its core, independent work involves the maximum activity of students in various aspects: the organization of mental work, the search for information, the desire to turn knowledge into beliefs. The psychological prerequisites for the development of students' independence lie in their academic success, positive attitude towards it, interest and enthusiasm for the subject, understanding that with the proper organization of independent work, skills and experience in creative activity are acquired.

One of the conditions for the regulation of human activity as the main prerequisite for the success of any type of activity is mental self-regulation, which is a closed loop of regulation. This is an information process, the carriers of which are various mental forms of reflection of reality. General patterns of self-regulation in an individual form, depending on specific conditions, as well as on the nature of nervous activity, personal qualities of a person and his system of organizing his actions, are formed in the process of education and self-education. Creating a system of independent work of students, it is necessary, firstly, to teach them how to study (this should be done from the first classes at a university, for example, in the course of introduction to a specialty) and, secondly, to acquaint them with the psychophysiological foundations of mental labor, the technique of its scientific organization .

Rules for the rational organization of independent work of students. The intensity of educational work especially increases in conditions of rapid switching from one type of educational activity to another, as well as with unexpected changes in educational situations (actions) in the process of manifestation of high emotionality and its change in the course of training.

A high degree of mental stress with low physical activity can lead to a kind of pathology - changes in autonomic functions (increased heart rate), high blood pressure, hormonal changes, and sometimes drastic changes that reach a state of stress. Mental overload, especially in situations where the student is studying on his own, without the supervision of a teacher, can lead to exhaustion. nervous system, deterioration of memory and attention, loss of interest in studies and social work. To cope with mental overload, physical exercises, rational nutrition, correct mode educational work, the use of rational methods of work.

With regard to the organization of independent work, it is useful for both the teacher and students to know the rules for the rational organization of mental work formulated by the largest Russian scientist N. A. Vvedensky (1852–1922).

1. You need to enter the work not immediately, not in a jerk, but gradually drawn into it. Physiologically, this is justified by the fact that the basis of any activity is the formation of a dynamic stereotype - a relatively stable system of conditioned reflex connections formed by repeated repetition of the same environmental influences on the senses.

2. It is necessary to develop a rhythm of work, an even distribution of work throughout the day, week, month and year. Rhythm serves as a means of mental stimulation of a person and plays an exceptionally high role in his life.

3. It is necessary to follow the sequence in solving any cases.

4. It is reasonable to combine the alternation of work and rest.

5. Finally, an important rule of fruitful mental activity is the social significance of labor.

Over time, the skills of the culture of mental work turn into habits and become a natural need of the individual. Internal composure and organization are the result of a well-organized work regime, strong-willed manifestations and systematic self-control.

Independent work as part of the educational activities of students. Independent work is a special, highest degree of learning activity. It is due to the individual psychological differences of the student and personality traits and requires a high level of self-awareness, reflectivity. Independent work can be carried out both outside the classroom (at home, in the laboratory), and in the classroom in written or oral form.

Independent work of students is an integral part academic work and is aimed at consolidating and deepening the acquired knowledge and skills, searching for and acquiring new knowledge, including using automated learning systems, as well as completing training tasks, preparing for upcoming classes, tests and exams. This type of activity of students is organized, provided and controlled by the relevant departments.

Independent work is intended not only for mastering each discipline, but also for the formation of independent work skills in general, in educational, scientific, professional activities, the ability to take responsibility, independently solve a problem, find constructive solutions, get out of a crisis situation, etc. The importance of independent work goes far beyond the scope of a single subject, and therefore graduating departments should develop a strategy for the formation of a system of skills and abilities of independent work. In this case, one should proceed from the level of independence of applicants and the requirements for the level of independence of graduates, so that a sufficient level is achieved over the entire period of study.

According to the new educational paradigm, regardless of the specialization and nature of the work, any novice specialist must have fundamental knowledge, professional skills and skills in their field, experience in creative and research activities to solve new problems, social and evaluation activities. The last two components of education are formed in the process of independent work of students. In addition, the task of the departments is to develop differentiated criteria for independence depending on the specialty and type of activity (researcher, designer, designer, technologist, repairman, manager, etc.).

The main features of the organization of training at the university are the specifics of the applied methods of educational work and the degree of independence of the trainees. The teacher only directs the cognitive activity of the student, who himself carries out cognitive activity. Independent work completes the tasks of all types of educational work. No knowledge that is not backed up by independent activity can become the true property of a person. In addition, independent work has an educational value: it forms independence not only as a set of skills and abilities, but also as a character trait that plays a significant role in the personality structure of a modern highly qualified specialist. Therefore, in each university, in each course, material is carefully selected for independent work of students under the guidance of teachers. The forms of such work can be different - these are different types of homework. Universities draw up schedules of independent work for the semester with the application of semester curricula and educational programs. Schedules stimulate, organize, make rational use of time. The work should be systematically supervised by teachers. The basis of independent work is a scientific and theoretical course, a complex of knowledge gained by students. When distributing tasks, students receive instructions for their implementation, guidelines, manuals, a list of necessary literature.

Features of group independent work of students. In a higher educational institution, various types of individual independent work are combined, such as preparation for lectures, seminars, laboratory work, tests, exams, the implementation of abstracts, assignments, term papers and projects, and at the last, final stage, the completion of a graduation project. The teaching staff of the university can make independent work more effective if students are organized in pairs or in groups of three. Group work enhances the factor of motivation and mutual intellectual activity, increases the efficiency of students' cognitive activity due to mutual control and self-control.

The participation of a partner significantly restructures the student's psychology. In the case of individual training, the student subjectively evaluates his activity as complete and complete, but such an assessment may be erroneous. In group individual work, a group self-examination takes place, followed by correction by the teacher. This second link of independent learning activity ensures the effectiveness of the work as a whole. With a sufficiently high level of independent work, the student himself can perform an individual part of the work and demonstrate it to a fellow student.

Technology of organization of independent work of students. The ratio of time allotted for classroom and independent work is 1: 3.5 all over the world. This proportion is based on the huge didactic potential of this type of student learning activity. Independent work contributes to the deepening and expansion of knowledge, the formation of interest in cognitive activity, mastery of the methods of the process of cognition, and the development of cognitive abilities. In accordance with this, independent work of students becomes one of the main reserves for increasing the efficiency of training young specialists at the university.

Independent work is carried out using supporting didactic materials designed to correct the work of students and improve its quality. Modern requirements for the teaching process suggest that the teams of departments develop in a timely manner: a) a system of tasks for independent work; b) topics of abstracts and reports; c) instructions and guidelines for performing laboratory work, training exercises, homework, etc.; d) topics of term papers, course and diploma projects; e) lists of mandatory and additional literature.

Independent work includes reproducing and creative processes in the student's activity. Depending on this, three levels of independent activity of students are distinguished: 1) reproductive (training); 2) reconstructive; 3) creative, search.

For the organization and successful functioning of independent work of students, it is necessary, firstly, an integrated approach to the organization of such activities in all forms of classroom work, secondly, a combination of all levels (types) of independent work, thirdly, ensuring control over the quality of performance (requirements , consultations) and, finally, forms of control.

Activation of independent work of students. Independent work is carried out by students in different parts of the learning process: when obtaining new knowledge, consolidating it, repeating and testing it. The systematic reduction of the direct assistance of the teacher serves as a means of increasing the creative activity of students.

The effectiveness of students' creative activity depends on the organization of classes and the nature of the teacher's influence. Pedagogical literature describes and practically applies various methods of activating students' independent work. Here are the most effective ones.

1. Teaching students the methods of independent work (temporary guidelines for the implementation of independent work to develop the skills of planning a time budget; communication of reflective knowledge necessary for introspection and self-assessment).

2. A convincing demonstration of the need to master the proposed educational material for the upcoming educational and professional activities in introductory lectures, guidelines and manuals.

3. Problematic presentation of the material, reproducing the typical ways of real reasoning used in science and technology.

4. Application of operational formulations of laws and definitions in order to establish an unambiguous connection between theory and practice.

5. Use of active learning methods (case analysis, discussions, group and pair work, collective discussion of difficult issues, business games).

6. Development and familiarization of students with the structural-logical scheme of the discipline and its elements; video application.

7. Issuance of guidelines to undergraduate students containing a detailed algorithm; gradual reduction of the explanatory part from course to course in order to accustom students to greater independence.

8. Development of integrated teaching aids for independent work, combining theoretical material, guidelines and tasks for solving.

9. Development of teaching aids of an interdisciplinary nature.

10. Individualization of homework and laboratory work, and in group work - its clear distribution among group members.

11. Introducing difficulties into typical tasks, issuing tasks with redundant data.

12. Control questions for the lecture stream after each lecture.

13. Students reading a fragment of a lecture (15–20 minutes) with the preliminary preparation of it with the help of a teacher.

14. Assigning the status of student consultants to the most advanced and capable of them; providing such students with comprehensive assistance.

15. Development and implementation of collective teaching methods, group, pair work.

Ways to improve the efficiency of students' independent work. The leading scientists and teachers of Russian universities see the way out to a new quality of training in the reorientation of curricula to the widespread use of independent work, including in junior courses. In this regard, certain constructive proposals deserve attention, such as:

› organization of individual training plans with the involvement of students in research work and, if possible, in real design on the orders of enterprises;

› inclusion of independent work of students in the curriculum and schedule of classes with the organization of individual consultations at the departments;

› creation of a complex of educational and teaching aids for students to perform independent work;

› development of a system of integrated interdepartmental assignments;

› orientation of lecture courses towards independent work;

› collegial relations between teachers and students;

› development of tasks involving non-standard solutions;

› individual consultations of the teacher and recalculation of his teaching load, taking into account the independent work of students;

› conducting forms of lectures such as lecture-conversation, lecture-discussion, where the speakers and co-speakers are the students themselves, and the teacher acts as a leader. Such classes involve a preliminary independent study of each specific topic by the speakers using textbooks, consultations with the teacher and the use of additional literature.

In general, the orientation educational process for independent work and increasing its efficiency involves, firstly, an increase in the number of hours for independent work of students; secondly, the organization of permanent consultations and advisory services, the issuance of a set of tasks for independent work of students immediately or in stages; thirdly, the creation of an educational, methodological and material and technical base in universities (textbooks, teaching aids, computer classes), which makes it possible to independently master the discipline; fourthly, the availability of laboratories and workshops for self-fulfillment of a laboratory workshop; fifthly, the organization of constant (better than rating) control, which allows minimizing traditional control procedures and increasing the time budget for independent work of students at the expense of session time; fifthly, the abolition of most of the established forms of practical and laboratory classes in order to free up time for independent work and maintenance of counseling centers.

Them. K.G. Razumovsky

Department "Industrial ecology and labor protection"

full-time learning

Moscow, 2012


Student independent work (SIW) is a key component of the educational process, which determines the formation of skills, abilities and knowledge, methods of cognitive activity and ensures interest in creative work.

Properly planned and organized independent work of students allows:

Do educational process better quality and more intense;

Contributes to the creation of interest in the chosen profession and mastering its features;

Involve the student in creative activity;

Implement a differentiated approach to learning.

The purpose of independent work of students is the development by students of fundamental knowledge, practical experience in the profession. Independent work should contribute to the development of responsibility and organization, as well as a creative approach to solving non-standard problems.

The maximum volume of the study load of a full-time student, including all types of classroom and extracurricular educational work, should not exceed 54 hours per week. The volume of general classroom studies of a student should not exceed 27 hours per week. The volume of IWS in a subject, measured in hours, is usually taken for full-time education equal to the sum of class hours, but may differ upwards at the suggestion of a teacher. The direct distribution of hours for the organization of independent work of the student is approved for each discipline.

According to the methodology for calculating the labor intensity of the main educational programs VPO in credit units - Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of November 28, 01 No. 14-52-988in / 13 one credit unit (credit) is equal to 36 academic hours lasting 45 minutes (or 27 astronomical hours). The total labor intensity of the discipline includes hours full-time education and hours for independent work. Abstracts, settlement works, credits for the discipline are included in the total labor intensity of the discipline in credit units.

In each work program by discipline, the topics of the course, submitted for independent study, are indicated. Questions on these topics can be included in the credits and exams for this course. Therefore, the first thing a student needs to do is to get acquainted with the topics of the course, which are submitted for independent study.


Independent work of students involves diverse types of individual and collective activities of students, carried out under the guidance, but without the direct participation of the teacher in the classroom and extracurricular time specially allotted for this. Independent work is a special form of learning on the instructions of the teacher, the implementation of which requires a creative approach and the ability to acquire knowledge independently.

Structurally, the student's independent work can be divided into two parts:

1) organized by the teacher and clearly described in the educational and methodological complex;

2) independent work, which the student organizes at his own discretion, without direct control by the teacher.

The methodological basis of independent work of students is an activity approach, when the learning objectives are focused on the formation of skills to solve not only typical, but also non-standard tasks, when a student must show creative activity, initiative, knowledge, skills and abilities obtained in the study of a particular discipline.

Methodological support for independent work includes: a list of topics self-study, the availability of educational, scientific and reference literature on these topics, the formulation of tasks and goals of independent work, the availability of instructions and guidelines for working with this topic. Tasks should correspond to the objectives of the course and the goals of professional development. In the junior years, the SIW aims to expand and consolidate the knowledge acquired by the student in traditional forms of study. In senior years, the SIW should contribute to the development of the student's creative potential. Control over the implementation should be purely individual, despite the fact that tasks can be complex.

Forms of independent work of students:

1. Note-taking.

2. Reviewing literature.

3. Annotation of books, articles.

4. Fulfillment of tasks of a search and research nature.

5. In-depth analysis of scientific methodical literature.

6. Work with lecture material: study of lecture notes, work on the margins of the notes with terms, supplementing the notes with materials from the recommended literature.

7. Participation in the work of the seminar: preparation of messages, reports, assignments.

8. Laboratory and practical exercises: performing the task in accordance with the instructions and guidelines teacher, getting results.

9. Research work, performance of term papers and qualifying papers.

10. Control work in writing.

11. Performing tasks for collecting material during practice.

Types of independent work:

Cognitive activity during the main classroom activities;

Independent work in computer classes under the supervision of a teacher in the form of scheduled consultations;

Extracurricular independent work of students on homework of an educational and creative nature (including with electronic resources);

Self-mastery by students of specific training modules proposed for self-study;

Independent work of students to search for material that can be used to write essays, term papers and qualifying papers;

Educational research work;

Research work;

Independent work during the internship.

Teaching aids on the organization of the CDS perform a guiding role. They should indicate in what sequence the material of the discipline should be studied, pay attention to the peculiarities of studying individual topics and sections, help select the most important and necessary information from textbooks, and also provide explanations for questions of the course program that usually cause difficulties. In doing so, the teacher must take into account the following points:

1. Do not overload students with creative tasks.

2. Alternate creative work in class with assignments outside of class time.

3. Give students a clear briefing on how to perform independent tasks: - the purpose of the task; execution conditions; volume; terms; formatting requirements.

4. Carry out current accounting and control over independent work.

5. Give an assessment to generalize the level of mastering the skills of independent, creative work.


The technology for organizing the control of independent work of students includes a careful selection of control tools, the definition of its stages, the development individual forms control.

Evaluation of a student's success can be carried out in the traditional system of "excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory", or according to the rating system, based on the amount of points scored by him in the course of independent work, for all types of IWS, including the final certification procedures.

Effective forms control and activation of the SIW throughout the entire academic semester are:

The use of intersessional control over the quality of the student's educational work.

Testing. Exam tests allow you to assess the level of knowledge of students in points. Evaluated tests can be used by teachers as a form of intermediate and final control.

Random check during classroom sessions;

Making annotations on the material read;

Drawing up diagrams, tables based on the material read;

Literature review;

Referencing literature, presentation of abstracts;

Abstract preparation;

Inclusion of questions on control works ah, on the test, the exam.

Stages of independent work:

2. Acquaintance with the issues on which you need to outline the literature.

3. Drawing up diagrams and tables based on the studied literature.

A set of teaching aids for independent work of students:

Training and metodology complex;

Didactic material;

Electronic course of lectures, electronic textbook;

Collections of tasks, tests, control tasks;

Video materials, CD, DVD.

Internet resources.


Types of independent work Teacher Guide
1. Note taking Custom scan
2. Abstracting literature Theme Development and Verification
3. Fulfillment of search tasks Development of tasks, creation of search situations, special seminar, compilation of a file cabinet.
4. Annotation of books, articles Annotation Samples, Validation
5. In-depth analysis of scientific and methodological literature Interview on the basis of the developed literature, drawing up work plans, developing a methodology for obtaining information
6. Supplementing the lecture notes with recommended literature Proposal to draw up your plan at the end of the lecture
7. Participation in seminars Preparation of speeches at the seminar, essays, knowledge testing
8. Laboratory and practical classes: in accordance with the instructions and guidelines Drawing up an algorithm of actions, indicators of the level of achievement of results
9. Research work in the course and qualifying work Development of topics for term papers and qualification papers, consulting
10. Control work Development of topics for control work, verification of performance
11. Completion of assignments for the collection of materials during the practice Development of assignments, verification of practice reports


Organization of work of students with electronic cataloged educational teaching materials;

Analysis of the free computer fund and drawing up a schedule for the resource support of the SRS in computer classes;

Bringing information about free resources of computer classes to students;

Pre-registration of students at a convenient time for them to work with computer resources;

Providing students with access to computer classes and monitoring their work;

Organization of group classes on the instructions of the teacher, organization of access to computer classes.

In classrooms for independent computer lessons with the help of training programs, students can both supplement their lessons received at lectures and seminars, and check their level of preparation and pass a test and an exam.


By information technology we mean a set of technical and software tools for collecting, processing, storing and transmitting information. At the same time, the specifics of the subject area of ​​future professional activity should be reflected in the solution of specific applied problems using modern information tools, such as:

Educational multimedia systems;

Programs of control and self-control of knowledge;

Usage information technologies in organizing and conducting scientific research;

Use of information technologies for conducting conferences;

An analysis of pedagogical experience and scientific literature shows that with the help of information technology it is possible to more effectively solve the following learning tasks:

1) archival storage of large amounts of information;

2) relatively easy access to sources of information and search for the necessary data;

3) transmission of information, including over large, and in fact - unlimited - distances;

4) repeated repetition of a physical, natural-science experiment or fragments of educational material, the assimilation of which causes the greatest difficulties for students;

5) managing the display of models of fictional and real objects, phenomena, processes on the monitor screen;

6) automation of the processes of computing and information retrieval activities of teachers and students.

hallmark The use of information technology in the learning process is a variety of forms of information presentation: texts, tables, graphs, diagrams, audio and video fragments, as well as their combination. Such multimedia creates psychological conditions conducive to better perception and memorization of educational material with the inclusion of subconscious reactions of students.


To ensure the effectiveness of independent work of students, it is necessary:

Justification of the combination of volumes of classroom and independent work;

Methodically correct organization of the student's work in the classroom and outside it;

Providing the student with the necessary methodological materials in order to turn the process of independent work into a creative process;

Using active learning methods;

Control over the organization and progress of the SIW and measures that encourage the student for its high-quality implementation;

Providing plans for practical and laboratory classes, methodological developments topics for self-study, lists of special literature.


Moscow State University technology and management
