Condition of the target direction agreement. Standard form of agreement on targeted training

Condition of the target direction agreement.  Standard form of an agreement on targeted training

In accordance with Part 8 of Article 56 Federal Law"On education in Russian Federation"The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached:

(material incentive measures (scholarships and other cash payments,

payment for food and (or) travel and other measures)


(payment of paid educational services (if necessary)


(provision for use and (or) payment for residential premises)

b) organize the citizen’s internship in accordance with curriculum;

c) provide in accordance with the qualifications received

employment of a citizen in _____________________________________________________

(name of the organization, its main


state registration number (if available)

d) in case of failure to fulfill obligations to employ a citizen within _____ months, pay the citizen compensation in the amount of double the costs associated with providing him with measures social support;

e) notify the citizen of a change in location, bank details (if any) or other information relevant to the execution of this agreement within 10 calendar days from the date of occurrence of these changes;

f) ________________________________________________________________.

(other responsibilities of the Organization)

4. A citizen has the right:

a) receive from the Organization social support measures provided for in this agreement;

b) if necessary, receive information about the activities of the organization in which the internship is organized in accordance with the curriculum;

V) ________________________________________________________________.

(other rights of a citizen)

5. A citizen is obliged:

a) master the educational program on __________________________

(code, name


profession, area of ​​training (specialty), level of education)

b) provide, at the request of the Organization, information on the results of passing intermediate certifications in accordance with the curriculum and the fulfillment of duties provided for by the charter and internal rules of students;

c) undergo an internship organized by the Organization in accordance with the curriculum;

d) comply with the regulations of the organization in which the internship is organized in accordance with the curriculum;

e) conclude an employment agreement (contract) with the organization specified in this agreement no later than ___ months from the date of receipt of the relevant document on education and qualifications;

f) reimburse the Organization within ___ months for the costs associated with providing him with social support measures, and also pay a fine equal to twice the costs associated with providing him with social support measures in the event of failure to fulfill the employment obligations provided for in this agreement;

g) notify the Organization of changes in the last name, first name, patronymic (if any), passport data, bank details (if any) and other information relevant to the execution of this agreement within 10 calendar days from the date of occurrence of these changes;

h) ________________________________________________________________.

(other duties of a citizen)

III. Responsibility of the parties

6. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this agreement, the parties are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7. The grounds for releasing a citizen from fulfilling employment obligations are:

a) the presence of diseases that prevent employment in the organization specified in this agreement, and confirmed by the conclusions of the authorized bodies;

b) recognition in the established order of one of the parents, spouse (wife) as a disabled person of group I or II, establishment of a citizen’s child in the category “disabled child”, if work under an employment agreement (contract) is provided not at the place of permanent residence of the parents, spouse (spouse) or child;

c) recognition of a citizen in the prescribed manner as a disabled person of group I or II;

d) a citizen is the spouse of a military serviceman, with the exception of persons undergoing military service upon conscription, if the work under an employment agreement (contract) is provided not at the place of service of the spouse;

(other grounds for releasing a citizen from execution

employment obligations)

IV. Duration of the contract, grounds for its early termination

8. This agreement comes into force on _____________________________ and is valid until the conclusion of the employment agreement (contract).

9. The grounds for early termination of this agreement are:

a) refusal of the organization carrying out educational activities, in receiving a citizen for target location, including if the citizen did not pass the competition held within the framework of the targeted admission quota by the organization carrying out educational activities;

b) the citizen’s failure to receive social support measures from the Organization within ___ months;

c) expulsion of a citizen from an organization carrying out educational activities before the end of the period of study educational program;

d) the occurrence and (or) detection of circumstances (medical or other indications) that impede the citizen’s employment in the organization specified in this agreement;

e) ________________________________________________________________.

(other grounds for termination of this agreement)

V. Final provisions

10. Changes made to this agreement are formalized by additional agreements to it.

11. This agreement is drawn up in ____ copies of equal force, one copy for each of the parties.

12. _______________________________________________________________.

(other conditions)

VI. Addresses and payment details of the parties

Citizen Organization
________________________________ (last name, first name, patronymic (if available) ________________________________ (full name of the federal ________________________________ government body, ________________________________ authority state power subject ________________________________ of the Russian Federation, local ________________________________ self-government body, state ________________________________ (municipal) institution, ________________________________ unitary enterprise, ________________________________ state corporation, state ________________________________ company or business entity, ________________________________ in the authorized capital of which ________________________________ there is a share of the Russian Federation, ________________________________ subject of the Russian Federation ________________________________ or municipality)
________________________________ (date of birth) ________________________________ (passport series and number, when and by whom it was issued)
________________________________ (location)
________________________________ (bank details (if available)
________ /___________________/ (signature) (last name, first name, patronymic (if available)
M.P. M.P.


* When concluding this agreement, the parties independently determine the list of social support measures provided to the citizen, indicating the procedure, timing and amount of their provision.

** When concluding this agreement, the parties independently determine the list of grounds for releasing a citizen from fulfilling employment obligations.

Document overview

According to the new Law on Education, a university has the right to conduct targeted admissions within the established quota.

For these purposes, between a student citizen and a state (local) body, institution, unitary enterprise, state corporation, state company or economic company, in the authorized capital of which there is a state (municipal) share, an agreement is concluded on targeted training. And between the university and the government body and organization there is an agreement on targeted admission.

Standard forms of relevant contracts are given. They are concluded in simple written form in 2 copies - one for each of the parties.

It has been established that the new rules on targeted admission and training do not apply to targeted training agreements, which stipulate that the graduate is obliged to enter the civil service upon graduation.

What is targeted learning? Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of this method of obtaining education.


In order to become the happy owner of a coveted higher education diploma for free, you can use different options.

A targeted referral for training can be obtained from an institution, as well as from an enterprise. Let's identify the main nuances associated with this option of obtaining higher education.

general characteristics

What is targeted learning? Its pros and cons are related to employment after completion of the course. This option of obtaining a diploma is similar to studying during the existence of the Soviet state. By signing an agreement on targeted training, future specialists were confident that after graduation they would be employed in their specialty and also receive housing. Some enterprises provided young staff with comfortable apartments, others limited themselves to placing them in a dormitory, but in any case, all newly minted specialists were provided with housing.

Considering how difficult it is currently for young people to become owners of their own square meters, a targeted training agreement would be an excellent way to solve the housing problem.

Among the main disadvantages, we note the need for many years of work after graduating from a university or academy in a certain locality, and only at the enterprise that will be determined in the contract.

Not everyone modern students are ready to travel to remote villages and small towns to work out their target area of ​​study.

Modern realities

Despite the fact that quite serious changes have occurred in our country, the very essence of targeted training has remained virtually unchanged. The applicant enters into an agreement with an organization or institution, according to which he undertakes to work for a certain period of time in the locality chosen by the organization. The issue related to providing a young specialist with housing while working is resolved differently in each specific case.

The only similarity remains in the requirement to work for many years after graduating from a higher educational institution, that is, there remains a guarantee of providing the young specialist with a job.

Admission to medical institutions

Particularly popular among lyceum graduates and educational schools targeted training in medical school. What is the reason for such a stir? Behind Lately competition for budget places in academies training doctors of various specializations. How does targeted training help solve this problem? How to get a “pass” to medicine?

An applicant who has reached the age of majority applies to medical institution(at the place of registration) with a request to receive target direction. Minor schoolchildren come to a hospital or clinic with their parents (legal representatives), since they themselves do not yet have the right to enter into legal contracts.

The signed agreement specifies many details related to medical targeted training. Pros and cons of such training:

  • mandatory internship at a specific medical institution;
  • the student has no academic debt in all disciplines;
  • mandatory minimum service after graduation from the academy in one of the hospitals specified in the contract, not less than three years.

Obligations of the enterprise (organization)

What else characterizes targeted learning? Its pros and cons are associated not only with the responsibilities of the applicant, but also with the obligations that the organization (enterprise) entering into the agreement undertakes under the contract.

As a rule, the enterprise undertakes:

  • pay for the training of the target, provide him with certain types social support in the form of scholarships, payment for accommodation during studies;
  • organize conditions for annual practical training;
  • provide, after graduating from a higher educational institution, a job that corresponds to the qualifications of a young specialist;
  • provide a deferment in the fulfillment of obligations, for example, in the event of a deterioration in health, illness or pregnancy.

If an applicant who entered the academy under a target agreement violates its terms, he will have to compensate the injured party for the losses incurred.

Finding a company that provides targeted training

The system for recruiting target students operates in various sectoral higher education institutions: architectural, pedagogical, medical, energy.

The search for an enterprise that is interested in guaranteed qualified personnel must be done while still studying at your home school.

Currently, many companies that are willing to pay for targeted training are trying to find potential employees themselves. They organize various competitions using the company’s brand, organize meetings with high school students, act as sponsors for specialized subject Olympiads, and also inform about their services educational institution senior management.

The essence of the target set

An applicant who applies for the role of a target student must, upon admission, prepare for admissions committee not only the classic package of documents:

  • original or copy of a document on complete general education;
  • application in the prescribed form;
  • original or copy of the Unified State Examination certificate;
  • original or copy of a document that proves identity and citizenship.

The applicant also attaches a referral from a private company or government department to this list. This document gives the right to participate in a special (targeted) competition, which is held separately from the general recruitment.

Specifics of training and work

The learning process itself has no target distinctive features compared to ordinary students. If the concluded agreement provides for an additional scholarship from a potential employer, such a student is the proud owner of two scholarships at once.

In addition, he is obliged to undergo all production practices only at “his” enterprise.


It would seem that such wonderful prospects open up when choosing a targeted admission option. Why do many applicants, especially medical academies, are often disappointed that they became participants in such programs?

The fact is that many of them, having received the coveted diploma, immediately strive to find themselves in some private clinic where they offer high wages.

But the targeted agreement that they entered into in order to become students does not give them such an opportunity. Other licensed physicians understand that it is within compulsory service they have a real chance to gain practical skills and improve their qualifications.

After working for the period specified in the agreement, they will, of course, be able to apply for a prestigious position in any private clinic. For those schoolchildren who want to have a guaranteed job in their specialty after completing their studies, target receipt is an ideal option.

In accordance with Part 8 of Article 56 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached:

Rules for concluding and terminating an agreement on targeted admission and an agreement on targeted training;

Standard form of agreement on targeted reception;

Standard form of an agreement on targeted training.

2. The rules approved by this resolution do not apply to relations related to the conclusion of agreements on targeted training, providing for obligations to subsequently complete civil service or municipal service after graduation.

3. Recognize as invalid the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 19, 1995 N 942 “On targeted contract training of specialists with higher and secondary vocational education"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 39, Art. 3777).

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation
D. Medvedev

Note ed.: the text of the resolution was published on the official Internet portal of legal information, November 29, 2013.

Rules for concluding and terminating an agreement on targeted admission and an agreement on targeted training

1. These Rules determine the procedure for concluding and terminating an agreement on targeted admission and an agreement on targeted training.

2. An agreement on targeted admission is concluded by an organization carrying out educational activities under educational programs of higher education (hereinafter referred to as the educational organization), with a federal government body, a government body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a local government body, a state (municipal) institution, a unitary enterprise, state corporation, a state company or business entity, in the authorized capital of which there is a share of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a municipal entity (hereinafter referred to as bodies or organizations), which have entered into an agreement on targeted training with a citizen.

3. The agreement on targeted reception is concluded in simple written form in 2 copies, one copy for each of the parties.

4. The body or organization sends to the educational organization a proposal in writing to conclude an agreement on targeted admission, containing information about the number of citizens whose training must be carried out in areas of training and specialties within the framework of targeted training for the body or organization, as well as information about the areas of activity body or organization.

5. The educational organization, within 10 calendar days from the date of receipt of a proposal in writing to conclude an agreement on targeted admission, informs the body or organization in writing of its consent to conclude an agreement on targeted admission and informs the body or organization about the number of citizens who may be accepted by an educational organization within the framework of targeted admission, or a refusal to conclude an agreement on targeted admission due to the lack of target numbers for the admission of citizens to study in the relevant specialty or area of ​​training at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets.

6. Upon receipt from educational organization consent to conclude an agreement on targeted admission, the body or organization, within 5 calendar days from the date of its receipt, sends to the educational organization a signed draft agreement on targeted admission and a list of citizens who have expressed a desire to participate in targeted admission, determined by the body or organization independently (hereinafter referred to as citizens).

7. The educational organization signs the draft agreement on targeted admission within 5 calendar days from the date of its receipt. After signing the draft agreement on targeted admission, 1 copy of the agreement on targeted admission remains with the educational organization.

8. An agreement on targeted training is concluded by a body or organization and a citizen or student.

9. The agreement on targeted training is concluded in simple written form in 2 copies (one copy for each of the parties).

10. An agreement on targeted training is concluded with a citizen before the start of targeted admission. Before the start of targeted admission, the body or organization informs in writing the educational organization that has entered into an agreement on targeted admission about the number of citizens with whom agreements on targeted education have been concluded, with copies of these agreements attached.

11. An agreement on targeted training with a student is concluded at any stage of his mastering an educational program in an educational organization.

12. Minor citizens and students enter into an agreement on targeted education with the written consent of their parents (legal representatives).

13. The agreement on targeted admission and the agreement on targeted training are terminated by agreement of the parties (including in connection with the expulsion of the citizen from the educational organization), due to circumstances beyond the control of the citizen and the educational organization, including in connection with the liquidation of the educational institution organization, body or organization, the death of a citizen, as well as in court.

14. Agreements to terminate the contract for targeted admission and the contract for targeted training are made in simple written form.

A citizen entering an educational program of secondary vocational or higher education or studying in a corresponding educational program has the right to enter into an agreement on targeted training with a federal government body, a government body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a local government body, a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur (hereinafter - customer of targeted training).

The essential terms of the targeted training agreement are:

  • 1) obligations of the customer of targeted training:
    • a) to organize the provision and (or) provision to a citizen who has entered into an agreement on targeted training, during the period of training, support measures, including measures of material incentives, payment for additional paid educational services provided outside the framework of the educational program mastered in accordance with the agreement on targeted training, provision of use and (or) payment for residential premises during the period of study, and (or) other measures;
    • b) for the employment of a citizen who has entered into an agreement on targeted training, no later than the period established by the agreement on targeted training, indicating the place of implementation labor activity in accordance with the qualification obtained;
  • 2) obligations of a citizen who has entered into an agreement on targeted training:
    • a) on mastering the educational program specified in the contract on targeted training (with the possibility of changing the educational program and (or) form of training in agreement with the customer of targeted training);
    • b) to carry out labor activities for at least three years in accordance with the qualifications obtained, taking into account employment within the period established by such an agreement.

The parties to the contract on targeted training, along with the citizen specified in Part 1 of this article and the customer of targeted training, may also be the organization carrying out educational activities and (or) the organization in which the citizen will be employed in accordance with the contract on targeted training.

An organization carrying out educational activities in which a citizen who has entered into an agreement on targeted training is studying takes into account the proposals of the customer of targeted training when organizing the said citizen’s internship, and also, at the request of the customer of targeted training, provides him with information about the results of his mastering the educational program.

If the customer of targeted training fails to fulfill the obligations stipulated by the agreement on targeted training for the employment of a citizen who has entered into an agreement on targeted training, the customer of targeted training pays him compensation in the amount of three times the average monthly accrued salary in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation, in the territory of which he was supposed to be employed in in accordance with the agreement on targeted training, on the date of his expulsion from the organization carrying out educational activities in connection with receiving education (completion of training).

If a citizen who has entered into an agreement on targeted training fails to fulfill the obligations stipulated in the agreement on targeted training to master the educational program and (or) carry out work activities within three years, he is obliged to reimburse the customer for targeted training for the costs associated with the provision of support measures.

Regulations on targeted training, including the procedure for concluding and terminating a contract on targeted training, conditions for determining and changing the place of employment, the procedure and grounds for releasing the parties from fulfilling obligations under a contract on targeted training, the procedure for paying compensation, the procedure for determining the amount of expenses and their reimbursement, and the standard form of an agreement on targeted training are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The specifics of concluding an agreement on targeted training, the party of which is a federal state body, a government body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a local government body and which includes the obligation of the citizen who has entered into an agreement on targeted training to undergo civil service or municipal service after completion of training, are determined in the manner established by federal laws on types of public service or legislation on municipal service.

In RTF format

Agreement on targeted training (standard form) in PDF format

agreements on targeted training

(place of conclusion of the contract)
"___"_____________ 20__
(date of conclusion of the agreement)

(full name of the federal government body, government body
subject of the Russian Federation, local government, state (municipal)
institution, unitary enterprise, state corporation, state company or business entity,
in the authorized capital of which there is a share of the Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian
Federation or municipality)
hereinafter referred to as the Organization, represented by ___________________
(job title, last name, first name, patronymic (if available)
acting on the basis ___________________
(Title of the document)
on the one hand, and ___________________
(last name, first name, patronymic (if available)
represented by ___________________
(last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the legal representative of the minor,
if the citizen is a minor)
hereinafter referred to as the citizen, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the parties, have entered into this agreement as follows.

I. Subject of the agreement

1. In accordance with this agreement, the citizen undertakes to master the educational program on ___________________,

sold in ___________________
(name of the organization carrying out educational activities)
successfully pass the state final certification for the specified educational program and conclude an employment agreement (contract) with the organization specified in subparagraph “c” of paragraph 3 of this agreement, and the Organization undertakes to provide the citizen with social support measures and organize internships in accordance with the curriculum.

II. Rights and obligations of the parties

2. The organization has the right:
a) request from a citizen information about the results of passing intermediate certifications in accordance with the curriculum and fulfilling the duties provided for by the charter and internal rules of students;
b) recommend to the citizen the topic of the final qualifying work (if available);
V) ___________________.
(other rights of the Organization)

3. The organization is obliged:
a) provide the citizen with the following social support measures during his studies*:
(material incentive measures (scholarships and other cash payments, payment for food and (or) travel and other measures)
(payment of paid educational services (if necessary)
(provision for use and (or) payment for residential premises)
b) organize the citizen’s internship in accordance with the curriculum;
c) ensure, in accordance with the qualifications obtained, the citizen’s employment in ___________________
(name of the organization, its main
state registration number (if available)

d) in case of failure to fulfill obligations to employ a citizen within _____ months, pay the citizen compensation in the amount of double the costs associated with providing him with social support measures;
e) notify the citizen of a change in location, bank details (if any) or other information relevant to the execution of this agreement within 10 calendar days from the date of occurrence of these changes;
e) ___________________
(other responsibilities of the Organization)

4. A citizen has the right:
a) receive from the Organization measures of social support provided for in subparagraph “a” of paragraph 3 of this agreement;
b) if necessary, receive information about the activities of the organization in which the internship is organized in accordance with the curriculum;
V) ___________________
(other rights of a citizen)

5. A citizen is obliged:
a) master the educational program on ___________________
(code, name of profession, area of ​​training (specialty), level of education)
b) provide, at the request of the Organization, information on the results of passing intermediate certifications in accordance with the curriculum and the fulfillment of duties provided for by the charter and internal rules of students;
c) undergo an internship organized by the Organization in accordance with the curriculum;
d) comply with the regulations of the organization in which the internship is organized in accordance with the curriculum;
e) conclude an employment agreement (contract) with the organization specified in subparagraph “c” of paragraph 3 of this agreement no later than ___ months from the date of receipt of the relevant document on education and qualifications;
f) reimburse the Organization within ___ months for the costs associated with providing him with social support measures, and also pay a fine equal to twice the costs associated with providing him with social support measures in the event of failure to fulfill the employment obligations provided for in this agreement;
g) notify the Organization of changes in the last name, first name, patronymic (if any), passport data, bank details (if any) and other information relevant to the execution of this agreement within 10 calendar days from the date of occurrence of these changes;
h) ___________________
(other duties of a citizen)

III. Responsibility of the parties

6. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this agreement, the parties are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
7. The grounds for releasing a citizen from fulfilling employment obligations are**:
a) the presence of diseases that prevent employment in the organization specified in subparagraph “c” of paragraph 3 of this agreement, and confirmed by the conclusions of the authorized bodies;
b) recognition in the established order of one of the parents, spouse (wife) as a disabled person of group I or II, establishment of a citizen’s child in the category “disabled child”, if work under an employment agreement (contract) is provided not at the place of permanent residence of the parents, spouse (spouse) or child;
c) recognition of a citizen in the prescribed manner as a disabled person of group I or II;
d) a citizen is the spouse of a military serviceman, with the exception of persons undergoing military service upon conscription, if the work under an employment agreement (contract) is provided not at the place of service of the spouse;
d) ___________________
(other grounds for releasing a citizen from fulfilling employment obligations)

IV. Duration of the contract, grounds for its early termination

8. This agreement comes into force on ___________________ and is valid until the conclusion of the employment agreement (contract).
9. The grounds for early termination of this agreement are:
a) refusal of an organization carrying out educational activities to admit a citizen to a target place, including if the citizen did not pass the competition held within the framework of the target admission quota by the organization carrying out educational activities;
b) the citizen’s failure to receive social support measures from the Organization within ___ months;
c) expulsion of a citizen from an organization carrying out educational activities before the end of the period for mastering the educational program;
d) the occurrence and (or) detection of circumstances (medical or other indications) that impede the citizen’s employment in the organization specified in subparagraph “c” of paragraph 3 of this agreement;
d) ___________________.
(other grounds for termination of this agreement)

V. Final provisions

10. Changes made to this agreement are formalized by additional agreements to it.
11. This agreement is drawn up in ____ copies of equal force, one copy for each of the parties.
12. ___________________.
(other conditions)

VI. Addresses and payment details of the parties


* When concluding this agreement, the parties independently determine the list of social support measures provided to the citizen, indicating the procedure, timing and amount of their provision.
** When concluding this agreement, the parties independently determine the list of grounds for releasing a citizen from fulfilling employment obligations.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2013 No. 1076
“On the procedure for concluding and terminating an agreement on targeted admission and an agreement on targeted training”

In accordance with Part 8 of Article 56 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached:

Rules for concluding and terminating an agreement on targeted admission and an agreement on targeted training;

standard form of agreement on targeted reception;

standard form of agreement on targeted training.

2. The rules approved by this resolution do not apply to relations related to the conclusion of contracts on targeted training, which provide for obligations to subsequently perform public service or municipal service after completion of training.

3. Recognize as invalid the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 19, 1995 No. 942 “On targeted contract training of specialists with higher and secondary vocational education” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 39, Art. 3777).

These Rules do not apply to relations related to the conclusion of agreements on targeted training, which provide for obligations of subsequent public service or municipal service after completion of training.

concluding and terminating an agreement on targeted admission and an agreement on targeted training
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2013 No. 1076)

1. These Rules determine the procedure for concluding and terminating an agreement on targeted admission and an agreement on targeted training.

2. An agreement on targeted admission is concluded by an organization carrying out educational activities under educational programs of higher education (hereinafter referred to as the educational organization), with a federal government body, a government body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a local government body, a state (municipal) institution, a unitary enterprise, a state a corporation, state company or business entity, in the authorized capital of which there is a share of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a municipal entity (hereinafter referred to as bodies or organizations), which have entered into an agreement on targeted training with a citizen.

3. The agreement on targeted reception is concluded in simple written form in 2 copies, one copy for each of the parties.

4. The body or organization sends to the educational organization a proposal in writing to conclude an agreement on targeted admission, containing information about the number of citizens whose training must be carried out in areas of training and specialties within the framework of targeted training for the body or organization, as well as information about the areas of activity body or organization.

5. The educational organization, within 10 calendar days from the date of receipt of a proposal in writing to conclude an agreement on targeted admission, informs the body or organization in writing of its consent to conclude an agreement on targeted admission and informs the body or organization about the number of citizens who may be accepted by an educational organization within the framework of targeted admission, or a refusal to conclude an agreement on targeted admission due to the lack of target numbers for the admission of citizens to study in the relevant specialty or area of ​​training at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets.

6. Upon receipt of consent from an educational organization to conclude an agreement on targeted admission, the body or organization, within 5 calendar days from the date of its receipt, sends to the educational organization a signed draft agreement on targeted admission and a list of citizens who have expressed a desire to participate in targeted admission, determined by the body or organization independently (hereinafter referred to as citizens).

7. The educational organization signs the draft agreement on targeted admission within 5 calendar days from the date of its receipt. After signing the draft agreement on targeted admission, 1 copy of the agreement on targeted admission remains with the educational organization.

8. An agreement on targeted training is concluded by a body or organization and a citizen or student.

9. The agreement on targeted training is concluded in simple written form in 2 copies (one copy for each of the parties).

10. An agreement on targeted training is concluded with a citizen before the start of targeted admission. Before the start of targeted admission, the body or organization informs in writing the educational organization that has entered into an agreement on targeted admission about the number of citizens with whom agreements on targeted education have been concluded, with copies of these agreements attached.

11. An agreement on targeted training with a student is concluded at any stage of his mastering an educational program in an educational organization.

12. Minor citizens and students enter into an agreement on targeted education with the written consent of their parents (legal representatives).

13. The agreement on targeted admission and the agreement on targeted training are terminated by agreement of the parties (including in connection with the expulsion of the citizen from the educational organization), due to circumstances beyond the control of the citizen and the educational organization, including in connection with the liquidation of the educational institution organization, body or organization, the death of a citizen, as well as in court.

14. Agreements to terminate the contract for targeted admission and the contract for targeted training are made in simple written form.
