Russian State Humanitarian University. Russian State Humanitarian University History and modernity: current research

Russian State Humanitarian University.  Russian State Humanitarian University History and modernity: current research

When I left the Russian State University for the Humanities two years ago, I did not write anything about my motives; several fellow students I liked asked me about it. Due to social reasons, they are more dependent people and wanted to avoid unnecessary struggle. Nasty, of course, but understandable. Then I didn’t bother to ruin their life again and left silently, especially since in England I quickly began to forget about my alma noverca.

I would like to believe that they also forgot about me. So there will be no harm if I finally remember everything, fortunately an informational occasion has turned up: the church is taking away part of the building on Nikolskaya Street from the Russian State University for the Humanities.

I will not describe the conflict itself for a long time, everything is more or less clear: the clergy are trying to restitute pre-revolutionary property by force. This is a long-standing and sluggishly ongoing story that was discussed back when I was a student. True, the circus with the Cossacks did not come then, no luck. But that's an aside.

My gaze was first of all drawn to the familiar details of the organization of faculty life.

The uninvited guests passed the guards without any problems, saying that “a few professional blows would make them very ill.”
I remember once on Airborne Forces Day, drunken soldiers walked into the university building with the same ease. The guards, naturally, pretended that nothing was happening and, as if nothing had happened, right in front of these airborne troops, they continued to harass the incoming students with special care.

Or there was another case, a woman about 60 years old came from some Nizhny Tagil, she really wanted to look at the place where she once studied. They had fun on it. I don’t know how it all ended, but before my eyes she was bullied for about thirty minutes. Several students tried to vouch for her, but the guards were at an impregnable post. They are generally impregnable, especially if you come without a student's ID. In such cases, inaccessibility enters its most inaccessible phase, even if they even know you by sight. If they know, even better.

I understand that security guards are a special subspecies of people, but at FIPP they are clearly integrated into the general hierarchy. Here I really don’t want to get personal, so I, with one exception, will refrain from personalization as much as possible. I will only note that the IAI is the most unhealthy environment where I had to spend any length of time. Over the past two years, I have only been subjected to the kind of disrespect that students are regularly shown at FIPP at the passport office.

The dean's secretary is a real fuck-up. A Georgian who repeatedly fought with students, and at least once with a female laboratory assistant. Completely inadequate and in his own mind, with students and most teachers he speaks exclusively in the language of market abuse. I don’t know for what merit they stubbornly keep him in place, and it’s none of my business. But this person is almost single-handedly responsible for most of the negativity in the IAI.

Other problems are more prosaic in nature. There is a serious staff shortage at FIPP, so everyone is doing everything. Those who still understand something take related professions: sociologists teach political disciplines, historians teach PR. Nobody teaches law. That's how it was at least two years ago. The only bright spot in the entire educational process were the graduate students who were still trying to somehow join the discourse and maintain contact with reality.

One of the loudest scandals arose over the building on Nikolskaya Street, 15, building 1, in which the Kruzhka beer bar operates.
Oh, I remember this scandal, I remember how the sign appeared, obscuring everything. But before the Mug was opened there, the place didn’t disappear either. Directly at the entrance there was a shawarma, whose aroma unforgettably filled the university lobby. But the smell is okay, everyone sniffed it. And with the advent of the Mug, a new exciting element was added to the landscape - gopota. It's a football bar, they spin the ball. Fine.

Another interesting aspect of faculty life is the dining room. She's gone. No, it seems like six years ago, it wasn’t even before I arrived. There have been rumors for a long time that they are about to open it. Then, apparently, everyone got tired of it, and the faculty decided to simply cancel lunch. You read that right, there is no lunch break at FIPP. But there are days filled with couples from 9 to 7. Of course, I would skip. But the fact itself, you see, is interesting.

The only thing FIP is really good with is words. I attended the dean’s address to the faculty twice and couldn’t be surprised at how many good things were happening. It’s a pity there is no shorthand online, otherwise I would have quoted it. High style.

But addresses are generally a special genre, where when it’s the department head’s turn to speak, sometimes you hear so much that you want to take a shower. And it’s all clear, little people, they want to be liked. But all the same, when adults in front of you selflessly perform metaphysical fellatio, through the second person they call the dean God and sincerely thank him “for everything,” it becomes somehow awkward. For yourself, for them, and in general for the world around you.

However, students at FIP ​​don’t care much about all this. The students, for the most part, are very happy with everything. This is probably the most offensive thing: people aged 18-20 are not only burned with opportunism, they are already actively looking for somewhere better to grovel. A university diploma is like a civilian title that must be earned.

It is clear that all this has the same relation to acquiring knowledge as sweeping with a crowbar has to cleaning. Therefore, for most, it makes no difference that there are no teachers and classes are canceled three times a week, every week. I remember going for a month only to find out on the spot that there were no pairs, but next time there would definitely be. Everything is normal.

Therefore, the NewsRu correspondent is mistaken about what student rallies, where did he even get this from? No one will go anywhere without orders from above. Those who go will be put in their place. And everything will be resolved as it should be - according to the concepts. And this will be decided by the local God directly with the priests. Whose concepts ultimately turn out to be more understandable is the winner.

What is the conclusion from all this? It’s probably so bad not only at FIPP. I don't know, but it seems abnormal to me. In order not to exaggerate too much, I’ll try to finally say something good. At FIPP you sometimes come across good teachers, mostly graduate students. It’s unlikely that those from whom I studied are still teaching there, but God forbid others appear. There are students with whom I sympathize. There are very few of them, but some of them are stronger and smarter than me.

Hm. Nothing else seems good. Everything is rather very bad, but I have no doubt that somewhere it is much worse. This is a memo for applicants to the Faculty of History of Political Science and Law (FIPP) of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Faculty of History, Political Science and Law(FIPP) was created in

Faculty structure

  • Department of Russian History of Modern Times. The head of the department is Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor (deputy is Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Lidiya Grigorievna Berezovaya).
  • Department of History and Theory of Historical Science. The head of the department is Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Elena Vladimirovna Barysheva.
  • Department of General Political Science and Special Political Disciplines. The head of the department is Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Valentina Dmitrievna Zimina.
  • Department of History and Theory of State and Law. The head of the department is Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Alexey Anatolyevich Aleksandrov.
  • Department of Culture of Peace and Democracy. And about. Head of the department - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor (deputy - Candidate of Historical Sciences Maria Aleksandrovna Gordeeva).
  • Department of Social Communications and Technologies. Head - Associate Professor Viktor Mikhailovich Michaelson (deputy - Associate Professor Natalya Vladimirovna Shatina).
  • Department of Communication, Social and Political Theories. The head of the department is Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Sergey Vyacheslavovich Klyagin.
  • Educational and Scientific Mesoamerican Center named after.


Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities (IAI RSUH listen)) is a higher educational institution within the Russian State University for the Humanities, which occupies the buildings of the former Printing Yard on Nikolskaya Street of Kitay-Gorod. Successor (MGIAI), founded in 1930.

Faculties [ | ]

The faculties of the Institute are located in the historical IAI building at the address: 103012, Moscow, st. Nikolskaya, 15, and in the main buildings of the Russian State University for the Humanities on Miusskaya Square at the address: 125993, GSP-3, Moscow, Miusskaya Square, 6.

Faculty of Archives (FAD)[ | ]

One of the oldest faculties of the Historical and Archival Institute. Teaching is conducted in more than ten areas of bachelor's and master's degrees.

Dean - Ph.D. ist. Sciences, Associate Professor.

Faculty composition:

Also, as part of the Faculty of Archives since 2011, by merging the Department of Source Studies (head - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor) and the Department of Auxiliary Historical Disciplines (Head - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Evgeniy Vladimirovich Pchelov) there are:

Faculty of Document Science and Technotronic Archives (FDiTA)[ | ]

Created in 2013 by merging the Faculty of Document Science (founded in 1999) and the Faculty of Technotronic Archives and Documents (founded in 1994). Teaching is conducted in ten areas of bachelor's and master's degrees.

Dean - Dr. History. sciences, prof. .

Faculty composition:

Faculty of History, Political Science and Law (FIPP)[ | ]

The faculty was created in 1994. Teaching is conducted in seven areas of bachelor's and master's degrees: “History”, “Political Science”, “Jurisprudence”, “Advertising and Public Relations”, “Oriental and African Studies” (Arabic, Chinese, Farsi), “Hospitality” and “Tourism” ".

Faculty composition:

Faculty of International Relations and Foreign Regional Studies (FMOiZR)[ | ]

The Faculty of International Relations and Foreign Regional Studies (FMOiZR) of the Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities was created in December 2015 on the basis of the Department of International Relations and Foreign Regional Studies that existed at the Russian State University for the Humanities since 2007. Teaching is conducted in two areas of bachelor's and master's degrees: “International Relations”, “Foreign Regional Studies”.

Dean of the Faculty - Ph.D., Associate Professor B.I. Medvedev.

Faculty composition:

  • Department of Foreign Regional Studies and Foreign Policy (Head of the Department: Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor Olga Vyacheslavovna Pavlenko);
  • Department of International Security (head - Doctor of Law, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vasily Stepanovich Khristoforov);
  • Department of American Studies (head – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Victoria Ivanovna Zhuravleva);
  • Department of Foreign Languages ​​(head – Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor Lyudmila Akhtemovna Khalilova).
