Lexical meaning of the word quarter. Meaning of the word quarter

Lexical meaning of the word quarter.  Meaning of the word quarter

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Meaning of the word quarter

quarter in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


(incorrect quarter), quarter, m. (German Quarter from Latin quartus - fourth).

    part of a city bounded by several intersecting streets. You're thundering a symphony throughout the whole block. Griboyedov. In one of the remote quarters of Paris.

    collected Population of this part of the city (colloquial). The whole quarter was keenly interested in the events.

    part of the street between two intersections (colloquial). I went to meet her, walked two blocks, but she still wasn’t there.

    The fourth part (3 months) of the reporting year (official, clerical). All allocations for the first quarter have already been spent.

    City police department in the mid-19th century. (historical).

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


    A part of a city bounded by intersecting streets. Live on the corner of the block.

    The fourth part of the reporting year. Report for

    In forestry: a forest area limited by clearings and roads.

    In Tsarist Russia: the lowest urban administrative-police unit, part of the police station.

    adj. quarterly, oh, oh. K. report. K. overseer (head of the quarter in 4 digits; obsolete). Serve as a quarterly (noun).

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    1. The fourth part of a year, equal to three months.

      A part of a city bounded by several - usually four - intersecting streets.

      A plot of forest, park, vineyard, etc., usually rectangular in shape.

  1. m. The lowest urban administrative and police unit headed by a quarterly supervisor (in the Russian state until 1862).

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


QUARTER (from Latin quartus - fourth)

    quarter of a year (3 months).

    Part of urban development, limited by streets.

    In the Russian Empire, the lowest urban administrative-police unit is headed by a quarterly supervisor. It consisted of several streets and was part of a police station.

    In forestry, an area limited by clearings, roads, etc.


Quarter :

  • A quarter is in architecture and urban planning a part of the territory of a populated area, limited by neighboring streets. They are divided into residential and business districts. Often used in stable combinations:
    • Verian quarter
    • Jewish Quarter
    • Chinatown
    • Latin Quarter
    • Working quarter
    • Theater Quarter
    • Gay district
    • Red light district
  • A quarter is a unit of time measurement, a quarter of a year.
  • The quarter is the lowest urban administrative and police unit in the Russian Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries. At the head of the quarter stood the quarter overseer.
  • "Kvartal" is a musical group.
  • Movies:
    • Kvartal is a 2011 Russian film.
    • Snoop Dogg's Terror Quarter
  • Studio "Kvartal-95"
  • “Kvartal” is the colloquial name of the Moscow-Tatar organized crime group “Kvartal”

Quarter (unit of measurement)

Quarter(from a unit of time equal to three months, 1/2 half a year or 1/4 year.

The quarters of the year have different lengths in days. The quarter number in Russia is usually indicated by Roman numerals (I, II, III and IV), and in the USA using the capital letter Q and the quarter number (Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4).

The unit is used primarily for accounting and economic statistics purposes.

Examples of the use of the word quarter in literature.

They could not even imagine that in just twenty blocks, in the heart of the Franciscan quarter, a bloodthirsty crowd tore down the gates of the Abbey monastery and Valentina found herself in a prison yard.

IN quarter For the poor, all the muddy roads are alike, avocado trees grow everywhere, the same mud or tin huts stand, and children with swollen bellies carry cans of water.

Sitting in the kitchenette and sipping beer, he waited for the phone to ring, in case Aurora did show up. Hob and Dorrie caught a taxi at half quarter from the apartments.

That gas station on the boulevard, open all night, is just one quarter from the golf club.

Kvasov new ones were planned neighborhoods on the territory of Admiralteysky Meadow, which determined the beginning of the street.

I worked in a library in quarter Almagro lived on Las Heras and Pueyrredón and had to take long trips on slow and empty trams from this northern quarter to the southern Almagro, to the library located on Avenida La Plata and Carlos Calvo.

I then worked in an unremarkable library in quarter Almagro Sur.

Of course, not out of special spiritual closeness, but rather because Ando is known to everyone in the castle as a great lover of tasty food and drink, and a fun occasion to visit quarter will never miss, and maybe because Ando simply sympathizes as a human being, knows that he was destined for a similar, if no worse, fate, and, apparently, lucky.

True, if I had been more observant, I would have noticed that American bombers are destroying the densely populated areas of the poor in Tokyo - Shitaya and Asakusa, but do not drop a single bomb on quarter Marunouchi, where the buildings of our largest concerns stand, and on quarter s, where the best hotels and the most spacious houses of anti-seismic design rise.

One of our clients, a pharmacy student from the same quarter, came to see us for beauty.

The neighboring pharmacy kiosk was located across quarter, there was nothing to do, I had to go there.

Then suddenly Armand shouted to the driver the name quarter, which she has never been to.

Pierrotin imagined that the manager was having an affair with some charming girl who lived at number seven on Rue Cerise in Arsenalny. quarter, but when he got there, instead of the young beauty he was expecting, he saw Madame Clapart, whose portrait I had just sketched.

Although at that time prices for apartments in Arsenalny quarter were not tall, Madame Clapart lived in the courtyard, on the fourth floor of a mansion that once belonged to some nobleman, since in the old days the nobility settled in the place where the Palace de Tournelle and the Palace Saint-Paul formerly stood.

Standing in front of him in a modest dress, the dress of a rich girl quarter, blonde, meek, captivated by the story of Mademoiselle Austerlitz, surprise appears in her gaze.

All dictionaries Ushakov's Dictionary Architectural Dictionary Reference Commercial Dictionary (1926) Dictionary of forgotten and difficult words of the 18th-19th centuries Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language (Alabugin) Moscow. Encyclopedic reference book Encyclopedic dictionary Ozhegov's Dictionary Efremova's Dictionary

Ushakov's Dictionary

quart l(quarter not right.), quarter, husband. (German Quarter from lat. quartus - fourth).

1. A part of the city bounded by several intersecting streets. “You’re thundering a symphony throughout the whole block.” Griboyedov. In one of the remote quarters of Paris.

| collected The population of this part of the city ( decomposition). The whole quarter was keenly interested in the events.

| part of the street between two intersections ( decomposition). I went to meet her, walked two blocks, but she still wasn’t there.

2. The fourth part (3 months) of the reporting year ( official, chancellor). All allocations for the first quarter have already been spent.

3. City police department in the mid-19th V. (ist.).

Architectural Dictionary

1. Part of a city (2) or large village, bounded by intersecting streets, between adjacent intersections.

2. Part of the forest park area, limited by clearings.

3. City police department (in the mid-19th century).

(Terms of Russian architectural heritage. Pluzhnikov V.I., 1995)

(German Quarter, from lat. quartos - quarter) - part of the built-up area of ​​a populated area, limited by streets. In the development of the quarter, the integrity of the architectural ensemble of buildings must be achieved and economic, sanitary, hygienic and fire safety requirements must be met.

(Dictionary of architectural terms. Yusupov E.S., 1994)

Reference Commercial Dictionary (1926)

1) quarter of the year; the usual division of the calendar year into quarters: the first quarter - January - March, the second - April - June, the third - July - September, the fourth - October - December; (in the business year starting on October 1 in the USSR, the first quarter is October - December, etc.).

2) blocks - areas of forest dachas, cities.

Dictionary of forgotten and difficult words of the 18th-19th centuries

, A , m.

City police department in Russia before 1862

* He is registered in the block[Paradise] retired college secretary. // Goncharov. Break // *

Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language (Alabugina)

A, m.

1. Each of the four parts of the year (three months).

* First quarter of this year. *

2. A part of a city bounded by intersecting streets and squares.

* Live in another quarter. New quarters of the city. *

|| adj.(to 1 value) quarterly, oh, oh.

* Quarterly report. *

Moscow. Encyclopedic reference book

a city police and territorial unit in Moscow since 1782. It consisted of 50-100 households and was controlled by a quarterly overseer. At the end of the 18th century. Moscow was divided into 88 blocks, which were united into 20 police units. As Moscow grew, the number of neighborhoods increased. In 1881, in connection with the reform of the Moscow police, the blocks were replaced by police stations.


wives a measure of liquids, a damask mug, an eighth or tenth of a bucket.

| music the fourth note upward, relative to the first, the middle of the seven sounds that form the ladder.

| The fourth string (on the violin it is a fifth). Quart, quart, related to quart. Men's quarter a quarter, several houses in a city, constituting, as it were, one whole, bounded by a circle of streets. The city is divided into parts (ends), and parts into quarters (quarters). Quarterly, related to the quarter.

| noun police official, head of it. Quartant husband book in quarter, quarter sheet. Men's quartet music with four voices or four instruments. Quartet, related to the quartet. Male quartet keeper a composer or participant in a game performed by a quartet. Quart husband in picket: four cards in a row of the same suit. Quarter major: Ace, King, Queen, Jack. Quarting gold, alloying one share of gold with three shares of silver (ligature), to test and clean it and bring it into sample: only in this content is silver completely separated from gold by strong vodka. -sya, be quartered. Quartering Wed. , duration action according to verb. Quarterdeck husband , mor. quarter-deck. Quarteron husband the fourth generation or third offspring of any crossbreed, such as. black and white, Spanish sheep with simple ones, etc. Quatern husband. - for women in the lotto game, the output of four numbers in one row of card cells.

Dahl. Dahl's Dictionary. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what QUARTA is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • QUART in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    [from lat. quarta (pars) - quarter] unit of volume (capacity, capacity), used in the USA, Great Britain and other countries. 1 quart = ...
  • QUART in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    1) Polish Kwarta - in Poland and Lithuania a measure of liquid and granular bodies (see Russia). In England K. (Quart) = ...
  • QUART in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    see the article...
    [from Latin quarta (pars) quarter] 1) a measure of volume in some countries; in England equals 1/4 gallon, or 2 pints...
  • QUART in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    y, w. 1. A unit of volume of liquids and solids, which has different values ​​in different countries. | In the UK, for...
  • QUART in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    KBAPTA, -y, w. 1. In music: the fourth degree of the scale, as well as an interval (in 2 values) covering four degrees of the scale. 2. ...
    QUARTER, see Interval...
  • QUART in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    QUARTA [from lat. quarta (pars) - quarter], a unit of volume (capacity, capacity), used in the USA, Great Britain and other countries. 1 TO. …
  • QUART in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    1) Polish Kwarta? in Poland and Lithuania, a measure of liquid and granular bodies (see Russia). In England K. (Quart) = ...
  • QUART in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    kva"rta, kva"rts, kva"rts, kva"rt, kva"rte, kva"rtam, kva"rtu, kva"rts, kva"rtoy, kva"rtoy, kva"rtami, kva"rte, ...
  • QUART in the Anagram Dictionary.
  • QUART in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -y, w. 1) A unit of volume of liquids and solids, which has different values ​​in different countries. A quart of beer. [Peter] poured wine...
  • QUART in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
  • QUART in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    (Latin quarta (pars) fourth (part), quarter) 1) unit of volume of liquids and solids in different countries; the value varies greatly; To. …
  • QUART in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    [ 1. unit of volume of liquids and solids in different countries; the value varies greatly; for liquids in the UK - ...
  • QUART in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    unit, interval, consonance, measure, ...
  • QUART in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    1. g. A unit of volume for liquids and solids used in some countries, equal to 1/4 gallon or 2 pints (a little more...
  • QUART in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    kv`arta, ...
  • QUART in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    quart, ...
  • QUART in the Spelling Dictionary:
    kv`arta, ...
  • QUART in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    the fourth degree of the scale, and also In music: the interval N2, covering the four degrees of the fourth scale! In music: the fourth degree of the scale...
  • QUART in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    [from lat. quarta (pars) - quarter], a unit of volume (capacity, capacity), used in the USA, Great Britain and other countries. 1 quart = ...
  • QUART in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    quarts, g. (from Latin quarta - fourth). 1. A measure of bulk solids, liquids (of different sizes), as well as a corresponding size vessel in ...

Dictionary of forgotten and difficult words of the 18th-19th centuries


, A , m.

City police department in Russia before 1862

* He is registered in the block[Paradise] retired college secretary. // Goncharov. Break // *

Reference Commercial Dictionary (1926)


1) quarter of the year; the usual division of the calendar year into quarters: the first quarter - January - March, the second - April - June, the third - July - September, the fourth - October - December; (in the business year starting on October 1 in the USSR, the first quarter is October - December, etc.).

2) blocks - areas of forest dachas, cities.

Moscow. Encyclopedic reference book


a city police and territorial unit in Moscow since 1782. It consisted of 50-100 households and was controlled by a quarterly overseer. At the end of the 18th century. Moscow was divided into 88 blocks, which were united into 20 police units. As Moscow grew, the number of neighborhoods increased. In 1881, in connection with the reform of the Moscow police, the blocks were replaced by police stations.

Efremova's Dictionary


  1. m.
    1. The fourth part of a year, equal to three months.
    2. A part of a city bounded by several - usually four - intersecting streets.
    3. A plot of forest, park, vineyard, etc., usually rectangular in shape.
  2. m. The lowest urban administrative and police unit headed by a quarterly supervisor (in the Russian state until 1862).

encyclopedic Dictionary


(from Latin quartus - fourth),

  1. quarter of a year (3 months).
  2. Part of urban development, limited by streets.
  3. In the Russian Empire, the lowest urban administrative-police unit is headed by a quarterly supervisor. It consisted of several streets and was part of a police station.
  4. In forestry, an area limited by clearings, roads, etc.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language (Alabugina)


A, m.

1. Each of the four parts of the year (three months).

* First quarter of this year. *

2. A part of a city bounded by intersecting streets and squares.

* Live in another quarter. New quarters of the city. *

|| adj.(to 1 value) quarterly, oh, oh.

* Quarterly report. *

Ozhegov's Dictionary

QUART A L, A, m.

1. A part of a city bounded by intersecting streets. Live on the corner of the block.

2. The fourth part of the reporting year. Report for

3. In forestry: a forest area limited by clearings and roads.

4. In Tsarist Russia: the lowest urban administrative-police unit, part of the police station.

| adj. quarterly, oh, oh. K. report. K. warden (head of the quarter in 4 digits; obsolete). Serve as a quarterly (noun).

Ushakov's Dictionary


quart l(quarter not right.), quarter, husband. (German Quarter from lat. quartus - fourth).

1. A part of the city bounded by several intersecting streets. “You’re thundering a symphony throughout the whole block.” Griboyedov. In one of the remote quarters of Paris.

| collected The population of this part of the city ( decomposition). The whole quarter was keenly interested in the events.

| part of the street between two intersections ( decomposition). I went to meet her, walked two blocks, but she still wasn’t there.

2. The fourth part (3 months) of the reporting year ( official, chancellor). All allocations for the first quarter have already been spent.

3. City police department in the mid-19th V. (ist.).

Architectural Dictionary


1. Part of a city (2) or large village, bounded by intersecting streets, between adjacent intersections.

2. Part of the forest park area, limited by clearings.

3. City police department (in the mid-19th century).

(Terms of Russian architectural heritage. Pluzhnikov V.I., 1995)

(German Quarter, from lat. quartos - quarter) - part of the built-up area of ​​a populated area, limited by streets. In the development of the quarter, the integrity of the architectural ensemble of buildings must be achieved and economic, sanitary, hygienic and fire safety requirements must be met.

(Dictionary of architectural terms. Yusupov E.S., 1994)

Sentences containing "quarter"

As reported by the Ministry of Energy, it is expected that during Kasyanov’s negotiations with Rodriguez, the parties will discuss the prospects of extending Russia’s decision to limit oil production and exports into the second quarter.

However, the company expects its operations to be profitable in the third quarter of this year, although profit levels will decline.

At the same time, the domestic economy has been slowing down over the past two quarters.

Walking along the narrow streets of the quarter is safe, but still a little scary.

Then those who have settled in are burned out with flamethrowers, or they simply destroy the houses with volleys of guns, turning the adjacent neighborhoods into ruins.

On March 20, Mikhail Kasyanov will hold a meeting with representatives of the largest Russian oil companies, at which it is planned to determine oil export volumes for the second quarter of this year.

Terrorists threw grenades at a Protestant church in the diplomatic quarter of Islamabad.

These carefree loafers brought it in their pockets, smeared themselves uneconomically, and by the end of the block they began to beg and steal from each other, but Ilya Ilyich could not stand it.

Unlike Moscow, slums were piled up in the very center of the city, and individual blocks simply lay in ruins.

If the emerging trend continues in the current quarter, the situation in the second quarter may be repeated, during which the Ministry of Taxes never managed to fulfill the tax target for revenues to the federal budget.

See also `Quarter` in other dictionaries

In the Russian Empire, the lowest urban administrative-police unit is headed by a quarterly supervisor. It consisted of several streets and was part of a police station. Today, this is the name given to a part of an urban building limited by streets, and a site in forestry limited by clearings. In addition, this is the name of a quarter of the year, three months.

quarter of a year (3 months).


quart\"al, -a

Russian spelling dictionary. / The Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute rus. language them. V. V. Vinogradova. - M.: "Azbukovnik". V. V. Lopatin (executive editor), B. Z. Bukchina, N. A. Eskova and others.. 1999 .

QUARTER (from Latin quartus - fourth) - 1) quarter of the year (3 months). 2) Part of urban development, limited by streets. 3) In the Russian Empire, the lowest urban administrative and police unit is headed by a quarterly supervisor. It consisted of several streets and was part of a police station. 4) In forestry, an area limited by clearings, roads, etc.











in blocks,



(Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”)

(new Latin quartal, from quartus - fourth). A certain number of houses in the city are entrusted to the police supervision of a special officer called the quarter warden.

(Source: “Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language.” Chudinov A.N., 1910)

1) the former division of police units in cities corresponds to the current areas; 2) 1/4 part of the year; 3) a row of houses from the corner of one street to the corner of another; 4) also several rows of houses forming a built-up quadrangle, triangle or polygon; 5) plots per cat. forests are divided by clearings, roads, etc.

(Source: “Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language.” Pavlenkov F., 1907)

1) a row of houses along the street from one intersection to another, ...


a city police and territorial unit in Moscow since 1782. It consisted of 50-100 households and was controlled by a quarterly overseer. At the end of the 18th century. Moscow was divided into 88 blocks, which were united into 20 police units. As Moscow grew, the number of neighborhoods increased. In 1881, in connection with the reform of the Moscow police, the blocks were replaced by police stations.

Moscow. Encyclopedic reference book. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia 1992

(incorrect quarter), quarter, m. (German Quarter from Latin quartus - fourth). 1. part of a city bounded by several intersecting streets. You're thundering a symphony throughout the whole block. Griboyedov. In one of the remote quarters of Paris. || collected Population of this part of the city (colloquial). The whole quarter was keenly interested in the events. || part of the street between two intersections (colloquial). I went to meet her, walked two blocks, but she still wasn’t there. 2. The fourth part (3 months) of the reporting year (official, clerical). All allocations for the first quarter have already been spent. 3. City police department in the mid-19th century. (historical).


QUARTER-A; m.[German Quarter from lat. quartus - fourth]

1. quarter, -a (prof.). The fourth part of the year (three months). First room Report on work for k. Complete work in the second quarter of next year.

2. A part of a city bounded (usually) by four intersecting streets and squares. New city blocks are being built. // Razg. The part of the street between two intersections. The store is two blocks away.

3. Outdated In Russia until 1862: city police department.

4. Specialist. The plot is...


1) quarter of the year; the usual division of the calendar year into quarters: the first quarter - January - March, the second - April - June, the third - July - September, the fourth - October - December; (in the business year starting on October 1 in the USSR, the first quarter is October - December, etc.).

2) blocks - areas of forest dachas, cities.

Reference commercial dictionary. - M.: Publication of the Central Union. Edited by prof. N.G. Filimonova. 1926 .

1. Three months.
2. John Steinbeck's novel "... Tortilla Flat."
3. Roman Polanski’s film “Chinese...”.
4. Collection of Russian poet S.I. Kirsanov “Shock...”.
5. From traffic light to traffic light.
6. Time unit for an accountant.
7. "Time slot" located in the city.
8. General part of the city and year.
9. Part of the city.
10. Part of the city bounded by four intersecting streets.
11. Plot in forestry.

1. m. 1) The fourth part of the year, equal to three months. 2) A part of a city bounded by several - usually four - intersecting streets. 3) A plot of forest, park, vineyard, etc., usually rectangular in shape. 2. m. The lowest urban administrative and police unit headed by a quarterly supervisor (in the Russian state until 1862).

quarter of a year (3 months).


noun, m., used compare often

Morphology: (no) what? quarter, what? quarter, (see) what? quarter, how? block, about what? about the quarter; pl. What? quarters, (no) what? quarters, what? quarters, (see) what? quarters, how? in blocks, about what? about quarters

1. Quarter- this is the fourth part of the year, three months.

The deadline for commissioning the house is the first quarter of next year. | ...



part of a forest area, delimited in accordance with forest management procedures by clearings or other boundaries. Size K. 25-400 ha and more, its shape is rectangular and square. The purpose of dividing forest areas into forests is the convenience of forest management.


QUARTER a, m. quartier de noblesse. unit Generation of nobility. You can call her Germany the drain of all sewage, and after that I ask you to prove sixteen quarters of origin. 1848. A. P. Ermolov Letters. // RS 1876 10 243.

Historical dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian language. - M.: Dictionary publishing house ETS http://www.ets.ru/pg/r/dict/gall_dict.htm. Nikolai Ivanovich Epishkin [email protected] . 2010 .


Black quarter. Unfolding, angle. An undeveloped workers' settlement. BBI, 143.

Large dictionary of Russian sayings. - M: Olma Media Group V. M. Mokienko, T. G. Nikitina 2007

A part of the built-up area of ​​a settlement limited on four sides by streets, presupposing the integrity of the architectural design and compliance with economic fire safety and sanitary and hygienic requirements.

Quarter quart a l [ Not square] ( in all meanings)

Russian word stress. - M.: ENAS. M.V. Zarva. 2001.

quarter Borrowing in the Petrine era from it. language, where Quarter Middle-Lat. quartalis, suf. derived from quarta"quarter" (see career). Literally - “quarter” (of a year, a city). School etymological dictionary of the Russian language. Origin of words. - M.: Bustard N. M. Shansky, T. A. Bobrova 2004
