Reading in a playful way for children. The use of games and gaming techniques in teaching reading to preschoolers in the preliterary period

Reading in a playful way for children.  The use of games and gaming techniques in teaching reading to preschoolers in the preliterary period

Learning to read syllables - this stage in teaching children to read is one of the most important and difficult. Often parents simply don’t know how to teach their child to pronounce two letters together and get “stuck” on this for a long time. Tired of the endless repetition of “ME and A will be MA,” the child quickly loses interest, and learning to read turns into torture for the whole family. As a result, children who already know letters from the age of two or three cannot read simple words even by the age of five, not to mention reading sentences and books.

What to do next when the child remembers the letters? Let’s immediately make a reservation that teaching a preschooler to read syllables can begin BEFORE he has mastered the entire alphabet (moreover, some teachers insist that you need to move on to syllables as quickly as possible, without waiting for all the letters to be learned). But the child must name the letters that we will combine into syllables without hesitation.

In order to begin learning to read syllables, a child only needs to know 3-4 vowels and several consonants. First of all, take those consonants that can be drawn out (S, Z, L, M, N, V, F), this will help teach the child how to pronounce the syllable together. And this is a fundamentally important point.

So, let's look at a few, in our opinion, the most effective techniques, which modern teachers offer for teaching a child to form letters into syllables.

1. Play "Trains"

(game from the manual by E. Baranova, O. Razumovskaya “How to teach your child to read”).

Instead of boring cramming, invite your child to “ride the train.” All the consonants are written on the rails on which our trailers will travel, and the vowels are written on the trailers themselves. We place the trailer on the rails so that a consonant appears in the window, and name what station we have (for example, BA). Next, we move the trailer down the rails until the next consonant and read the syllable that appears.

There is a similar guide in cards "Game "Steam Locomotive". We read the syllables." from E. Sataeva

This game is good because the child does not need to be specifically explained how to add syllables. It is enough to say: “Now we will ride the letter A, it will be our passenger, name all the stations where we will stop.” First, “take a ride” yourself - let the child move the trailer along the rails, and you loudly and clearly call the “stations”: BA, VA, GA, DA, ZHA, ZA, etc. Then invite your child to do this with you in turn. During the game, listening to you, children easily grasp how to pronounce two sounds together. The third time, the child can “ride” himself without much difficulty.

If the child does not know all the letters, stop only at those “stations” that are familiar to him. Next we change the trailer. Now we roll the letters O, U, Y. If the child copes with the task easily, we complicate the task. For example, we go for a speed ride, timing which of the trailers will get to the end of the journey first. Or another option: when stopping at a station, the child must name not only the syllable, but also the words starting with this syllable (BO - barrel, side, Borya; VO - wolf, air, eight; GO - city, golf, guests; DO - rain, daughter, boards, etc.).

Please note that with this game you can practice reading not only open syllables(with a vowel sound at the end), but also closed (with a consonant at the end).

To do this, we take the trailers where the vowels are written in front of the window, and proceed in the same way. Now we have a letter on the trailer, not the passenger, but the driver, she is the main one, she is in front. First, read the resulting “stations” with closed syllables yourself: AB, AB, AG, AD, AZ, AZ, etc., then offer the child a “ride.”

Remember that in this and other exercises we first practice adding syllables with vowels of the first row (A, O, E, U, Y), and then introduce vowels of the second row (Ya, Yo, E, Yu, I) - so-called “iotated” vowels, which make the sound preceding them soft.

When the child is good at reading individual tracks with syllables, alternate the carriages with passengers and drivers, without prompting which particular carriage we will be rolling. This will help the child learn to clearly see where exactly the vowel is in a syllable (the syllable begins or ends with it). At first, a child may have difficulties with this when learning to read syllables.

2. “Run” from one letter to another

(from “ABC for Kids” by O. Zhukova)

This is a visual exercise that will help your child learn to pronounce two letters together.

Before us is a path from one letter to another. To overcome it, you need to pull the first letter until the finger we move along the path reaches the second letter. The main thing we are working on in this exercise is so that there is no pause between the first and second sound. To make it more interesting to practice, replace your finger with a figurine of any animal/person - let it run along the path and connect two letters.

(“A Primer for Kids” by E. Bakhtina, “Russian ABC” by O. Zhukova, etc.).

Many authors of primers and alphabet books use animated images of letters that need to be put into a syllable - they are friends, walk together in pairs, pull each other through obstacles. The main thing in such tasks, as in the previous exercise, is to name two letters together so that the two companion letters remain together.

To use this technique, you don’t even need special manuals or primers. Print out several figures of boys and girls (animals, fairy-tale or fictional characters), write a letter on each of them. Let consonants be written on the boys' figures, and vowels on the girls' figures. Make friends with the children. Check with your child that boys and girls or two girls can be friends, but making two boys friends (pronouncing two consonants together) is not possible. Change pairs, put girls first in them, and then boys.

Read the syllables first in one order, then in the reverse order.

These few techniques are quite enough to teach a child to add two letters into a syllable. And learning in the form of a game will allow you to avoid cramming and boring repetition of the same thing.

4. Games to strengthen the skill of adding letters

— Syllabic lotto

It’s very easy to make them yourself; to do this, you need to select several pictures - 6 for each card and print out the corresponding syllables.

  • The guide will help you “Syllables. Choose a picture based on the first syllable BA-, BA-, MA-, SA-, TA-. Educational lotto games. Federal State Educational Standard of Education "E. V. Vasilyeva"— there are several more tutorials in this series
  • “Letters, syllables and words. Lotto with verification" by A. Anikushena
  • Similar exercises are in the book “Syllable tables. Federal State Educational Standard" N. Neshchaeva

— Shop game

Place toy products or pictures with their images on the counter (for example, FISH-ba, DY-nya, PI-horns, BU-lka, YAB-loki, MYA-so). Prepare “money” - pieces of paper with the name of the first syllables of these words. A child can buy goods only with those “bills” on which the correct syllable is written.

Make an album with your own hands with your child, in which a syllable will be written on one page of the spread, and on the other - objects whose names begin with this syllable. Periodically review and add to these albums. For more effective learning When reading, cover either one or the other half of the spread (so that the child does not have unnecessary clues when naming a syllable or selecting words for a certain syllable).

They will help you with this “Cards for sound and syllabic analysis of words.”

— Airfield game (garages)

We write the syllables large on sheets of paper and lay them out around the room. These will be different airfields (garages) in our game. The child takes a toy plane (car), and the adult commands which airfield (in which garage) the plane should be landed (the car parked).

Zaitsev's cubes or any cards with syllables (you can make them in the form of traces) are suitable for this exercise. We build a long path from them - from one end of the room to the other. We choose two figures/toys. You play one, the child plays the other. Roll the dice - take turns with your figures on the cards for as many moves as the number rolled on the dice. As you step on each card, say the syllable written on it.

For this game you can also use various “adventures” by writing syllables in circles on the playing field.

5. Reading simple words syllable by syllable

Simultaneously with practicing syllables, we begin reading simple words(of three or four letters). For clarity, so that the child understands what parts a word consists of, which letters need to be read together and which ones separately, we recommend that the first words be made up of cards with syllables / individual letters or graphically divide the word into parts.

Words of two syllables can be written on pictures consisting of two parts. Pictures are easier to understand (the child is more willing to read words written on them than just columns of words) plus it is clearly visible into what parts a word can be broken down when reading it syllable by syllable.

Increase the complexity gradually: start with words consisting of one syllable (UM, OH, EAT, UZH, HEDGEHOG) or two identical syllables: MOTHER, UNCLE, DAD, NANNY. Then proceed to reading three-letter words (closed syllable + consonant): BAL, SON, LAK, BOK, HOUSE.

You need to understand that even if a child pronounces all the syllables in a word correctly, this does not mean that he will immediately be able to meaningfully put them together into a word. Be patient. If a child has difficulty reading words of 3-4 letters, do not move on to reading longer words, much less sentences.

Be prepared for the fact that your child will begin to read words fluently only after he has automated the skill of adding letters into syllables. Until this happens, periodically return to practicing syllables.

And, most importantly, remember that any learning should be a joy – for both parents and children!

Philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature, teacher preschool education
Svetlana Zyryanova

Teaching reading to preschoolers in game form- This is a fun and unusual way to conduct classes. Children on entertaining lessons They don’t just memorize letters and put them into syllables. They are completely immersed in the process, trying to accomplish as much as possible. interesting tasks, acquire reading skills without pressure from parents and teachers. We will tell you in our article which games to teach reading for older preschoolers to choose.

Age characteristics of preschoolers

Future first-graders aged 5-7 years are interesting creatures. They are curious about everything new, they absorb information well, but this period has its own characteristics. They should be taken into account before planning the workload and drawing up a work plan for a reading lesson:

  • Kindergarten children speak well and constantly expand their vocabulary.
  • Attention becomes voluntary.
  • Kids love to reason and delve into the essence of a matter or question.
  • Self-esteem and awareness of oneself as an individual grows.
  • Play remains the main form of acquiring knowledge.

The following simple recommendations from teachers and experienced parents will help you achieve success in learning to read:

  1. Make classes interesting, but full of new information. If a child gets bored, then attention will quickly switch to extraneous matters, conversations, objects. But this does not mean that a preschooler only needs to be entertained. Alternate games and serious tasks every 5-7 minutes.
  2. A variety of lesson forms will ensure high-quality knowledge acquisition. Don't use the same games. Little ones get bored with the same type of coloring books, puzzles, walkers, so make a rich library of games.
  3. It is better to exercise every day for 15 minutes than 2 times a week for an hour. Short daily lessons are more effective than long ones educational process occasionally. Learning to read requires regular practice.
  4. Don't put pressure on children. Swearing, screaming, explanations bordering on hysteria and misunderstanding of the reasons for mistakes and difficulties in assimilating information lead to rejection. The child will hate school and books even before he gets to know them thoroughly.
  5. Take breaks for exercise. Switching attention is necessary to relax the brain and eyes.
  6. Use different shapes submission of a new one. Presentations, interactive games, online testers.
  7. Play in class not for fun, but for the sake of an accessible form of presenting information. The choice of tasks should be approached taking into account the children’s progress in reading, the speed of grasping new things, and the level of general development.

Game-based learning: pros and cons

Teaching a child to read at the age of 5-6, built in a playful form, has a lot of positive aspects. The effectiveness of the lessons can be explained age characteristics older preschool children, with an increased level of curiosity for everything new and bright.

Advantages of the method:

  • The child does not get tired or lose interest in the process of receiving new information.
  • Each lesson can be built according to an individual plan, choosing diverse tasks from a rich card index.
  • The preschooler is directly involved in the creation of handouts and demonstration materials for the lesson. For example, he draws letters, sculpts or cuts out of paper for applique.
  • Reading is not brought to the forefront of the lesson. Letters, syllables, and words are learned gradually by the child.
  • child on gaming lessons develops intellectually, creatively, psychologically.
  • The children's team unites.
  • If the lesson is taught in a group, you can focus on the competitive aspect of the games. Children have a desire to do well, read and learn better than others.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • The teacher may have problems with discipline. Excited children often play around and do not listen to the instructions of the teacher or parent.
  • Games and puzzles take up a lot of time.
  • The transition to traditional methods of presenting information necessary for learning to read is difficult for preschoolers to perceive; it takes time to switch attention.

This is interesting! In America and Israel, the game moment is necessarily included in every lesson with kindergarteners and younger schoolchildren. Teachers even take a special exam for the “ability” to teach while playing.

Before starting a reading course, make rough plan work, program for 6 months or a year:

  1. Start by learning and memorizing letters. Use Zaitsev's cube technique as an assistant.
  2. Automate their search and naming. Make crafts from plasticine, decorate letter symbols, choose words that have the same sound.
  3. Gradually combine sounds into syllables, invite your child to compose simple words on their own, look for them in pictures, and write. Play, search for letters, associations. This helps the sounds blend together.
  4. Read the words separately and in small sentences. At this stage, use tasks that involve finding names for pictures, solving puzzles, and crosswords.
  5. Try reading short texts. On initial stage Choose stories from the card index to read with your mother together, with pictures instead of words. Make the task more difficult gradually. Take Zhukova's ABC book to help.

Important! At 5-6 years old, do not demand reading speed from your child. The main task of teaching in the preschool period is skill automation. Tempo and technique will come on your own or with the help of special lessons later.


There are many interesting games for teaching reading to children 6-7 years old. We have collected the most exciting ones, those that preschoolers are sure to enjoy. Download the assignments from the website, print them on your home printer, and study.

Learning letters

The preschooler's task: find pictures with a specific letter.

You need to select the images correctly: simple, understandable and familiar to the kindergartener.

You can start with these:

Kids can play individually or in pairs. In lesson 2-3, after learning a few letters, you can organize a competition.

Read by first letter

The game is unusual, but very effective for developing the speed of thinking and reading in the future. The child needs to remember the name of the objects, highlight the first letter in the word and pronounce only it, placing a card with the letter on the picture.

For example, take the first line on the form. Fox - Christmas tree - Sun. The preschooler should get a FOREST.

For variety, print out pictures for each pair of students rather than per class. Gradually make the game more difficult. Give the children words with 4-5 letters.

Find the letter

The child is offered educational cards where the letters are mixed and printed in different fonts and formats. The preschooler's task is to find the desired sign and circle it with a pencil.

As an additional exercise: you can come up with a couple more words in given letter, find objects in the room whose names begin with them. Use these fun cards for your lesson.

Collect words from letters

Purpose of the game: put the letters in the right order, sign the picture.
The child names the correct word, then listens to himself and selects letters to write in the boxes.

Create Handout I need it with the kids. You will need pictures of animals, a couple of sheets of blank paper, and pencils. There is a “surprise” hidden under every syllable.

During the game, the child focuses on associations with animal sounds, learns letters and syllable reading. The game is suitable for children from 4 years old.

Board games

These can be walkers, lotto, homemade cards for folding in a certain order. It is the tabletop adventures that children perceive best. The game is fun, to complete the steps you need to be able to read syllables or learn letters in the process.

Print out the following walkers for the lesson:

To determine the sequence of moves and the number of steps, children will need dice and knowledge of counting. Adults will have to help the kids a little so that they don’t get confused and play according to the rules.

Let's read together

An exciting game that will appeal to adults and children. There is text printed on the sheet, some words are encrypted with pictures. When reading, you need to insert them in words so that the thread of the story is not lost. While playing, the baby develops attention, reading skills, and vocabulary.


Coloring books, puzzles, puzzles, and creative workshops increase a preschooler’s interest in the learning process and help create an atmosphere of friendship and understanding. Reading learning tasks have one important feature - they are multifunctional. Kids not only learn to read, but also develop motor skills, imagination, fantasy, thinking, and speech. Do without interesting ideas for exercises and games to teach children to read preschool age It's simply impossible.

Find the letters and color them

Choose themed coloring pages. They may contain additional tasks, for example, color only those objects that begin with the letter “B”, color small images of letters, do not touch capital letters, etc.

Find the letters in the picture

Reading time: 12 minutes.

Don't expect school to teach your child everything. Just as a mother teaches a baby the first steps, the basics of reading should be laid in the first years of life. You can’t start learning the alphabet from scratch - instill a craving for literature in your child in advance, before he goes to first grade.

Start with speech development

Before learning to read, a child must learn to speak. And the correctness of speech development directly depends on their environment. The more intelligent the parents, the more attention they pay to the younger generation, the easier it is for the child to develop.

Beginning his first interactions with adults through hooting, the baby gradually tries to imitate speech sounds that he hears every day. And if at first these are just individual syllables, then already from the age of 2 years of normal development the child can operate with simple sentences.

Further - more, the baby moves on to word forms. And the more actively the parents communicate with the child, the more talkative he will be (in a good way). The main help in the development of a child’s speech will be reading, i.e. books that adults will read aloud to their children.

Develop your baby's interest in reading

Naturally, a small child cannot read on his own. But you can accustom him to communicate with literature from the first years of his life. It is children's books that form the correct speech development baby. The more often a child sees a book in the hands of his parents, the more confidence he develops in it, and the faster over time the desire to learn to read independently appears.

Reading should be turned into a kind of ritual - fairy tales, nursery rhymes, lullabies are best perceived before bed. The clearer and more correct the adult’s pronunciation during reading, with emotional connotation, the more memorable the phrases the child will hear will be.

And the clearer the baby’s visual images will appear. And this will further help in learning to read. After all, the better a child thinks in images, the faster and easier he learns.

About the benefits of family reading

And in the future, even magazines and books standing on shelves (and not in the hands of parents) will be associated with positive emotions and attract the child’s attention. In other words, reading books to your child instills a love of literature for life, giving impetus to the fastest learning of independent reading.

In addition, reading to children promotes their spiritual unity with their parents, bringing joy to everyone. And the child develops a feeling of family comfort, which he associates with books. In a family where there is a cult of books, children quickly develop a desire to read.

Read with your children

The best way to prepare your child for independent reading is to read a book while sitting next to your baby. He should see the pages of the book on which the text is written. This will first allow you to visually get used to the letters that involve you in the world of the sacraments.

It’s not for nothing that the first children’s books are rich in colorful illustrations. With their help, you can perceive what you hear in images drawn in the pictures. And when the child will go in first grade and will begin to put letters into words, familiar phrases will already be perceived figuratively, which will make it faster and easier to learn to read.

While reading a fairy tale or nursery rhyme, try to move your child’s finger over the letters so that the baby can see which word you are reading. Visual memory will help with proper learning in the future.

How to properly teach a child to read?

How earlier child will be ready for perception, so much the better - having entered the 1st grade, he must master the basics of reading. Even if the baby goes to kindergarten where he is taught using a special method, parents should also set aside time for joint activities.

How to approach the process itself correctly so that learning is easy? You cannot teach children by force - everything should happen in a playful way. When choosing a technique, you should also take into account the age at which training began.

But in any case, you shouldn’t learn just letters - you should start with phonetic sounds. It will be easier for the child to associate the written symbol with the sound that he is accustomed to hearing.

Learning is easier if each lesson learned is repeated many times. From the moment you learn sounds to reading syllables, monitor your baby’s clear pronunciation of speech.

Stages of training

- then comes the turn of dull sounds;

– leave the sizzling ones for last.

  • Repeat each sound you learn before starting to learn the next one. “Repetition is the mother of learning” - this phrase should become the guiding thread of the entire learning process.
  • In parallel with studying sounds, begin to form syllables (and the very first one can be “ma”, which will be close and sincere to the child). Read the syllable together with your baby, as if singing it. The child should have the feeling that the consonant sound seems to be striving for a vowel. This will help you pronounce sounds in pairs.
  • Do not try to immediately form the learned syllables into words. Let the child first understand the principle of combining vowels and consonants in pairs. Consolidate your knowledge on simple syllables, gradually moving on to difficult to pronounce ones.
  • Having taught your child to form syllables where the consonant sound comes first, proceed to a more complex structure where the vowel comes first (“om”, “ab”, etc.).
  • Having become comfortable with individual syllables, transfer children to reading simple words. Start with those that consist of 2 syllables, then 3-syllables. But the first words that a child reads should be familiar to him and associated with understandable images.

Correct pronunciation is the key to quick learning

Do you know how to teach a child to read quickly? Let him sing every sound and syllable he learns, but do it clearly. When you move on to pronouncing words, at first the syllables should be sung separately, with each subsequent time shortening the gaps between them. And ultimately, the entire word must be sung in one breath.

But so that reading in children is not associated only with singing, the consolidation of the material should take place in normal pronunciation, with clear pronunciation of sounds. At the same time, when you move on to reading sentences, teach your child to take the correct pauses before punctuation marks.

When is the best time to start training?

At what age should children be able to read is a question many parents ask. This, first of all, depends on how psychologically prepared the child is for learning. But it should definitely be said that school should not begin immediately before school, when children are going to 1st grade.

Children can begin to be taught at the age of 3 years, if the child himself expresses a desire to do so. But you shouldn’t force them to sit down with books - this may discourage them from further learning.

The most optimal receptive age at which to prepare for 1st grade is 5 years. And in parallel with reading, children should be taught writing (for now only in printed letters), which will help them consolidate their reading skills.

How do you know when your child is ready?

To understand how to teach a child to read, you must first decide whether the child is ready for such learning. To do this, first test the degree of development of the child.

Training using the Nikitin method

Classics of Russian education, the Nikitins' spouses completely moved away from traditional teaching principles, putting forward their own instead. They believe that children should be given complete creative freedom in the classroom. Only then will they become interested in learning.

There is no need to limit the independence of children - they must do all the work themselves. The third rule is a combination of mental exercises and physical exercises (i.e., learning in a playful way).

Involve your child in joint activities - for example, you can prepare study guides together. And then the baby will perceive the material easier and faster. But the main incentive for successful learning is praise for even the most insignificant victory. And you should never focus on mistakes.

Here are the basic principles by which the Nikitins taught their children (and they can be applied to children 3 years old, 5, and 7):

  • You cannot impose a certain educational program on a child - he himself chooses which form of game is more interesting to him.
  • There is no need to explain the course of the game to your child. Make your studies seem like a fairy tale, where each participant has their own role.
  • In the first stages of play-learning, adults are active participants. In the future, when the child gets used to it, he will be able to continue classes on his own.
  • A learning child should always be unobtrusively given tasks that will become more difficult at each new stage.
  • Don’t dare tell your child – teach him to think for himself.
  • If it is difficult for your child to cope with a new task, do not force him - take a step back and repeat what you have learned.
  • If you notice that your child has lost interest in the game, or has reached the limit of his capabilities (temporary), stop training for a while. Get back to studying when your baby asks. And he will definitely do this, because... all children love to play.

Nikolay Zaitsev – teaching innovator

Traditional teaching based on the “phonemic-verbal” principle enslaves the freedom of speech of the child being taught and forms complexes in him, inhibiting his development - this is what teacher Nikolai Zaitsev believes.

He developed his own unique technique, more like a game than a lesson. Children move freely around the classroom (room). At the same time, they can jump, run, etc. Master educational material You can do it in any position – in motion or sitting, lying down. And this should start earlier - from about 3 years old.

All manuals are posted on walls, boards, cabinets, and tables. Usually this is a set of cardboard cubes. They are of different sizes and different colors. Some faces depict single letters, others – syllables (both simple and complex), and still others – consonants with a soft or hard sign.

Previously, the cubes can be in the form of blanks, which the teacher glues together with the children. In this case, special fillers should be placed inside:

  • It is better to put sticks (wooden and plastic) into cubes with dull sounds;
  • for ringing sounds, metal bottle caps are suitable;
  • Bells will be hidden inside the cubes with vowel sounds.

The cubes should differ in size (both single and double). For soft warehouses - small, for hard ones - large. Color solutions also play a certain role here - each warehouse has its own shade.

In addition to cubes, tables are also used as aids, where all known warehouses are collected. This allows the child to see the entire volume that is to be studied. And this makes the teacher’s job much easier.

Another point that makes it quite easy to master reading is writing. It must run parallel. Before voicing the sounds being studied (not letters), the child himself must learn to translate them into signs. You can do this different ways: move along a sheet of paper with a pencil, across a table with a pointer or laying out cubes.

Various teaching methods

There are constant debates among teachers about how to properly teach a child to read and what methodology to use. And there are quite a lot of them, and each has both its fans and opponents.

For example, Masaru Ibuki’s motto in education is the phrase known to most: “After 3 years it’s too late.” The Japanese teacher bases his methodology on the belief that children under the age of 3 are the most susceptible to learning, during the period of formation of brain cells.

The method of Pavel Tyulenev, who created his “Mir” system, is also similar. Its main idea is to have time to reveal the child’s potential. The teacher believes that one should start from the first minutes of birth. In his opinion, children can learn to read and write before they can walk.

But no matter what methods of teaching a child have been developed (according to Montessori, Froebel, Lupan, etc.), all teachers agree on one thing - learning should take the form of play and be based on love for children. Knowing how to teach your child to read quickly, you will succeed.

For those for whom it is important to find the answer to a question How to learn to read? Today I prepared a wonderful material Maria Kostyuchenko, column leader. Masha is sure that there is the best approach to teaching reading - learning through play. So in today's episode - no less than 12 games for teaching reading!

12 games to help you learn to read

When should you start teaching your child to read - and how? This question sooner or later arises in front of almost every mother. Now there are a lot of methods for teaching reading: whole words, sequences, letters, etc. and so on. Each mother chooses her own way to introduce her child to amazing world books. But there is nothing more effective than learning to read through play! So today I want to show you some ideas on how to make learning about letters and words fun. How to learn to read in the game? There are many, many ways!

Letter, appear!

You can bring letters to life, make them “tactile”, write fairy tales about them, or come up with something else. Or you can use magic. Make 33 cards (choose the size yourself) on each of which write a letter with a white wax pencil or a regular candle. Give your child a card (one or several - it depends on your plan for introducing letters), paints, a brush and offer to paint the card with the color he likes. When the child begins to draw, the letter written in wax will not be painted over, but will appear, thereby surprising and delighting the child.

Find the letter

Having learned to recognize letters, you need to learn to relate letters and words. An interesting game with cards will help you with this. For example, you make several cards in advance with images of objects (they should be simple and understandable) and write 2-3-4 letters next to the image of the object. The child is asked to choose the letter with which the word on the card begins. He can paint it, trace it, put a beautiful pebble on it, attach a clothespin, etc. The main thing is that the child understands what is drawn on the card. For example, you give a card with a picture of a bullfinch and plan for the child to find the letter “C,” but he may interpret the picture as “Bird” and look for the letter “P.” In such cases, you must warn him in advance that you want him to understand what kind of bird it is and find the first letter of its name.

Stained glass - from “A” to “Z”?

Learning to read through creative games goes very well. Great idea - stained glass letter. Take a piece of paper and draw a letter on it so that you can color it in. Take a ruler and draw a sheet of paper so that visually it consists of pieces. Place dots on the pieces that belong to the letter and invite the child to color this unusual pattern. All pieces with dots are colors of the same shade, and all those without dots are colors of a different shade. This way your child will once again consolidate the image of the letter, train his hand and learn how to carefully paint over pictures, as well as get acquainted with shades of the same color. For example, he will paint the letter with shades of orange: peach, pumpkin, honey, copper, amber, etc.

Learning to read by stringing beads?

From letters we move on to composing words. An excellent option for games where the child not only learns to read, but also develops fine motor skills. Write a word for your child (it’s better to start with small words), maybe with a picture. Place in front of him cubes-beads with letters (if there are no such cubes, then you can either make them yourself from a self-hardening mass for modeling or from salt dough, and you can also use cards with letters in which holes will be made with a hole punch), chenille wire (you can just a lace). Now show how to assemble a word by stringing letters on a wire.

A simulator for teaching reading “out of nothing”

A similar game, only it is made much simpler and from what we have at hand. You will need lids for this! Glue letters onto the lids (or write with a marker if the lids are white) and start putting words together!

Attach the word!

The letter is missing!

When we learned to read, it was time to learn to recognize words, even if they are missing letters. Make cards with words that do not have 1 or more letters (you can adjust the difficulty level yourself), 33 clothespins with a letter attached to the ends. Invite your child to read the word and find the clothespin with the missing letter.

We reach a new level and learn to compose sentences on our own. And a regular block constructor will help us with this. How smaller child, the larger the parts should be. We measure blocks, make cards with words, glue the cards to the construction set and we can build entire houses from words.

Puzzles for those learning to read

Letter... "in a haystack"

development of phonemic memory
Repeat the letters -
effective memorization of letters
memory and intelligence training
expand your vocabulary

Reading words by word order for kids - learning letters

The purpose of this section is to move from letters to reading words. Thanks to this section, children will understand how words are formed from letters.

Fluent reading for children 4-6 years old

A large number of adapted and speaking texts for children.

How to teach a child to read correctly?

Many parents take on this task with excitement, rush to introduce their child to letters and often make mistakes when teaching reading, which then prevent the preschooler from reading and writing correctly. What “dangers” await a child on the path to mastering literacy? How to choose an ABC book Which is best for teaching reading? And how can parents teach their child to read and write, avoiding methodological errors when teaching reading?

Even before you start learning to read, your baby must be taught to distinguish and highlight the sounds of our speech. A well-developed phonemic awareness will be the foundation on which competent writing and reading will be built in the future. But underdevelopment of sound analysis skills leads to errors in writing and reading.

In the process of learning to read, a preschooler must master the skills of sound analysis:

  • find the place of the sound in the word (beginning, middle, end of the word);
  • know and distinguish the concepts of “sound” and “letter”, “syllable” and “sound”, “syllable” and “word”, “vowel sound” - “consonant sound”, “hard consonant” - “ soft consonant", "voiced consonant" - "voiceless consonant";
  • be able to divide a word into syllables.

When starting to introduce your child to the sounds of our speech, train him in isolating the sound being studied from a word, finding the position of a given sound in a word, and identifying the characteristics of this sound (vowel/consonant). When the child has mastered a sufficient number of sounds and letters, it is necessary to familiarize him with such features as voiced-voicedness, hardness-softness of consonants.

Learning letters

The purpose of this section is to introduce children to writing letters and to teach them to perceive letters by ear.

Repeat the letters
  • Clap when you hear the sound [A];
  • Select pictures in the names of which the sound [A] is at the beginning of the word (at the end of the word, in the middle of the word);
  • Game "Vowel or Consonant". The adult names the sounds of our speech familiar to the child. The baby picks up a red card if he hears a vowel sound, a card of blue color, if the sound is consonant.
  • Game "On the contrary". An adult calls solid sound, the child must name its soft counterpart.
  • « Syllabic lotto" The child arranges the pictures into different houses (one-story, two-, three-, or four-story) depending on how many syllables the word contains (1, 2, 3, 4);

Introducing letters and reading for preschoolers

When introducing a child to sounds, we immediately learn the letter denoting that sound. First, these are simple vowels A, O, U, Y, E (the so-called front vowels). Then consonants that sound drawn out, for example M, N, X, S, V, Z, L. And immediately we teach the child to merge 2 sounds into a syllable.

But not all parents and even teachers know how to teach reading to preschoolers.

What mistakes do parents often make when teaching reading?

It would be a mistake to call a letter not by its sound analogue, but by the way it is called in the alphabet:[Be], [Ve], [Sha], etc. Sometimes in my speech therapy practice I come across cases where parents, in a hurry to introduce the child to letters, did not pay attention to the fact that the child names the letter in a similar way, for example: [Shi], [Ly], [You]. What is the danger? Almost always, such a name for a letter leads to violations of the sound analysis of the letter. The child begins to read and write a word, substituting sounds that do not exist in it (and letters in the letter). For example, instead of “MOM” he will read “MEAMEA”, instead of “WOLF” he will write “VEOLK”, etc. After all, for him the letter M means two sounds [M] [E], the letter L is for him [L] [E], because he is used to calling this letter [LE]! And correcting such errors in reading preschoolers and schoolchildren is much more difficult than preventing them in the process of learning to read and immediately teaching the child to read correctly.

Therefore, the first rule when learning to read: when introducing a child to a LETTER, name it as the SOUND is pronounced: B - [B], not [BE] R - [R]; not [ER]; Ш - [Ш], not [Sha], etc.

Second rule: to teach a child to read correctly, it is necessary to immediately learn to read syllables CONTINUOUSLY, as soon as the child has memorized several vowels, and not letter by letter. For example: from the vowels [A], [U] immediately add the syllables AU, UA. Under no circumstances should you allow reading first by letter: [A], [U], and then repeating the syllable [AU]. The first vowel can be drawn out while the child’s attention is drawn to the next letter - this way the syllable does not break off, but is read together [АААААУУУУ]. The same thing happens with consonants: from the letters A, M - [AM], [MA]. And so on. This error easily takes root when learning to read, but it can be quite difficult for a child to get rid of it without the help of a speech therapist - I can say with authority, based on my own speech therapy practice.

And third. Choose your Primer carefully. Not all primers serve the purpose of teaching literacy equally well. One primer will be a good help, but another will reduce motivation and add confusion to the reading process. A superficial choice of primer will be a serious mistake when learning to read.

Teaching reading to preschoolers

Primer (ABC - the first book with which to begin learning to read and write. Computer training programs are being introduced into modern life everywhere. We have developed a perfectly illustrated online option ABC book for kids. When developing the Primer, time-tested developments from the Adaline psychic center were used.

Let's turn to history. The first Russian Primer was printed by pioneer printer Ivan Fedorov in Lvov in 1574. The primer contained the alphabet, a section for teaching the subjunctive method, grammar rules, spelling, and reading material. The first capital manual for teaching literacy - Primer by Vasily Burtsov. Published by the Capital Printing House in 1634. This primer was distinguished by its special elegance and simplicity. The book had a small, successful format. Unlike Ivan Fedorov, Burtsov highlighted letters, syllables and names of sections of the primer in reddish color. The primer used excellent fonts and graphic design, the construction of each page was precise and perfectly meaningful. A primer was compiled based on the standard of Fedorov's alphabet.

Letters. Games with signs. Exercises for repeating and memorizing letters. The exercises and educational games from this section will help you repeat and consolidate the material covered in the Primer. Our educational games will allow the preschooler to understand the image (writing) block letters Russian alphabet, they will teach you to identify sounds in words by ear and select words for a given letter. You need to move on to exercises for memorizing letters only after learning from the Primer. Currently, our online Primer is recognized as the best on the Internet. It contains not only games and tasks for memorizing letters and associated sounds, but also teaches reading syllables (syllables for reading). The Bukvar has a huge variety of educational games and tasks, they are all interactive. The primer showed very excellent results in teaching preschoolers and primary schoolchildren to read syllables.

Exercises and games for repeating and memorizing letters have different levels of difficulty. Some kids cannot complete all tasks the first time. You can skip the task that caused difficulty and return to it later. This does not give parents a reason to be upset, much less reproach the baby. In older preschool age, the child’s level of development often depends on who, how and how much works with the child. Just pay attention to what causes difficulties for your baby and work with him, selecting the appropriate materials and exercises.

Syllables. Lessons on reading syllables. On the pages of our website you will find a huge amount of materials for teaching kids to read syllables and word-by-syllable reading. Unfortunately, in most alphabets and primers that are sold in stores, there are no guidelines on methods of teaching how to read syllables. The first pages of such publications introduce children to signs, and then exercises are given for reading syllables and syllable-by-syllable reading of words. Often, exercises for reading syllables and syllable reading do not have any explanations; On the reading pages, syllables and words with highlighted syllables simply appear. But how can a child read a syllable? In our Primer there is a video with methodological instructions on composing and reading syllables. Not without pride, we note that our online Primer recognized as the best on the Ruinternet. We strongly advise you to move on to teaching your child using the lessons below only after getting acquainted with our Primer, as well as completing games with signs.

Our lessons on reading syllables include several types of tasks and exercises. They are used perfectly in assignments and exercises for lessons. known to the child words consisting of 2-3 syllables. Syllables consist of two letters, a vowel and a consonant. Usually, the baby does not have any difficulties during classes. If a child does not yet know how to use a computer mouse, he can make his own choice of answer, demonstrating it to an adult, and the adult uses the mouse to perform the required action.

Learning to read words It is recommended to move on to lessons on learning to read words after studying our Primer and following the assignments in the subsections “Games with signs”, “Lessons in reading syllables”. The ability to read words correctly for a child is not enough. He must understand the meaning of what he read. In previous exercises in the “Teaching Reading” section, great attention was paid to sound analysis words and syllables, development of phonemic hearing. The purpose of this subsection is to teach the child to understand the meaning of the words read. The tasks in the subsection “Learning to read words” are based on 6 types of different techniques: linking a word to a visual form; linking a visual appearance to a word; correlation of individual words with groups of visual images, united together in meaning; study of the concepts of part and whole; search for hidden words in the letter table; substitution of letters in a word in order to change the meaning of the word. Teaching reading to preschoolers We learn to read online together with entertaining games from the “Teaching reading to preschoolers” section of our website. Here you will find 120 games that teach reading online, divided for convenience into 20 lessons.

Online games for learning to read are presented in order of increasing difficulty: first games with signs, later games with syllables, then games with words and games with sentences. Also, lessons on learning to read include exercises aimed at developing the skills necessary for learning to read: phonemic awareness, spatial thinking, attention, memory, visual perception. All training is carried out in an interesting game form. If you are looking for information on the Internet using the following queries in a search engine: learning to read by playing, games learning to read, learning to read by syllables, methods of teaching reading, then you will certainly be intrigued by this section of our website.

Teaching reading to a preschooler in a playful way

At the present stage of development, it is customary to think that full-fledged education of a student should begin at the age of 6-7 years. At this age, a preschooler is already independent, knows how to take care of himself, and knows a lot. Active perception increases, it reaches 7-10 minutes.

Although in Lately Pedagogical and psychological studies have appeared that prove that a child’s education should begin at early preschool age. And the right moment when it is advisable to start training is considered to be the age of 3 years. One cannot but agree that at the age of three a preschooler seems very tiny. Therefore, we can anticipate the parents’ question “Why so early?” The answer to this is hidden in the developmental characteristics of the youngest.

Psychological characteristics of a 3-year-old child

The age of 3 years is considered a crisis in the development of a student. At this time, the baby finally develops as a person. Of course, your child still doesn’t know how to do a lot, so it’s time to do full-fledged training. A three-year-old child is already fully aware of the world and declares his “I”. This period of human development is still “the age of why.” Children who have already learned to speak begin to actively explore the world.

Logic, spatial thinking and memory

The main thing is not to miss this stage of a child’s development, because it is from the age of three that the seedlings of spatial and logical thinking are formed. the child begins to realize that objects are three-dimensional and can imagine and describe them. The logical beginning appears when your son or daughter asks a string of questions that follow from one another. For example, a dialogue like this:

- Mom, what is this? (the child points to the speed bump on the road, over which the bus carefully rolls).

- Why is he lying there? - asks the kid.

- Why a policeman? – the child does not calm down.

“This is a speed bump,” says mom.

- Because it lies on the road.

In addition to logic and spatial thinking, the student’s memory is activated. It is important for a child to remember the answers to all the questions he has acquired. Therefore, a preschooler can repeatedly learn the same thing from his parents. He learns, he remembers. Parents and teachers should only help the student with this. The “why” age makes it quite easy to teach a child the basics of reading.

The article was devoted to the topic "Teaching reading to preschoolers game".
