How to improve yourself in all areas. Self improvement

How to improve yourself in all areas.  Self improvement

Toilet paper, pasta, canned food, soap are just some of the items that are quickly disappearing from supermarket shelves in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak. Let's call a spade a spade: these are not purchases out of necessity, but purchases out of panic. And although this is a completely understandable reaction of people to an uncertain situation, it does not affect the lives of others in the best way.

The level of self-esteem somehow influences a person’s actions. A person constantly underestimates his capabilities, as a result, “life prizes” go to others. If your self-esteem is getting lower and lower, then the 20 tips given in this article will help you. By starting to apply them in your life, you can increase your self-esteem and become a confident person.

Many will agree that, from time to time, they are overcome by unwanted thoughts that cannot be gotten rid of. They can be so strong that even doing something interesting doesn’t help at all. This is accompanied by negative emotions, which add excruciating sensations. Sometimes it seems that it is impossible to overcome such thoughts, but if you look at the problem from different points of view, you can find the right solution.

We kill our happiness with our own hands. The negativity that we carry in ourselves towards others, destructive thoughts, envy, anger, resentment - this list is endless. Review your life, let go of unpleasant memories, get rid of people, activities and things that poison your mind. Tune in to goodness and positivity. Do something pleasant, something you have long dreamed of.

A person’s life changes with age, desires and priorities change. This is a completely normal process, although each of us is individual. If you want to make the most of your life after 30, the following 9 tips will help you.

The fight against complexes is often very difficult due to lack of motivation. And in order to achieve maximum effect in the fight against complexes, you need to develop tactics for yourself to find the necessary motivation and further actions. It is on such joint work that the principle of working on oneself is built.

Happiness is, no matter what anyone says, the goal of every person’s life. But is it so difficult to achieve this goal? People strive to become happy, but they neglect simple joys, which together can give this feeling. Here are some ways to help you feel happier.

Do you want to become a healthy person? If you follow the advice given in this article, then we can say with complete confidence that you will become healthier than before. They seem simple at first, but start doing them and you will be amazed at the real changes in your health and condition.

Touchiness is not an incorrigible, pathological character trait; it can and should be corrected. Resentment is a person’s reaction to a discrepancy with his expectations. It could be anything: a word, an action, or a sharp glance. Frequent grievances lead to bodily illnesses, psychological problems and inability to build harmonious relationships with others. Do you want to stop being offended and learn to understand your grievances? Then let's look at how this can be done.

Personal development is not rocket science. It can be developed gradually and slowly. Even the small things you do or the effort you put in have a much bigger impact on your life than you think. It all depends on how YOU want others to perceive you.

To improve your personality, we offer the following 21-step program designed on a daily basis.

Day 1: Explore Yourself

At some point, we all question what or who we really are. If you are able to find the answer to this question, consider that you have already overcome half of the obstacles. If not, you must analyze yourself and understand what you are passionate about. When you start doing things you love, you feel positive vibrations. Then people begin to notice you, recognize you, appreciate your work and much more. In the end, you will gain experience in what you love and can become the best in your field.

Analyze what makes you happy in both your personal and professional life. You will instantly feel the difference when you start doing the things you love most.

Day 2: Observe others

There is no better way to understand yourself and life around you than observation. Each simultaneously combines both advantages and disadvantages. If you are attracted to a person, try to find out exactly what qualities attract you to him, what qualities he has positive sides, why others like him or why others admire him. This task will allow you to find good features in the person you meet, and you will be able to realize these good qualities in yourself. The more virtues you have, the better your personality.

Day 3: Be bold and ready to explore

To improve yourself, always ask yourself the question: “Where am I today?” It's not about physical space, but about internal state. If you feel like you can't get a valid answer, analyze where you went wrong or what prevented you from getting what you really wanted. We all create comfort zones, whether at home or at work, and then try not to leave them. Try to abandon this zone. Get out there and see how many adventures life has in store for you. It's fun and interesting to do what you really want and not be blocked by a shield that limits you and your capabilities. Meet new people, go on adventures and be confident in what you do. Take your time, but be sure to move forward!

Day 4: Love and praise yourself

Have you congratulated yourself for something good? If you haven't done this yet, start now! There's no better feeling than complimenting yourself when you've done something really well. Compliments always have a positive effect, and when you give them to yourself, you know that you truly DID a great job. Praise makes you feel energized, happy, and helps bring other people closer to you. Don't forget that you are worthy of admiration and interest from others!

Day 5: Admit your mistakes

We are all human, and people make mistakes. Accept the fact that no one is perfect, not even you. Admitting at least one mistake is a really big step in personal improvement. By trying to be a perfectionist, you are only dooming yourself to a series of disappointments and constant dissatisfaction with both your own life and the world around you.

Day 6: Live a conscious life

Spend time only on things that are important to both you and others. Stop worrying about failure. Only they will help you understand how you can become better. Avoid being distracted by television programs or computer games, which do not bring any benefit, but only make you feel lethargic and exhaust you. Once you start living your life in a conscious way, you will begin to attract more positive events to you.

Day 7: Choose optimistic people

We are our thoughts and actions, which are influenced by others. Always try to be with people who see the positive in life and are more willing to help you change your outlook. Avoid people who are always pessimistic about life. They will only burden you with doubts and you will not be able to achieve anything.

Day 8: Broaden your horizons

If you want others to see you as an interesting person, you must become one. And acquiring knowledge is one of best methods. Cultivate the habit of collecting additional information. It can relate to anything that interests you. Reading books, articles, talking to people - all this various ways obtaining information and improving knowledge, which will ultimately make you an interesting person and an excellent conversationalist.

Day 9: Be yourself

Never pretend to be someone you are not. People hate to be deceived and you must understand that they can easily recognize whether you are real or hiding behind a mask. People value the real you, not the actor you. There is a big difference between these concepts. Therefore, develop an interesting personality in yourself so that you do not have to flaunt an empty image.

Day 10: Learn something new

Your mind is like a big sponge, absorbing more and more as you feed it. Explore all kinds of things from different walks of life. Never underestimate yourself as if you can't learn more. Learn something new, find new hobbies, read unfamiliar books, etc. - and you can discover unexpected talents and qualities in yourself that others will notice and appreciate. Information rejuvenates the mind and opens up new perspectives for you.

Day 11: Be Positive

Think about what kind of people you would like to be friends with: someone with a sense of humor and positive attitude to life or with someone who constantly whines and complains? Likewise, if you are a person who openly complains about everything, people will not be drawn to you. You must face all your problems. Therefore, there is no point in thinking about them. Instead, develop the habit of being positive all the time. cheerful person, which makes friends laugh. Only then will you be welcomed with all your heart in all companies.

Day 12: Believe in yourself

Doubts make you give up, so believe in yourself! Repeat this every day and you will see how your life will change. Anything you dream of can be achieved, you just need to believe in it. own strength.

Day 13: Find a role model

We are all, to some extent, influenced by one person or another. And all because we like their personality. Watch them, take advice from them, listen to answers to questions. In times of crisis, this is the best way to improve your personality.

Day 14: Exude Confidence

Most often, people confuse personality with appearance. Personality does not mean being smart and looking good. It's too easy. But the confidence in your eyes, the cruelty in your voice and the language of your body are precisely those traits that characterize the right kind of personality. Constantly work on this, because confidence is the key to success. Such personalities always attract others.

Day 15: Variety

Life rules, social norms, instructions that will help change your personality - all this quickly gets boring. Mix up your daily routine with some spicy, unexpected and even a little crazy activities. Then your life will become bright and exciting, and the process of self-improvement will not seem boring and routine.

Day 16: Don't shout

People who talk loudly appear too noisy and annoying. When in public, you must know how and when to speak. Speak softly but firmly. This will demonstrate your confidence and diplomacy.

Day 17: Know when to argue

Sometimes your opinion may differ from the opinions of others, and this does not mean that only you are right and the other person is wrong. Accept the views of others, because you yourself can make mistakes. People will respect you for understanding rather than trying to impose your views.

Day 18: Help other people

At times, your friends or those you are attached to may fall into difficult situation. Protect them and they will be grateful for the rest of their lives. This demonstrates that you care about them and are ready to help at any time, and such people are respected and admired.

Day 19: Improve your body language

Body language is one of the aspects by which others evaluate you first. Making eye contact when communicating shows your confidence and openness. Never speak while looking at your feet, but keep your head high. Stand in full height, never slouch. Always smile pleasantly, because it does not require extra effort, but has great returns.

Day 20: Motivate yourself

Motivating yourself and others - best tool in improving the personality of a person who creates positive waves around himself and attracts others. In addition, self-motivation helps achieve goals and makes a person successful.

Day 21: Build Your Brand

If you are unique and different from others, people will remember you even if they only met you once. Leaving a brand behind is the best way to ensure that you are a GREAT PERSON.

We have the power to shape our characters the way we want. When we develop ourselves, we improve not only our own personality, but also the people around us. I hope this simple article will help those who are looking for ways to improve their personality. Implement it and you will see noticeable changes in yourself!

1. The mirror principle. Before judging others, you should pay attention to yourself.

2. The principle of pain. An offended person inflicts offenses on others.

3. The principle of the upper road. We are moving to more high level when we begin to treat others better than they treat us.

4. The boomerang principle. When we help others, we help ourselves.

5. The hammer principle. Never use a hammer to kill a mosquito on someone else's forehead.

6. The principle of exchange. Instead of putting others in their place, we must put ourselves in their place.

7. Principle of learning. Every person we meet has the potential to teach us something.

8. The principle of charisma. People show interest in a person who is interested in them.

9. Principle 10 points. Believing in people's best qualities usually makes them show their best qualities.

10. The principle of confrontation. You should take care of people first and only then enter into confrontation with them.

11. The principle of stone rock. Trust is the foundation of any relationship.

12. The principle of the elevator. In the process of relationships, we can lift people up or bring them down.

13. The principle of the situation. Never let a situation mean more to you than the relationship.

14. The Bob Principle. When Bob has problems with everyone, the main problem is usually Bob himself.

15. The principle of accessibility. Being at ease with ourselves helps others feel at ease with us.

16. The principle of the trench. When preparing for battle, dig a trench for yourself large enough to fit a friend in it.

17. The principle of agriculture. All relationships need to be cultivated.

18. The 101 percent principle. Find the 1 percent we agree with and focus 100 percent of our effort on it.

19. The principle of patience. Traveling with others is always slower than traveling alone.

20. The principle of celebration. The true test of a relationship is not only how faithful we are to our friends when they fail, but also how much we rejoice when they succeed.

21. The principle of friendship. Other things being equal, people will tend to work with those they like; under other unequal conditions, they will still do it.

22. The principle of cooperation. Collaboration increases the likelihood of joint victory.

23. The principle of satisfaction. In a great relationship, all the parties need to do to enjoy it is simply being together.

Incredible facts

"We are what we continually do. Excellence is not one action, it is a habit." (Aristotle)

Scientists say that if you have willpower, it takes about 30 days for a person to form a new habit. Creating something new and going beyond your comfort zone – this is already 80 percent of success.

It is very important to make small but necessary changes every day for at least a month.

"How can you eat an elephant? A little bit every day." The same philosophy applies to making changes in your life. Trying to bite off more than you can chew will inevitably lead to problems with your digestive tract.

However, small, targeted "bites" will help you create simple, productive habits, and are an amazing way to make positive changes and get excited about your life.

When you start small, you don't need a lot of motivation to do it. The simple act of “starting” will give you momentum, and very soon the spiral of change will begin to spin.

Below are 30 tasks which must be completed within 30 days. If you approach the issue responsibly, you will see that each of them has potential that will help you introduce a new habit into your life.

Yes, there is overlap between some tips. And no, you shouldn't try to do everything at once. Take 2-5 and commit to them sincerely over the next 30 days. Once you've developed these new healthy habits, move on to a few more.

1. Use words that are associated with happiness in your speech.

As a rule, when you ask someone “how are you?”, the answer you hear is “fine”, “I’m fine”, etc. Try the next time you are asked such a question and answer: “fabulous!”

This will certainly make the person smile and ask you what is causing these feelings. You say that you are healthy, your family is healthy, you live in a free country. There is no reason not to be happy.

The difference is simply in the choice of words. People who answer this way are not better than others, they are just much happier. Test it out for yourself over the next 30 days by practicing something similar.

2. Try something new every day

Variety is the spice of life. You can see or do something a million times, but the first time is always the same. As a result, the “first time” experience often leaves vivid emotions in our minds that illuminate our lives.

Make an effort and try something new every day for the next 30 days. It could be completely the new kind activity or just some minor experience, for example, a conversation with a stranger.

Once you get off the ground, many of these new experiences will open doors to new life opportunities.

Self-improvement methods

3. Do one selfless act every day.

What usually happens in life is that you get out what you put in. When you make a positive impact on someone's life, yours own life positive changes are also taking place.

Do something that helps other people feel happier and helps them suffer less. It will be a very rewarding experience. You will probably remember something you have done forever. Obviously, in this case, the scope of your activities is limitless.

4. Learn and practice a new skill daily

Self-confidence is a vital key to a healthy and productive life. To be self-confident, you need to master a basic set of skills and be able to handle them very well, or better yet, be a jack of all trades.

Contrary to what you may have learned in school, a jack of all trades will be much more prepared for life than someone with a highly specialized occupation. Plus, learning new skills is always fun.

Work on yourself

5. Teach someone something new

Inner happiness and zeal comes from applying these “gifts” on a regular basis. What do people usually thank you for? What are they asking you to help them with? Most people's talents and passions can help someone else in one way or another.

Perhaps you are good at painting, teaching mathematics, or maybe you are a good cook? For the next 30 days, try dedicating some time each day to share your talent and experience with others.

6. Spend one hour a day on your passion.

Do what interests you. It could be anything. For some it is a hobby, others find refuge in faith, others attend social clubs or take an active part in the city council.

In each case the psychological result is the same. A person does what he believes in very strongly. Such interaction helps you feel happy and life takes on meaning.

7. Be friendly with everyone, even those who are rude to you

Being friendly with someone you don't like doesn't mean you're being insincere. This shows that you are mature enough to control your emotions. Treat everyone with kindness and respect, even those who are rude to you, not because they are nice, but because you have a light within you.

Do this for 30 days and you won’t notice how the rudeness around you will dissolve.

Personal development

8. At any time in your life, try to concentrate on the positive aspects.

True winners in life cultivate optimism. They know how to create and manage their own happiness. No matter the situation successful man will always find a reason for optimism, because he knows that failure is an opportunity to grow and learn new lessons from life.

People who think optimistically view the world as a place filled with an infinite number of opportunities, especially during difficult times. Try to spend the next 30 days looking on the bright side of things.

9. Know how to admit defeat and learn from difficult situations

It's important to remember that everything we go through are life lessons. It's part of the experience. Never forget to learn your lesson, especially when things don't go your way.

If you didn't get the job you wanted or the relationship isn't going the way you expected, it means only the best is ahead. It is important to learn the lesson because it is the first step to something new and better.

In the next 30 days, try to remember and analyze all the life lessons that you have learned from life.

To make life better

10. Look back at your life and enjoy it here and now

Life happens to us every second. Ask yourself: How much of your life are you actually living rather than existing? Most likely, you, like most people, will answer this question: “not enough.”

The key is to focus a little less on “doing” and a little more on “being.” Remember, the only thing you have is the present moment. Life is now. Spend the next 30 days truly living and you won't be able to go back to your old routine.

11. Get rid of one thing every day for 30 days

There is so much clutter in our lives (in the office, in the car, in the house), and we are so used to it that we no longer notice how it affects us.

If you free the surrounding space from clutter, then the internal clutter will also disappear. Every day, find something unnecessary in your environment and throw it away. It's very simple. This may be difficult at first, and some resistance will inevitably follow.

However, over time, you will learn to get rid of unnecessary things and your mind will thank you for the effort.

12. Create something new

Creation is a process that inspires like nothing else. When you invent something new with your own hands, you are filled with an indescribable sense of integrity. Nothing can replace this.

The only point in this case is that you must be sincerely interested in it. If you create financial plans for clients during the day, and at the same time you hate them, then this type of activity does not count.

But if you have something that you love, and you can create something related to your passion, then life will shine with new colors. If you have never created anything just for the sake of creating it, be sure to try it.

13. Don't tell a single lie for 30 days

For all its apparent innocence, the white lies that ooze out of us are more dangerous than they seem. But you can get rid of it. Stop deceiving yourself and others, speak from your heart, only the truth.

14. Get up 30 minutes earlier every morning

Try waking up half an hour earlier, and you won't run around the house like crazy, afraid of being late. This feeling is familiar to every second of us. This half hour will help you avoid speeding tickets, being late for work and other unnecessary headaches.

Do this for at least a month, and then analyze how it affected your life.

Personal self-improvement

15. Get rid of three bad habits in 30 days

Are you eating too much fast food? Do you spend too much time playing video games? Or maybe you like to argue about anything? Each person knows his own bad habits. Pick 3 of them and stop doing them for a month. If you hold out, you won't want to go back to them anymore.

16. Watch TV less than 30 minutes a day

Entertain yourself with real emotions. Great memories are the product of interesting things life experience. Therefore, turn off the TV, computer, and go for impressions in real life.

Interact with the world, appreciate nature, pay attention to the simple pleasures life offers, just watch it unfold.

How to become better

17. Identify one long-term goal and work on it for an hour every day.

Break your goal down into small pieces and focus on working on each piece every day. It's important to keep the pieces small but consistent. The most difficult thing in this matter is to take the first step.

Over the next 30 days, regularly devote time to your dream. Start with a small dream and turn it into reality.

18. Read one chapter of a good book every day.

With an endless stream of information on the Internet, often full of simple and shallow text fragments, people are spending more and more time reading online. However, the web will never replace the wisdom found in some of the classics that have carried profound messages into the world for generations.

Books open doors to your mind and your life. Find the list good books and start reading today.

19. Watch or read something that inspires you every morning.

Sometimes all we need is to hear a rousing speech. For the next 30 days, before you eat breakfast or before leaving the house, watch a motivational video or read a story or blog that inspires you.

Improving yourself

20. Do something every day that makes you laugh.

Watch a funny video, read your favorite comic, or find a good joke on the Internet. A good, sincere laugh stimulates the brain and energizes a person. Best time for this it is the middle of the day.

21. For 30 days, forget about alcohol and other stimulants.

If you drink alcohol and other stimulants with enviable regularity, then try to get rid of them for at least 30 days. You will feel better. There are many other natural ways to get energy. Eg:

- turn on the light, darkness provokes laziness.

- go out into the fresh air more often, it sharpens all your senses.

- Call a close friend: Talking to someone you care about is just the thing to boost your mood.

- reduce the amount of carbohydrates you consume, fruits such as raspberries, apples, oranges and grapefruits will fill you up with energy very quickly, eat less bread, dairy products and meat.

- Chew mint gum or drink mint tea to help you feel fresher.

- drink a glass of very cold water, this will “wake up” you.

- be organized, you will save a lot of energy if everything is in its place.

- practice altruism.

- Exercise and stretch regularly in the morning.

- drink more water, dehydration can reduce blood volume, which inevitably leads to fatigue.

- wear bright clothes. This trick has to do with the mood you project for those around you and the back and forth mood they project onto you.

22. Exercise at least half an hour every day for a month

Your health is the quality of your life. Don't let him get away. Eat right, exercise, and get an annual physical.

23. Purposefully put yourself in uncomfortable situations and face your fears daily.

Taking small, continuous steps into uncomfortable territory will help us get around the biggest barrier to positive change: fear.

Sometimes we are afraid that we won't succeed. Sometimes we subconsciously fear luck because we are afraid to deal with the mandatory professional growth that success requires.

Well, that's it. It's a new year, a new beginning, a new day, and it's time to make some improvements! Luckily, it's almost as easy to do as it is to say—even the smallest things can feel like giant leaps toward self-improvement. By setting your mind to the new and improved you, you will become that updated version of yourself in no time.


Part 1

Simple improvements

    Set goals. Simple. The best way to achieve your goal is to firmly decide that you will do it (and then write it down and tell people about it). Think of these life improvements you want to make as goals. Like New Year's resolutions that you yourself New Year didn't say it, but actually stuck to it, and it brought you pleasure.

    • But pick the little things. It's about improving your life, not setting yourself up to fail and then feeling depressed and unhappy. Set goals for yourself, but let them be small. Set yourself a goal of going to workouts 4 times this week, instead of arrogantly trying to lose 10 kilograms. Decide to wash the dishes before than it accumulates in the sink. Get up and floss your teeth right now. Nothing will ever be done while you are only thinking about it!
  1. Determine what you have been putting up with for so long. Seriously. Think about it. What did you put up with at home, at work, with friends, in yourself? If it helps, make a list. Is it a leaky faucet? A friend who needs to be humbled? The way your roommate decorated the living room? Once you start, you probably won't be able to stop!

    • Now that you have identified a few things, start getting rid of them. In fact, this could be your goal. Fix that faucet (or call a plumber). Tell your friend that the phrase “I don’t want to brag, but...” doesn’t do her any credit. Bring home a painting and hang it in the living room. Just imagine how rewarding it will be to see your list shrink!
  2. Clean your house. Flowery feng shui and slash chi stuff? Many people find them a little annoying, but their basic principle rings true: pleasant surroundings make us feel good. If you're feeling a bit chaotic in your home, an easy way to clear your space and bring meaning to your surroundings is to literally declutter your environment.

    • If you took 20 minutes to clean right now, you could breathe noticeably easier. It's one of the simplest things we can do, yet we humans tend to Not do this. 20 minutes! Only. You may not finish in 20 minutes, but when you see your life in order, you have a huge incentive to continue.
  3. Maintain a budget. Another simple way to improve your life is to start budgeting. Even if you're just making ends meet, the benefit of creating a budget is that you see what you can save and start working towards something worthwhile. So instead of living frugally, take an hour to figure out your spending habits and how to work on them. Maybe you'll find an extra $100 to start your summer vacation fund!

    • Don't know how to budget? As if WikiHow would leave you in such a situation! The article How to Budget will walk you through all the basics. Start saving up for suntan lotion!
  4. Manage your time. A common mistake many of us make is that we do everything right... we just do them in the wrong order, or spend too much time on unimportant things, or during our most intellectually productive hours and we end up sitting on the couch eating chips. Time, unfortunately, is inherently fleeting, and doing the job on time will save you from hassle in the future. If you learn to manage your time, you'll have more time to do the things you enjoy.

  5. Leave work at work. After you leave work, don't spend the night thinking about the email your boss sent you. Don't interrupt dinner to make one last phone call. If you are going to work during non-working hours, then work, and do not spend your free time relaxing your body and straining your mind. What an ambush!

    • Better yet, leave everything as it is. Quarreled with a friend? Leave it. You will get over it when the time comes. Is your father's health deteriorating? Take care of him as best you can, but when you get home, be the ray of sunshine that you are. Everything has its place. If you worry about every concern in every area of ​​your life, the chaos will be unbearable.
  6. Make a list of things you are grateful for. It's a little cliché, sure, but it matters. It's easy to see that your neighbor's lawn is greener, although in reality you're just not looking at your feet - your lawn is green too. Therefore, after reading this paragraph, take a notepad or sticky notes and write down a few reasons for gratitude. You will literally see what you have. And it will give you a wonderful feeling.

    • If you feel like you have nothing to be grateful for, then you're doing it wrong. To begin with, you have a computer, if you are reading this, so here is the first point. Surely you have a roof over your head, people who love you, you can breathe right now and all that. These are all pretty amazing things, really. Without them there is nothing.
  7. Focus on your hobby. Poor knowledge of six languages ​​will not do you any good. Unfortunately, being able to play the piano with drumsticks does not make you a musician. If you are interested in something, devote yourself to it! Once you master something, you will have something to be proud of. What to talk about. What to understand and love. So instead of trying to do everything at once, focus on one thing. Then you can reap the benefits!

    • If you are determined to do something, you must be determined to do it well. Becoming really good at something is such a wonderful feeling. Everything else that you want to happen to you will happen in due time, but right now, do what's first on your list. Have you always wanted to learn martial art? Play the piano? Paint? Repair cars? Now is the time to start!

    Part 2

    Big changes
    1. Think about your dissatisfaction. When it comes to Everyday life, it becomes very easy to just keep moving, to be so busy all the time that you don't have to admit who you really are and what you In fact feel it. Facing reality is a scary prospect, but it has to be done to find what brings you happiness. So take a step back and look at yourself. What are the real reasons for your desire for change?

      • If you don't know this right now, that's okay. It’s also normal if your answer is something completely intangible and abstract, for example, “I’m afraid that I’m not myself,” or even afraid that you are. You'll come to something more concrete soon, just keep that in mind. General dissatisfaction is a signal that something is wrong. And you know the reason for this. Just in this moment it is hidden from you.
    2. Initiate a self-esteem overhaul. If anyone tells you that you cannot change your personality, then they are wrong. You can go from an introvert to an extrovert, you can go from an awkward communicator to a socially capable one, you can go from self-hate to love (to name just three). So, if the way you see yourself is preventing you from being happy, start doing something about it. It may take some time, but what good thing is done quickly?

      • Again, the main obstacle here is identifying what you want to change. Is it something external, like weight? Or is it something internal? Both can be fixed! But know that sometimes the solution seems to be something that in fact is not a solution. If you think you're ugly, then after losing weight you may end up thinking you're thin now but still ugly. Before you take on this task, make sure you are self-aware enough to do it right.
    3. Take a look at your relationships. Although we will never admit it, many of us would rather be with someone who makes us unhappy than fall asleep alone. Why is that? What's so scary about being alone? And this applies not only love relationship– we also keep close friends who harm us. So take a look at yours. If there is someone in your life who shouldn't be in it? Why are you holding this person?

      • If your answer to the first question is “yes,” then there is no correct answer to the second. Yes, it won't be easy. There is no other way. But once you do, the weight will be lifted off your shoulders and you will feel like you have wings (without the Red Bull). And then you will be able to spend time with those who will make you feel like this is how your life flows. or heck, you could start spending time with yourself.
    4. Start looking for a new job.“That's not exactly the savings I'm looking for,” you thought about it, didn't you? And it is right. We are not saying that you should quit your job, become destitute and barely survive until you find another job. We say you just need to start looking. There may be an opportunity nearby that you would never have found if you hadn't just started looking. Jobs rarely land on your doorstep anymore! So instead of slaving away at your current job, secretly expecting the ghost of Steve Jobs to come to you at night with an offer you can't refuse, start looking for a job. It definitely won't do any harm.

      • Surely you will know if work is in your throat. And for general information, it's okay to not be crazy about your job. This is work. But if your boss's cornflower blue tie is your weapon when you imagine his imminent death, then this is not the case. Know what the consequences are before you act on any conclusions.
    5. Move in . This is the end of all life choices. If you're unhappy with your current situation, you can always move. It will take a lot of work (physical, mental and paperwork), but it may well be worth it. Another place may have the job you want, another place may have the lifestyle you've always wanted, another place may have the right people for you. Don't you think so?

      • It's much easier than you might think. People do this all the time and they thrive in their new jobs. The reason many people are afraid to do this is because they haven't tried it yet. Yes, it's scary to give up the only thing you know. But when you do it, when you see that you can handle it, it revitalizes you. New life is waiting for you! Now where?

    Part 3

    Self-improvement – ​​mental and physical
    1. Meditate . Chaos in your head? Running thoughts, worries, meaningless wanderings of the mind? Meditation, even just 10-15 minutes a day, can help clear your mind and focus your energy. And that's 15 minutes of relaxation! Why not try it?

      • You will have a much easier time managing your time when your mind is clear and you are free of stress. A short meditation can relieve you of all the noise and pressure that we all experience day in and day out. Don't dismiss this option until you try it, you'll be surprised at how effective it is!
      • Okay, not a fan of meditation? Then try yoga. Not only will you burn 5 calories per minute, but you'll also gain the same feeling of zen you would get from meditation. A mental sigh of relief or a breath of fresh air – that’s what life improvement is all about!
    2. Eat more slowly. Food should be enjoyed, not just thrown into your mouth on the go. Taste it. Savor it. Enjoy. When you eat more slowly, you get more out of your food. And eat less. This gives your body time to notice what you put into it and appreciate it. And when you practically swallow your food whole, it goes by faster than you realize it, and you end up just wanting more.

      • This is a good mantra for almost everything. “Stop and smell the roses” is a phrase that holds more meaning in this day and age than ever before. So when you sit with a friend over a cup of coffee, think about its taste. When you watch the sunset, think about the beauty in front of you. So many people don't even realize what's in front of them!
    3. Drink water. Yes, if you drink water it will make your life better. It will help you lose weight, clear your skin, cleanse your body, go to the toilet and generally make you feel more energetic. This is the drink of life. All the empty calories from soda and alcohol will only throw you from highs to lows of energy, which does nothing for your health!

      • Health is such an important part of life, but we never think about it when we have it. However, the moment it disappears, nothing else matters. So do your body and yourself a favor by drinking an extra glass of water with every meal. Your body will make all the improvements for you!
    4. Maintain a light diet. If you eat just 175 fewer calories per day, you'll lose 5 pounds in less than 100 days. Only 175 calories! You don't have to starve yourself for slow, steady change to happen.

      • If you eat more slowly, the calories will go away! Research shows that those who eat more slowly automatically eat less without even realizing it.
      • Make a list of easy-to-prepare snacks. If you'd rather get a healthy, light snack than go out for a hamburger, which would you choose? Making healthy things accessible is the only way you can stick to them. So keep 5-6 options in your fridge - mostly fruits and nuts - and snacking will never be a problem again!
    5. Feed your mind with thoughts of what you want to become. In other words, start thinking positively. When you can imagine who you want to be and act like that person, it will be 10 times easier for you to become that person. The next time you find yourself in a sticky situation (whether with a friend or in front of the refrigerator), think about what this ideal you would do. And then you can do it!

      • Do you know who this person is? Think about his qualities. About his inclinations. About his habits. Create this character in your head. He may be 99% you or 1% you, but if you know exactly what you are striving for, you can strive for it. Otherwise, you will end up being someone you didn't intend to be!
    6. Be confident. When we get bogged down in our insecurities and our shortcomings, it is difficult to find any benefit in life. It's hard to get any kind of enjoyment out of it all, really. When we feel confident, even for a moment, nothing can defeat us. This difficult task, but once you get over it, you can't go back to the way it was before.

      • Need something more specific? Try saying “no” once a day. You're probably constantly doing things for other people, things you don't really want to do, things to please others - and say no at least once. Do something for yourself. Silence the weakling in you and spend your time to his discretion. Sometimes you certainly have to put others first, but you have to have time for yourself too!
    7. Watch out for the chatterbox in your head. We all have it. That voice in your head that tells you you shouldn't or can't do something. That you should feel shame, guilt or fear. What's good about this voice? Has he ever done anything useful to you? When you start to hear it, stop. Think about what good these thoughts do for you. Everyone has time for this.

      • In the end, the only thing that matters is what's in your head. And how do you feel about this? You can wake up tomorrow and your life will be better just because you you will feel that she has become better. So grab that chatterbox in your head by the horns and take the reins into your own hands, this is really the only way to achieve the desired improvement. What's the bad news? This is a difficult task. What's the good news? Do you have it for this All necessary strength!

    Part 4

    Self-improvement through others
    1. Get rid of toxic friends. Sometimes we have a hard time understanding that the people around us, the ones we care about, are actually not very good to us. Is there someone in your life who makes you feel drained rather than energized? This is probably a toxic friend. Although it may be difficult and awkward, you need to get rid of it. He doesn't do you any good. It only drags you down.

      • When you have a toxic friend, you know it. You don't really enjoy being in his company, he somehow makes you feel bad about yourself and life gets a little darker even after the person is gone. In other why are you spending time with this person?
    2. Recognize the good things in those around you. It's very easy to get caught up in how your partner/friend/family member/neighbor annoys you. And in the end, you gossip about each other, get upset at him when he puts the toilet paper in the wrong place, hate the look that appears on his face... when in fact it is wonderful person. We just forget about its amazing qualities because the negative is much easier to see. Focusing on the positive will make your life much more fulfilling, although technically nothing will change.

      • Remember what attracted you to this person. Is he funny, kind, smart, smart, honest? Does he make a wonderful chocolate cake? Never forgets to record your favorite TV show? Laughs at you when you have food stuck in your teeth? That's it. Not everyone does this!
    3. Our minds reward us for being social. How would humans survive if our brains were not designed to communicate? Therefore, the more effort you make, the wider your social circle becomes, the more people you can count on, and the better your life will become. It’s the little things that will help you with this!
  8. Connect with someone new. Okay, you've connected with an old friend, now it's time to spice up your social circle by connecting with someone new! This can be done every day and with little effort. Afterwards, you'll feel like you've accomplished something (not to mention learning something new and laughing). So talk to your cashier. Flirt with your new neighbor. Strike up a conversation with that quiet colleague. Opportunities are everywhere!

    • If you are at a loss and don’t know how to start, then try disconnecting first. Yes, it's all right to disconnect to connect. Put down your phone, take out your headphones, stop checking your email every 5 minutes and start facing life. This is the only way to learn and benefit from the people and things around you. This is the only way to get the most out of anything. Is what's on your phone real? so more interesting than people in front of you?
  9. Do good deeds. Yes, for real. Do you know the saying “It is better to give than to receive?” Now, it's true. This is so true! Do something kind for others and your life will be much better. You will feel like you are doing something that matters. You will achieve something. You will change other people's lives for the better. What could be better?

    • Improving someone else's life is a way to improve your own. The connection is not entirely direct, but it is as simple as it is effective. And it’s so nice to know that the world has become a better place thanks to you!
    • Need examples? Help your elderly neighbor with something. Do you have a friend who has three children and all of them are involved in extracurricular activities? Offer to pick them up from school. Give your waitress, who is also studying at the university, a good tip. And if someone does something for you, be sure to pay the other one!
  10. Become a volunteer. This is essentially the next level of “good deeds.” Instead of doing these acts of kindness only on the spur of the moment, make time in your weekly schedule to volunteer (though you should still do simple acts of kindness!). Go to your local animal shelter, homeless shelter, hospital, school or nursing home and ask how you can help. They'd be crazy if they turned you down! The best way You can't imagine having a better time!

    • Even one hour a week will make a difference. And if you're thinking, “What's in it for me?”, even though volunteering feels amazing, it will be a huge plus on your resume and just in general conversation. Many people do not give up work, family, travel, reading, and find time for the gym, and many of them, in addition to all this, also volunteer.
  • Your comfort zone begins in the heart, in your heart to be precise. To be confident in front of others, you must have self-confidence. Try looking in the mirror and praising what you like about yourself. After all, if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will. Remember, there is no need to hunt for compliments and be arrogant. True confidence is a quiet strength that others admire, so you don't need to show it off.
  • Don't stick to advice just because someone gives it to you, rather look at the context of your situation and consider as many alternative solutions as possible.
  • Humans are social creatures. You don't have to be an extrovert and socialize with everyone if you're somewhat introverted by nature. However, if you feel disconnected from society, you should turn to the part of yourself that treats people in the most loving and supportive manner.
  • Remember, no one is perfect. You just need to be comfortable in your own skin.


  • Don't tell anyone that you are perfect... or that you are trying to be perfect. But you can tell people that you are trying to make changes in your life. However, don't rely too much on them being sympathetic to your choice, even if it's favorable to you.
  • Never live in the past. This will prevent you from being yourself and being able to make friends.
  • Don't rely on others for any problem situation in your life. There are certain areas of life that you may need to adjust using only your intellect and/or intuition.
  • If there is a problem, fix it as quickly as possible. However, if you haven't or haven't been able to, allow yourself to adjust over time so you can make better decisions now and in the future.
  • Pampering yourself sometimes isn't such a bad idea, but don't neglect others as it will make you look arrogant and selfish.
  • Don't overdo it. Personal change takes time. If you force yourself to change before you are ready, it will end up being ineffective.
  • You should not expect that you will get everything you want from life, because this is not only unrealistic, but also illogical. But you can expect that you can improve life for yourself and for others if you decide to put enough effort in this direction.
  • Be humble in those areas of your life that require it. The most common example of such an area is the area of ​​finance. However, humility can be necessary in other areas, such as how much you give and expect from others.
