Oh my God, who did you hire! A record number of applicants were chosen for admission to Ngu Ngu by the admissions committee.

Oh my God, who did you hire!  A record number of applicants were chosen for admission to Ngu Ngu by the admissions committee.

Select the direction of training

What and how do they teach at NSU, how does the internship work, what foreign partner universities do students go to for internships and exchange programs, what companies do faculties and institutes cooperate with, where do graduates work? Answers to these questions can be found on the websites

Submit documents

List of documents when submitting an application

1. Completed applicant's application(if submitted by mail or through an authorized representative, print, fill out and sign). When submitting documents in person, the application is filled out by the operator of the NSU Admissions Committee.
If you want to save time submitting documents to the NSU Admissions Committee, you can prepare the necessary documents in advance. You need to fill out the form with your data, add individual achievements, select areas of training and click the “Send application to the operator” button. When visiting the admissions office in person, you will only have to inform the operator that you filled out the data in your personal account. The operator will check the information in your personal account, create the applicant’s personal file and give you necessary documents for signature.
If you do not plan to visit the university in person, you can print the generated documents from your personal account. They must be signed and sent by mail with a complete set of documents. Personal Area the applicant will begin working on June 20, 2020.

2. Copypassports(photo spread and registration spread).

3. Original or copy state document on education. If you change your name after receiving your education document, you must provide a supporting document.

4. Documents or copies thereof confirming the right to privileges(if you have this right).

5. Documents or copies thereof confirming the availability individual achievements.

6. Those entering the specialty “General Medicine” provide medical certificate.


When submitting documents to winners and prize-winners of Olympiads entering without exams (BVI benefit), The original document of education and consent to enrollment are submitted immediately.


Citizens of Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan can contribute to the budget. To do this, when submitting documents, you must do a notarially certified translation documents if they are not in Russian.

Other Foreign citizens may go to the budget if they provide a document confirming the status of a compatriot permanently residing abroad.

Deadlines for submitting documents

  • Start of reception documents: June 20
  • End of document acceptance:
- July 7 for applicants for referral " Journalism" to participate in a creative competition,
- July 10 for applicants based on results entrance examinations conducted by the university independently,
- 26 July for applicants only based on USE results. Until July 26, the applicant has the right to make changes to the list of selected admission conditions, specialties and areas of study.

Methods for submitting documents

  • In person (to the NSU Admissions Committee)
  • Through a proxy (see sample power of attorney)
  • By mail (it is recommended to use express mail services to ensure documents arrive on time). You can generate and print an application at.
  • There is no option to submit documents by email..
To send documents through a postal operator, the applicant must fill out an application. Brief instructions will help you fill out the application yourself.

More information about submitting documents can be found in the Rules for Admission to NSU, section VI “Acceptance of documents required for admission.”

Useful tips

  • You should not fill out the application yourself if you plan to come to NSU to submit documents in person. When submitting documents in person, admissions officers will print out a completed application for you.
  • When filling out the application, be careful when signing the form. Do not miss a single point where the applicant’s signature must be.
  • Remember that when submitting documents in person, making changes to a previously submitted application, or revoking submitted documents, you must have an identification document with you.
  • When submitting documents, you will be given a receipt for documents acceptance. Don't lose your receipt! If you need to revoke previously submitted documents, having a receipt with you will significantly save time.
  • If you transfer your documents with a proxy, do not forget to draw up a power of attorney, where you must list all the actions that you trust to perform for you (for example: submit documents, sign an application on your behalf, receive a receipt for the submission of documents, etc.)

Pass the entrance tests

Admission to NSU is based on results single state exam(USE) or by results entrance examinations conducted by NSU.

All applicants for the referral 42.03.02 Journalism pass a creative test in the field of study - Creative competition.

Individual categories applicants for bachelor's and specialty programs can take general education entrance tests conducted by the university independently:

1) according to any general education subjects:

  • disabled children, disabled people
  • Foreign citizens
  • persons who received a document on average general education within one year before the date of completion of acceptance of documents and entrance examinations, inclusive, if all certification tests passed by them during the specified period of the state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education were not passed in Unified State Examination form(or they have passed the final certification procedures in foreign educational organizations and did not take the Unified State Exam during the specified period)
2) for individual general education subjects:
  • persons who have passed the state final certification in these general education subjects in the form of a state final exam, provided that they received a document on secondary general education within one year before the end of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations, inclusive, and during this period they did not pass the Unified State Examination in the relevant general education subjects.
Persons entering the base secondary professional education or higher education They can also enroll in studies based on the results of general education entrance tests conducted by the university independently.
Programs and standard tasks for entrance examinations

Submit original documents for enrollment

List of original documents for enrollment

  • Original state document on education
  • Consent for enrollment (print and fill out yourself or this can be done at the Admissions Committee)
  • Six photographs 3x4 cm

You can submit original documents:

  • personally
  • through a proxy
  • by mail

Completion dates acceptance of original state-issued education documents and consent to enrollment

Posting lists of applicants

No later than July 27– posting lists of applicants on the official website and at the information stand

Priority Enrollment Phase

Admission without entrance examinations, admission to places within a special quota and target quota:

  • July 28th Acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons applying without entrance examinations, entering places within quotas is completed, if these persons simultaneously submitted applications for admission to two or more higher education organizations in accordance with paragraph 54 of the Admission Rules
  • July 29 an order(s) is issued for the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment, from among those applicants without entrance examinations, entering places within quotas

Enrollment based on the results of entrance examinations

Enrollment based on the results of entrance examinations for the main places within the target numbers remaining after enrollment without entrance examinations

First stage of enrollment

for the main competitive places - enrollment in 80% specified places(if 80% is a fraction, round up):
August 1
The acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons included in the lists of applicants for the main competitive places and wishing to be enrolled at the first stage of enrollment in the main competitive places is completed;
within each list of applicants, persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment are allocated until 80% of the main competitive places are filled (taking into account rounding)

August 3rd
an order(s) is issued for the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment until 80% of the main competitive places are filled

Second stage of enrollment

for the main competitive places - enrollment in 100% of the specified places:
August 6
acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons included in the lists of applicants for the main competitive places is completed;
within each list of applicants, persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment are allocated until 100% of the main competitive places are filled

8 August an order(s) is issued for the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment until 100% of the main competitive places are filled

Lists of applicants and enrollment

You can look at the lists of applicants here.

They are detailed as follows:
1. List type:

  • submitted documents
  • participate in the competition
  • if enrollment took place today
2. Lists of applicants by admission conditions: 3. Faculty/Institute of NSU
4. Lists of destinations

Keep an eye on the list for updates!

  • Which Novosibirsk university is easiest to enroll in?

D even in the most unfashionable university, in the most unfashionable specialty, there will definitely be at least one applicant with an extremely high scores Unified State Exam. Since childhood, he has been convinced that his vocation is artificial insemination of Achatina snails, or he is determined to continue the family dynasty of masters in repairing steam boiler whistles. In short, as you understand, there is little point in comparing the best of the best.

Another thing is the “best of the worst,” those who barely jumped on the departing train and became the last to enroll in the second wave. It is they who will become reliable reference points for anxious 2018 applicants; it is they who (to be honest) say a lot about the prospects of the university and the level of education in it.

For comparison we used minimum scores, with which applicants managed to enroll in budget-funded places in a particular specialty (bachelor’s or specialist’s degree) in state universities. If there were too many specialties at the university (as, for example, at NSTU or Pedagogical University), we took for comparison the lowest score in each department and indicated the specialty for which this applicant was accepted. Let's make a reservation right away - we did not consider universities and specialties that held their own creative selection competitions. As you understand, the decisive factor there was far from Unified State Examination points.

Novosibirsk State University (NSU)

It is believed that the scores for admission to NSU should be prohibitively high, but this is true primarily for humanities specialties with an extremely low admission plan. To “break through” into linguistics or African studies, a student will really have to work hard.

As for more or less widespread specialties, the most difficult ones are to enroll in computer science and computer science and medical science ( GPA 84.3), the easiest way is for geology (71).

Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU)

High Unified State Exam scores will be required for applicants to enter non-core faculties that train humanists and businessmen. Also, NSTU is an excellent chance to become programmers for strong students, who, however, do not have enough points for admission to NSTU: average score in the specialty “Mathematics and Software” information technologies» 74.3, 10 lower than at NSU.

But it’s a bit of a shame for future heat and power engineers: an average score of 50 means they’re C students! It has become a little clearer why our utility bills are rising every year... However, this is good news for parents of future energy workers - you can save money on tutors.

(Click on chart to enlarge)

Novosibirsk State Medical University (NSMU)

What a shame, no, what a shame, that we find ourselves in the dentist’s chair with our mouth wide open, which is little conducive to intellectual conversation! Because titans of the spirit go to dentistry, people who are widely and diversified, methodical, disciplined and value knowledge above all else: the minimum average score for admission to a medical university is 90! No, of course, the requirements for Africanists at NSU are even higher, but... do you know many Africanists? And everyone has a familiar dentist, and he is a real hero of our time!

In general, NSMU still remains a university for excellent students - even the most unpopular specialty - pediatrics (which is a shame) - requires an average score above 70.

(Click on chart to enlarge)

Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (NSUEM, Narkhoz)

NSU, ​​NSTU and NSMU can safely be considered the three leading universities in Novosibirsk; enrolling in all the others is much easier. True, only a brilliant young talent can still become a manager at Narxoz (the minimum average score is 84), but good students with an average score of 63 have a chance to study computer science at a respected university.

(Click on chart to enlarge)

Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA), branch in Novosibirsk

An alternative to Narkhoz is a branch of the Civil Service Academy under the President of the Russian Federation. Certainly, Novosibirsk branch a bit far from the president, but prestige educational institution this has no effect: to become a lawyer, an applicant will have to present a minimum average score of at least 85.3!

(Click on chart to enlarge)

Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University (NSPU)

Learning English is still fashionable! The minimum average Unified State Exam score for admission is slightly above 80, which is a very high figure. The easiest way turned out to be to enroll in the Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship (minimum score 167). In a word, only strong, good students become teachers - that’s right!

(Click on chart to enlarge)

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies (SGUGiT)

SSUGiT is a university that is quite accessible to strong C students. If you can become a specialist in environmental management with an average score of 64, then optics (a very promising profession, by the way!) is available to those with an average score 10 points lower. Agree, to get an average score of 54-55 you don’t need to grab stars from the sky, you just need to study diligently!

(Click on chart to enlarge)

Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (SibGUTI)

Perhaps SibGUTI cannot boast of the smartest applicants, but it should be noted that this year the composition of the groups will be quite even: for several specialties at once the minimum passing score is equally beautiful - 200, and is far from this figure selection committee didn't deviate. Of all the applicants, there were the fewest people willing to master nanoelectronics - the minimum average score for this specialty was 58.7. Really "nano-" going out of fashion?

(Click on chart to enlarge)

Novosibirsk State Agrarian University (NSAU)

If you were planning to criticize the Unified State Exam, you can start. Because 43 points for the organizer Catering... Well, if the applicant will study at the university without much stress, then perhaps it’s time to buy the collection “Eating at Home.” It should be noted that the specialty “landscape architecture” has recently become fashionable. Modern gardeners must be solid students with an average Unified State Examination score of at least 60.

(Click on chart to enlarge)

Siberian State Transport University (SGUPS)

One cannot help but be happy for the future of transport logistics - only excellent students with an average score of at least 70 are accepted there. Otherwise, this is an excellent university for ambitious C students. Do you dream of leading an international corporation, saving companies from bankruptcy, maybe just becoming a lawyer, but you didn’t get even 50 points on the Unified State Examination? Well, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to believe in yourself and your dream! SGUPS already believes in you!

(Click on chart to enlarge)

Siberian State University of Water Transport (SGUVT)

Do you want to become a transport logistician, but don’t have enough points to enter SGUPS? It doesn’t matter, there is SGUVT! Here (paradox!) this is the most unpopular specialty. An applicant with a score of 107 was admitted to the budget department. That is, he barely received a certificate, but this did not prevent him from continuing his education at the expense of taxpayers... We believe that at this point the discussion about the inaccessibility of higher education in Russia can be considered over. How accessible it is! On the other hand, really, what kind of logistics are there on the river? Especially with the flow: you float and float...

(Click on chart to enlarge)

Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (NSASU, Sibstrin)

NGASU has always been a fallback option for those who did not qualify for the more creatively demanding NGUADI, where the emphasis is on art rather than construction. But it seems that it’s time to reconsider this point of view - enrolling in a number of specialties here is just as difficult as at NSU. However, the main specialty of the university - construction itself - is still available to most applicants; the minimum average score for admission is below 55.

(Click on chart to enlarge)

Novosibirsk Technological Institute (NTI)

The requirements for applicants planning to become geophysicists are lower than for future commodity scientists! Compare: 213 is the passing score for the State Humanitarian Faculty of NSU, 215 is the passing score for merchandising at NTI. so trade is still a prestigious specialty! By the way, much fewer people came to the institute to become technologists - the minimum average passing score is below 40, which raises serious concerns for the future of light industry. Not geophysics, of course, but it is still desirable to be a specialist with a sharp mind who loves innovation...

(Click on chart to enlarge)

Which Novosibirsk university is easiest to enroll in?

With what amount of points can you still get access to budget education at a specific university?

What conclusions can be drawn from our review?

    The devil is not as scary as he is painted! It is possible to enter a university in Novosibirsk with almost any Unified State Exam result (if, of course, you don’t care which university).

    If a diploma from a specific university is important to you, and Unified State Exam results are not high, then it is worth looking at related specialties - often the passing scores for them differ quite significantly. If a specific profession is important to you, the passing scores for the same specialty at different universities can vary by a hundred points. There is room for maneuver!

    Of course, it should be taken into account that this year’s graduates were born in 1999, one of the worst years from a demographic point of view. But even taking this into account, admitting graduates to the budget department who barely cleared the bar to receive a certificate is a dubious achievement. What will be the qualification certified specialist, which with grief in half mastered school curriculum? Or is it like this ? Perhaps now you will have a different attitude towards the initiatives of the government, seeking to reduce the number budget places in universities...

​Get ready to enter universities in 2018! Good luck to children and valerian to mothers!

Prepared by Ekaterina Ershova

NSU has completed accepting documents from applicants. Documents for admission to Novosibirsk State University More than 4,800 people applied.

Total time admissions campaign NSU received applications from more than 4,800 applicants. The university admissions committee recorded such a figure for the first time in last years. According to statistics from previous years, about 4,200-4,400 people applied to NSU during the admissions campaign. One applicant has the right to apply for three areas of training (the total number of applications to NSU this year exceeded 10 thousand).

NSU applicants are mainly residents of Siberia and the Far East; applicants from all regions of the Ural region also submitted documents to NSU federal district, most regions of the Volga and Southern federal districts. There are applicants from central Russia, including from Moscow, the northwestern region, including St. Petersburg, and from North Caucasus. Several applicants sent documents from the cities of Crimea. Among the applicants there are also citizens foreign countries(Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Belarus, Ukraine, Estonia, etc.).

In recent years, specialties related to exact sciences, IT, economics and law have become the most popular among applicants. This year the leaders in the number of applications submitted are “Applied Mathematics and Computer Science” (MMF, 798), “Physics” (FF, 712), “Economics” (EF, 671), “Mathematics and Computer Science” (MMF, 668) and “Informatics and Computer Science” (FIT, 609), “Jurisprudence” (IFP, 583), “Management” (EF, 542).

Among the humanitarian specialties, applicants are most attracted to the fields of History (GI, 447 applications) and Linguistics (GI, 464). It is worth noting that in recent years the “Oriental and African Studies” direction of the NSU State Institute has been gaining popularity. Currently, 356 applications have been submitted for this direction.

The interest of applicants to the Faculty of Natural Sciences, which trains chemists and biologists, remains stable. A total of 927 applications from applicants were submitted to the faculty.

Competition for all areas directly depends on the number of allocated budget places. Thus, the highest competition at NSU this year is in the “Jurisprudence” direction (IFP, 53 people per place with a quota of 11 budget places) and in the “Business Informatics” direction opened in 2016 (EF, 52.4 people per place with a quota of 5 places). In general, the target numbers for admission to NSU this year are 966 budget places.

Enrollment will take place in two waves - in the first (until August 3) 80% of budget places will be filled, in the second (until August 8) - the remaining 20%. To enroll, the applicant submits an application for consent to enrollment, to which the original documents are attached. Lists of applicants can be viewed on the NSU website. You can get acquainted with all areas of training at NSU.

The meeting of 1st year undergraduate students of the IFP NSU in the direction of “Jurisprudence” will take place on August 30 at 10:00, room No. 3307, New building of NSU (st.
14.08.2017 NSU is summing up the results of admission to the budget department. This year, the average Unified State Exam score of applicants who passed the competition exceeded 89 (on a 100-point scale), one first-year student entered with a record score of 297 points.
14.08.2017 The results of the entrance exam to the master's program in the direction of "Management" (Russian-language programs) have been summed up.

Applications were received from more than 4,800 applicants. This is the first time in recent years that the university admissions committee has recorded such a figure. According to statistics from previous years, about 4,200–4,400 people applied to NSU during the admissions campaign. One applicant has the right to apply for three areas of training (the total number of applications to NSU this year exceeded 10 thousand).

Among the humanitarian specialties, applicants are most attracted to the areas of “History” (GI, 447) and “Linguistics” (GI, 464). It is worth noting that in recent years the “Oriental and African Studies” direction of the NSU State Institute has been gaining popularity. Currently, 356 applications have been submitted for this direction.

The interest of applicants to the Faculty of Natural Sciences, which trains chemists and biologists, remains stable. A total of 927 applications from applicants were submitted to the faculty.

Competition for all areas directly depends on the number of allocated budget places. Thus, the highest competition at NSU this year is in the “Jurisprudence” direction (53 people per place with a quota of 11 budget places) and in the “Business Informatics” direction opened in 2016 (EF, 52.4 people per place with quota of 5 places). In general, the target numbers for admission to NSU this year are 966 budget places.

Enrollment will take place in two waves - in the first (until August 3) 80% of budget places will be filled, in the second (until August 8) - the remaining 20%. To enroll, the applicant submits an application for consent to enrollment, to which the original documents are attached. Lists of applicants can be viewed on the NSU website. You can get acquainted with all areas of training at NSU.

  • 10 Russian universities included in THE subject ranking for physical sciences

    Ten Russian universities entered the international rankings physics and technology universities according to Times Higher Education magazine; the best results were achieved by Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and National Research nuclear university"MEPhI" made it into the top 100, the organizers of the study reported.

  • How to make Novosibirsk Akademgorodok the scientific capital of Russia

    ​On September 15, in the building of Novosibirsk State University, a round table on the topic “Akademgorodok and Akademgorodok: today and tomorrow” and brainstorming “How to make Academgorodok the scientific capital of Russia.”

  • Novosibirsk scientists are studying people's tendency to anxiety and depression

    ​Specialists from the laboratory of differential psychophysiology of the Research Institute of Physiology and fundamental medicine(Research Institute of Physics and Medicine) and laboratories of biological markers social behavior NSU conducted a study aimed at identifying correlates of depressive symptoms and anxiety disorders.

  • NSU's English-language master's program is among the best educational programs in analytics in Asia

    ​Analytics India Magazine has prepared a review of ten educational programs in the fields of computer and business analytics offered by universities in Asian countries outside India - Malaysia, China, Singapore, Japan and Russia.

  • Academician Sergei Alekseenko: Innovative development requires combining the efforts of science, education, business and government

    In the last ten years, increased attention has been paid to the development of universities, perhaps in connection with an attempt to transfer science to the field of education. A number of university programs and projects are being implemented, in which scientific research is an integral part.

  • NSU archeology students summed up the results of their field practice

    Students of the NSU Humanitarian Institute summed up the results of their summer field practice. This year, 11 groups of students searched, excavated and studied echoes of the past. Students of group 14803, under the guidance of the director of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the SB RAS, corresponding member of the RAS Mikhail Shunkov, underwent internship on the basis of the Altai detachment of the institute at the multi-layer Paleolithic sites of Denisova Cave and Karama.

  • On Wednesday, July 12, entrance exams began at NSU for applicants who legally did not take the Unified State Exam. More than 150 people came to the first exam, in the Russian language.

    Entrance exams Those who legally did not participate in the Unified State Exam have the right to take it. These are foreign citizens, people with disabilities, specialists with secondary vocational education, as well as applicants who have higher education. Citizens of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, and Abkhazia came from foreign countries to take exams at NSU. In addition, for the first time, representatives of Crimea are taking exams at NSU - according to the law, until the end of 2018, school graduates in Crimea can independently choose between the Unified State Exam and entrance exams at universities.

    The Russian language exam is mandatory for admission to all majors at NSU. This year, 156 people are taking it.

    The exam takes place in writing and as close as possible to Unified State Exam assignments. - At the Russian language exam, applicants will have to complete three blocks of tasks: the so-called “blind” text, in which you need to insert letters and punctuation marks, grammatical tasks for the text and a short essay based on the proposed text,- says senior lecturer at NSU Lyudmila Budneva .

    The exam lasts 3.5 hours. The result is assessed on a 100-point system, so that applicants participate in the same competition as applicants based on the results of the Unified State Exam. Applicants will learn their final grades tomorrow, July 9. At the same time, an acquaintance with the works will take place.

    Entrance exams to NSU will last until July 25. Applicants will be able to pass mathematics, foreign languages, social studies, history, literature, computer science, physics, biology, chemistry. In addition, on July 8 and 9, two rounds were held at the university creative competition for applicants to NSU.

    To date, the NSU admissions committee has received about 7 thousand applications from applicants. The leading areas in terms of the number of applications submitted are (581), “Physics” (529), “Economics” (477), (473) and (465). The highest competition is in the areas of “Business Informatics” (39.6), “Jurisprudence” (IFP, 34.9) and “Jurisprudence” (EF, 31.5).

    The competition directly depends on the number of budget places in faculties. This year, the most budget places are allocated in the areas of "Physics" - 160, "Informatics and Computer Science" - 125, "Applied Mathematics and Computer Science" - 65, "Geology" - 65, "Biology" - 56, "Mathematics" - 50, “Mechanics and mathematical modeling” - 50, “Mathematics and computer science” - 50.

    For the convenience of applicants, from July 20 to August 11, the NSU admissions office is open both on weekdays and on weekends. On Saturday and Sunday you can submit documents from 9.00 to 13.00, on weekdays - from 9.00 to 18.00 without a break.

    Novosibirsk State University is a unique place where natural science, engineering and humanities competencies are combined. Here you can get a high-quality higher education in order to build a career in science, education, technology, business and other fields in the future. NSU graduates constitute the world-class scientific and business elite and are in demand in a variety of industries and corners of the planet.

    NSU is summing up the results of admission to the budget department. This year, the average Unified State Exam score of applicants who passed the competition exceeded 89 (on a 100-point scale), one first-year student entered with a record score of 297 points.
