Baumanka passing scores wave 1. Bauman University: faculties and specialties, address, passing grade, photos and student reviews

Baumanka passing scores wave 1.  Bauman University: faculties and specialties, address, passing grade, photos and student reviews

1. To the winners and prize-winners of the “Step into the Future” Olympiad for schoolchildren (No. 47 in the “List of Olympiads for schoolchildren for 2015-2016” academic year") in the profile "engineering" (general education subjects "physics", "computer science"), the opportunity is provided to obtain a special right of admission without entrance examinations upon admission to educational programs from Appendix 1. In the absence of a will to receive a special right of admission without entrance examinations the specified category of winners and prize-winners of Olympiads are given a special right to participate in the competition with a maximum number of points (100 points) in physics or computer science (at the applicant’s choice) upon admission to any educational program, the list of entrance tests for which includes the subjects “physics” or “ Informatics".

2. The winners of schoolchildren’s Olympiads in the general education subject “physics” of all levels included in the “List of schoolchildren’s Olympiads for the 2015-2016 academic year” (Appendix 2) are given the opportunity to receive a special right of admission without entrance examinations when enrolling in educational programs from Appendix 1 In the absence of an expression of will to receive a special right of admission without entrance examinations, the specified category of Olympiad winners is granted a special right to participate in a competition with a maximum number of points (100 points) in physics upon admission to any educational program, the list of entrance examinations for which includes the subject “physics” "

3. Prize-winners of schoolchildren’s Olympiads in the general education subject “physics” of all levels included in the “List of schoolchildren’s Olympiads for the 2015-2016 academic year” (Appendix 2), who took 2nd and 3rd places, are given a special right to participate in the competition with a maximum number of points (100 points) in physics upon admission to any educational program, the list of entrance tests for which includes the subject “physics”.

4. The winners of schoolchildren’s Olympiads in the general education subject “mathematics” of all levels included in the “List of schoolchildren’s Olympiads for the 2015-2016 academic year” (Appendix 2) are given the opportunity to receive a special admission right without entrance examinations when enrolling in educational programs from Appendix 1 In the absence of an expression of will to receive a special right of admission without entrance examinations, the specified category of Olympiad winners is granted a special right to participate in a competition with a maximum number of points (100 points) in mathematics upon admission to any educational program, the list of entrance examinations for which includes the subject “mathematics” "

5. Prize-winners of schoolchildren’s Olympiads in the general education subject “mathematics” of all levels included in the “List of schoolchildren’s Olympiads for the 2015-2016 academic year” (Appendix 2), who took 2nd and 3rd places, are given a special right to participate in the competition with the maximum number of points (100 points) in mathematics upon admission to any educational program, the list of entrance examinations for which includes the subject “mathematics”.

6. Winners and prize-winners of schoolchildren’s Olympiads in the general education subject “informatics” of all levels included in the “List of schoolchildren’s Olympiads for the 2015-2016 academic year” (Appendix 2) are given a special right to participate in the competition with a maximum number of points (100 points) in computer science upon admission to educational programs, the list of entrance examinations for which includes the subject “computer science”.

7. Winners and prize-winners of schoolchildren’s Olympiads in the general education subject “social studies” of all levels included in the “List of schoolchildren’s Olympiads for the 2015-2016 academic year” (Appendix 2) are given a special right to participate in the competition with a maximum number of points (100 points) in social studies upon admission to educational programs, the list of entrance examinations for which includes the subject “social studies”.

8. Winners and prize-winners of schoolchildren’s Olympiads in the general education subject “history” of all levels included in the “List of schoolchildren’s Olympiads for the 2015-2016 academic year” (Appendix 2) are given a special right to participate in the competition with a maximum number of points (100 points) in history upon admission to educational programs, the list of entrance examinations for which includes the subject “history”.

9. Winners and prize-winners of schoolchildren’s Olympiads in general education subjects “ foreign language» of all levels included in the “List of Olympiads for schoolchildren for the 2015-2016 academic year” (Appendix 2), are granted a special right to participate in the competition with the maximum number of points (100 points) in a foreign language upon admission to educational programs, in the list of entrance tests for which includes the subject “foreign language”.

10. Applicants who, while studying in the 11th grade, became winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren from the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren of the Russian Federation for the 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 academic years are granted the same special rights as the winners and winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren included in the “List of Olympiads for schoolchildren for the 2015-2016 academic year.”

The condition for granting a special right is Unified State Exam result in a core subject (corresponding to the subject of the Olympiad) must be at least 75 points.

Annex 1


(areas of training/specialties)



Department name


Power engineering


Hydromechanics, hydraulic machines and

hydropneumatic automation
Piston engines

Nuclear energy and thermophysics



Nuclear reactors and materials


Nuclear reactors and installations

Mechanical engineering



Metal cutting machines
Foundry technologies
Materials processing technologies

Technological machines and equipment


Vacuum and compressor technology

applied mechanics


applied mechanics


technological machines and complexes


Metal cutting machines
Rolling equipment and technologies

Laser technologies in mechanical engineering
Instrumentation and technology
Mechanical Engineering Technology
Foundry technologies
Pressure processing technologies
Welding and diagnostic technologies
Mechanical Engineering Technology
Vacuum and compressor technology

High tech

plasma and energy installations


Plasma power plants

Ammunition and fuses


Precision aircraft

Small arms,

artillery and rocket weapons


Missile and pulse systems




Ecology and industrial safety

Materials science and technology of new



Materials Science

Ground transport and technological means


Handling and transport systems
Multi-purpose tracked vehicles and mobile robots
Wheeled vehicles

Vehicles special purpose


Wheeled vehicles
Multi-purpose tracked vehicles and mobile robots


production and

rocket operation and

rocket and space



Starting missile systems

Design of aircraft and rocket engines


Rocket engines

Gas turbine and unconventional plants
Plasma power plants

Navigation and ballistic support for the use of space technology


Dynamics and flight control of rockets and spacecraft

Management in technical systems


Autonomous information and control systems

Appendix 2

Full name of the Olympiad

Olympiad profile corresponding to one or more educational subjects or one or more specialties and areas of training higher education

Olympiad level

Olympiad profile

General subjects or specialty(s) and areas of higher education training

All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren "Nanotechnology - a breakthrough into the future"


biology, mathematics, physics, chemistry

All-Russian competition scientific works schoolchildren "Junior"

engineering sciences

physics, mathematics, computer science

All-Russian Tournament of Young Physicists

All-Siberian Open Olympiad for Schoolchildren





Herzen Olympiad for schoolchildren

foreign language

foreign language

City Open Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Physics

Engineering Olympiad for schoolchildren

Internet Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics

Interdisciplinary Olympiad for schoolchildren named after V.I. Vernadsky

history, social studies

Interregional Olympiad in Informatics and Computer Security


computer security

Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren "Future researchers - the future of science"

Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren "Highest Standard"

foreign language

foreign language



history of world civilizations



social science

social science

Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren "Eurasian Linguistic Olympiad"

foreign language

foreign language

Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren on the basis of departmental educational institutions



foreign language

foreign language

Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren in mathematics and cryptography



Interregional Industry Olympiad for Schoolchildren "Sails of Hope"

Technics and techology

Multidisciplinary Engineering Olympiad "Zvezda"

social science

social science

natural Sciences

physics mathematics

Technics and techology

mechanical engineering, materials technology, aviation and rocket and space technology, nuclear energy and technology, shipbuilding engineering and technology and water transport, electronics, radio engineering and communication systems, ground transport equipment and technologies

Moscow Olympiad for schoolchildren






social science

social science

United Interuniversity Mathematical Olympiad for Schoolchildren



United International Mathematical Olympiad "Formula of Unity" / "Third Millennium"



Olympics Kurchatov



MGIMO Olympiad of the Russian Foreign Ministry for schoolchildren

humanitarian and Social sciencies

history, social studies

Olympiad in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science



Russian Academy Olympics National economy And civil service under the President Russian Federation

foreign language

foreign language

social science

social science

Olympiad for schoolchildren "State Audit"

social science

social science

Olympiad for schoolchildren "Code of Knowledge"

social science

social science

Olympiad for schoolchildren "Lomonosov"

foreign language

foreign language

mechanics and math modeling

fundamental mathematics and mechanics



international relationships and global studies

political science


social science

history of Russian statehood



social science

social science


fundamental mathematics, mechanics and computer science, robotics

Olympiad for schoolchildren "Hope of Energy"



Schoolchildren's Olympics "Conquer Sparrow Hills!"

foreign language

foreign language



social science

social science

Olympiad for schoolchildren "Russia in the electronic world"

social science

social science

Olympiad for schoolchildren "Phystech"



Olympiad for schoolchildren "Step into the future"




physics, computer science

Olympiad for schoolchildren in computer science and programming



Olympiad for schoolchildren of St. Petersburg state university

foreign language

foreign language



social science

social science


history, social studies


Russian language, literature, foreign language

Youth Olympics mathematics school



Open All-Russian Intellectual Olympiad "Our Heritage"

Open Olympiad for schoolchildren" Information Technology"



Open Olympiad for schoolchildren in mathematics



Open Olympiad for schoolchildren in programming



Open regional interuniversity Olympiad of universities Tomsk region(ORMO)

Industry Physics and Mathematics Olympiad for Schoolchildren "Rosatom"



Plekhanov Olympiad for schoolchildren

foreign language

foreign language

Regional competition for schoolchildren of the Chelyabinsk University Educational District

foreign language

foreign language

St. Petersburg Astronomical Olympiad


astronomy, physics

St. Petersburg Olympiad for schoolchildren



North-Eastern School Olympiad



Tournament of Cities



Tournament named after M.V. Lomonosov

astronomy and earth sciences

astronomy, physics


Russian language, foreign language, mathematics



Teacher of the school of the future

foreign language

foreign language

* indicated number in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren for the 2015-2016 academic year

Them. N. E. Bauman, today is the largest university where highly qualified engineers are trained. It was at MSTU that a unique system was developed for preparing students to work at large technical enterprises, which has no analogues in the whole world.

The main principle that the university adheres to is aimed at developing personnel capable of serving high-tech and advanced scientific branches. It's about about working with information and telecommunication systems, nanotechnologies, energy-saving materials, aerospace and living systems.

Why is Baumanka so popular?

Bauman University is a member of the famous university diploma that is valid even abroad. Employers all over the world willingly accept Baumanka graduates because they have knowledge of international standards. MSTU is a member of an international association that trains leading industrial managers in Europe.

MSTU graduates are also in demand on the Russian labor market; several years ago, the university won a competition for the development of innovative educational programs, so graduates are aware of all the latest developments in the technical field. The university was awarded awards by the government of the Russian Federation for huge contribution into Russian education.

Bauman University has two branches: Dmitrov and Kaluga. In each of them there are representative offices of the MSTU faculty, so you can submit documents to these institutions too. At the same time, the graduate’s diploma will also include MSTU, which will increase the chances when looking for work abroad.

Main divisions of MSTU

Bauman University, whose faculties annually accept applications from several tens of thousands of applicants, continues to actively develop. Now there are 19 full-time education faculties on the territory of the institution, each of which has a large number of departments.

Since MSTU is technical university, then the greatest preference is given to the relevant specialties. On this moment the following are open here technical faculties: engineering business and management, computer science and control systems, mechanical engineering technologies, radio electronics and laser technology, robotics and special mechanical engineering, fundamental sciences and power engineering.

Bauman University: faculties and specialties of the second order

MSTU also accommodates those applicants who are not too eager to work in production, offering them secondary specialties. At the moment, the university has the following faculties: biomedical technology, linguistics, social and human sciences, physical education and health, law, intellectual property and forensics.

Also, Bauman University, whose faculties and specialties require enormous dedication from students, has its own military institute, which is why students in this case have nothing to fear that they may be called up for service in the middle of the academic year. In addition, even if one of the university graduates wants to join the army, he will serve as an officer, not as a private.

Branch faculties of the university

The faculties that immediately train specialists for certain industries deserve special attention: aerospace, instrument making, optical-electronic instrument making, radio engineering, rocket and space technology. Training is carried out within the framework of a special unit of the university - GUIMC (the main educational, research and methodological center), where persons with disabilities can study.

At the same time, students of these faculties will eventually receive specialties that are taught in the main departments of the university. A similar system operates with GUIMC. Thus, the university gives everyone the opportunity to get an education, regardless of any restrictions.

MSTU and partners

The university is engaged in innovative developments in the technical field with the support of the largest research centers and educational institutions all over the world. The Korean Institute of Science and Technology, the universities of Montreal and Illinois, the Beijing IT Institute and many other universities around the world cooperate with Bauman University.

Exchange programs have been operating between MSTU and foreign partners for a long time. About two hundred students every year go to universities in Europe and the USA to gain additional skills, while foreign students are also frequent guests of Baumanka. Foreigners most often cooperate with the Faculty of Linguistics; it is with the help of its teachers and students that specialists from different countries manage to establish common contacts.

Bauman University, whose faculties and specialties are extremely popular all over the world, continues to expand. The university management believes that it is necessary to develop humanitarian and applied areas; in this regard, it is planned to open several more auxiliary faculties and departments.

MSTU: passing grade

Annually information about admission to Bauman University (passing score, competition conditions and number of budget places) is changing. The passing score should be the average score obtained by adding up all the Unified State Examinations passed by the applicant and required for admission. This score can also be obtained by adding all the results of the Unified State Exam with the result of the internal exam.

In 2013, the passing score at Baumanka was 225 points; this year the situation has not changed. The indicators decrease from year to year, the overall average in subjects should be 75, this is enough for admission. The university treats potential applicants quite leniently; enrolling in MSTU is quite possible.

Some faculties have the right to arrange additional tests, in addition to the Unified State Examination, which is taken by applicants after school. It is recommended to clarify in advance the presence or absence of such exams with the university admissions office, which operates from mid-May to the end of August. MSTU is also held in April-May, where every potential student can ask all the questions that interest him.

Faculties and their features

Bauman University, whose faculties have already graduated more than 400 thousand specialists, places its main emphasis on technical professions. As a rule, the passing score there is much higher than usual. For example, to enter the specialty "Ground transport and technological means" you must have GPA - 250.

Among technical specialties The lowest passing score is now observed at the Faculty of Optical-Electronic Instrumentation - 173. To enter there you need to pass the Russian language, mathematics and physics. The cost of training here is also lower than at other faculties - 180 thousand rubles per year. Concerning applied faculties, it’s easier to get in there; the passing scores there are much lower than usual.

What the cost of studying?

Most universities are switching to a commercial basis, and Bauman University was no exception; the cost of education here can range from 180 to 240 thousand rubles per year. Education at the leading faculties of the university is more expensive, while at applied faculties it is cheaper. The exact price, terms and methods of payment can be clarified with the admissions committee.

At some faculties there are also budget places; they are primarily provided to excellent students, targeted students, people with disabilities health, and only then - to ordinary applicants. The number of budget places at MSTU is decreasing every year due to a lack of government funding.

There is also an exception to the rules, it concerns the State University of Informatics and Research Center, where people with disabilities study, who cannot gain knowledge with ordinary students. In this center, training is free; the only thing that is required of the student is to diligently attend classes and cope with the workload. The center employs psychologists who help students adapt to their studies.

Conditions for visitors

Not everyone can afford to rent an apartment in Moscow. And here Bauman University comes to the rescue, whose dormitory can become a temporary home for a student. At the moment, MSTU has ten of its own dormitories, two of them are given over to the needs of the faculties of power engineering and special mechanical engineering.

One of the dormitories (No. 3) is located on the territory of the village of Ilinskoye in the Moscow region. A special room (No. 13) located on Muranovskaya Street is allocated for teachers, graduate students and family students. The provision of dormitories for students is carried out on a competitive basis (based on the number of points scored on the Unified State Examination). Students from nine faculties cannot count on receiving a dormitory; the list of specialties can be checked with the admissions office.

All students (including nonresident students) have the right to receive free medical care in clinic No. 160, MSTU. You must have your passport, student ID and medical insurance with you in order to get a card and visit doctors as needed. All sick leave certificates must be certified by this clinic.

How to proceed?

After receiving the certificate, you must immediately contact admissions committee university, since documents are accepted from June 20 to July 25. At the university, you will need to fill out an application, present your passport and a copy of it (if you don’t have it, the admissions specialists themselves will make it in your presence).

Next, you need to present the original certificate or a copy of it (if you are applying to several universities or faculties at once), copies of diplomas from olympiads and other competitions (if any). If you have documents that allow you to receive certain advantages upon admission, you must also present them.

If you enroll, you will need to provide a copy of the agreement under which the university will study you. Also, the admissions office must have six 3 x 4 photographs of you, and you should bring a military ID or other documents that will help you with admission.

And it will require considerable effort from you, because Bauman University, whose specialties are rated abroad, is becoming more and more popular from year to year. If possible, it is recommended to apply to several faculties at once, then you will have a much better chance of entering MSTU.

How to prepare for admission?

Of course, preparations should be made in advance, but if everything was not done according to the standard scheme, you can go a different way. Another advantage that Bauman University offers is courses aimed at preparing future applicants. The main thing is to register there on time and consistently attend classes.

These courses are paid, their cost will directly depend on what kind of education you have. If you have just graduated from school and started taking courses, you will have to pay 18,500 rubles for them, otherwise their cost will be 20 thousand rubles. You will be provided with everything you need reference materials, and also learn to solve problems necessary for studying at MSTU.

Some applicants mistakenly believe that by attending additional courses, it will be possible to become familiar with the teachers, and after that they themselves will do everything to accept the newly minted student. This is fundamentally wrong; the student admission system is now 90% automated, and nothing depends on personal communication.

To "Baumanka"

You can prepare for admission in advance, for this there is a school at Bauman University - Lyceum No. 1581, it is advisable to transfer your child there before the 8th grade, then in three years he can be properly prepared. The lyceum has been operating for almost 80 years, and during this time most of its students graduated from MSTU and were able to realize themselves in many fields.

There is another school whose students can prepare to enter Bauman University - Lyceum No. 1580, which has been operating for 25 years. recent years. There, preparation is carried out for the Unified State Exam in mathematics, physics and computer science - the three main subjects required when studying at Baumanka.

What do they say about Baumanka?

The best way to help you understand what Bauman University is like is reviews. They can be read in additional sources; university students admit that studying at MSTU is quite difficult, since you have to thoroughly understand large quantities new material.

Bauman University, reviews of which are mostly positive, is constantly open to future applicants. You can ask your questions at any time by contacting the university admissions committee, as well as by contacting the leadership of the faculty you are interested in.

How to get to Baumanka?

To submit documents, you need to know where exactly Bauman University is located, its address is simple - 2nd Baumanskaya Street, 5. Not far from the main building of MSTU there is a metro station, the name of which is similar to the name of the university.

You can also get to the university by regular public transport. We are talking about tram routes No. 24, 37, 50; trolleybus route No. 24 and bus route No. 78. In addition, minibuses constantly travel near MSTU, the services of which you can also use.

Taking into account individual achievements of applicants upon admission
in 2017

When admitted to undergraduate and specialist programs, points are awarded for the following individual achievements (extract from the Admission Rules):

1.14.1. Having the status of champion and prize-winner of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympic Games, world champion, European champion, winner of the world championship, European championship in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympic Games - 10 points.

1.14.2. Having a gold insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) and a standard certificate for it - 4 points.

1.14.3. Availability of a certificate of secondary general education with honors or a certificate of secondary general (secondary (complete) general) education containing information about being awarded a gold or silver medal. Or having a diploma of secondary vocational education with honors - 10 points.

1.14.4. Having the status of winner of the TechnoCup Olympiad for schoolchildren in computer science, held jointly with Mail.Ru Group and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology(state university) - 8 points.

1.14.5. Having the status of a winner of the TechnoCup Olympiad for schoolchildren in computer science, held jointly with Mail.Ru Group and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (state university) - 6 points. Availability of the status of winner of the “Step into the Future” Olympiad for schoolchildren, obtained within the last 4 years (from the approved List of Olympiads relevant year) - 8 points. If you have more than 1 status specified in clause, in different classes - 2 points (for each subsequent class). Having the status of a winner of the “Step into the Future” Olympiad for schoolchildren, obtained over the past 4 years (from the approved List of Olympiads for the corresponding year) - 6 points. If you have more than 1 status specified in clause in different classes - 1 point (for each subsequent class).
If there are simultaneous achievements specified in clauses and (obtained in different classes), points are provided in accordance with clauses and

1.14.8. Availability of the status of winner of schoolchildren’s Olympiads for the 11th grade from the approved List of Olympiads with the relevant subjects “physics”, “mathematics” and “computer science and ICT” - 8 points.

1.14.9. Having the status of a winner of Olympiads for schoolchildren for the 11th grade from the approved List of Olympiads with the relevant subjects “physics”, “mathematics” and “computer science and ICT” - 6 points.

1.14.10. Having the status of winner of schoolchildren's Olympiads for the 11th grade from the approved List of Olympiads in general education subjects and complexes of natural science subjects (astronomy, chemistry, biology) - 4 points.

1.14.11. Having the status of a winner of Olympiads for schoolchildren in the 11th grade from the approved List of Olympiads in general education subjects and complexes of natural science subjects (astronomy, chemistry, biology) - 2 points.

1.14.12. Availability of the status of winner of Olympiads for schoolchildren for the 11th grade from the approved List of Olympiads in general education subjects and sets of subjects not specified in paragraphs. 1.14.4- 1.14.11 - 2 points.

1.14.13. Availability of the status of a winner of Olympiads for schoolchildren for the 11th grade from the approved List of Olympiads in general education subjects and sets of subjects not specified in paragraphs. 1.14.4-1.14.11 - 1 point.

1.14.14. Availability of a diploma “For the best research work” within the framework of the “Step into the Future” Olympiad in a set of subjects “engineering” in the 2016/2017 academic year - 5 points.

1.14.15. Participation and (or) results of participation of applicants in intellectual and (or) creative competitions, physical education events and sports events held in order to identify and support individuals who have demonstrated outstanding abilities - up to 5 points, as decided by the selection committee.

1.14.16. Having the status of winner of the Gazprom industry Olympiad in the subject “physics” or “computer science” - 8 points.

1.14.17. Having the status of winner of the Gazprom industry Olympiad in the subject of mathematics, or a prize-winner of the Gazprom industry Olympiad in the subjects of physics or computer science - 6 points.

1.14.18. Having the status of a winner of the Gazprom industry Olympiad in the subject “mathematics” - 4 points.

1.14.19. Having the status of winner of the Olympiad for schoolchildren in drawing and computer modeling, held by MSTU. N. E. Bauman - 5 points.

1.14.20. Having the status of a prize-winner in the Olympiad for schoolchildren in drawing and computer modeling, conducted by MSTU. N. E. Bauman - 3 points.

1.14.21. Having the status of winner of the Moscow Pre-Professional Olympiad for schoolchildren for the 11th grade in the following areas: technology; research; design; programming - 5 points.

1.14.22. Having the status of a winner or prize-winner of the Moscow Olympiad for schoolchildren for the 11th grade in the following areas: technology; research; design; programming - 3 points.

1.14.23. Having the status of winner of a city open scientific-practical conference“Engineers of the Future” in 2017 for the 11th grade - 5 points.

1.14.24. Having the status of a prize-winner of the city open scientific and practical conference “Engineers of the Future” in 2017 for the 11th grade - 3 points.

1.14.25. Participation in the final pre-professional exam according to the program of the Moscow city department “Engineering classes in a Moscow school” with a score of 81 to 100 points - 10 points.

1.14.26. Participation in the final pre-professional exam according to the program of the Moscow city department “Engineering classes in a Moscow school” with a score of 61 to 80 points - 8 points.

Additional points for winning Olympiads are given only in the absence of special admission rights without entrance examinations or the right to 100 points in the relevant subject.

Within each of the grounds 1.14.4 - 1.14.15, the provision of additional points is one-time (they are not supposed to be summed up for winning in the same Olympiad; summation across different classes is allowed).

When providing additional points for several different types of reasons at once, the points are summed up. Moreover, if the sum of points for all reasons turns out to be more than 10, then the accrual of points in total is limited to 10 points.

Benefits for winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads upon admission
in 2015

1. The winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad for schoolchildren “Step into the Future” (No. 48 in the “List of Olympiads for schoolchildren and their levels for the 2014-2015 academic year”) in the profile “Engineering and Technology” (general education subject “Physics”) are given the opportunity to receive a special the right of admission without entrance examinations upon admission to educational programs from Appendix 1. In the absence of an expression of will to receive a special right of admission without entrance examinations, the specified category of winners and prize-winners of Olympiads are granted a special right to participate in the competition with a maximum number of points (100 points) in physics upon admission for any educational program, the list of entrance tests for which includes the subject “physics”.

2. The winners of schoolchildren’s Olympiads in the general education subject “physics” of all levels included in Appendix 2 are given the opportunity to receive a special right of admission without entrance examinations upon admission to educational programs from Appendix 1. In the absence of an expression of will to receive a special right of admission without entrance examinations This category of Olympiad winners is given a special right to participate in a competition with a maximum number of points (100 points) in physics upon admission to any educational program that includes the subject “physics” in the list of entrance tests.

3. Prize-winners of schoolchildren’s Olympiads in the general education subject “physics” of all levels included in Appendix 2, who took 2nd and 3rd places, are given a special right to participate in the competition with a maximum number of points (100 points) in physics upon admission to any educational program, the list of entrance tests for which includes the subject “physics”.

4. The winners of schoolchildren’s Olympiads in the general education subject “mathematics” of all levels included in Appendix 2 are given the opportunity to receive a special right of admission without entrance examinations upon admission to educational programs from Appendix 1. In the absence of a will to receive a special right of admission without entrance examinations This category of Olympiad winners is given a special right to participate in a competition with a maximum number of points (100 points) in mathematics upon admission to any educational program, the list of entrance examinations for which includes the subject “mathematics”.

5. Prize-winners of schoolchildren’s Olympiads in the general education subject “mathematics” of all levels, included in Appendix 2, who took 2nd and 3rd places, are given a special right to participate in the competition with a maximum number of points (100 points) in mathematics upon admission to any educational program , the list of entrance tests for which includes the subject “mathematics”.

6. Winners and prize-winners of schoolchildren’s Olympiads in the general education subject “informatics” of all levels included in Appendix 2 are given a special right to participate in the competition with the maximum number of points (100 points) in computer science upon admission to educational programs, the list of entrance tests for which includes subject "Informatics".

7. Winners and prize-winners of schoolchildren’s Olympiads in the general education subject “social studies” of all levels included in Appendix 2 are given a special right to participate in the competition with the maximum number of points (100 points) in social studies upon admission to educational programs, the list of entrance tests for which includes subject "social studies".

8. Winners and prize-winners of schoolchildren’s Olympiads in the general education subject “history” of all levels included in Appendix 2 are given a special right to participate in the competition with the maximum number of points (100 points) in history upon admission to educational programs, the list of entrance tests for which includes subject "history".

9. Winners and prize-winners of schoolchildren’s Olympiads in the general education subject “foreign language” of all levels included in Appendix 2 are given a special right to participate in the competition with a maximum number of points (100 points) in a foreign language upon admission to educational programs, in the list of entrance examinations for which includes the subject “foreign language”.

10. If the applicant is the winner or prize-winner of several school Olympiads, the results of which provide special rights for admission to MSTU. N.E. Bauman in 2015, the principle of one-time granting of special rights is implemented: a special right is granted only based on the results of one school Olympiad of the applicant’s choice.

The condition for providing any of the above benefits is that the Unified State Examination result in a core subject (the corresponding subject of the Olympiad) must be at least 65 points.

Annex 1


Department name

Index educational program

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technologies (MT)

Metal cutting machines

Instrumentation and technology

Mechanical Engineering Technology

Foundry technologies

Mechanical engineering

Pressure processing technologies

Design of technological machines and complexes

Mechanical engineering

Welding and diagnostic technologies

Materials Science

Rolling equipment and technologies

Electronic technologies in mechanical engineering


Laser technologies in mechanical engineering

Materials processing technology

Faculty of Special Mechanical Engineering (SM)

Dynamics and flight control of rockets and spacecraft

Precision aircraft

Autonomous information and control systems

Missile and pulse systems

Launch rocket complexes

Multi-purpose tracked vehicles and mobile robots

Special purpose vehicles

Wheeled vehicles

Ground transport and technological means

Faculty of Robotics and Complex Automation (RK)

Handling and transport systems

applied mechanics

Faculty of Power Engineering (E)

Rocket engines

Piston engines

Gas turbine and unconventional plants

Vacuum and compressor technology

Technological machines and equipment

Design of technological machines and complexes


Nuclear reactors and installations

Plasma power plants

High-tech plasma and energy installations

Design of aircraft and rocket engines (electric rocket engines)

Ecology and industrial safety

Hydromechanics, hydraulic machines and hydropneumatic automation

Appendix 2

Olympiad number

Full name of the Olympiad

Olympiad profile corresponding to one or more general education subjects or one or more specialties and areas of higher education training

Olympiad level

Olympiad profile

General education subjects or specialty(s) and areas of higher education preparation

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren "Nanotechnologies - a breakthrough into the future"


biology, mathematics, chemistry, physics

All-Russian competition of scientific works of schoolchildren "Junior"





physics and astronomy

astronomy, physics

All-Russian Tournament of Young Physicists

All-Siberian Open Olympiad for Schoolchildren





Herzen Olympiad for schoolchildren

foreign language

foreign language

City Open Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Physics

Engineering Olympiad for schoolchildren

Internet Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics

Interdisciplinary Olympiad for schoolchildren named after V.I. Vernadsky

history, social studies

Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren "Future researchers - the future of science"





Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren "Highest Standard"

history of world civilizations



social science

social science

Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren "Eurasian Linguistic Olympiad"

foreign language

foreign language

Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren "SAMMAT"



Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren on the basis of departmental educational institutions

foreign language

foreign language



Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren in mathematics and cryptography



Interregional subject Olympiads of the federal state autonomous educational institution higher vocational education"Kazansky (Privolzhsky) federal university"

Multidisciplinary Engineering Olympiad "Future of Russia"

aviation and rocket and space technology

maths, physics

mechanical engineering

maths, physics

equipment and technologies of shipbuilding and water transport

maths, physics

materials technology

maths, physics

nuclear energy and technology

maths, physics

Moscow Olympiad for schoolchildren


astronomy, physics




Russian language, foreign language, mathematics



social science

social science

United Interuniversity Mathematical Olympiad for Schoolchildren



United International Mathematical Olympiad "Formula of Unity" "Third Millennium"



Olympics Kurchatov



MGIMO(U) Olympiad of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia for schoolchildren

humanities and social sciences

history, social studies

RSUH Olympiad for schoolchildren

Olympiad of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

foreign language

foreign language

social science

social science

Olympiad for schoolchildren "State Audit"

social science

social science

Interregional Olympics on the right "FEMIDA"

law, social studies

law, social studies

Olympiad for schoolchildren "Star - Talents in the service of defense and security"



Olympiad for schoolchildren "Lomonosov"


maths, physics


foreign language, literature

foreign language

foreign language



history of Russian statehood



international relations and global studies


maths, physics

social science

social science

political science


maths, physics


social science

Olympiad for schoolchildren "Hope of Energy"




Olympiad for schoolchildren "Heirs of Lefty" in physics

Schoolchildren's Olympics "Conquer the Sparrow Hills!"

foreign language

foreign language



social science

social science

Olympiad for schoolchildren "Russia in the electronic world"

social science

social science

Olympiad for schoolchildren "Teacher of the School of the Future"

foreign language

foreign language

Olympiad for schoolchildren "Phystech"



Olympiad for schoolchildren "Step into the future"



Technics and techology

Olympiad for schoolchildren in computer science and programming



Olympiad for schoolchildren of St. Petersburg State University

foreign language

foreign language





social science

social science


history, social studies


Russian language, literature, foreign language

Youth Mathematical School Olympiad



Open Interuniversity Olympiad for Siberian School Students Federal District"The Future of Siberia"

Open Olympiad for schoolchildren "Information Technologies"



Open Olympiad for schoolchildren in mathematics



Open Olympiad for schoolchildren in programming



Open regional interuniversity Olympiad of universities in the Tomsk region (ORMO)

Industry Physics and Mathematics Olympiad for Schoolchildren "Rosatom"



Regional competition for schoolchildren of the Chelyabinsk University Educational District

foreign language

foreign language

Russian Aerospace Olympiad for schoolchildren

St. Petersburg Astronomical Olympiad


astronomy, physics

St. Petersburg Olympiad for schoolchildren



North-Eastern School Olympiad

Television Humanitarian Olympiad for Schoolchildren "Clever Men and Smart Men"

humanities and social sciences

history, art

Tournament of Cities



Tournament named after M.V. Lomonosov

astronomy and earth sciences

astronomy, physics


Russian language, foreign language



It's finished!

The fruit of my, my son’s, grandmother’s efforts for 11 years was my son’s admission to MSTU. Bauman in the direction of "Power Engineering" on a budget!!!

A short note: we live in Ufa (Bashkiria), we were admitted to Moscow.

Simultaneously with this event, a meeting of northerners took place, where I was the organizer (about this in the next post), so I have not yet fully realized happiness... so... I’m gradually coming to my senses and sharing (everyone shares what they have in excess))))).

If anything, I can briefly tell you how to achieve admission to a prestigious university in the capital on a budget (upon request, in case no one is interested in this).

We are a little worried about the hostel... while they are offering an option under an agreement with the polytechnic for 4500 rubles. and far from Baumanka... but there is still a chance, suddenly someone will refuse the hostel of Baumanka itself... but this, of course, is trivial compared to the event itself))

This is such very, very happy news)

Thanks to those who will rejoice with us)

I'll add. Briefly about what we had (in terms of school education) and how we did it)

So. Lyrical digression.
My son studied grades 1-3 at a super high school (mathematics in two programs). Due to a coincidence of life circumstances, he had to move to another city (Ufa) and go to a regular school, where he studied until the 9th grade. The most ordinary school (although Veremeenko graduated from it, he once ran for president of Bashkiria). From the first grade, my son was an excellent student. In a regular school there was no competition, he always got an “A” and for some reason (according to his son) he was never assigned homework. As a result, when the time came to think about a university and choosing the Unified State Exam, we decided to transfer to a decent gymnasium in the 7th grade. But it was not there. My son scored 2 and 3 in the entrance exams to this gymnasium. That is, he was not accepted. To say that I was upset is to say nothing. But we didn’t fold our hands, we drew conclusions. We found a lyceum - the enrollment of students in universities breaks all records in Bashkiria, they have the highest Unified State Examination points among graduates. My son entered this lyceum for 2 years in a row. We started with training courses at this lyceum + studied with a tutor (a former teacher of this lyceum) and did not pass (even “calls” did not help).
We didn’t stop there either... We continued to study at school and study with a math tutor, and the next summer, lo and behold, our son entered! I studied in grades 10-11 at a lyceum with a physics-mathematics focus.
At first, of course, he went from being an excellent student to a C student... but by the end of the 10th grade he improved to 4, and by the end of the 11th grade he reached 4 and 5.

While studying at the Lyceum, he constantly participated in all sorts of Olympiads and even managed to earn a certificate in the Aerospace Olympiad in Physics, which gives 100 Unified State Exam points when entering certain universities.

In the 11th grade, my son attended additional electives in physics all year, 2 times a week (at another school, where his girlfriend used to study, physics is strong there). 3-4 months before the Unified State Exam, I studied mathematics with a tutor (teacher at the Ufa University) for 2 hours a week, systematized my knowledge and filled in the gaps (of course, I should have done this earlier). I studied Russian with a tutor six months before the Unified State Exam, mainly writing essays and arguments.

In Russian I scored 82 points, in physics I scored 84 points (at the same time, the Olympiad certificate worked, which gave 100 points... there was a condition, get 65 points, then the certificate will work) and in mathematics my son relaxed, because he realized that in physics the certificate worked))) and scored only 64 points (then I looked at the errors, thought about filing an appeal, but... there were such stupid mistakes... like I didn’t calculate the number of PI, etc.).
In total, it turned out to be 246 points.

Since we know approximately where our son wants to work later (he studied the statistics of hiring with certain diplomas and in what areas, etc. + former graduates of the lyceum, who graduated from Moscow and St. Petersburg universities, periodically visit lyceum students and share their experience of admission and being in demand in the future + to get a job with my sister in an international company, Baumanka was also required)... then priority fell on Baumanka... also MIPT is good, but far away, Dolgoprudny did not suit my son..

So, with his 246 points, the son passed to Baumanka, but in his highest priority direction he was not on the list of those recommended for enrollment, but in the reserve in 3rd place. That is, there was a chance that by August 4 someone would pick up the documents and my son would move up on the list, I didn’t hope for that at all... but... that’s what happened, my son was included in the list of those recommended for enrollment... and after Three more of them with lower scores also made it onto this list.

By the way, this year the passing grade at Baumanka (as well as at any university) was lower, because some of the “cheapers” were eliminated, and there were already fewer hundred-salary students and those who were purchased.

Somehow like this..

P.S. The other day, my classmate from Sochi was interested in HOW we entered Moscow on a budget... I briefly explained to her: the desire for knowledge from 1st grade to 11th grade, tutors, a certain selection of educational institutions, constant work at home and parental control (in studies) , and she said “that’s all???”. They simply convince her that the only way to get into Moscow on a budget is through a bribe. No guys, no! Not only! We have no money for commerce and bribes! We have in abundance our mother’s irresistible desire for the best...
We wish the same for you!
