Where do land surveyors work? What is land management and land cadastre

Where do land surveyors work?  What is land management and land cadastre

After passing the Unified State Exam Many applicants always have the question of where to go next? But, of course, it is much better if the graduate asks himself about this early and has time to choose his own direction and future job taste. In this article you will learn about such a specialty as land surveyor and cadastre.

Specialty cadastre - passing score, specialty code, form and duration of study

“Land management and cadastres are a specialty, what is it?” - many people will probably ask themselves. Indeed, the profession is not the most common, famous or popular. The specialty of cadastral engineer (specialty code: land cadastre: 03/21/02) is primarily associated with “land surveying” and land measurement. Basically, the specialist determines the coordinates of the property boundary, makes a boundary plan, prepares all the necessary documents for entering the property into the state land registry and monitors the fruits of his measurements.

There are different areas of this specialty - land cadastre, city cadastre, real estate cadastre.

Average score for admission to a university varies from 45 to 60 in different universities, and the duration of study is 4 years in full-time training and 5 years in correspondence.

Specialty: land management and cadastres - universities

Anyone who wants to become a land surveyor has two ways to get this specialty: or get a secondary education professional education in specialties that give the right to receive a qualification certificate of a cadastral engineer, or obtain higher education, and then receive the certificate itself. The list of specialties that give the right to receive a certificate is publicly available and can be easily found on the Internet.

Specialty land cadastre universities in Moscow:

  • State University of Land Management;
  • Business Career Institute;
  • Institute of Industry Management;
  • and others.

Work in the specialty of land management and cadastres

Specialty: land management and cadastre, who to work with? You can work either as an employee of a company or as an individual entrepreneur. But we must remember that no matter what form of employment you choose, you must immediately prepare for frequent business trips, since it is logical that most land surveys take place away from the city.

Specialty: land management and cadastre, where to work? Land management is a fairly general term. Here are a few main areas where a future specialist will be able to work:

  • Monitoring the condition of the soil (identifying soil defects).
  • Monitoring the quality of the land (suitability and how good it is for agricultural production).
  • Cartographer and surveyor (the basis for all other areas of land surveying is the measurement and recording of the data obtained.
  • Land inventory work (measuring land that is not used by anyone).
  • Drawing up and development of projects aimed at improving the efficiency of land use and improving its quality.
  • Monitoring legal land use.
  • Soil and biological observations for destruction by natural phenomena or humans.
  • Establishment and description of land boundaries, etc.

The specialty of a cadastral engineer is relatively new, but promising. A good specialist can always count on a salary of 70-75 thousand rubles and a permanent job.

The field of cadastral industry is becoming increasingly popular in last years. All more people need land valuation services, establishing its value and land surveying operations. Each person who will own his own territory must be confident in the quality and safety of the purchased plot.

These are the activities that cadastral engineers are involved in. This profession is not even ten years old - it is quite young, but extremely popular. Previously, specialist land surveyors were involved in such matters, but they did not bear full responsibility to customers.

Unlike their predecessors, cadastral engineers are responsible for all aspects of their work and are fully responsible for possible errors or omissions. Typically, experts in this field use various tricks and technical tools to provide the most accurate data on the object being studied.

So how much does a cadastral engineer earn? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to consider in detail the specifics of work in the field of cadastral engineering.

Professional training

This specialty was developed in order to improve the direction of land management, as well as improve the quality of work of specialists and reduce paperwork, allowing specialists to spend more time “in the fields”.

In order to become a cadastral engineer, you need to obtain a higher education in the areas of “Land management”, “Geodetic support”, “Nature management”, etc. You can also work in this field if you receive secondary specialized education.

There are quite a few areas where you can ultimately achieve the required specialty. Training takes place according to the specialist, bachelor's and master's degrees.

The duration of training is 4-6 years, depending on the chosen training program and focus. This profession requires a lot of dedication and responsibility. A cadastral engineer must have skills and knowledge in the areas of land use, document management and jurisprudence.

Also, knowledge of civil, land and town planning legislation is mandatory when applying for a job, thanks to which you can regulate and solve a lot of “pop-up” issues when working with customers.

The specificity of the work of such a specialist is constant movement from one place to another, and requires a certain time investment. The most profitable way to reduce this indicator is to obtain a driver's license and purchase a personal car.

The work and responsibilities of a cadastral engineer

The employee's responsibilities include:

  • collection of necessary documents for the land property;
  • thorough examination of the working area;
  • making all necessary calculations;
  • coordination of work with adjacent neighboring areas for the organization of cadastral and engineering work;
  • land surveying;
  • creation of a drawing and plan of work performed;
  • consulting clients on land management issues;
  • solution conflict issues and situations;
  • correct use of technical and measuring equipment during land inspection.

A cadastral engineer can work in an organization that has the right to engage in construction activities land plots, and can also open his own business and be his own boss.

In any case, to organize work it is necessary to obtain a license to carry out production activities. Each employee must be equipped with all types of working papers (contracts, certificates, various forms) and his own seal.

A person who wants to work as a cadastral engineer must have certain personal qualities:

  • responsibility;
  • diligence;
  • punctuality;
  • goodwill;
  • communication skills;
  • stress resistance;
  • developed sense of intuition;
  • logical thinking;
  • technical mindset;
  • attentiveness;
  • ability to solve many problems in a short time.

Cadastral engineers must undergo retraining courses every few years to improve their working level. Workers who have not taken such courses for many years or have been observed large quantities violations due to the specifics of work may lose their license to operate.

People who are mentally unstable, have alcohol or drug addiction, or have a criminal record under the articles “Intentional Causation of Harm” cannot work in this area.

The positive aspects of this direction are the demand in the labor market, as well as high wages.

Salaries in cities and regions of Russia

On average, such specialists in Russia earn 30 thousand rubles. But, as always, the amount of earnings varies from more to less, depending on the region of residence.

  • So, in Moscow The average salary of a cadastral engineer is 50 thousand rubles per month worked. Beginning specialists can count on 30 thousand rubles, but, usually, they quickly gain experience and, after a couple of months, increase their own monthly earnings by several positions.
  • The highest paying region in the country is Magadan Region. There, a cadastral specialist can count on 85 thousand rubles a month or more, depending on his experience and the number of transactions performed.
  • Worker from St. Petersburg earns 45 thousand rubles a month, and his colleague from Yekaterinburg receives an order of magnitude less - 33 thousand rubles.

The largest number of vacancies for the profession “Cadastral Engineer” is open in Moscow and Moscow region, and accounts for 31.3% of requests from all over the country. Next come Leningrad region – 8.3%, and Tyumen region – 6.9%.

The salary consists of a salary (fixed) part and a bonus, which depends on the employee’s length of service, his qualifications and the region where he works. For urgency or additional shifts, the specialist receives a certain monetary bonus.

Salaries in Western countries

  • In Western countries, cadastral engineers are also in demand, as in Russia. Workers from U.S.A with little experience they receive about $2,500 a month. Plus they receive a good bonus for urgent work.
  • In Germany the salary of a beginning specialist is $2,400. More experienced engineers receive 3-4 thousand dollars.
  • In Belarus cadastral engineers are not so popular, and earn about 500 Belarusian rubles, which in Russian terms is approximately 15 thousand rubles. This suggests that land activities in this region are not paramount.
  • In the territory Ukraine the salary of such workers is slightly less than 6 thousand hryvnia (about 13 thousand rubles).

The profession of cadastral engineer is new to the labor market, but has already managed to attract many promising and responsible specialists into its field who love and value their work.

This profession is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Only taking into account many subtleties, pitfalls and the ability to self-organize can become prerequisites for a job you love that will meet all the requests and needs of a specialist.

what city?
subsequent work in various government agencies. bodies - land committee (cadastral chamber now), property committee, architectural bureaus, administrations of the subjects, BTI, registration service, all kinds of federal state unitary enterprises and joint stock companies, private companies with their property that requires accounting and registration, legal, geodetic and land management offices. There are many places where labor can be applied. salaries from zero to whatever happens. those. How do you get settled? for Moscow - you can get a job for 20 thousand, but you can get a job for 120 with experience. officials are, of course, rotten with bribes. the opposite side is most likely to pay bribes to the same officials, only to persuade them. the job is no worse than others. interesting and may well be honest. depending on what you are looking for in life.
Good luck:)

continuation: Girls, for you, I consider it necessary to remind you that when working in a government agency (be it the administration, cadastral chamber, Rosreestr, ministry property relations) you have a stable paid maternity leave (about 10,000 rubles or more depending on the position, every month for 1.5 years). And so, friends, let’s sum it up: a state institution is not bad at all, considering the various “privileges”, stable work, salary is not in envelopes, confidence in the future, so to speak! We put a big fat plus. BUT BUT BUT there will never be career growth like in private companies) accordingly this is a minus! the salary without an increase of at least one step will be almost at the same level for a year or two or three! it's up to you to choose! Good luck!

Specialty - Land management and cadastres - (bachelor's degree)

Specialists in this profession are needed in both private and government agencies. If a student has just graduated from a university, then his salary can start at 25-30 thousand rubles. A more experienced employee can count on increasing this amount to 40 thousand. At the same time, the project manager already earns 50 thousand rubles or more.

For most people, the concepts of land management and cadastre become clear only in the case of any operations with land plots. However, due to the active development of construction, the specialty 03.21.02 “Land management and cadastres” is now becoming one of the most popular in higher and secondary educational institutions of the country.

What is land management and land cadastre

You can work with the most profitable and popular professions. They are considered: cadastral engineer, surveyor and land surveyor. The cadastral engineer carries out surveying and establishment of turning points of boundaries on the ground. The boundary plan for one site costs on average 15-20 thousand rubles.

IN Lately a lot of applicants choose the specialty “land management and cadastre”, because it interesting profession, associated with land resources, which will never be exhausted and will not go anywhere, therefore, it will always be possible to work in this area, especially at the current pace of urban development.

Specialty cadastre

Specialty: land management and cadastre, who to work with? You can work either as an employee of a company or as an individual entrepreneur. But we must remember that no matter what form of employment you choose, you must immediately prepare for frequent business trips, since it is logical that most land surveys take place away from the city.

“Land management and cadastres are a specialty, what is it?” many people will probably ask themselves. Indeed, the profession is not the most common, famous or popular. The specialty cadastral engineer (specialty code land cadastre: 03/21/02) is primarily associated with land surveying and land measurement. Basically, the specialist determines the coordinates of the property boundary, makes a boundary plan, prepares all the necessary documents for entering the property into the state land registry and monitors the fruits of his measurements.

Land management and cadastres

Spend an hour on delivery, then 800 rubles and time to print one sheet, or 1.5 rubles. Your diploma will not allow you to work as a professional engineer without a certificate. Through connections at the BTI, they will put a stamp for you; They’ll get you into the cadre ward easily, but the salary is almost the same throughout the country, etc., where you don’t need a certificate, and so on. I submitted documents only to Omsk State Agrarian University and entered the land management faculty. The Faculty of Land Cadastre was created in 1998 in the process of reorganizing the Faculty of Cadastre and Law. This faculty trains students in specialty 311000 “Land Cadastre”.

Junior specialist, bachelor's degree, engineer - land surveyor, faculty of land management and cadastre. Prepare and issue them the necessary certificates or other documents. There are even cases of employees marrying and nepotism. Well, the level of intelligence should be at the proper level. 11. Work gives me additional opportunities (here is everything that work gives you except money, self-expression and communication with interesting people to the opportunity to visit different countries).

Korea Morea

Essays on the history of the State University for Land Management for 1779-2004/S. N. Volkov, A. A. Varlamov, Yu. K. Neumyvakin and others; Ed. S. N. Volkova. Profession: land surveyor. I work as the chief specialist of the regional department of land resources in Ukraine. Responsibilities include preparing and maintaining relevant reports.

Draws up land management and cadastral documents, checks their completeness and accuracy. When using land for industrial and social purposes, a land management engineer must ensure compliance with environmental legislation. IN general life at Perm Pedagogical College No. 1 is stormy and intense. Economic assessment of lands and territories. A land surveyor is a specialist in topographic surveys, measurements and land surveying.

Professions related to real estate valuation and management are among the ten highest paid

Applicants have little choice: they can enroll in the Faculty of City Cadastre of the State University or the Faculty of Economics and Territory Management of MIIGAiK - budget places 75 and 25, respectively. Those entering the State University of Education (for any cadastral specialty) will have to take mathematics (orally and in writing) and the Russian language. MIIGAiK applicants will be tested in the Russian language, mathematics and, optionally, physics, geography or computer science.

Speciality for the most part aimed at studying buildings and structures. Graduates are engaged in the examination, inspection, design and construction of residential and commercial real estate. A separate item is trade and real estate activities. IN syllabus includes such subjects as construction technology, real estate assessment and design, property management, real estate transactions and insurance, and property valuation.

Land management and cadastres

In modern economic conditions The issue of effective territorial management arises most acutely. Literally “before our eyes” changes are taking place in the structure of use of territories within cities, rural settlements and other lands. Land surveyors play important role in strategic planning.

The activities of a cadastre engineer include: legal regulation land resources, accounting and assessment of land plots in the city, industrial and agricultural areas, state control over the use of land, as well as design, survey and geodetic work.

Faculty of Engineering Ecology and Urban Economy, St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbGASU)

  • in organizations of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation;
  • at enterprises in the services of the chief power engineer;
  • in research and design organizations involved in the design of energy equipment and systems;
  • in installation organizations engaged in the construction of thermal power facilities.
    Graduates in this profile can work:
  • in the system of government bodies regulating issues of land surveying and land use of urban areas and territories for other purposes;
  • in government and commercial organizations designing master plans for various facilities and many others;
  • in services and commercial enterprises in the field of cadastre;
  • in research and production enterprises for land management and cadastre;
  • banks, insurance, design and survey and real estate companies.

City cadastre who to work with

Region professional activity:

  • ensuring human security in the modern world;
  • creating a technosphere comfortable for human life and activity, minimizing the technogenic impact on the natural environment;
  • preserving human life and health through the use of modern technical means, control and forecasting methods.

Area of ​​professional activity of graduates:

  • land and property relations;
  • land and real estate management system; organization of land use territory;
  • forecasting, planning and design of land use, rational use and protection of land;
  • accounting, cadastral valuation and registration of real estate;
  • topographic, geodetic and cartographic support for land management and cadastres;
  • positioning of real estate objects, cadastral surveys, formation of cadastral information systems;
  • land surveying and formation of other real estate objects; law enforcement activities to establish ownership and control the use of land and other real estate;
  • inventory of real estate; monitoring of lands and other real estate; taxation of real estate; real estate, appraisal and consulting activities in the field of land and property complex.

The terms “land management” and “cadastres” are not familiar to all people. Some heard, some didn't. Of course, this question is of interest to people with related professions, but it would still be useful for ordinary citizens to delve into this topic.

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If in the current 2017 you work in the field of land management, want to enter a university in a similar specialty, or simply encounter Everyday life and you probably don’t quite understand what is legal and what is not, you need to contact a specialist.

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So, land management. What is this? This is a set of activities related to land work, and more specifically:

  • monitoring legal land use;
  • organizing the development of projects aimed at improving land use and improving its quality;
  • recording and further work on the boundaries of the objects of their activities.

This raises the question, what kind of land management objects are these? This can be not only a plot of land, but also a whole municipality, region or even the territory of the entire country.

The main regulatory document for land management issues is the federal law with the simple title “On Land Management” 78-FZ, as well as a number of other regulatory documents.

A land surveyor is very similar to a cadastral engineer, only land management is a more generalized specialization. But he can also work on the basis of a contract, court decision or orders of a government agency. But only in order to become a cadastral engineer, you need to apply to the administration to obtain a qualification certificate, and for this purpose you will need to pass a qualification exam.

Main types of work of a land surveyor

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Having received an education in land management, in 2017 specialists can carry out different kinds activities related to lands and their borders. Below are the main types specified in the law:

  • monitoring the condition of the earth is a generalization of processes that make it possible to identify soil defects and their deficiencies;
  • the work of a surveyor and cartographer - serves as the basis for all other main activities in land management - measuring and recording the data obtained;
  • soil and biological observations - a type of activity that is a branch of general monitoring of the state of the earth and includes the study of soils for their destruction due to natural phenomena or pollution by various substances;
  • A qualitative assessment of land is not an assessment that allows you to find out the market value of a summer cottage. Land management involves assessing quality - that is, whether the land is good for agricultural production;
  • land inventory work - carried out in order to determine areas that are not used at all (at a time when they can benefit citizens and the state) or are used in violation of land legislation;
  • drawing up projects aimed at the proper use of land and its protection - that is, this point follows from the previous one: after disturbance of the land, it is necessary to restore it, or to prevent violation of the use of land plots;
  • establishing in nature and describing the location of the boundaries of land management objects - probably the name speaks for itself;
  • on-farm land management - all the same types for the specialization “land management”, but only relating to purely agricultural lands.

Results of land surveys

Based on the results of these types of activities, specialists in this field create land management documents. They can be maps of object boundaries, atlases describing the characteristics of all lands, projects to improve the condition of the land, and much more.

All information obtained during the activities of land managers is entered and stored in the state data fund, which in 2017 is maintained by the state registration of rights service.

Briefly about the cadastre

Cadastre originally means a register, that is, a hierarchical ordered list of something.

If we talk about real estate, then in the Russian Federation there is a state real estate cadastre, which contains information about all registered water bodies, lands, and buildings.

Previously there were three separate registers, one of which was called the land registry.

Obtaining a specialty and choosing a profession

Recently, a lot of applicants have chosen the specialty “land management and cadastre”, because this is an interesting profession related to land resources, which will never be exhausted and will not go anywhere, therefore, it will always be possible to work in this area, especially at the current pace of urban development .

Graduates of this specialty work as land surveyors, appraisers, surveyors, inventory takers, cadastral engineers, technicians and even geologists. There are a lot of organizations that hire people with a specialty in land management and cadastres, starting from private offices and ending with Rosreestr, the cadastral chamber or federal government bodies.

You can work with the most profitable and popular professions. They are considered: cadastral engineer, surveyor and land surveyor. The cadastral engineer carries out surveying and establishment of turning points of boundaries on the ground. The boundary plan for one site costs on average 15-20 thousand rubles.

Surveyor creates plans and maps by measuring earth's surface. Such specialists are indispensable in the construction of various objects: from roads to private houses, and construction projects, as we know, will continue until there is no more space for foundations and supports.

The average salary of a surveyor is 70-75 thousand rubles. A land surveyor deals with problems aimed at improving land and its use, including making observations, designing ways to correct mistakes made in land use, and may even develop draft laws that promote more rational use of land resources. A land manager receives on average 40-50 thousand rubles. Attention! All figures are for Moscow.

Most citizens are faced with such concepts as land management and cadastres in the event of any operations with land. However, today, due to the active development of the construction industry, the specialty “Land management and cadastres” is becoming increasingly popular among applicants throughout the country.

Considering that the country's land resources are inexhaustible, university graduates who have received an education in this specialty will always be provided with work. But the popularity of the profession is ensured not only by this factor.

For many, ensuring the rational use of land resources, generalizing and systematizing information about them is a real calling.

Land management and cadastral specialists develop land management schemes and projects.

Government agencies and organizations involved in design and development cannot do without such specialists. construction work. Land management specialists study the legality of land use and develop programs to improve the way land is used.

In contrast, cadastral engineers organize information about land plots, determine their boundaries, and draw up boundary plans. The work of cadastral engineers requires obtaining a qualification certificate. In addition, these specialists can resolve disputes in the field of land and property relations, which arise quite often.

Where to go for education

Considering the popularity of the specialty “Land management and cadastres,” you can get an education in this area in many Russian universities in all corners of the country.

The most famous universities that train specialists in this area:

  • State University of Land Management (Moscow);
  • State University of Geodesy and Cartography (Moscow);
  • Ural State Mining University;
  • State agricultural university(city of St. Petersburg);
  • State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (St. Petersburg);
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow);
  • State Agrarian University named after. N.I. Vavilova (city of Saratov);
  • South Federal University;
  • Institute of Industry Management (Moscow);
  • Siberian State University geosystems and technologies;
  • Kuban Agrarian University and others.

Admission conditions

The conditions for admission to the specialty “Land management and cadastres” in the capital and regional universities are almost identical. Graduates who have successfully passed the Unified State Exam and scored a sufficient number of points in certain subjects can enter higher educational institutions for this specialty.

You need to score points in subjects such as:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics (major subject);
  • physics;
  • computer science and ICT.

The average score required for admission to universities ranges from 45 to 60 in various educational institutions.

The duration of training directly depends on the form of education chosen by the student. The duration of full-time study is 4 years. When choosing a correspondence, mixed or evening form of acquiring knowledge, the student will need to study for 5 years.

Students who want to deepen their knowledge and perhaps engage in scientific activity, after completing a bachelor's degree they have the opportunity to enroll in a master's degree.

Graduates with master's degrees can subsequently find employment in various design institutes, cadastral chambers, justice authorities, insurance companies and other organizations.

What subjects are studied during the training process?

During the course of mastering their specialty, students become acquainted with a variety of interesting and useful information. During their studies they undergo various disciplines.

Let's name just a few of them:

  • fundamentals and economics of land management;
  • cartography;
  • geodesy, geographic information technologies;
  • fundamentals of urban planning;
  • legal support for cadastres and land management;
  • engineering development of the territory;
  • remote sensing.

During training, students not only learn theory about indicated directions, but also gain practical skills that will be useful to them in the future.

Thanks to this, university graduates are able to:

  • independently develop projects for land management and territorial planning;
  • maintain records, registration and cadastral valuation of land;
  • carry out land surveying and formation of real estate objects.

Where to work after graduation

After receiving their diplomas, university graduates can get a job not only in government but also in private organizations.

These are organizations operating in the following areas:

  • land and property relations;
  • management of land resources and real estate;
  • land use planning;
  • cadastral valuation of real estate;
  • cartographic support for land management;
  • formation of cadastral information systems;
  • land surveying;
  • inventory assessment of real estate, etc.

In other words, graduates can find employment in local authorities, design institutes, research organizations, environmental structures, educational and other institutions.

As for salaries, graduates can count on the following amounts:

  • 25-30 thousand rubles - immediately after graduating from higher education educational institution by specialty;
  • 40 thousand rubles – after acquiring minimal work experience;
  • 50 thousand rubles or more – when supervising specialized projects.
