The secret to an easy life is how to live. Trust your shoe shiner

The secret to an easy life is how to live.  Trust your shoe shiner

Andrey/ 04/21/2019 Strange, I clicked “Buy” paper book", I saw several options. Am I a genius or is Tatyana not so much?

Tatiana/ 03.25.2019 I accidentally read about this technique and the author. Where can I buy this book??

Irina/ 01/14/2019 Just listened to it so far most books but when I'm with cotton head and with drooping eyes I realized that I had forgotten, but there was no choice, and that I needed to sew the hood to the coat, and I even had difficulty inserting the thread into the needle... I said in a whisper “apply”! And I just stupidly started sewing like a zombie, after five minutes I realized that I had a completely clear head, and I calmly finished the job in an hour and a half! I didn't even understand how it happened. Delight and!! I bow my head in admiration for the author’s hard work, so many years of work and research to help people make their lives easier!! I thank him for his help, because even if at least one word works for every reader, then what a help!!! :-) And I know what it’s like for a child who has difficulty falling asleep, help is such help!!!

r ord/ 01/3/2019 It’s funny that people using this wonderful technique mainly look for lost things and fight headaches. These are also, of course, useful skills, but the fusion of consciousness and sub-creation is capable of creating much larger-scale miracles. For example, you can boost your memory and learn in a short time foreign language, you can increase your earnings, you can even “order” a prophetic or lucid dream. The main thing is to read this book carefully, between the lines, and believe in the validity of the password no matter what. Our psyche needs time to rebuild and start working in a new way, so perseverance is above all. And, of course, you need to be ready for change. If you are sitting on your butt somewhere in a dilapidated house in Uryupinsk, no matter how much you repeat the word “Count”, golden rain will not fall on you (well, unless you find a coin or win some small change in the lottery). But if you are thinking about your own business (looking for a new job, moving, etc.), then this password will be of great help. Verified.

Mariska / 17.01.2018 Good book! It’s a pity that only some (not all) words proved to be surprisingly working and effective!

Mikha/ 3.11.2017 what words do you need to say to read this book?)))

Guzel/ 12/7/2015 I read this book about 10 years ago, I was amazed at the power of words, especially when you are looking for something lost or when you need to make an impression, I remembered very few words, but even they have helped me all these years! I gave it to someone a long time ago and was left with only what I remembered then, but now I’m glad that I found it here! And the word “assemble” had an effect on me before; I renovated the room in two days and was surprised that I could do it!


Nirvana/ 07/25/2013 Several years ago I read a book. Since then I have been successfully using Obsti and telling people about it. It works for most people too. I decided to re-read and make life even easier - Find Heaven on Earth with the help of these wonderful passwords. Thanks to the wise Author:)

Sasha/ 05/06/2013 The cover of the book is very unfortunate. This may be what turns a lot of people off. Of course, the theme of the book may seem to some simple self-hypnosis, auto-training or affirmations, but it works great! I especially like the word “small” the most =)) This is because of my problems, since I am lonely, I had no friends and no girlfriend. But now, when I find myself in some kind of social circle or just communicate with people, anywhere and with anyone, I use this word. I have never felt so much attention, warmth, love and care! Moreover, from those people whom I have known for a long time, I did not even expect this from them! Now I have many friends! I love them all, they love me too! We like to spend time together! I'm dating girls! In general, try it, maybe it will help you!

Svetlana/ 05.5.2013 Words work great! My daughter takes a long time to fall asleep, she is 2.0 years old. I put you to sleep for an hour. After reading a book, before going to bed I ask her to say the word “around”, after 5-10 minutes she is fast asleep. And other words work flawlessly.

kuts/ 09/13/2012 cool, he loves it)

Augustsum/ 09/08/2012 Wonderful book. I started using passwords. Some really help. I think they work because when you start saying them, you start imagining their effect. Visualization often works...

Hypera/ 10.27.2011 Incomparable! I had intimate pain, I read the mantra and everything went away. A complete replacement for doctors and pharmacies! Reading everyone!

Link/ 10/26/2011 I found what I was looking for) Happiness is nearby..

Mija/ 10.25.2011 Amazing! I've had chest pain for two days now. A few hours ago, after reading this book, I said the word that is given there and my chest stopped hurting. Thanks James. I continue reading the book. I'll see what results I achieve by the end of reading the book. Thanks again.

James T. Mangan (1896-1970) was a best-selling self-help author.

The modern world is well acquainted with the effect of mantras or affirmations on our subconscious, but there is a much simpler method of internal transformation - the use of switch words according to the method of J.T. Mangan.

In his book “The Secret of an Easy Life. How to live without problems" (“The Secret of Perfect Living”) he created psychological system. The energy of password words is a kind of “ordinary miracle” that allows ordinary human life turn it into “paradise on Earth.”

One single word will help not only find a lost item or new friends, but also restore health or even keep you from taking a fatal step. Eternal youth, which accompanies an easy life, will no longer be an unattainable ideal.

Books (1)

The secret to an easy life. How to live without problems

The energy of password words is a kind of “ordinary miracle” that allows ordinary human life to be transformed into “heaven on Earth.”

The modern world is well acquainted with the impact of mantras or affirmations on our subconscious, but there is a much simpler method of internal transformation - the use of switch words according to the method of J.T. Mangan.

One single word will help not only find a lost item or new friends, but also restore health or even keep you from taking a fatal step. Eternal youth, which accompanies an easy life, will no longer be an unattainable ideal. You will get everything you have been striving for unsuccessfully. long years- success, luck, happiness.

Don't believe me? Try it yourself, and the great joy of an easy life will become your everyday life.

Reader comments

Lidiya Surikova/ 02/14/2019 Thank you for the necessary knowledge.

Lisa/ 01/04/2019 I found the video “the secret of an easy life” only two days ago and thought
Yu, if I had recognized him earlier, how easy and lucky my life would have been... Passwords work.

Vlasova/ 04/14/2018 The book lay on the shelf for 20 years. I remembered when it became very bad. Or simpler. I'm at the bottom
Suddenly I understood myself. What do I want? Some kind of unity of my own self appeared.
I remember how 20 years ago I flew and did not walk on the ground and everything worked out. And now it will work

Elena/ 12/8/2017 Hello everyone! Just started using the book. The words passwords really help. For example, the word around helps you fall asleep, the word find actually helps you find any thing. It works. Now I'm testing other words. The book gives you confidence.

Olga/ 10/11/2017 A friend just told me about this wonderful book today; she had never heard of it before and had never come across it. According to her friend, this is how everything worked out for her. We are really lazy and want to do everything at once and work for our own good...

Natalia/ 08/29/2017 Good afternoon! Has anyone tried losing weight using passwords? If it worked, share your experience and words. I just read the book today. Thank you

Alexey S/ 08/04/2017 I will respond to Roman, to his sarcasm, regarding the number of years the author of this book has lived. My dear little man, you can live a fairly full life in 25 years, leave your mark on this earth and leave. And 74 years, for modern life... this is quite a long period. So for general development. But the book is actually very useful and contains a sufficient amount of information for self-knowledge and action. We are simply not used to working on ourselves, because we are busy with everyday affairs everywhere and completely))).

Novel/ 07/13/2017 He didn’t live long - only 74 years. Words and passwords did not help to prolong life...

Love/ 01/17/2017 The book is from 1995, that is, it is 22 years old, it has lain and collected dust for so many years. It's good that I didn't throw it away. Once upon a time, in the indicated year, someone gave it to me, I remembered the password, I found it, and that’s it, I didn’t try it again. During these 3 days the computer broke down. let me, I think I’ll see what to read, while the gist is the point, I found this book and remembered (!) the passwords worked, but it was written then - it seemed like a difficult language to understand for a long time, now I can explain a lot, my passwords have long been invented automatically, I need to clearly see inside yourself general essence problems, events to issue a password phrase into space...

Paul/ 12/8/2016 Passwords helped - and they really helped. I recommend it to everyone!

Irina/ 09/03/2016 Very interesting

Alexei./ 07/10/2015 Excellent book... I read it about 5 years ago... now I remembered that I need to restore my knowledge and will read it again.


The book provides a technique for connecting with the subconscious and password words for all occasions. You can use special words in the simplest and most difficult situations, every day and everywhere and get the results you expect.

What would you give for one word that would conquer your pain? Or which will help you immediately find your lost item? Or which contains a magic formula that allows you to immediately win a lot of money and become rich overnight?

It will be a pleasant surprise for you that there really are words that you just need to say to make them “work” for you and quickly achieve the expected results.

This method, according to D. Mangan, works wonderfully in different situations. This magical formula will allow you to win in many situations in life.

Your energy will be in full swing. It will help you achieve what you want: find lost things... gain good health... increase your self-esteem... eliminate pain... win money and even save capital... feel more confident... become more more beautiful... discover the secret of seeing the future... perform miracles... comfort others... do difficult work... sleep well... make your children blossom.

You can:

Make your illnesses disappear while you sleep.

Look 10 years or more younger.

Earn a lot of money.

Find solutions to your most important problems.

James Mangan. Live without problems: The secret to an easy life

What is the secret to an easy life?

1. New teaching: “Press the button”

Shoe salesman quoting Goethe

Fighting the curtains

Lost, but here it is, nearby

New teaching: “Press the button!”

Contactor theory

Two months that allowed me to avoid eye surgery

Newly acquired kilograms

Plumber deprived of income

One hundred thousand francs for a year

You can achieve almost anything

Laughter should be automatic

2. Twelve answers

2. Helping others

3. Wisdom

4. Active life

5. Art

6. Security

7. Happiness

9. Pleasures

10. Health

11. Love

12. Personal development

Mixed answers

3. Heaven on earth

The nature of the feeling of easy life

The subconscious is an internal computer

Declaration of war

One wish instead of twelve

4. How to see a hidden sign?

Forty years of searching

The Perfect Formula for Using Life

The most happy week

Dream or reality?

A week of maximum endurance

Visible separation

The thesis remains

Password that turns on the machine

Forget Edison, Steinmetz, Westinghouse

5. Hidden Factory

Subconscious "Geiger counter"

You are a modern, well-equipped factory

Factory that produces laughter

You are your own existence

You even walked on water

Visit this factory

Divorce of natural functions from consciousness

Where problems appear

Discover your hidden factory

As personal as heart and tongue

“Together” – general switch

Roll up your sleeves

6. Submission To a Higher Power

Return of a soldier to the barracks

Giving and Forgiving

Leave your personal boycott

Ennobling Apologies

Subordination theory

Swimming - not swimming

Different shapes submission

The sweetness of recovery

Steep Path to Unity


Name the feeling with the most shocking word

Artificial Praise

Free consciousness humiliation

Do something, produce something

Satisfied mason

Good job this is great joy

Take 15 steps, thinking about each of them

Not for fanatics

Emerson's paradox

Love at first sight

Repulsive speaker

Thomas Wolf

Surplus needs mental support

An invitation to the mind

7. Password test

Test the password!

Not a strong remedy

Stay straight

Instant politeness

Kindness is the joy of giving

Prolonging pleasant sensations

Passwords can be simple actions

Help yourself to the sandwiches of an easy life

Magic "Together!"

"Together!" – assistance in trading

8. How to find a lost item?

You know and you don't know at the same time

Now don't give up, keep going

Better than reason and common sense

An extra day to find a lost magazine

You are against yourself

Lifestyle mistakes

A machine that is easy to control

Jester on the roof

Twice lost screwdriver

They say about him that he reads minds

Solving problems in your sleep

Client wallet key

9. Does anyone dare to claim that impossible things exist?

Cuts toenails and travels

Do you want to get rid of headaches?

Let's devote attention to the experiences of my friends

Neutralized speck in the eye

black insect

Plumber and gout attacks

Convinced unbelievers

Forty headaches

Healed from chronic runny nose

Does this system always lead to the desired results?

Approximately 200 successes out of 1000

Relief from chest pain

10. The magic word “Forward”

Password success "forward"

Unknown Samaritan

Parking spaces only

Rocky appeared as if from underground

Test driver who came from nowhere

Four offers from four drivers

Nice meeting

Walking, late lunch

The senator gave him a ride

He wanted to see Green Grove

Shared a taxi

Rented car instead of taxi

Fifteen seconds of uncertainty

Is this telepathy?

11. How to get started difficult tasks?

Walking up the stairs

Natural caution

He loves to walk up the stairs

Call for help at home

Unlock new ways to complete tasks

Password for mastering yourself: “Close”

12. How to blur into unity?

How to achieve internal unity?

1. Pleasant contemplation

"Belle Vue" by Tourist

2. Replace “I” with “WE”

3. Avoid preaching, lectures and accusations

4. Your subconscious is trustworthy

5. “Alphonse and Gaston” technique for achieving personal unity

Give your hand to our other self

6. Each in his own way

"Don't go crazy!"

13. A word that can save a life

How does a fan achieve reconciliation?

What is the conclusion from this?

The sadness of defeat

Your goal should be self-loving

Take advantage of the glare

Save a life in hundredths of a second

Natural law

14. How to overcome internal schism?

Are we doomed to split?

Is there some kind of screw that doesn’t “hold”?

Are you all made up of one piece?

Is this life?

Several reasons for the split

Your own foot is the enemy

The split, the cause of which is in us

Hairdressers' opinions

Constant attack on yourself

The password “adapt” saved her leg.

Dentist with unlucky hand

To some extent we are all self-centered

Life will give reasons

This always happens to me

15. Seal six large cracks

Are there two selves?

Six big cracks

Crack of Greatness

Crack in trust

Crack in the remarks

A crack in the nature of things

Crack in words

Cracks in perception

Miracle of double nature

Just the beginning of an easy life

Both halves of you are made to collaborate.

Blocked Features

The schism has been overcome, unity remains

16. How to get rid of basic fears?

1. Fear of people

Looking for a reason to complain

Unpleasant character

Discussion and disagreement

Injustice and dishonesty

Inability to solve problems

Fear of appearing funny

Uncertainty and indecisiveness

2. Fear of yourself

Untouchable on the field

Don't make noise on a creaking floor

Hold back time

Illness and pain

Fear of the secret functioning of the body

The extraordinary success of the password "rotate"

Something bad will happen to me


3. Fear of time passing

Pulling back


Fear of a specific date

He hesitated and lost...

Old age too early

4. Fear of increasing fear

Tension, high blood pressure, nervousness




Fear of defeat, awareness of cowardice

17. Wonderful Superego

Always present in an easy life

Your subconscious self is a ritualist

Slide rule at friendly meetings

"I can do whatever I want"

Faith is not a conscious act

Some simple ways start believing

A mockery of the second religion

Hobbies too expensive?

A thing smoked before the start

Descriptions of experiences with belief in easy life

Support of the family

Fear of becoming stupid

Faith strengthens faith

James Mangan. Live without problems: The secret to an easy life

What is the secret to an easy life?

The creation of the system that I called the easy life was only possible through forty-five years of intense research and thousands of experiences working with people in different situations. life situations. So what is this system, this easy life? It is a state of complete concentration on oneself, a union of consciousness and subconscious with the aim of ensuring the happiness of the individual. And although much has been written and said about this union, little, however, has been done to make it more tangible. In my research into the state of consciousness, I concentrated primarily on finding a practical method of connecting the conscious mind with the subconscious and discovered a technique that made this connection possible. Its implementation requires only the adoption of four simple principles and the use of appropriate words and phrases. They are a means by which the conscious mind can access the subconscious and receive signals from it. Thanks to mottos, consciousness gains the support of the subconscious, simultaneously creating internal harmony, leading to instant results desired by a person. For example: how often do you get headaches? An aspirin tablet will help you get rid of pain for a while, but without reaching the cause of the pain, it will not help you completely overcome it. Wouldn't you like to reach a state in which you only have to say one word for the pain to immediately disappear? This word exists, and Part 9 of this book explains in detail how to use it. Or, for example, you lost your favorite thing. The more you look for her, the more you feel that you will never find her. But with the help of a certain word, you will be able to relax and allow your inner self to lead you to the lost thing. This is discussed in the eighth part.

These are just two examples of what the “easy life” can do for you. You can do almost whatever you want with it.

1) get rid of all your fears,

2) learn to relax,

4) fight blues and despair,

5) know yourself,

6) understand people better,

7) set goals for yourself and achieve them,

8) make money and achieve success,

9) get rid of bad habits,

10) cope with all ailments, gaining health,

11) discover previously unknown abilities in yourself,

12) be constantly happy man resistant to any blows of fate.

This list does not exhaust the possibilities of an easy life; much more is described in this book. Why not bring this phenomenon to life? Make easy living an integral part of your life.

1. New teaching: “Press the button”

Have there ever been days in your life when everything went wrong? For sure! Didn’t it seem to you then that your soul consisted of two parts that seemed to be fighting each other? One does everything to nullify the creative efforts of the other. Here is an example of a shoe seller.

Shoe salesman quoting Goethe

The seller is full of energy. The first shoe is on, now the second. And the client will see for himself how convenient they are. But... the second... there is a shoe, but where the hell did the spoon go? Anxiety turns to panic. The seller frantically looks around. After all, he was holding it in his hand a second ago! The client looks indifferently at the puzzled seller. “Are you making fun of yourself,” he asks in a calm voice. The salesman turns around and bursts out laughing: “It’s true. Damn it, it's really true! But Goethe - greatest poet- said it better: “Two souls live in my chest, one would be glad to kill the other.” And it was one of these souls, cunning like a fox and dexterous like a card sharper, who hid the spoon under his very nose. Oh, yes, we often make jokes on ourselves, and hellish ones at that. However, sometimes it happens that everything goes like clockwork. We act quickly and deftly. We take advantage of every opportunity that comes our way. And it seems that nothing can stop us. It may seem that the internal struggle is already over. We feel so much strength within ourselves. We are very strong!

Fighting the curtains

Wanting to draw the curtains, at least, seven times you pull the wrong cord. But you perform this action every day. You should probably pull the right cord more often. Meanwhile, when the hand again reaches for the wrong lace, something tells us in our soul: “Listen, hillbilly, I’m making you make mistakes, and I’m doing this to show you that you are not at all as smart and capable as you Seems". And then you get the feeling that this eternal mocker, the worst part of your soul, has a better memory and mind than the other - the conscious part.

Lost, but here it is, nearby

Every day you waste a lot of time searching for items that you have lost or simply misplaced. You cannot find them, although they are somewhere nearby. Old Bill, the chatterbox and favorite of the neighbors in the house where I live, suddenly lost the desire to chat with his friends. And for what reason? Here's why: suddenly he forgot the names of all his old friends.

Catastrophe! It’s not surprising that Bill was very upset and sad. But he still has hope. Each of us - young or old - has moments in life when, instead of the names of old friends, black holes appear in our heads. The more you try to get even a trace of this name, the deeper it sinks into oblivion. You know that you know it, but you are not able to pronounce it. The shoe salesman knew very well the place where he had placed the spoon, but could not recognize it. A housewife looking for scissors, a husband looking for glasses, know where they are, but something in themselves, some part of their own Self, paralyzes their consciousness. Every desire and every fear is accompanied by traps that threaten the peace of mind. If I wanted to characterize human life in one phrase, it would sound like this: “The eternal war of two souls in one human body.”

New teaching: “Press the button!”

One day I was taking a taxi from Idlewild Airport to New York to the city center. Since taxi drivers in this city are unusually omniscient and cynical, I decided to talk to the driver about the new principles of an easy life. I told him about the shoe salesman. The two souls described by Goethe must unite. But they don't want it. That which is larger and stronger, often called the subconscious (in fact, it is greater than the subconscious) controls the vast majority of our life experience. But the smaller and weakest one, the one we call consciousness, seems to be a simple official, but she constantly gives orders to the subconscious - the true director of the enterprise. This is why both souls are rarely of one mind as they should be. If it were otherwise, our life on earth would already be a heavenly life.
