Development of creative thinking in adults. Development of creative thinking “in between”

Development of creative thinking in adults.  Development of creative thinking “in between”

As we have already said, creative thinking is the ability, by combining heterogeneous elements, to create something new (knowledge, forms, solutions) that has a significant socio-economic effect.

Creativity in the modern world

Modern society is involved in the processes of market globalization and increased competition. You need to quickly respond to changes, apply non-standard solutions, and generate new original ideas. Society needs unusual solutions to familiar problems, new approaches to solving known and seemingly studied problems, as well as new ways of behaving in typical situations. Most professions in modern world need creativity, to activate the creative principle. Creative thinking is manifested in the modern socio-economic system in a variety of ways. different forms Oh. This and scientific discoveries, and entrepreneurship, and technical inventions, and the creation of works of art, and relationships with people, and public administration.

Development of creative thinking

Working out the development problem creative thinking The author of the bestseller “The Birth of a New Idea”, American researcher E. De Bono, was successfully engaged in this task. He developed a comprehensive program for the development of creative thinking and identified the following basic principles:

1. Determination of the conditions for solving the problem, necessary and sufficient to achieve the goal.

2. Willingness to abandon previously gained experience in solving similar problems.

3. Improving the ability to notice multifunctional, universal things.

4.Combining a variety of different, even opposing ideas from a variety of fields of knowledge and using the resulting associations to solve problems.

5.Improving the ability to understand the prevailing idea in a given field of knowledge in order not to fall under its influence.

The formation of creative thinking presupposes, firstly, the unity of logic and thinking; secondly, the unity of positivity, harmony and productivity. The third necessary component is the joy of self-development.

We can identify a number of skills without which one cannot achieve success in the modern world, but which, fortunately, can be developed in oneself. They can be learned:

- Ability to think logically.

- Ability to formulate assumptions.

— The ability to find logical connections between phenomena, objects, facts.

— Ability to overcome stereotypes.

— Ability to make decisions in atypical, new situations.

— Ability to find the necessary knowledge and suitable methods.

Amaystyle T.M. identified three main elements of creativity:

Competence (availability of knowledge base, experience, skills);

Creative thinking (use of creative thinking methods, ingenuity, flexibility, perseverance;

Motivation (internal and external). Intrinsic motivation - personal interest in solving a problem, persistent desire apply knowledge, self-realization. External motivation - career advancement, financial interest.

Technologies and techniques of creative thinking

There are different creative thinking technologies that allow you to effectively generate ideas. Let's look at some of them:

1. “Six Thinking Hats” by Edward de Bono (you can read more about it and other techniques

This technology of creative thinking is good, for example, when conducting any discussion. It is ideal for group work, but also suitable for individual use. This technique helps control thinking and switch it. The bright colors of the hats make each of them distinguishable, noticeable, and help to set thoughts the right direction. The technique of putting on a hat for “mental digestion” helps to find inner peace and unhindered concentration on solving a problem: after all, putting on and taking off a hat is not a problem. Such a technique as putting on hats of different colors, each of which corresponds to a certain angle of view, helps to get away from unnecessary disputes and negative emotions and reach agreement. Parallel thinking structures the decision process. This technology of creative thinking develops, regardless of the age of the participants, tolerance, critical thinking, and creative thinking.

2. Brainstorming. You can read more about this technology of creative thinking

This technique allows for the collective discovery of new ideas. Its goal is to obtain the maximum number of different ideas. The generation of ideas and their criticism are divided in time, and the participants in the creative process are divided into idea generators and critics. Voiced ideas are developed through the use of associations and are transformed and modified. Varieties of this creative thinking technology are “Pirate Meeting”, “Shadow Brainstorming”, “Reverse Brainstorming”.

3. “Method of focal objects”

In this technology, new ideas allow us to find a method of attaching signs or properties of randomly selected objects to a given object. Unusual, unusual combinations are obtained through the use of free associations. This method is known as the TRIZ tool (the theory of inventive problem solving).

4. "Synectics"

The main technique of creative thinking in this technique is the construction of analogies. Analogies evoke associations, which in turn stimulate creativity.

At the 1st stage of this technology of creative thinking, analogies serve to clearly define and understand the essence of the problem by participants. Obvious solutions should be consciously abandoned. During the subsequent specially organized discussion, the main contradictions and difficulties that hinder the solution are identified. New formulations of the task are determined and goals are set. After this, with the help of questions that evoke analogies, a process of searching for new ideas and solutions occurs. If there is a need for repeated discussion and development of ideas, then the problem is returned to again.

5. “Method of garlands of associations”

The main technique of creative thinking in this technology is a combination of several stages of working with random words and associations:

1). Constructing chains of object synonyms.

2). Random choice of words (nouns in the nominative case).

3). Combining each element from the synonym garland with each of the random words.

4). Selection of several adjectives for each of the elements of a random choice of words (see 2)). This is how garlands of features are obtained.

5). A combination of elements of garlands of synonyms and garlands of signs. Already at this stage, interesting ideas for solving a creative problem may be born.

6). Free associations are selected for each element of the garland of attributes. There should be as many garlands of free associations as there are elements in the garland of attributes. The tool for forming garlands of free associations is the question “what does the word... remind us of?” In this case, each answer becomes the starting point for the next question. For example: “What does the word blue remind you of?” - “About heaven.” - “What does the word sky remind you of?” - “About the plane.” “What does the word airplane remind you of?” - “About wings.” Thus, the words sky, airplane, wings, ... will appear in the garland.

8). Analyzing the ideas received and making a decision to continue or stop the search. If the search needs to be continued, then the initial free associations are combined with secondary garlands, and their elements are combined with elements of the garland of synonyms. As a result, new ideas may arise.

9). Ideas are divided into rational, interesting and unsuitable. Interesting (that is, good, but with shortcomings) are subsequently again divided into rational and unsuitable.

8. “Little Men Method”

One of the technologies of creative thinking is the “little men method”. There are problematic situations in which part of the object cannot fulfill the requirements of the task. In this case, such a creative thinking technique as breaking the problem into many “tiny people” can help. To do this, they single out that part that does not obey the conditions of the task, cannot fulfill them, and represents it in the form of little people. The next stage is dividing the little men into groups that act according to the conditions of the group’s task. The resulting model is then examined and rebuilt so that the conflicting actions can be performed. In other words, if the perceived problem as a whole seems insoluble, then when it is divided into its component parts, it may turn out that these parts can be regrouped and then combined in any order. As a result, either the problem will become solvable in a new way, or a new way of looking at it will arise, or some ideas can be modified in some direction to obtain a solution. It is advisable to move and combine elements obtained by division with each other in various combinations. Just remember that the combination of elements is not a monolithic system.

9. “Test question method”

The main technique of creative thinking in this technology is the use of correctly posed leading questions that will help direct the train of thought in such a way as to better understand the essence of the problem, conditions, and solutions. This will help overcome psychological inertia.

10). "Morphological analysis"

The main technique of this method is the use of special tables, which show all the main components of the object of interest. The method allows you to streamline the process of analyzing different solution options task at hand, it helps not to lose sight of any successful solution option that was not noticed before.

eleven). There are also methods for breaking stereotypes and other technologies of creative thinking, which use a variety of techniques that stimulate going beyond patterns and help creatively solve a variety of problems in various areas of our lives.

Creativity and Creativity

Creative thinking is often also called creative, but creativity and creativity are not the same thing. For a better understanding of the processes, it makes sense to clarify the wording: creativity is always the creation of something new through insight: obtaining some kind of product mental activity, in which the emotional and personal qualities of the creator are manifested. Many researchers call creative action uncontrollable, an unconscious act, or unstimulated brain activity, which manifests itself in the desire to get out of the “comfort zone” (Bogoyavlensky D. B.). The act of creativity is characterized by suddenness, spontaneity, which... Knitted with external circumstances and personal experiences.

Creativity is the ability to create, which is characterized by a readiness to generate unusual ideas and solve problems, while going beyond generally accepted patterns. Creativity is one of the independent factors of giftedness. Creative thinking relies on inventive art and discoveries in various fields of knowledge. It breaks stereotypes, boldly combines the incongruous, relies on algorithms and on this basis creates something completely new or solves seemingly unsolvable problems. Without creativity, creativity is impossible. Creativity can be called a technology for organizing the creative process. Creativity can get ahead creative process, giving him direction, but does not always accompany him.

Thus, creativity is one of the features of creative thinking. Creativity is always primary, but creativity allows you to achieve a specific goal. A major component of the creative thinking process is some pragmatism. This means understanding already at initial stage a specific goal (why you need to create this), purpose (for whom it is needed), a solution path (how to do it), and, in fact, the subject (what is needed for this).

If creativity plays a decisive role in the process of generating creative ideas, then their perception and implementation depend on cognitive abilities. Thanks to the plasticity of the brain, we can develop our cognitive abilities, train and improve memory and attention, perception and thinking. Regular classes can be of great help with this.

We sincerely wish you creative discoveries and good luck and, of course, success in self-development.

In modern society, a person’s creativity and his ability to think creatively are highly valued by others. After all, such people know how to find a non-standard way out of situations, generate hundreds of ideas and can implement them.

The ability to think creatively makes a person successful, entrepreneurial, and allows him to make good money from his ideas.

How to achieve this level of development of creative thinking? Many people believe that creativity cannot be taught, that it is an innate ability. But this is not entirely true, creative thinking exists in each of us at different stages, but some continue to develop it, while others leave everything at its natural beginning. Therefore, let me offer you ways to develop creative thinking.


Solving various puzzles is a great way to stimulate creative thinking. These are not just problems that have special formulas for solutions; puzzles require the inclusion of a person’s mental potential. The difference between puzzles and tasks is mental work; solving problems requires knowledge; solving puzzles requires thinking. As a rule, problems have no practical use in life, while puzzles teach us to look for non-standard ways to solve a problem, thereby developing our creative thinking. One

The old bicycle puzzle is popular. This small iron figurine is created in the form of a labyrinth. The author is considered to be the American John R. Lynn, who first demonstrated the “bicycle” in 1898. Since then, the puzzle has changed a little, but the essence remains the same - remove the ring from the bicycle and then put it back.

“Einstein's Riddle” is an old problem, rumored to have been created by Albert Einstein himself during his childhood. Its meaning is as follows: people of different nationalities live in five houses, their houses are painted in different colors, each of the people smokes a certain type of cigarette, each has one pet and each drinks his own favorite drink. After this, hints are given to determine who is raising the fish.

Albert himself believed that only two percent of people could solve this problem in their heads, and the rest only with paper and pen.

The task actually becomes much easier when solving it in the form of a table, but nevertheless requires concentration and increased attention.

The Rubik's cube or "magic cube" is one of the most famous mechanical puzzles. Externally, it is a plastic cube consisting of fifty-four small squares that can rotate in three axes. The essence of the puzzle is to assemble the cube so that all faces are the same color. Exercises

for the development of non-standard thinking Several teams usually gather for such exercises so that the spirit of competition stimulates the brain. Teams are given unusual situations

, which require them to engage in creative thinking. For example, a parable about an elephant and an ant who tried to eat each other: first the elephant swallowed the ant, then the ant swallowed the elephant, and so on. The question is, what is the net result of such a relationship? Simply put, who swallowed whom. Moreover, it is necessary to give a specific answer.

For a person with standard thinking, this task at least seems stupid, like how can an ant swallow an elephant? But if you abstract from external factors and think about it, it turns out that if an elephant swallows an ant, it will digest it. An ant, having swallowed an elephant, will stretch to unrecognizable sizes and become, in fact, just a shell of an elephant. Did your brain calmly accept this information? This means your thinking can overcome boundaries and look for a solution to a specific problem.

A good way to develop creative thinking is to search for associations. For example, open any book, close your eyes and point your finger at two words. After that, take a pen and a blank sheet of paper to write down your thoughts. Write down all the associations that come to mind. Compare words, look for points of contact, analyze. You can even come up with a reason for the connection between these two words, just let your imagination run wild.

For example, what do a pen and shampoo have in common? Bubble! After all, by diluting shampoo with water, we can get an excellent solution for soap bubbles, and part of the handle will become a tube.

Remember: Creativity is about putting things together. A person does not discover something new, he reproduces his experience, his vision of the environment.


With the help of creativity, a person actively promotes his thinking. Draw more, put on paper what you see and feel.

There is also an exercise for this, for which you need to draw six crosses horizontally and vertically. After this, you need to turn the crosses into sketches, the more interesting and unusual they are, the better.

There are many tests that explain the meaning of drawings; try analyzing your creation. What does your subconscious want to say? After all, knowing yourself is also the development of thinking, a non-standard understanding of things.


From French, “burime” is translated as a poem with given rhymes. That is, a person is given a rhyme that cannot be rearranged or changed. It is necessary to connect it with meaningful text. For example, “winter-at home”. You can come up with the following couplet:

Winter has come again

The houses were covered with snow. Such poems develop creative thinking well and make you think about a bunch of rhymes.

Sometimes, to make the task more difficult, several rhymes are given and time is limited.

Brainstorming and synectics Working in a group is always a serious impetus for creative development

, especially when working on one problem. To do this, in many companies, employees often gather to brainstorm in order to put forward as many ideas as possible for solving the issue. Of the many proposals, one will definitely turn out to be suitable, and thus the problem will be solved.. It helps solve a problem using situation modeling, metaphors and analogies. For example, tanks faced the problem of crossing a ditch; their size was not enough to cross. Analogy: ants, faced with the problem of crossing, form a “living bridge”, holding on to each other. Based on this model, they came up with a mount between the tanks, so that, under the weight of its comrades, the tank could hang in the air until the ditch was overcome.

Idea trap

Our brain is designed in such a way that solutions to certain issues come to our minds when we are watching TV, driving in a car, or trying to fall asleep. Therefore, always keep a notepad with a pen near you, where you can record all your ideas.

When you watch a movie, drive home, or wake up, you can calmly analyze the ideas you wrote down in time and therefore not forgotten.

Tip: Buy a separate notebook for your thoughts, as individual pieces of paper can be lost, but excellent solutions to important problems may remain on them. The development of creative thinking is a fascinating and long process; regular training will allow your ideas to be born more and more often. Developed thinking !

will help you realize your potential in any specialty; such employees are highly valued by their superiors and quickly move up the career ladder. Don't stand still, thoughts come to thinking peopleIf you believe the dictionaries - and if not them,then who is left to believe in this country? – the word “creativity” means the ability of consciousness to create a) something new and b) valuable ness. The second part of the definition is very important. Because it's clear that almost anyone can come up with a vinyl tear bleeder or the word “kaliplyuk” - but no one will need these new items. In Latin there is a verb creare (“to create, to produce”), but it was applied only to the gods. It was believed that a person does not invent anything himself: poems, the design of a tunic and a drawing of a catapult are whispered to him by spirits, whom the Greeks called demons, and the Romans called geniuses. For the first time, a Polish poet dared to call a booger “creative” by its name in the 17th century. Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski. It was a story - give it up and forget it. Further information will go without which

It will not be possible to use your textbook. Today there are many theories explaining why some smart people can write jokes, songs and nanorobots, while others cannot. Three of the most assault), Edward de Bono (who invented lateral thinking) and our compatriot, despite his surname, Heinrich Altshuller (author of TRIZ, theory of solving inventive problems). They all wrote about different things and gave rise to a lot of schools in practical psychology, but in general their thoughts amounted to approximately the same thing. We will use de Bono's metaphors.

1. Human thinking can be compared to a sandbox. If you pour water on sand, it will first spread over a small area, and then there is no need to deepen the hole and gather there. It's the same with the head. About problems (and data in general) are water, which leaves traces. The hole is thought pattern.

2. Patterns help to recognizesituation and respond quickly to it. It's enough to inject yourself onceoh cactus to stop buying them.

3. When the patterns come together, they form vertical thinking (“trial and error field”). It helps in solving everyday routine tasks. Once in the template hole, information flows down, deepening it.

4. Vertical thinking kills creativity. A person who thinks in patterns cannot come up with anything new. Because to do this you need to go beyond the usual interpretation, break the mold, and master new data horizons.

All of the above researchers have developed their own methods development of non-standard, creative thoughts. De Bono taught to let “water” flow sideways, hence the name of his method – lateral thinking (from the Latin word “lateral”). Altshuller created 76 protocols to ensure that would take thought beyond its limits vychnogo. Osborne relied on collective intelligence, believing that a group of people shouting all sorts of bullshit would end up being smarter than everyone else. many of its members, seriously thinking working on the problem.

But enough about this. Prepare your brain, we'll shake it up.

Part 2: lots of practice

And here are the promised exercises. Each of them is aimed at one timethe twist of a certain aspect of miceleniya. If you read and cross out with a pencil not only the article, butand the books indicated in it, you canbecome smarter and even, in particular, onlearn to draw. Jokes aside.

Picture 1

Aspect 1: lack of self-criticism

De Bono believed that people become dumber with age. This happens because adults begin to impose restrictions on thought. Many solutions to the problem are dismissed as “stupid” or “childish.” Here, for example, is the famous figure test (Fig. 1). When Edward shows threw it at the children and asked them to say that this, any schoolchild called about 40 options: a house without a chimney, a blank for a paper airplane, a bitten chocolate bar. Grown up the old ones called a maximum of 10 varieties ants. They tended to fit themselves into a geometry pattern and describe the figure as a square with a triangle on top or a truncated straight line. golnik.

Can you imagine? A person is able to cut off three-quarters of the options for solving a problem (and any image is already a task, material for interpretation) simply because they are frivolous and supposedly unworthy thinking man! Adults don’t even pronounce these options, looking around warily and waiting for a blow from a stapler. People criticize themselves in advance! De Bono said that this complex needs to be gotten rid of first.

Exercise 1

Try connecting nine points with four segments (Fig. 2). You cannot take the pencil off the paper. In this case, the line can pass through each of the points only once.

Exercise 2

But you can do this for the rest of your life. Take it for The rule is to look at pictures (for example, an advertisement in a magazine) and come up with one or two options for what is happening in the frame. Here, for example, is a woman who had howling on her face wife letter "T" made from tablets. Why? Was she trying to hide the bruise from colliding with the cast iron Home Goods sign? She is one of the participants (third from left) of the march “We demand an extension of the pregnancy period!”? Or maybe... Write down your three options. Let it turn out stupid. But your job is to learn thinking exactly “stupid”, unusually, like a child. And don't feel guilty for This. This is the beginning of creativity.

Figure 2

Aspect 2: Shifting the Entry Point

Another de Bono test (Fig. 3) looks like this: participants are asked to draw a figure that can be cut into four equal parts with one movement. 35% of participants immediately give up and put forward the idea of ​​a cross, very narrow in the central part, about 3% produce a unique result (Edward collects them). On average, 12% of the remaining solve the problem without being creative technical, but that's all in an interesting way - because that fit the re sheniyu from the end. That is, they first cut out four identical pieces from paper, and then try to combine them into a figure. This is a shift in the entry point. Who said that the problem needs to be solved sequentially? What if you immediately imagineresult? Or try to associate it with a random word? Or with a picture?

Exercise 3

Open Find the Find button. Think of a problem: your husband is playing poker, the leather on his stiletto heels is torn, you can’t come up with stories for the corporate calendar. Click on the button. The search engine will give you a random result: a word and a picture. Try to relate it to your problem. How do problems relate to search results? For example, you got a “steering wheel braid”. Maybe your husband’s dangerous hobby can be replaced with a safe one by giving (or breaking) him a car? How about braiding the heels? And so on. Ask Zen-Yandex for advice (just not out loud, so as not to feel like a complete child). The more delusional the answer, the more it will destroy the thinking pattern. And remember, no self-criticism!

Figure 3

Aspect 3: endless questions

Another creative thinking skill that children do better than adults is subverting. Why does thunder thunder? Because the clouds are colliding with each other. Why do they collide? Because the wind is blowing above. Why can't they leave? The child’s task is not so much to tire you (he may not understand the pleasure that bullying an adult brings) but to get to the bottom of the pattern. Children cannot stand answers like “it has always been this way” or “it should be so.” "Who needs?" - they continue their interrogation. This allows them to make a hundred abstract and paradoxical judgments a day, such as “mom came drunk because she’s afraid to ride in the elevator.” You can do this too.

Exercise 4

A problem for those who know how to play chess, or at least know how the pieces move and that a pawn turns into any piece after reaching the last line. Condition: Black starts and checkmates the white king in one move. Vertical enumeration of moves will not help (Fig. 4).

Exercise 5

You are probably familiar with this game: the presenter tells the situation. For example, a person comes to a bar and asks for a glass of water. The bartender points a gun at him. The man says “thank you” and leaves. Or: a husband and wife stop on a deserted road, the husband goes to get gas, the wife locks up. When her husband returns, she is dead, there is a stranger next to her in the car, the doors are locked from the inside. By asking unambiguous questions ("yes" and "no"), the participants in the game must reconstruct the picture of events. The Internet is full of these tasks – they are called “Danetkas”. They teach you to ask questions until the last minute, without giving up. If computer game If you don’t get carried away, practice on real people, discussing the problem with colleagues or family until the last minute. Refuse to accept “you can’t” and “that’s how it is” as answers.

Figure 4

And enough about that

While TRIZ, which was mainly suitable for solving engineering problems, began to be forgotten after the death of its creator, the brainstorming method was developed. Today, there are many techniques (for example, the Young procedure or the 3-6-5 method - they are on Google) for creative problem solving in a team. De Bono is still alive and continues to write a book a year. His textbooks can be purchased on the website Especially good are “Serious Creative Thinking” and “Thinking Outside the Box. Self-teacher."

Before and after

Aspect 4: Right Hemisphere Musing

This article would be even more incomplete if we didn't mention that some experts associate creativity with the right hemisphere of the brain. Until the 50s of the 20th century, it remained unclear why a person would carry a walnut in his head - and why the brain should not be an ideal sphere or cube. The first answers were received by R. Sperry from the California Institute of Technology. As a result of experiments on animals, he found out that the hemispheres work independently of each other. Then other scientists joined in, in particular J. Levy, who worked with epileptics who had undergone commissurotomy - an operation to separate the hemispheres. Levy found out that the left hemisphere is verbal, temporal, and analytical. The right one is figurative, timeless, synthetic. In hindsight, his work explained the case of Lovis Corinth, a professional artist who forgot how to draw when a tumor grew in his right hemisphere.

But enough of the accompanying theory. Professor B. Edwards back in the 60s developed a method of teaching drawing based on right-hemisphere thinking. Her course allows a person to learn to draw in a couple of months. And also improve your handwriting, learn to enjoy beauty and look at your man with a fresh, unclouded look. And also improve memory and see connections between phenomena.

If you want to learn how to draw at least like the author of this article, buy Edwards' book “Discover the Artist in You.” Fortunately, it was recently re-released, so there is no need to download the old edition from

Exercise 6

You've probably come across illusion pictures: two faces form a vase (Fig. 5, but there are many more of them on the Internet). Drawing paradoxes like this helps you connect with your right brain and understand the difference between the two types of thinking. On the left side of the sheet, draw a face, saying its parts to yourself: forehead, eyes, nose, lips. Connect extreme points horizontal lines with the right side of the sheet. And now - attention! You need to draw a mirror image of the face. Now try not to conduct a mental dialogue with yourself, but simply slowly draw a line, repeating all the curves in a mirror image. This technique will engage your right brain.

Figure 5(1)

Figure 5(2)

Exercise 7

The easiest way to master right-hemisphere drawing is to copy upside-down contour drawings (play with Fig. 6). The problem with people who think they can't draw is that they draw symbols, not images. That is, they use the left hemisphere for drawing (and this is a gross mistake). When they sit down to draw a face, they actually draw a diagram: a circle, two eyes, a stick-nose, a stick-mouth. Therefore, it is impossible to copy drawings in the left hemisphere operating mode: the brain adjusts each line to the finished symbol. But as soon as you turn the drawing over, the brain loses associations. The right half turns on - and everything starts to work out. Try it yourself!

Figure 5(3)

Exercise 8

Well, if you want to seriously shake up your thinking and improve the exchange of electrical impulses between the hemispheres, try the following trick. Take two pens (it’s better if one of them is a pencil) in different hands. Try to slowly draw a triangle with one hand and a circle with the other. For the first three minutes you will end up with circular or triangular circles, but then your hands will find the right rhythm and will be able to separate themselves. If at this moment you get a headache, quit this task and return to it after an hour or two or a day. Once you have mastered drawing with both hands, try writing words. They must be different, but consist of the same number of letters.

Figure 6

OK it's all over Now. More precisely, everything is just beginning. Disinhibit your thinking, don’t criticize yourself, move your entry point, draw! We don’t know how this will help you be a good accountant or wife, but for some reason you started reading this article after learning that it increases libido and creativity.

Photo source: Getty Images, press service archives

Development of creative thinking in children. Development creativity in children. Educational games. Educational games for children's parties. Exercises to develop creative thinking.

IN modern psychology The tasks that this section is devoted to are usually called divergent, and the thinking that they activate is called divergent thinking.

The specificity of divergent tasks is that one question posed may have not one, but several or even many correct answers. Naturally, it is the divergent type of thinking that is usually qualified as creative. This type of thinking is closely related to imagination.

Divergent type tasks are extremely rarely used in traditional schooling. Orthodox education usually does not aim to develop skills in a person out-of-the-box thinking, in connection with which divergent tasks acquire special value: for creative activity In any field, divergent thinking is required above all.

Let us consider, as an example, some types of tasks commonly used in practice with children.

Take plastic, wooden (or make cardboard ones yourself) multi-colored geometric shapes and invite the child to create as many different stylized images as possible (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Examples of images that can be combined from simple ones geometric shapes

The next task is in many ways similar to the previous one: from paper cones, cylinders and other elements, try to glue together as many figures of people and animals as possible. Examples of performing this task are presented in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Design and create figures of people and animals from paper

Let's stock up on old illustrated magazines and bright pieces of fabric. Together with your child, cut out figures of different shapes from illustrations and pieces of fabric contained in magazines. Now let's glue the resulting figures onto a sheet of cardboard and get a collage. Examples are shown in Fig. 3. All this is creative work, but the main task is: “Find as many analogies as possible with real objects.” The collage can be rotated however you like.

Rice. 3. Examples of collages from different materials

A very interesting, and therefore very popular task was proposed by the psychologist J. Guilford: to find as many different, original applications as possible for a well-known subject. As such an item you can use brick, chalk, newspaper and much more.

This task usually takes five to six minutes to complete. During the analysis of the results, all answers are taken into account, except those that do not correspond to the task, are repeated or may be considered ridiculous. This task can be offered to both older preschoolers and adults.

In this case, productivity and originality of thinking are assessed. The more ideas, the more unusual among them, the more points the participant receives.

Another task: select adjectives and nouns that contain the concepts of light and darkness (heat and cold, spring and winter, morning and evening, etc.). Let's give examples of answers.

The light is bright, gentle, alive;
Sun - ...
morning - ...
lamp - ...
bonfire -...
candle - ...

Darkness - closed, nocturnal;
night - ...
evening - ...
cave -...

Find as many as possible common features for dissimilar items.

Well - parquet;
log - box;
cloud - door;
doll - snow.

Divergent tasks include tasks to find the causes of events. Here are a few situations where you need to determine the reasons for their occurrence:

1. In the morning Dima woke up earlier than usual.
2. The sun has not yet gone beyond the horizon, but it has already become dark.
3. The dog sitting at the owner’s feet growled menacingly at the little kitten.

Another version of the task described above: come up with and tell what happened to each of the characters.

The child must understand the emotional state of each of the boys and tell what happened to them.

Third option: think about what could happen if...

"... the rain will continue to fall."
"... people will learn to fly like birds."
"...dogs will start talking in a human voice."
"...all fairy-tale heroes will come to life."
" juice will flow from the water tap."

It’s good if the child was able to come up with an interesting answer to each of the proposed phrases.

Another type of task for the development of creative thinking in children: inventing stories, stories or fairy tales using a given set of words, for example:

Traffic light, boy, sled.

The second option for this type of task: look at the pictures and come up with a fairy tale in which all these characters would participate.

The next type of tasks: “Riddle clouds”. The child needs to determine what the clouds (ink spots) shown in the pictures look like. It’s good if he can see at least one character in each cloud.

Another option for this task: try to draw something interesting using these shapes.

Another exercise: draw and color the sorceresses so that one becomes good and the other evil.

Divergent, creative tasks can be developed on any material. A good task of this type would be to create the most different figures. After all, not only palaces, bridges and other architectural structures can be built from construction kit parts. Let's try to look at the building designer from the other side. Its parts are suitable, for example, for making technical models of a steamship, locomotive, car, or airplane. From them you can make schematic images of animals and people and even three-dimensional plot compositions. Let's give examples possible solutions(Fig. 4).

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website knows that creative person lives in everyone. To reach your full potential, all you need is persistence and free time.

These exercises should be done in writing. For each, try to allocate certain time- 7 minutes, for example.

  • Close your eyes. Think about one of the objects in the room. Without opening your eyes, list as many features of this object as possible. Open your eyes and write down everything you remember, still without looking at the object.
  • Choose a poem that you like. Use its last line as the first line of your own poem.
  • Where do you go when you want to get some rest? Write about this place.
  • In 400 words, describe the ideal place where you would like to live.
  • Write what you would say to an uninvited guest who stopped by at 3 am.
  • Write a story that begins: “I once had an opportunity... but I missed it.”
  • A letter to the past. Write a letter to your 10-year-old self.
  • Describe your first toy in 200 words.
  • Write about the hardest decision you've ever made.
  • Write about the easiest decision you've ever made.
  • Write a story about an empty glass.
  • Think about the most boring day of your life. Describe it, but remember that your story should not be as boring.
  • Start a 500 word article like this: “If I could change anything, I would change...”
  • Write an explanation why you do not improve your writing skills every day.
  • Write a story about a blue object.
  • Imagine you are in a room full of people, but you are the only blind one in it. Write down how you see the room and people in your imagination.
  • Make a list of everything you are afraid of. Choose one fear and write about it.
  • Describe a hot day in 200 words.
  • What do you do in bad weather? Write a 250 word story about it.
  • Write about what dishes you would treat your worst enemy to.
  • Think of a person who might be considered too proud. Describe this person's behavior.
  • Using 150 words, describe the appearance, occupation and habits of a person named, say, Anatoly Bublikov.
  • List 50 things you will never do.
  • Write a monologue from the perspective of a freshly cut flower.
  • Write a story using keywords: “dog trainer”, “law”, “beach”, “bun”.
  • Write a monologue about a clean sock that accidentally ends up in a refrigerator full of food.
  • List 15 reasons to learn a foreign language.
  • Why is a teacher considering a career change? Give at least 10 reasons.
  • List the 7 worst things you can say to someone who has just been fired.
  • Write a short, 7-paragraph rant, starting each one with the phrase “Grows like a weed.”
  • Write short story, using words: “preacher”, “coin”, “comb”, “ladder”, “well”.
  • Write a short story with the following plot: Elvis Presley clones have conquered the world.
  • Come up with at least 7 reasons, including the most incredible ones, why the antiques seller left his town.
  • Write a monologue from the perspective of the only tree remaining in the forest after all the other trees were cut down.
  • List 8 noteworthy excuses for being a liar.
  • Write a short story using the words: "priest", "ring", "garden", "binoculars".
  • Offer 5 options for insertions for the following request: “Please do not crumple ___, because (otherwise, otherwise) ___.”
  • List 10 things for which you would give your last 500 rubles a week before payday.
  • Write a story using the words: “grandfather”, “photo album”, “mail”, “matches”.
  • Name 7 circumstances that can make a playwright blush.
  • Write a monologue from the perspective of a spoon that ends up in the dishwasher.
  • You are returning home from the store. List 10 reasons, including the most incredible ones, why the front door of your apartment is wide open.
  • Write instructions on how to teach domestic cockroaches to tap dance.
