Can they provide hostel accommodation to non-residents? Student's right to live in a dormitory

Can they provide hostel accommodation to non-residents?  Student's right to live in a dormitory

Dormitory - a place for temporary residence of certain categories of the population Russian Federation, it is divided into different types depending on who owns it and who lives in it.

Our article will talk about hostels in the Russian Federation, the categories of citizens who can live in hostels, the procedure for providing rooms for rent, which authorities are involved in this, what documents are needed for official registration and what to do after approval or refusal of permission such a request.

A dormitory usually means an apartment or room for temporary residence of various social groups: students, workers, enterprise employees, low-income families, military personnel and others.

Conventionally, dormitories in the Russian Federation can be divided into the following types:

  • Student dormitories (for those who study or work in colleges, institutes, universities or other educational institutions).
  • Dormitories for workers (for those who perform seasonal or permanent work at enterprises, construction sites or in other cases).
  • Small-family hostels, which are popularly called “small-family” (for low-income people and or visitors who temporarily settled in such a house).

It is important to consider that the hostel has always been considered temporary housing, which means living in it is very long time, it is not always possible, because after changes in legislation, enterprises and firms became hostels, which led to mass evictions.

The area of ​​a dorm room is relatively small and should be at least six square meters, which naturally affects the comfort of living.

In case of termination of the employment contract, the end of the training period in educational institution or leaving the service of the residential premises in the dormitory may be terminated.

Categories of citizens who may qualify for social housing in a dormitory building

Based on the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, every citizen who is not provided with housing this moment or who is registered in the queue for housing as needy has the right to receive a room in a dormitory for social rent.

Thus, the following categories of citizens have the priority right to receive housing:

  • Poor people.
  • Disabled people.
  • Children from large families.

Procedure for submission and required documents

Getting a room or apartment in a hostel for rent is possible only after a positive decision in concluding a rental agreement between the administration of the hostel or the executive body (for example, the housing committee) and the citizen.


  1. A citizen must contact the Multifunctional Center for the Provision of State and Municipal Services and submit an application in accordance with all rules and forms, with the necessary documents and their certified copies in hand.
  2. The MFC considers the application based on the citizen’s request.
  3. Receiving notification of the result of the request, as well as a copy of the order of the MFC.
  4. Drawing up a rental agreement for premises in a dormitory building.

Such an agreement must necessarily indicate:

  • Details of the parties.
  • Subject of the agreement.
  • Rights and obligations of the parties.
  • Certification signatures of the parties.

The agreement is accompanied by additional information and certified photocopies of documents:

  1. Referral to obtain accommodation in a dormitory building.
  2. A document that identifies the employer.
  3. A medical certificate confirming that you have undergone fluorography, as well as certificates from a therapist or dermatologist, which indicate the absence of transmittable skin diseases.
  4. Medical certificate from a local clinic about the epidemiological environment.
  5. A receipt that will confirm payment.

When renting premises V student dormitory Additionally, three 3x4 photographs are provided, as well as a registration certificate (for men).

If a request for accommodation in a dormitory building for housing is refused, a citizen has the right to go to court for further legal proceedings.

Thus, the process of obtaining housing in a hostel building is quite labor-intensive, however, in practice, many needy categories of citizens receive the desired housing if they have all the necessary documents and reasons.

Residential premises in dormitories belong to the residential premises of a specialized housing stock and are intended for temporary residence, in particular, for students during their studies. Houses or parts of houses that are specially built or converted for these purposes are provided for hostels (Clause 2, Part 1, Article 92, Parts 1, 2, Article 94 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

1. Students who are provided with places in the dormitory

If educational organizations have appropriate housing stock, places in the dormitory are provided to the following students in need of housing (Part 1, Article 39 of Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012):

The procedure for providing students with living quarters in dormitories is established by local regulations of educational organizations. It states the order in which places are provided.

Living quarters in such dormitories are provided as a matter of priority to students belonging, in particular, to the following categories of persons (Part 2 of Article 39 of Law No. 273-FZ):

  • orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care;
  • persons who lost both parents or a single parent during their studies;
  • disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled since childhood;
  • students exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other radiation disasters resulting from nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site;
  • students who are disabled due to military injury or illness received during military service.

2. Procedure for providing a place in the hostel

To provide living quarters in a dormitory to a student, we recommend following the following algorithm.

Step 1. Prepare an application and documents and submit them to the rector of the educational organization

To obtain accommodation in a dormitory, you will need, in particular, the following documents:

  • application for the provision of residential premises in a dormitory;
  • a copy of your passport with photo and registration stamp at your place of residence;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • certificate of income for each family member;
  • for persons entitled to the provision of residential premises in a dormitory on a priority basis - a copy of the document confirming this right.

Step 2. Wait for the rector’s order to provide living quarters in the dormitory and sign the rental agreement

Living quarters in dormitories must be provided at a rate of at least 6 square meters. m of living space per person. Living quarters in dormitories must be equipped with furniture and other items necessary for students to live in (Part 3, Article 94, Part 1, Article 105 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

The rental agreement for residential premises in a dormitory is concluded for the period of study, therefore termination of training is the basis for termination of the rental agreement for residential premises in a dormitory (Part 2 of Article 105 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation; Part 2 of Article 39 of Law No. 273-FZ).

3. The procedure for determining the fee for living in a hostel

Students living in dormitories are required to pay fees for utilities and for the use of residential premises (rent). The size of the latter is established by the local regulatory act of the educational organization (Parts 3, 4, Article 39 of Law No. 273-FZ).

The amount of payment for utilities (in particular, for cold and hot water, electricity, heat, gas, waste Wastewater, management of municipal solid waste) is calculated based on the readings of metering devices, and in their absence - based on the standards approved by the authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The amount of fees for utilities (except for fees for such services for general house needs) in dormitories belonging to the housing stock of educational organizations - federal government agencies, is determined using reduction factors if educational organization is a provider of public services (part 5 of article 39 of Law No. 273-FZ; clause 2 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2014 No. 1190).

Educational organizations may reduce fees for rent and (or) utilities, as well as exempt certain categories of students from paying them. At the same time, students who have the right to be provided with residential premises in a dormitory on a priority basis are exempt from rental fees (Part 6, Article 39 of Law No. 273-FZ).

The dormitories of MSU named after M.V. Lomonosov are a complex of student campuses that provide conditions for comfortable living for students, graduate students and teaching staff.

The structure of MSU dormitories includes seven independently functioning campuses with developed infrastructure:

  • Student's House (DS, Main Building of Moscow State University);

On MSU campuses, constant work is being carried out to improve the living conditions of students, and advanced technologies are being introduced communication technologies, the material and technical base of the hostels is being updated and replenished, and new hostel buildings are being built.

The distribution of places and the check-in of students into dormitories is carried out by the Administration of Dormitories with the direct participation of the dean's offices of the university's educational and scientific departments. The university strives to provide a place in the dormitory for everyone in need. For students on a budget, this rule is fully complied with; for students on a contract basis, the university provides a dormitory on a contractual basis, subject to availability.

General management in the organization and functioning of dormitories is carried out by the MSU Dormitory Administration, headed by the Deputy Vice-Rector - Head of the MSU Dormitory Administration A.A. Vodolazsky. The management of the dormitories is located directly in the Main building of Moscow University.

Contacts of the Moscow State University Dormitory Management:

Providing dormitories for students of Moscow University

In accordance with the Rules for admission to study at M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University for nonresident students enrolled at Moscow State University for full-time study in places financed from budgetary allocations of the federal budget of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - budget places), and having permanent registration outside the 5th zone of the Moscow railway, by decision of the Central admissions committee MSU is provided with places in the dormitory in accordance with local regulations of MSU.

Nonresident students enrolled at Moscow State University for full-time study at places under contracts with payment of tuition fees and who have permanent registration outside the 5th zone of the Moscow Railway, if there is free housing stock, by decision of the Central Admissions Committee of Moscow State University, are provided with places in the dormitory with payment accommodation under a contract in accordance with local regulations of Moscow State University.

Nonresident students enrolled in full-time studies at MSU branches are provided with places in the dormitory in accordance with local regulations of the relevant MSU branches. For non-resident students enrolled in studies part-time, hostel accommodation is not provided.

Are you an out-of-town student who needs a hostel? We will tell you in detail how to get it.

Each student is entitled to a minimum set of furniture, a mattress, a pillow and bed linen

Who has the right to a hostel

Dormitories are intended for accommodation of nonresident students. Local applicants can also apply for a place if they have valid reasons for this. Their occupancy is possible only if there are free places.

First of all, the following categories of students have the right to receive a room:

  • disabled people of groups I and II;
  • disabled since childhood;
  • orphans;
  • children of disabled parents;
  • children from large families;
  • children from single-parent and low-income families;
  • persons affected by radiation and nuclear disasters;
  • combat participants and veterans.

The remaining places are distributed among students on a competitive basis. Those who entered the university without passing exams (prize-winners and winners of Olympiads) have an advantage. Then the points scored on the Unified State Exam are taken into account and entrance examinations. The better your results, the higher your chances of getting a coveted place.

If you entered a university on a paid basis, then you have the right to a dormitory. However, in most universities, paying students can only participate in the competition if there are free places after state students have settled in and will have to pay a higher rate.

Some universities allocate a certain number of places for each category of students. You can find out more about the distribution system and the number of places on the university website or from the admissions office.

How to get a place in a dormitory: step-by-step instructions

Step 1. Write an application addressed to the rector of the university

July-early August. In some universities, an application for a dormitory must be written immediately when submitting the main documents. Other educational establishments set their dates for this after announcing the list of applicants. Check the deadlines immediately so that you have time to complete all the paperwork.

A student fills out an application for a hostel

Step 2: Gather your documents

Mid August. To check into the hostel you will need:

  • passport and its copy (first page with photo and registration stamp);
  • certificate of family composition and income;
  • 2 photos 3 x 4 cm;
  • if there are benefits - a copy and original document confirming them (certificate of disability, orphan status, etc.);
  • military ID or registration certificate if you are liable for military service;
  • medical certificate form 086у + fluorography;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy.

This list may vary depending on the university. Find out the exact list on the institution’s website or from the admissions office. If there is a medical certificate on the list, check its type. For some universities, it is enough to provide information about undergoing fluorography, but in others they will require the results of a full medical examination with tests and vaccinations.

Most often, universities require a certificate f. 086у

Read all about the medical certificate in form 086u in our article

Step 3. Sign the rental agreement

End of August. This can be done after the rector issues an order to provide you with a place in the dormitory. If you are under 18 years old, the contract is signed by one of the parents. The legal representative must have a passport with him. The employment contract is concluded for the entire period of study.

Step 4. Check into the hostel

End of August. After signing the contract, find out the address of your hostel and check-in dates. We recommend arriving at check-in time. This way you will have the opportunity to choose a room and future neighbors. Universities usually require payment for accommodation before check-in.

Payment procedure for the hostel

You usually need to pay for the hostel every month. The payment consists of the amount for accommodation and utility bills. The first amount depends on the region where the housing is located, the condition of the premises and the equipment of the buildings. Utility bills are charged according to tariffs set by the government.

Preferential categories of students (disabled people, orphans, etc.) are exempt from payment. At the same time, the fees for students studying on a commercial basis are higher than for state employees. Some universities may provide dormitories for excellent students for free.

Be sure to check whether the stated price includes payment for housing and communal services.

What to do if you don't get a place

Do not despair. All is not lost yet. Places in the dormitory may become vacant due to the departure of other students. You can apply for them on a first-come, first-served basis. To do this, you need to regularly check your queue. Every month you must confirm that you still need the hostel. You can do this on your website. personal account or when contacting the responsible person in the dean’s office. Some universities guarantee a place next year to first-year students who did not receive one upon admission. Provided that they do not fail in exams and tests.

It is not enough to get a place in a hostel, it is important not to lose it. Comply with all terms of the employment contract and do not violate discipline.

A dorm room is the dream of many students. Unfortunately, it is not given to everyone automatically. You have to seriously fight for the right to live in a hostel.

Four steps to the treasured place

Few get the coveted bed, but everyone who applies for it needs to take several steps towards realizing their dream.

  • To obtain a room in a student dormitory, you must write an application addressed to the dean of the faculty. It should indicate why you want a place and name the category of benefits to which you are entitled to benefit (if any). Typically, orphans, refugee students, children from large families, etc. receive housing on preferential terms.
  • Take an active part in educational and public life university Participate in student conferences, interfaculty competitions, university sports competitions - all this can play in your favor when the question of moving into a dormitory is considered. By the way, you can also become a group leader; usually, this category of university activists receives a room first.
  • It doesn’t hurt to be interested in the personal lives of your classmates. Often students do not live in the dormitory after marriage or move out after transfer and, of course, after expulsion. In general, you need to be prepared to go straight to the dean at any time with all the certificates and documents. If you are the first to arrive, your request to move into the vacant space may be granted.
  • You can, of course, settle in illegally. Any dormitory commandant has several free reserve places at his disposal. If you come to an agreement with him, then you will be allowed to live on “bird rights” for now. However, this does not prevent you from seeking permission to move in at the official level.

Having received a treasured corner in the dorm room, you cannot be sure that this place will be yours for the entire period of study once and for all. The right to live in a dormitory is secured by a contract for one year, so it must be achieved annually. So this is a great incentive for excellent academic performance and active social activities.

For a newbie about the hostel

Students applying for a place in a dormitory for the first time need to know what this treasured “island” of student life is like. After all, not everyone can live among a multitude of completely different people. For those who are uncommunicative, easily susceptible to stress and nervous people, perhaps it will bring discomfort and disorder into life.

But if you still decide to move in, you should at least roughly know what a student dormitory is:

  • Usually, any hostel has its own established routine and way of life, stipulated by the “Internal Rules”, the Charter or some other documents. It spells out in great detail all the rights and obligations of each tenant, which everyone must strictly observe.
  • The hostel has access control, so each room holder must have a pass on hand - either a special magnetic card, or a regular piece of paper with a photo. It is this card that provides you with the right to unhindered entry into the hostel, and if you lose it, it will be difficult to get into your “apartment”.
  • Student dormitories are not open 24 hours a day. In most of them, the access regime is valid from 6 to 24 hours. If you stay past midnight, you may not be allowed to go home.
  • Calm and conflict-free living among students is possible with good attitude with neighbors. A hostel does not mean that everything around is common. Therefore, it would be nice for each resident to have a separate bedside table with a lock where they can put purely personal items, for example, soap, powder or shampoo. It wouldn’t hurt to have your own separate refrigerator, where you can put food and groceries so as not to conflict with neighbors. Conflicts often occur due to clutter in the room. A duty schedule will help get rid of this; if you strictly adhere to it, then scandals will not arise out of nowhere.

What should you take with you?

Of course, it's good to take a supply of canned food and instant noodles with you. But the most important thing is not to forget to take documents before check-in: passport, medical certificate, two photographs for the pass.

The second most important point is to provide yourself with personal hygiene products. Don't forget to bring toothpaste and brush, washcloth with soap, shampoo, powder with a basin and other personal hygiene items.

No less important little things are threads and needles. You need to remember about the first aid kit and put all the medications you need there: colds, poisoning, painkillers, bandages and plasters.

When you check into the hostel, you will be provided with the necessary furniture and bedding. But those who prefer to sleep on their mother’s sheet and cover themselves with their grandmother’s blanket can take them with them.

If you want to bring your computer, microwave, stereo system, hair dryer and other electrical appliances, please read the hostel rules before doing so. Sometimes it is prohibited to use many devices.

In general, you can talk about things for an incredibly long time. Remember that you will not be living in a small room alone, so it is better to take only the essentials for a certain period of time.
