Encyclopedia of the Chelyabinsk region. What to expect from the expansion of the Chebarkul tank brigade, which will become a division What to expect from the expansion of the Chebarkul tank brigade, which will become a division

Encyclopedia of the Chelyabinsk region.  What to expect from the expansion of the Chebarkul tank brigade, which will become a division What to expect from the expansion of the Chebarkul tank brigade, which will become a division

Over the course of a few January days, two recruit soldiers died in the Chebarkul garrison. There is only one reason: bilateral pneumonia of particular severity. The public sounded the alarm, parents of military personnel are still scared to death for their children. What is happening in the Chebarkul garrison? Why did the military allow this tragedy to happen? How are the other soldiers feeling? For answers to these questions, Chelyabinsk Ombudsman Alexey Sevastyanov went to the tank and anti-aircraft missile brigades. To where they lived last days 19-year-old boys Andrei Glebov and Seryozha Karabatov died, and the Vecherka correspondent also went.

A sanatorium without a single soldier's soul

Both military units are located on the territory of one large Chebarkul garrison.

We have nothing to hide, especially now, in the era of technology and the Internet,” says the head of the press service of the Central Military District, Colonel Yaroslav Rosshchupkin, “soldiers now have smartphones, they write messages in in social networks, we have an electronic reception desk on our website where you can complain. So what's the point? This garrison is one of the most prosperous in the area. And we ourselves admit that the situation with deaths is abnormal, which is why we arrange checks and work together with you.

First of all, those who arrived were invited to evaluate the living conditions of the soldiers. It turns out that there are no notorious stuffy barracks with a mountain of bunk beds here.

The guys live in so-called cubicles, consisting of four-bed rooms. The room is warm (25 degrees, and in the dryer for clothes and shoes - up to 37) and cozy, the windows have double-glazed windows with cute curtains, good bedside tables and cabinets. On the nightstands there are onions and garlic, designed to drive out any infection. The air in the rooms is fresh, the beds are made perfectly - you can see your reflection on the floor.

By the way, wet cleaning is done by a woman, a civilian employee; the guys are exempt from these duties (according to the reforms). There is a small gym with a punching bag and all kinds of equipment, as well as a tennis table. So, in general, these cubicles resemble a good Soviet sanatorium. But without a single soldier's soul. " Guys in class“, the military said in one voice. " Well, so be it“, - flashed through our heads.

Weak fighters or a fatal coincidence of circumstances?

The next stop on the route is the first aid station of the anti-aircraft missile military unit. This room is even warmer than in the cockpits - according to the rules, this is how it should be. Today there are ten children here with acute respiratory infections, but all are already at the stage of recovery.

At the slightest suspicion, we send a soldier to a mobile X-ray room; if the temperature exceeds 37 degrees, immediately fluorography, if necessary, hospitalization,” lists general practitioner Alexander Yesin. - In case of sudden complications, the ambulance arrives at the unit in a maximum of 15 minutes. Understand: there is no point in hiding the pneumonia epidemic! We are responsible for every case. This is the same as accusing me of negligence! Now is not the time when soldiers are not allowed to see doctors. All commanders understand that it is better to avoid future problems by taking care of their subordinates in advance.

Every day the fighters undergo a medical examination. A doctor comes to them, takes their temperature, examines their skin, and inquires about their well-being. If necessary, medical assistance is provided immediately. However, if everything works so smoothly and efficiently, the question arises: why do the guys die?

Apparently, this is a fatal coincidence of circumstances,” the military doctor’s voice changes, “I can say for sure that help was provided to Sergei Karabatov as soon as he went to the first-aid post. Fluorography - on the same day, ambulance, hospital... Most likely, already in the regional hospital the bacterial infection was joined by a viral one, which caused a sharp deterioration in the condition. The doctors fought for his life and did everything they could. In addition, one can only guess where he fell ill - on the day of the oath, the guy took a long walk with his father around the city.

Meanwhile, doctors in uniform blame the weak immunity of recruits and poor physical fitness. This is what makes the infection spread so easily.

The number of conscripts who have category “A” for health reasons, that is, the healthiest, inevitably falls by 5% every year,” Anatoly Kalmykov, head of the medical service of the Central Military District, uses figures. - Moreover, in each draft, about 30% of the guys are smokers with 2 years of experience! In addition, there is a passive lifestyle: almost everyone is obsessed with the Internet; only 10% of conscripts are actively involved in sports.

However, despite the disappointing facts about our soldiers, doctors say that there is no epidemic of pneumonia in the garrison, there are too few sick people for this. According to Anatoly Kalmykov, in the seventh tank brigade today 39 people are suffering from acute respiratory infections, 10 are suffering from bronchitis, and 17 soldiers are suffering from pneumonia in the regional hospital. As for the anti-aircraft missile forces, there are even fewer: seven people are suffering from acute respiratory infections, four are suffering from bronchitis, and three soldiers are suffering from pneumonia.

Hassle-free recruits

They finally showed us the soldiers. And even those with whom Seryozha Karabatov served. About 30 guys were brought to the assembly hall straight from classes. At the sight of a delegation with so many military leaders, the guys, as if on cue, straight and well-trained, saluted and after the usual “at ease!” fell into chairs. Alexey Sevastyanov made an attempt to have a heart-to-heart talk with them, but the fighters were in no hurry to dump their problems. Even when all the commanders left the hall, only the ombudsman continued to break the silence. At the same time, the guys did not look at all downtrodden and intimidated. Then the journalists asked the main question that worries everyone about Seryozha Karabatov. Among the fighters there was his comrade. The guys are practically fellow countrymen, which is why they communicated even before the oath of office in the company of young recruits. Dima also suffered from pneumonia. Only he was luckier.

Apparently, a lot depends on the body,” says the recruit. - Seryozha was thin, clearly underweight. How did he get into the army? Unclear. By the way, he didn’t have any special symptoms, just a mild cough. And then... I met him at the regional hospital when I myself came down with pneumonia. He was pale, weak, heat held on. I was cured and went back to my unit. Then the commander said that he was getting worse and worse and was worried. And then they announced to us. I couldn’t believe it, because I was cured, I thought: he will be cured too!

Dima believes that Sergei should not have joined the army at all. But when they undergo a medical examination, they are not particularly eager to examine the guys. According to the recruit, everything is decided after the cherished question - “are there any complaints?” If there are none, the guy goes to serve. And here no one cares what kind of immunity there is or whether there are any undetected diseases.

But the boy protects the military unit as best he can.

“I thought it would be worse,” says the recruit. - When we arrived here, I was even surprised. The commander is good, they feed you enough to eat (for example, they offer a choice of dishes for lunch), we watch movies on Sundays, and they let you go with your parents on furlough. Health checks every day; if it’s minus five outside, we don’t go out to the parade ground. The conditions here are very good.

A spoon of tar

However, Alexey Sevastyanov believes that there are still problems in such a prosperous garrison.

But these problems are systemic in nature; they cannot be solved in one day on the territory of one military unit, the commissioner concluded. For example, medical units do not have enough equipment to identify certain viruses, which are constantly changing and require different treatments. However, the prevention of pneumonia depends not only on medicine; constant attention to careless young people is also important. In addition, there is also a human factor - the prosecutor's office has opened criminal cases regarding the deaths of soldiers. For our part, we plan to continue to exercise strict supervision and respond to all complaints from military personnel.

Our delegation leaves the Chebarkul garrison. Soldiers return from training to warm cockpits. Life continues to be in full swing. But no matter how comfortable the Chebarkul garrison was, no matter how convincingly and accurately the military leaders spoke when complaining about the frail boys, no matter how sorry the doctor was for the guys in his medical unit, the fact of the guys’ deaths remains a fact. And you won't bring the guys back. This means that those same “systemic violations” need to be changed and eliminated. After all, our guys shouldn’t die in Peaceful time. Should not.

"Evening Chelyabinsk " Anna Rybakova. This material published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
Below is the date when the material was published on the original source website!

Photo: Press service of the Central Military District

Chelyabinsk social activists openly declare: in military unit 89547 near Chebarkul, young conscripts are subjected to severe torture, humiliation and bullying by the command staff. Employees are robbed of their money for their work, beaten and humiliated. One of the soldiers, unable to bear the beating, left the unit, after which his wife and one-year-old daughter were threatened with rape. And the sister was told that if his brother did not return, he would be found dead in a ditch.

Ulyana Vinokurova, the sister of 24-year-old conscript soldier Maxim Tyumentsev, addressed Chelyabinsk social activists. At the end of December 2010, he was called up from Asha and served in military unit 89547 of the Chebarkul garrison in an engineering company, the New Region portal writes.

Nightmare test

In the summer of 2011, he was at the Azov training ground: together with other colleagues, he participated in the disposal of the projectile, then in preparation for the international exercises Center 2011. As the soldier’s sister managed to find out, this period became a nightmare for her brother: contract sergeants and commanders turned the life of young conscripts into a real hell.

“In this military unit, conscript soldiers are as if in a concentration camp, where Dagestani soldiers act as overseers and inquisitors. All this becomes possible with the encouragement of the commanders and the connivance of the military prosecutor's office of the Chebarkul garrison. They mocked almost all the conscripts at the Azov training ground, except for the Dagestanis, they are in a special, “honorable” position,” says Maxim Tyumentsev’s sister.

According to her, the rank and file were subjected to severe bullying and humiliation because of monetary payments. The fact is that for the disposal of shells, soldiers are entitled to a salary of 35 thousand rubles per month. Money is transferred personally to each person on a plastic card. However, as Vinokurova says, while the cards were kept by the commanders, money mysteriously disappeared from them. As it turned out, along with the cards, the company commanders kept a complete list of PIN codes for each card. Therefore, the money was calmly withdrawn without informing its owners.

For example, one day Maxim Tyumentsev received an SMS message on his phone stating that 10 thousand rubles had been withdrawn from his account. And when the conscript received the card and managed to transfer the remaining funds to his wife’s account, his life in the military unit turned into a nightmare. The sergeants began to demand money from him, and when they found out that the bank account was empty, they became furious.

After this, as punishment, they forced the obstinate conscript to carry a bag filled with gravel on his back for 3 weeks.

“And he carried it everywhere - to the toilet, the dining room, ate and slept in it, after which he began to have serious problems with his spine. He was beaten so much that his brother’s 8 teeth were knocked out, he had a severe concussion after being beaten on the head with handcuffs, and his nose was broken. They beat me on the kidneys and liver with large sticks. And it happened like this: they drove him into a tent, forced him to strip naked and beat him with sticks, then doused him with water and beat him again. And after the mass beatings, the soldiers were forced to wash each other with washcloths,” says sister Maxima with tears in her voice.

In addition to all the injuries, the soldier developed periodontal disease. Now he can hardly eat, given that he is missing 8 teeth, the rest are very loose due to gum inflammation.

Rescue escape

According to the sister, other colleagues of her brother were subjected to exactly the same abuse in the unit. One of them, Vyacheslav Tikhonov, even tried to commit suicide, as a result of which he ended up in a psychiatric clinic in the village of Birgildy. Two more went on the run, but were returned.

Maxim Tyumentsev followed their example. He left the military unit without permission: on foot, through the forest, and in passing cars he reached Chelyabinsk. Let us note that his wife Valentina and her one-year-old daughter rented an apartment near the place of service. After her husband ran away, unknown people came to her several times. military uniform. They searched the apartment several times a day, even in her absence.

“One of the Dagestanis said to his brother’s wife with an accent: “There is no money, you will repay the debt to your homeland. First we will rape you, then we will get to your daughter,” says Ulyana Vinokurova.

Also, his company commander called Tyumentsev’s sister and threatened that if Maxim did not return to his unit, he would “be found dead in a ditch.” Later, the military used another method: they called and told the sister that her brother’s body had been found.

The woman came to Chelyabinsk, met with her brother and persuaded him to confess to the military prosecutor's office of the Chelyabinsk garrison and the military investigation department. Here they began a pre-investigation check on all of the above facts. The soldier managed to avoid criminal prosecution for desertion: he confessed voluntarily and within the prescribed period - no later than 10 days.

The soldier underwent a forensic medical examination in Chelyabinsk, and civilian doctors recorded all the beatings. Later he was sent to undergo military medical examination for suitability for service. However, surprisingly, the doctors at the military clinic did not find any concussion, spinal injuries, knocked out teeth, or a broken nose. The only thing the doctors did was to send the victim for a psychiatric examination, doubting his adequacy due to the fact that he escaped.

Injury to service is not a hindrance

In general, military experts recognized that the crippled soldier was fit for further service. Moreover, he was denied treatment, citing the fact that all the documents were in the military unit. By the way, investigators have not yet been able to obtain them - even after an official request.

Meanwhile, the conscript independently reached Miass City Hospital No. 2, where he was diagnosed with duodenal ulcer, atrophic gastroduodenal reflux, chronic cholecystitis, cervical osteochondrosis with serious curvature of the spine, which is a contraindication for military service. True, the conclusions of civilian doctors are not a decree for the military, that is, they are not grounds for exemption from service.

Maxim Tyumentsev’s sister appealed to the governor of the Chelyabinsk region, the region’s human rights ombudsman, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the main military prosecutor’s office, and the main military medical department. She demands that the progress of the investigation be taken under special control. this case, bring to justice those responsible for what happened, including the military prosecutor of the Chebarkul garrison for negligence in their duties, and also help send my brother for a military medical examination.

During the pre-investigation check, Maxim Tyumentsev was placed in one of the military units The Chelyabinsk garrison is not in danger yet. However, relatives and social activists sincerely fear that after the investigation materials are transferred to the military investigation department of the Chebarkul garrison, Maxim may again be forced to return to the unit to participate in the investigation. It will be quite difficult to prove the facts of beatings and abuse: colleagues scared to death may refuse to testify against arrogant commanders and brutalized contract soldiers. But the latter can easily put pressure, including physical pressure, on a soldier.

According to the director of the “Conscript School” Valeria Prikhodkina, she will monitor the progress of the inspection and the fate of Maxim Tyumentsev and report this to the media.

Slave labor in training

By the way, Ru-Compromat already says that during the international exercises “Center-2011” near the city of Chebarkul, soldiers are kept in terrible conditions. The media reported that hazing and psychological violence, slave labor and unsanitary conditions are rampant in the exercise tent camp where conscript soldiers live.

The mother of one of the conscripts, who visited the tent camp, told reporters about the horrors of army life for Chebarkul soldiers. What she saw there shocked the woman. Before her eyes, an old-time serviceman of Caucasian origin beat a young conscript. After the unfortunate man fell to the ground, the “grandfather” kicked him into the tent, where he continued to kick him.

“The worst thing is that officers and other soldiers passing by saw all this. Everyone treated this the way we civilians treat a passing car: we’ll go around the obstacle and move on. The officers saw me walking and looking at it. Of the 9 people I met, not one made even the appearance of stopping this. My son told me not to make any noise, otherwise he would be worse off than he is now. According to him, “now they almost don’t hit, they just pump.” They beat the soldiers casually and routinely, no one was embarrassed by my presence,” said the shocked mother of the soldier.

In addition to physical violence, psychological violence is also rampant in the unit, the woman said. One day, the parents witnessed the following scene: 4 soldiers lined up in a row near one of the tents, for some reason they stood on one leg, and with their hands they made something reminiscent of a Brezhnev gesture of greeting. Opposite them sat three “grandfathers” and cackled. “The feeling that this is not an army - this is rednecks with machine guns,” the parents cannot find another definition.

The soldiers spend 14-18 hours a day digging large holes with shovels and building a mock town, the woman said. They live in field conditions: without hot water. This is despite the fact that the temperature at night drops to zero. A tent designed for 22 people sometimes accommodates up to 36 soldiers. At the same time, young people often do not have enough space on the “bunks,” as sleeping places are called here, and they sleep wrapped in a pea coat on the bare ground. According to Olga Rodionova, she managed to hear these terrible details from a conversation between another conscript and his mother.

The bathhouse at the training ground is heated 2 times a week, only 15 minutes are given for washing. True, not everyone manages to wash themselves. Before washing, military personnel are examined by a medic. Considering that almost all recruits have purulent calluses on their feet, they are not allowed into the bathhouse so as not to spread the “infection.”

However, the “alarm” about the appalling conditions in Russian army they strike not only “from below”, but “from above”. So, in the spring of this year, now former reserve major Igor Matveev posted a video message on the Internet to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, in which he spoke about the outrageous facts known to him from army life. So, according to him, soldiers in one of the Vladivostok units were fed dog food, and the premises of the unit were illegally rented out to guest workers. The video quickly spread across the Internet and attracted the attention of bloggers and journalists. Under the influence of the excitement, the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation initiated a verification of the facts stated by the major. However, very soon Igor Matveev himself found himself in the dock on charges of exceeding official authority and using violence against soldiers. On September 9, the Vladivostok Garrison Court found reserve major Igor Matveev guilty of abuse of office by using violence against military personnel and sentenced him to four years in prison with deprivation of rank.

We also note that the largest strategic exercise in 2011, “Center-2011,” started at the end of September in Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. The active phase of the exercises, as reported by RIA Novosti, ended on September 26.


More than 5,000 military personnel and their families are traveling to the Southern Urals

What to expect from the expansion of the Chebarkul tank brigade, which will become a division

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu came to the exercises in Chebarkul in 2014 RIA Novosti/Pavel Lisitsyn

By December 1, 2016, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation plans to prepare an order to expand the 7th Separate Guards Orenburg Cossack Brigade with a deployment in Chebarkul to the scale of a division. The military is already preparing for the future consolidation, and the city authorities are worried in advance: servicing a huge military formation promises Chebarkul both pros and cons, and so far it is not clear to either officials or security forces what will turn out to be more.

Today, the 7th Separate Guards Red Banner Orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky Orenburg Cossack Brigade (aka military unit 89547 or simply Chebarkul Tank Brigade) consists of three tank and one motorized rifle battalion, reconnaissance, engineer-sapper, commandant and medical companies , anti-aircraft, anti-aircraft missile, self-propelled howitzer and jet divisions. In total - approximately 2.6 thousand people, conscripts, contract soldiers and officers. The “new type” division is somewhat inferior in terms of staffing to the “old”, Soviet division, but still it has a total of 8-9 thousand people. Such data were announced during a visit to the Chebarkul garrison by the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Chelyabinsk Region, Margarita Pavlova, who visited there on August 17.

The official army media first spoke about the expansion of the Chebarkul formation back in February 2016, when the commander of the Central Military District, Colonel General Vladimir Zarudnitsky, announced the modernization of the organizational structure of the Central Military District in connection with the increased intensity of combat training and the new tasks assigned to the district by the federal authorities. As part of this modernization, for example, the Kant airbase, located in Kyrgyzstan, will become the basis of a unified structure, which will include, in principle, all Russian units in this state, the 201st military base in Tajikistan will switch to brigade staff. Already in 2015, a new mountain motorized rifle brigade was formed in Tyva, and an anti-aircraft missile regiment was formed in Khakassia. The district command's plans for 2016 include the formation of two military formations, one of which will be based on Chebarkul tank crews.

Military and regional officials do not see any disadvantages in placing the division in Chebarkul.

“From a purely military point of view, the creation of a brigade on existing areas is a successful step,” says one of the site’s sources, Colonel tank troops retired. - Chebarkul has all the necessary infrastructure, half of the local residents are in one way or another connected with the military town, there will not be the hysteria that gripped Chelyabinsk with the start of bomber flights from the Shagol airbase in 2010. Finally, it is worth recalling that the 7th Brigade was once a tank division - the 15th Red Banner "TD", withdrawn to Chebarkul from Czechoslovakia in 1991."

Oleg Klimov Vice Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region

“Indeed, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief (that is, Russian President Vladimir Putin - editor's note) decided to create a tank division in Chebarkul. This is a big plus for the Chelyabinsk region. A huge number of officers with their families will come to Chebarkul, and this alone can significantly improve the economic situation in the city. Firstly, the Ministry of Defense intends to develop infrastructure and invest in housing and communal services. Officers are essentially middle class, people with very good salaries, their wives are, as a rule, highly qualified specialists with higher education, that is, personnel replenishment for the same areas of education and health care. Finally, a huge amount of housework modern army outsources, which means the emergence of a large military unit means jobs for civilians, an incentive for the development of small businesses, and finally, compensation paid by the command to officers for renting housing.”

Klimov also mentioned that many fought for the right to host a new division big cities, including Yekaterinburg. But the President of Russia and the Ministry of Defense gave preference to Chebarkul: three regiments of the future division will be stationed here, the fourth in Yekaterinburg. The reason is the presence of the best tank training ground in Europe, which regularly hosts international military exercises.

However, the process of the upcoming expansion of the brigade in Chebarkul has its pitfalls.

Margarita PavlovaOmbudsman of the Chelyabinsk region

“For me, information about the reorganization of the brigade was news; I actually went to Chebarkul on August 17 for a planned visit. But it was this expansion that we discussed in great detail with the mayor of the city, Sergei Kovrigin, and the brigade commander, General Kirill Kulakov. The process itself must be under constant control; today it is necessary to make appropriate decisions, first of all, on social infrastructure - new kindergartens, schools, hospitals. I looked around the entire military camp. I can say that today military personnel live quite well. By at least, the potatoes in the soup are white, not black, as some of my assistants recalled. Preparations for expansion are already underway in the brigade itself; for example, bunk beds are being installed in the crew quarters instead of regular ones. But both me and the city authorities still have concerns. Sergei Kovrigin should soon meet with Governor Boris Dubrovsky on the issue of preparing the city to receive a huge number of servicemen. “For my part, I will also express my thoughts to the head of the region.”

Vice-Governor Oleg Klimov claims: the region will not have to invest in additional infrastructure for Chebarkul tank crews; all costs will fall on the shoulders of the military department. However, despite his cheerful mood, he notes: it is important that all processes - from the restoration of old, Soviet times, barracks to the arrival of new equipment - proceed in parallel, without overtaking each other.

Igor Mikhailov, member of the council of chiefs of the 7th brigade and speaker of the meeting of deputies of the Etkul district, agrees with this: “Thank God, the current reforms, unlike the 1990s, when troops were simply thrown into an open field, are planned. Today's soldiers and officers, I am sure, will not live in tents, except during exercises. In addition, experience shows: in populated areas, where the military left, the average solvency of the population fell sharply.”

According to Margarita Pavlova, the formation of the division in Chebarkul will not take place all at once, but over at least a year or two.

Whether during this time the military department will have time to provide housing for hundreds of contract soldiers and officers is an open question. The press service of the Central Military District could not be reached for comment today. Igor Mikhailov is confident that particularly large-scale construction will not be needed. He recalls that in addition to tankers, the Chebarkul garrison today includes anti-aircraft and anti-aircraft missile brigades. Mikhailov does not have official data and emphasizes that this is only his opinion, but believes that it would be logical if the anti-aircraft gunners gave way to the “multiplied” tankers and were redeployed somewhere else. For example, to the Kurgan region, where, as part of the same modernization of the Central Military District, a number of units from the Middle Urals have been transferred in recent months. However, we have to admit: the proposed transfer of anti-aircraft gunners is still a kind of social explosion. After all, after the military, their families will have to leave their homes and homes.

Finally, none of the supporters of the formation of the brigade mentions another negative factor - the criminal situation associated with the concentration of military personnel. The 7th Guards Brigade has always been a fairly calm unit, but even it was periodically shaken by various emergencies.

website of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Chelyabinsk region

So, in June and November 2013, three conscripts died here from transient pneumonia; in January 2015, conscript Mikhail Gudelev shot himself (the criminal case regarding his death is still being considered in court, the accused is the former platoon commander of the deceased, Vladimir Gorodner). The year 2016 was marked by two deaths at once: in April, during an exercise at the Chebarkul training ground, Pavel Ostapovich died under the tracks of an infantry fighting vehicle, and in August, Nikita Nedelko died in the Yekaterinburg military hospital, according to the official version, having been injured by a back wave from a shot from an anti-tank grenade launcher.

According to Alexey Kovalev, a former employee of the military prosecutor’s office and now an activist of the public organization “Militarymen Also Have Rights,” about a dozen criminal cases have been opened over the past five years based on excesses in the Chebarkul brigade. This list includes injuries received by soldiers with the connivance of officers (in 2011, conscript Yevgeny Mikhailov became disabled after his commander ordered him to spar with a colleague), self-harm due to hazing, and desertion due to the same hazing (in the summer of 2013, a conscript from Nizhny Tagil, Artur Mikhailov, escaped from his unit and hid in a Chebarkul church, posing as an orphanage resident).

Alexey Kovalev activist of the organization “Servicemen also have rights”

“We must not forget about suicide. Over the past five years, about half a dozen suicides can be counted throughout the Chelyabinsk region, mostly by contract soldiers and even officers. Moreover, checks clearly confirm that the cause of suicide is domestic. Debt, unemployment, lack of housing. And in last years we have a tendency to increase the number of “criminal” corpses: in 2014 there were none, in 2015 only Mikhail Gudelev died, in eight months of 2016 we already have two corpses - Ostapovich and Nedelko. My experience is that this happens, firstly, due to relaxation, complacency and, as a result, lack of attention on the part of commanders to the needs of soldiers, and secondly, due to the fact that officers are not actually afraid of responsibility. The accused in the criminal case of the crushed BMP Ostapovich is the same green mechanic-driver, and no one is in a hurry to bring to justice the one who made this wild situation possible in the first place, who taught the soldiers that it is acceptable to click their beaks during exercises! The same situation is now unfolding with Nedelko: a careless grenade launcher will be blamed for his death, and not the officer who was not convinced of the safety of the live firing. And now let’s increase this entire number of suicides, guys who died due to negligence, “runners” and others in proportion to the increase in the number of personnel from brigade to division. Not scary?"

Let us note that, according to the investigative authorities, there were not two, but three criminal corpses in uniform this year in Chebarkul - just the body of HC “Zvezda” player Igor Aksenov, who served in Chebarkul and disappeared at the end of April, was not found. Let us remind you that Aksenov asked the command to take time off to participate in the match, went on the road and disappeared. The military investigative department for the Chebarkul garrison is investigating a criminal case on the fact of unauthorized abandonment of a unit, and the “civilian” department, that is, the city Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee, on the fact of murder. The head of the Chebarkul investigative department of the RF IC, Pavel Dorofeev, in a conversation with a Znak.com correspondent, confirms: although military personnel are outside his diocese, once or twice a year his department investigates criminal cases where military personnel become victims. The local police have many times more such cases.
