Anomalous zones of the world: unidentified and incredible or unexplored and forgotten? Real stories about anomalous zones.

Anomalous zones of the world: unidentified and incredible or unexplored and forgotten?  Real stories about anomalous zones.
Mysterious disappearances. Mysticism, secrets, clues Dmitrieva Natalia Yurievna

Anomalous zones in Russia

Anomalous zones in Russia

When it comes to mysterious places on the planet, many people think that they are somewhere far away, in exotic lands or seas, in hard-to-reach corners of the earth where we will never visit. But we often forget that our native lands can also be full of mysteries and amazing phenomena. Meanwhile, on the territory of Russia there are most interesting places, covered with numerous legends. Researchers from all over the world come there to touch the mystery. Therefore, it is worth looking around you - amazing things may be very close. About some Russian anomalous zones nothing was known a couple of decades ago. Who knows, maybe your region also hides some mysteries that the whole world will soon be talking about.

Moleb triangle

The Moleb Triangle is one of the most amazing places in Russia. This is the strongest geoanomalous zone, which also has a second name - the Perm anomaly. The Molebsky Triangle is located on the border of the Perm and Sverdlovsk regions, on the left bank of the Sylva River, opposite the village of Molebka (hence the name). The total area of ​​the anomalous zone is about 1000 m2.

Since the 80s. last century, the Moleb Triangle became the object of close attention of Russian and foreign ufologists, as well as all people interested in inexplicable phenomena.

What is this area so famous for? The fact is that strange and varied phenomena are very often observed there, which do not find any rational explanation within the framework of earthly logic. For example, ufologists believe that the Perm anomaly is nothing more than a landing site for alien ships. Esotericists call the Moleb Triangle the gateway to the ancient worlds. Researchers of paganism tend to think that this is a sacred place in which the spirits of ancient pagan gods still live. The Perm anomaly is so rich in incomprehensible facts that they can be attributed to any of these three versions of the events occurring there.

The modern history of the Moleb Triangle began with the fact that in 1980, one of the local residents saw an unknown object of enormous size fall from the sky into a pond. From his fall, waves 10 m high rose on the pond. For himself, the man identified this object as some kind of cosmic body- meteorite or UFO.

The famous Soviet ufologist and geologist, Emil Fedorovich Bachurin, who had been studying UFOs since 1957, became interested in this observation. He himself was a native of Perm and paid great attention to the stories of his fellow countrymen. He began to periodically come to Molebka and study its surroundings. And the result was not long in coming. In October 1984, while wandering along the banks of the Sylva River, Bachurin saw a large purple ball rise from the forest and slowly dissolve into the sky. The researcher headed into the forest in search of a place from which this ball could rise. After some time, he discovered a clearing in which there was a large round imprint of some spherical body. The diameter of the imprint was 62 m. Bachurin took soil samples from this place. When he analyzed them in the laboratory, it turned out that the soil had a very high content of rare chemical elements- scandium and yttrium. Their concentration in the samples was thirty times higher than normal.

Bachurin made public his amazing observation, supporting it with test results. Ufologists from all over the country were extremely interested and also rushed to the Perm region in search of traces of a UFO. The Moleb Triangle also attracted the attention of journalists. They asked local residents if they had noticed anything unusual in the vicinity of their village. It turned out that various unexplained phenomena have occurred here since ancient times.

Old-timers recalled that more than once in their lifetime they had seen flying silver balls suddenly appearing in the sky, hanging for some time, and then just as quickly disappearing. If such a ball appeared in the middle of the night, it looked as if a second moon had appeared in the sky.

In addition to flying balls, there were also all sorts of strange things in these places. They talked a lot about the so-called “prodigal places.” Near Molebka, it often happened that people who went into the forest could suddenly get lost in literally three pines. We spent hours circling around the same spot, not recognizing the area, not finding the usual paths, as if we were caught in a vicious circle. And then suddenly the “prodigal place” let them go, everything fell into place, and it turned out that people got lost almost next to the road or river. But the local residents knew every clearing, every hillock in their forest from childhood, and they could not get lost there even on a dark night.

Many more interesting stories journalists heard. The most reliable of them were then published. For example, Riga journalist Pavel Mukhortov published a whole series of articles about the Moleb Triangle in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper in 1989.

After newspaper publications, numerous researchers and tourists flocked to the Moleb Triangle. And many of them became eyewitnesses of various mysterious phenomena. First of all, of course, these were supposed UFOs. Glowing balls or capsule-shaped bodies periodically appeared in the sky, sometimes even several at once. They lined up in rows or different geometric figures, hovered in the sky for some time, and then disappeared.

But there were others, no less mysterious phenomena. For example, there were very often cases when people encountered strange black silhouettes that accompanied them on their journey and seemed to be watching them. These silhouettes behaved like intelligent creatures - sometimes they grouped in a circle, sometimes they scattered individually, sometimes they lined up in a row. When someone tried to approach them, the silhouettes either quickly moved away or disappeared into the air.

Another common anomaly in the Moleb Triangle was various incidents over time. Then a whole group of tourists visiting the anomalous zone experienced the same clock lag. Then the clock seemed to go crazy and started showing everyone different time. One of the researchers conducted an experiment - he put his watch in a tightly closed thermos and left it in one of the most active points of the anomalous zone. After 5 hours 26 minutes he returned and took the watch. When he checked them with local time, it turned out that the left clock was exactly 5 hours 26 minutes behind. Another interesting fact, which has been observed quite often - when photographing at night, the light of the flash is reflected from a seemingly empty space as if there was a physical object invisible to the eye there. The reflected light sometimes took on humanoid forms or resembled the figures of some unknown animals.

Once upon a time in ancient times, the area in which the Moleb Triangle is located was a holy place for the Mansi peoples. It was here that there was a special prayer stone, on which the rituals of sacrifice were performed and from which the name of the village later came.

Some tourist groups were exposed to strange sound mirages while staying in the anomalous zone. For example, there was a case when one group was constantly haunted by the sound of an approaching car. She either lagged behind them or caught up, the hum of the engine was very clear. At some point, it seemed to everyone that the car was driving into the clearing where they were camping. People even unwittingly moved aside. But there was no car, and there couldn’t have been. After all, the group followed through the forest, along narrow paths. And the nearest road was several kilometers away.

Various less significant, but also impressive phenomena also occurred. For example, it was often possible to observe how some objects quickly heated up - a nearby stone, a fallen tree, etc. Sometimes objects suddenly spontaneously rose into the air and hovered for a while. Batteries and accumulators of various devices were discharged in the anomalous zone with incredible speed. These and other events also once again confirmed that something supernatural was happening in the Moleb triangle.

Medveditskaya ridge

This is one of the most famous Russian anomalous zones, a real place of “pilgrimage” for ufologists and other researchers paranormal phenomena. The Medveditskaya ridge is located on the border of Volgograd and Saratov region, near the Medveditsa River. The anomalous zone is a chain of old hilly mountains, 200–400 m high.

Such a concentration of strange phenomena is not found anywhere else in our country, and, perhaps, in the whole world. Firstly, in this zone, flights and landings of UFOs, clearly of man-made origin, can be observed with enviable regularity. Secondly, in these places they “live” ball lightning- you can’t say it any other way, since these generally rare natural phenomena can be observed here almost every day. And thirdly, underground in the area of ​​the Medveditskaya ridge there is a network of tunnels of unknown origin. These are just three of the main attractions in this area. Besides them, there is a huge amount going on here. unexplained phenomena. Let's talk about everything in a little more detail.

Since 1982, the Medveditskaya ridge has become the object of close attention of ufologists. Over the past 30 years, more than 40 official expeditions have visited there, not counting the constant influx of solo explorers. During this time, 23 alleged UFO landing sites were found, examined and described, and the research was accompanied by a larger amount of photographic and video materials in which these UFOs were quite clearly recorded while flying or hovering over the area. In addition, several geopathogenic zones were discovered in which various kinds of strange incidents occur and three zones of ball lightning activity were recorded.

The UFO landing sites were found based on characteristic traces, the origin of which cannot be explained except by the landing of aircraft. More than a dozen clear traces of triangular or round shapes of various sizes were discovered in the surrounding agricultural fields and simply in clearings. This corresponds to the shape of UFOs observed here, which are most often luminous triangles or balls. One day an octagonal footprint was found - a clear imprint in the form of a dent in a field of lush grass. A very interesting fact is that these tracks in the fields not only do not overgrow on their own, but they cannot be plowed up. When approaching them, the engines of the tractors stall for some unknown reason.

The UFOs themselves, according to official expeditions alone, were observed in the area of ​​the Medveditskaya Ridge 15 times. Moreover, they were seen three times at a relatively short distance, so that it was possible to see some details in more detail. Well, there is even more unofficial evidence, not recorded in photos and videos.

Another attraction of the anomalous zone, the underground tunnels, is no less surprising. The assumption that these are caves of natural origin, for example washed out by groundwater, is immediately dismissed by researchers. The fact is that the tunnels have the correct shape, smooth and even walls. They are located mainly parallel to each other and stretch along their entire length either in a straight line or have turns at strictly right angles. The length of the longest tunnel is about 4.5 km. Some tunnels have several side branches.

Mentions of these tunnels have existed since ancient times. In the surrounding villages they say that once upon a time they were used by Volga bandits and gypsy horse thieves to hide with their loot. But at present, the entrances to the tunnels are blocked up; old-timers say that they were blown up during the war, in 1942. Therefore, for a long time it was possible to explore them only with the help of special geological exploration equipment. Research has shown that the ends of some tunnels approximately coincide with the places where UFO traces were found.

However, the search for entrances to the tunnels was ultimately crowned with success; one of them, located quite close to the surface, was excavated. The view of the caves from the inside puzzled the researchers even more. The walls of the tunnels are made of stone, but do not have seams, that is, they are not made of stone, but seem to be cut through it. Or, more precisely, burned through, as analysis of soil samples showed.

When using seismological equipment, another inexplicable fact was discovered. It is impossible to probe the soil under the tunnels; seismic waves do not travel to a depth of more than several tens of meters in this area. Geologists use the term “red stripe” for such anomalies. This is the name for areas where it is impossible to explore the bowels of the earth. In the territory former USSR There are only two such zones - on the Medveditskaya ridge and in the vicinity of Tbilisi.

Geologists explain the impassability of seismic waves by the existence of giant voids filled with air underground. But no emptiness can exist without support, otherwise a failure would simply form. However, no supports were detected by the same instruments. Hence the hypothesis arises that the vault of the void is supported by a force field of unknown origin, and the void itself is a kind of protective screen that does not allow seismic instruments to “see” what is located at great depths.

The next attraction, ball lightning, it would seem, should not raise any questions in itself - after all, it is a natural phenomenon. But their abundance and activity is amazing. Why are they concentrated in this particular place, what force attracts them to the Medveditskaya ridge? After all, here you can even observe several of them at the same time. They have great power and are capable of burning through trees as they pass through them. The locals called the place of the greatest activity of ball lightning - the Slope of Crazy Lightning. This slope is entirely covered with scorched, crippled trees, of which there can be counted about 500 pieces.

Another inexplicable detail emerged from closer observation of lightning. It turned out that they do not fly in arbitrary paths - as a rule, their path runs strictly above underground tunnels. Lightning moves straight, not going around obstacles, but burning through them. This led the researchers to the idea that the tunnels themselves, which, as we remember, were burned into the stone, were created by the same ball lightning, only of even greater power. But this means that someone had to control them, since the natural flight path of ball lightning cannot have such a strict geometric shape as that of tunnels.

Thus, all three categories of inexplicable phenomena of the Medveditskaya ridge are linked into a single picture. According to ufologists, it can be interpreted quite unambiguously - the Medveditskaya ridge is an ancient base of space aliens. Underground tunnels are abandoned paths leading to a huge underground bunker, carefully hidden from the eyes of earthlings.

At the UFO landing sites on the Medveditskaya Ridge, various strange phenomena occur: the clocks become confused, they begin to lag or rush, all the measuring instruments go off scale, the electronics fail. In addition, all microorganisms in the soil at a depth of up to half a meter were destroyed.

Damn cemetery

The Devil's Cemetery or Devil's Glade is one of the most mysterious anomalous zones in Russia, about which there are many rumors. This disastrous place is located on the border of the Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk regions, in the remote Angara taiga, where the Kova River flows into the Angara. Not far from this place is the village of Ust-Kova. It was from the residents of this village that the first information about the Devil’s Cemetery was received.

Presumably, this anomalous zone arose in 1908, shortly after the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. The meteorite itself fell 400 km north of this place. More than a century has passed since then, but the story of the anomaly’s occurrence is firmly entrenched in the memory of eyewitnesses and was passed down from generation to generation until it was recorded by journalists in every detail.

In the year the meteorite fell, residents of the village of Ust-Kova discovered a strange and ominous hole in the ground in the taiga forest, similar to a crater from a giant shell. Black smoke was pouring out of the pit, and there was such intense heat around it that it was impossible to get closer. It was from the moment the pit was formed that the area acquired anomalous properties. After some time, the entire clearing around the hole burned out, and a large black round bald spot formed. The trees around her were charred. All living beings caught in this disastrous circle died immediately, and soon the clearing was covered with the corpses of animals and birds. Because of this, the clearing was nicknamed the Devil's Cemetery.

Since then, no vegetation has grown in the clearing; the earth has remained black, loose, and covered with ash. There was no snow on it, so even in winter it was easy to find. The anomalous zone was initially a burnt area of ​​taiga with a diameter of 15–20 m and an area of ​​200–250 m2. At first it was round, then, over time, according to eyewitnesses, its shape changed, the anomalous zone stretched out and became oval.

Local residents avoided this place for a long time. And the next mention of the Devil’s Cemetery appeared only 12 years later, in 1920. Over such a long period of time, the terrible impressions gradually faded from memory. People began to decide again to approach the lost place. There was no longer any smoke or unbearable heat around the clearing. But on the black soil, the bones of dead animals, bleached by time, were clearly visible. Of course, no one dared to enter the clearing itself. Yes, she herself didn’t seem to let anyone come to her. As soon as they approached the Devil's Cemetery ten meters, people began to feel pain throughout their bodies - their teeth ached, their joints ached, their heads began to hurt. As they approached the clearing, the pain increased, and along with it, people developed an irrational feeling of fear, panic, and causeless horror.

But life in the surrounding villages went on as usual. Near the ruined clearing there was a convenient path for pasturing cattle. And one day it happened that, due to the shepherd’s oversight, several shelters wandered into the Devil’s Cemetery. He rushed after him, but froze in horror - the poor animals died a few moments after they found themselves in a disastrous clearing. No, they did not burn or char, as was the case in the first years after the formation of the anomaly. But when several fellow villagers, overcoming body aches and terrible fear, managed to drag the corpses of the cows to a safe place, they saw a strange phenomenon. The meat of the dead animals acquired an unnatural bright red color. Subsequently, similar observations were recorded more than once. All animals that died in the anomalous zone had the same color of meat.

After this incident, it was decided to move the road for pasturing cattle 3 km away from the old one, passing near Chertovaya Polyana. And next to it, a sign was cut out on a tree - an image of the devil and an arrow showing the direction towards the black spot.

Years passed. After the Great Patriotic War residents of the Angara villages were resettled to more populated and developed areas on the banks of the Amur. The anomalous zone was forgotten for several decades. But in the 80s. last century, against the backdrop of a general fascination with everything unknown and supernatural, someone remembered the old story of the Devil’s Cemetery, and researchers of anomalous zones awoke a burning interest in it.

Numerous expeditions of enthusiastic enthusiasts began to prepare, who for a long time tried to find the Devil's Cemetery in the remote taiga. It was difficult to do this; there were almost no landmarks left. The villages located near the ominous place had already disappeared by that time. And no written documents have been preserved about the location of the anomalous zone. I had to search almost blindly, relying on the stories of former residents of those places, retold and distorted dozens of times.

It was possible to find the Devil's Glade only in the 1990s. This turned out to be possible only for one of many expeditions - a group from Vladivostok led by Alexander Rempel. The clearing changed, became smaller, and slowly began to be overgrown with grass. But its anomalous properties still remained. People, approaching her, still experienced causeless fear and pain throughout their bodies. Dogs that ran into a clearing for a few minutes returned from there lethargic, exhausted, and refused food for a long time.

The negative impact on people’s well-being was so great that no one dared to enter the clearing itself. People who wandered through the taiga for several weeks in search of an anomalous zone, who spent considerable money on equipment for the expedition, gave up at the very last moment. They decided to postpone the exploration of the clearing until the next day, thinking that they would rest and gain strength. However, the next morning it turned out that all members of the expedition began to have health problems. Some had swollen knee joints, others experienced muscle numbness, and still others experienced sharp pain in the spine. To all this was added moral depression, a depressed state of mind, a sudden outbreak of irritability and anxiety. This alone speaks volumes about the power of the destructive impact of the anomaly on human body and psyche. All that the expedition members were able to do was photograph the Devil’s Cemetery from a distance and take some measurements in its surroundings. The expedition leader reported that when approaching the anomalous zone, the compass malfunctioned, and the device recording electromagnetic radiation began to show maximum value. This led researchers to believe that all the mysterious phenomena occurring in the Devil's Cemetery area were caused by a colossal anomaly magnetic field in this place.

The version about the action of a geomagnetic anomaly is currently the main one. Only its origin is unclear. Most researchers are inclined to think that the anomaly is somehow connected with the Tunguska meteorite.

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Any person is always drawn to various kinds of secrets and riddles, although almost always, his questions remain unanswered.

Since childhood, I have shown interest in everything unknown. When I was 6 years old (1963), I first heard a radio report about mysterious flying saucers. For some reason this information was retained in my memory childhood and has survived to this day. Such UFO reports were very popular back then. Already in the 70s, information of this kind was banned. And this only increased my interest in this topic. So the “forbidden fruit” became the reason to collect newspaper clippings, buy books, magazines about everything unknown and mysterious. This is how an archive was compiled from various messages over 40 years. The apogee of such collecting was the creation in educational institution where I work, . Although the main reason for this was such an event.

Five years ago (at one of the Cosmopoisk congresses) I met a man about research activities which many people all over the world know. This . He advised me to create a museum about the mysterious planet and its secrets. Vadim Aleksandrovich helped with the acquisition of some exhibits. Only after this did I begin to write down, according to eyewitnesses, the most amazing stories about the anomalous phenomena that they unwittingly witnessed.

These stories were told to me by ordinary people, something I myself saw. As a rule, everything has the appearance of fantasy and does not fit into the framework of facts and arguments from science. However, I adhere to this personal philosophical principle: “ Everything that sounds in the world around us is absolute reality and only the degree of our perception makes it true or false ».

A man in a sweatshirt and rubber boots who appeared out of nowhere

Here is one of the stories. Outskirts of Romny, not far from highway Sumy – Kyiv. Late autumn 2012. Pyotr Pavlovich, a physics teacher at one of the secondary schools, was cleaning corn in his garden, sitting on a stool. It was slightly cloudy, almost completely calm, the air temperature was +8 degrees. Time - about 14 o'clock in the afternoon. Nothing distracted the eyewitness, and there were no strong irritants.

Suddenly, about 15 meters from the teacher, an adult man of average height appears out of nowhere. He was dressed in a black sweatshirt and rubber boots. These details were perceived and remembered very clearly, but the face of a person out of nowhere was not perceived at all. The man silently moved smoothly parallel to the seated observer. When he found himself opposite our hero, Pyotr Pavlovich had a desire to greet him. The teacher came from a small village where it is customary to greet everyone. When Peter voiced his greeting, the stranger didn’t even bat an eyelid. Like a robot, he silently continued moving. And after walking another ten or fifteen steps, the man out of nowhere very quickly disappeared into a greenish foggy haze. The teacher noted exactly green color fog, when everything around was autumn gray and nondescript. Having analyzed the phenomenon and all the patterns physical world, which he taught to children, Pyotr Pavlovich doubted whether the situation he experienced was real? The vision lasted about 15 seconds.

At home, the father of two adult children shared what he saw with his eldest son, Ivan. He immediately stated that he had seen an ancient horse chariot in these same places several years ago. True, she moved across the sky with a roar, as if she was driving along a cobblestone road.

Anyone who has seen something like this doesn’t even try to tell anyone about it. The result is obvious - in best case scenario They will laugh at you, and at worst, they will send you to a mental hospital.

You can be skeptical about what you read. But if you consider that I have recorded about two dozen similar stories, and I have seen some myself, then such information automatically becomes statistics. And statistics require study and analysis.

Vladimir Litovka

... 1915, Galipoli Peninsula (Türkiye). General Hamilton sent parts of the British Norfolk Regiment to help the allies capture Constantinople. Near the height of N60, a strange cloud thickened on the road in front of the marching column. Several hundred soldiers recklessly entered it. Then the cloud lifted off the ground and floated towards Bulgaria. The soldiers who entered it were never seen again. After the surrender of Turkey, when the issue of prisoners was discussed, the last hope of finding them disappeared - it turned out that the Turks did not take anyone prisoner in that area.
... 1924, Iraq. Royal Air Force pilots Day and Stewart made an emergency landing in the desert. Their tracks leading away from the plane were clearly visible in the sand. But they soon broke off... The pilots themselves were never found, although there were no quicksands or abandoned wells around the emergency landing site... There were no sandstorms that day...
... 1930, Eskimo village of Angikuni (Northern Canada). All the residents disappeared without a trace. In the empty dwellings there were clothes, food over the cold fires and even rifles, without which, as we know, not a single Eskimo would ever leave home. Hunter Joe Leibel, who first discovered that the village was deserted, also reported that even the graves in the village cemetery were empty. The dead disappeared along with the living...
... 1947. An American military plane with 32 people on board suddenly lost control and crashed. In vain, rescuers rushed to the scene of the accident to provide assistance to the victims. There were no survivors or dead among the wreckage of the plane. There was no blood or other traces that would confirm that at the time of the accident there was at least one person on board the plane. The secret services became interested in the case. But their searches also ended in nothing.
To this list we can add ships that mysteriously “lost” their crews on the high seas. Remember, for example, famous story with the ship “Mary Celeste”, which was discovered off the Azores Islands. The disappeared people did not take anything with them - no things, not even money... And many such cases are already known.
There are countless mysterious single disappearances. There is no point in listing them, since they are all in many ways similar to the incident described by the Daily Chronicle newspaper on July 30, 1889. It reports that Mr. McMillian, a member of the family that owned the famous McMillian publishing house, climbed the mountain and waved to his friends before disappearing. Despite a thorough search and a reward, he was never found...
There are many versions designed to explain such incidents. Among them is the hypothesis advocated by S. Kameev. It consists in the fact that anomalous zones exist (or periodically appear) on earth, which are “gates” to other spatial and chronal dimensions. The Phenomenon Commission has collected in its archives many stories about such zones. It is curious that many stories mention either a red glow, or a purple, or simply a “strange” fog. Like, for example, on the island of Barsakelmes in the Aral Sea...
By the way, there are many ancient legends about people who found themselves in clearings where fairies held their holidays. After dancing the night away, people returned home and found out that years had passed! Some of these legends also mention a strange fog...
Of course, many stories of mysterious disappearances may be honest misconceptions or simply hoaxes. But if we assume that at least some of them are true, then what conclusions can be drawn?
The version of “parallel worlds” is supported not only by cases of “disappearances,” but also by facts of no less mysterious “appearances.” In magazines of the early twentieth century you can find a message that in Paris the police detained a man who had lost his memory. In his pocket they found a map of the planet - but it was not our Earth!
Another “alien from parallel worlds” showed up in Japan in 1954: A suspicious foreigner was detained in one of the hotels. In principle, his passport was in in perfect order, with one exception - he was issued in the country of Tuared, which is not listed on any map. Outraged by the mistrust, the foreigner gave a press conference to journalists, where he said that the country of Tuared stretches from Mauritania to Sudan. As a result, the foreigner ended up in a Japanese insane asylum. But the mystery of the passport, issued by an unknown country, was never solved...
Another explanation that researchers are using in their attempts to understand the mysterious phenomenon is a spontaneous transfer in time. The British Royal Metapsychic Society has been studying the possibility of such travel for 150 years. Its archives contain more than 200 cases of the phenomenon conventionally called the “Time Loop,” which have been studied in detail and confirmed by the testimony of numerous witnesses. Here are just a few examples from this list:
In the summer of 1912, many British newspapers described a mysterious story that occurred on an express train traveling from London to Glasgow. In the presence of two passengers (a Scotland Yard inspector and a young nurse) in the carriage, an elderly man appeared on a seat near the window with a terrible scream. His clothes were of a strange cut, his hair was braided. In one hand he held a long whip, in the other a bitten piece of bread. “I am Pimp Drake, the driver from Chetnam,” wailed the man, trembling with fear. - Where I am? Where am I?"
The inspector ran after the conductor, telling the girl to keep an eye on the strange Mr. Drake. When he returned to his carriage, he saw that the driver had disappeared and the nurse had fainted. The conductor who was called at first decided that he was being played, but material evidence of what had happened remained on the seat - a whip and a three-cornered hat. Experts from the National Museum, who were shown these objects, confidently determined the time from which they originated - the second half XVIII century.
The curious inspector visited the pastor of the parish to which the village of Chetnam was assigned and asked to look for an entry in the church books about a man named Pimp Drake. In the book of the dead 150 years ago, the local priest found not only the name of the unfortunate driver, but also a note written in the margins by the then pastor.
It followed from it that, being no longer a young man, Drake suddenly began to tell incredible story. It was as if one night, returning home on a carriage, he saw right in front of him a “devil’s carriage” - iron, huge, long like a snake, bursting with fire and smoke. Then the driver somehow found himself inside - there were strange people, probably servants of the devil. Frightened, Drake called on the Lord for help and again found himself in an open field. There were no carriages or horses. Drake, shocked by what happened, barely dragged himself home. And, apparently, he never returned to sanity, repeating the story of the “devilish crew” until the end of his days.
The inspector of Scotland Yard reported the incident and his subsequent research to the Royal Metapsychic Society. There they thoroughly checked the case, repeating the path of Drake's search. The cocked hat is still kept in the society's museum. The scourge was lost - apparently becoming the prey of souvenir lovers.
An equally mysterious story can be found in the New York police archives. In November 1952, an unknown man was hit by a car on Broadway in the evening. He died on the spot. The driver and witnesses assured that the victim “appeared on the street suddenly, as if he had fallen from above.”
The body was taken to the morgue. The police noticed that the deceased was wearing an old-style suit. They were even more surprised by the identity card issued 80 years ago. Business cards indicating his profession - traveling salesman - were also found in the victim's pocket. One of the detectives checked the address indicated on the business card and learned that this street was liquidated more than half a century ago...
The lists of residents of this area from the end of the last century were checked in the old police archive. There they discovered a mysterious traveling salesman - both his last name and address matched the data on his business card. All people with this surname living in New York were interviewed. They found an old woman who reported that her father disappeared 70 years ago under mysterious circumstances - he went for a walk along Broadway and did not return. She presented the police with a photograph in which a young man, remarkably similar to the man who had been hit by a car, was smiling and holding a girl in his arms. The photograph was dated April 1884...
The “Time Loop,” according to eyewitness accounts, is capable of throwing not only individual people through the years, but also much more bulky objects—entire buildings or ships. And the legends about the ghostly “Flying Dutchmen”, supposedly wandering in the ocean, may have a very real basis.
A strange incident occurred in the Atlantic in the early morning of July 11, 1881. A British warship nearly collided with an ancient frigate. Attempts to contact the crew were unsuccessful. The frigate rushed past, as if not noticing the British ship. This case became known due to the fact that the Prince of Wales, the future King George V, and then still a young man, became an eyewitness to the mysterious meeting. Marine officer, who served.
One of the active figures of the Royal Metapsychic Society, Sir Jeremy Blackstaff, being at a reception at Buckingham Palace on the occasion of the presentation of the order to him, was honored with a conversation with His Majesty, and did not fail to take advantage of this opportunity - he asked permission to ask a question about a long-standing meeting in Atlantic Ocean. It turned out that King George remembered what happened well and described it in some detail.
The mysterious ship resembled a clipper ship, had wooden masts and ornate superstructures. Such ships had already stopped sailing in those days. But most of all, the sailors were struck by the fact that the oncoming ship “had its own wind” - its sails were inflated in a completely different direction than the north-east blowing that day could have done.
With His Majesty's permission, these data were placed in the “Annual Report of the Metapsychic Society.” The reporters continued their search and found more sailors who witnessed the meeting with this “Flying Dutchman”. They added to King George’s story, saying that the strange ship sailed surprisingly smoothly, although it was stormy that day, and the wake behind it was practically invisible: “It was as if it was a ghost, and not a real ship!” The mysterious meeting is also mentioned in the diaries of the monarch, published after his death. This case was included in the list of unexplained...
But let's return to the incident at the Ostankino TV tower. Experts from the “Phenomenon” commission conducted a dowsing survey of the area where the mysterious incident occurred. The frames recorded the “geopathogenic zone” exactly in the place where Oleg Karatyan “disappeared”. But instrumental measurements did not register any fields. However, this is how it should have been. The foot of the tower is located in a kind of “electromagnetic shadow”, and the radiation of television transmitters does not reach there. Consequently, the version that the “shrinking” of space is caused by powerful electromagnetic fields does not pass. Then what was it? Maybe there are other reasons for “wrinkling”? And did all this really happen?..
There is still a lot of mystery in this story. For example, the red glow that appeared around the TV tower. We found several other eyewitnesses who saw him that day. By the way, among the reader responses, we drew attention to the following message: “Tell the researchers of the anomalous zones to beware of the red fog!” The letter came from the city of Balakovo from A. Maksimov, who, according to him, has also been studying the properties of time and “chronal” zones for a long time...
It is too early to draw final conclusions. One thing is clear for now - research into anomalous zones must be carried out at a more serious level. And at the same time, scientists should remember the numerous legends about the victims of the “crimson fog.” Perhaps this will protect them from hasty decisions and risky steps.

Many skeptics who do not believe in mysticism and believe that everything can be found scientific explanation, will probably doubt the reliability of the information presented below. But in any case, it makes no sense to deny that in nature there are a number of inexplicable anomalies that are not just frightening, but truly terrifying.

Stories of mysterious disappearances and deaths in disastrous places that can be found in Russia chill the blood and make you truly horrified. In the continuation of the article you will find a list of the most terrible places in our country.

Devil's Cemetery (Krasnoyarsk Territory)

75 people are known to have disappeared or died over the past 30 years. In the territory Krasnoyarsk Territory, at the top of a low mountain, there is a strange clearing with a hole in the very center. According to some sources, it was formed in 1908. Versions have been put forward that the appearance of this place is directly related to the fact of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite, and the hole in the center is nothing more than the crater of a long-extinct volcano, pierced by the object during its fall. People called this strange place the Devil's Cemetery.

Over the past thirty years, at least 75 people have either disappeared or died in this area. Being in the Devil's Cemetery is destructive for all living things. Hundreds of cows died, deciding to taste the grass from the clearing. In the post-war period, all residents of these unsafe places were resettled. From the stories of old-timers, it became known that a huge number of people died either on the territory of the clearing itself, or when they found themselves within a small radius from it.

In the 80s, researchers became interested in this anomalous zone and began to persistently search for the Devil's Cemetery. Several expeditionary forces are still considered missing. About 75 searchers also did not return from search trips.

In 1991, an eerie clearing was found. A large, serious expedition was assembled to study it. In the same year that the clearing was found, a film was made about this place, called “Devil's Cemetery.” Many publications published articles and photos about this mysterious place. Those wishing to visit the Devil's Cemetery area should know that you should not set up a camp closer than one kilometer, but it is more correct and convenient to set up a camp at the mouth of the Deshemba River. The easiest way to get to your destination is by river. Successful rafting is possible only from May to early June. Only professionals should go on this hike, as the area is very difficult.

Mountain of the Dead (Sverdlovsk region)

In 1959, a group of young enthusiasts led by Igor Dyatlov went on an expedition to the Mountain of the Dead. The ascent to the summit began on February 1. By coincidence, it is on this day that a magical festival called Candlemas takes place. Before reaching the summit, a group of nine people sets up camp for the night. It is unknown what the young people witnessed and what forced them to cut the tent from the inside and hastily leave it, going out into the cold with virtually no clothes. No traces of any third party presence were found. No signs of a struggle. No traces of the elements. All participants had horrific injuries, some had their tongues torn out, and everyone’s skin was purple or orange, unnatural even for the dead.

By decree from above, everything related to the Dyatlov expedition was kept in the strictest secrecy. The Dyatlov group was not the only one who died on the slopes of the terrible mountain. Several expeditions never returned home after visiting her. In the 90s, the publishing house of the Gentry newspaper published a huge material dedicated to the Mountain of the Dead. At the same time, specialists from Vladivostok carried out thorough ufological studies. And today this place does not attract tourists too much because of its notoriety. Although on this moment There are no anomalous manifestations on the mountain and it is safe for visits.

Devil's Lair (Volgograd region)

In the Volgograd region, on the ridge called Medvetskaya, there is a place called the Devil's Lair. According to the information received, spontaneous combustion of people occurs in this place. The corpses of local shepherd Yuri Mamaev and combine operator Ivan Tsukanov were discovered. But it is reliably known that Ivan burned down while saving a combine harvester and a grain field from an unexpected fire.

In the case of the shepherd, there is evidence that the cause of his death was the burning of hay. Nevertheless, this place is considered unkind, although the expedition did not reveal any anomalies. It is safe for hiking.

Lake Labynkyr

In the east of Yakutia, in the Oymyakonsky district, there is a place overgrown with legends and amazing stories water. Lake called Labynkyr. According to legend, an animal of incredible size lives in the lake; it is assumed that it is of relict origin. According to local residents, this creature swallows large animals and people. Based on rumors, the death toll is more than ten people. But all this is not reliable, there is no real evidence. The terrain is wild and difficult to navigate, which is not conducive to attracting researchers. It is precisely because of its mystery that this place is included in the list of the creepiest. There are several “valleys” that claim to be the Valley of Death. One of them is located in Valdai, in the Novgorod region. According to local beliefs, somewhere there is a mysterious “stump”, near which people and animals disappeared. In fact, no one saw this “stump”; the police were also skeptical; there were no reports of missing people.

Yakutia also has its own “Valley of Death” - Elyuyu Cherkechekh. Its supernatural nature has not been confirmed; none of the researchers have seen any hemispheres emitting heat, copper cauldrons or other anomalous formations. We studied data about this area for ten years, invited about 2,000 specialists during this time, and this does not take into account the help of people who responded to our advertisements in newspapers. And, summing up, we came to the conclusion that the supernatural nature of this zone is just a fiction, based on local legends.

Another Death Valley is located on the Kamchatka Peninsula, not far from the Valley of Geysers. This time its existence is confirmed. There is observed a large number of animal deaths, there were also unconfirmed reports of human deaths in the area. As a result of our research, it was revealed that mortality among animals is explained by gas poisoning; the causes and frequency have not been identified. For a person, being in this zone does not pose a danger, since he will be able to independently leave the zone if gas escapes. It is not recommended to spend the night in this area.

There is one section on the Kolyma tract, running between two rocks, where a fairly large number of accidents and incidents, including fatalities, have been recorded. No anomalies were detected in this segment. There was no point in organizing an expedition; there are similar sections on almost any route. According to legend, not far from Belozersk, Volgograd region, there is a burial mound of the Varangian king Sineus, brother of Rurik. During the USSR top part The mound was dismantled for construction needs, and in the remaining part a cellar was dug for a large potato storage facility. But all the potatoes, like the logs of the inner lining, rotted, and in this place a pit filled with a fetid mess formed. Many cases of falling into it were recorded; local residents repeatedly pulled out corpses. According to legend, it is the embittered Sineus who lures people into the pit. The expedition was not organized, and the location of the mound could not be established. In the Novgorod region, in one of the forests there is a swamp. During the Great Patriotic War, it took the lives of many soldiers, whose remains are still swallowed up in the swamp.

The exact number of deceased is unknown, according to preliminary estimates we're talking about about tens of thousands. Sad story This area creates an atmosphere of fear around.

Near Cape Ryty, Baikal, many different anomalies are observed - compasses and navigators begin to go crazy, sometimes an increase in background radiation is observed, which is why there are currently no settlements near the cape. The nature of these anomalies could not be determined, usually background radiation within normal limits. Staying near the cape does not promise any danger; you just have to be careful of the very aggressive earth bees living there, whose stings are painful. Devil's ravine near the village of Lyady, Pskov region. It was said that several people disappeared there before the war. Also, several cases have been reported after 1974. Some people did return and tell amazing stories. The expeditions did not reveal any anomalies in the area; the disappearances were attributed to the difficult terrain, so it is not recommended to go there alone without equipment and appropriate knowledge of the area.
