Map of the Tomsk region. Detailed map of the Tomsk region with settlements Districts of the Tomsk region

Map of the Tomsk region.  Detailed map of the Tomsk region with settlements Districts of the Tomsk region

Tomsk region is located in the southeast West Siberian Plain. A satellite map of the Tomsk region shows that the region borders the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Kemerovo, Tyumen, Omsk and Novosibirsk regions. The area of ​​the region is 314,391 square meters. km.

There are 16 in the region municipal districts, 4 urban districts, 118 rural and 3 urban settlements. The largest cities of the Tomsk region are Tomsk (administrative center), Seversk, Strezhevoy, Asino and Kolpashevo.

The economy of the Tomsk region is based on the fuel and energy complex: oil production and refining, natural gas production, brown coal, peat, non-ferrous and ferrous metals.

Vasyugan swamps in the Tomsk region

Brief history of the Tomsk region

The territory of modern Tomsk region began to be settled by Russians in the 16th-17th centuries. In 1719, the territory became part of the Tobolsk province. In 1782, the Tomsk region was formed, which in 1804 became part of the Tomsk province. In 1925, the region became part of the Siberian Territory, and in 1944 the modern Tomsk region was formed.

Blue rocks in the Tomsk district of the Tomsk region

Sights of the Tomsk region

A detailed map of the Tomsk region from a satellite makes it possible to see the main natural attractions of the region: taiga forests, the Ob River, the Ob-Yenisei Canal, the Vasyugan swamps, lakes Mirnoye, Kirek, Larino and Peschanoye.

In the Tomsk region, the following natural attractions are worth visiting: the Blue Cliff natural monument, the Dyzvezdny stream, falling from a 1.5 m high hill, the Talovsky bowls - limestone formations in the shape of bowls, the Blue Rocks in the Tomsk region.

Tomsk Mother of God-Alexievsky Monastery

In the Tomsk region it is worth seeing the Tomsk fort and the Tomsk Mother of God-Alexievsky Monastery, wooden architecture in Tomsk, the village of “Mogilniki”, the Peter and Paul Church in the village of Nagorny Ishtan and an ancient mill in the village of Voronovo.

Note to tourists

Gulrypsh - a holiday destination for celebrities

Is on Black Sea coast Abkhazia is an urban-type settlement called Gulrypsh, the appearance of which is closely connected with the name of the Russian philanthropist Nikolai Nikolaevich Smetsky. In 1989, due to his wife’s illness, they needed a change of climate. The matter was decided by chance.

Satellite map of the Tomsk region

Switching between the satellite map of the Tomsk region and the schematic one is done in the lower left corner of the interactive map.

Tomsk region - Wikipedia:

Date of formation of the Tomsk region: August 13, 1944
Population of the Tomsk region: 1,076,959 people
Telephone code of the Tomsk region: 382
Area of ​​the Tomsk region: 314,391 km²
Vehicle code of the Tomsk region: 70

Districts of the Tomsk region:

Aleksandrovsky, Asinovsky, Bakcharsky, Verkhneketsky, Zyryansky, Kargasoksky, Kozhevnikovsky, Kolpashevsky, Krivosheinsky, Molchanovsky, Parabelsky, Pervomaisky, Teguldetsky, Tomsky, Chainsky, Shegarsky.

Cities of the Tomsk region - list of cities in alphabetical order:

Asino city founded in 1896. The population of the city is 24,354 people.
City of Kedrovy founded in 1982. The population of the city is 2034 people.
City of Kolpashevo founded in the 17th century. The population of the city is 23,180 people.
Seversk city founded in 1949. The population of the city is 107,498 people.
Strezhevoy city founded in 1966. The population of the city is 41,541 people.
Tomsk city founded in 1604. The population of the city is 573,647 people.

Tomsk region located in Siberian Federal District, borders with others Russian regions– Tyumen and Krasnoyarsk territories. The administrative center is the city of Tomsk.

The main attraction of the Tomsk region is the architectural appearance of Tomsk, the history of which began in the 17th century. On the streets of this old city you can see wonderful examples of wooden architecture - carved lace houses. Old Russian architecture there is perfectly combined with such trends as classicism and baroque. During the daytime, Tomsk becomes like a city from a fairy tale.

There are also natural attractions in the Tomsk region that are worth including in your excursion route. One of them is the Talovsky bowls. These are limestone formations in the form of bowls. In addition to this natural monument, there are about 15 nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries in the region.

Sights of the Tomsk region: Talovskie Bowls, Vasyugan swamps, Mogochino, NKVD investigative prison, Museum of wooden architecture, Tomsk fort, Resurrection Church, Monument to the Ruble, Museum Slavic mythology, White Lake, Blue Cliff.

The northern neighbor of the region is Tyumen, and the eastern Krasnoyarsk region. In the west and south, the region borders on the Omsk, Novosibirsk and Kemerovo regions. On the online map of the Tomsk region with borders you can measure the size of the region. From north to south the region stretches for 600 km, from east to west - 780 km. On satellite map There are many swamps in the Tomsk region. The main river of the region, the Ob, divides the central part of the region into parts. The left bank area is a swampy lowland. It contains the largest Vasyugan swamp in the world. Its area is 53 thousand square meters. km.

There are significantly fewer swamps on the right bank of the Ob. This area is covered with mixed forests. All rivers flowing through the region belong to the Ob basin. There are 95 thousand lakes in the region. The region's territory is located in several natural areas. Most The region is covered by middle and southern taiga. The rest of the territory falls into the forest-steppe zone. The region produces oil, gas, peat and other minerals. In its depths there are deposits of gold, titanium, zirconium and iron.

Transport links, roads and routes

The Tomsk region is located at a considerable distance from the central part of the country. In a straight line, from Tomsk to Moscow is 2877 km. All types of transport are developing in the region. The total length of roads in the region is 7156 km. Passes through the territory federal highway M53 "Siberia".

The railway of the Tomsk region is part of the Trans-Siberian Railway. The operational length of the railway track is 346 km. The length of navigable waterways in the region is 5195 km. There are 2 civil airports and 15 airstrips in the region.

Tomsk region with cities and districts

The region is divided into 16 administrative districts. The most big cities region:

  • Tomsk Located on the bank of Tom. The city's population is about 594.8 thousand people.
  • Seversk The city is home to the Siberian Chemical Plant. The city's population is more than 107.4 thousand people.
  • Strezhevoy. A city of oil workers with a population of more than 41.5 thousand people.

The map of the Tomsk region with districts shows 138 municipalities.

The subject of the Russian Federation: Tomsk regionMain official city (administrative): TomskFederal District: Siberian Part National economy(economic region): West SiberianOKATO region code: 69000000000 Date of formation of the region: August 13, 1944Population (thousands of people): 1,070,402 (as of 2014) Territory (thousands of square kilometers): 314,4 Car registration plate (code): 70

Check out online card Tomsk Region. For convenience, you can view the map from a satellite, or in the form of a diagram (schematic). When viewing a map from a satellite, you can examine the terrain in detail and find the desired object on the map of the Tomsk Region.

When switching to the diagram view, with the display of object names, street names and house numbers are clearly visible.

Given the high resolution of the map, it is possible to examine the smallest objects in sufficient detail.

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