). Latin language (RUB 371.00) Katsman Latin language pdf

).  Latin language (RUB 371.00) Katsman Latin language pdf

Textbook Latin language, Pokrovskaya Z.A., Katsman N.L., 1981.

The textbook is built on a cyclical principle. The material is divided into 17 sections, including theoretical information, training exercises, texts, and a minimum of vocabulary. Theoretical information is presented using both necessary facts from the history of the Latin language and comparative material from the native (Russian) and modern Western European languages(English, French, German) The lexical minimum is given with Russian, English, French and German parallels. Several sections are combined into blocks ending with tests. The first edition was published in 1969.

§ 1. The Latin language belongs to the Indo-European languages, which also include Slavic, Baltic, Germanic, Indian, Iranian, ancient and modern Greek and others. Together with the ancient Oscan and Umbrian languages, Latin formed the Italic branch Indo-European family languages. In progress historical development In ancient Italy, Latin supplanted other Italic languages ​​and eventually took a dominant position in the western Mediterranean
Comparative historical studies have revealed the connections that exist between the Latin language and the rest of the languages ​​of the Indo-European family. The origin of Indo-European languages ​​from a single base language has been proven; their commonality is clearly visible when comparing a number of words included in the basic vocabulary of Latin and new European languages.

Fragment from the text.

§ 129. The Latin perfect has two meanings:
a) The perfect expresses an action that ended in the past, regardless of its duration (perfectum historicum).
Veni, vidi, vfci “I came, I saw, I conquered* (Caesar). This is an event that took place in the past for a very short period of time and has already ended.
In ea terra diu mansi "I stayed for a long time in that country*. Here the perfect mansi denotes an action that covered a relatively large period of time in the past, but also ended.
b) The perfect expresses a state that continues in the present as a result of an action performed in the past (perfectum praesens). Exegi monumentum I erected a monument" (and it still exists).

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Subordinate clauses with unions ut and quod explica tivum (271).<...>The first block combines Sections I-V and covers the system infection indicative mood of both voices, system of declension of nouns and adjectives, participles, personal, possessive and some demonstrative pronouns.<...>It includes: system perfect indicative mood of both voices; verbs compound with essay, detachable and semi-deposited; other pronouns; numerals; morphology and syntax of nominal forms of the verb (infinitive and participial phrases, gerund and gerund).<...>31 e) in the presence of groups of three or more consonants, the syllable division occurs within the group; at the same time specified in paragraphs. “c” and “d” combinations are not separated: jъnc tus“connected”, castra “camp”, monstro “show”; f) the front-lingual fricative consonant j in the position between vowels denotes two sounds, of which the first ends the syllable, and the second begins the next one, for example: major “larger”; g) the prefix stands out: inscrнbo “I write in”, abstнneo “I hold”, despнcio “I look down”, conscientia “consciousness "<...> Open syllable ends in a vowel (including a diphthong), for example: in the words gloria “glory”, floreo “bloom, flourish”, saepe “often” all syllables are open; in the words accep tus“accepted”, passus “step”, vester “your” all syllables are closed; in most words there are both closed and open syllables, for example: in the word libertas “freedom” the first syllable is open, the second and third are closed; in the word invenio “I find, invent” the first syllable is closed, the rest are open.<...>An open syllable containing a long vowel (including a diphthong or digraph) is long: insŭlā “island” - the last syllable is long ( abl. sg. cm.<...>Examples: hones tus“honest”, frumen tum“bread”, trajec tus <...>


UDC 811.124(075.8) BBK 81.2Lat-923 K30 Reviewer: department classical philology Moscow State Linguistic University (head of the department - Professor M.A. Tariverdieva) Katsman, Nina Lazarevna. K30 Latin language: textbook. for students studying humanities. specialties and directions / N. L. Katsman, Z. A. Pokrovskaya. - 7th ed., revised. add. - M.: Humanitarian publishing house. VLADOS center, 2013. - 455 p. - (Textbook for universities). - ISBN 978-5-691-001893-0. I. Pokrovskaya, Z. A. Agency CIP RSL The textbook contains all the necessary and sufficient material for studying the elementary course of the Latin language at universities in the humanities. The structure of the textbook, namely: the distribution of all material into three cycles, each of which summarizes the major topics of Latin grammar and ends with test tasks; a presentation of the methodology for gradually mastering the skills of grammatical analysis and translation of texts, in combination with a section on the functional meaning of Latin cases in comparison with Russian ones; real and grammatical commentary on texts, as well as tests with keys contained in the Appendix to the textbook, provide the most favorable conditions for independent work, which makes it possible to use it not only for full-time, but also for distance learning, including in the system of self-education. All grammatical and lexical material in the textbook is given on the basis of comparison with Russian and modern Western European languages. For those who would like to continue studying the Latin language beyond the university course, the textbook includes a Reader of Latin texts, compiled from articles of mythological and historical content, as well as from adapted author’s texts. UDC 811.124(075.8) BBK 81.2Lat-923 © Katsman N.L., Pokrovskaya Z.A., 1999 © Katsman N.L., Pokrovskaya Z.A., 2013, as amended ISBN 978-569101893 0 © VLADOS Humanitarian Publishing Center LLC, 2013

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CONTENTS Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Guidelines for part-time students. . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Brief information from the history of the Latin language. . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 SECTION I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Phonetics and graphics (23). - Alphabet table (24). - Vowels and diphthongs (25). - Consonants (27). - Syllable division and number of syllables (31). - Accent (33). - The most important phenomena of historical phonetics (34). - Grammatical structure Latin (36). - General information about the verb (37). - Basics and main forms of the verb (37). - Types of conjugation of the Latin verb (38). - Formation of personal forms of the verb (41). - Praesens ind. act. (42). - Imperativus (43). - Methods of forming the bases of perfect and supine (44). - Verb sum (46). Methodology of grammatical analysis and translation simple sentence(48). Exercises. Texts for translation. Lexical minimum (49). SECTION II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 General information about declination (54). - Declension types (55). - First declension (56). - Second declension (57). - Adjectives of I and II declension (61). - Participium perfecti passivi (62). - Pronouns (62). - Personal and reflexive pronouns (62). - Possessive pronouns (63). - Demonstrative pronouns ille, iste, is (64). - Determinative pronouns (65). - Pronominal adjectives (66). - Prepositions (67). Methodology for grammatical analysis and translation of a simple common sentence (68). Exercises. Texts for translation. Lexical minimum (71). SECTION III. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Imperfectum indicativi activi (75). Futurum I indicativi activi (76). - Infection system (77). - Passive voice(passivum) infection systems (78). - Syntax of cases in passive construction (81). 3

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Methodology for grammatical analysis and translation of a simple sentence with a predicate in the passive voice (81). Exercises. Texts for translation: De familia Romana. Lexical minimum (82). SECTION IV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Third declension (87). - Third consonantal declension (87). - Sigmatic nominative (88). - Nominative with zero ending (89). - Third vowel declension (92). - Adjectives of the III declension (92). - Nouns of the III vowel declension (95). - Third mixed declension (96). - Rules for the gender of names of the III declension and the most important exceptions (98). Participium praesentis activi (99). Technique for reconstructing the shape nom. sg. names of the III declension according to the forms of oblique cases (100). Exercises. Texts for translation: De Gallia antiqua. Lexical minimum (104). SECTION V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Fourth declension (109). - Fifth declension (110). - Latin declension system (111). - Degrees of comparison of adjectives (113). - Supplemental degrees of comparison (116). - Descriptive degrees of comparison (117). - Syntax of cases with degrees of comparison (117). - Adverb (118). - Exercises. Texts for translation: In ludo (= in schola). Lexical minimum (119). Test No. 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125 SECTION VI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Perfect system. General information (139). - Tenses of the perfect active voice system (139). Tenses of the perfect passive voice system (142). Exercises. Texts for translation. Lexical minimum (144). SECTION VII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Pronouns. Demonstrative pronoun hic (149). - Relative and interrogative pronouns (149). - Indefinite pronouns (150). - Negative pronouns (151). - Collective meaning of neuter pronouns and adjectives (152). - Numerals: quantitative (153), ordinal (155). - Numeral disjunctive and numeral adverbs (155). - Declension of numerals (156). - Syntax of numerals (157). Methodology for grammatical analysis and translation of a complex sentence with a predicate in the indicative mood 4

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(158). - Exercises. Texts for translation: De citharista, De nauta et agricola. Lexical minimum (170). SECTION VIII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Prefixes (174). - Verbs complex with sum (175). - Verb possum, potui, -, posse (176). - Insufficient verbs (177). - Impersonal verbs (178). - Exercises. Texts for translation. Lexical minimum (179). SECTION IX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Negative verbs (183). - Semi-negative verbs (186). - Exercises. Texts for translation. Lexical minimum (187). SECTION X. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Participles (191). Relatively temporal meaning of participles (191). - Participium futuri activi (192). - Participles of irregular verbs (194). - Participial phrases (195). - Participium conjunctum (195). - Ablativus absolutus (197). Methods of grammatical analysis and translation of sentences with participial phrases (200). Exercises. Texts for translation. Lexical minimum (205). SECTION XI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 Infinitive. Infinitive phrases (210). - Accusativus cum infinitivo (211). - Nominativus cum infinitivo (217). Methodology for grammatical analysis and translation of a simple sentence with infinitive phrases (221). Exercises. Texts for translation. Lexical minimum (226). SECTION XII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 Gerund (230). - Gerundive (232). - Supin (235). - Non-finite forms of the Latin verb (236). Methodology for grammatical analysis and translation of a simple common sentence with gerund and gerund (239). Exercises. Texts for translation. Lexical minimum (242). Test No. 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 SECTION XIII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 Subjunctive mood (262). - Praesens conjunctivi (263). - Imperfectum conjunctivi (263). - Irregular verbs (264). - Use of the subjunctive in independent clauses (266). - Subordinate clauses with conjunction ut 5

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(267). - Additional clauses (268). - Subordinate objectives (269). - Subordinate corollaries (270). - Subordinate clauses with a connotation of purpose or consequence (271). - Subordinate clauses with conjunctions ut and quod explica tivum (271). Methodology for grammatical analysis and translation of complex sentences with a predicate in the conjunctive (272). Exercises. Texts for translation. Lexical minimum (275). SECTION XIV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 Perfectum and plusquamperfectum conjunctivi (280). - Subordinate clauses with the conjunction cum (283). - Subordinate clauses (284). - Additional reasons(286). - Subordinate clauses with a connotation of reasons (287). - Subordinate clauses (288). Methods of grammatical analysis and translation of complex sentences with a predicate in the conjunctive (continued) (288). Exercises. Texts for translation. Lexical minimum (293). SECTION XV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 Rules for using subjunctive tenses in subordinate clauses (final review) (297). - Consecutio temporum (298). - Indirect question (300). - Indirect speech (301). - Attractio modi (303). Methodology for grammatical analysis and translation of a complex sentence with a predicate in the conjunctive (ending) (303). Exercises. Texts for translation. Lexical minimum (305). SECTION XVI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 Conditional periods (309). - Exercises. Texts for translation. Lexical minimum (312). SECTION XVII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 Irregular verbs (315): sum (315), fero (316), volo (318), eo (319), fio (321), edo (321), do (322). - Final review (322). - Exercises. Texts for translation. Lexical minimum (323). Test No. 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 SYNTAX OF CASES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 Nominativus (344). - Genetivus (345). - Dativus (348). - Accusativus (350). - Ablativus (352). - Designation of place, space, time (355). 6

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READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 Of ancient mythology and history. Orpheus et Eurydica (358). - De Pygmalione (358). - Fabula de Amore et Psyche (359). - De Philemone et Baucide (360). - De Pyramo et Thisba (361). - De morte Hectoris (362). - De Androclo et leone (363). - Suum judicium quisque habere debet (364). - De Sabinis et Romanis (364). - De Alexandro Magno et medico Philippo (365). - De bello a Pyrrho in Italia gesto (366). - De Hannibalis morte (367). - De morte Epaminondae (367). - Epistula et responsum (368). - Gaius Julius Caesar “War with the Helvetii” (370). - Marcus Tullius Cicero “Speech in Defense of the Poet Archius” (378). - From the Roman history of the time of Nero (according to the “Annals” of Cornelius Tacitus): De Subrii Flavii virtute (383). - De Poppaea Sabina, Neronis uxore (383). - Pedanii Secundi caedes. Supplicium de service sumitur (384). - Romae incendium. Supplicium de Christianis sumitur (386). Latin–Russian dictionary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389 Systematic index to grammar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455 Appendix I. Roman calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .458 Appendix II. Roman names. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .463 Appendix III. Self-tests for mastering grammatical material. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .465 Keys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .478 7

3rd ed. - M.: 1987. - 368 p. 2nd ed. - M.: 1981. - 351 p.

17 sections of the textbook include information on phonetics and grammar of the Latin language (in comparison with Russian, German, English and French), exercises, texts with methodological recommendations on their analysis and translation into Russian and the lexical minimum. After sections 5, 12 and 17 are placed test papers. The 3rd edition (2nd - 1981) includes guidelines for organizing students' independent work, a reader of Latin adapted texts and a Latin-Russian dictionary. For students of correspondence and evening departments of humanities faculties of universities. Phonetics, language grammar, texts with methodological instructions on translation, exercises, vocabulary minimum, tests. Reader of Latin texts, dictionary.

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Format: pdf(1987, 368 pp.)

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Format: pdf(1981, 351 pp.)

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Guidelines for part-time students
Brief information from the history of the Latin language
Section I. Phonetics and graphics (14). - Alphabet table (15). - Vowels and diphthongs (15). - Consonants (17). - Syllable division and number of syllables (20). - Stress (21). - The most important phenomena of historical phonetics (22). - The grammatical structure of the Latin language (24). - General information about the verb (24).- Basics and main forms of the verb (25).- Types of conjugation of the Latin verb (26).- Formation of personal forms of the verb (28).- Praesens ind. act. (29).- Imperalvus (29).- Methods of forming the stems of perfect and supine (30).- Verb sum (32).
Methodology for grammatical analysis and translation of a simple sentence (33). Exercises. Texts for translation. Lexical minimum (34).
Section II. General information about declension (DZ).- Types of declension (39).- First declension (40).- Second declension (41).- Adjectives J and II declension (44).- PiirUcipium perfecti passivi (41).- Personal and reflexive pronouns (45).- Possessive pronouns (46).- Demonstrative pronouns She, isle, is (46).- Determinative pronouns (4,7).- Pronominal adjectives (48).- Prepositions (19).- Grammar technique analysis and translation of a simple common sentence (50), - Exercises. Texts for translation. Lexical minimum (52).
Section III. Imperfectum ind. act. (56).- Futurutn I ind. act. (57).- Infect system (58).- Passive voice (passivum) of the infect system (58).- Syntax of cases in the passive construction (60).
Methodology for grammatical analysis and translation of a simple sentence with a predicate in the passive voice (61).- Exercises. Texts for translation: De famil"ia Ro-mana. Lexical minimum (62).
Section IV. Third declension (66).- Third consonantal declension (66).- Sigmatic nominative (67).- Zero-ending nominative (67).- Third vowel declension (70).- Adjectives of the third declension (70).- Nouns 111 vowels declination (74). - Third mixed declension (75). - Rules for the gender of names of the III declension and the most important exceptions (76). - Participium praesentis actTvi (77).
Technique for reconstructing the shape of sweat. sg names!P declension according to the forms of indirect.chade" lei (/8). Exercises. Texts for translation: De Galtia antiqua. Lexical minimum (81).
Section V. Fourth declension (86).- Fifth declension (87).- Latin declension system (88).- Degrees of comparison of adjectives (89).- Supplemental degrees of comparison (92).- Descriptive degrees of comparison (93).- Syntax cases with degrees of comparison (93).- Adverb (93). Exercises. Texts for translation: In ludo (- in schola). Lexical minimum (94).
Test No. 1 _
Option I (101): De servis Romanoium (103). Option? (103): De nummi? Romanorum (104). Option 3 (105): De animalTbus (106). Option 4 (107): De miiiitlbus Romaiiorum (108). Option 5 (109): De diebus (110).
Section VI. Perfect system ( general information! (111).- Tenses of the perfect active voice system (111).- Tenses of the perfect passive voice system (114). Exercises. Texts for translation. Lexical minimum (116).
Section VII. Demonstrative pronoun hie (120).- Relative and interrogative pronouns (120).- Indefinite pronouns(121).- Negative pronouns (122),- Numerals: cardinal (123), ordinal (125), disjunctive and adverbs (126), declension of numerals (126), syntax of numerals (127).
Methods of grammatical analysis and translation of complex sentences with a predicate in the indicative mood (128). Exercises. Texts for translation: De cilharista (138), De nauta et agricola (138). Lexical minimum (138).
Section VIII. Prefixes (141).- Verbs complex with sum (142), verb possum (Hi).- Insufficient verbs (144).- Impersonal verbs (144). Exercises. Texts for translation. Lexical minimum (145).
Section IX. Negative verbs (H8). - Semi-negative verbs (151). Exercises. Texts for translation. Lexical minimum (151).
Section X. Participles (155): relative-temporal meaning of the participle (155), rlgtic-ipium TutOri actrvi (156).- Participial phrases (157): participium conjunclum (13s), ablatlvus absolutus (159).
Methodology for grammatical analysis and translation of sentences with participial phrases (1<:2). Упражнения. Тексты для переводов. Лексический минимум (/67).
Section XI. Infinitive (1 71).- Infinitive phrases: accusativus cum infiiiitivo (li-), nominativus cum iiifinilivo (178).
Methodology for grammatical analysis and translation of a simple sentence with infinitive phrases (180). Exercises. Texts for translation. Lexical minimum (184).
Section XII. Gerund (168).- Gerundiv (190).- Supin (192).- Impersonal forms of the Latin verb (review) (193).
Methodology for grammatical analysis and translation of a simple common sentence with gerund and gerund (194). Exercises. Texts for translation Lexical minimum (197).
Test No. 2.
Option 1 (202): De hirundimbus, victoriae nuntiis (203), Quomodo leo capifur (204), Festina lente (204), De Tantalo (204). GrnameiiUim matris (204). Option 2 (205): OedTpus et sphinx (206), De ThemistOcle (206). De Ni5ba (206). Option 3 (207): Roma a Gallis expugnalur (208). Option 4 (209): Ex Giceronis in Calilniam oratione (210). Option 5 (211): Ulixes apud Cyclopes (213).
Section XIII. Subjunctive mood (2M).- Praesens conj. (215).- Imperfec-tum conj. (215).- Repeating table of tenses of the infectious system (217).- Use of the conjunctive in independent sentences (218).- Subordinate clauses with the conjunction uf: additional (2!9), goals (221), consequences (221). - Subordinate clauses with a connotation of purpose or consequence (222). - Subordinate clauses with conjunctions ut and quod explicalivum (226).
Methods of grammatical analysis and translation of complex sentences with a predicate in the conjunctive (223). Exercise. Texts for translation. Lexical minimum (226).
Section XIV. Perfectum and plusquamperlectum conjunctTvi (230).- Repeated table of tenses of the perfect system: active voice (233), passive voice (233),- Subordinate clauses with the conjunction cum (233): time (234), reasons (236), attributives with a connotation reasons (237), concessionary (238).
Methodology for grammatical analysis and translation of complex sentences with a predicate in the conjunctive (continued) (238). Exercises. Text to be translated. Lexical minimum (241).
Section XV. Rules for using conjunctive tenses in subordinate clauses (final review) (245): Consecutio temponim (246.)- Indirect question (247).- Indirect speech (248).- Attractio modi (249).
Methodology for grammatical analysis and translation of a complex sentence with a predicate in the conjunctive (ending) (249). Exercises. Texts for translation. Lexical minimum (251).
Section XVI, Conditional Periods (254). Exercises. Texts for translation. Lexical minimum (257).
Section XVII. Irregular verbs (260): sum (260). fero(261). volo(263), eo(2f,3). But (265), edo (266), do (266). - Final review (266). Exercises. Texts for translation. Lexical minimum (267).
Test No. 3....
Option 1 (271): De crudelitate Darei (272), De leone et aslno et vulpe (272), De Micla (273), De morte Archimedis (273), De Alexandro Magno et Diogene (273), Latona et agrkolae Lycii ( 273). Option 2 (274): Fraterni amoris exemplum (276), Vestigia terrtnt (275), De crudelitate Lucii Domitii (275), AmbTguum responsum (275), De Horatio Coclite (275). Option 3 (276): Zeuxis et Parrhasius (277), De Sophdcle (277), De Hannibale et Phormione (278). Deucalion et Pyrrha (278). Option 4 (279): Cum grano salis (280). Damfjclis gladius J280), Duke et decorum est pro patria mori (281). Option 5 (282): Responsum inhumanum (283), De sol;s defectione (283), Quomodo nuptiae agebanfur (283), Demosthenis astutia (283)
Case syntax: NominatTvus (284), GenetTvus (285), DatTvus (288), AccusaUvus (289), Ablatlvus (291). Designation of place, space, time (294).
From ancient mythology and history:
Orpheus et EurydTca (295).- De Pygmalione (296).- Fabula de Amore et Psyshe (296).- De Philemone et Baucjde (297).- De Pyramo et Thisba (298).- De morte HectO-ris (299 ).- De Androclo et leone (299).- Suum judicium quisque habere debet (300).- De Sabinis et Romanis (300).^ De Alexandro Magno et medico Philippo (301).- De bello a Pyrrho in Italia gesto ( 302).- De Hannibalis morte (302).- De morte Epaminondae (303).- EpistuJa et responsum (303).- Gaius Julius Caesar. “War with the Helvetii” (304). - Marcus Tullius Cicero. “Speech in defense of the poet Archius” (310). - From the Roman history of the time of Nero (according to the “Annals” of Cornelius Tacitus) (314). - De Subrii Flavii virtute (31 4). - De Poppaea Sabma, Neronis uxore (314). - Pedanii Secundi caedes. Supplicium de f.ervis sumTtur (315).- Romae incendium. Supplicium. Supplicium de Cbristianis sumitur (316).
Latin-Russian dictionary
Systematic grammar index
