Admission to target places in the year. Targeted training

Admission to target places in the year.  Targeted training

Organizing the reception of documents from citizens who have expressed a desire to take part in the competitive selection for concluding a targeted training agreement in 2019.

Basic concepts:

Targeted applicant - a citizen receiving higher professional education as part of targeted training, permanently registered in the city of Moscow, and who has expressed a desire to work in medical organizations state system healthcare of the city of Moscow after completing training at an educational institution of higher professional (medical) education in the city of Moscow.

Evaluation paper– information about the individual achievements of the target applicant. Accounting for individual achievements is carried out by awarding points for individual achievements. These points are awarded to the target applicant who has provided documents confirming receipt of the results of individual achievements, and are included in the amount of competitive points.

Educational organizations- educational institutions of higher professional (medical) education in the city of Moscow, having a license to carry out educational activities and implementing targeted training within the framework of contractual relations with the Moscow Department of Health.

The procedure for selecting target applicantsfor concluding contractsO targeted training

In 2019, the Moscow City Health Department, in accordance with the target figures for the need for specialists, carries out a competitive selection for concluding agreements on targeted training:

According to specialty programs in federal higher state educational organizations of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation located in Moscow according to the established quota:

Name of educational organization

Name of specialty

Planned number of students





Federal State Autonomous educational institution higher education First Moscow State medical University named after I.M. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Medical and preventive care

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation



Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation



Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A.I. Evdokimov" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation



Admission rules

  1. The selection of target applicants is made on the basis of the points they scored on the Score Sheet. (LINK TO DOWNLOAD THE SCORE SHEET)
  2. Candidates who have passed the competitive selection and entered into an agreement with the Moscow Department of Health participate in the competition targeted reception in an educational organization.

How to submit documents to a targeted applicantto participate in the competitive selection?

  • Leave an online application for submitting documents.
  • After submitting an online application, according to the date and time you have chosen, you must submit it to the Department of Personnel Policy and Education of the Moscow Department of Health at the address: Veskovskydeadlock, 7, building 1 the following documents:
    • Evaluation paper;
    • Documents confirming receipt of the results of individual achievements indicated in the assessment sheet;
    • a copy of the applicant's passport;
    • a copy of the passport of one of the legal representatives, if the applicant is a minor at the time of submission;
  1. Deadline for submitting documents to the Department of Personnel Policy and Education of the City Health Department Moscow from May 13 to June 13, 2019, in weekdays, from 13:00 to 17:00(by online pre-registration).

IN Lately Enrolling in a university in a specific field is becoming increasingly popular. However, judging by the comments of visitors to our blog, not everyone yet knows what it is and how exactly to use this method of admission.

What is target direction and target reception?

Target direction is a document issued by an enterprise, department or government body to an applicant to study at a specific university in a specific specialty with a guarantee of subsequent employment. This document is provided by the applicant to the university along with the Unified State Examination scores.

Targeted reception– this is admission to a university in a targeted area on the basis of an agreement on targeted admission between the university and the customer of the targeted admission.

Targeted admission to Russian universities is divided into two types: target set according to quota (for government departments) and targeted contract training(for those who come with a referral from enterprises). Target set, as a rule, goes to industry universities (energy, oil and gas, communications, light industry, etc.).

The targeted admission quota for bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs, and master's programs for each specialty and each area of ​​training is established annually by the founders of educational organizations.

For targeted contract training, the university has the right, in agreement with the founder, to establish a higher proportion of applicants.

Targeted admission within the established quota is carried out on the basis of a targeted admission agreement concluded educational organization with customers of targeted reception:

  • federal government agency;
  • body state power subject of the Russian Federation;
  • local government body;
  • state (municipal) institution;
  • a state-owned company or enterprise in the authorized capital of which there is a share of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or municipality;
  • a commercial enterprise that has the means to pay for the education of its future personnel.

The target direction is given personally, only to one university and one specialty.

Nuances of admission and training in the target area


on admission:

- the applicant does not participate in the general competition, but in the “targeted” competition for places within the allocated quota (but not outside the competition, as some mistakenly believe); That. It may be easier to do so, because there are fewer competitors, the passing grade is lower;

— if the applicant does not qualify for the target area, he can apply to participate in the general competition;

during training:

– training on a budgetary basis or at the expense of the enterprise;

– the opportunity to receive a scholarship;

– providing a place for internship in government agency or at the enterprise;

– assistance and support during training (assistance in collecting materials for coursework and scientific articles);

upon graduation from university:

– guaranteed employment.


— the choice of the applicant (university and specialty) does not always coincide with the needs of the customer of the targeted admission;

— during the learning process, the student’s choice may change;

compulsory service(usually at least 3 years) at an enterprise, organization, specialty specified in the contract, while no one promises high wages or career growth;

— the “target student” must study successfully, no less than satisfactorily;

- if the target student does not want to work, he is obliged to return the full cost of training paid to him by the enterprise, and in some cases also pay a fine.

Note. At the same time, there are conditions under which you do not have to pay the cost of training (they must be specified in the contract). A valid reason for refusing to work may be:

– disability of the 1st or 2nd group of the graduate, his wife/husband or one of the parents;

- maternity leave;

– the presence of a child under 3 years of age or under 6 years of age, if, according to the conclusion of the medical advisory commission, the child needs care;

- single mother or father with a child under 14 years old;

– a university graduate leaving for the army;

- the contract can also be terminated if the enterprise is unable to provide the graduate with a job in the specialty in accordance with the medical report, as well as in the event of bankruptcy of the enterprise.

These questions should be clarified with the employer when concluding a contract.

How to get the target direction?

The target direction can be obtained:

- at the enterprise itself (organization, plant, etc.);

- in the local administration - municipality.

Approximate Algorithm:

— if universities and specialties have been selected for admission to study by a graduate, you should go to the universities’ websites and find out whether these universities have targeted admissions, for what specialties and areas, what are the quotas, who are the customers for admission;

— select the reception customer;

— contact the customer, providing him with an application, certificates, diplomas and other evidence of individual achievements in the chosen specialty;

- perhaps pass an interview,

— if the decision is positive, conclude an agreement with the customer, receive targeted direction from the customer (enterprise or municipality);

— submit the necessary documents to the university admissions committee along with the target area.

Note. Agreements on targeted admission and targeted training are concluded in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2013 N 1076.

Thus, after weighing all the pros and cons, you should decide whether to enter the target direction or go through the general competition. Good luck to you!

On January 1, 2019, in accordance with the Federal Law of August 3, 2018 No. 337-FZ, changes to the regulations came into force Federal Law“On Education in the Russian Federation”, regulating the procedure for targeted training. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 21, 2019 No. 302 “On targeted training in educational programs secondary vocational and higher education and invalidation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2013 No. 1076” approved by-laws governing the procedure for admission to targeted training (including the standard form of an agreement on targeted training).

Branches of the Academy

From January 1, 2019, citizens who, in accordance with Article 56 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, have entered into an agreement on targeted training, have the right to be admitted to targeted training in educational programs of higher education at the expense of federal budget allocations within the established quota. With:

  1. federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies;
  2. state and municipal institutions, unitary enterprises;
  3. state corporations;
  4. state companies;
  5. organizations included in the consolidated register of organizations of the military-industrial complex, formed in accordance with Part 2 of Article 21 of the Federal Law of December 31, 2014 N 488-FZ “On Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation”;
  6. business companies in the authorized capital of which there is a share of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a municipal entity;
  7. joint stock companies whose shares are owned or in trust by a state corporation;
  8. subsidiaries of the organizations specified in paragraphs 4, 6 and 7;
  9. organizations that are created by state corporations or transferred to state corporations in accordance with the provisions of federal laws on these corporations.
  • application for admission to study in the form provided on the Academy website;
  • identification document, citizenship of the applicant (photocopy of the 1st page and page with registration);
  • document on the previous level of education in accordance with the Admission Rules (original or photocopy);
  • a copy of the contract on targeted training, certified by the customer of the targeted training, or an uncertified copy of the specified contract with presentation of its original;
  • documents confirming individual achievements in accordance with the Admission Rules (original, photocopy) (submitted at the discretion of the applicant);
  • 2 photographs 3x4 cm (for applicants based on the results entrance examinations conducted by the Academy independently).

Materials on targeted admission 2018

Number of places for admission within the target quota for bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs in accordance with the Rules for admission to the Academy


IN Admissions Committee must be submitted

  • application in the form provided on the Academy website;
  • identification document, citizenship (photocopy of the 1st page and page with registration);
  • document on education (ORIGINAL):
    – about average general education;
    – about average vocational education;
    – about primary vocational education (if it contains a record of receiving secondary (complete) general education);
  • direction (letter) from a state authority and local government indicating the full name. candidate for targeted admission with reference to the agreement concluded between the Academy and state authorities and local government and (or) a copy of the agreement concluded between the candidate for targeted admission and state authorities and local government.
  • documents confirming special rights upon admission, established by law Russian Federation if available.

The Academy conducts targeted admission within the framework of the targeted admission quota, which is established annually by the Academy by the Government of the Russian Federation* (in April of the current year based on received applications). In this regard, the Academy is considering applications for organizing targeted admissions in 2018/19, received no later than April 10, 2018 (inclusive).

* Clauses 125, 127 of the Procedure for admission to study in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialty programs, master's programs (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 N 1147)

Bodies with which the Academy has the right to enter into an agreement on targeted admission within the established quota:

  • federal government agency;
  • government body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  • local government body;
  • state (municipal) institution;
  • unitary enterprise;
  • government corporation;
  • state company;
  • a business company in whose authorized capital there is a share of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a municipal entity.

(in accordance with Section 3 of Article 56 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”)

The Academy does not provide a list of organizations that send citizens to targeted training, nor does it select them. Applicants and (or) their legal representatives deal with this issue independently.

Studying in a targeted area means getting an education at a university absolutely free, and also with a guaranteed job. If in the USSR people ran away from such a good, then in the current living conditions they need to fight for it with competitors.

1) This kind of direction to some extent solves the most important personnel problem in the country. The state or a private company pays for the citizen’s education, and upon graduation, the specialist begins his career at the enterprise that gave him a start in life, committing to work there for 3-5 years.
2) Refusal to work out means returning to the company the amount spent on training.
3) Preferential education makes it easier to enter the desired university, because In this case, the passing score on the Unified State Exam is reduced
4) The destination destination is issued in the name of a specific person, so transferring the trip to another applicant is prohibited.
5) You cannot use the target direction for admission to several universities in the country.
6) To train a student in the target area, an agreement is drawn up between a representative of the university and

A) Federal. government agency:
- Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation
- Ch. Department of the RF IC
b) State authority of a constituent entity of Russia
- municipal body of a constituent entity of Russia for studying at medical universities
c) State municipal institution
- schools
- gymnasiums to pedagogical universities
d) A state-owned company or organization with a share of state funds in its charter. capital
- Rosneft
- Gazprom, etc.
d) Commercial organization

7) The Education Law allows for targeted education for those who completed school not in the current year, but in previous years. Such applicants should add information about work/study for the time since receiving the average to the general package of documents. education before entering a university in the target field.

Where can I get a targeted referral to a university?

Institute of the Prosecutor's Office

1) Taking into account future work The selection here is carried out based on the following qualities:
- resistance to stress
- dedication to work
- high moral principles
- excellent knowledge of Russian language and history
2) Contact the Moscow prosecutor's office
3) During the period specified on the website, approximately until June 20, 2018, submit an application for issuance target direction to study
4) Collect the following package of documents:
- certificate or transcript of academic performance for the 1st half of the year
- your voluntary consent to work in the ranks of the prosecutor’s office employees
- autobiography
- personal sheet for personnel records
- copies of all pages of the Russian passport
- reference from school or lyceum
- a copy of the military ID
- certificate f.086
5) You will need to undergo testing for psychological suitability for your chosen profession.
6) Next, the documents will be sent to Ch. Directorate of the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia.
7) If a place for your targeted training is available, the HR department will issue you a permit in writing.
8) Reasons for refusal may be:
- you and your close relatives have a criminal record
- psycho. character traits
- serious illnesses nervous s-we, visual impairment, cancer, etc.

Study requirements for applicants for targeted training at the Prosecutor's Office

1) Good and excellent Unified State Exam results in history, Russian and literature.
2) Overcoming the average score for admission established for applicants for targeted training (approximately 230).
3) If several applicants receive the same number of points, admission to the university is based on additional information (olympiads, awards, etc.)

Where will the training for the targeted referral to the Prosecutor's Office take place?

You will study full-time at the faculty of the "Institute of Prosecutor's Office"

Medical universities in Moscow

1) A special commission of the Moscow Department of Health is responsible for issuing targeted referrals to medical universities
2) List of documents for admission to the departments of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the First Moscow. Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov, GBOU VPO Russian national. Pirogov Research Medical University, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Moscow. state Medical and Dental University named after Evdokimov, GBOU DPO Russian. medical academy postgraduate education can be found on university websites.
3) To enroll in target locations A letter of guarantee is required from a medical organization of the Moscow state health care system.


Dear applicants!

Targeted training in the interests of the largest public corporations and federal agencies(Rosstat, Department of Social Protection of the Moscow City Population, Office of the Judicial Department, FMBA of Russia, etc.) - these are guaranteed career opportunities and solutions to significant problems for society and the country as a whole.

In the long term, this is guaranteed employment at interesting work with a stable salary and a guaranteed social package.

Do not miss the unique opportunity to enroll in the Russian State Social University at your target place.

Targeted reception- this is admission to study on the basis of an agreement on targeted admission concluded by an educational organization of higher education with an organization (federal government body, government body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, local government body, state (municipal) institution, unitary enterprise, state corporation, state company or economic company, in the authorized capital of which there is a share of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a municipal entity), as well as an agreement on targeted training between a citizen and the organization in whose interests the training will be carried out.

For targeted admission, a separate quota is allocated for each area of ​​training (specialty). The number of places financed from budgetary allocations of the federal budget for the admission of first-year citizens to RSSU for studies in bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs in 2017, indicating the special quota and target quota, is posted on the website of the Admissions Committee.

Targeted admission is carried out within the established quota on the basis of two agreements- an agreement on targeted training between the applicant and the organization (hereinafter referred to as the “organization-applicant agreement”) and an agreement on targeted admission concluded by the Russian State Social University (hereinafter referred to as RGSU) with the organization that has entered into an agreement on targeted training with the applicant ( hereinafter referred to as the “organization-RGSU” agreement).

Benefits of targeted reception

  1. Separate competition;
  2. Admission to target places occurs before the enrollment of applicants of the “first wave”;
  3. Possibility of receiving an increased personal scholarship during the period of study;
  4. Additional measures social support at the expense of the employer company when studying at the university;
  5. Completing internships, internships, diploma design at a future place of work;
  6. Guaranteed employment of university graduates in leading organizations in the social sphere, management, law, psychology, etc.

What is needed to submit documents for targeted admission:

1. To conclude an “organization-entrant” agreement, you must contact the personnel department of the state organization where you plan to build your career.

The HR department will forward your application to a higher government authority (ministry, federal agency, etc.).

For example, in order to be included in an application for targeted admission from Rosstat, you need to contact the personnel department of an organization that is part of the Rosstat structure.

A list of such organizations can be found on the Rosstat website

Lists of enterprises of other corporations and federal agencies can be found on the websites: Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow, Office of the Judicial Department, FMBA of Russia http://fmbaros .ru, etc.

To conclude an “organization-RGSU” agreement, the body or organization sends an official request-proposal to the RGSU writing on concluding an agreement on targeted admission, containing information on the number of citizens whose training must be carried out within the framework of targeted admission in certain areas of training (specialties). RGSU sends an official response to this request to the organization and, if the decision is positive, the enterprise signs an agreement and sends it to RGSU. One copy of the “organization-RGSU” agreement is kept in the organization, the other in the university.
