Characteristics on students. Examples

Characteristics on students.  Examples

It may be required to the guardianship authorities, the police and the PDN, for admission to another school or college, to the military registration and enlistment office. And every time you don’t want to invent something, it’s better to have a ready-made template or sample.

Characteristics for a student, sample


Pupil (graduate) "___" class MOU "Secondary School No."

Full name

Ivanov, Ivan Date of Birth) b.b., residing at: ( home address), studied at school No. 1 class. Proved itself as diligent, disciplined, industrious, attentive student). During the training showed ( excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory) knowledge on ( title) items. Has the ability to study title, humanitarian, precise) items. Studies ( to the best of his ability, not to the full extent of his strength, needs constant monitoring, does not show interest in learning, studies poorly, with more diligence, I could study only for “good” and “excellent”). Has an arbitrary ( visual, auditory, mechanical, mixed) memory, ( beautiful, good, fast, slow) works (memorizes educational material). Detects ( logical, figurative, concrete, creative) thinking. Outlook ( wide narrow) speech ( developed, underdeveloped). Always in class attentive, active, indifferent, does homework, helps comrades). Has a general development. He reads a lot. Interested in obtaining new knowledge from different fields of science and culture.

The fulfillment of public orders includes ( conscientiously, carelessly, carelessly). Was elected ( indicate a public position). actively participated ( in the public life of the school, class, in the work of student self-government, in cultural events, in sports life). was a member ( school, city, regional) Olympiad / competition / tournament, awarded (diploma, certificate of honor, medal). Behavior rules ( always consciously performs, performs not always, performs at the request of the teacher, ignores, has a violation of discipline, prone to illegal behavior).

The state of health is good, the young man loves physical education and sports. Engaged ( kind of sport). Neat, keeps his things in perfect order.

Character ( modest, cheerful, restrained, balanced, reasonable, disciplined, independent, susceptible to other people's influence, impulsive , sociable, benevolent, sympathetic, cheerful, cheerful. Constantly animated, very active). Uses ( respect among teachers). It has (many friends, maintains friendly relations with many, has a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. Always willingly comes into contact with people. Enjoys authority among friends and classmates).

Leads a healthy lifestyle. Has no bad habits. ( Inquisitive, apathetic, emotionally vividly reacts to life phenomena). in judgments ( independent, not independent, subject to someone else's influence). (Shows, does not show concern for familiar and unfamiliar people, indifferent to others, tries to help and support anyone). Is always ( attentively, carelessly) listens to fair criticism, persistent in correcting his own shortcomings. Truthful in relation to their parents, teachers, comrades. All his actions and words show respect for other people..

Brought up in complete family, where all conditions for study and recreation are created, single-parent family, with one mother). Parents pay due attention to the upbringing of their son ( do not pay attention, neglect education, have a bad influence).


MOU "Secondary School No."

Classroom teacher

How to write a positive review for a student?

First you need to understand what kind of characteristic of the student is needed. When describing his psychological qualities, it is better to seek help from a professional - a school psychologist. He will conduct special diagnostic studies, according to their results, he will draw up a psychological portrait of the student.

The pedagogical characteristic for a 4th grade student is compiled by a primary school teacher. Its content directly depends on the purpose for which it is compiled. Its minimum length is 800-1000 characters, and the maximum description has no bounds. If the student's pedagogical profile is compiled for a third-party organization, it is drawn up on the letterhead of the school, the date of writing, the signature of the teacher and the director of the school are indicated below.

72 samples of various characteristics are available

Plan for compiling a characteristic for a student in grade 9

Depending on the ability of the student, the characteristic can be written for both the successful and the average student. The document is in a free style, however, when writing it, some requirements must be met, namely, compliance with an approximate plan.

What should include a characteristic of a 9th grade student:

  1. Title of the document. The word - characteristic is indicated. Must be capitalized.
  2. The heading of the document is written in the accusative case. Includes: the name of the class where the characterized (for example, "9A" class) studies, the full name of the educational institution, its location (city, district, region), as well as the full name of the student and date of birth.
  3. Main part. This section must indicate the duration of study characterized in this institution (for example, from grade 1), data on the composition of his family (in short). In addition, information about the student's progress and his discipline is necessarily indicated, the average score for the main subjects is displayed. For example, you can indicate that the child is studying at "4" and "5". In the characterization of a student with average knowledge and lack of desire for them, problems with discipline, this must also be indicated. In addition, they indicate if the child attends, or vice versa, does not want to attend extracurricular activities, sports events.
  4. In addition to basic information about the student's studies and behavior, it is also desirable to indicate:
  • Student's inclinations and interests towards something (Music, reading, KVN circle, etc.)
  • Attitude towards work and participation in school subbotniks and class duty
  • Physical development and attitude to sports, participation in sports events. If attending sports clubs, it is necessary to indicate which and where - intra-school classes or a sports school
  • The moral qualities of the child and his interaction with classmates
  • Additional characteristics. Here you can clarify the student's attitude to criticism and advice given to him, purposefulness or lack of it, emotional balance.

5. Officials and their signatures. It is mandatory to indicate the compiler of the document - the class teacher of the characterized, as well as the head of the educational institution

Characteristics of a child at school, example


For a student of 9 "B" class

Basic comprehensive school No. 7

Cities of Volsk, Saratov Region

Vasiliev Sergey Andreevich

22.04. born in 1998

Vasiliev Sergey has been studying at school No. 7 since the first grade. Has a complete family. Mother - Anna Dmitrievna Vasilyeva (nurse) father - Andrey Sergeevich Vasilyev (truck driver). Family relationships are respectful.

He has average learning abilities, he studies mainly at "3" and "4". Can study better, but does not show much interest in studies. Fulfills the requirements of teachers in the classroom. Sergei is disciplined, does not fight during breaks, and behaves calmly in class. In hooliganism at school and outside it was not noticed. Balanced and adequate in behavior.

Sergei has no interests outside of school, but attends the sports section. Physically developed.

His moral qualities are formed to a sufficient degree. A well-developed sense of honor, decency, duty and humanism. With pleasure, he helps younger and lagging comrades, helps his mother take care of her little sister.

Has friends among classmates, does not conflict. Able to work in a team. Correctly responds to criticism, both teachers and classmates, listens to advice, soberly assesses his abilities.

Class teacher (signature) Petrova T.V.

School director (signature) Ivanov A.A.

Features of compiling characteristics for a primary school student

A characteristic for a primary school student should contain information about the main psychological and personal characteristics of the student. The teacher should try to avoid bias and give only an objective assessment of the personality of the student. A correctly compiled characteristic for a primary school student is especially important at the stage of completing primary school, since it will allow middle-level teachers to have an idea about new pupils: their personality types, character traits, and behavioral characteristics. Therefore, the characteristic for a 4th grade student should be more voluminous and detailed than the characteristic for a 1st grade student.

A characteristic for a primary school student may have the following points:

  1. General information about the student (full name, class, age, nationality, how many full years, brought up in a complete or single-parent family).
  2. Features of the student's physical development (correspondence of physical development to physiological age, state of health).
  3. Information about parents and other family members (in addition to general information, it may include available data on the features of raising a child in a family, the attitude of the child himself to his relatives).
  4. General educational skills and abilities (which school subjects are most interesting to the student, in which subjects he experiences difficulties and possible reasons for this; the level of intellectual development, the ability to analyze, generalize, classify the information received; how attentive the student is, can he concentrate his attention on specific task).
  5. Analysis of the emotional development of the student (the type of his temperament, the state of the nervous system, stress resistance).
  6. Role in the class (what is the attitude of the student to the class and members of the class team to him, students' understanding of their place in the class environment; the ability to make independent decisions, take the initiative, choose friends).
  7. Self-esteem (describe the level of self-esteem of the student, suggest possible successes and achievements in academic life).
  8. Good upbringing (what moral and ethical qualities are instilled in the student, and what still needs to be worked on).
  9. The teacher's conclusion about the student's readiness for the transition to secondary school.

Characteristics of a middle class student

Pupils of the middle classes, in comparison with the younger ones, have more different subjects, and, consequently, different teachers. In addition, teachers may change from class to class. And, of course, a well-written characterization of a student can help a new teacher to establish contact with the student (class). In addition, having an idea of ​​the personal qualities of a particular student, it will be easier for the teacher to draw up a plan for further pedagogical work and create optimal conditions for the development of the class team. Of course, the characteristic for a 5th grade student and the characteristic for a 9th grade student will be somewhat different from each other, but, nevertheless, the plan for compiling them will be identical.

A characteristic for a middle school student may contain the following items:

  1. Information about the student (full name, age, family composition, class, parents).
  2. The physical condition and level of health of the student (which health group he belongs to, whether he attends sports, whether he has bad habits).
  3. In what conditions is the student brought up (social status of the family, detailed information about the parents, their education and place of work, what type of education prevails in the family, what is the attitude of the student to family members).
  4. Interests (what the student is especially interested in within the framework of the school curriculum and extracurricular activities, the degree of stability of interests).
  5. General development (the level of intellectual development of the student. Features of memory, the ability to remember information and reproduce it at the right time. Thinking, the development of logical thinking, the ability to reason. Is the ability to concentrate and the ability to quickly switch it from one subject to another well developed. Is it appropriate development of speech to the age of the student, how high the level of culture of speech and wide vocabulary).
  6. Emotionality (stable or not the emotional state of the student, whether the ability to control and restrain his emotions is developed, what kind of reaction the student has in stressful situations).
  7. Interaction with the class team (Attitude of the student to the class and its members, students of the opposite sex, class teacher, teachers. How does the class treat the student? Does it take an active or passive position in the life of the class?).
  8. Self-development (does the student know how to set a goal and achieve it, is he able to make independent decisions, realistically assess himself and his capabilities).
  9. Education (to characterize the level of moral, civil-patriotic, ethical education).
  10. Conclusion (summarizing and recommendations).

Features of compiling a characteristic for a high school student

A characteristic for a high school student is a kind of final characteristic for the period of study at school, where a description of special abilities and professional inclinations is added to personal qualities. The characteristic for a high school student is designed to help in determining the appropriate profession and university for a high school student.

A characteristic for a high school student may contain the above items:

  1. The student's inclination to the humanities or mathematics, attending electives, additional classes, participation in olympiads, places taken, encouragement.
  2. The ability of the student to independently determine the choice of profession, adequately assessing their mental and physical abilities.
  3. The ability to reason, make independent decisions and be responsible for their consequences.

Characteristics for an average student of grade 1

When writing a characteristic for a grade 1 student, one should adhere to the above plan, but in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, a detailed description of the development of educational activities in each subject, universal educational activities and metasubject activities is added to the characteristic. In addition, it is desirable to describe the controlling function of the parents.

Characteristics of a 1st grade student

year of birth

the address

Full name has been studying at our school since 1.09.2014. I attended kindergarten.

Full name is brought up in a complete financially secure family. Parents control their son's studies, help him very well in his educational activities. The family is very friendly. Parents always attend parent-teacher meetings, always meet the needs of the teacher.

Formation of universal educational activities: educational motivation is at a high level, self-esteem is slightly underestimated, educational activities are well formed, the student is able to set educational goals and achieve them, thinking is well developed, active in discussions, defends his point of view.

Formation of meta-subject actions (UUD): the complex final work was done perfectly, very competently and accurately.

Educational activity: almost all subjects are given full name easily, the child is very inquisitive.

Full name is very well behaved, educated, disciplined. Full name is very neat and modest. Relationships in the class are good. Likes to participate in various activities. Treat teachers and adults with respect.

During the lessons, he usually listens attentively to the teacher's explanations, he can be distracted, but this rarely happens.

Characteristics for an average student of grade 4

A characteristic for a 4th grade student, as a rule, is written at the end of primary school and is needed for transfer to the secondary level. The characteristic should be objective, should help the new class teacher to establish contact with the child and take into account all his features. It is also written according to the plan.

Brief description sample

Characteristics of a 4th grade student

year of birth

the address

Full name has been studying at our school since the 2nd grade. Didn't attend kindergarten.

The family is incomplete. Two children in the family, raised by dad. The family is financially secure. Grandmother helps raise children.

Full name has 2 health group. There are no chronic diseases and deviations in physical development. By the end of the 4th grade, my vision deteriorated a little.

FIO has a high motivation for learning, is very accurate and hardworking. In the 2nd grade he was an excellent student, now he is studying for "4" and "5". Particularly noticeable are the achievements in the humanities.

Attention and memory are very well developed. He memorizes educational material easily, knows how to analyze information.

The activity in the lessons is above average.

Full name is disciplined, very diligent, has an objective self-esteem.

Full name at breaks is very mobile, sociable, not conflict.

He likes to fantasize, always strives to be in the thick of things. He tries to help friends and relatives, he will not refuse help to strangers.

Engaged in ballroom dancing and music. FIO likes to compose short stories and fairy tales.

Characteristics for a truant student

for a 7th grade student of MKOU "Anisimovskaya secondary school"
Ivanova Dzhairam Fedorovna

Ivanova Dzhairam was born on September 20, 1998 in the city of Uzykagash, Zhambyl district, Almaty region. Lives in the Talmensky district, the village of Anisimovo, st. Kirova, 18. He has been studying at the Anisimovskaya secondary school since September 1, 2007. In the 1st grade, she was left for re-training, a diagnosis of mental retardation was made. In the 7th grade, she had quarterly unsatisfactory grades in physics, computer science, technology, and physical education.
He is brought up in a complete large family by his mother Ivanova Svetlana Konstantinovna and stepfather Matyushko Andrey Vasilyevich. Jayram has one younger sister and two younger brothers.
Moves quickly from joy to sadness for no apparent reason; there is an inappropriate change of mood.
Dzhairam, probably due to frequent skipping lessons, insufficient home preparation, has large gaps in knowledge in many subjects. Motivation to study is weak. Attention in the lesson is unstable, often forgets notebooks, pens. As a rule, does not show interest in acquiring new knowledge. Slowly and with difficulty focuses his attention on the lessons. Makes many mistakes due to inattention and does not notice them when checking. Not organized. Does not know how to distribute his work in time, wastes time in vain.
Jairam often does not do his homework, gets distracted in class, violates discipline, interferes with other students' work in class, and hides his diary. He does not respond properly to the comments of teachers or responds with rudeness, swearing. He often skips classes for no good reason.I missed 198 lessons in two quarters of this academic year.
Does not show initiative in social activities. Often refuses to participate in public affairs, tries to evade any work. Often does not fulfill his/her self-service duties (school duty, classroom duty, participation in work Saturdays) or performs very carelessly after repeated reminders.
By nature, the girl is closed, stubborn, prone to lies. Jairam does not control his feelings well, easily falls into a state of confusion, depression. It has increased emotional excitability, a tendency to violent emotional manifestations. Almost always acts thoughtlessly, insufficiently carefully controls himself. Often unable to suppress unwanted emotions, there have been cases of foul language. Always harsh, unrestrained both in communication with peers and with elders. In a quarrel, insults other students, is rude, uses physical force.
Rejects any criticism. Refuses to admit his obvious mistakes, does nothing to correct them. Violates school rules. Refuses to comply with the demands of teachers. Has a negative impact on classmates.
Does not enjoy authority in the class.
Although Jairam is a difficult teenager, her mother, despite repeated invitations, did not refuse to attend school. Jairam does not want to communicate with his mother, at the moment he does not live at home due to a quarrel with his mother. The mother can no longer influence her daughter.

School Director: T.A. Eshkin

Class teacher: A.V. Boyko

19.01.15 year

Example: Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a student

An example of a student's psychological and pedagogical characteristics:

The material for writing the psychological and pedagogical characteristics was collected in the period from 04/11/2011 to 05/07/2011. In the process of collecting material, the following methods were used: observation during training sessions, during breaks; conversation with the student, the class teacher and other students of the class, the subject teacher; testing; study of the class magazine, personal affairs.

1. General information about the student

Ivanov Andrei Alexandrovich - student of 6 "B" class of secondary school No. 10 of the city N. He was born on May 31, 1999. According to the results of a medical examination, he is listed in the 1st health group. The medical group in physical culture is the main one. Medical workers gave recommendations for hardening.

2. Conditions of family education

The family in which Andrei Ivanov lives is complete in composition. Father - Alexander Alexandrovich Ivanov - works for ... Mother - Elena Mikhailovna Ivanova - a teacher at ... In a conversation with the class teacher, it turned out that the psychological situation in the family contributes to the development of the child. Friendly relationships between family members play a fundamental role in the full development of the boy. Parents pay sufficient attention to the education of their son, if necessary, help in the preparation of homework.

All conditions for normal development have been created for Andrey. The boy has a place for solitude - his own room, where he can safely do his homework.

From the answers to the questionnaire provided to Andrey, it turned out that the boy also has household duties: go to the store, wash dishes, take out the trash, the boy especially likes to water the flowers.

This indicates that parents instill in their son diligence, accuracy, love of order.

According to the class teacher, Andrei Ivanov's parents regularly attend parent-teacher meetings and participate in the social life of the school. They are also interested in the success of their son, consult with the class teacher on the upbringing, development of certain inclinations of Andrei. It is also important that the boy's parents regularly look through the diary, sign on time, react to entries in the diary, which indicates responsibility and an active parental position.

3. Learning activities of the student

The first thing that should be noted after observing Andrey Ivanov is his conscientious attitude to learning. He has a high level of attention: he notices mistakes made by students when completing assignments on the board, quickly responds to questions during oral work. The boy has a well-developed thinking, he easily generalizes the material, systematizes and analyzes it.

Andrei has good academic performance in all subjects. Favorite subjects are the following: mathematics, computer science, Belarusian and Russian languages, Belarusian and Russian literature. The overall average score in all subjects is 8.3 points.

Ivanov Andrei is very active in the classroom. He is one of the first to answer the teacher's questions, always raising his hand. Despite the fact that the boy's answers are not always correct, his activity indicates diligence in his studies. It is also important to note the fact that Andrei is interested in various subjects: related to both the exact sciences and the humanities. The boy carefully does his homework, always tries to answer the teacher's questions. This may indicate purposefulness and leadership qualities.

According to the student himself, he likes to study, and it is not difficult, but at the same time he would like to study better.

4. Work activity of the student

Ivanov Andrei shows interest not only in educational activities, but in various types of extracurricular activities. He attends an elective in computer science and mathematics, a sports section (basketball), a music school. In his free time, Andrey also likes to play computer games or spend time outdoors with friends.

If a boy is entrusted with a public task, then he does it conscientiously.

Despite the fact that Andrei is only in the 6th grade, he has already decided on the choice of profession: in his own words, in the future the boy dreams of becoming a “great mathematician” and would like to “study in Italy”.

5. Psychological characteristics of the student's personality

As a result of observations of Andrei, it was established that he has such qualities of the emotional-volitional sphere as purposefulness, perseverance, independence, and activity. The predominant types of temperament are sanguine (55%) and choleric. These types correspond to such characteristics of the student as high ability to work, but at the same time instability in interests and inclinations; optimism, sociability, responsiveness; decisiveness, vigor, perseverance; average level of strength of nervous processes, high balance of nervous processes, very high mobility of the nervous system.

The methodology for studying self-esteem showed that Andrei has a somewhat overestimated self-esteem. He often lacks patience. For example, he answers teachers' questions very quickly, although his answers are not always accurate, although the boy's speech is well developed. But Andrei is characterized by self-criticism: the student quite adequately assesses his abilities, is confident in himself.

Despite the active position of the student in both educational and social activities, he is characterized by modesty, kindness, accuracy, sincerity, responsiveness. Andrei worries if he makes mistakes and tries to correct them.

The boy is doing well in all subjects. But in the questionnaire, he answered that his favorite subjects are the following: mathematics, computer science, Belarusian and Russian languages, Belarusian and Russian literature.

The student quickly memorizes the material, correctly establishes connections between new and passed material, quickly finds the right rule to complete the task.

Andrew is very active in the classroom. He is one of the first to answer the teacher's questions, always raising his hand.

The boy is very sociable, he does not conflict with anyone in the class, he has many friends. I would also like to note the high culture of communication Andrei: he is always polite, tactful, respectful of his parents, teachers, elders.

6. Features of cognitive activity

As already mentioned, Andrey has a high level of attention (he always notices mistakes on the board). He is distinguished by the ability to timely switch and distribute attention, which I have repeatedly noticed in the lessons of mathematics and computer science.

Andrei has the most developed types of memory, such as motor-auditory and combined (memory coefficient in both types was 70). The auditory type of memory is less developed (the coefficient was 60).

Also, the boy has a well-developed thinking, he easily generalizes the material, systematizes and analyzes it. Andrei has a very well developed speech, in most cases he correctly formulates his thoughts. In general, the level of general mental development is quite high, in some situations the boy is ahead of his peers.

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    A characteristic for a student of a school is one of the most important psychological and pedagogical documents, the compilation of which is relevant: both when changing the place of study, and for submission as a recommendation to various authorities.

    An example of a positive characteristic for a boy - a student

    Ivanov Alexander has been studying at the State Institution "Secondary School No. 19" in Sverdlovsk since the first grade. The student has good physical and mental development. Responsible and hardworking. Possesses independent work skills. Able to compare, analyze, clearly express his thoughts.

    In the 8th year of study, Alexander moved to the class of a mathematical profile. He prefers subjects of the humanitarian cycle, is fond of history and law.

    Alexander observes the school regime and the established rules of conduct. Doesn't miss class for no reason.

    Main character traits: calm, balanced, avoids conflicts.

    Any instructions are carried out unconditionally and responsibly. Actively participates in school activities.

    There are no bad habits.

    He is hardworking, possesses the necessary labor skills, is accurate and accurate in his work. Self-confident, accurately assesses his own capabilities, strives for success, superiority, decisive, persistent.

    Differs in upbringing, modesty. Tactful, friendly. Befriends classmates. Very obligatory, worries about the result of the assignment. Enjoys authority.

    Parents are interested in the success of their child. Constantly communicate with the class teacher. They provide all possible assistance in the life of the class.

    Characteristic for the military enlistment office for a positive student

    Shishkin Igor has been studying at the State Institution of the Russian Federation "PSOSH No. 17" in Pskov since the 1st grade. During all the years of schooling, he complies with the rules of the internal regulations, does not violate discipline in the lessons. Studying mainly for grade "4". Has a mathematical mindset.

    Intellectually developed, well-read, has a rich vocabulary. Able to arrange material in a logical sequence, analyze and draw conclusions.

    Constantly improving, in preparation for the lessons he uses additional literature, expanding the baggage of his own knowledge beyond the scope of the school curriculum.

    Executive, responsible approach to the implementation of the task. Differs in ingenuity, erudite, not amenable to other people's influence, independent.

    Has the makings of a leader, is an example for classmates, never refuses to help them. Communicative, tactful in communication. Adequate to criticism.

    Has a good level of physical fitness. Participated in many school and extracurricular sports competitions. There are no bad habits.

    Igor lives with his father, mother and older brother. The positive microclimate of the family favorably affects the boy. Parents are not indifferent to the fate of Igor, they are constantly interested in his success.

    The characteristic is given for presentation to the military registration and enlistment office.

    A sample of a positive characteristic for a girl - a school student

    Bokova Victoria has been studying at the State Institution "RSh No. 18" in Ryazan since the 1st grade. Over the years of study, she proved herself to be an active, sociable student with a high intellectual level and coping with all academic disciplines. Shows interest in the exact sciences and lessons of physical development. Outside of school, he studies English, is fond of drawing.

    Victoria has a broad outlook, loves to read. He is able to express his own opinion, clearly formulates his thoughts. Always focused on the activity being performed, but can easily switch to another task. The high speed of mastering the curriculum and the ease with which the girl reproduces the acquired knowledge are noted.

    She complies with all the rules of the school routine, does not miss lessons for no reason. He holds the post of assistant to the president of the school, is a member of the student Parliament and the School Council. Dreams of becoming an investigator.

    Throughout the entire period of study, she actively participated in classroom and school-wide events.

    Victoria is proactive, often acts as an organizer. Responsive, hardworking, sociable, rarely in a bad mood. Honest, knows how to defend her convictions, always achieves a positive result. Friendly, has leadership qualities, which allows her to take leading roles in the student team.

    She is an active athlete in the dance group. The presence of bad habits is not noticed.

    Parents approach the upbringing of their daughter with all responsibility. They come to school on demand.

    Ready-made characteristic for a student with average abilities

    Ryabchikov Vladislav has been studying at the State Institution "OSOSh No. 5" in the city of Orel since the 7th grade. Average abilities were noted when mastering the curriculum.

    Not active in class. Does not show due interest in learning, reveals his skills only under constant supervision by teachers.

    Performs homework assignments periodically. Preference is given to the study of history. It is difficult to give subjects of the natural-mathematical cycle. He reads little, therefore he has an insufficient vocabulary. Often distracted, unable to concentrate on the task assigned to him.

    Possesses basic labor skills, but is inactive, and therefore rarely uses them. He practically does not take part in cultural events, referring to his employment.

    Not always honest. Does not enjoy trust among peers and adults. May let you down.

    Vladislav's physical development is good. He is into cycling. He became the bronze medalist of the Regional Championship. He is fond of football.

    In dialogue with classmates and teachers, Vladislav is restrained and polite. During an argument, he can be impulsive, emotional and stubborn. Inclined to independence.

    He is a friendly boy, and therefore maintains friendly relations with most of his classmates.

    Vladislav's parents actively raise the child and contribute to its development, trying to change the situation with their son's academic performance. Always make contact with the head of the class, attend school.

    For a student with a low level of knowledge and academic performance

    Kornilovsky Nikita has been studying at the State Institution "KSOSh No. 2" in Kirov since the 1st grade. For all the time he studied at school, he showed such qualities as laziness and indifference to the educational process. Does not show due attention to the proposed educational material, is distracted by extraneous activities and ignores the teacher's comments. He is more interested in communicating with classmates. Passive behavior in the classroom leads to poor academic performance. Doesn't do homework, but is a master at copying.

    He does not miss work for no reason.

    He shows a certain interest in humanitarian subjects, loves poetry, history.

    Has the necessary labor skills, but is not initiative enough to apply them. Greater priority is given to participation in class and school social activities.

    He loves attention from the outside, requires respect for himself, for his opinion. In a conversation, he can use obscene words, considering this the norm of behavior.

    Has a significant level of sports training, visits the gym. Does not accept bad habits.

    He lives with his father, mother and younger brother, whom he takes care of very much. Parents regularly appear at school and communicate with the class teacher. They are actively trying to raise the level of Nikita's knowledge.

    Characteristics for a student from an unfavorable family with bad behavior

    Ilya Klyuchevsky has been studying at the State Institution LSOSH No. 4 in Lipetsk since the 1st grade. The educational process does not arouse the boy's interest, but it is worth noting the absolute attendance. Able to master educational material in large volumes, but general passivity during training leads to a low level of knowledge.

    Not demanding of himself. Memory can be described as arbitrary mixed. If you manage to interest him, then he manifests himself best in the exact sciences. The stability of the results is hindered by the lack of diligence and diligence. He is indifferent to what is happening in the class, inactive. Doesn't do homework. Speech developed.

    Has all the necessary labor skills, but tries to avoid personal assignments and social events.

    He is in good physical shape. At the amateur level, he plays football and tennis.

    During contacts with classmates and teachers, he can show aggressiveness, stubbornness, often his actions are impulsive and too emotional. Not disciplined, prone to independence, knows how to defend a personal point of view. Honest.

    He systematically violates the rules of conduct, is registered with a social pedagogue, and has repeatedly had conversations with a school psychologist.

    Doesn't get the respect it deserves from classmates. He is friends with students, younger in age, among them he is a leader.

    Noticed for smoking.

    Lives with his mother and sister. The mother is not engaged in raising children, referring to employment. He does not attend school, he avoids communication with the class teacher.

    Characteristics of a difficult teenager to the police from the class teacher

    Grigoriev Andrey has been studying in the 10th grade of the State Institution "Secondary School No. 13" in Arkhangelsk since September 2018. For an incomplete semester of study, he established himself as a malicious truant. Periodically appears in the classroom, but treats the study itself with complete indifference. Does not do homework.

    In the team, the teenager communicates little, hardly contacts with classmates, and is friendly to young children. Due to the lack of initiative and leadership ambitions, he does not try to improve his position.

    Andrey is neat, takes care of his appearance. When expressing his own opinion, he is rather modest, but stubborn. It is quite difficult to convince a boy of anything. However, the student has a low level of self-esteem, which allows class leaders to lead him.

    Andrei is actively engaged in extracurricular activities that are interesting to him (sections, a gym). Participates exclusively in the sports life of the school, showing no interest in other social events. He may refuse the order given to him or not bring the matter to the end. There is no labor initiative on his part.

    Noticed for smoking.

    Since October 1, 2018, she has been registered with a social pedagogue and psychologist within the school.Examples of positive characteristics (sample from the place of work)

    Each class teacher is faced with the task of writing characteristics for students in his class: such characteristics may be required by the guardianship authorities, the police and the PDN, for admission to another school or college, to the military registration and enlistment office. And every time you don’t want to invent something, it’s better to have a ready-made template or sample.

    How to write a testimonial for a student ?

    The characteristic for the student, as we have already said, is written by the class teacher, head teacher or school principal. When writing a psychological child, you may need the help of a school psychologist, test results and diagnostics.

    Actually, the content of a characteristic can be based on what exactly it is needed for, who requires it. The minimum amount of characteristics is 800-900 characters, the maximum is not limited and may contain reports on work with a student - a mini-dossier on a child.

    The characteristic, which will be transferred to a third-party organization, is written on the letterhead of the school, the date and signature of the person who prepared it is put at the bottom.

    You can download ready-made characteristics for a student on our website - select a sample characteristic below. You can make a full description according to the plan on this page. We recommend that you download it and transfer it to the methodological association of class teachers.

    Plan of the general psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student

    • General information about the student

    Last name, first name. Date of Birth. Diagnosis. Did you attend kindergarten? Year of school entry. What grades did you attend and for how many years?

    • The history of development

    The health status of the parents. Features of pregnancy and childbirth. Early child development. Diseases and injuries in preschool age.

    • child's family

    Family composition. Parents' activities. material conditions of the family. Conditions for raising a child in a family. Daily regime. Relationships between family members. The attitude of family members to the child.

    • physical status

    Physical development, age-appropriate. Deviations in physical development (height, fatness, etc.)

    Motility state. Movement disorders (stiffness, disinhibition, paralysis, paresis, stereotyped and obsessive movements). Movement coordination.

    The state of the analyzers (vision, hearing, etc.)

    The presence of chronic diseases. fatigue.

    • Features of cognitive activity

    Attention. Volume. Sustainability. switchability. Features of voluntary and involuntary attention.

    Perception. Speed, volume, completeness, accuracy, meaningfulness.

    Features of visual, auditory, tactile perceptions.

    Perception of shape, size, color, spatial arrangement of objects. Features of the perception of time.

    Memory. Speed, completeness, strength of memorization. Features of memorizing digital, factual and verbal material. Features and scope of intentional and unintentional memorization.

    Meaningfulness, accuracy, completeness of reproduction. The use of memorization and recall techniques.

    The presence and features of logical (semantic) memory.

    The predominant type of memory (visual, auditory, mixed)

    Individual features of memory.

    Features of speech. The level of speech development. The pace and rhythm of speech. Pronunciation defects. Voice features. Emotional coloring of speech.

    Vocabulary. Features of active and passive vocabulary.

    The grammatical structure of speech.

    The state of dialogic and narrative-descriptive speech.

    Features of written speech.

    Thinking. Features of analysis and synthesis. Comparisons: correctness and completeness. Availability of multi-stage analysis and comparison. Features of comparison of visually perceived objects and verbal material. Features of generalization and concretization.

    The level of development of thinking (visual-figurative, visual-effective, verbal-logical).

    The level of assimilation of general and abstract concepts.

    Ability to establish causal relationships.

    Understanding the main thing in the text, plot.

    The ability to draw independent conclusions.

    • Emotional-volitional sphere

    Depth, stability of feelings. Dominant mood. The degree of emotional excitability. Presence of affective outbursts.

    features of the will. Subordination. Suggestibility. Manifestations of negativity.

    The presence of friendship and kindred feelings.

    The presence of pathological desires.

    • General educational skills and abilities

    The ability to listen, perform verbal tasks, work with visual aids and didactic material, a textbook, a notebook.

    Ability to plan and work according to plan. Self-control skills.

    Features and difficulties of mastering new knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities, the application of acquired knowledge and skills.

    Independence in the assimilation and application of knowledge. The ability to select your own examples to the learned rules, to explain your actions.

    The presence and features of the transfer of knowledge and skills to a new situation.

    • Features of the assimilation of individual subjects

    Attitude towards academic subjects.

    Motives of educational activity. Diligence.

    cognitive interests. Attitude to evaluation, mark, praise and blame.

    Features of mastering labor skills and abilities. Attitude to the lessons of labor and labor activity. Independence.

    • Personality Features

    Personal orientation. The nature of the interests. The level of claims and self-esteem. A responsibility.

    Compliance with the rules of behavior in society, school, at home. Behavior in educational, labor, gaming activities. Autonomy of behavior.

    Relationships with children and adults. Place and role in the team. The presence of conformity.

    Socialization of the individual.

    • Pedagogical conclusions and recommendations


    student 7 B class MBOU secondary school No. 2

    Nefedov Danila Ruslanovich

    2003 year of birth.

    Danil has been studying at this school since the 5th grade.

    Student Health and Development:

    The child is physically and mentally developed, completely healthy.

    There are no signs of increased nervousness; outbursts of anger, aggressiveness towards peers, towards teachers are not observed, there is also no tendency to destructive actions.

    In terms of pathological desires, Danil does not smoke, does not drink alcohol, but in September 2016 he was convicted of trying to use toxic drugs, specifically gasoline.

    The teenager is not registered at the dispensary.

    Information about parents, family:

    Mom - Nefedova Alina Vladimirovna, has an incomplete higher education, works as a seller in a store.

    Daniel has a younger brother , Nefedov Yegor Ruslanovich, born on September 1, 2016, who lives in the city of Rzhev with his grandmother (in connection with his studies at the gymnasium).

    The family belongs to the category of socially stable, well-to-do. The child's parents are divorced. Children are raised by their mother. The father does not provide financial support, the children do not keep in touch with him.

    family type:

    Mom is morally stable, has a culture of upbringing, the emotional atmosphere of the family is positive;

    The family belongs to the category of prosperous, pedagogically competent (the parent owns the culture of education); the child is under constant control by the mother, constant awareness of the interests, the behavior of the child in and out of school).

    The family is non-conflict, a prosperous emotional atmosphere reigns in the family.

    Relationship between parent and child:

    In the family, there is an attitude of mutual respect, a joint experience of joys, grief, care from the mother, interest in the successes and failures of the child, readiness to help in solving any situations. There is a trusting relationship between mother and Danilo.

    Organization of the regime of work and rest:

    The child helps around the house. Follows the daily routine. The mother of the child regularly helps and supervises the completion of homework.

    During leisure, the child spends time with his mother, during the holidays he goes to his grandmother in the city of Rzhev.

    Features of educational activities:

    The student manages to "3" and "4", is not engaged in full force.

    Attitude towards teaching: neutral.

    Teaching motives: cognitive interest in certain subjects (Russian language and literature, physical education), seeks to earn the approval of adults, in particular from mothers and grandmothers.

    Position in the class team, attitude to the team:

    The position of the student in the team: accepted.

    In the class, he is closest to Artur Semerenko. The nature of mutual influence is observed.

    Relations with other classmates: equal. Danil is influenced by his environment. By nature: extrovert (constantly aimed at communication, easy to contact, curious, open, full of attention to others).

    Attitude towards public opinion: active-positive (strives to correct shortcomings, take into account comments).

    5. Attitude towards social activities and socially useful work:

    He always performs public assignments with readiness, conscientiously.

    He always takes an active part in the labor affairs of the class, always makes presentations at class hours.

    In the 6th grade, he participated in the reading competition "Literary Readings" (school level). But he lacks confidence - he is embarrassed to speak in front of a large audience.

    Danil is interested in the following activities: physical, organizational, sports.

    At the beginning of the school year, he attended a boxing club.

    Actively visits parks and libraries with the class during the holidays.

    Responsible for public assignments. Interested in sports. Actively participates in the social life of the school and class.

    7. Features of the sphere of free communication of the student:

    “Street” communication during the week is allocated 8-9 hours. You should be home by 8 or 9 pm.

    Outside the class, he had friendly relations with Alexei (a housemate, studying in the 8th grade of MBOU secondary school No. 2). At the moment, he stopped close communication with him at the request of Daniel's mother, since Alexei exerted a negative influence on Danil.

    Preferred place of street communication (yard);

    8. Personal self-esteem:

    Level of self-esteem: adequate (correctly evaluates his positive and negative qualities, personal capabilities and achievements).

    9. Features of behavior:

    Daniel is very responsive, helps elders and everyone around him.

    The negative actions (misconduct) of the student had the following character: at the beginning of the school year he was late for classes, after a conversation with his mother he corrected himself.

    10. What educational measures were used by whom, when, their results: Interviews with the child's mother were regularly and continue to be conducted as needed (eg, being late for lessons, poor academic performance). Results: the child adequately responds to all comments and strives to correct his shortcomings.

    11. Proposed measures necessary for the correction of a minor:

    Constant cooperation with the parents of the child in terms of organizing the education and upbringing of the child. Monitoring school attendance, academic performance, homework.

    School Principal (signature, full name, seal) ______________________

    Cl. head (signature, full name)____________________

    Every class teacher is familiar with the task of compiling a psychological and pedagogical description of the students in his class. And every time you don’t want to invent something anew, it’s better to have a ready-made template on the basis of which it’s easy to prepare the necessary document.

    The psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student are written with maximum consideration for the individual aspects of the development of each child, describing in detail his psychological characteristics. This is due to the fact that it plays a very important role in the educational process, greatly simplifying the interaction of the teaching staff of the school with the student. Allows the teacher to get an initial idea of ​​the student, to choose the most beneficial strategy for interacting with him.

    In addition, such characteristics may be required when transferring to another school or college, they are requested by the guardianship authorities, the police and the PDN, the military registration and enlistment office.

    Rules for conducting psychological and pedagogical examination

    There are fairly clear rules for compiling a characteristic for a student. One of the fundamental requirements for conducting psychological and pedagogical characteristics is objectivity. It is equally important to carefully analyze the factors influencing the development of the child as a whole, with the obligatory consideration of the characteristics of the student. The child should be treated as delicately as possible, minimizing any coercion or pressure on him. Only in this case, the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a student or student can be as objective and useful as possible.

    The characteristic for the student is written by the class teacher, signed by the director of the school. When writing the psychological characteristics of the child, the help of a school psychologist, the results of testing and diagnostics may be required.

    How to write a testimonial for a student

    Consider what a typical psychological and pedagogical characteristic should look like, drawn up for a student of a secondary educational school. The content of the characteristic may be based on the one who requires it. The minimum length of the characteristic is 800-900 characters, the maximum length is not limited, and, as we said above, the characteristic may contain reports on work with the student, test results.

    1. At the beginning, they indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the student, the class in which he is studying, and the characteristics of his health group.
    2. If desired, you can also specify the most striking external features. This data can be obtained by organizing a conversation with both the student himself and his parents.
    3. It is equally important to indicate the composition of the student's family, the features of social status, and the quality of interaction.
    4. After that, you can proceed to the study of the child's personal characteristics, covering his attitude to learning (industriousness, perseverance, academic performance), to others (development of communicative competencies, the ability to communicate with peers and with adults). Data can be obtained both through observation and conversation with the child, and with the help of projective techniques (drawing tests, etc.).
    5. The psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student should contain information about his stress resistance, the level of development of thinking and speech, emotionality, attention, punctuality.
    6. It is necessary to indicate how high the social status of the child is, whether it is easy for him to establish social contacts.
    7. At the end of the compilation of the characteristics, it is necessary to summarize the development of the student and the correspondence of his level to age characteristics. Recommendations are given related to the upbringing, training and further interaction with the child.

    The characteristic, which will be transferred to a third-party organization, is written on the letterhead of the school, the date and signature of the person who prepared it, the signature of the director of the school, are put at the bottom.

    Sample characteristics for a student

    Ready-made characteristics for a student you can see on our website - select a sample of the characteristics below. The development will help the class teacher to quickly and accurately draw up a characterization for the student. You can make a full description according to the plan on this page.

    Sample pedagogical characteristics for an elementary school student

    A sample of a characteristic for a primary school student from a teacher, which is necessary when passing a psychological and pedagogical commission of any level. The characteristic is written in duplicate, signed by the teacher and director, the seal of the school is required.

    Psychological and pedagogical characteristics surname first name.

    Full Name:

    Date of Birth:

    Address of residence: ………………….phone….

    School No. class

    At school No. has been studying since the year (left for a second course in the classroom);

    g. studied at school no.

    Psychological characteristics of cognitive processes

    Gross motor skills are characterized by (not) sufficient arbitrariness of control over movements, fine motor skills are well / poorly developed.

    The function of perception is not sufficiently developed, the child (does not) experience minor difficulties in acting on a visual pattern / verbal instruction. Perception is developed better/worse than thinking.

    Attention is (not) stable and (not) exhaustible, arbitrariness, concentration and switchability are reduced/within the age norm.

    Visual memory, short-term and long-term, is (not) sufficiently developed. Arbitrary short-term memory is (not) high. Medium/high/low mechanical memory level, logical memory level lower/higher. When memorizing, he quickly gets tired / remembers (not) large / medium volumes of text.

    Visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking are developed better / worse than verbal-logical / correspond to the norm of this age.

    (not) Identified violations of oral speech development, phonemic hearing. Articulation (“blurred” / pronunciation of sounds in syllables and words is fuzzy / frequent agramatism / inconsistency).

    The level of formation of concepts and orientation in the surrounding world are (not) sufficient / age-appropriate.

    In general, the child is characterized by (increased fatigue / unstable attention / the predominance of inhibition processes over excitation processes).

    Pedagogical characteristics of educational activity.

    The child is studying in a mass class / is on individual training ... a year.

    Literary reading. The pace of reading ... words per minute (the norm at the end of the first / second half of the year ... words). Reading (not) sufficiently conscious, but not very expressive / not expressive / expressive), without observing / observing logical pauses and intonation of the end of the sentence. Makes many mistakes (the nature of the mistakes), (but does not) repeat them when re-reading the text. Detailed / short / creative retelling of the text is difficult, skips details, descriptions, the story is little / rather emotional. He reads poems by heart with errors, (not) expressively enough. Answers to questions gives full / detailed / monosyllabic, makes (minor) mistakes, establishing causal relationships. Vocabulary limited/age appropriate.

    In Russian, he (does not) know the rules poorly and (does not) understand / does not always understand how to apply them. Grapho-motor skills are (not) sufficiently developed, handwriting is different (sloppy/often very small/very large/uneven, (un) legible). The following errors appear in writing: (omissions and substitutions of letters (often similar in spelling or denoting similar sounds), extra elements of letters, as well as their underwriting, agrammatisms), which indicates a violation of writing processes.

    In mathematics, difficulties are caused by the formation (graphic skills, counting skills, problem solving). Mathematical speech is (not) formed slowly/in full. It causes the greatest difficulties (the formation of computational skills that are at a low / medium level (without relying on clarity, it counts within 10), mechanical memorization of the multiplication / addition table is more successful). The specific meaning of the operations of multiplication and division / addition and subtraction is realized only when using visualization. When solving problems, difficulties arise (explanation of the choice of action, recording of explanations, omission of names).

    Homework (not) performs (not) in full, but under the supervision of parents/independently.

    The pace of work in the lesson is (not) sufficient / low / medium / high with independent / collective / performing simple (of the same type) tasks, exercises that require switching attention (do not) cause a decrease in pace. The child is little / active in the lessons, creative tasks (do not) cause interest.

    Learning motivation is absent/low. Self-control is poorly developed/within the age norm/highly developed, skills of independent work are formed in (not) sufficient volume/are formed with difficulty.

    Relations with the teacher / calm / even / benevolent; fulfills requirements and instructions formally / willingly / sometimes reluctantly / with desire. Reacts to comments and praise more often with restraint/(in)adequately.

    The child's clothes are (un)tidy, writing materials and school items are in good/(un)satisfactory condition.

    The child is (little) sociable, (not) friendly with other children, (does not) participate in collective games / often is a leader. Outside of school, there are no/have friends, hobbies(...), at school she is engaged in circles(...), outside of school she attends(...).

    Teacher ______________ / surname acting /

    Director ____________/ surname acting /

    Characteristics for a difficult student

    Characterization of a difficult student requires a special approach from the teacher who composes it. Not only psychological knowledge, but also the ability to analyze the situation from different angles, revealing the main reasons for his low academic performance or difficult education. The social environment has a great influence on this:

    • the influence of the family (parents have addictions, criminal records, single-parent families and large families, violence and conflicts in the family);
    • low material well-being in the family;
    • the presence of seriously ill close relatives who are in direct contact with the child;
    • difficult life circumstances

    An example of a characteristic for a difficult student

    Characteristics of the student __ class

    The year of birth,

    residing at: _________________________

    Ivanov Ivan has been studying at MBOU ________________ since class __. Consists of intra-school records from the 2nd grade for violations of discipline. He was registered with the Commission for Juvenile Affairs and Protection of their Rights under the administration of the ________ district in 2016-2017 for causing harm to the health of a student of the school _____________.

    The composition of Ivanov Ivan's family: mother - __________________ and father ____________________. The parents are currently living separately. Ivan lives with his mother in a rented apartment.

    The mother of ____________________ works ________________ at _______________. The father does not participate in the upbringing, does not help the family financially, and abuses alcohol.

    Mother ____________________ answers the calls of the class teacher, always comes to school at the invitation of the class teacher, teachers, deputy principals, but does not always attend parent-teacher meetings. The mother overprotects Ivan, seeks to satisfy all his needs and protect him from worries and efforts, does not control Ivan's academic work and behavior enough.

    Ivan is outwardly tidy, well dressed, has all the necessary school supplies and textbooks provided for him by the school.

    Ivan's intellectual abilities are low. Attitude towards learning is negative. He was transferred conditionally to the 6th grade with an academic debt in mathematics. According to the results of the 1st and 2nd quarters of the 2015-2016 academic year, he had unsatisfactory marks in 6-9 subjects. He rarely does his homework. He often reacts inadequately to the comments of teachers. At many lessons, he refuses to get a textbook, notebook, diary, to complete educational tasks.

    Conflict, quick-tempered, unbalanced. Has high self-esteem. During the last two years of study, he allowed numerous violations of discipline in the classroom and extracurricular time, a rude attitude towards classmates. There was a statement in an obscene form in a mathematics lesson, obscene abuse against classmates.

    Refuses to participate in school activities. Performs public assignments under pressure. Treats public property with disrespect.

    Shows interest in physical culture, is engaged in weightlifting in the sports and health center in +______. E

    Preventive conversations were repeatedly held with Ivanov Ivan by the class teacher, members of the Prevention Council and the school administration. Preventive work was carried out with the student's mother, who was repeatedly invited to talk with the class teacher, the school administration on the issue of her son's low academic performance, but there were no changes for the better. During the 2014-2015, 2015-2016 academic year, it was considered at meetings of the small teachers' council, the teachers' council, the Prevention Council for poor progress, violations of discipline. Repeatedly, individual interviews were held with the mother and Ivan about complaints about Ivan's rough treatment of classmates. The mother was advised to increase control over Ivan's progress and behavior. Mom listens to the remarks of the class teacher, teachers, deputy directors, but believes that teachers do not pay enough attention to Ivan's education and upbringing. Mother ____________ explains the rough treatment of classmates and other students of the school by the fact that the children themselves provoke Ivan. Due to the fact that Ivan's behavior in the classroom reduces the effectiveness of the teachers' work, members of the parent committee of the class asked the school administration to take action against Ivanov Ivanov.

    During the 2014-2015, 2015-2016 academic year, the class teacher, deputy director for VR conducted conversations with Ivan about the inadmissibility of rude treatment of school students, the prohibition of fights.

    In vagrancy, theft, the use of alcohol and psychoactive substances at school was not noticed.

    characteristics for the family of a student from a dysfunctional family

    student ____class MBOU _SOSH ...,

    The year of birth

    A student has been studying at this school since _______ class, from ______ years.

    He is brought up in an incomplete large family. In addition to the student, the family has ___________. The mother works all day. Children can remain on their own. The mother of the student does not attend parent meetings, often for a good reason (work shift). He comes to school on the call of the class teacher and subject teachers. Can't handle the child's behavior.

    The student completed the first half of the 2015-2016 academic year satisfactorily. For the first quarter I had an unsatisfactory grade in algebra. During his studies, the student shows weak abilities in many disciplines of the school curriculum due to the fact that he has absolutely no desire to learn. The student does not prepare homework, in the classroom he works only with repeated reminders from the teacher. Can be rude to teachers. She does not wear school supplies, explaining this by forgetfulness. The diary does not submit marks to subject teachers.

    Established friendly relations with the class. Participated in class events and competitions.

    He attended the hockey section at the FOK, participated in district and regional competitions. Currently not attending the section.

    The student is physically healthy. Smokes.

    Started skipping school since _________. Since January 2017 I attended only 4 lessons.

    At the moment, she does not attend classes, but all the study time is in the school building. Rude to teachers, technical staff, using obscene language. Disrupts the lessons taking place in the second shift (runs into classes, knocks on doors), behaves outrageously in the corridors and the dining room. Doesn't respond to anyone's comments. The child had a sense of permissiveness.

    The class teacher, the deputy director for educational work, the deputy directors for educational work, and the social teacher repeatedly conducted conversations with the student.

    But the student remains indifferent to his misdeeds, does not confess to anything, does not realize his mistakes.

    Director of MBOU _________________

    Classroom teacher _________________

    Positive characteristic for a student

    Psychological and pedagogical characteristics

    per student... class MAOU ... ..

    …… the year of birth,

    residing at:…..

    The student was born...

    The general physical development is above average, a strong physique, the state of health is satisfactory - I main health group, has slight vision problems, wears glasses.

    Lives in a family, which consists of three people (mother..., father..., student...). An apartment with all amenities, the student has his own room. The duties of a schoolgirl around the house include washing dishes, cleaning, taking out the trash and other household chores. Parents are actively involved in the upbringing of the girl, they are always interested in her success, they themselves are directly involved in school affairs.

    In …… studies from the first class. The class is large (... person). Several groups can be distinguished in it: leaders, preferred, elected, no outcasts. The student can be attributed to the preferred group, which was shown by the sociometric study. In the class team, the student enjoys a certain authority, this is determined by her academic performance (she studies "good" and "excellent") and the ability to defend her point of view. Relations with classmates are friendly. Equally easy to communicate with both boys and girls. Befriends in class... .I am satisfied with my position in the team. He cherishes his stay at school, values ​​communication most of all, which was shown by the test for determining school motivation, actively participates in all school affairs. Relationships with teachers are trusting. The student willingly makes contact with teachers, tries to comply with subordination and generally accepted school rules.

    A student from the first grade studies without triples, she is also a participant and winner of many school and distance olympiads in various disciplines, she recently participated in such competitions as Golden Fleece, British Bulldog, Native Word, Perspective. He has commendation sheets, many thanks and awards in his portfolio. The level of knowledge in all subjects is approximately the same, shows great interest in biology, masters the main educational program with equal success. The student is emotional, well-read, has a rich vocabulary, knows how to correctly express her thoughts both orally and in writing.

    He studies with interest, if questions arise, he always looks for answers to them, consults with his elders, and studies additionally after school. She treats praises and censures from teachers adequately, she realizes that study is a necessity for later life. According to the survey, he has a “good” average level of school motivation, even slightly higher (close to high).

    Knows how to be concentrated, long-term stability of attention, rationally allocates time. The level of voluntary attention is high, which was shown by tachistoscopy testing.

    She perceives educational material meaningfully and quickly, which is one of her strengths. He remembers quickly, arbitrary memory prevails over arbitrary (this was shown by the results of a study of arbitrary and involuntary memory). Memory is long-term. He owns the techniques of analysis and synthesis, successfully draws conclusions and generalizations, easily finds the main idea and knows how to separate the priority from the secondary. Quickly seeks solutions when a problem arises. Medium-developed imagination, likes specificity, accuracy and certainty. Possesses the ability to learn: independently works with a book, draws up plans, notes, memorizes material.

    Labor respects, understands its significance and value. The student is interested in the social benefit of her work. She conscientiously performs all individual tasks and social work. Sometimes he is the initiator of some business, actively goes forward in helping and organizing school events. Thanks to his domestic duties, he has the highest level of labor skills. Every job is done with care.

    The student is interested in literature (likes to read works of art), music, sports, attends many school electives, such as speech culture and a second foreign language. He is engaged in swimming.

    The student behaves calmly, with restraint. She follows her daily routine on her own. Fulfills the requirements of adults, even if there is no strong desire.

    The student manifests such traits as sensitivity, kindness, collectivism, conscientiousness, as well as perseverance, independence. The mood is often good, sometimes it is neutral, even.

    The student has great potential and a huge number of positive traits that she is not yet able to fully realize. The ability to instantly get up to speed and adequately understand the task at hand greatly facilitate the assimilation of educational material. I relied on her for some questions during the lesson, and my trust was justified. She was always active, reasonable and interested. In the future, I consider it necessary to develop its potential through extracurricular activities. Also, through various methods, develop her leadership qualities, because. she has great potential to become a class leader.
