Pollutant emission standards. Calculation of standards for permissible emissions of pollutants (APE)

Pollutant emission standards.  Calculation of standards for permissible emissions of pollutants (APE)

Atmospheric air can undoubtedly be called one of the vital natural components. Negative impact on the environment includes its pollution. It is not difficult to guess what this can lead to: from discomfort for living organisms to diseases and poisoning of nature as a whole. Air pollutants have many sources. Basically, these are enterprises whose activities involve emissions of pollutants.

In this material we will give answers to many exciting questions: How are emissions formed? What environmental reporting is required for enterprises that produce emissions? What can be done to reduce the negative impact on the environment?

1. General information

In the Federal Law of 05/04/1999 N 96-FZ (as amended on 07/29/2018) “On the protection of atmospheric air” gives the most accurate concept of what a harmful (pollutant) substance is - a chemical or biological substance, or a mixture of such substances, that is contained in the atmospheric air and has a harmful effect on human health and the environment.

The state has established emission standards, the excess of which is considered to be air pollution. For each source, a maximum permissible standard for harmful physical impact on atmospheric air is established.

Maximum permissible emission standards (MPE)– this is an indicator of a permissible harmful substance in the atmospheric air. The indicator includes the maximum volume or mass of pollutants and microorganisms that are permissible for release into the atmosphere by stationary sources, so as not to violate environmental air quality standards. If the value of the MPE standard is met, it means that the requirements in the field of atmospheric air protection are met. In a general sense, the concept of a standard means a series of actions that must be performed in order for them to lead to the expected result.

Each facility that emits pollutants must have a draft maximum permissible limit. If the project is missing - the company faces a fine of up to 250 thousand rubles, or suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

2. How are pollutant emissions generated?

Here is a list of the sources of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere:

  • Organized

Those sources of emissions of pollutants entering the air through specially constructed technical devices.

  • Unorganized

Sources from which emissions come in the form of undirected gas flows when the tightness of the equipment is broken, or errors occur in the operation of gas collection equipment at the places of loading, unloading, storage of raw materials, materials, products and other substances.

  • Spot

These are organized sources of emissions. At the same time, harmful pollutants enter the atmospheric air from the installed hole.

  • Linear

Emissions from such sources enter the atmosphere through an established line.

  • Area

These are unorganized sources, emissions of pollutants from which enter the air from an established limited surface.

  • Mobile

Sources with organized or fugitive emissions during their movement in the environment.

It is important to note that there are two main characteristics of emissions. These characteristics describe what substances and how exactly they enter the atmospheric air:

Quantitative characteristics emissions (list of substances and their quantity per year and second);

– Qualitative characteristics of emissions (applies only to organized sources - speed, temperature, volume per second).

As a rule, before determining the qualitative and quantitative composition of pollutant emissions from sources, it is necessary to justify the method for determining the composition and quantity of harmful emissions. Next, sampling sites are set up in accordance with the law. After that, the characteristics of emissions are determined in accordance with the adopted method (as well as single (g/s) and gross (t/g) emission values).

3. Calculation of pollutant emissions

Today, the regulatory and methodological framework for the protection of atmospheric air is actively developing. This includes many issues: inventory of emissions of harmful substances into the atmospheric air using both instrumental and calculation methods, organizing and conducting calculations of air pollution, generating proposals for permissible emission standards (APE), as well as determining the frequency of production control over compliance with established standards. emission standards and volumes of emission regulation during periods of non-standard conditions.

Calculation of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere- This is a simple process, but it requires special attention to detail. At the beginning, an inventory of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere is carried out at the enterprise. As a result of this procedure, sources of emissions (which we described earlier) are identified. Emission inventory is carried out in accordance with the requirements Art. 22 of the Federal Law of May 4, 1999 No. 96-FZ “On the Protection of Atmospheric Air”(as amended on July 29, 2018; hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 96-FZ).

On April 26, 2019, a new procedure for conducting an inventory of stationary sources of emissions of harmful pollutants into the atmospheric air (VZV Inventory), established by By Order of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources dated August 7, 2018 No. 352. The inventory is carried out by environmentalists at the enterprise, or this service can be ordered from a specialized organization that develops project documentation in the field of ecology. Based on the results of the inventory, a report is compiled.

Next, each source has its own calculation method. Please note that since each emission source has its own methodology, it is necessary to request data for calculation. As a rule, the calculation of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere is carried out using Integral programs.

Development of the MPE project

As we described earlier, the MPE is an indicator of a permissible harmful substance in the atmospheric air, which reflects the volume and mass of pollutants permissible for emission from stationary sources.

Permissible emission standards, in a broad sense, are established in order to regulate environmental safety in the country. The mass of harmful substances is measured in grams, the concentration of harmful substances is measured in milligrams per cubic meter, the concentration at the outlet of the source is in grams per cubic meter.

The accuracy of the results of calculating pollutant emission standards depends on how accurately the sources of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere are determined (and, therefore, calculations are carried out for inventory).

Particular attention should be paid to taking into account the non-stationary nature of emissions over time. The lack of information about the temporary operating conditions of workshops, areas of enterprises, and the time variability of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of emissions at the stages of large technological processes often leads to an unjustified overestimation of emissions and MPE and EAC standards.

4. New requirements for objects of categories I-IV

From January 1, 2019, regulation and control of business entities is carried out on the basis of a new approach, which involves assigning certain categories to enterprises as objects that have a negative impact on the environment (NEI). There are 4 such categories in total, they differ in the degree of impact on the environment. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 28, 2015 N 1029 establishes criteria for dividing objects into categories.

Based on current changes to objects Category I Emissions are permitted only on the basis of a comprehensive environmental permit ( KER). Objects II category To make emissions you need to have an environmental impact declaration ( DVOS). III category prepares a report on emissions of harmful substances. IV category negative impact is enough to carry out inventory object.

Pollutant emissions– a particularly pressing topic for the environment. Violations of enterprises and production facilities regarding emissions are seriously suppressed by supervisory authorities. In addition to your budget and reputation, the environment may suffer.

EcoPromCenter specialists strongly recommend paying special attention to what and how your enterprise “throws away”. You can entrust us with the development and, most importantly, coordination of all necessary environmental reporting. All you need to do is make one click.

GOST R 56167-2014



Method for calculating damage from an industrial enterprise to environmental objects

Air pollution emissions. Method of prejudice calculation from industrial enterprise environment objects

OKS 13.020.01

Date of introduction 2015-07-01



1 DESIGNED Open joint stock company"Research Institute for Atmospheric Air Protection"

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 409 "Environmental Protection natural environment"

3 APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 14, 2014 N 1325-st


5 REPUBLICATION. October 2019

The rules for the application of this standard are established in Article 26 of the Federal Law of June 29, 2015 N 162-FZ "On Standardization in the Russian Federation" . Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) information index " National standards", and the official text of changes and amendments - in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notification will be published in the next issue of the monthly information index "National Standards". The relevant information, notification and texts are posted also in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet (www.gost.ru)

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes a method for calculating damage caused by emissions of pollutants from a specific industrial enterprise to environmental objects, ecological systems, building structures, monuments and agricultural crops.

This standard is intended for employees of environmental protection departments of enterprises, specialists from research, design and other organizations involved in the protection of atmospheric air in the environment, as well as environmental protection bodies and services of the administrations of cities and regions of Russia.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following standards:

GOST ISO/IEC 17025 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019 is in effect.

GOST R 8.563 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Measurement techniques (methods)

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If an undated reference standard is replaced, it is recommended that the current version of that standard be used, taking into account any changes made to that version. If a dated reference standard is replaced, it is recommended to use the version of that standard with the year of approval (adoption) indicated above. If, after the approval of this standard, a change is made to the referenced standard to which a dated reference is made that affects the provision referred to, it is recommended that that provision be applied without regard to that change. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given is recommended to be applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 General provisions

3.1 This standard applies to the following main types of damage to the environment:

- atmospheric air pollution by organized emissions of pollutants from stationary sources of pollution;

- atmospheric air pollution by unorganized emissions of pollutants from stationary sources of pollution.

3.2 The collection of data necessary to determine the calculation of damage caused by emissions of pollutants of a particular enterprise to environmental objects, ecological systems, building structures, monuments and agricultural crops and the registration of the results is carried out jointly with specialized organizations certified and (or) accredited in the prescribed manner, and also by specialized research institutes.

3.3 Exceeding the established standards for emissions of pollutants is established using the following methods:

- instrumental method based on measurements of parameters of pollutant emissions carried out by an analytical laboratory whose technical competence meets the requirements of GOST ISO/IEC 17025 using methods that have passed metrological certification in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 8.563;

- calculation method based on methods for calculating emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, recommended for use in standardizing and determining the amount of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.

3.4 The fact that the standard for a single emission of a pollutant at a source of pollution has been exceeded is considered established if the difference between the actual power of a single emission of this pollutant, taking into account the error of its measurement, exceeds the maximum permissible value.

3.5 The costs necessary to determine the amount of damage are determined on the basis of data on the cost of the main types of work and (or) on the basis of data on the actual costs incurred to determine the amount of damage caused.

The costs necessary to assess the damage caused include the costs of the following work:

- sampling and conducting laboratory analyzes of the content of components in samples;

- assessment of the distribution of pollutants in the atmospheric air;

- drawing up estimates for the implementation of work to eliminate the damage caused and its consequences;

- assessing damage and calculating losses;

- carrying out other types of work, the implementation of which is related to the assessment of damage and calculation of losses.

4 Procedure for calculating damage

4.1 Determination of the amount of pollutant emissions into the atmospheric air

4.1.1 If there is a permit for the release of pollutants into the atmospheric air by a stationary source of pollution, the amount of pollutant emission in tons is calculated using the formula

where is the emission value of the th pollutant established at the time of monitoring compliance with established emission standards; determined by instrumental method, g/s;

- the value of the standard permissible emission of the th pollutant established in the permit for the emission of pollutants of the enterprise [maximum permissible emission, emission limit (temporarily agreed upon emission)], g/s;

- duration of the release of a pollutant from the moment of detection until the release ceases, h;

An example of the calculation is given in Appendix A.

4.1.2 In the absence of a permit to emit pollutants into the atmospheric air, the amount of pollutant emitted in tons is calculated using the formula

where is the value of a one-time emission of the th pollutant, established at the time of monitoring compliance with established emission standards, g/s;

- duration of the release of a pollutant from the moment the release is detected until it stops, h;

278 is the conversion factor for grams to tons and seconds to hours.

4.1.3 In case of malfunction or non-use (shutdown) of treatment plants, the calculation of the value of pollutant emissions is carried out in accordance with 6.1 or according to the input characteristics specified in the passport for a specific gas treatment facility. The malfunction of treatment plants is equated to their non-operational state.

4.1.4 In case of emergency releases of pollutants (releases carried out during emergency situations), the amount of pollutant is determined as the value of the release of the pollutant according to formula (2) or as the value of the release of the pollutant, established by calculation based on the characteristics of the process equipment and records of the situation parameters in the accounting documentation of the natural resource user, if maintained, as well as taking into account the duration of emissions.

4.1.5 The duration of a pollutant release, including an emergency one, is determined from the moment of detection until the end of the release.

The moment of the beginning of the release is determined from the date of establishment of the fact of excess release in the following documents:

- in the inspection report;

- in the protocol for the analytical study of air samples.

Note - The inspection report contains information on the nature user's compliance with environmental requirements in the field of environmental protection during the placement, construction, reconstruction, commissioning, operation, conservation and liquidation of buildings, structures and other objects.

The end of the emission is considered to be the date of registration with the executive authority carrying out public administration in the field of environmental protection, a report on the elimination of violations that led to damage, with the provision of the results of an analytical study of the atmospheric air environment, carried out at the same points where the violations listed in 4.1 were previously established.

In the event of repeated establishment of the fact of damage (identification of an excess release), the end point of the release is determined according to the data of the laboratory involved by the executive body exercising public administration in the field of environmental protection, and the duration of the release is determined from the moment of its initial detection.

5 Calculation of damage caused by emissions of pollutants from an industrial enterprise

5.1 Calculation of damage, in rubles, caused by emissions of pollutants from a particular enterprise to environmental objects, ecological systems, building structures, monuments and agricultural crops, calculated using the formula

where - specific costs for capturing and (or) neutralizing the th substance are calculated using formula (4), rub./t;

- pollutant;

- the amount of pollutants contained in emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air;

- the amount of the th pollutant, determined by formulas (1) and (2) for each pollutant, t;

- costs necessary to determine the amount of damage, rub.

5.2 Calculation of unit costs for the capture and (or) neutralization of the th substance, in rubles per ton, calculated using the formula

where are the costs of purchasing and installing equipment for the capture and (or) neutralization of the th pollutant, determined by market prices for similar treatment equipment that is used or should be used at the source, and work on installing the equipment, rubles;

- mass of the th pollutant captured by treatment equipment per year, i.e.

5.3 If there is cleaning equipment designed to clean the air from several pollutants simultaneously, the calculation of the unit costs for capturing and (or) neutralizing the th substance contained in emissions, in rubles per ton, is calculated using the formula

where are the costs of purchasing and installing equipment designed to purify the air from several pollutants at the same time, determined by market prices for similar purification equipment that is used or should be used at the source, and work on installing the equipment, rubles;

- the amount of pollutants captured by the treatment equipment at the same time;

- mass of the th pollutant captured behind cleaning equipment designed to clean the air from several pollutants simultaneously, t;

- coefficient of reduction of the mass of the th pollutant to conventional tons, taking into account its relative danger, calculated by the formula

where is the maximum permissible concentration of the th pollutant.

5.4 In the absence of data on market prices for similar treatment equipment that is used or should be used at the source, the calculation of damage caused by air pollution from stationary sources of pollution, in rubles, is calculated using the formula

where is the coefficient for calculating the amount of damage caused by emissions of pollutants, depending on the industry to which the industrial enterprise belongs, determined according to Table B.1 of Appendix B, rub./t;

- mass of the th pollutant, determined by formulas (1) and (2) for each pollutant, t;

- indicator taking into account inflation, calculated using formula (8);

- costs of establishing the fact of damage and assessing the size of the negative impact, calculated using formula (9), rub.;

- pollutant;

- the amount of pollutants contained in emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air.

An example of calculating damage caused as a result of air pollution by stationary sources of pollution is given in Appendix A.

where is the inflation rate established at the federal level for the year in which the amount of damage is calculated.

where are the costs of sampling and conducting laboratory analyzes of the content of components in samples, taking into account overhead costs, rubles;

- costs associated with determining the amount of damage, rub.;

- costs for assessing the distribution of pollutants in the atmospheric air and their subsequent impact on the population, fixed assets, related industries, rubles;

- costs associated with settlements, rub.;

- other costs, rub.

Appendix A (for reference). An example of calculating excess hydrocarbon emissions and determining the amount of damage caused by a stationary source of pollution

Appendix A

A.1 At the enterprise, within 30 days, there was an excess emission of hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, xylenes, ethylbenzene and phenol) from a stationary source.

In accordance with 4.1, the calculation of excess hydrocarbon emissions using formula (1) is calculated as follows:

Thus, over 30 days, 6.9045 tons of pollutants entered the atmospheric air.

A.2 In accordance with 5.4, the calculation of the amount of damage caused by a stationary source of pollution according to formula (7) is performed as follows, while the costs are taken equal to zero

Thus, the amount of damage caused by emissions of pollutants from a particular enterprise to environmental objects, ecological systems, building structures, monuments and agricultural crops, without taking into account costs, is equal to 1,191,026.2 rubles.

Appendix B (mandatory). Coefficients for calculating the amount of damage caused by emissions of pollutants depending on the industry

Appendix B

Table B.1 - Coefficient for calculating the amount of damage caused by emissions of pollutants depending on the industry to which the industrial enterprise belongs, in thousands of rubles per 1 ton

Industries, production

ny substances

Group of pollutants


Substances of hazard class I

Other substances

Ferrous metallurgy

Non-ferrous metallurgy

Mechanical engineering, metalworking production

Automotive production (including enterprises for the repair and maintenance of vehicles)

Radio-electronic production

Oil refining production (including gas stations)

Chemical and petrochemical production

Production of rubber products

Chemical-pharmaceutical and perfume production

Glass and ceramic production

Production of synthetic resins and products made from them

Food industry

Production of tobacco products

Textile and weaving production

Ferrous metallurgy

Woodworking and pulp and paper production

Furniture manufacture

Printing production

Production of building materials and asphalt

Burning garbage

Energy facilities (boiler houses, thermal power plants, thermal stations, etc.)

Other industries

* Other substances include other pollutants for which maximum permissible concentration values ​​or estimated safe exposure levels (SAEL) in the atmospheric air of populated areas have been established.


UDC 504.054:504.3.054:006.354

OKS 13.020.01

Key words: pollutant emissions, atmosphere, damage, industrial enterprises, environment

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2019

Document's name:
Document Number: 183
Document type:
Receiving authority: Government of the Russian Federation
Status: Active
Acceptance date: 02 March 2000
Start date: 02 March 2000
Revision date: July 14, 2017



On standards for emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air and harmful physical effects on it

Document with changes made:
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 14, 2007 N 229 (Collection of legislation Russian Federation, N 17, 04/23/2007);
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 22, 2009 N 351 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, N 18, 05/04/2009, (Part II));
(Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, No. 9, 02/28/2011);
(Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, No. 37, 09/10/2012);
(Official Internet portal of legal information www.pravo.gov.ru, 06/10/2013);
(Official Internet portal of legal information www.pravo.gov.ru, 07.19.2017, N 0001201707190045).

In order to implement Articles 12 and 14 of the Federal Law "On the Protection of Atmospheric Air", the Government of the Russian Federation


1. Approve the attached Regulations on standards for emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air and harmful physical effects on it.

2. Determine what the Ministry natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation (paragraph as amended; as amended:

develops and approves methods (procedures) for determining standards for emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances (except for radioactive substances) into the atmosphere and temporarily agreed upon emissions; *2.1.2)
(The paragraph was supplemented by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 15, 2011 N 78; as amended, put into effect on July 27, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2017 N 841.

approves the maximum permissible standards for harmful physical effects on atmospheric air, with the exception of the maximum permissible standards for harmful physical effects that have bad influence on human health, methods for determining these standards and the types of sources for which they are established;

paragraph has become invalid since July 27, 2017 - .

3. The clause has lost force since July 27, 2017 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2017 N 841..

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation

REGULATIONS on standards for emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air and harmful physical effects on it

Government resolution
Russian Federation
dated March 2, 2000 N 183

1. These Regulations determine the procedure for developing and approving standards for emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air, harmful physical effects on the atmospheric air and temporarily agreed upon emissions, as well as issuing permits for emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air.
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 14, 2017 N 841.

2. In accordance with the Federal Law "On the Protection of Atmospheric Air" in order to government regulation emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air, the following emission standards are established:

technical standard for the emission of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air (hereinafter referred to as the technical standard for emission);

the maximum permissible emission of a harmful (pollutant) substance into the atmospheric air (hereinafter referred to as the maximum permissible emission).

3. Technical emission standards for certain types of stationary sources of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air, as well as for transport or other mobile vehicles and installations of all types that are sources of atmospheric air pollution, are established by technical regulations (clause as amended by the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 14, 2007 N 229.

4. The clause has lost force since July 27, 2017 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2017 N 841..

5. When developing standards for emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances (except for radioactive substances) into the atmospheric air, methods for determining maximum permissible emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances in the atmospheric air, approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, are used.

The development of standards for emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances (except for radioactive substances) into the atmospheric air is carried out in accordance with the methods for determining standards for emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the air, established by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation.

Standards for emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air are determined in relation to harmful (pollutant) substances included in the list of pollutants in respect of which state regulatory measures in the field of environmental protection are applied, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 8, 2015 N 1316-r.

When developing standards for maximum permissible emissions of radioactive substances into the atmospheric air, methods (procedures) approved by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision are used.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on July 27, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2017 N 841.

6. Maximum permissible emissions for a specific stationary source of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air and a legal entity, individual entrepreneur as a whole or its individual production areas, taking into account all sources of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air specified by the legal entity, individual entrepreneur or their individual production areas, background air pollution and technical emission standards are established by the territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (except for radioactive substances) and the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (in relation to emissions of radioactive substances) in the presence of sanitary -epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of these maximum permissible emissions with sanitary rules
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 14, 2017 N 841.

Compliance of maximum permissible emissions with sanitary rules is determined based on compliance with hygienic air quality standards.
(Paragraph additionally included on July 27, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2017 N 841)
(Clause as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 14, 2007 N 229; as amended

7. If it is impossible for a legal entity or individual entrepreneur that has sources of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances (except for radioactive substances) into the atmosphere to comply with maximum permissible emissions, the territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources may establish for these sources in agreement with territorial bodies of other federal executive authorities temporarily agreed upon emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air (hereinafter referred to as temporarily agreed upon emissions).

To establish temporarily agreed emissions (except for radioactive substances), a legal entity or individual entrepreneur develops and approves a plan for reducing emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the air for the period of gradual achievement of maximum permissible emissions (hereinafter referred to as the plan), and also prepares proposals for possible deadlines gradual achievement of maximum permissible emissions (hereinafter, respectively, proposals for the time frame for achieving standards, time frame for achieving standards).

Proposals on the time frame for achieving standards for other facilities that have a negative impact on the environment cannot exceed 7 years.

The plan and proposals on the time frame for achieving the standards are sent by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur to the relevant territorial body of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources, which submits proposals on the time frame for achieving the standards to the relevant government body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for approval with the plan attached.

The government body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, within a period not exceeding 15 working days from the date of receipt of proposals on the time frame for achieving the standards, sends to the relevant territorial body of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Natural Resources the approved time limits for achieving the standards or a reasoned refusal to approve them.

The submission of these documents and information can be carried out, including in electronic form, using a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 8, 2010 N 697 “On the unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction”.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on July 27, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2017 N 841.

7_1. The grounds for refusal by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to approve deadlines for achieving standards are the provision of incomplete, unreliable or distorted information, as well as:

a) failure to comply with the deadlines for achieving the standards specified in the plan approved for the previous year;

b) re-inclusion in the plan of activities not completed during the implementation of the plan approved for the previous year;

c) inclusion in the plan of measures that do not ensure the achievement of maximum permissible emissions.
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2017 N 841)

7_2. Temporarily agreed emissions for the period of gradual achievement of maximum permissible emissions are established by the territorial body of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources within a period not exceeding 30 working days from the date of receipt of the deadlines for achieving standards approved by the state authority of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
(The paragraph was additionally included on July 27, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2017 N 841)

8. The development of maximum permissible and temporarily agreed upon emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances (except for radioactive substances) is ensured by a legal entity, individual entrepreneur, having stationary sources of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air, on the basis of project documentation (in relation to those under construction, commissioned for the operation of new and (or) reconstructed objects of economic and other activities) and inventory data of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the air (in relation to existing objects of economic and other activities).
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 27, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2017 N 841.

The development of maximum permissible emissions of radioactive substances is ensured by a legal entity, individual entrepreneur, who has stationary sources of emissions of radioactive substances into the atmospheric air on the basis of design documentation (in relation to new and (or) reconstructed objects of economic and other activities being put into operation) and inventory data of radioactive substances emissions into the atmospheric air (in relation to existing economic and other activities).
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 27, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2017 N 841.
(Clause as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 15, 2011 N 78.

9. Standards for maximum permissible emissions and temporarily agreed upon emissions (with the exception of radioactive substances) are established by the territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources for a specific stationary source of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the air and their totality (the organization as a whole).

Standards for maximum permissible emissions of radioactive substances are established by territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision for a specific stationary source and their totality (the organization as a whole).
(Clause as amended, put into effect on July 27, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2017 N 841.

9_1. To establish standards for maximum permissible emissions and temporarily agreed upon emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances (except for radioactive substances), legal entities and individual entrepreneurs with stationary sources submit to the territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources at the place of their economic and other activities. a statement on establishing standards for maximum permissible emissions, containing the following information:

a) full and abbreviated name in accordance with the constituent documents, legal form, place of state registration, location, telephone number, email address (if available), main state registration number, individual taxpayer number - for a legal entity, as well as last name , first name, patronymic (if available), place of residence, telephone, email address (if available), details of the main identification document, main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur, individual taxpayer number - for an individual entrepreneur;

b) location of individual production areas;

c) information on background air pollution, on the basis of which the concentrations of harmful (pollutant) substances in the atmospheric air were calculated;

d) availability of a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion on compliance of maximum permissible emissions with sanitary rules.
(The paragraph was additionally included on July 27, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2017 N 841)

9_2. The following materials are attached to the application:

a) data on the inventory of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air - in relation to existing facilities of economic and other activities, or data from project documentation - in relation to new and (or) reconstructed facilities of economic and other activities under construction, commissioning;

b) draft maximum permissible emissions.
(The paragraph was additionally included on July 27, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2017 N 841)

9_3. To establish temporarily agreed emissions, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, in addition to the information specified in paragraph 9_2 of these Regulations, also submit a draft plan.
(The paragraph was additionally included on July 27, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2017 N 841)

9_4. To establish standards for maximum permissible emissions and temporarily agreed upon emissions, the specified legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can submit an application and documents in the form of an electronic document, signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature using the federal state information system"Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)."
(The paragraph was additionally included on July 27, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2017 N 841)

9_5. The territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources review the application, materials and draft plan submitted by legal entities, individual entrepreneurs to establish standards for maximum permissible emissions or temporarily agreed upon emissions and make a decision to establish standards for maximum permissible emissions and temporarily agreed upon emissions or a decision to refuse their establishment (with a reasoned justification).
(The paragraph was additionally included on July 27, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2017 N 841)

9_6. The grounds for refusal to establish standards for maximum permissible emissions are the provision of incomplete, unreliable or distorted information, as well as:

a) the presence of information, confirmed by the results of state supervision in the field of atmospheric air protection, about the unreliability of the submitted data on the inventory of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air (on the quantitative and qualitative composition of emissions, as well as on the characteristics of emission sources);

b) discrepancy between the data used in the development of the draft standards for maximum permissible emissions, the data of the project documentation (in relation to new and (or) reconstructed facilities of economic and other activities under construction, commissioning) or data from the inventory of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air ( in relation to existing facilities of economic and other activities), including an indication of an incomplete list of emitted harmful (pollutant) substances;

c) the presence of arithmetic errors in the developed draft standards for maximum permissible emissions (taking into account measurement errors);

d) the presence in the developed draft standards of maximum permissible emissions of substances, the volume or mass of emissions of which exceed the maximum permissible emissions.
(The paragraph was additionally included on July 27, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2017 N 841)

9_7. The grounds for refusal to establish temporarily agreed emissions are:

a) provision of incomplete, unreliable or distorted information to establish temporarily agreed emissions;

b) reasoned refusal of state authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to approve deadlines for achieving standards;

c) indicating as the final indicators of the plan the volumes or masses of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances exceeding the maximum permissible emissions.
(The paragraph was additionally included on July 27, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2017 N 841)

9_8. The establishment of standards for maximum permissible emissions and temporarily agreed upon emissions (with the exception of radioactive substances) is formalized by a decision of the territorial body of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources in a form approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation.
(The paragraph was additionally included on July 27, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2017 N 841)

9_9. Standards for maximum permissible emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances (except for radioactive substances) are established for 7 years.

Temporarily agreed emissions (with the exception of radioactive substances) are established for the time limits for achieving standards approved by the state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The establishment of standards for maximum permissible emissions and temporarily agreed upon emissions (with the exception of radioactive substances) is formalized by a decision of the territorial body of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources in a form approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation.
(The paragraph was additionally included on July 27, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2017 N 841)

9_10. Territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources, within 5 working days after establishing standards for maximum permissible emissions and temporarily agreed upon emissions (except for radioactive substances), send a copy of the decision on their establishment to the relevant government body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and also inform the territorial body Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare on the establishment of temporarily agreed emissions and deadlines for achieving standards.

Territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision inform the state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation about the standards for maximum permissible emissions of radioactive substances into the atmospheric air established for stationary sources located at facilities of economic and other activities.

Emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances (except for radioactive substances) into the atmospheric air from stationary sources located at economic and other activity sites subject to federal state environmental supervision are permitted on the basis of a permit issued by the territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources.

Permission for emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances (except for radioactive substances) into the atmospheric air by stationary sources located at economic and other activity sites subject to federal state environmental supervision is issued simultaneously with the establishment of standards for maximum permissible emissions and temporarily approved emissions.

A permit for emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances (except for radioactive substances) into the atmospheric air is issued for a period corresponding to the period for which the standards for maximum permissible emissions are established.

A permit for temporarily approved emissions (with the exception of radioactive substances) is issued for 1 year, subject to the implementation of the plan by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur and the achievement of planned indicators for the gradual reduction of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the air.

Emissions of radioactive substances into the atmospheric air from stationary sources located at facilities of economic and other activities are permitted on the basis of a permit issued by the territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision.

Emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances (except for radioactive substances) into the atmospheric air from stationary sources located at objects of economic and other activities, subject to regional state environmental supervision, are allowed on the basis of a permit issued by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the region environmental protection.
(The paragraph was additionally included on July 27, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2017 N 841)

10. The form of permission for emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances (except for radioactive substances) into the atmospheric air is approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation (paragraph as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 14, 2007 N 229; as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 22, 2009 N 351; supplemented by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 15, 2011 N 78.

The procedure for issuing and the form of permits for the release of radioactive substances into the atmosphere are approved by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (the paragraph was additionally included by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 15, 2011 N 78).

11. Sources of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air and lists of harmful (pollutant) substances subject to state registration and regulation for legal entities, the territory of urban and other settlements and their parts, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federation as a whole are established on the basis data on the results of the inventory of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air and their sources in the manner determined by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation (clause as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 14, 2007 N 229; as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 22, 2009 N 351.

12. Standards for harmful physical effects on atmospheric air are established by permits issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources and the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, as approved respectively by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation and the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sector consumer protection and human welfare form.
(Clause as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 14, 2007 N 229; as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 22, 2009 N 351; as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 15, 2011 N 78; as amended from September 18, 2012 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 4, 2012 N 882; as amended, put into effect on June 18, 2013 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 5, 2013 N 476.

13. For the issuance of permits for emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air and harmful physical impacts on the atmospheric air, fees may be charged in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

On standards for emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air and harmful physical effects on it (as amended as of July 14, 2017)

Document's name: On standards for emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air and harmful physical effects on it (as amended as of July 14, 2017)
Document Number: 183
Document type: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
Receiving authority: Government of the Russian Federation
Status: Active
Published: Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, No. 11, 03/13/2000, Art. 1180
Acceptance date: 02 March 2000
Start date: 02 March 2000
Revision date: July 14, 2017

Description of the content set

The data set “Emissions of the most common air pollutants from stationary sources” contains information on the amount of emissions of the most common air pollutants in the city of Moscow. The data is presented on the basis of the annual statistical collection “State of Atmospheric Air in the City of Moscow”, published by the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for Moscow (Mosgorstat). The indicators are given for legal entities that have stationary sources of emissions of pollutants into the air.

Basic concepts:

release source - construction, technical device, equipment that release harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air

stationary source - a source of release, the location of which is determined using a unified state coordinate system or which can be moved by a mobile source

The current situation in Russia.

Today in Russia there is a decrease in emissions of pollutants. The dynamics and changes in the overall structure of emissions of harmful substances are presented in the Russian Statistical Yearbook of the Federal State Service.

According to regular observations of Roshydromet for the period 2011 – 2015. The annual average concentrations of suspended solids, nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide decreased by 8-15%.

The current situation in Moscow.

According to the Moscow City Statistics Service, there are 457 enterprises operating in the territory of Moscow, with less than 30 thousand registered stationary sources of pollutant emissions into the air. On this moment on the territory of the city of Moscow there is a negative dynamics of numerical indicators characterizing the emission of the most common air pollutants emanating from stationary sources 6.9% from 2014 to 2016.

Table “Emissions of the most common air pollutants emanating from stationary sources” Moscow. (thousand tons).






gaseous and liquid

of them

sulfur dioxide

nitrogen oxides



hydrocarbon (no VOC)

volatile organic compounds































Do you know what?

In Moscow, the law “On Environmental Monitoring in the City of Moscow” and the Moscow Government Decree No. 866-PP dated 08.11.2005 “On the functioning of the Unified Environmental Monitoring System and the practical use of environmental monitoring data” are being implemented, the most significant from the point of view of anthropogenic impact on the environment. Industrial enterprises are required to create automated systems for direct instrumental measurements of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere at organized sources.

Sources of pollutant emissions that are most likely to produce excess emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, as well as sources used in measures to reduce emissions of pollutants under unfavorable meteorological conditions, are subject to equipment with automated control means.

Automated local environmental monitoring systems provide continuous automatic monitoring of the main characteristics of pollutant emissions - the amount of emissions of nitrogen dioxide and nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen chloride, sulfur dioxide, the sum of suspended solids, a mixture of saturated hydrocarbons C1-C5, hydrogen sulfide, flow rate, linear speed and temperature exhaust flue gases. The list of controlled parameters is determined individually, taking into account the composition of emissions from an industrial enterprise. The measurement results are transmitted in real time to the information and analytical center of the Unified State Environmental Monitoring System of the city of Moscow, the functions of which are performed by the State Budgetary Institution “Mosekomonitoring”.

At the moment, 55 industrial enterprises in Moscow are equipped with local environmental monitoring systems: 51 enterprises of the heat and power complex (11 Moscow thermal power plants, 40 district thermal stations), 3 waste incineration plants and one oil refinery of Gazpromneft-MNPZ JSC.

Analysis of the operation of control systems demonstrates their effectiveness in preventing unauthorized excess emissions. Thus, in 2016, based on the results of the control systems, 3 cases of exceeding MPE standards were recorded at enterprise emission sources, which is 15 times less than the same figure in 2011. At the same time, the total total excess emissions in 2016 decreased by more than 100 times compared to 2011 (from 1317 kg to 13 kg).

The material was prepared based on information: http://data. mos. ru /, http://moscow.gks.ru, State report “On the state and protection of the environment of the Russian Federation in 2015.”

(see text in the previous edition)

1. For the purpose of state regulation of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air, the following are established:

(see text in the previous edition)

maximum permissible emissions;

maximum permissible standards for harmful physical effects on atmospheric air;

technological emission standards;

technical emission standards.

2. Maximum permissible emissions are determined in relation to pollutants, the list of which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with legislation in the field of environmental protection, for a stationary source and (or) a set of stationary sources by calculation based on atmospheric air quality standards, taking into account the background level of pollution atmospheric air.

(see text in the previous edition)

2.1. When determining maximum permissible emissions (with the exception of emissions of radioactive substances), methods for calculating the dispersion of emissions of pollutants in the atmospheric air are used, approved by the federal executive body responsible for the production of public policy and legal regulation in the field of environmental protection. Methods for developing and establishing standards for maximum permissible emissions of radioactive substances into the atmosphere are approved by the body authorized to exercise federal state supervision in the field of atomic energy use.

2.2. Programs for electronic computers used to calculate the dispersion of emissions of pollutants in the atmospheric air (with the exception of emissions of radioactive substances) are subject to examination, which is carried out by the federal executive body in the field of hydrometeorology and related fields, in order to recognize the compliance of these programs with the formulas and calculation algorithms included in the approved methods for calculating the dispersion of pollutant emissions in atmospheric air.

The examination of a program for electronic computers used to calculate the dispersion of emissions of pollutants in the atmospheric air (with the exception of emissions of radioactive substances) is carried out at the expense of the copyright holder of such a program in the manner established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and regulatory legal regulation in the field of environmental protection.

The examination of the program for electronic computers used to calculate the dispersion of emissions of radioactive substances in the atmospheric air is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of atomic energy use.

2.3. The background level of atmospheric air pollution is determined on the basis of state monitoring data of atmospheric air in accordance with methodological guidelines approved by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of environmental protection. If there are summary calculations of air pollution in the territory settlement, its part or on the territory of an industrial (industrial) park in relation to pollutants for which state monitoring of atmospheric air is not carried out, the background level of atmospheric air pollution is determined on the basis of data from summary calculations of atmospheric air pollution.

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