Qian Long. Tea history in faces

Qian Long.  Tea history in faces

Qian-long - the name of the years of the reign of the emperor of the Daiqing dynasty now reigning in China, known in history under the posthumous name Gao-zong Shun-huang-di (1736 - 96). This bogdykhan was gifted with brilliant abilities and received an excellent education. As the head of the empire, he showed great administrative talent and unbending determination in pursuing the once set goal, as well as great concern for the material well-being and education of his subjects. In striving to establish peace, Ts.-lun, however, had to wage wars almost throughout his long reign, which often required a very significant effort, and often pacify the uprisings that broke out in different places. Military operations against the Zhungars and Burma proved to be especially difficult. After the death of Tsevan-rabtan, with whom Ts.-lun's predecessor had made peace, turmoil began among the Zhungars because of the khan's throne. During these troubles, three sons of Tsevan-Rabtan died; the throne passed to Davatsi, the grandson of Galdan, after which calm settled in Zhungaria for some time. Then, Davatsi had a quarrel with Amursana, another grandson of Galdan and a former associate of Davatsi. Amursana fled to the court of Ts.-lun, who decided to use this opportunity to subdue the Zhungars, who were always dangerous enemies of the Dai-ching dynasty. A large Chinese army was sent to assist Amursana. Davatsi was captured and sent in a cage to Beijing. The Chinese, contrary to Amursana's expectations, did not install him as khan instead of Davatsi, but divided Zhungaria into districts, subordinating them to separate rulers. Extremely dissatisfied with this outcome of the case, Amursan, as soon as most of the Chinese troops left, defeated the garrison left by the Chinese, and their leader, Bandi, died. Ts.-lun immediately sent an army against Amursana, who was defeated and fled to the Russian borders, where he died of smallpox. The Chinese slaughtered many Zhungars, resettling farmers from China proper in their place; Zhungaria was divided into 7 districts. Having subjugated this country, Ts.-lun, for strategic reasons, decided to extend his power to neighboring East Turkestan. This task turned out to be more difficult than the conquest of Zhungaria; the Chinese suffered a severe defeat, but then Kashgar and Yarkand were taken and the whole of East Turkestan fell into the hands of the Chinese (1761). The war with Burma arose because of a border tribe, which at first paid tribute to both the Chinese and the Burmese, but then rejected all dependence on the latter and was attacked by them. The Chinese supported this tribe (1766), which involved them in a dangerous struggle that went on with varying happiness and cost them twice as much as the conquest of Ili and East Turkestan. In the end, the Chinese managed to break the resistance of their rivals, who, as usual, were not shown mercy. In 1788, a revolution broke out in Annam, the king of which was forced to flee to China. Ts.-lun helped the fugitive, but this made Annam dependent on the Dai-ching dynasty. In 1790, the Nepalese invaded Tibet, with the aim of robbery; against them, at the request of the Dalai Lama, a Chinese army was sent. General Fu-guang-an defeated the Nepalese and, pursuing them into Nipal, forced them to recognize China's supremacy over them and agree to send tribute to the Peking court. In addition to these wars with neighboring peoples, which significantly expanded the boundaries of the empire's possessions, the Ts.-lun had to pacify a number of uprisings within the empire. At the very beginning of his reign, a rebellion broke out among foreigners in southwestern China, then in Hu-nan and Guang-si, in 1746 - in Si-chuan, in 1777 - in Shan-tung, in 1781 - among Muslims in Shen-si, in 1786 - on the island of Formosa, in 1795 - among the foreigners of the Miao-tzu in Gui-zhou and Hu-nan. All these uprisings, which assumed serious proportions, were suppressed with extraordinary cruelty. Under Ts.-moon, most of the Kalmyks (Torguts) returned from Russia, who, having experienced incredible difficulties and hardships on their way, were cordially received by the Manchus. After reigning for 60 years, during which the power of the Manchu dynasty reached its zenith, Ts.-long renounced the throne (1796) in favor of his son, who gave the years of his reign the name Jia-tsing, and died in 1799.

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - S.-Pb. Brockhaus-Efron.

One of the great admirers of tea was the Qing Emperor Qian Long. As they say, once his courtier hesitated to serve tea and then the emperor abdicated. One of his old advisers then said: "The state cannot be without a sovereign even for one day," to which Qian Long replied: "But the sovereign cannot do without tea for one day." But this is just a legend, in fact, Qian Long was preparing in advance to transfer the throne to his heir. Apparently, Qian Long thus altered the old Manchurian proverb “You can do without food for three days, but you cannot do without tea for one day.” And since the Manchus drank tea with milk, like many steppe peoples, the emperor himself, being a Manchu, preferred it, despite the abundance of fine teas supplied to the palace as a tribute.

To be precise, "Qian Long" is not a proper name, but the motto of the board, which means "Heavenly Prosperity." At birth, he received the name Hong Li, and when his father Yun Zheng ascended the throne, he became known as Prince Bao. There is a legend that in fact, he was not Yong Zheng's own son, but was taken from a noble family for his outstanding abilities. Emperor Kang Xi, Yong Zheng's father, was afraid that his own grandchildren would not be able to manage, since none of them lacked fortitude, and therefore advised taking Hong Li, who was distinguished by a clear mind, into the family.

Even as a child, he achieved great success in literary work, as well as in martial arts. Yong Zheng often invited his young heir to court meetings and wrote his name in his will in advance so that after death there would be no doubt about who would take the throne. When Yong Zheng died suddenly in 1736, the 26-year-old prince was enthroned and chose his reign motto in accordance with established tradition. He ruled for 60 years, only 1 year less than his beloved grandfather Kang Xi, and abdicated the throne in order to express his respect to him in this way. Qian Long lived to a ripe old age, dying at the age of 88. And such longevity is attributed precisely to the fact that the emperor was very fond of tea.

But he became famous not only for his love of tea, but also for his skillful government, as well as his education - in many gardens of Beijing there are stone steles with examples of his calligraphy. Under him, a huge library of a wide variety of books was collected, which were brought from all over the country. In fairness, it can be said that during the collection of books many manuscripts were destroyed, the content of which seemed doubtful to the authorities.

During his reign, the emperor collected a huge amount of art objects, ranging from paintings and calligraphy samples to ceramics, porcelain and bronze. It is said that at his tea banquets guests were served magnificent cups worthy of the finest tea, and he himself drank from jade dishes. Not only court officials were invited to these meetings, but also writers, poets, the flower of the cultural intelligentsia of the capital. Tea parties were specially arranged for composing poems. 18 people were selected, who during the reception each wrote a quatrain, and then took turns reading aloud while the emperor himself wrote down the resulting poem. Sometimes huge feasts were held, at which milk tea was served, boiled with salt, according to the steppe tradition. Moreover, for this drink they took both black tea, pu-erh, and yellow tea. Everything was prepared in advance and poured into silver vessels, and then poured into cups. In the 61st year of Qian Long's reign, a huge tea banquet was arranged for 8,000 people, to which officials of various ranks were invited, as well as representatives of foreign powers. Solemn tea parties celebrated all important events in palace life, whether it was a birthday or a public holiday.

Qian Long approached tea matters with great care. He devoted a lot of time to choosing good water for making tea. Like Lu Yu, he tried water from different sources and even made a reference silver scoop for water. According to his research, good water was light, and exactly one liang (50 grams) of water was placed in this vessel. The best source, in his opinion, was the Jade Spring in the vicinity of Beijing. This spring exists even now, it is located in a small garden in the Fragrant Mountains, only it is closed to the common people, or maybe it just dried up, its keepers are silent about this.

Qian Long is also associated with the Chinese custom of tapping on the table with two fingers, thanking for the poured tea. The emperor liked to travel around the country incognito, accompanied by only a few servants. As they say, once he and his companions stopped for the night in a small hotel. At the evening meal, the emperor himself poured tea, which in court life would mean great mercy on the part of the ruler and the servant would have to bow at the feet of the sovereign. But here, not wanting to betray the emperor, his escort only tapped the table with bent fingers, thus thanking for the tea.

On one of his trips, Qian Long visited Hangzhou, where he observed the collection of Long jing tea - "Dragon Well". Long Jing was included in the list of teas to be supplied to the imperial court by his grandfather, Emperor Kang Xi. At the same time, 18 tea trees were fenced and named "Imperial". And now there is a garden with famous trees on Shi Feng (“Lion's”) hill. In total, Qian Long made 6 trips to tea places, tried tea everywhere and selected the best varieties.

During the reign of Qian Long, the envoy of the English King George III, Lord McCartney, arrived in Beijing. He brought valuable gifts, which, however, did not meet with particular enthusiasm from the emperor, but he very graciously met the ambassador, rewarded him and welcomed him in the palace, where the lord was forced to participate in endless Chinese banquets, accompanied by milk tea. As they say, since then the British tradition has gone to drink tea with milk. This may seem like a joke, but nevertheless, a document has been preserved in which the ambassador was instructed to maximally strengthen the position of English merchants, who already at the end of the 19th century imported huge amounts of Chinese tea into England. The problem was that the Chinese were not interested in English goods, they had enough of their own, and in England the silver used to pay for tea was already running out. And then opium began to be imported into China, but this is another, and not at all a sad story for tea.

Alevtina Sharapova, 2008

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In the 18th century, the Qing Empire was at the zenith of its power. For most of the century, the country was ruled by Qianlong, the son of the Yongzheng Emperor, who ascended the throne at the age of 24 (in 1735) and ruled almost until the end of the century. During this period, for the first time faced with the problem of overpopulation. From about a hundred million people, the number of inhabitants jumped to three hundred million, resulting in a shortage of fertile arable land. This period of Chinese history was not without upheavals, but the events were not catastrophic: epidemics, famines and wars mowed down a relatively small number of people. Aisingyoro Hongli (Qianlong) severely suppressed popular unrest in Sichuan, personally led military expeditions in Mongolia and Xinjiang, and strengthened the influence of the Manchu dynasty in Tibet. Under Qianlong, the self-isolation of the Celestial Empire intensified, which in places was paranoid in nature.

"Classic" Emperor and Siku Quanshu

The death of Qianglong's father looked rather suspicious, possibly poisoning. However, in the history of the monarchies of those times, this was the norm. After the departure of Yongzheng, his son, Crown Prince Hongli, ascended the throne. During his reign, many popular today were built, including nearby, a copy of the Lhasa Potala in the city of Chengde (the original is depicted on a 50 bill), the restructuring of Marco Polo's bridge and others. Qianlong severely suppressed uprisings and pursued an aggressive foreign policy, often not achieving his goals. In general, the emperor, continuing the traditions of his illustrious ancestors, tried to manage everything himself and delved into all the nuances of the functioning of his own state.

While still the crown prince, Hongli received a classical Chinese education and, already on the throne, sought to imitate his grandfather Xuanye both in domestic matters and in foreign policy. The emperor also did a lot for Chinese culture. Under him, the Qing Imperial Library, the most grandiose publishing undertaking in Chinese history, was created. The project was called Siku Quanshu, "The Complete Collection of the Four Sections of Literature." Qianlong gathered 361 scholars in 1773 and instructed them to sort through and classify thousands of Chinese books, at the same time removing all anti-Manchu information from them. The result of the cultural project was to create an imperial library that surpassed the famous Yongle encyclopedia.

The work was carried out for nine years. All texts included in the library were sorted into four sections: "Classics" (classical literary canon), "Masters" (books on science and art, philosophical treatises), "History" (works on geography and history) and "Collections" (anthology of literature Celestial). In 1782, the imperial collection contained more than 36,000 volumes. Qianlong personally engaged in censorship and organized repressions against contemporary writers for "incorrect" texts. The resulting library was replicated in four copies by 3826 scribes. If you do, it is likely that you will hear about the best-preserved copy of the imperial library, located in the Forbidden City. One and a half thousand volumes are available in electronic form.

Qianlong and the West

Today in China there are many tourists from Europe and America who are interested in the Forbidden City, and other sights of the Middle Kingdom. In the XVIII century, the representatives of the West were not interested in the historical heritage of the ancient country. This was the age of the expansion of the Old World around the world, not excluding Southeast Asia. In the next century, attempts to resist the aggressive penetration of Europeans ended in two opium wars and the decline of the empire. Under Qianlong, western expansion was still successfully blocked. Maritime trade is limited to one port city, and a policy of self-isolation is actively pursued.

The Qing Empire annexed territories of about three million square kilometers and became the most powerful state in Southeast Asia. Qianlong, having conquered Tibet and subjugated Kashgar and Dzungaria, considers himself almost the ruler of the world, from his high throne looking at the Europeans swarming somewhere deep below. From the point of view of the Chinese monarchy of that time, the self-isolation of the Celestial Empire represented the "closure" of the state to "foreign barbarians." In fairness, the Europeans in colonial policy really behaved no better than the most backward barbarians. The bans applied not only to overseas guests, but also to their own citizens. So, local merchants were forbidden to sail on foreign ships and build large sea vessels. Moreover, the merchants of China were not even supposed to communicate with foreigners and they were not allowed to learn foreign languages. The only exception was a small group of merchants from the Gunhan guild.

Foreign economic activity was regulated very strictly, a huge number of such prohibitions were introduced, and severe punishment threatened those responsible for their failure to comply. Local residents who taught Chinese to foreigners were killed. Those who tried to settle on the coastal islands were forcibly relocated to the mainland, and the buildings they built were burned.

End of the Qianlong era

Despite the emperor's attempts to become an exemplary ruler, not everything was ideal. By the end of Qianlong's reign, corruption had reached cosmic proportions, and the country was on the verge of a large-scale conflict with Western powers. In 1796, the ruler was already 85 years old, and he physically could no longer fully lead the vast empire. Hongli does not consider it possible for himself to sit on the throne longer than his grandfather Xuanye, from whom he took an example in life, and resigns. Qianlong died four years later, just a few months before the beginning of the 19th century.

"18 Rejuvenating Exercises of Emperor Qianlong"

You Can't Get Sick Too
and not aging for a long time if you use
Health Secrets
Emperor Qian Long...

Because the Qian Long Gymnastics exercises will take care of all the basic
organs and systems of your body:

  • Balance the nervous system and relieve fatigue
  • Improve blood circulation, cleanse active channels;;
  • Activate metabolism and support the health of internal organs;
  • Strengthen muscles, bones and joints, improve peristalsis of the stomach and intestines;;
  • Slow down the decline in intelligence, improve the stability of emotions and interpersonal relationships;
  • Help restore wasted energy resources;;
  • Relieve muscle tension and fatigue;
  • They will direct energy and blood to the most remote corners of your body in order to cleanse them of the garbage accumulated there over the years.

Topic: Secrets of art not to get sick and not to age for a long time

In recent years, Qian Long gymnastics has become very popular in China. Especially among successful people - businessmen, politicians, intellectuals.

Because many people began to care their quality of life at older and older age.

In China, everyone retires at 60. Given the increase in average life expectancy, after retirement, a person opens up new perspectives and opportunities.

That's why no one wants to get old, decrepit and infirm ahead of time.

In search of ways to preserve health, people are increasingly turning to yanshen- the traditional Chinese art of nurturing life.

Because unlike traditional Chinese medicine, where a good doctor is indispensable, yanshen methods allow deal with many health problems and prevent the onset of most chronic diseases.

But if the hallmark of Chinese medicine can be called acupuncture - treatment with needles, then the hallmark of yanshen is exercises.

Chinese emperor Qian Long - developed a health promotion system and was famous for active longevity

Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of yanshen exercises and each of them is effective in its own way, choosing the optimal set of exercises for yourself is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

And that's why…

Let's say you're a maximalist. Want to get the very best. You say pick me up the best and most complete a set of yanshen exercises. I want to take my health seriously.

But when you get all these exercises, do you have the strength and time to master them? How about practicing regularly?

You are most likely to be in a situation "Many knowledge, many sorrows".

Or another person. He is always unsure of himself. He doubts everything. Even the simplest exercises will give rise to questions in his head: Will I be able to learn them? Will I be able to practice? Is it too difficult for me?

Well, between these two examples there can be a whole host of intermediate options. It is not for nothing that they say that each person is unique.

That is why health programs such as Qian Long's gymnastics are worth their weight in gold by those who think seriously about the quality of your life in older and older age and began to search for effective methods to solve this problem.

And that's why…

Developed by the best doctors of their time for Emperor Qian Long,
these exercises reflect the reference approach of traditional Chinese medicine
to the preservation of the health of the main organs and systems of the human body.

The impact of each 18 complex exercises It is aimed at harmonizing the body by activating active points and channels from the crown of the head to the tips of the toes.

In other words, this is the case when simplicity and complexity perfectly balanced- it is no longer possible to make it easier, since the effectiveness of the practice will suffer, but there is no point in making it more difficult, since the main task has been solved.

What was the task of Emperor Qian Long, practicing these exercises every day throughout his life?

We will answer this question very soon, but first, let's see what Qian Long remembered for the descendants? Why is it so popular in modern China?

Yes, he was a successful ruler, but ordinary people are not interested in this. And its active longevity. He ruled for many years. I managed to catch the fourth generation of my grandchildren.

He was fond of calligraphy, poetry, was a connoisseur and connoisseur of tea.

Until a very old age, he personally visited the most remote provinces, which required excellent health, because these are dozens of days of travel ...

Despite being busy, Emperor Qian Long knew how to enjoy life

That is why the researchers believe that the correct lifestyle (he always took “one hundred steps” after dinner around his favorite tree, observed the rules of shichen, was moderate in food and pleasures) and unique gymnastics allowed him to maintain a clear mind and a healthy body until old age. lead an active life and govern the country.

That's why Qian Long's gymnastics is getting today second birth. After all, modern man can afford to lead almost the same life as the emperor of antiquity.

To do this, he needs to think about maintaining health, to be an active member of society even in old age, to enjoy life and enjoy the wisdom and harmony of old age.

After all, no one wants to become decrepit and infirm ahead of time, causing only pity and sympathy for a person.

1. Gymnastics by Qian Long will cleanse your active channels, wake up your muscles, relieve stiffness and discomfort in the joints, restore blood circulation, increase blood flow to the brain...

This means that his cells will receive additional oxygen.

2. It will give you a boost of energy, enhance your mental performance...

It will improve concentration and memory, allow you to produce a large amount of endorphins - "happiness hormones" that will provide you with a good mood.

3. But the main effect of Qian Long's gymnastics practice will be on your body...

The spine, joints of the arms and legs, muscles, ligaments and tendons, the most important internal organs and systems of the body.

4. Once you start doing these simple and accessible exercises for a person of any age ...

Performing which is much easier than doing any other type of physical activity, you will immediately feel a surge of energy, a rapid improvement in well-being and mood, lightness in the body and peace in the heart. And this is just the beginning...

Because the practice of gymnastics
Qian Long will help you:

Bring the nervous system into harmonious balance and relieve fatigue

Performing Qian Long gymnastics will bring the nervous system into harmonious balance and relieve fatigue.

Research conducted at the Daoyin Yangshengong Research Center of Beijing Sports University convincingly showed that the regular practice of Qian Long Gymnastics is one of the most effective ways to maintain harmonious work autonomic nervous system and eliminate the imbalance between its departments.

The modern lifestyle of most people creates conditions for the dominance of sympathetic nerves over parasympathetic, which is main reason many diseases and ailments, a constant feeling of fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy or irritability.

And a long-term imbalance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system inevitably causes fatigue in local muscles and nerve centers, which ultimately leads to poor health and sickness.

Improve blood circulation, clear active channels, activate metabolism and maintain the health of internal organs

Stimulating the acupuncture points of the wrists, fingers, ankles, and toes with specific exercises can clear active channels more effectively.

When a person reaches middle age, the overall level of energy (qi and blood in Chinese medicine terms) in the body begins to decline often accompanied by a decrease in motor activity.

The consequence of this is the deterioration of blood flow and qi circulation, especially in the distal (remote) parts of the body.

That is why in Qian Long's gymnastics a lot of attention is paid to working with hands and fingers, as well as feet and toes.

In addition, most of the important acupuncture points are located in the area of ​​the wrists and ankles.

Stimulation of the wrists, fingers, ankles and toes with specific exercises allows

clean active channels more effectively;
open more capillaries;
improve microcirculation and lower blood pressure;
improve the functioning of internal organs.

In addition, the poorer blood flow, the more difficult it is for the heart to pump blood up, which leads to a decrease in blood supply to the heart and organs above the heart, and also exposes the body to the risk of diseases such as coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, arthritis and hemorrhoids.

Qian Long Gymnastics Special Exercises

effectively unload the heart;
promote blood flow to the heart and areas above the heart and thus improve blood circulation throughout the body;
facilitate the control and prevention of the above diseases.

Strengthen muscles, bones and joints

Gymnastics Qian Long will effectively help relieve tension in the spine

Research has shown that when looking at the spine profile of an average person standing upright, the center of gravity of the upper body is at front spinal column.

The line of the center of gravity of the trunk, as a rule, passes through the ventral side of the center of the fourth lumbar vertebra. In other words, all segments of each of the sections of the spine are constantly bend forward.

Therefore, the pressure on the spine comes not only from the weight of the human body itself, but also from the convergent strength of the muscles of the back, which are forced to tighten in order to balance the force of gravity.

When our torso is in an upright position, the vertebra and intervertebral discs carry almost all pressure. The pressure on the various segments of the spine gradually increases from the bottom up.

Therefore, people who spend a long time in an upright position often suffer from spinal problems especially in the lumbar region.

Gymnastics Qian Long effectively relieve stress in the above parts of the body and improve local blood circulation, as well as distribute the body weight on four limbs, significantly reducing the load on the spine and lower back.

Special point stimulation canal of the liver(the liver controls the tendons) and kidney canal(kidneys control bones) will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys and will help slow down the aging process.

Gymnastics Qian Long will help

strengthen your bones and tendons,
increase muscle strength and elasticity,
correct posture
increase the overall level of energy (Qi and Blood).

Improve peristalsis of the stomach and intestines

Qian Long exercises will help to effectively stimulate the stomach, promoting blood circulation in it.

With the deterioration of blood flow, the vertical position of the torso will have pressure on the stomach and intestines, create problems for their peristalsis, and due to their low location will add problems for venous reflux.

This can easily lead to constipation, rectocele, hemorrhoids and endless associated troubles.

Qian Long exercises will help effectively stimulate the stomach, intestines and anal sphincter, by promoting blood circulation in these areas, will improve venous reflux and thereby help prevent the above symptoms.

Slow down the decline in intelligence

Long-term Qian Long exercises can effectively slow down the intellectual degradation of middle-aged and elderly people.

Studies have shown that long-term practice of Qian Long Gymnastics significantly improves motor reflexes and counting speed, character recognition and the ability to memorize numbers.

And these are important indicators of traditional IQ tests. Long-term Qian Long exercises can not only effectively inhibit the intellectual degradation of middle-aged and elderly people, but also have a positive effect on improving attention and imagination, fully activating brain cells and thereby slowing down the aging process.

Improve emotional stability and interpersonal relationships

Studies have shown that regular Qian Long gymnastics will help improve the stability of emotions and reduce the number of their negative manifestations.

In modern health psychology, it is believed that a mentally healthy person is not in a state of enjoyment all day, but is optimistic almost all the time.

As normal body temperature fluctuates around 37 degrees, so do emotions mentally healthy people are in a state optimism.

More importantly, in the event of the appearance of negative emotions, such a person can easily cope with them and put his emotional state in order. This ability to regulate emotions is essential for all mentally healthy people.

Learning the ability to regulate emotions is another approach to improving mental health.

Studies have shown that regular Qian Long gymnastics will help improve emotional stability and reduce the number of their negative manifestations.

In addition, the practice of Qian Long exercises

Optimizes personality,
increases not only physical, but also mental tone.

And this is an important factor in establishing and maintaining harmonious interpersonal relationships.

Since its inception, traditional Chinese medicine has emphasized prevention over cure.

Perhaps this is where you started to think:

How can simple exercises have such an amazing effect? Yes, even almost all the major organs and systems of the body?

If we were talking about ordinary physical exercises, you might be right.

But not in our case...

The fact is that since its inception, traditional Chinese medicine has professed the priority of prevention over treatment.

Hence the diagnostic tools that make it possible to determine the possibility of the onset of a disease long before its onset, ahead of the capabilities of modern medicine by many hundreds of years ...

And a large list of preventive drugs that kill the disease in the bud and, as in our case, special exercises that allow you to maintain cleanliness and patency 12 active channels, and through them to influence the preservation of the health of the main organs and systems of the body.

Because Chinese medicine believes that the cause of any disease lies in the disruption of one of the 12 body systems– internal organs and active channels connected with the organ.

It is through the channels that we can influence the organs and improve their functions.

Therefore, the physical movements that we make in the process of practicing Qian Long Gymnastics exercises are only the visible part of the iceberg. The main work happens at a deeper level.

Daily, day after day we make seemingly insignificant efforts that eventually lead us to fantastic results.

Chinese medicine believes that the cause of any disease lies in the disruption of one of the 12 body systems.
