Activities for Science Week. Week of Natural Sciences at the Educational Center of OJSC Gazprom

Activities for Science Week.  Week of Natural Sciences at the Educational Center of OJSC Gazprom

Weekly report natural sciences

Municipal educational institution Sharanchinskaya secondary school

from 21.01.13 to 26.01.13

Natural Science Week at our school is traditional and is held in the senior and middle levels annually, in accordance with the school’s work plan. In one of his books, Simon Soloveitchik mentioned three forces that force a student to learn: junior schoolboy is driven by the power of obedience, the middle teenager is driven by the power of interest, the older teenager is driven by the power of purpose. With what enthusiasm do newly minted students set out on the endless road to knowledge and how, alas, this passion soon melts away, the ranks of those who want to reach their goal thin out.

In the dispute about the advantage of smart heads over “stuffed” ones, the truth has long been found. Everyone has long understood that children, like adults, learn only what they want to learn, and it is certainly not the lack of knowledge in a particular academic subject that makes a graduate unadapted to life. What makes it so is the absence of certain personal qualities, skills and competencies. Under these conditions, play your important role in the making modern personality the school can only by introducing new methods and forms of teaching. One of these forms is holding subject weeks.

Purpose of the week: increasing students' interest in natural science disciplines, involving them in independent creative activity.

The objectives of the subject week of natural sciences are:

1. Improving the professional skills of teachers through the preparation, organization and conduct of open extracurricular activities;

2. Identification of schoolchildren who have creative abilities and strive for in-depth study of natural science subjects.

3. Expanding the horizons of students in the field of natural sciences.

4. Informal communication between teachers and students.

Organizers of the Week of Natural Sciences:

Teacher of the methodological association of natural sciences.

Participants of the subject week:

Students of grades 5-11; school teachers.

As part of the subject week, the following were held:

Full name of the teacher

Open event






Opening week lineup

Biological marathon

Interactive game “Guess the plant”

Interactive game “The Weakest Link”

Competition game “What? Where? When?"

KVN “Crossroads of Natural Sciences”

Interactive game "Chemical Maze"

Excursion to the chemistry room

Drawing competition “Take care of nature!”


When preparing events and creative tasks taken into account age characteristics children. Each event was aimed at achieving the assigned objectives.
The week of natural sciences was held under the name “Parade of Natural Sciences” and began with an opening at the school assembly, where 10th grade students presented the Sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Ecology and Geography. At the beginning of the week, a drawing competition “Take care of nature” was announced to students. The purpose of this competition was to form an environmental culture among students of our school. Some students drew several pictures. The most active students were students in grades 2 and 4. Students of grades 5, 7, 8, 10 and 11 did not take part in the drawing competition.

In order to develop cognitive interest in biology, a biological marathon was held, in which children from grades 5, 6 and 7 took part. Funny questions aroused keen interest among the children and everyone was able to evaluate their knowledge in practice, show erudition and ingenuity. As a result, the 7th grade students won with an advantage of 1 point.

The children played an intellectual interactive game for 6th grade “Guess the Plant” with great interest and activity. The students learned a lot of new and interesting things and expanded their horizons. The goals of the game (development of thinking, reaction speed, cognitive activity, intelligence and mutual assistance) were achieved. Friendship won.

The game “Weakest Link” was played for 5th grade students. It took place in the form of a competition. The guys had to show their knowledge about animals. In the end, four guys emerged as winners. Everyone was happy. These events made school life children more interesting and memorable.

For the same purpose, the game “What? Where? When?". Teams of 7th and 8th grade students competed in an intellectual marathon. They learned a lot of new and interesting things in biology, geography, and ecology. The guys remembered, activated and consolidated their existing knowledge, and also showed that they know how to observe nature, compare and draw conclusions.

To stimulate students in grades 10 and 11 to acquire new knowledge, the KVN “Crossroads of Natural Sciences” was held. Teams from grades 10 and 11 showed good knowledge of biology, physics, geography and ecology. The winner was the 10th grade team.

An interactive game for 9th grade students “Chemical Maze” was aimed at activating cognitive activity students in chemistry. It was gratifying that most of the guys showed good knowledge in this subject.

All events were held using interactive technologies and presentations. Since as a result of applying methods game-based learning Using ICT the following goals are achieved:

The cognitive activity of the student is stimulated;

Activated mental activity;

Special information is spontaneously remembered;

The student’s personal character traits are revealed;

Increases motivation to study the subject;

Students’ painful reaction to unsuccessful answers disappears;

The approach to students in learning becomes more sensitive and differentiated.

4th grade students had an amazing opportunity to take an excursion to the mysterious chemistry classroom. Here the children got acquainted with laboratory equipment, learned safety rules, solved riddles and watched chemical experiments with interest. The children were especially interested in such experiments as “volcano”, “magic shelf”, “smoke without fire”, “operation”, “magic water”, “algae”, “Getting gold”.

The problem of an interesting Week, as well as a good lesson, is the problem of combining cognitive interest, the level of preparedness of students and the pedagogical intention of the teacher. It is important that these days children are once again convinced of how many interesting, unusual, significant things there are in objects, how they are all interconnected and necessary in the future for each of them.

In order to increase the interest of schoolchildren in holding the Week in the future, a line was organized to give wide publicity to the students who distinguished themselves in it and to encourage them.

Head of the natural-mathematics education department, biology-chemistry teacher: ____________

Science Week

Students from grades 5-11 took part in the work of the week.
Dates: 12.03 - 16.03.2018

Targetholding the week of natural sciences: activation of cognitive activity as necessary condition development of intellectual and creativity students, formation of key competencies.


Deepen and expand students' knowledge: about the fundamental concepts of biology, ecology, chemistry; about the essence of natural processes; about the diversity of living organisms; about the main areas of application of knowledge.

Shape core competencies students: searching and processing information; promotion of healthy lifestyles; supporting the cognitive interest of students; development of the need for new knowledge; skills formation public speaking, dialogue, group discussion; use of ICT technologies and equipment.

Motto:“Making extracurricular work as interesting as possible for the child and not turning this work into fun is one of the most difficult and most important tasks of education.”

K. Ushinsky

Plan for the week of natural sciences


event title





Ruler "Attention! Natural Science Week begins!


March 12, 2018

Danilkina O. N.

Khrustaleva N.V.


Educational quiz "Want to know everything"


March 12, 2018

Danilkina O. N.


"My own game" in chemistry

March 13, 2018

Khrustaleva N.V.


Exhibition-competition "Bird's Dining Room"


March 13, 2018

Danilkina O. N.


Quiz "Non-metals"

March 14, 2018

Khrustaleva N.V.


Competition program "Ecological assortment"

March 14, 2018

Danilkina O. N.

Chief librarian of the Arkhangelsk rural branch Berezina O.V.

Chief librarian of the Zlobinsky rural branch

Shashkina V.D.


Watching a cartoon "Rabbit Chemist"

March 14, 2018

Khrustaleva N.V.


Conference « Organic matter around us"

March 15, 2018

Khrustaleva N.V.


Travel game "Labyrinth of Labor Victories"


March 15, 2018

Danilova D. Yu.


Presentation competition « Healthy image life"


March 16, 2018

Danilkina O. N.


Promotion " Feed the birds in winter"


March 16, 2018

Danilkina O. N.


Closing line

week of natural sciences

and summing up


March 19, 2018

Danilkina O. N.

Khrustaleva N.V.

began with the design of the school, which immediately attracted the attention of the children with leaflets with various competitions, crosswords, puzzles, and quizzes on natural science subjects.

The opening of the week began with the announcement of upcoming events.

On the same day, an educational quiz “I want to know everything” was held among students in grades 6-7.

At the same time, a marathon of crosswords and puzzles was held. All week long, students in grades 5-11 entered their answers into crossword puzzles and puzzles with interesting and fascinating material on these academic subjects. With this form extracurricular activities Children not only develop logical thinking and intelligence, but practical skills are also improved.

In order to develop educational interest in ecology, librarians of the Arkhangelsk and Zlobinsk rural branches O. V. Berezina and V. D. Shashkina conducted competitive program"Ecological assortment." 9th grade students took part in this event. The tournament was held in the form of an educational and cognitive game. All tasks combined learning with fun. Funny questions aroused keen interest among the children and everyone was able to evaluate their knowledge in practice, show erudition and ingenuity.

The week ended with a demonstration of presentations on the topic “Healthy lifestyle”. Children from grades 9-11 took part in this competition with pleasure.

To increase the interest of schoolchildren in holding the week in the future, the distinguished students were awarded certificates and gifts at the closing ceremony.

Overall, Science Week was a success. The set goals and objectives were achieved. All activities were aimed at increasing students’ interest in educational and extracurricular cognitive activities. It is important that the children are once again convinced of how many interesting, unusual, and significant things there are in natural science subjects, how necessary they are for each of us in life.

From February 13 to 17, our school held a week of natural sciences: geography, chemistry, biology, physics.

The first day of the week is biology day.
Teacher - Udovich Zh.I.

Students of grade 6b conducted an excursion with indoor plants for students primary school– 3a, and 3b classes.

Guys: Nikita Grishkin, Egor Lunkin, Eduard Sorokovikov, Valeria Samburova, Nikita Shatrov, Alexander Kryshchenko, Vadim Tsarkov, Alexander Shibalkov demonstrated houseplants biology classroom, accompanying the show interesting story about the origin of these plants, the peculiarities of biology, and caring for plants indoors. The story was accompanied by a slide show of plants in natural conditions. During the excursion, the children answered questions from third-graders. The excursion aroused great interest among junior schoolchildren.

On the same day there was a competition educational projects in biology.

  • Students of grade 6a: Nastya Shavera and Polina Gulina presented a project on the topic: “Vegetative propagation of plants”, Arsen Gusashvili - “Gymnosperms”.
  • Students of grade 7a: Nastya Korneva presented the project “ Coral polyps“, Seidova Julsum and Gogoi Vlad presented two projects created on the same topic: “Class Scyphoid jellyfish”, both projects were interesting and distinguished by literacy.
  • 8b grade student Bayramyan Inessa presented the project: “Human Emotions.”

All the projects created by the guys are very interesting, made with knowledge of the material and the use of computer technology.

The second day of the week is chemistry day.
Teacher – Marmontova O.S.

The Chemistry Museum has opened its doors wide.
Chemistry is a science that cannot exist without experiment. That is why, on February 14, 2012, students from school No. 945 were able to visit the exhibition “Unlocking the World of Practical Chemistry.” At the exhibition, one could get acquainted with various chemical utensils, from test tubes to desiccators.
Of course, no experience is possible without chemicals. Different in shape and color, and in different jars, all substances were studied and examined in detail by the guys.
And in order to experience the role of an experimenter themselves, they could blow hydrogen soap bubbles or separate mixtures of substances.

The third day of the week is physics day.
Teacher – Kuznechikov V.N.

"Initiation to Physics". During physical experiments, 4th grade students were shown the following phenomena: inertia and inertia, friction force, interaction force between molecules, gas pressure, atmospheric pressure, gravity, heat transfer, electrification of bodies, magnetic induction.

The fourth day is geography day.
Geography teacher – Lyukmanov E.T.

Geography quiz game for 6th grade “Own game”

Progress of the quiz game.
The class is divided into teams of 4-5 people, a captain is selected, who has the final say when discussing the issue.
The computer presentation was created based on the television game “Own Game” and adapted to the school setting.

The point of the game is that the team chooses the topic of the question and its cost. If a team does not respond, the right to respond passes to the other team. At the end of the game, the points are tallied and the teams with a large number points are awarded with grades.

The best players: Roma Belyaev, Alexander Yemets, Nikita Grishkin, Anastasia Shavera and others.

Geography game for 7th grade “Unknown Africa”

The computer presentation was created based on the television game “Own Game” and adapted to the school setting.

The point of the game is that the team completes tasks, enters answers into forms, but certain time. At the end of the game, the scores are tallied and the teams with the most points are awarded marks.

The best players: Vadim Loshatetsky, Dasha Guryevskaya, Karen Abrahamyan, Julia Seidova, Anya Mogilevtseva and others.

Game structure:

  • Task 1 – Warm-up (answering questions)
  • Task 2 – Geographical position(written)
  • Task 3 – Why
  • Task 4 – What is it, who is it?
  • Task 5 – Test
  • Task 6 – Working with the map
  • Task 7 – Competition (advertising and guide to Africa)
  • Task 8 – Crossword

Geography quiz for grades 8-9 “Nature of Russia”

The class is divided into teams of 4-5 people.
The computer presentation and assignments are designed in such a way that the quiz fits completely into the lesson.

The point of the game is that the team quickly and correctly answers the questions and writes them down on the answer sheet.

At the end of the game, the scores are tallied and the teams with the most points are awarded marks.

Quiz structure: Warm-up, Cartographic competition, Historical competition, Mathematical competition, Climatic competition, Biogeographical competition, Country studies competition, Landscape competition.

The best players: Avik Harutyunyan, Inessa Bayramyan, Marat Selimov, Larisa Pshenichnikova and others.

End of the week of natural sciences.

Completed subject week natural sciences game "Clever guys and smart girls."
Pupils of grades 10a and 11a competed in knowledge of natural subjects. Ninth-graders were invited to the game and took part in it to the best of their ability. During the qualifying round, each student who answered the questions of the game was awarded the “Order of the Silk Smart Guy.” Participants who collected the most such awards received the right to compete on the playing tracks.

Integrated lesson in natural subjects.

On the same day, an integrated lesson in geography, biology, chemistry and physics took place in grade 9 on the topic: “All about water.” The lesson was structured in the form of an international symposium, at which laboratories involved in the study of water from the point of view of geography, physics, chemistry, and biology were presented. The students showed good knowledge of this topic. Their messages were confirmed by physical, chemical and biological experiments, project presentations, and educational videos.

Scenario for a school-wide event focused on science and mathematics.

Project structure:

Project location: State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow evening (shift) general education school No. 112, computer science and ICT room.

Project topic: The use of information technology in the study of natural and mathematical sciences using the example of studying the topic:“Great names in mathematics, computer science and biology. The importance of natural and mathematical sciences in human life and the world as a whole.”

Direction:Subject. An open school-wide event during the subject week of natural sciences.

The target audience: students in grades 10-11, age from 16 to 30 years.

Festival nomination: short-term pedagogical project.

Relevance of the project: The use of information technology in the study of educational sciences and the world as a whole. The students of our school are difficult teenagers or adults with learning gaps. Many of them have absolutely no knowledge computer literacy, and are not interested in educational sciences. Therefore, the goal of our educational institution- this is to create favorable conditions for students, motivate them to learn, interest educational process. In preparation for this event, students make their own presentation and defend it in class. To do this, students choose an academic subject and presentation topic (from the proposed list), a subject teacher - a mentor who controls the educational side of the project and a computer science teacher who monitors the technical execution of the presentation and video of the project.

This approach to the organization of cognitive activity contributes to:

Developing students' interest in the subject being studied;

Mastering information and communication technologies and Internet resources;

Developmentinterdisciplinary connections among the sciences of the natural and mathematical cycle, namely mathematics, computer science, biology. These connections are important in increasing the practical and scientific-theoretical training of students, as well as in the formation of a comprehensive vision of educational subjects;

Developing independence in choosing a plan for cognitive activity, searching for information, selecting the most important points, analyzing data, comprehending, systematizing acquired knowledge, the ability to draw conclusions and sum up one’s work.

Unity working group, which arises in the course of cooperation between a student, a computer science teacher and a subject teacher.

All of the above allows us to solve many pedagogical problems.

Project goals:broadening the horizons of students, developing interest in the subjects being studied, using information technology in the study of educational sciences, focusing students’ attention on the importance of studying natural and mathematical sciences, demonstrating interdisciplinary connections, applying the knowledge and skills acquired in the study of mathematics, computer science and biology in human life and nature in general.


The use of information technology in the learning process of students.

Formation of skills in students to independently obtain knowledge in the information space using Internet resources.

Developing in students such types of activities as searching for information, analyzing data and developing the ability to select the most important information, the ability to systematize data, the ability to demonstrate their developments and mini-projects, as well as sum up their work - draw a conclusion.

Implementation process: protection of presentations and video projects by students; creative moments.


Choice academic subject and topics of presentation by the student himself.

Preparing a presentation for a school-wide event from 1 to 3 weeks. (the event itself lasts 1.5 hours).

Expected results:Achieving goals and objectives, exhibition of student works on websites. As a result of the implementation of the project, students should become interested in studying school sciences, find new friends, show their human factor more widely, and become closer to the project participants, because they are united by a common goal.

Author's media applications to the pedagogical project: video by computer science teacher T.O. Petrukhina, presentations by students at our school, poems from teachers’ websites.

Progress of the event:

    Video about the sciences of the natural and mathematical cycle and their application in nature"

    Presenter: teacher Mathematicians Sokolova G.O:

(The slide “Theme of the subject week” will be displayed)

Good afternoon Today we have public lesson, dedicated to the sciences of the natural and mathematical cycle. The main goal of this event is the use of information technology in the process of teaching students, demonstrating interdisciplinary connections among the sciences of the natural and mathematical cycle, namely mathematics, computer science, and biology. These connections are important in increasing the practical and scientific-theoretical training of students, as well as in forming a comprehensive vision of educational subjects.

With the help of presentations and video projects, students will show us how relevant the use of information technology is not only in the learning process, but also in the world as a whole. This is one of the most the most interesting destinations modern pedagogy. Firstly, the child independently chooses a plan for cognitive activity and better remembers the acquired knowledge, because independently searches for information and analyzes data. Secondly There is cooperation between a student or groups of students with a subject teacher and a computer science teacher, which contributes to the cohesion of the working group, the development of interest in this subject and the formation of solid knowledge.

(the “Great Scientists” slide is displayed on the screen).

We will devote part of the lesson to the GREAT SCIENTISTS who contributed huge contribution into the history and development of such sciences as mathematics, computer science and biology.

Boldashova Yana - 11th grade student

There is no need for great praise -
And during his lifetime he did not need it:
A brilliant thought into action.

N He was incarnated in the name of glory.

His mind was ahead of his age .

IN whirlwind of world events.
He devoted his life to science,
A number of wonderful discoveries were made.


    Today, great attention should be paid to the scientific naturalist, thinker and public figure VLADIMIR IVANOVICH VERNADSKY, who turns 150 this year. He is the founder modern sciences about Earth-geochemistry, biogeochemistry, radiogeology, hydrogeology.

11th grade student Ekaterina Mogilevkina will tell us about his achievements.

(presentation “Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky” is displayed on the screen)


    Ekaterina made extensive use of information technology in the preparation of her mini-project, but for the ease of using the computer, many scientists spent sleepless nights with this miracle of technology in order to develop special software that is constantly updated and improved. One such developer is BILL GATES.Who doesn't know this name? Bill Gates is the head of Microsoft, a leader in the production of computer software. The corporation's income has long exceeded tens of billions of dollars a year, and its branches are located in all countries of the civilized world. Of course, the biography of Bill Gates deserves our attention.

Alexey Shcheglov, an 11th grade student, will tell us about his life and his achievements.

(The presentation “William Henry Gates” is displayed on the screen III »)


    Today I would like to pay special attention to one of the great scientists of antiquity, Pythagoras of Samos. Why him? Yes, because it is his theorem that we use every day in geometry lessons in the 10th and 11th grade when solving problems. Therefore, any senior student should know this Great scientist - one of the founders of ancient geometry, the theory of which we still use when studying geometry in grades 7-11.

A student of group 10-2, Elena Kiryanova, will tell us about the life and discoveries of PYTHAGORUS OF SAMOSS.

(presentation “Pythagoras” is displayed)

    We will devote the second part of our event to the importance of mathematics, computer science and biology in human life and the world as a whole. You often ask the question: “Why do we need mathematics?” Teachers answer: “For general development!” We never tire of repeating that it is important to study everything school items for the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual, for the formation of a person’s worldview.

Today we will talk about practical application mathematics, biology, and computer science in Everyday life and nature in general.

(the “Math” slide is displayed)

Katya Avdeeva - student of group 11-1:

About the queen of all sciences,

Let's start our speech.

Math around

We have quite a few meetings with her.

It is no coincidence that she is so honored.

It is given to her to give answers,

How to do a good calculation

To build a building, a rocket.

There is a rumor about mathematics

That she puts her mind in order,

Because good words

People often talk about her.

    Everything in the world is subject to strict mathematical laws. How beautifully and harmoniously created nature is! In pairs, the correctness of the forms is simply surprising. Flowers, a snowflake, a butterfly have a symmetrical shape, but all this was created not by man, but by nature. Vereshchag group 10-2 student Igor will tell us about the beauty and harmony of the world as a whole, about symmetry in nature.

(presentation “Symmetry in Nature” is displayed)

    Read by Sokolova G.O.

(the slide “Contemplating the Perfect...” is displayed on the screen)

“Contemplating a perfect, beautiful human face and body, you involuntarily come to the thought of some hidden, mathematical grace of its forms, of the mathematical correctness and perfection of its constituent parts. The correctness of the body proportions is amazing! The symmetry of the face is beautiful!”

For thousands of years, people have been trying to find mathematical patterns in the proportions of the human body, especially a well-built, harmonious person.

One of the most interesting topics mathematics is the harmony of the world as a whole. The universal principle of harmony and beauty in proportions is called the “golden ratio”.

This topic still arouses modern interest. And Korolev Philip, a student of group 10-1, will tell us about the practical application of the golden mean and the golden ratio.

(the presentation “Golden Ratio” is displayed on the screen).

How much we have learned today about symmetry in nature.

What other mathematical concepts do we use every day? The world around us is simply full of mathematics: parallels and perpendiculars, planes and space, straight lines and curves. This is what 10th grade student Pavel Bondarevsky will tell us about

(presentation “Geometry in Nature” is displayed)

(the slide “Informatics” is displayed on the screen).

Khosman Marina - student of group 11-1:

The queen of sciences is mathematics.

But the princess grew up nearby -

The most beautiful computer science,

Daughter of human thought and progress.

Today without this science

It is impossible to imagine our world

She saves us from boredom.

She is our reliable assistant.

    Indeed, computer science saves us from boredom; at the moment, many people like to plunge into virtual world, and how social networks are crowded in the evening.

The modern world and information technology allow us to maintain relationships with our loved ones, make new friends, receive and transmit information over a distance almost instantly. But humanity has been moving towards such simplicity of communication for centuries. And how people used to communicate, Olga Kurbatova, a student of group 10-1, will tell us about it.

(the presentation “Transmission of information from ancient times to the present day” is displayed).

Information Technology- This is wonderful. The possibilities of the Internet are endless, but nothing can replace personal communication. So don’t forget to visit your family and friends

    We have learned how to transmit information over a distance, but where to store information (documents, photos, video files)? Vladimir Ivanov, a student of group 10-1, will tell us about this.

(the presentation “Information Media” is displayed on the screen).

We advise you not to forget to make duplicates of documents that are important to you, photos and videos that are dear to you. And not only duplicate information on electronic media, but also print it on paper.

Cases are different, technology sometimes fails, because a COMPUTER IS JUST A MACHINE - AN EXECUTOR OF YOUR COMMANDS.

(the “Biology” slide is displayed)

Ruslan Ivanov - student of group 10-2.

Without genetics we are nowhere,

Without her there would be no man,

We wouldn't know about DNA

And the next three hundred centuries.

Biology is important

Gives beauty to the whole body,

For animals and plants it is necessary,

You can safely fly into space with it.


    Yes, indeed, if computer science deals with our mind, then biology deals with our body. And in order for the body to be beautiful and healthy, you need to pay special attention to genetics and heredity. A student of group 10-2, Ilyina Tatyana, will tell us about this.

(presentation “DNA” is displayed)

(the “Astronomy” slide is displayed on the screen).

Shatalina Maria - student of group 11-1

Space is a closed book

We just opened it a little.

But without you, astronomers, we will definitely

Couldn't look into oblivion

Astronomy is a mystery

And not everyone is able to understand

That maybe the Earth is just an outskirts

And the universal expanses are only a small part.

And your scale is unusual,

Kilometers? Yes, no matter how it is!

Light years- that's the difference

Interplanetary spaces from all coordinates.

    Astronomy is a very beautiful science, and we cannot remain silent about it today. As part of our project, a trip to the Moscow Planetarium was organized, and now Anna Nikitina, a student of group 10-2, will present you with a video report.

(video appears on screen)

    We end our event on such a beautiful, positive note. Thank you to all the participants for taking your project activities seriously and decorating our subject week with your works.

Video fragment:

Nature By Numbers ( )

Science Week

MKOU Pescherskaya secondary school

Science Week

2013-2014 academic year.

Opening script

Natural Science Week



Good afternoon Happy hour!

Glad to see you all here!

A planet of secrets, riddles and discoveries,

You, children, visit with us.

We hope you won't get bored,

Today we came to visit you


Presenter 2

Without them we cannot take a single step!

How to get paper from birch?

How to turn a mobile phone into a tape recorder?

How to get an undying fire?

How to make a smart floor polisher?

How to see the microcosm?

How can we create a new world?

How to implement nanotechnology?

And get parallel worlds?

How to look into other times?

How can we grow seeds in zero gravity?

Presenter 3

There is only one answer: physics is needed here!

Learn it, and you will become smart,

You will reach career heights!

Presenter 1

And together with geography we visited

All exotic countries

We sailed the seas without fear

And conquered the oceans.

We climbed to the very peak of the mountain

And they wandered along the desert,

Sank to the bottom of the sea

And the secrets of the bowels of the Earth were revealed.

Presenter 2

But the science of biology is

This is a rare hybrid

He will tell us about bugs,

About various spiders,

That worms live in the ground,

And the fish swim in the water,

Spider hunts flies

That a dog has a keen sense of smell,

That we contain water -

But that’s really not a problem,

That we breathe in oxygen

And we keep growing from year to year!

Presenter 3

There is no life without chemistry, believe me!

Without chemistry the whole world would become dim!

With it we clean, wash, remove stains,

We eat, drink and wear our hair.

We treat with chemistry, glue and sew,

We live side by side with chemistry!

Presenter 1.

Guys, today begins “Natural Science Week”. Over the course of five days, you can take part in all kinds of competitions, show your abilities, surprise with your creativity and learn a lot of interesting things about necessary for a person natural sciences.

For students of different grades, we have selected activities that will suit you and will allow you to show off your knowledge gained in class or learn something new.

The event plan will be posted on the notice board. Come, it will be interesting.

Natural Sciences Week.


Opening (ruler)


“My friends are the birds of heaven” high point 1-4 grades.


"Usus magister est optimus" laboratory workshop(open lesson) 10kl.

“Birds are our friends” KVN in 5,6,7 grades.


"Eureka!" intellectual game 10-11 grades


"Visiting the fairy tale of chemistry" Classroom hour for 2,3,4 and 6 grades.

“World of Knowledge” intellectual game for grades 5-11.

And also during the week

a unique opportunity to compete for personal championship in the following categories:

"Golden Quiz"


"Secrets of the Alchemists"

"Biological simulator"

"Golden Quiz"

  1. Everyone knows that a mixture of two mineral acids dissolves gold. What other acid also dissolves it?
  1. Ancient Greek manuscripts mention gold and its varieties - sheet gold, calcined gold, and electron gold. What was meant in ancient times by

called "Electron"?

  1. Does “Golden Ruby” have anything to do with gold?
  1. It is known that the “Zolotnik” measure has two definitions. Which?
  1. In Silesia in 1211 a city was founded, named after noble metal. What was it called?
  1. What household chemicals are dangerous to spill on gold jewelry and why?
  1. What country East Africa named after gold? Why was it given this name?
  1. What is “Picturesque Gold”?
  1. How should we understand the expression “golden circulation”?
  1. In the famous proverb “There wasn’t a penny, but suddenly - Altyn” find a mention of gold.

Answers on questions:

  1. A mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids - “regia vodka” - dissolves gold. The acid that also dissolves it is selenic H 2 SeO 4 .
  2. Alloy of silver and gold in Ancient Greece was considered a special metal and it was called “Electron”.
  3. Gold compounds are added to the composition of “golden ruby ​​glass” to make it similar in color to ruby.”
  4. The term “zolotnik” has two meanings: 1. An ancient Russian measure of weight equal to 4.266 g; 2. Iron pyrite, which was popularly believed to be gold ore.
  5. A city in Silesia is Goldberg, i.e. "Golden Mountain".
  6. Drops of iodine falling on gold items leave dark spots. When mercury gets on gold, it forms an amalgam (white spots) with it, which can no longer be removed.
  7. Nubia is named after gold (nub means “gold”). Since ancient times, gold has been mined there.
  8. Pictorial gold is an alloy of mercury, tin and sulfur.
  9. “Gold circulation” is not an everyday concept. It denotes the conversion of a gold coin into banknotes. Moreover, circulation consists of gold, part of which is issued in the form of coins and bars, and the other is stored in the central bank as a reserve. After the First World War, it was replaced by paper money throughout the world.
  10. “Altyn” is an old Russian word borrowed from the Tatars, translated means “gold, gold coin”

"Secrets of the Alchemists"

(competition task on knowledge of chemistry and geography)

For the trivial (commonly used) names of substances of minerals and rocks, select modern name and formula.

Modern name


Silicate - block

"Lead Sugar"

Chilean saltpeter

Norwegian saltpeter

Blood salt

Epsom salt


Common (trivial) name

Modern name


Manganese oxide (2)

Copper dihydroxide carbonate (2)

Cu 2 (OH) 2 CO 3

Silicate - block

Sodium silicate

"Lead Sugar"

Lead acetate (2)

Silver nitrate

Sodium hexafluoroaluminate

Lead oxide (2)

Lead oxides (4) and (2)

Mercury chloride (2)

Chilean saltpeter

Sodium nitrate

Norwegian saltpeter

Potassium nitrate

Potassium carbonate

Blood salt

Potassium hexacyanoferrate

(2) yellow

(3) red

Epsom salt

Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate


Calcium hydrogen phosphate

Biological simulator

Part 1.

Distribute the animals into groups.

  1. I. A. Mammals

B. Amphibians

B. Reptiles

1. Shrew, 2. Whale, 3. Boa constrictor, 4. Agile lizard,

5. Crested newt, 6. Kiwi, 7. Harp seal, 8. Razorback frog, 9. Penguin, 10. Suriname pipa, 11. Platypus, 12. Oriole, 13. Echidna, 14. Nile crocodile,

15. Already ordinary.

  1. II. A. Predatory

B. Artiodactyls

B. Odd-toed ungulates

G. Primates

1. Boar, 2. Zebra, 3. Wolf, 4. Chimpanzee, 5. Elk, 6. Gorilla, 7. Hippopotamus, 8. Fox, 9. Jackal, 10. Lemur, 11. Giraffe, 12. Rhinoceros, 13. Camel, 14. Horse, 15. Gibbon, 16. Wolverine.

  1. A. Rodents

B. Lagomorpha

B. Insectivores

G. Chiroptera.

1. White hare, 2. Muskrat, 3. Rufous noctule, 4. Vole, 5. Mole, 6. house mouse, 7. Great horseshoe bat, 8. Pika, 9. Rabbit, 10 giant noctule, 11. Hedgehog, 12 Lemming.

  1. A. Cartilaginous fish

B. Bony fish

1. White shark, 2. Pike, 3. Hammerhead fish, 4. Stingray,

5. Sturgeon, 6. Crucian carp, 7. Spotted shark, 8. Electric stingray,

9. Baikal omul, 10 Cod.

Part 2.

  1. Why does a grasshopper need a “saber”?

A. for battles

B. for laying eggs

V. for beauty.

  1. What does the bear look like?

A. on the bear

B. on itself

V. on a mole

  1. How can a mosquito be useful?

A. plant pollination

B. serves as food for fish and birds

V. is only harmful

  1. Do insects care for “Gingerbread”?

And sometimes

B. common occurrence

V. never

  1. Why does a horsefly need color vision?

A. for artistic perception of the world

B. to stop your head from spinning

B. to look for food and water

  1. Are there six-legged lions?

B. only four-legged

  1. Why do butterflies need infrared rays?

A. for orientation in flight

B. to search for food

V. for warming up the wings

  1. Why do dragonflies have small whiskers?

A. so as not to spoil the “face”

B. because the eyes are big

V. grow poorly

  1. Why are bumblebees shaggy?

A. to look like a bear

B. to be different from bees

B. to make it warmer

  1. Why does a cricket chirp?

A. for our pleasure

B. for the pleasure of the cricket

V. doesn’t know why

  1. Why moth silk?

A. to build a house

B. for movement

V. for food

  1. Why does the cockchafer need a gas analyzer?

A. to search for food

B. to find a girlfriend

V. for orientation on the ground.

Answers to “Biological simulator”

Part 1.

  1. A-1,2,7,11,13
  1. A-3,8,9,16
  1. A- 4,6,12
  1. A. 1,3,4,5,7,8

Part 2.

1b, 2c, 3b, 4a, 5c, 6a, 7c, 8b, 9c, 10b, 11a, 12a.
