Snowy, memorable February. Expulsion of the Nazi invaders from the territory of the Strugo-Krasnensky region (according to G.V. Petrov)

Snowy, memorable February.  Expulsion of the Nazi invaders from the territory of the Strugo-Krasnensky region (according to G.V. Petrov)

Rally dedicated to liberation

villages from the Nazi invaders

Objectives of the event:

Development of educational interest in the history of our village and country;

Preserving continuity between generations of schoolchildren and participants of the Great Patriotic War.

Objectives of the event:

To instill in students a sense of pride in the historical past of their people, a sense of gratitude to the defenders of the Fatherland and the liberators of the village of Arkhangelsk during the Great Patriotic War, fallen soldiers and surviving veterans of the Great Patriotic War and people of the older generation.

Instill a sense of patriotism in native land, village

Location: Mass grave in the center of the village.

Progress of the event

Towards the sun and the wind,
For battle and valiant work,
Straightening my stubborn shoulders,
The Komsomol members are coming forward!..

Those who are not afraid of worries,
Who found the way with his heart,
Who boldly strives for victory -
Such people go to the Komsomol...


75 years have passed since the day when our village was liberated from the occupation of the Nazi invaders. Today is a day of remembrance of each of those days when the enemy ruled our land, when the war imposed on us by Germany raged in roar and fire; memory of each and everyone who defeated the enemy.

We will go without fear, we will go without trembling,

We will go towards a formidable enemy,

The cause of the oppressed is the cause of the youth,

Woe to those who are on the alien black shore!

Will we break the constipation? We will sweep away barriers

We were all inspired red struggle

Life on the barricades! All in last Stand!

Death in a brutal battle is brighter and younger

The dull impotence of pitiful old people,

Wider the road for the red youth

Fortunately, without constipation, to a life without shackles!


This day became a great joy - a joy that could not have happened. The memory of those who did not come from the war is bright in our hearts. Repeatedly experienced in the soul, comprehended by the minds of generations, it has become a part of our consciousness, inseparable from the sense of duty to the dead.


We dedicate our rally to the memory of the fallen, to the memory of the eternally young soldiers and officers who liberated the village of Arkhangelskoye from the Nazi invaders.

Oh, you won't have to soon

Hugging my dear son.

Into historical spaces

I'm leaving, dear mother!

Our fighting youth

Never bend in an arc -

We will not go to peace

In the world revolution!

We're heading into a hurricane of shrapnel

So that in distant times,

Like swallows, they flew by

Komsomol names!


Behind every name, every surname in the list of victims inscribed on the memorial wall - human life, behind which there were joys and sorrows, love and separation, doubts and failures, difficulties and victories. And today we pay tribute to the memory of our fallen fellow villagers, those who defended our freedom, gave life and future to us and our Motherland - Russia.

When I stand at the Eternal Flame,
When I read names and dates,
It seems to me that they are dead soldiers
They expect something from me.
Well, what will I tell them - a weak person -
Who gave their life voluntarily for me?
What am I indebted to them for the rest of my life?
Why do I feel ashamed and hurt in front of them?
How to live steadfastly and courageously,
Without succumbing to evil even for a moment,
To earn the highest award -
Silent forgiveness for the murdered!
A. Reshetov

1. I touch the marble of gravestones,

Like scars, rough dates are at hand...

Soldiers who died in battle sleep here,

But our memory never sleeps.

No one forced them, they walked on their own

Although they had only one life,

But they left their mother, children, wife,

May we live with you under a peaceful sky.


I am one of those who have not seen war,

But she burned me too...

And again in the middle of silence

I'm standing at a soldier's grave.

Time has stood still... The granite is getting cold...

There comes a moment of silence.

Look what eyes

The soldiers of my generation.

And a thunderstorm reached them -

This is a memory touch.

It is in them that life continues

Those who fell in the crimson dew,

Those who lie in the epic field

And over whom the birches bent.

Look at the Eternal Flame -

He is in the hearts of the restless and young.

Eternal feat and eternal pain.

And the scorched strings ring...

Memory! We are forever faithful to her.

Elena Senyavskaya.

4. This memory - believe me, people -
The whole earth needs...
If we forget the war,
War will come again.


The pages of the history of our Motherland are filled with courage and highest peak This courage became the Great Patriotic War.


440 people went to the front from the village of Arkhangelskoye. 272 of our fellow countrymen did not return. Almost every family in our village received a funeral for their husband, son, brother.


Our fellow countrymen are buried in Hungary, Austria, Romania, Poland, and Germany. They remained lying near Moscow, Smolensk, Pskov, Kursk, Stalingrad...

1. The entire globe is underfoot.
I live. I'm breathing. I sing.
But in memory it is always with me
Killed in battle.
Let me not name all the names -
There is no blood relative.
Isn't that why I live
Why did they die?

3. Silence, calm down, become quieter,
Let me listen to the voice of fire,
The flame moves, the flame breathes,
People watch, keeping their thoughts...

Leading. We ask you to honor the memory of the fallen with a minute of silence..... (Minute of silence)

Burn, candle, burn, don’t go out,
Be an everlasting pain.
Let them stand in your flame,
all those whose path was cut short.
Who from the calm peaceful days
Stepped into earthly hell
And who carried to the fatal line
Rank: soldier.


Who's a little over eighteen
I learned the price of losses,
Who gave their life for Russia,
Opened the door to immortality.
Burn, candle, don’t go out,
Don't let the darkness come in
Don't let the living forget all those
Those killed in the war!

Leading. Please place a garland of memory...

Leading. Appreciate peace, tranquility, the opportunity to love, raise children and live!

Leading. And be grateful to those who routinely, but honestly and selflessly fulfill their duty to protect the Fatherland.

Human memory always remembers the dear ones

Fathers, husbands, loved ones, sons,

She is unable to forget the soldiers of war,

That they gave their lives to their Motherland.

After all, only the heart remembers the pain of loss

And she feels what her worth is,

No soldiers came from the battlefields,

The war did not kill them in memory.

On January 15, a rally was held in our area dedicated to the day of liberation of the village of Krasnoye from the Nazi invaders. 73 years separate us from those days on January 18, 1943. The 305th Belgorod Rifle Division liberated Krasnoye from the Nazis. This rally has become traditional in our village. From year to year, village residents and veterans of the Great Patriotic War gather on this day to honor the memory of those who did not return from the battlefields.

The square in front of the monument to fallen soldiers was, as always, filled with people.

Representatives of various organizations in the district, schoolchildren who consider it their duty to come here on this day and pay tribute to the memory and respect not only of those who died, but also of those few who survived. The passage of time is inexorable, the wounds inflicted by the war are severe, and therefore the ranks of veterans are small.

The meeting was opened by the head of the Krasnensky district administration, Alexander Fedorovich Poltobatko. He addressed all those present with warm words of congratulations and thanked the veterans for their unprecedented feat in the Great Patriotic War.

Elena Ivanovna Korobova spoke in response from the veterans. She was not at the front, did not go into attack with a machine gun at the ready, but she knows the war firsthand. At that time, she was 14 years old and, together with her mother and other children like her, she worked in the collective farm fields, went hungry and endured the difficult days of the German occupation.

Elena Ivanovna recalls: “January 18, 1943. Frost, snow... But we didn’t notice any of this, we were overwhelmed with the happiness of liberation from German captivity, from the fact that we heard Russian speech, saw the soldiers of our Red Army. That day we understood that there was very little left until the end of the war and that the enemy would really be defeated and victory would be ours.”

On behalf of the younger generation of our district, a student of the 11th grade of the Krasnenskaya Secondary School named after M.I. spoke. Svetlichnaya" Krasyuk Anastasia. She noted the greatness of the feat of all who fought on the fronts and worked in the rear, who liberated our beautiful homeland from brown plague fascism, and assured that their feat will live forever in the memory of posterity. She thanked the veterans for the opportunity to live, which they provided to all subsequent generations, and wished them to be in service longer.

Then the Young Army members of the Peresvet military-patriotic club laid a garland of Memory and glory at the foot of the monument, and the rally participants laid wreaths and bouquets of flowers. The rally was over, but the memory is endless. We will always remember that war, and everyone who gave their strength, their lives for our peaceful sky, for the bright sun, for the joyful laughter of a child, for the happiness of a mother.


MBOU secondary school No. 16

G. Armavir

Methodological development

A lesson in courage on the topic:

« Liberation of the city of Krasnodar from the Nazi invaders»

for students of grade 5 "B"

Classroom teacher

5 "B" class:

E.S. Gayokova


Topic: Liberation of the city of Krasnodar from the Nazi invaders.

The purpose of the class hour:

Education of Kuban patriots using examples historical events and heroes of the Great Patriotic War;

Formation of the ability to trace the historical connection between phenomena and events of the past and present of Kuban;

Introduce students to outstanding personalities in the history of Kuban;

To form a respectful attitude towards fellow countrymen and the history of the “small homeland”;

Expand students' horizons.

Planned results:


- form an active civic position;

To promote a sense of pride in one’s small homeland and respect for people.


- the ability to determine a goal under the guidance of a teacher;

Ability to work with information;

Master the culture of interaction in a group or team;

Gaining experience in speaking and conducting dialogue.

Methods used:partially search.

Technologies used: ICT (presentation); health-saving.

Form: conversation.

Techniques: "Logical chain".

Equipment: computer, media projector.

Decor: posters with dates, pictures depicting war, photographs, fragments of texts.

Form of work: frontal, group.

Used Books:

1.City of Catherine. – Krasnodar: Tradition, 2013

2.History of Kuban XX century. Essays. Krasnodar, 1998

3. Kuban writers for children. Krasnodar, 2008.

4. Essays on the history of Kuban and the North-West Caucasus. - Krasnodar: Business book “Group B”, 2009.

Progress of the class hour.

I. Introduction.

Reading a poem.

Before dawn we went out with you
Meet day after night blind...
With the dead weight of low smoke,
With the black smoke of broken houses,
With a hot flame,
With a sharp shot
February day has come
To you and me...
And there was no more solemn day
So many years for you and me!

II.Updating knowledge.

Guys, before you are significant dates in our history:

Summer 1942.

Kuban partisans.

The work of the Kuban people during the Great Patriotic War.

Can you determine which events the first date is associated with?

You may be familiar with events that occurred on other dates indicated. Here are the keywords. What events do you think they are connected with?

Students answer if they know anything.

III. Defining a theme and purpose

The topic of our class hour"Liberation of the city of Krasnodar during the Great Patriotic War."

Goal: get acquainted with the history of the liberation of the city of Krasnodar during the Great Patriotic War;

Get acquainted with the events that took place in 1942, 1943;

Learn about the work of the Kuban people during the war;

Learn about the exploits of the partisans of the Krasnodar region;

Create collages on these topics.

IV. Work on the topic.

So guys. Here is information and pictures. Help me find everything related to the events of 1941.

(Students find information and pictures that are placed on a sheet with the date June 22, 1941.)

June 22, 1941 at 4 o'clock Fascist Germany treacherously invaded the territory Soviet Union. Soviet people I wasn't prepared for this to happen. The country was not equipped with good weapons.

In the very first days, Germany rapidly advanced in different directions.

Presentation demonstration.

What information is related to the topic “Summer 1942”?

The guys place on the poster fragments of text and photos that, in their opinion, are suitable for this date.

In the summer of 1942, the situation for our country became seriously complicated. Having created a significant superiority in manpower and equipment, the Nazis began an offensive towards the Volga and the Caucasus.

(Students read and place the information on the poster.)

During the days of defensive battles in the summer of 1942, more than 100 thousand Kuban residents joined the ranks of the Red Army.

During the fighting, by June 22, 1942, the Germans managed to occupy almost the entire Kuban, with the exception of four districts - Lazarevsky, Tuapse, Adler and Gelendzhik.

August 2, 1942 near the village of Kushchevskayatwo regiments of the 13th Kuban Division in mounted formation attacked the 101st German Infantry Division "Green Rose" and two SS regiments. The attack was led by the division commander, Colonel Millerov, and the division's military commissar, regimental commissar Shipilov. The remnants of the "Green Rose" ran away in wild horror.

Presentation demonstration.

What can you say about the partisans of the Krasnodar region?

(Students place information and select photos on the poster.)

At the direction of the regional committee, 86 partisan detachments were created in the Krasnodar region.

Poem reading:

Nights around the fire are not uncommon,
We sit in a quiet troop,
Each of us shoots accurately,
Yes, we speak quietly.

No, we are not hunters,
Everyone's wounds heal,
Apparently that's what they were born for,
We walk in the forests...partisans!

Everyone has their own family in the distance,
Your debt to the country stands like a wall,
And to save the space of the earth,
We'll have to fight back the War!

Hot blood will have to be shed,
Do not spare a cartridge for the enemy's strength,
Yes, kill so that you can live in peace later,
So that the grandson does not see the war picture.

During the occupation, the partisans carried out many successful attacks on Wehrmacht garrisons.

Kuban partisans carried out quite a few sabotage actions, in particular on the highway and railway routes Krasnodar - Novorossiysk.

The detachments named after the Ignatov brothers, “Gadfly” and “Groza”, were active here. The detachment named after the Ignatov brothers managed to deliver the most sensitive blows to the enemy.

During the years of occupation, the Kuban partisans killed about 12 thousand Wehrmacht soldiers and officers, and also wounded about 4 thousand. Partisans of the Krasnodar Territory destroyed 206 vehicles and derailed 14 trains carrying Wehrmacht troops and cargo.

During the war there was a saying:

The Soviet Kuban gave the Nazis many hot baths!

More than a thousand partisans and underground fighters were awarded orders and medals of the Soviet Union. Two partisans, the Ignatov brothers, were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
During the war, 356 sons and daughters of Kuban were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Presentation demonstration.

What can you say about the work of the Kuban people during the war?

Students respond using information. Then they are placed on a poster with the theme “The Labor of the Kuban People”.

The railway workers of Kuban, overtime, built and commissioned the Red Army in December 1942, six heavy armored trains and two lightweight armored trains.

In the Krasnodar region in the first months of the war, 145 hospitals were created and equipped.
Surgeon I.A. Ageenko (then professorKuban Medical Institute) during the war years he returned over 7 thousand military personnel to the front.

Improving the production process, turner of the Krasnodar Oktyabr plant, Komsomol member A.F. Dubyaga completed his shift assignment by 2154%!
By July 30thKuban collective farmsand state farms delivered grain twice as much as in 1940.

Let us turn to information related to the following topic, “February 1943.”
-During the occupation of Kuban, Hitler’s monsters shot, hanged, and strangled 61 thousand Soviet citizens in Gestapo dungeons.

With heavy fighting, overcoming stubborn enemy resistance, Soviet troops By February 12, 1943, they approached the capital of the Kuban - the city of Krasnodar.

The enemy clung to every street, road, height, and crossing. On his way, he burned, mined, and blew up.

The Germans were cruel and merciless.

On February 12, 1943, Krasnodar was liberated from the Nazi invaders.

Presentation demonstration.

V. Reflection.

What do you remember?

What did you manage to do in the lesson?

Let's take a look at the collages you created. Why did you succeed?

VI. Summary

A minute of silence.

Why should we remember the history of our country?

Why is it necessary to talk about the feat of the people of the Krasnodar region?

What will you tell your family and friends about after this class hour?

Military historical reconstruction

On January 19, a military-historical reconstruction will take place in Krasnoye Selo, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Krasnoye Selo from the Nazi invaders.

At 13.30 a flower laying ceremony will begin at the memorial “Mass grave of Soviet soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War”

At 14:00 there will be a grand opening of the event, representatives of the authorities, public and veteran organizations will speak.

The continuation will be an attempt by military history clubs to recreate the events of one of the battles during the Krasnoselsko-Ropshinskaya offensive operation 1944. The action will take place in the Lower Park between Equality Street and the ravine adjacent to Shchuppa Lane.


On January 23 at 12 o’clock in the Upper Park at the memorial “Mass grave of Soviet soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War” a solemn mourning ceremony will be held dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the fascist blockade.

Through the eyes of a tank sergeant
From the memoirs of Vladimir Ivanovich Trunin

I then fought in the 4th tank company of the 260th heavy breakthrough tank regiment. We were armed with heavy KV tanks.

We fought from Pulkovo to Krasnoye Selo in 5 days... It was impossible to walk on the roads. The Germans built the Northern Wall over three years. There were enemy anti-tank guns on all the hills and high-rises along the road. We had to circle through small forests and swamps where there were no Germans. For five days we did not eat, drink, or sleep. Hard to believe. But that's how it was...

The swamps were overgrown with sparse birch trees, and the hummocks were covered with snow. Darkness. The first tank went well. And it just so happened that in the dark our driver-mechanic led the tank in the footsteps of the first one. Upper layer the peat was already damaged, and our tank fell into the peat slurry. The harder the driver pressed the gas pedal, the deeper the tank sank into the swamp. Now only the tower sticks out. What to do? The prospect of being court-martialed loomed. And there the conversation is short: they drowned a tank - either a penal battalion, or even worse. And where are we without a tank? There are Germans all around.

In our crew, the gun commander was Guard Sergeant Major Kostya Baldin, a very experienced tanker. While still in neutral, he grabbed two telegraph poles and tied them to the sides of the tank’s wings with cables. With the help of these logs, step by step, changing and tying them one by one to the tracks, in complete darkness, waist-deep in cold slurry, with frozen hands, we finally pulled the tank onto the hummocks. Where did the strength come from?

On the night of January 19, we went to Raven Mountain. That same night, scouts of the captain of the Massala Corps, General Simonyuk, cut out the German sentries with knives and killed all the Germans who were at the observation points of Voronya Gora. It's dawn. Houses in Krasnoye Selo became visible...

The tanks were moving without infantry. This is bad and dangerous. Only the 291st Infantry Division approached from the right. 9 am. I had to go in. In Krasnoe Selo, brick houses were turned by the Germans into pillboxes: embrasures were punched in the walls and machine guns were installed in them. They even installed a machine gun on the bell tower of the church. Between Voronya Gora and the Big Camp, on the one hand, and Krasnoe Selo, on the other, there is a narrow ravine. There was a railway crossing along it. In order to delay our tanks and infantry, the Germans blew up a dam on the Duderhof Lakes (according to military historians, the dam was destroyed by Soviet naval artillery - editor's note). Water rushed down the ravine and cut off our path to the city. The rapid flow of water was 2 meters deep. You won't pass!

One of our HFs stuck his head in the water while crossing. Water flooded the engine, and it stalled right in the middle of the stream, and the ammunition rack was filled with water. The entire crew moved into the tower. There is nothing we can do to help, the water is rushing in. They pulled him out only a day later.

An arched brick bridge ran over the railroad tracks from Crow Mountain to the paper mill. The Germans blew it up: a one and a half meter hole formed in the middle. The commander of the tank company of the guard, Captain Bryzgalov ( school teacher mathematicians) calculated everything correctly and came to the conclusion that the center of gravity of the tank would be above the surviving bridge supports. And he led our tank across this blown-up bridge. Tank No. 642 has passed! The whole regiment followed him. An infantry platoon also moved over.

We entered Krasnoye Selo. We go up the slope. You can see little through the viewing slits and mirrors of periscopes. I had to lift the hatch cover while moving and look around. I saw huge pits dug by the Germans, which were filled with naked pale blue corpses German soldiers... “Wow, how many of them we killed,” I thought. Suddenly I heard the sound of a butt on the turret. We opened the hatch and looked, there was an infantry lieutenant there. He asks: help, on the bell tower on the right the Germans installed a machine gun and pinned the infantry to the ground. Kostya turned the tower to the right. He was an excellent shooter and fired a shell straight into the enemy machine gunner. The German, along with the machine gun, was carried down from the bell tower. No one else fired. The infantry rose and followed us. The battle lasted two hours.

Having reached the southern outskirts of the city, we looked around. And then the Germans put a wall of barrage fire in front of our tanks. Heavy artillery was firing from somewhere in the direction of Pushkin. About ten meters away there was a wall of explosions: black pillars with red sheaves inside, ten meters high...

Our tanks were stationed about two hundred meters from the Krasnoye Selo - Telezi - Russko-Vysotskoye - Ropsha highway. It was about 5 pm. It was already getting dark. I opened the hatch and suddenly saw a column of T-34 tanks rushing along the highway at dusk. This was the 30th tank brigade of Colonel Khrustitsky. Our heavy KV tanks broke through the German Northern Wall defenses. And now the T-34 high-speed brigades have gone to develop their success in the German rear. On January 19, 1944, by the end of the day, the German front had been broken through to its full depth.

The feat of our fellow countrymen

Today we celebrate the 67th anniversary of the liberation of Kalinin from the Nazi invaders. Military operation, held in our city on December 16, 1941, became one of the first victories of Soviet soldiers on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. On this historic day not only for Tver, but for all of Russia, we pay tribute to war veterans and remember the fallen soldiers.
Celebrations, dedicated to the Day liberation of Kalinin, began in the city yesterday - with the opening of memorial plaques to two of our fellow countrymen who died during the war. The memory of the former director of the Kalininskaya high school No. 7 (now it is gymnasium No. 6), holder of the Order of the Red Star Arkady Smirnov and graduate of this school Olga Baranova. The decision to install memorial plaques for him was made at one time by the teachers' council of the gymnasium staff. Subsequently, the idea was personally supported by Governor Dmitry Zelenin.
Arkady Smirnov and Olga Baranova glorified Tver with their military exploits. As a school director, Arkady Dmitrievich, as part of a fighter battalion, took an active part in the defense of Kalinin. He was certified for the position of senior lieutenant-political instructor and awarded the order Red Star for an operation to cross a water barrier. Arkady Smirnov died in 1943 on the front line in Smolensk region. The fate of Olga Baranova, a graduate of the 7th school, a third-year student at the Kalinin Pedagogical Faculty, is much shorter and more tragic. At the beginning of 1941, she voluntarily joined the ranks of the Red Army and a few months later she was brutally killed in fascist dungeons, only 10 days short of the liberation of Kalinin. The girl died at the age of 21...
Memorial plates to Arkady Smirnov and Olga Baranova are installed on the facades of the houses where they lived - Svobodny lane, 20 and st. Dostoevsky, 29. The opening ceremony was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Tver City Duma Sergei Aksenov, Head of the Regional Center patriotic education Victor Ovsyannikov, pupils of the Tver military-patriotic club "Falcon" and students of the 6th gymnasium.
Many kind words were said to our heroically deceased fellow countrymen. But, probably, Sergei Aksenov expressed the main idea when he said that these people fought for our freedom, and their feat went down in the history of the country forever.
Today in Tver there will be a whole series of ceremonial events dedicated to the Liberation Day of Kalinin. Flowers will be laid at the Victory Obelisk, mass graves and military graves. A ceremonial reception for veterans of the Great Patriotic War will take place at the Officers' House. Almost all schools in the city will organize assemblies, rallies and Courage lessons dedicated to the feat of soldiers Soviet army who liberated Kalinin. And memorial services for the fallen soldiers will be held in Tver churches.

Let us bow to the courage of the defenders of our city

Today the residents of Tver and our entire huge region have a big holiday. For the 67th time we celebrate the anniversary of the liberation of our hometown from fascist invaders.
The farther the harsh autumn and winter of 1941 are from us, the more clearly we realize the significance of the events that took place almost seven decades ago on Tver soil.
Today the editorial guest is Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor Mikhail Dmitrievich Khetchikov. The scientific military-historical center headed by him conducted a large research work in military archives, which allows us to complete the picture of those unforgettable days:
– It is known that the capture of Kalinin was given special importance in the plans of the German command. During the operation to capture Moscow in the area of ​​our regional center, the enemy intended to solve three interrelated tasks - to carry out a deep envelopment of the capital from the north, capturing a large transport hub, to deprive the Soviet command of the ability to maneuver the forces necessary to protect Moscow, and the joint efforts of the 9th Field Army group "Center" and the 16th field army of the group "North" in conjunction with the 3rd tank group to encircle and destroy the 22nd, 29th armies Western Front and the 31st Army of the Reserve Front. It was planned to create conditions for the encirclement of the northwestern group of the Red Army.
The main result of the two-month battles on Tver land was the fact that their tasks German troops couldn't fulfill it.
Yes, Kalinin had to be given over to the enemy. But not at the small price that the enemy was counting on.
Although by the beginning of the operation, that is, by the morning of October 13, the total number of city defenders did not exceed 3,000 people, the defense was deployed along the line from the Volga to Nikolskoye, Krivtsovo, Bortnikovo.
On the night of October 12-13 and the morning of October 13, German aircraft carried out powerful attacks on the city, accompanied by enormous destruction, fires and casualties. Nevertheless, our units, having entered into battle with the advance detachment of the enemy’s 1st Tank Division west of the village of Danilovskoye, managed to stop the enemy. The Germans decided to wait for the main forces to arrive. After their arrival in the afternoon, the first attempt is made to take the city on the move. After powerful artillery and air preparation, units of the enemy’s 1st Tank Division attacked our 142nd Infantry Regiment. The fierce battle lasted almost two hours. By this time, the 190th Infantry Regiment and the main forces of the 27th Artillery Regiment had arrived in Kalinin, and they also immediately entered the battle. The city’s defenders countered the enemy’s multiple superiority in manpower and absolute superiority in tanks and aviation with perseverance, courage and professionalism. As a result, on the first day of fighting, the Germans failed to take the city.
On October 14, they make a second attempt, launching three simultaneous attacks from different directions. By this time, units of our 256th Infantry Division had arrived in the city, but the position of the defenders remained extremely difficult. Moreover, the defense centers were continuously subjected to massive attacks by German aircraft. The fighting lasted all day; in the southern part of Kalinin, street fighting lasted until dark. Under pressure from superior forces, the 142nd Regiment of the 5th Infantry Division, as well as the militia battalion, began to retreat to the city center, and on the night of the 15th, under the threat of encirclement, the 5th Division was forced to retreat to the line Staraya Konstantinovka - Malye Peremerki - Kotovo.
It would seem that having captured the central part of the city, the enemy had the opportunity to continue fulfilling the assigned tasks - to develop an offensive against Moscow, Bezhetsk, Torzhok. For this, two more German divisions were brought into the city - the 36th motorized and 6th tank. However, in none of these directions were the enemy’s armored formations able to complete their assigned tasks. The path to fascist tanks to Torzhok was blocked by troops of the 934th Rifle Regiment, 46th Motorcycle Regiment and 8th Tank Brigade in the Gorbaty Bridge area.
Around the same time, the path of fascist tanks to Bezhetsk in the area of ​​the Tveretsky Bridge was blocked by artillerymen of the 531st artillery and infantrymen of the 937th Infantry Regiment, 256th Division, and fighters of the destroyer battalion. For three days they repelled enemy attacks with unparalleled courage.
In fact, our units trapped two enemy tank and one motorized divisions in the city. The enemy's armored formations were forced to conduct defensive actions that were not typical for them in the city.
Another bright page of the October battles is the oncoming battle on the Leningradskoye Highway on October 18. Our four rifle divisions, two brigades and a motorcycle regiment with simultaneous attacks dismembered the enemy group and began to destroy the 1st Tank Division and the 900th Motorized Brigade. The enemy was stunned. In the middle of the day, our units captured the settlements of Novo-Kalikino, Nikolo-Malitsa, and by the end of the day they closed the encirclement, capturing the intersection of the highway and railways northwest of Kalinin.
From the morning of October 19th and throughout the day of October 20th, our soldiers repelled continuous attacks by the 129th German Infantry Division, which was trying to break the ring. All enemy attempts were fruitless.
At the same time, our second strike group was crushing the enemy in the Maryino area. And the 185th Rifle Division, together with the 8th Tank Brigade, destroyed the Nazis in the settlements of Yamok, Sloboda, and Mednoe for two days - October 18 and 19. At the same time, the German tank group in Medny was defeated in a night battle. Day and night the Siberians beat the Nazis!
The 119th Infantry Division, included in the operational group, crossed the Dark River and crushed the enemy garrisons in Gorodnya and Shiryakovo for three days.
In three days tank division and the German motorized brigade virtually ceased to exist. Their remnants fled to Kalinin.
A significant contribution to the overall result of the fight for the city was made by soldiers and officers of the 21st Tank Brigade, which defeated an enemy convoy in the Pushkino area on the morning of October 17. During the day of fighting, the brigade destroyed 38 German tanks, about 40 guns and mortars, and 70 vehicles. On the southern outskirts of the city, the brigade was met by massive fire from enemy artillery, tanks and aircraft. In a fierce battle, two Heroes of the Soviet Union were killed - the commander of the tank regiment Lukin and the commander of the tank battalion Agibalov.
The raid of the 21st brigade, unexpected for the enemy, which coincided with the attack of the rifle divisions, forced the German command to switch to a perimeter defense.
Unfortunately, newspaper space does not allow us to tell day after day about the entire two months of hostilities in the Kalinin region. But we can say, without exaggeration, that these were two months of continuous counterattacks and fierce fighting that pinned down 16 enemy divisions. The active actions of the Kalinin Front thwarted the “deep envelopment of Moscow from the north” and prevented German armored formations from reaching the rear of the troops of the North-Western Front. In the Kalinin area, the myth of the invincibility of enemy tank groups was dispelled for the first time. Here, near Kalinin, the Germans were exhausted: the 9th field and 3rd tank groups exhausted their offensive potential in battles with our units. Any new offensive required the introduction of fresh forces that the enemy no longer had at his disposal.
On December 5, the troops of the Kalinin Front were the first to go on the offensive on the right flank of the Moscow battle. The winter was snowy, and this complicated the position of the attackers. Nevertheless, from the first days, fierce battles unfolded for Emmaus, Gorokhovo, Chupriyanovka, Kuzminskoye, Malye and Bolshaya Peremerki. The enemy removes the 129th Infantry Division from the Moscow direction and transfers it to Kalinin. The 110th and 251st infantry divisions, which acted against the troops of the right wing of the front, are also sent here.
Taking into account the increased strategic importance of the Kalinin Front in the outcome of the offensive near Moscow, Headquarters is taking measures to strengthen it. The fighting for the city continues. In accordance with the order of the commander, the 29th Army creates a strike force with the aim of cutting off the enemy’s escape routes to the west and southwest. The 31st Army manages to strike in the direction of Lebedevo, Mamulino and liberate the city. Rifle and cavalry divisions, two tank battalions, two artillery regiments and two rocket artillery divisions, and three ski battalions fought for the liberation of the city.
As a result of twelve days of fierce fighting on the front, the city was liberated on December 16.
Two months of continuous fighting in the area of ​​the regional center demonstrated the tenacity, resilience and massive heroism of the defenders of the Fatherland. For military merits in the October battles, two rifle divisions received the rank of guards. Four participants in the battles for Kalinin were presented with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 24 - with the Order of Lenin. Not everyone knows that we had two of our own Sailors: Sergeant Vasilkovsky and Private Paderin also covered the embrasures with their chests. Vasilkovsky was posthumously awarded the Order of Lenin. Paderin was awarded the title of Hero. Pichugin, who was also posthumously awarded the title of Hero, accomplished his feat in the skies of Kalinin. 144 soldiers and officers were awarded the Order of the Red Banner, 183 - the Order of the Red Star.
Kalinin is not only the first to be released regional center, not only the right flank of the Moscow battle. Somehow this has not been discussed before. But by holding German troops in the Kalinin area, destroying more than half of the 9th Field Army and inflicting serious damage on enemy tank units, we thereby helped Leningrad, in the direction to which part of these forces would otherwise have moved.
The courage and heroism of the soldiers and officers of the Red Army, partisans and underground fighters, workers and employees of the militia, shown in the defense and liberation of our city, will always evoke universal recognition and gratitude from their heirs on Tver soil.

Messenger of the second partisan

Modest name settlement“Empty land” for the Kalinin partisans is a whole chapter of their difficult military affairs.
Pustoshka is the intersection of the Moscow-Riga railway line and the Leningradskoye Highway. It is clear what importance the occupiers attached to the preservation of these “arteries of life.” That is why a special occupation regime was introduced in Pustoshka, and the entire Pustoshkinsky district was literally filled with SD, Abwehr branches, and military commandant’s offices. But, despite this, the partisans constantly made themselves known to the invaders. At the most unexpected moments, they prepared “surprises” for the Fritz, and it seemed that the highly classified plans of the Nazis were no secret for the people’s avengers.
This was indeed the case, since the partisans had their own “eyes and ears” everywhere - messengers and underground workers.
Among them was a young girl, Anna Parfenenkova, who had just finished her tenth year before the war. All the girl’s relatives and her friends joined the partisan fight. Her brother Peter was in the detachment. He volunteered for the front, was captured near Velikiye Luki, and successfully escaped. In Aleksadrov's detachment of the 2nd partisan brigade, he led a group of demolitionists. Anna's uncle Grigory was among the partisans, and her father was also associated with them. Naturally, the girl also began to help the partisans. Under the guise of a thrush, she went to Pustoshka and checked the location of enemy units and punitive units. I met with policeman Alexander Nikolaev - he was sent to the police by partisans and collected abundant information for them. The information conveyed to them through Anna often turned out to be very useful.
As the front approached Pustoshka, the punitive forces became fierce and seized "suspicious" While carrying out a partisan mission, the Gestapo arrested Anna’s father, and soon her too.
For seven days the Gestapo tortured and beat the father and daughter with whips. But they never achieved recognition of connections with the partisans. In the end, they were thrown into prison, and then the journey began through concentration camps - in Opochka, Moglin, Salaspils.
In 1944 they were taken to France. For my father, who by that time was completely exhausted, this move turned out to be his last. There, on French soil, he died. Anna and three other women decided to escape. We hid in the forest for two nights, and then we got to a shed standing in the middle of a field. Here they were found by their owners - a peasant family.
They were not handed over to the Gestapo, but were hidden until the arrival of American troops.
Then Anna was lucky enough to meet with the then famous Soviet correspondent Daniil Kraminov. He and emigrant Maria Murataeva, the mother of the commander of the Belgian anti-fascist detachment, helped her get to Brussels, where the Soviet repatriation mission began working in the fall of 1944. Anna was invited to collaborate with her. There, abroad, Anna celebrated Victory Day.
After the war, Anna married a military man, became Lapina, and traveled with her husband to distant garrisons. In the 60s, the family settled in Kalinin.
In peaceful life, Anna made an excellent pharmacist.
The Lapin family raised a son and daughter, three grandchildren.
This information about the partisan Anna Lapina (Parfenenkova) was presented to the editor by the regional council of Kalinin partisan veterans. The other day, the partisans saw off their fighting friend on her final journey. But, according to veterans, the story of this life deserves to be known not only by close people.
Blessed memory of the partisan messenger Anna!

That day we cried with happiness

For all Tverites who survived the war, December 16 is a particularly dear day. I was 15 at that time, and I remember well how everything was.
Our village of Vednoye is not far from Kalinin, echoes of the battles were constantly heard. Military men lived in all the houses. Refugees from western regions areas occupied by the enemy. And along the road to Kalinin, troops marched day and night.
We were bombed more than once. But almost simultaneously with the German bombers, our “hawks” appeared in the sky; the German pilots got nervous and dropped bombs anywhere. So they did not cause much harm to the village.
On October 14, boys born in 1923 were escorted into the army in the village. Among them was my brother Alexey. He was already the fourth from our family to go to the front.
The school was closed and a hospital was turned into it. From the wounded they learned what was happening in and around Kalinin. It was striking that, despite the wounds, the soldiers were in a cheerful mood; they all unanimously said that Kalinin was about to be freed. And we learned that Kalinin was ours again, first of all, from the wounded - before the radio reported it. People cried with happiness.
On December 22, we were sent to build fortifications in the Staritsa area, a little to the left of it. On the way we stopped for two hours in Kalinin. We managed to see what happened to our hometown during the occupation. The Nazis ruled the city for only two months, but what did they turn it into! The monument to Lenin was blown up, Revolution Square was turned into a fascist cemetery, German graves also occupied the square in which the monument to Krylov was erected. The travel palace was partially burned. When we drove towards Migalov, we often saw destroyed and burned buildings. Often the corpses of German soldiers came across. Apparently, the Nazis retreated in great haste, without having time to bury them. There was also a lot of abandoned equipment.
The wounded in the Vednovsky hospital were very worried that such important events happen without them. Everyone asked to be discharged as soon as possible in order to take part in the decisive battles. But, of course, it was impossible to do this. Moreover, many of the seriously wounded died. All of them died in battles for their homeland...
In 1956, the remains of the dead soldiers were reburied in mass grave. The villagers looked after her and planted flowers. Then the idea was born to erect a monument here. Fundraising has begun. We contacted the district administration and the deputy of the Legislative Assembly, Vladimir Vasilyevich Danilov. Everyone responded - thank them very much. Equipment for construction was allocated to the JSC "Tverzhilselstroy"and CPC "Perel". They didn't charge us a penny for it.
They decided to erect the monument at the mass grave. Since more than 1,000 people from the Vednovsky district went to the front, and less than half returned, it was decided to immortalize the names of the fallen on the slabs of the memorial complex. Now their names are forever inscribed in granite. At least 300 people gathered here on the anniversary of the Victory. And on the day of Kalinin’s liberation, Vednovtsy will come here to remember those who died for the liberation of the city and their fellow countrymen.
