Class hour September 1st. Class hour scenario: “September 1 for first graders”

Class hour September 1st.  Class hour script:

- This is a long-awaited and important day, which not only schoolchildren, but also teachers look forward to. Be that as it may, no matter how much we want to relax in the summer, sooner or later we begin to miss school, our friends, colleagues, work and study. And although in the presence of comrades we can claim the opposite, you cannot deceive yourself. Another confirmation of this is your behavior right now. If you didn't care, you wouldn't be looking for the script. class hour September 1.


The class hour on this day should not be devoted so much educational issues, as much as universal and organizational. Children need to be greeted, congratulated, praised and shown sincere joy from the meeting. They need to be charged with energy for the coming year and leave only the best impressions from the first class hour. Especially when it comes to first-graders who have not yet fully realized where they have ended up and what awaits them in the future.

website invites you to take a good script right here and now. You can choose it from among dozens of works presented in this section. Everything is free and available to you at any time, so you don't have to rush. And let the first class hour go with a bang!

Progress of the event:

The classroom is festively decorated with maple leaves and balloons.

Children rise from the ceremonial line into the office and take their places at their desks.

1. introduction class teacher.

Classroom teacher: - So the summer is over, the carefree days are far away and you all gathered together again to start the new school year. I hope it will be even more fruitful in terms of learning and creativity. You have crossed the threshold primary school, 4 years together with Alla Georgievna you stormed the basics school curriculum, and mastered them successfully! Now you are called middle school students, you are fifth graders and beyond school life we will walk with you together, I hope that our path will not be a winding path, but a wide, flat road along which we will walk, holding hands, helping each other, supporting... Together we are a powerful force. Congratulations on the beginning of a new path, on the holiday of September 1!

In order for us to understand with whom we are starting such a long journey, I invite you to introduce yourself again. Simply calling yourself is neither interesting nor meaningful, so I suggest adding a word or several words that characterize you to your first and last name. Let me introduce myself: Natalya Alekseevna: active, creative, resilient!

The children introduce themselves.

Classroom teacher:-Was it nice to meet you again? I hope you learned something new about your classmates. And, as you noticed, new students have appeared in our team, these are Eva Ganina from school No. 33 and Anastasia Lychkina from Kopeisk, Sergey Vlasyuk came to us from Kazakhstan.

That's how we met!

Classroom teacher:- I think that studying in such an office will be very pleasant for all of you. We will try to keep it as clean and cozy as possible. And the “yes-no” game will help us do this. Listen carefully to the questions and give the correct answer: either “yes” or “no”.

Will we enter class with dirty shoes? (No.)

Shall we wipe our hands on the curtains? (No.)

Can't you write directly on the walls? (No.)

Do you need to wear replacement shoes? (Yes.)

Need to fight during recess? (No.)

Won't we be late for class? (No.)

Let's try to study well? (Yes.)

Classroom teacher:- Well done, you answered all the questions correctly, and now it’s time to take the fifth-grader’s oath and be faithful to this oath all the years of study.

Always come to class for the first lesson

Even before the bell rings. (Children in chorus - We swear!)

Be active and relevant in class,

Remember and learn everything you need. (We swear!)

To become literate and smart,

Textbooks, books, pencil cases and notebooks

Become good friends, become faithful,

Help each other in everything and always. (We swear!)

And laziness, untidiness, tips, lies

We will never take you to class, under no circumstances. (We swear!)

Classroom teacher:- The students took an oath, now it remains for me, your teacher, to take an oath. This is my teacher's oath:

This is how I will teach you,

So that you can learn a lot.

Do not offend your students

Boys, girls - help everyone.

Don't have favorites in the class,

Children are equally loved.

Be friends with each other and write poems.

2. Class hour on the topic: “Family and family traditions.”

Classroom teacher:- The topic of our class hour: “Family and family traditions.” Today we are talking about family and relationships in it, about family holidays and traditions. Our family is the closest people who will help in Hard time, and they will rejoice at your successes more than anyone else in the world. If you feel bad, if it’s difficult, if you’ve been offended, who will caress you, who will caress you, who will console you? Of course, your mothers, fathers, relatives and people close to you, those who are dear to you more than anything in the world.

PRESENTATION:(The class teacher leads the class using slides from the presentation, which was made specifically using pictures from the cartoon “Shrek”, taking into account the age of the children.)

SLIDE 1: How a child subsequently treats himself, others and life in general depends entirely on the parents. Life may seem to him like an endless holiday or an exciting journey, or he may see it as a frightening foray into wild places or as boring, thankless and hard work awaiting everyone right outside the school gates.

SLIDE 2: Family traditions are the spiritual atmosphere of the house, which is made up of the daily routine, customs, way of life and habits of its inhabitants. Thus, some families prefer to get up early, have a quick breakfast, go to work and meet in the evening without asking questions or talking. In other families, it is customary to have meals together, discuss plans, and there is increased attention to each other’s problems.

SLIDE 3: In each house, during its existence, its own ritual develops. The house gets used to its residents and begins to live at their rhythm. Its energy structure changes somewhat under the influence of traditions. After all, by and large, traditions are not only the family way of life, but also the relationships that develop between family members.

SLIDE 4: Small child perceives the world through the eyes of adults - his parents. Dad and mom form a child's picture of the world from the very first meeting with their baby. Parents are free to show their child all the beauty of the world, envelop him with love and form a reliable life position throughout life.

SLIDE 5: The real desire for family happiness and family well-being is expressed in the creation of family traditions.

In some families, it has become customary to discuss the events of the past day over evening tea, when the whole family gathers.

What can family holidays and rituals be like?

SLIDE 6: Taking care of elderly parents is one of the wonderful traditions in our families.

SLIDE 7: Many families have a tradition of spending free time together.

SLIDE 8: Many families have a tradition of spending holidays together.


You may be surprised, but the best tradition associated with a birthday is to celebrate this day as the best holiday! Many adults sadly recall that in their family “it was not customary to celebrate birthdays.”

Instead of the usual “hello-bye”, a friendly family can agree to greet each other with a special “code” word, understandable only to “their own”! For example: “Great, hero!” or “Hello, princess!”

It's great if everyone gets together for a family lunch or dinner on the weekends.

You can start compiling family tree or start collecting some kind of collection, the scope for imagination is limitless.

SLIDE 10: Family traditions:

There is a tradition of collecting and storing family photographs.

Many people have stanina items stored at home. The person is no longer there, but we preserve, and the things that belong to him live. We store and protect them. These are also our traditions.

Celebrating family holidays is also a tradition.

One of the traditions was that people were proud of their famous ancestors.

Since ancient times, there was a tradition in Rus': representatives of one family were engaged in one type of activity.

There is a tradition of naming children after one of the family members.

SLIDE 11: Family traditions:

It is very important to follow family traditions, honor them, preserve them, and pass them on from generation to generation. The main thing is that they are needed for the family to be strong and friendly.

SLIDE 12: Family traditions:

You are quite capable of creating several family traditions that your children and grandchildren may adhere to! Don't forget just three main rules:

A recurring event should be bright, positive, memorable;

Tradition is a tradition to always be observed;

It is worth remembering that any rules are good if they make life better, and do not complicate it.

May your home be cozy and bright!

SLIDE 13: A child speaks (the poem was given in advance, after roll call they rehearsed.)

What could be more valuable than family?
The father's house greets me with warmth,
They are always waiting for you here with love,
And they send you off on your way with kindness!

Father and mother and children together,
Sitting at the festive table
And together they are not at all bored,
And it’s interesting for five of us.

The baby is like a pet to the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,
And mom is closest to everyone, dearest.

Love it! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more valuable than her?
On this fabulous land.

Classroom teacher:- Now let's move on to the quiz.

SLIDE 14, 15:

Say "family" in Latin. (Surname.)

Now say “family” in Italian. (Mafia.)

What do they say about those who divulge internal family troubles and quarrels? (Washes dirty linen in public.)

Name the most family-friendly geometric figure. (Circle. Close family circle, in the family circle.)

What is the Russian “fruit” proverb about someone who has inherited bad, unseemly behavior from their father or mother? ("The apple never falls far from the tree".)

Which plant represents both a native and an adopted relative? (Coltsfoot.)

There is a letter family in which, according to numerous verses, there are “thirty-three siblings.” What kind of family is this? (Alphabet.)

SLIDE 16: A child speaks with a poem (the poem was given in advance, after roll call they rehearsed):

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family means trips to the country in the summer.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important!

Family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love,

I want my friends to say about us:

What a good family ours is!

Classroom teacher:- Dear guys, dear parents and guests, I thank everyone for participating in our first school day, thank you for the beautiful flowers! Our first day of school is coming to an end. I look forward to seeing you on Monday. See you!

Class hour “First time in first grade!”

My beautiful first graders! Dear moms and dads! Dear grandparents! Happy brothers and sisters!
- Today we have a big holiday - Day of Knowledge.

You gathered for your first school lesson to get to know your school, me, your first teacher, and get to know your future classmates. My name is Lyudmila Semenovna.
- Smile at your desk neighbor and tell him your name. Guys, what do you think a smile says?
- When a person smiles, it means that: he feels good; he received a gift; he is praised; he did a good deed; got an A. A smile also tells us that we are in a good mood. Let's introduce ourselves to our classmates, passing the "fun ball", stand up and say our first and last name loudly.

To become a first-grader and a real student of 1st “B” grade, you need to pass a series of tests in a magical land.
- What is the name of this country? Look, there are letters on the board; to find out the name of this magical country, you need to make a word from these letters. Raise your hand if you made up the word.
- You will not find this country on any globe or map. You have to discover this country with the help of wizards - teachers.

They will teach you to count, write, and draw. This is the Land of Knowledge! Login to this magical land Autumn opens, she visited here and left you several messages - tasks on her beautiful maple leaves.
Who is ready and not afraid of the difficulties of the upcoming trials? Signal me about this with your raised hand.

So, everyone is ready.
- Only schoolchildren can travel through this magical country. When traveling, you must follow the rules. Which? Listen carefully.

Well, guys, keep quiet!
The lesson begins.
To become a student
Here's what you need to remember.
You are sitting in class
Quiet, quiet, like a mouse.
The back is right next to you
Do it like me.
We put our hands like this
And we are waiting for further assignments.
If you want to say
Either get out or get up
You have to hold your hand like that.

Do you remember? So, let's start completing the tasks left by Autumn, if we can complete her tasks correctly, we will receive the key that opens the door to the Land of Knowledge!
For those who have green maple leaves on their desks, read what is written on them. So our first test is riddles.

I carry a new house in my hand,
The doors of the house are locked.
The residents here are made of paper,
All terribly important. (Briefcase)

I know everyone, I teach everyone.
But I myself am always silent.
To make friends with me,
We need to learn to read and write. (Book).

Now I'm in a cage, now I'm in a line,
Write on me - ka,
You can also draw
What am I? (Notebook)

Doesn't look human
But he has a heart.
And work all year round
He gives his heart.
He writes when dictated,
He draws and draws,
And this evening
He will color the album for me. (Pencil)

I love directness
I'm the most direct
Make a straight line
I help everyone. (Ruler)

Your braid without fear
She dips it in paint.
Then with a dyed braid
In the album he leads along the page. (tassel)

I have a grimy back.
But my conscience is clear -
I erased the blot from the sheet. (Rubber)

You need me for order
Don't flip the pages in vain.
Where I lie, read. (Bookmark)

What kind of stick is in your hand?
Is he quick to draw on a piece of paper?
Have you written everything you need?
Put it in your pencil case! (Pen)

Well done! All the riddles have been solved! What do these mysteries have in common? (school supplies) And we now have part of the key. All that remains is to assemble the remaining parts.

Who has yellow leaves on their desks, what is written there? So this is a test of fairy tales.
Who sent this telegram: “Save! Help! We were eaten by the Gray Wolf! What is the name of this fairy tale? (Kids, "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats")

Call Sivka-Burka with words from a fairy tale. What was the name of this horse's owner? (“Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka, Stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!”, Ivanushka the Fool)
What words did the girl say to the bear? What fairy tale is she from? (“Masha and the Bear”, “Don’t sit on a stump, don’t eat the pie...”)

Which pet helped the girl complete her stepmother's tasks? What is the name of the fairy tale? What grew from the bones of this tree? (cow. “Kroshechka-Khavroshechka”, apple tree)
What fairy tale are these words from? Who is its author? “You are always late, you worthless boy! Who raised you? (“The Adventures of Buratino”, A. Tolstoy)
Insert the required word into the text. “Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman who were sometimes sad. Only the chicken that... was their consolation” (Ryaba Hen)

Well done! You know very well fairy-tale heroes! And we have another part of the key.
And we move on. Who has red maple leaves on their desks, what is written there? Let's play the game "Yes - no"
You are all already students and each of you has a briefcase. Now we will find out what you will take with you to school.
I will name the items, if you put this item in your briefcase, say “yes” in unison, and if you don’t agree, “no”.

Do we put a bag of candy at the bottom? (NO)

What about a police pistol? (NO)
- Shall we put some vinaigrette in there? (NO)
- Are we putting the diary in the briefcase? (YES)
- Notebooks (YES)
- Handles (YES)
- What about multi-colored pencils? (YES)
- Shall we put in a ripe orange? (NO)
- What about the grocery store? (NO)
- And the doll (NO)
- Or a typewriter (NO)
- Shall we put the salad in the bag? (NO)
- Are we putting knowledge in the bag? (YES)
- Smile and success? (YES)

Well done! The briefcase was collected. We successfully passed the tests left by Autumn, and she gave us the key to the door to the magical land of Knowledge. And tomorrow you and I will open this door.
What else do we need in the Land of Knowledge? (textbooks)
Well, since you have now turned from preschoolers into real students of 1st “B” grade, the school has prepared textbooks for you that you will use for the whole year.

Well, who guessed what needs to be done with them at home? (With washed hands, you can look at them, leaf through them, wrap them, sign them, stick a bookmark). The teacher speaks and shows on his textbooks.
- After all, other first-graders will learn from them after you.

Guys, who will remember how our lesson today began (acquaintance). Who wants to smile now, who is in a good mood?
I smile, I liked you, I felt good with you, and you?

You have rays on your desks, let's write your name on it and color it beautifully with a felt-tip pen. We will make a sun from the rays, it will smile at you and will be waiting for you for lessons tomorrow. Let's try to start every day at school with a smile.
- In memory of today - the Day of Knowledge, the day we met you, we will give you balloons as a gift.

Burkeeva Lyudmila Semenovna, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 4”, Udmurt Republic, Mozhga, teacher primary classes

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“I have to go to school soon. How should I behave there?

Purpose of the holiday: give first-graders an idea of ​​the school and the rules of behavior.

Characters: Vanya Klyushkin Vasilisa the Wise Snow Man Gold autumn First-grader teacher Diana

After the general school assembly, first-graders, led by the teacher, enter their classroom in pairs. The melody of the “School Waltz” sounds (music by I. Dunaevsky, lyrics by M. Matusovsky).

On the threshold of the classroom, children are greeted by Golden Autumn (she is wearing a suit in yellow and red tones, a crown of maple leaves). Together with the teacher, she helps them find their places at their desks.

Gold autumn:

-You were preschoolers

And we went to kindergarten.

The teachers taught

Draw, make friends, play.

You said goodbye to kindergarten,

We spent the summer at home.

But autumn has come -

You have now come to school.


—Who are you and what are you doing in first grade?

Gold autumn:

- I am Golden Autumn!

And I help you

Find out all the rules.

After all, on the first day of September

Now I have to go to school

You should go every year!


- How long do we have to study?

Give me the answer, Autumn!

Gold autumn:

— You’ll be coming here, kids, for 10 years!


— The academic year begins on September 1 and ends in May. And all this time you will go to school every day, because with today you are students. Having completed the first class, you will move to the next, to the second. After the end of the school year, vacations will begin. And then - back to school.

Vasilisa the Wise:

— All over the country today

School doors opened.

The cheerful bell is ringing,

Bouquets, balloons

The school yard is colorful...

The class includes the Snowman. He looks around and backs away. But then Vanya Klyushkin jumps out from behind the desk, runs up to the character, grabs him by the hand and leads him to the desk.

- Sit down, sit at your desk, dear little man!

Even at school, in first grade, I will not part with you!


- What kind of character is this?

This student is not ours!

Vanya Klyushkin:

- Snowman is -

A creature from another planet!

Don't kick him out

Give him a place in the class!


— I’ve been friends with Vanya for a long time.

I came from another planet.

I don't go to school at home:

We don't have any trace of it!

I don't know anything at all!

And I suffer very, very much...

Please understand me

And also be accepted into first grade!

The teacher asks the first-graders whether to leave the Snowman in the classroom. Having received the answer, she says:

- Well, I'll leave you.

And I’m enrolling you in our first grade!

Sit down and listen:

(Golden Autumn takes the Snowman to his place - an empty desk or a specially prepared chair.)

When the teacher enters the classroom,

Shut up everyone at once!

And from behind the desk every time

All of you get up together!

Now I'll go out and come in,

And you meet me! (Leaves the class.)

Vasilisa the Wise:

- Now we know this rule,

And in chorus, we repeat together.

Students repeat the words:

— The teacher entered the class —

We get up every time!

The teacher returns to the classroom, everyone stands up, she says hello and allows the children to sit down.

Vanya Klyushkin(jumping up from his seat with fervor):

- I am preschooler Vanya Klyushkin!

I want to become like Pushkin:

Write fairy tales and poems.

My mother just tells me:

“This, Vanyusha, is not enough!

To write a book,

There is a lot to know.

So that all your dreams come true,

I need to study at school!”

I came to school now:

I'm entering first grade!

Gold autumn:

- You are a lively boy, Vanyusha!

You understand your mother.

But here are our school rules,

It's obvious right away, you don't know.

Vanya Klyushkin:

- You can see it right away! Why?

I don’t understand you!


- Let's stop arguing, friends!

Your teacher is me!

(Introduces himself.)

I'm starting my lesson.

Vanya, listen: I’m explaining.

As soon as the bell rings -

Let's shut our mouth.

If someone wants something

Tell me, the teacher,

You have to raise your hand!

Snowman (raising his hand):

- I want to know very soon,

Tell me, what is school?

Gold autumn:

— The school is a large educational building.

There are daily dates with friends!

The school is cozy and interesting.

They study at school - everyone has known for a long time!


— At school we write, read, sing,

We learn something new every lesson.

We will go to the theater together, for walks,

Eat sweet rolls in the dining room.

Vasilisa the Wise:

— First of all, at school they teach you to work,

Believe in yourself and strive for success.

Don't be afraid of any business on Earth.

Vanya Klyushkin:

- At school they will teach you to write, draw,


- I heard that knowledge is the key

Can I get it at our school?


— The key to knowledge is in the head.

The head must work:

Listen, think, repeat,

Think, learn!

It has already been proven beyond doubt:

Studying at school is hard work!

Games away - learn lessons,

Complete all tasks

And then go for a walk!

Vasilisa the Wise:

- Right! Here is the third rule:

So that you don't get a bad grade at school,

Lessons must be taught at home!

Gold autumn:

- The sciences that you study at school,

You'll get it for the rest of your life!


- What will we study?


- We will repeat the letters:

Everyone needs to know their native speech.

We will study the numbers

Learn to write correctly,

Sing, draw, teach poetry,

Love friends, animals, the whole world!

Vasilisa the Wise:

— Russian people say: “It is not the one who knows how to read who is literate, but the one who listens and understands.”


- My wise head!

As always, girl, you are right.

Let's learn other rules,

So that you behave correctly:

Don't talk, be quiet and listen,

Be careful, don't eat

And don't bother your neighbor!

You know, raise your hand!

If the bell rang,

So the lesson is over,

So there will be a change.


-What is change?


Everything is according to schedule!

And remember, friends:

You can't be late for class!

To avoid being late for class,

Don't forget anything

In the evening, notebooks and books

We need to get ready for school!

Vanya Klyushkin, please tell me what you will put in your briefcase when you get ready for school?

Vanya Klyushkin:

— Eraser, paperclip and notebook...

I was a little confused and forgot what to take!

Eraser, paperclip and notebook...

What else should I take to school?


- Remember the rules, don’t forget anything!

And now we will play so that we know for sure

What should you prepare for school and what things should you take?

To remember the order, we will all start the games with riddles. Then there are games dedicated to school supplies.

Game "Pencil and Ball"

Gold autumn:

- He is not a pen, but he will write, draw a river, a beach, a School, a backpack, a student - Wooden... (pencil) Participants are divided into two teams; Two players stand out from both. Each pair is given a thick pencil and a ball of thread. At the leader’s command, the players begin to rewind the ball onto a pencil. The fastest pair is rewarded with a prize. You can give a second award for accuracy.

Game "What's in the pencil case?"

Vasilisa the Wise:

— Put the pen and pencils in the box,

So that they don’t dangle in the briefcase, so that they don’t scatter along the bottom,

In order for you to lift the lid, you take what you need in your hands.

This narrow box is called... (pencil case)

The player is blindfolded, mittens are put on his hands, and he, having lowered his hand into a large pencil case with school supplies and candy, must pull out the object and say what he is holding in his hand. The participant takes the candy as a prize.

Game “Portrait of a First-Grader”

Gold autumn:

- They are so different - green and red,

Blue, purple and light blue,

They will paint the world in all colors... (colored pencils) Players receive a piece of cardboard or whatman paper with slots for their hands and colored pencils. Putting their hands through the slots, they draw a “portrait” without looking. The prize is awarded for the funniest or most successful drawing.

Game "Eraser and Pencil"

Vasilisa the Wise:

“I only follow the tracks and correct mistakes.”

I'm not a laundress, I'm not a housewife, but I erase stains (eraser)

Participants are divided into two teams (“pencils” and “erasers”), and players emerge from each one one at a time. They stand face to face, put their hands behind their backs and, with their legs spread wide, rest their foreheads against each other. The “pencil” is opposed to the “eraser”, which is trying to “erase” its “traces”. The task of each participant is to move the opponent while remaining in place.

Game "What's in my notebook?"

Gold autumn:

“I have rulers and cells, and everyone learns to write from them.” All adults and children need me, don’t forget your... (notebook)!

Participants in the game come out with notebooks open on a blank page. Everyone draws an animal: a cat, a dog, a goat, a cow, an elephant, a giraffe, etc. When finished, the player passes the notebook to his neighbor. He must write below the letter with which, in his opinion, the name of the animal begins, and make a similar image. The winner is the author of the best, in the opinion of the majority, drawing.

Game “Walk the Line”

Vasilisa the Wise:

- In order to draw straight lines in the notebook, bring me to school in your briefcase, (ruler) Several long rulers are laid out on the floor. The player must walk along the line in a tightrope walker position and not leave it. To make it more difficult, you can place different objects along the way (a book, a pencil case, a piece of paper, a toy, etc.). It can also be a competitive game between teams.

Game “Everything in the briefcase!”


- For notebooks and pens,

For pencil cases and books, I am home.

You will find a ruler in me,

Eraser, pencil, album, (briefcase)

The driver is selected. He assigns names to the participants school subjects:

- I will call all of you:

Pen, pencil, notebook,

Diary, ruler, brush, pencil case...

I think I named them all!

The players go out and form a circle. The driver stands in the center of the circle. They ask him: “Have you collected your briefcase? What did you put there? He replies: “I put down the brush, took the ruler, forgot the notebook.” Players under the code names “brush” and “ruler” run to the driver. But the third participant, the “notebook,” can get ahead of them.

The driver gives way to the child who is faster than him. The other two players return to their seats. One of them can be taken by the former driver if he gets ahead of the “owners”. A participant who does not have time to take a place in the circle is eliminated from the game.


- Now we'll play

And let's do some math.

I know that you guys

Get started, Vasilisa,

Check this knowledge!

Vasilisa the Wise:

- Masha counted the apples:

One two three four five...

An apple fell to the floor.


— Mom bought me pens.

How many things? I forgot.

Five in the briefcase, three in the pencil case...

Perhaps you have counted?

Vasilisa the Wise:

— There are seven notebooks in the store

They gave it to first-grader Nadya.

My sister gave me three,

I dropped one into a puddle.

Nadya counted everything.

How many pieces did you end up with?


— You studied the alphabet,

We learned the letters in kindergarten.

How many are there in the alphabet?

Give the exact number!

(Children answer.)

Gold autumn:

— Well done, you showed us your knowledge,

Just their names

They didn't call it that.

Get ready to get up

Whose letter will I name?

All children whose names begin with the letter A are invited to stand, then with the letter B, etc. The first grader rises from his desk, says his name and sits down after one of the parents gives him a gift. It can be a ball on a string (preferably a shaped one), tied with a ribbon, to the end of which is tied a chocolate medal, pen, badge, book, etc. At the same time it is read solemn congratulations, for example, with the following content:

— Congratulations, Olya,

On the first day of school!

— Congratulations, Nastya!

I wish you school happiness!

- I congratulate Ilyusha,

I wish you to be an excellent student!

- Study, Olezhka, don’t be lazy!

Strive to be the first in everything!


- We played, counted,

We met, we got tired,

But today you

We learned a lot of new things!


- Wow, there are a lot of rules at school!

I'll forget everything, dear!


- We will repeat them

And actually apply it.

Now we want to tell you

About our school house,

So that he becomes for you as soon as possible

Familiar and familiar.

This is the class where my students come,

They answer their lessons at the blackboard,

They give them grades in their diaries.

Through the windows they watch the clouds float across the sky,

They are waiting for a loud bell to ring during recess.

Gold autumn:

- And here there is a large, wide hall,

Where physical education classes always take place.

There is a horse and parallel bars in the hall,

You will jump here

Do any exercises

To strengthen your strength and health.

Vasilisa the Wise:

— I’ll tell the children about the library!

I take books here all the time,

I come here often.

So many shelves, so many books!

More than in any apartment.

Books will tell you a lot.

Interesting in the book world!

Pinocchio and Malvina,

Cheburashka and Pierrot,

There are different pictures of fairy tales,

Pushkin, Mikhalkov, Perrault...

Vanya Klyushkin:

To know everything in the world!


- For those who have lost immunity,

There is a medical office at the school.

Vasilisa the Wise:

- Of course, anything can happen at school:

Colds and illness plague us all.

And if a tooth suddenly hurts

Or you have a cough,

You accidentally broke your nose,

Or your hand was pinched by the door,

You somehow slid off the railing the wrong way,

Or a fit of laughter began,

Run straight to the doctors.

They will always help you!

Gold autumn:

- And your schoolyard is cozy and green!

Benches under birch trees and maples,

Lilacs and bird cherry blossom in spring,

Flowers in the flower beds - the children plant them.


— School is your life for ten years,

School brings light of learning to you!


— I really liked the school.

The people here are friendly and cheerful.

I will invite friends here.

After all, knowledge is light, but without it there is trouble!


- So it’s over -

Our first lesson.

Tomorrow for sure

Be on time!

The end of the holiday is marked by a general dance to the melody of a school song in a waltz rhythm.

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Class hour scenario September 1, Knowledge Day in 2nd grade. Classroom materials in 2nd grade will help create a festive mood, in game form repeat the rules of school life for all participants in the educational process.

Target: create conditions for adaptation to school life after summer holidays; maintaining a friendly atmosphere.


  • To support children's feeling of celebration from meeting with school, to create the mood for educational activities.
  • Promote the unity of teachers, children and parents.

Event form: class hour at the second grade level together with parents.

Opening speech by 1 teacher

If you woke up in the morning
And I saw outside the window:
Everyone is dressed up and with flowers,
And the house is full of fun;
If you see: on the way
Many schoolchildren are coming -
So autumn has come,
The school year has begun.

Teacher 2: Today is a big holiday - Knowledge Day. Dear parents, dear children! I'm glad to meet you.

The summer days have flown by,
It's time for you to get to your desks
Again you are all students,
Studying is not a game!

1 teacher: Guys, we are glad to see you matured and wiser now in 2nd grade. We congratulate you on the start of the new academic year and wish you great success. The second grade is quite difficult, but we will certainly overcome all difficulties together.

Teacher 2: From tomorrow we begin serious work, everyday work. And may this school year be kind, fruitful, and creative for you.

1 teacher: In our class (2b) there are 27 students - 16 girls and 11 boys. (If there are newly arrived students, the teacher must introduce them.)

2nd teacher: And in our class (2a) there are 28 students - 15 girls and 13 boys

1 teacher: Let's tell each other the most necessary words, and at the same time remember the letters. So, I show a letter, and you name words starting with this letter that answer the questions “which one?” which? which?". (Parents help.)

All the boys in our class are the most... (The teacher shows the letter “C”. Strong, handsome, fair, funny, athletic.)

All the girls in our class are the most... (The teacher shows the letter “K”. Beautiful, cultured, flirty, cool.)

And the parents in our class are the most... (The teacher shows the letter “B”. They are adults, tall, cheerful, attentive, polite.)

And the lessons are the best... (The teacher shows the letter “D”. Long, kind, friendly, trusting.)

I know that everyone was preparing for this holiday, and several of our students even learned poems for the Day of Knowledge. They have the floor. (Children read prepared poems.)

  1. Hello, school year!
    Good luck, students!
    The chime of a bell
    Let them ring, let the bells ring!
  2. Ring, ring! Ring, ring,
    Opening lessons.
    We are moving forward towards knowledge,
    Without knowing fatigue!
  3. The bell rings: both cheerful and loud.
    And the soul is filled with joy,
    And the guys’ faces bloom:
    The time has come, lessons begin!
  4. The bell is ringing
    Scattering cheerful laughter, -
    He yearned for summer hour for us.
    Good day, school, dear school!
    Good day, our cozy, bright classroom!
  5. And the parents stand on the sidelines
    And they look at us with excitement,
    As if we saw it for the first time
    Your boys have grown up.
  6. And we promise you
    IN academic year don't be lazy
    Try to study hard
    Strive to the heights of knowledge,
    Achieve high results!

1 teacher: Let's make a promise for the second school year. If you agree with the phrase, say “we promise,” if you don’t agree, say “no.” We, 2nd grade students, promise:

  • never go to school...with lessons unlearned;
  • never say hello to teachers... with your mouth full of chewing gum;
  • never wear spare shoes... in the same bag with sandwiches;
  • never solve problems... by copying them from your neighbor;
  • never open textbooks... with dirty hands;
  • never bring flowers to school... picked from a flower bed;
  • never do homework... in physical education class;
  • never be on duty in class... carelessly;
  • never invite parents to meetings... five minutes before they start;
  • never listen to teachers... with half an ear;
  • never open the school door... by kicking it.

Congratulations and parting words to parents

1 teacher:

I would like to say kind words to my parents.
It is difficult to raise your own children.
There is a lot you need to know for this.
I want to wish my parents
Always help children with everything,
Get the child ready for school in the morning,
Give good parting words on time,
Have time to read a smart book,
And don’t forget to take a walk on your day off.
To avoid everyone's illnesses,
We still need to toughen up the children.
Everyone also attends meetings,
Help the school as much as possible.
And most importantly, without a doubt,
I wish you great patience!

2 teacher: Parents' oath

We will always help children with their studies! Yes? Yes!
So that the school is proud of the children! Yes? Yes!
We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks! Yes? Yes!
Formulas to remember are nonsense for us! Yes? Yes!
We swear to never hit children! Yes? Yes!
Just scold a little sometimes! Yes? Yes!
Let's be calm, like water in a river! Yes? Yes!
We will be wise, like a star in the sky! Yes? Yes!
We will put a lot of work into the renovation! Yes? Yes!
May the school be forever young! Yes? Yes!
We will get up in the morning in the cold,
To be on time both here and there! Yes? Yes!
Pamper your children with sweets sometimes! Yes? Yes!
When the study period is over,
Let's take a walk with the children then! Yes? Yes!

Physical education minute

Teacher. Although you have already become adults, we will not forget about rest and play in lessons. The answer is “yes” - clap your hands, the answer “no” is stomp

Did you come to school today? (Yes.)

Did you relax during the holidays? (Yes.)

Are you dirty? (No.)

Are you 2nd grade students? (Yes.)

Do you study at school No.(...)? (Yes.)

Today the rain? (No Yes.)

Are you tired? (No.)


Teacher. Decipher the words: winder (four); tekyarap (five); avody (two).

How can these three words be called in one word? (Marks.) Marks are like candy. For example, if you get an A, it’s like you’re bringing a box of chocolates home, and you’re happy to tell everyone about it. Everyone praises you, rejoices with you, and wants to watch it. Do you agree? And when you get a bad grade, you realize that it’s just a candy wrapper, and you want to get rid of it as quickly as possible, throw it away, for example. Do you agree?

Now we will conduct an emergency course to test your readiness to get twos and fives. Don't yawn, add a rating where you need it!

If you haven’t learned the poem again,
You will undoubtedly get only... (two) for your homework.

I spent the whole day solving a problem on the wallpaper, you're in the apartment,
But I forgot to rewrite everything and you will get... (two).

You learned English so well that you barely made it to school,
But he answered excellently, and in the diary they will give ... (five).

Be diligent, careful, look at the teacher,
If the work is error-free, then the diary will be decorated... (five).

Of course, it will be useful to know the entire multiplication table.
If only you have enough patience, you will get... (five).


Teacher. What will the new school year be like for you? There are pictures in the envelope. Take out one at a time, and I will explain to you what awaits you in the new school year.

(Students take out cards with pictures one by one.)

BIRD. Luck, like a bird, is fickle; it flies in and flies away. Don't yawn, catch her and hold her tight!

ICE CREAM. It’s so cold, expect troubles, but so that they don’t bother you, it’s better to do your homework!

FLOWER. Don't forget to congratulate your favorite teacher on the beginning of the school year! She will be in a great mood all year!

CAT SCIENTIST. Wisdom in books! Read more, go to the library more often!

WALNUTS. You will have to gnaw on the granite of knowledge with special zeal. Learn all the rules!

BALL. Don't forget to be active in physical education throughout the school year. Remember: a healthy mind in a healthy body!

SUN. Be warm and affectionate, like the sun, then you will have many friends. Everyone will want to bask in the rays of your kindness!

GOLD FISH. All your wishes will come true only under one condition - don’t be late for school!

VASE. Be observant, notice the beauty of the world around you. In drawing and labor, the diary will only show A's.

KERCHIEF. You'll have to cry a little... at the end of the school year. You will enjoy studying so much that you will not want to go on summer vacation.

SOAP. Be clean, tidy, polite. Don’t forget to smile at the director - maybe he won’t call you into his office.

GLOBE. A journey awaits you. Where and when is still unclear. The main thing is not to float around the board, answer confidently, without mistakes!

HORSE. Remember that school is not a racetrack. It is not advisable to rush along the corridor like a horse, trotting, galloping, or ambling.

CLIP. You are about to meet a good friend.

BULB. A brilliant idea will strike you.

RULER. You will come to knowledge along a straight path.

BUTTON. Learn your lessons, otherwise it will be a joke.

PEN. Don't forget to write down your homework.

KEY. You will definitely find the key to knowledge.

SHELL. This school year you will learn a lot about the underwater world.

CANDY. A sweet life awaits you.

Say the word

Who walks with a bag of books
Going to school in the morning?.. (Student.)

And today he will meet you
Bright and spacious... (class).

There is a clatter of feet in the corridor.
Who calls everyone to class? (Ring.)

If you know everything.
Then they will put it in the diary... (five).

If you barely know,
Then you will only get... (two).

What kind of student you are.
Your... (diary) will be shown to everyone.

Always be in order
Your school... (notebooks).

Who lost his pencil?
He forgot that there is... (pencil case).

1 teacher:

Second year of study!
There is experience and knowledge,
Difficult, no doubt
But it takes effort!
Second the year is more difficult,
The second is an important year.
Follow him quickly
Everything will go easier!
Second year of study!
Once you master it,
All sciences meaning
You'll get it no problem!
In short, a second grader,
Be an example to everyone!
Let it always be only kind
Your school will be the way!

The Day of Knowledge is a sea of ​​excitement and the first bells, an abundance of flowers and white bows, a ceremonial ceremony and traditional open peace lessons. Not only schoolchildren, but also teachers are preparing for the important day of September 1st with leisurely diligence. They have a responsible mission - to acquaint first-graders with their future Alma Mater and arouse keen interest in new knowledge and achievements. On September 1, the class hour should be clearly organized, and the script should be perfectly composed. Only in this way will both kids and high school students be able to grasp and understand the essence of the introductory and educational process embedded in the presentation.

Class topics for September 1 at school

Class hour is one of the most effective forms of extracurricular work aimed at sincere communication between the teacher and students. Most often, such events are held in honor of memorable dates or holidays, and Knowledge Day is no exception! The main goals set for open lessons are to develop personality and creativity, enriching with facts about nature and the surrounding world, creating an emotional and sensory atmosphere and a favorable environment in the classroom and team. The first class hour of the school year is especially important for first-graders. At such an important stage, they discover for the first time the concepts of “school”, “class”, “knowledge”, “development”.

  • “Initiation to first graders”
  • "The world around us"
  • “Beauty and kindness will save the world”
  • “Visiting a fairy tale”
  • “On a journey through science”
  • Last year within the school walls"

These and other topics for class on September 1 are easy to organize and play out in a form that is understandable and accessible even to young children.

Class hour on September 1 in 1st grade

The class hour on September 1 in 1st grade has its own specific features. Little schoolchildren do not yet have a clear understanding of many things and phenomena, but at the same time they have an excellent understanding of games, fairy tales, pets and the daily environment. Taking these significant nuances into account, you can organize a truly unforgettable class hour in 1st grade on September 1st. If the teacher’s work is done well, students will discover many new and interesting things. The main thing is to exclude any edifying tone and not to interrupt the children’s initiative to speak out on the topic of the lesson.

Class hour scenario for September 1: “Initiation into first graders”

“Initiation into first graders” is one of the most common classroom scenarios on September 1st. Its main goal is to create a festive mood and inspire children to future discoveries and achievements during school everyday life. The classroom scenario for September 1, “Initiation into first-graders,” may include:

  • the first entrance to the classroom with the teacher after the line;
  • getting to know each other and presenting school certificates;
  • watching a pre-arranged puppet theater performance;
  • children's quiz “how do I collect a briefcase”;
  • reading rhymes and riddles;
  • familiarization with the rules of behavior at school;
  • solemn school oath;

Any deviations and additions are possible and even welcome!

Class hour scenario for September 1: “Visiting a fairy tale”

Class hour scenario for September 1st “Visiting a fairy tale” - the most favorite for junior schoolchildren. The purpose of it is not only to familiarize children with the new school walls, but also to test their knowledge and memory, develop imagination, and strengthen faith in miracles and fairy tales. The main attributes of such an open lesson are character costumes, hero masks, bright illustrations of fairy tales and cartoon frames, handouts for competitions and quizzes. The scenario “Visiting a Fairy Tale” for September 1 is a win-win option! The half-hour-long holiday will remain in the memory of little schoolchildren as a bright, indelible stain.

Class hour script for September 1st – “Around the World”

Every year, first-graders become smarter than the previous ones. Perhaps our children strive for early development, and perhaps the reason for this is preparatory preschool courses and a complex kindergarten program. In any case, the classroom scenario for September 1 should be interesting and entertaining: “Around the World” is one of them! During an open lesson, the teacher introduces children to environment, strange plants and animals, overseas countries and their funny traditions. A special place in this activity is given to instilling love for one’s homeland and native land. Among the constant attributes are a huge globe, bright cards, pictures of funny plants and animals, cards with riddles, tongue twisters, songs, and games. The classroom scenario for September 1st “Around the World” may also include a demonstration of traditional outfits different countries and peoples. In any case, there are no limits to your fantasies.

Presentation of class hour for September 1st for high school students

The presentation of a class hour on September 1 for high school students cannot be as fabulous and magical as for kids. But in any case, it must be exciting, interesting, and carry a clear meaning! Most often, an open lesson of this kind for high school students is conducted in the form of a slide show on an interactive whiteboard or large computer monitor. The main topics are “Healthy children in a healthy family”, “Lesson of peace”, “Choose a profession responsibly”, “The future belongs to the youth”, “The last year of childhood”...

Regardless of the chosen topic, the September 1 class presentation for high school students should contain organizational issues, and evaluative, and targeted, and meaningful. An integral part is summing up! You also cannot do without additional visual materials. Books, brochures, posters and banners have a place in any open lesson. Only if all aspects of the presentation on September 1 are harmoniously combined will the class hour be effective and logically completed.
