Domestic weapons and military equipment. “This is a company of first combat readiness

Domestic weapons and military equipment.  “This is a company of first combat readiness

The location of the 234th Guards Black Sea Order of Kutuzov named after Alexander Nevsky Air Assault Regiment, or military unit 74268, is Pskov, Pskov region. The formation is one of the structural units of the 76th Guards air assault division, located in Pskov and is subordinate to the command of the Western Military District.

Sleeve insignia of the 234th Guards AShP


The predecessor of the formation was the 221st Infantry Regiment, formed in the winter of 1926 and immediately became part of the 74th Taman Infantry Division. For military services in the pre-war period he received the name of the Black Sea.
In August 1939, it was separated from the division as an independent unit and reorganized into the 157th Infantry Division. The structural units of the headquarters and one of the battalions became the basis for the formation of the 384th Infantry Regiment, redeployed to Novorossiysk. The regiment itself, among the combat units of the 157th division, defended Odessa (September 1941) and was involved in the Kerch-Feodosia operation (December - May 1942).
The regiment was reorganized into the 234th at the end of the Battle of Stalingrad (1943), and at the same time received the rank of guards. After the Great Patriotic War redeployed to Kirov, and in June 1946 to Kingisepp. The final location of the 234th Guards Rifle Regiment from 1947 was Pskov.
In the summer of 1946, there was another reorganization of the unit - it became known as the 234th Guards Landing Airborne Regiment and became part of the collapsed 238th Guards Rifle Regiment. The 234th Guards Parachute Regiment was renamed in the fall of 1949. It is worth noting that during the war the unit received the Order of Kutuzov, 3rd degree, for its participation in the liberation of Danzig (May 1945).

76th Guards Air Assault Division

Connection from 1948 to 1950 was under the command of V. Margelov and was the first to undergo tactical exercises, which included combining landing and ground combat operations, as well as ground attack in groups of small composition.
After military reform 2008 renamed the 234th Guards Air Assault Regiment. Before the reform (in 2004), it was transferred to a contract basis. Today, the unit is the only one in the Russian Federation that bears the name of Alexander Nevsky (assigned in 1996). The image of the saint is on the banner and sleeve patches of the unit.
In the second half of the 1980s, the regiment took part in operations carried out in Baku and Yerevan, as well as in eliminating the consequences natural disaster in Armenia. He was part of the UN peacekeepers and participated in missions in Abkhazia, Transnistria, as well as Yugoslavia and North Ossetia. Participated in two Chechen wars (1995-1996, 1999 and 2004).

Catering in the regiment

Eyewitness impressions

The living conditions of military personnel in military unit 74268 are described as good. Thus, recruits and old-timers are placed on different floors of the crew dormitory (the quarters are designed for 12 people), which eliminates hazing, although previously there were conflicting relationships between old-timers and recruits. To prevent such situations, soldiers are physically examined every night.
The barracks are equipped with showers, a rest room and a sports corner. The dining room is located on the ground floor: personnel and officers eat together. Soldiers can only go to the store on the garrison territory with accompanying officers. It is noteworthy that the chip has a terminal for replenishing your account.
In addition, the garrison has a club, a medical unit and a bath and laundry facility. Cleaning of the surrounding area and the first floor of the barracks is carried out by civilian personnel. The fighters clean the cabins themselves (an outfit is assigned for this).

Sports in part

The unit's management allows the independent purchase of new shoes to replace old-style shoes. This can be done in one of the military stores in Pskov. Army clothing, footwear and equipment stores are located at:

  • "Rafting" on the street. Pushkina, 16. Open until 18.00;
  • "Camouflage" on the street. Yubileinaya, 22. Open until 18.00;
  • "Sturmer" on the street. Yana Fabritsius, 3-a/13. Open until 19.00.

The oath takes place on Saturdays at 10:00 am; it is a common event for all units of the 76th Guards Air Assault Division. For this reason, relatives should arrive at the unit’s checkpoint by 8.00 to find the fighter’s details in the lists and add their name to the list of visitors. At the end of the oath, paratroopers of such a unit as military unit 74268 are allowed leave until 19.00. Married servicemen can extend their leave until 19:00 on Sunday, having previously registered with the unit commander. The rest of the time, leaves of absence are allowed on holidays and weekends, but they are rarely allowed to leave overnight.

The ritual of bringing a soldier of a unit to the military oath

It is forbidden to use mobile phones before taking the oath - they are confiscated by the command, but the SIM cards remain with the soldiers. After the recruits have taken the oath, you can call home on Sundays from 16:00 until lights out. It is recommended to purchase SIM cards from all Russian telecom operators with tariffs for Pskov and the Pskov region.
Military unit 74268 pays allowances to conscripts once a month, and to contract soldiers twice. This accrual system is adopted in all military units of the Russian Federation. Payments are made to a Sberbank of Russia card. You can withdraw money from ATMs of VTB-24 and Baltic Bank on the street. General Margelov, 1, that is, at the checkpoint. Relatives should open a VTB-24 card and send money to it. The paratroopers, in turn, donate a certain amount monthly for the needs of the company.

Information for mom

Parcels and letters

It has become the “center” of attention of all news channels. Murder, investigation, funeral march. Of course, one feels sorry for him, like any other person... But about the dead it’s either good or nothing. Therefore, there is nothing to add to the word “sorry”.

But the country learned only on March 5, 2000 that on February 29, 2000, a company of paratroopers took on battles with many times superior forces of militants. For three days, 90 guys held back, according to various sources, from 2.5 to 3 thousand militants breaking through from the territory of Chechnya through the Argun Gorge.

And how many people on March 1, 2015 remembered that 15 years ago, on February 29 - March 1, almost the entire 6th company of the 2nd battalion of the 104th Parachute Regiment of the 76th Guards Pskov Airborne Division died in an unequal battle?

About 21 thousand people came to the funeral march in memory of Nemtsov, and about 200 people came to the peaceful rally in memory of the Pskov paratroopers in the capital. Yes, perhaps in 15 years no one will remember about Nemtsov, but that’s not the main thing...

It is important whether the people remember those who, without sparing their bellies, defend the peace and quiet of our cities, even at the cost of their lives.

On February 29, troops of the federal group liberated the last populated area of ​​Chechnya from militants. General Troshev (at that time deputy commander of the OGV in the North Caucasus) brought the Russian flag to Shatoy to symbolically hoist it over the city. At the same time, Troshev stated in his interview that large organized gang formations no longer exist, and the remnants of the militants “are scattering in small groups in order to save their skins.” On the same day, Minister of Defense I.D. Sergeev reported to... O. President V.V. Putin on the successful completion of the 3rd stage of the counter-terrorism operation. And just a few hours after that, the battle began at an altitude of 776.0.

March 3, 2000 Makhachkala became honorary citizens Russian generals Viktor Kazantsev, Gennady Troshev, Vladimir Shamanov, as well as the chief General Staff Armed Forces Anatoly Kvashnin. A decree on this was signed by the head of the Makhachkala administration, Said Amirov.
Honorary citizenship was awarded to the generals for their contribution to the defeat of the bandit formations that attacked Dagestan in August-September last year. As it became known, in addition to special addresses, Kazantsev, Shamanov, Troshev and Kvashnin will be presented with a personal name - Kubachi sabers.

And at the same time, there is not a word in the media about the dead paratroopers. To avoid causing dissonance?

From the memoirs of Andrei Velichenko (as part of a group of paratroopers of the 104th regiment, he marched and crossed the Abuzalgol River, but due to dense enemy fire they were unable to break through to the aid of the soldiers of the 6th company):

The picture was very creepy. In an area of ​​about 200 by 200, almost the entire personnel of the 6th Airborne Company was located.

Showing incredible courage, 90 paratroopers repelled attacks by more than 2.5 thousand militants. According to various sources, from 370 to 700 militants were killed. 84 paratroopers died, six were lucky - they survived.

In 2006, director Vitaly Lukin filmed Feature Film"Breakthrough" based on last battle heroic 6th company 104 guards regiment. The script was written by Ivan Loschilin and Vyacheslav Davydov. The main roles were played by Igor Lifanov, Marina Mogilevskaya, Anatoly Kotenev and other domestic actors. True, the film turned out to be controversial both from the director’s point of view and from the point of view of historical accuracy.

On March 12, 2000, Presidential Decree No. 484 appeared on awarding 22 dead paratroopers the title of Hero of Russia, the rest of the dead were awarded the Order of Courage.

Three years later, the case of the death of 84 paratroopers was closed by Deputy Prosecutor General Sergei Fridinsky. The investigation materials have not yet been made public. For ten years, relatives and colleagues of the victims have been collecting the picture of the tragedy bit by bit.

In July 2003, an open appeal from a regional public organization of families of fallen military personnel to President Vladimir Putin was published. In it, the relatives asked a number of questions to the acting. the commander of the OGV, General Gennady Troshev, the Chief of the General Staff, General A.V. Kvashnin, and the command of the Airborne Forces.

1. Why was the company’s exit delayed by the command for a day?
2. Why couldn’t the company’s property be dropped off by helicopter?
3. Why did the company move into an ambush that had been prepared in advance for it?
4. Why was the company not supported by long-range artillery?
5. Why was the company commander not warned about the presence of the main enemy forces on the route? How did information about the company's movements become known to the militants?
6. Why did the regiment commander demand to hold on and promise help, although the company could have been withdrawn at any moment, and the company sent to help went along the most inconvenient route?
7. Why did the military leave the battlefield to the militants for three days, allowing them to bury their dead and collect the wounded?
8. Why did the information published by Pskov journalists five days later take the generals by surprise?

These questions were partially answered by Gennady Troshev in his book “My War. Chechen diary of a trench general." In particular, Troshev points out that the paratroopers were nevertheless provided with fire support. The regimental 120-mm 2S9 guns “worked” at height 776 almost continuously from the afternoon of February 29 until the morning of March 1 (when Lieutenant Colonel Evtyukhin called fire on himself), firing about 1,200 shells during this time. Moreover, according to the author, most of The losses of militants in this battle were caused precisely by artillery shelling. Troshev also mentions the impossibility of transporting company personnel by air, since during the reconnaissance of the area carried out in advance, it was not possible to find a single suitable site.

What a shame that someone has to become a hero to “compensate” for the incompetence or corruption of others!

Motto: “We are everywhere where victory is expected”

Historical reference

The creation day of the 76th Guards Airborne Chernigov Red Banner Division is September 1, 1939. The base for the deployment of the division was the 221st Black Sea Rifle Regiment of the 74th Taman Rifle Division, created in 1925 on the basis of the 22nd Iron Krasnodar Rifle Division.

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the division was part of the troops of the North Caucasus Military District and, with the outbreak of hostilities, received the task of preparing a defensive line along the Black Sea coast.

September 15, 1941, the division is sent to help heroic defenders Odessa. On September 22, the formation's units replaced the defenders and by dawn took up their starting positions for the offensive. During this offensive, the division completed its task and captured the Ilyichevka state farm and the village of Gildendorf. The Military Council of the Odessa Defensive Region highly praised the actions of the division in its first battle for the city. The commander of the defensive area expressed gratitude to the personnel of the formation for their courage and bravery. Thus the division's baptism of fire took place.

By November 20, the division returned to Novorossiysk and took part in the Feodosiya landing operation, which the Transcaucasian Front carried out jointly with the Black Sea Fleet. As a result of this operation, the Kerch Peninsula was cleared of the enemy and great support was provided to besieged Sevastopol.

From July 25 to July 30, 1942, the division was active fighting to destroy the Nazis who crossed to the left bank of the Don. For successful military operations and the liberation of the village of Krasnoyarsk Commander of the North Caucasus Front Marshal Soviet Union S. M. Budyonny expressed gratitude to the personnel.

By August 4, the formation retreated to the northern bank of the Aksai River. From August 6 to 10, subunits and units fought continuous battles, trying to knock the enemy out of the bridgeheads they had captured and preventing them from developing the offensive. In these battles, machine gunner Private Ermakov distinguished himself. On his combat account there were over 300 exterminated Nazis. In the name of Afanasy Ivanovich Ermakov, a modest and fearless machine gunner, the division’s glorious list of Heroes of the Soviet Union was opened. This title was awarded to Ermakov by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on November 5, 1942.

Since September 1942, the division as part of the 64th Army occupied the defense at the Gornaya Polyana-Elkhi line.

On January 10, 1943, the formation of the troops of the Stalingrad Front launched a decisive offensive to destroy the encircled enemy.

In the battles near Stalingrad, the division's units killed more than 10 thousand enemy soldiers and officers, and more than 10 thousand Nazis were captured.

Until July 3, the division's units were part of the Bryansk Front in the area of ​​the city of Belev, Tula Region.

On July 12, units of the formation began crossing the Oka using improvised means. By the end of the day, the guards captured the bridgeheads and destroyed more than 1,500 enemy soldiers and officers, 45 firing points, 2 tanks, and captured 35 Nazis. Among others, the personnel of the 76th Division were awarded the gratitude of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

On September 8, the division departs from the Orel region near Chernigov. Over three days of continuous offensive, the division advanced 70 kilometers and at dawn on September 20 approached the village of Tovstoles, three kilometers northeast of Chernigov, and then, having captured the city of Chernigov, continued its offensive to the west. By order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the division, gratitude was declared and the honorary name “Chernigovskaya” was awarded.

The guardsmen honorably carried their banners from Stalingrad across the Dnieper, to Belarus, and the Motherland appreciated their valor and courage, awarding 47 of them the title of Hero of the Soviet Union; hundreds were awarded orders and medals.

As part of the 1st Belorussian Front, on July 17, 1944, the division began an offensive northwest of Kovel. On July 21, the vanguards of the formation began to advance north, towards Brest, with fierce fighting. On July 26, troops advancing from the north and south united 20-25 kilometers west of Brest. The enemy group was surrounded. The next day, the division began active operations to destroy the encircled enemy.

As part of the 2nd Belorussian Front, on January 25, 1945, with their rapid march, division units slammed the exit from the city of Torun to an encircled 32,000-strong enemy group. The enemy group defending Toruń, a powerful stronghold on the Vistula, ceased to exist.

On March 23, the division stormed the city of Tsoppot and reached Baltic Sea and turns its front to the south. By the morning of the 25th, as part of the corps, the division captured the city of Oliva and rushed to Danzig. On March 30, the liquidation of the Datsing group was completed.

Having marched from Datzing to Germany, the division concentrated on April 24 in the Kortenhuten area, 20 kilometers south of Stettin. At dawn on April 26, the formation on a wide front crossed the Rondov Canal and, having broken through the enemy’s defensive line, cleared the city of Preclav from the Nazis by the end of the day.

On May 2, the division captured the city of Güstrow, and on May 3, having covered another 40 kilometers, it cleared the city of Karov and Butzow from the enemy. At 14.00, the advanced detachments reached the Baltic Sea and, on the outskirts of the city of Wismar, met with units of the airborne division of the Allied Expeditionary Army. At this point, the 76th Division ended combat operations against the Nazi troops and began patrol duty on the coast. During the war years in the division high rank 50 soldiers received the Hero of the Soviet Union, and over 12 thousand were awarded orders and medals.

Immediately after the war, the 76th division was redeployed from Germany to the city of Kirov, Kaluga region, and during the same period it was transformed into an airborne division. Since the spring of 1947, the division has been stationed in Pskov. So it began new stage in the history of the connection. Since 1948, company tactical exercises with practical landings began to be conducted for the first time. In the summer, the first demonstration battalion tactical exercise with landing takes place. It was led by the division commander, General V.F. Margelov. In 1967, the division's personnel took part in the Dnepr exercises. The guardsmen, having demonstrated high training, earned the gratitude of the command.

In March 1970, the formation took part in the major combined arms exercise Dvina. Several thousand guardsmen parachuted onto the snow-covered fields of Belarus. During these exercises, for the first time, one of the units was parachuted from an AN-22 (“Antey”) aircraft, which marked the beginning of the development of new types of military transport aircraft. The actions of the paratroopers were highly appreciated by the command. All soldiers, sergeants and officers who took part in the exercises were awarded the anniversary medal "For Military Valor". For achieving high results in combat and political training in April 1970, the division was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the CPSU Central Committee, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The formation's guardsmen also showed high skill during the "Brotherhood in Arms" exercises. "Autumn-88".

In 1977, the 104th airborne regiment for success in combat training awarded the order Battle Red Banner.

The pennant of the USSR Minister of Defense "For courage and military valor" was awarded to:

  • in 1974 - 234th Guards. parachute regiment;
  • in 1977 - 1140th Guards. artillery regiment;
  • in 1979 - 104th Guards. parachute regiment;
  • in 1988 - 76th Guards. airborne division;
  • in 1990 - 104th and 234th Guards. parachute regiments.

From 1979 to 1989, officers and warrant officers of the division performed international duty in Afghanistan. From 1988 to 1992, the division's paratroopers had to extinguish interethnic conflicts in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, the Baltic states, Transnistria, North and South Ossetia.

At the end of 1995, a separate airborne brigade was formed on the basis of the division to carry out peacekeeping tasks in the republics of the former Yugoslavia.

On November 17, 1998, one of the oldest regiments of the division and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the 1140th Twice Red Banner Artillery Regiment, celebrated its 80th anniversary. Formed on the basis of the 22nd artillery battalion of the 22nd Iron Krasnodar Rifle Division, which dates back to 1918, the artillery regiment has gone through a glorious battle path. Seven Heroes of the Soviet Union were brought up in its ranks.

The Chechen war of 1994-95 was a black page in the history of the division. 120 soldiers, sergeants, warrant officers and officers did not return from that strange war. They fulfilled their military duty to the end. For the courage and heroism shown in carrying out command assignments, many guards paratroopers were awarded orders and medals, and ten officers were awarded the high title of Hero Russian Federation. Two of them - the commander of the guard reconnaissance company, Captain Yu. Nikitich, and the commander of the guard battalion, Lieutenant Colonel S. Pyatnitskikh - were awarded this high rank posthumously.

Since August 18, 1999, the personnel of the formation took part in the liquidation of illegal armed groups in the territory of the Republics of Dagestan and Chechnya as part of a regimental tactical group. During this period of time, the paratroopers of the formation had to take part in many military operations, including the liberation of the settlements of Karamakhi, Gudermes, Argun, and the blocking of the Vedeno Gorge. For most of the operations carried out, the personnel received high praise from the Joint Command of the Group of Forces in the North Caucasus.

The personnel of the 6th company of the 104th airborne division showed unprecedented mass heroism in battles with bandit formations. At the cost of their lives, the paratroopers prevented more than 2.5 thousand militants from breaking out of the Argun Gorge. For this battle, 22 guardsmen (21 of them posthumously) were awarded the high title of Hero of Russia, 69 were awarded the Order of Courage (63 of them posthumously). Their memory will forever remain in our hearts.

In the period from September 26 to 29, 2000, a regimental tactical exercise was conducted with landing and live shooting of the 234th Guards Parachute Airborne Regiment named after St. Alexander Nevsky, which showed the methodology for preparing and conducting regimental tactical exercises in conditions of limited funding, using experience , acquired by the Airborne Forces in Chechnya. During the exercises, more than four hundred people and ten units of armored vehicles were landed, issues of crossing a water barrier, as well as combat, technical and logistical support were worked out. The actions of the personnel were highly appreciated by representatives of the Ministry of Defense.

This is not the end of the story of the illustrious connection. It is continued by young guardsmen, successors to the military glory of front-line soldiers. It is supplemented by their military deeds by soldiers, sergeants and officers who carry out their honorable service under the combat banner of the division.

During the existence of the division it was commanded by:

Guards Colonel Glagolev Vasily Vasilievich 1939-1941
Guards Colonel Tomilov Dmitry Ivanovich 1941-1941
Guards Colonel 1941-1942
Guards Colonel Tomilov Dmitry Ivanovich 1942-1942
Guards Colonel Shteiman Yakov Lvovich 1942-1942
Guards Colonel Kuropatenko Dmitry Semenovich 1942-1942
Guards major general Kirsanov Alexander Vasilievich 1942-1948
Guards major general Margelov Vasily Filippovich 1948-1950
Guards major general Enshin Mikhail Alexandrovich 1950-1953
Guards Colonel Kholod Grigory Anisimovich 1953-1955
Guards major general Zakharov Nikolay Fedorovich 1955-1957
Guards major general Evdan Andrey Alekseevich 1957-1959
Guards Colonel Polushkin Anatoly Fedorovich 1959-1962
Guards major general Ometov Viktor Ivanovich 1962-1968
Guards major general Kostylev Valentin Nikolaevich 1968-1971
Guards major general Kuzmenko Leonid Georgievich 1971-1976
Guards major general Onishchenko Grigory Vasilievich 1976-1979
Guards major general Slyusar Albert Evdokimovich 1979-1981
Guards Colonel Muravyov Yuri Andreevich 1981-1983
Guards major general Shpak Georgy Ivanovich 1983-1986
Guards major general Khalilov Vyacheslav Salikhovich 1986-1990
Guards major general Sosedov Yuri Kirillovich 1990-1992
Guards major general Babichev Ivan Ilyich 1992-1995
Guards major general Popov Alexander Vasilievich 1995-1996
Guards major general Semenyuta Stanislav Yurievich 1996-2005
Guards major general Kolpachenko Alexander Nikolaevich since 2005

Photos provided:

Airborne Forces Headquarters (2-20);
- From the author’s personal archive (1);

76th Guards Air Assault Chernigov Red Banner, Order of Suvorov Division(until 1943 - 157th Rifle, until 1946 - 76th Guards Rifle, until 2006 - 76th Guards Airborne division) is the oldest existing formation of the Russian Airborne Forces.

From 1994 to 1995, individual units and units of the division took part in the First Chechen War. In 1999 and 2004, the division took part in the Second Chechen War. Officers, soldiers and sergeants of the division also took part in the peacekeeping operation in Kosovo in 1999-2001 and in the war with Georgia in August 2008. In 2014, military personnel of the division took part in “special tasks for the return of the Republic of Crimea to Russia.”


157th Infantry Division (1939-1943)

The 157th Rifle Division (primary name) was deployed on the basis of the 221st Black Sea Rifle Regiment of the 74th Taman Rifle Division, created in 1925 on the basis of the 22nd Krasnodar Rifle Division. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the division was part of the troops of the North Caucasus Military District and, with the outbreak of hostilities, received the task of preparing a defensive line along the Black Sea coast.

The division's first baptism of fire took place during the defense of Odessa. On September 22, 1941, units and units of the division replaced the defenders and at dawn went on the offensive, during which the division captured the Ilyichevka state farm and the village of Gildendorf. For courage and courage, the commander of the Odessa defensive region expressed gratitude to the personnel of the formation.

On October 6, 1941, units of the division were redeployed to Sevastopol. On November 20, 1941, the division was redeployed to Novorossiysk to participate in the Feodosiya landing operation - the first strategic joint offensive operation Transcaucasian Front and the forces of the Black Sea Fleet in the coastal direction. As a result of 9 days of fighting, the Kerch Peninsula was cleared of the enemy and great support was provided to the besieged Sevastopol.

From July 25 to July 30, 1942, the division conducted combat operations to destroy German troops who crossed to the left bank of the Don. For successful military operations and the liberation of the village of Krasnoyarsk, the commander of the North Caucasus Front, Marshal of the Soviet Union S. M. Budyonny, expressed gratitude to the personnel.

In the first half of August 1942, the division retreated to the northern bank of the Aksai River, where its units fought continuous defensive battles. In these battles, Red Army machine gunner Afanasy Ermakov distinguished himself, who was the first from the division to be awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on November 5, 1942). Since September 1942, the division as part of the 64th Army occupied the defense at the Gornaya Polyana-Elkhi line.

On January 10, 1943, the division, as part of the troops of the Stalingrad Front, took part in the final part of the Battle of Stalingrad, Operation Ring, with the goal of destroying the encircled enemy. In the battles near Stalingrad, the division's units destroyed more than 10 thousand enemy soldiers and officers and more than 10 thousand were captured. By order of the NKO USSR of March 1, 1943 No. 107, the 157th Infantry Division for the courage and heroism of the personnel shown during the Battle of Stalingrad was transformed into 76th Guards Rifle Division.

76th Guards Rifle Division (1943-1946)

Until July 3, 1943, units and divisions of the division were part of the Bryansk Front in the area of ​​​​the city of Belyov, Tula Region. The division took part in the Battle of Kursk on the northern front of the Kursk ledge. On July 12, units and divisions of the division, as part of the offensive against the 2nd tank and 9th armies of German troops in the Orel area, crossed the Oka River and by the end of the day captured the bridgeheads, destroying more than 1,500 enemy soldiers and officers, 45 firing points, 2 tanks and captured 35 Germans. Among others, the personnel of the 76th division were awarded the gratitude of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

On September 8, the division set out from the Orel area near Chernigov. Over three days of continuous offensive, the division's units advanced 70 kilometers and at dawn on September 20 approached the village of Tolstoles, three kilometers northeast of Chernigov, and then, having captured the city, continued their attack to the west. By order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of September 21, 1943 No. 20, the division was thanked and given an honorary name Chernigovskaya.

76th Guards Airborne Division (1946-2006)

In July 1983, the division's reconnaissance company took part in a landing with personnel inside a BMD-1. The crew consisted of 2 people: a driver and a commander (gunner-operator). As part of the Centaur program, named after the landing system inside the combat vehicle, a total of 9 BMDs with three ships to the Gdovo-Porechensky training ground (Belarus). Of the nine crews, two were created from military personnel of the reconnaissance company of the 104th Guards Parachute Regiment. The rest of the reconnaissance company parachuted along with division commander Georgy Shpak.

The USSR Minister of Defense, Marshal of the Soviet Union Dmitry Ustinov, was present at the exercises. Participants in the world's first landing inside combat vehicles by an entire unit were awarded medals “For Combat Merit” (soldiers and sergeants) and Orders of the Red Star (officers), a total of 18 people.

In 1988, the division took part in eliminating the consequences of the earthquake in Armenia. In the period from 1988 to 1992, the division's paratroopers participated in containing interethnic conflicts in Armenia, Azerbaijan (Black January), Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, the Baltics, Transnistria, North and South Ossetia. In 1991, the 104th and 234th Guards Parachute Regiments were awarded the USSR Ministry of Defense pennant “For Courage and Military Valor.” Previously, the pennant of the USSR Ministry of Defense was awarded to the division as a whole and its artillery regiment. In July 1994, for the first time in history, the division's paratroopers conducted joint exercises with their French colleagues (in Pskov and France).

From 1994 to 1995, the division took part in the First Chechen War. The division's combat losses amounted to 120 soldiers, sergeants, warrant officers and officers. For the courage and heroism shown during the special task of establishing constitutional order in the territory of Chechnya, many guards paratroopers were awarded orders and medals, and ten officers were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. Two of them - the commander of the reconnaissance company of the guard, Captain Yuri Nikitich, and the commander of the guard battalion, Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Pyatnitsky, were awarded this title posthumously.

From August 18, 1999 to 2004, the division's personnel participated in the Second Chechen War. During this period of time, paratroopers took part in the liberation settlements Karamakhi, Gudermes, Argun and in the operation to block the Vedeno Gorge. In most operations, the personnel received high praise from the joint command of the group of forces in the North Caucasus.

In 2004, the 76th Guards Airborne Chernigov Red Banner, Order of Suvorov Division was the first in Russia to switch to a contract manning system.

76th Guards Air Assault Division (since 2006)

Since 2006 the division has been air assault. According to the former commander of the Airborne Forces, Colonel General Alexander Kolmakov, in both the airborne division and the air assault division, 100 percent of the personnel are ready to parachute. In an air assault division, unlike an airborne division, each regiment has one reinforced battalion capable of landing with equipment. This is due to the real state of military transport aviation, the geographical location of the locations of the Airborne Forces units and the optimization of the organizational and staffing composition of the Airborne Forces.

In 2008, military personnel of the division took part in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. Since 2012, the 25th Separate Guards Motorized Rifle Sevastopol Red Banner Brigade named after the Latvian Riflemen has been located on the territory of the division. In 2014, the division took part in the Crimean crisis.

“For the successful completion of combat missions of the command and the courage and heroism shown by the personnel” By decree of the President of Russia No. 571 of August 18, 2014, the division was awarded the Order of Suvorov


The highest award of the USSR was also awarded to:

  • Abramov, Afanasy Nesterovich, guard lieutenant, platoon commander of the 237th Guards Rifle Regiment.
  • Alexandrov, Vasily Ivanovich, guard senior sergeant, gun commander of the 154th Guards Artillery Regiment.
  • Alexandrov, Nikita Alekseevich, guard senior lieutenant, agitator of the 239th Guards Rifle Regiment.
  • Alekseev, Evsey Alekseevich, guard junior sergeant, gunner of the 5th battery of the 154th Guards Artillery Regiment.
  • Andreev, Alexey Dmitrievich, guard senior lieutenant, company commander of the 237th Guards Rifle Regiment.
  • Andreev, Nikolai Mikhailovich, guard sergeant, squad commander of the 239th Guards Rifle Regiment.
  • Andrusenko, Korney Mikhailovich, guard colonel, commander of the 239th Guards Rifle Regiment.
  • Afanasyev, Semyon Efimovich, Red Army guard, rifleman of the 237th Guards Rifle Regiment.
  • Baranov, Mikhail Pavlovich, guard junior sergeant, rifleman of the 239th Guards Rifle Regiment.
  • Bakharev, Pyotr Mikhailovich, guard lieutenant, Komsomol organizer of the battalion of the 239th Guards Rifle Regiment.
  • Bolodurin, Ivan Petrovich
  • Gendreus, Genrikh Iosipovich, guard sergeant, commander of the machine gun squad of the 234th Guards Rifle Regiment.
  • Golodnov, Alexey Vasilievich, Red Army guard, machine gunner of the 234th Guards Rifle Regiment.
  • Gridin, Dmitry Alekseevich, guard senior lieutenant, battery commander of the 154th Guards Artillery Regiment.
  • Demidov, Alexander Alexandrovich, Red Army guard, sapper of the sapper platoon of the 234th Guards Rifle Regiment.
  • Zavgorodny, Grigory Demidovich, guard captain, battery commander of the 154th Guards Artillery Regiment.
  • Zakirov, Akhmet Zakirovich, guard junior lieutenant, platoon commander of the 7th rifle company of the 239th guards rifle regiment.
  • Zaulin, Ivan Alexandrovich, guard sergeant, commander of the machine gun 234th Guards Rifle Regiment.
  • Zozulya, Maxim Mitrofanovich, guard senior sergeant, assistant platoon commander of the 237th Guards Rifle Regiment.
  • Ivankin, Yuri Petrovich, Red Army guard, rifleman of the 239th Guards Rifle Regiment.
  • Kizatov, Zhalel Kizatovich, guard lieutenant, commander of a battery control platoon of the 154th Guards Artillery Regiment.
  • Kirik, Ivan Vasilyevich, guard foreman, squad leader of the 239th Guards Rifle Regiment.
  • Kirsanov, Alexander Vasilyevich, guard major general, division commander.

The 76th Guards Air Assault Chernigov Red Banner Division (dshd) is the oldest existing formation of the Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces). It is the successor to the 157th Rifle Division (later becoming the 76th Guards Rifle Division), formed on September 1, 1939 on the basis of the 221st Black Sea Rifle Regiment of the 74th Taman Rifle Division.

The division's first baptism of fire took place during the defense of Odessa. On September 22, 1941, units of the division replaced the defenders and at dawn went on the offensive, during which they captured the Ilyichovka state farm and the village of Gildendorf. For courage and courage, the commander of the Odessa defensive region expressed gratitude to the personnel of the formation.

On November 20, 1941, the division was redeployed to Novorossiysk to participate in the Feodosia landing operation - the first strategic joint offensive operation of the troops of the Transcaucasian Front and the forces of the Black Sea Fleet in the coastal direction. As a result of 9 days of fighting, the Kerch Peninsula was cleared of the enemy and great support was provided to the besieged Sevastopol.

From July 25 to July 30, 1942, the division conducted combat operations to destroy the Nazis who crossed to the left bank of the Don. For successful military operations and the liberation of the village of Krasnoyarsk, the commander of the North Caucasus Front, Marshal of the Soviet Union Budyonny, expressed gratitude to the personnel.

On January 10, 1943, the division, as part of the troops of the Stalingrad Front, took part in the final part of the Battle of Stalingrad - Operation Ring with the aim of destroying the encircled enemy. By order of the NKO of the USSR dated March 1, 1943 No. 107, the 157th Rifle Division for the courage and heroism of its personnel shown during the Battle of Stalingrad was transformed into the 76th Guards Rifle Division (Guards SD).

Subsequently, the division took part in Battle of Kursk on the northern face of the Kursk ledge. Among others, the personnel of the 76th Guards. SD was awarded the gratitude of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

On September 8, 1943, the division set out from the Orel area near Chernigov. Over three days of continuous offensive, it advanced 70 km and at dawn on September 20 approached the village of Tovstoles, three kilometers northeast of Chernigov, and then captured the city and continued its advance to the west. By order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of September 21, 1943 No. 20, the division was thanked and given the honorary name Chernigov.

On July 17, 1944, the division as part of the 1st Belorussian Front began an offensive northwest of Kovel. On July 26, troops advancing from the north and south united 20-25 km west of Brest, encircling the enemy group. For reaching the State Border of the USSR and the liberation of Brest 76 Guards. SD was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.
On January 25, 1945, as part of the 2nd Belorussian Front, units and divisions of the division blocked the exit from the city of Torun, a powerful stronghold on the Vistula, and then destroyed the 32,000-strong enemy group defending the city.

On March 23, 1945, the division stormed the city of Tsoppot, reached the Baltic Sea and turned its front to the south. By the morning of March 25, as part of the corps, the guards captured the city of Oliva and advanced to Danzig. On March 30, the liquidation of the Danzig group was completed.

On April 24, the division concentrated in the Kortenhuten area, 20 km south of Stettin. At dawn on April 26, the formation on a wide front crossed the Rondov Canal and, having broken through the enemy’s defensive line, cleared the city of Preclav from the Nazis by the end of the day.

On May 2, the division captured the city of Güstrow, and on May 3, the cities of Karow and Butzow. The advance detachment reached the Baltic Sea and, on the outskirts of the city of Wismar, met with units of the airborne division of the Allied Expeditionary Army. That's it for the 76th Guards. The SD completed military operations against the Nazi troops and began patrol duty on the coast.

During the war years, 50 soldiers in the division received the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and over 12 thousand were awarded orders and medals. Immediately after the war, the 76th Guards. The SD was transferred from Germany to the territory of the Soviet Union and transformed into an airborne division (Airborne Division). In the spring of 1947, the division was redeployed to the city of Pskov.

In 1988, the 76th Airborne Division took part in eliminating the consequences of the earthquake in Armenia. From 1988 to 1992, the division's paratroopers participated in containing interethnic conflicts in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, the Baltic states, Transnistria, North and South Ossetia.

In 1991, the 104th and 234th Guards Parachute Regiments were awarded the Pennant of the USSR Ministry of Defense “For Courage and Military Valor.” Previously, the Ministry of Defense Pennant was awarded to the division as a whole and its artillery regiment.

From 1994 to 1995, the division took part in establishing constitutional order in the territory Chechen Republic. For the courage and heroism shown during special missions, many guards paratroopers were awarded orders and medals, and ten officers were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

In 1999-2004 The division participated in the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus. In most operations, the personnel received high praise from the Joint Command of the group of troops (forces).

The personnel of the 6th company of the 104th parachute regiment showed massive heroism in the battle with Khattab’s gangs. At the cost of their lives, the paratroopers inflicted serious damage on the enemy. For this feat, 22 guardsmen (21 of them posthumously) were awarded the title of Hero of Russia, 69 soldiers and officers of the 6th company were awarded the Order of Courage (63 of them posthumously).

Since 2006, the division has been an air assault division. 100% of the formation's personnel are ready to parachute. In an air assault division, unlike an airborne division, each regiment has one reinforced battalion capable of landing with equipment.

The 76th Airborne Division is one of the most combat-ready formations of the Russian Armed Forces. In 2004, it was the first in Russia to switch to a contract staffing system.
