What is space a brief description. Matter and antimatter in the universe

What is space a brief description.  Matter and antimatter in the universe

Space, perhaps, is this moment one of the biggest mysteries for all mankind. People do not get tired of exploring the cosmos, discussing it, putting forward a wide variety of theories, building a wide variety of assumptions, but still the cosmos remains something incredible, mysterious, unidentified to the end. And does it have an end that can be reached, guided by science? Most likely no. Probably, the cosmos throughout the entire existence of mankind will, to one degree or another, remain a mystery, an unsolvable mystery, like a huge Sphinx, the question of which cannot be answered. But still they study it, and therefore we know a lot about space, which amaze and sometimes frighten. Let's take a closer look at some interesting facts about space and the universe.

  1. About forty new stars are born in our galaxy every year. How many of them appear in the entire universe - it is difficult to even imagine the answer to this question.
  2. Silence reigns in space, since there is no medium for sound to propagate. So for those who like to be silent, space would certainly be to their liking.
  3. For the first time, man looked at space through a telescope about four centuries ago. It was, of course, Galileo Galilei.
  4. Surprisingly, in space, all the flowers we know will smell completely different. And all because the smell of a flower depends on many different environmental factors.
  5. An interesting fact about space and planets is that the sun is about one hundred and ten times larger than the earth. It is even larger than Jupiter, which, as you know, is the giant of our planet. solar system. But at the same time, if we compare the Sun with other stars in the Universe, then it will turn out to be incredibly tiny. For example, the star Canis Major is one and a half thousand times larger than the Sun.
  6. The first terrestrial creature in space is the dog Laika, which was launched into outer space on Sputnik 2 in 1957. The dog died on the ship due to lack of air. And the satellite itself burned up in the Earth's atmosphere due to a violation of its orbit.
  7. The first man in space is Yuri Gagarin. With a slight delay after Gagarin, Alan Shepard, an American cosmonaut, flew into space.
  8. The first woman in space is Valentina Tereshkova.
  9. Most of The atoms that make up human bodies were formed during the melting of stellar mass.
  10. On Earth, due to the presence of gravity, the flame tends to rise in an upward direction, but in space it spreads in all directions.
  11. A person will never be able to reach the edge of the universe, since there is a curvature of space in space, because of which a person, moving constantly in a straight direction, will eventually return to the starting point. Scientists are not yet able to explain this to the end.
  12. On average, the distance between stars is thirty-two million million kilometers.
  13. An interesting fact about black holes in space is that they are the brightest objects in the universe. In general, gravity inside a black hole is so strong that even light cannot escape from it. But during its rotation, the black hole absorbs not only a variety of cosmic bodies, but also gas clouds, which begin to shine, spinning in a spiral. Meteors also start to burn when falling into a black hole.
  14. Approximately ten tons of cosmic dust falls on Earth every day.
  15. There are more than one hundred billion galaxies in the Universe, so there is a huge possibility that people are not alone within the boundaries of this Universe.

The most interesting facts about the cosmos can be collected and written down for an incredibly long time, since our Universe contains a huge number of secrets and mysteries, to which we can now, thanks to the development of science, come at least a few steps closer.

On Cosmonautics Day, in addition to the festive mood, in social networks whining starts. Even if we discard the outcasts who publish trash, and the good ones, smart people sometimes they start whining. Someone invents the canonization of Gagarin in the future and begins to get upset today. Someone mourns the domestic space program, which is especially convenient to do against the backdrop of Musk's recent successes. For someone without a Martian base, Cosmonautics Day is not a holiday. Alas, it is not a fact that a person will land on Mars in this century, and dreams, indeed, are at odds with reality. At the same time, I am sure that anti-cosmism (the idea that humanity does not need to go into space, tasks are more important on Earth) is doomed, and we will someday overcome all existing problems. Simply because space is wonderful. I will try to develop and argue this idea.

Missing childhood dreams

Now they often like to remember that in Soviet time children dreamed of becoming astronauts, and today, supposedly, no one is interested in it. I wouldn't be upset that few of today's kids say they would like to be an astronaut. First, the flight of the first satellite and the first man made space fashionable. Like any fashion, the effect could not last indefinitely. Secondly, it is unlikely that the children understood what the work of an astronaut is. At best, they could dream of a solemn meeting, like the first cosmonauts. But the work has changed since then, and no one else is satisfied with the parades. Thirdly, there is such a thing as a "socially acceptable response." The child does not know what to answer, but quickly understands that the answer is "astronaut!" supported by adults, and begins to respond in this way without hesitation. And fourthly, childhood dreams pass along with childhood. For example, I loved to play a tram and trolleybus driver, but the closest thing to this that can be found in me as an adult is a love of technology.
At the same time, there is what can be called a "real dream". Some event enters a person's life and changes it. For example, the moving star of the first satellite changed the life of twelve-year-old Mike Mullane (became an astronaut) or fourteen-year-old Homer Hickam (became a NASA engineer). Fortunately, for space, such a trigger can be not only the news of a great space achievement, books, films and other options are also suitable. It seems to me that such upheavals in the lives of individuals occur relatively rarely and constantly over time (i.e., the number of such people in a year will be approximately the same). And today someone "fell ill" with space, and tomorrow it will happen to someone else. And finally, do not forget that astronauts make up a very small proportion of people who are involved in space. Scientists, engineers, workers, managers and many other specialties are also needed.

Dead end and not dead end

Do you remember that the assault on Venus on the photon planetary "Khius" in the book "Land of Crimson Clouds" by the Strugatsky brothers took place at the end of the 20th century? And by the beginning of the 21st century, according to the Strugatskys' chronology, the solar system was already completely mastered, with factories on Venus and scientific stations on the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. Needless to say, this did not materialize in reality. In four years, astronautics went from the first satellite to the first man in orbit, it took another eight years to jump to the moon, but after 1969 the scale and number of records decreased noticeably. Yes, we have to say that manned astronautics "froze" in Earth orbit, they did not find a "shishdostanium" in space that would justify the allocation of more and more resources, and technology ran into the limitations imposed by the physics of our world. But this state cannot be called a dead end. We do not play a computer game and do not know in which direction to conduct research, the result of which will bring space closer to us. Therefore, humanity, represented by scientists, is trying to knock on all doors at once. Today it turned out that it turned out to be cheap and profitable to send machine guns into space that can work for years and decades, weigh less, and they are not so pitiful. As a result, unmanned science missions are currently operating in the orbits of Venus, Saturn, in the asteroid belt, in orbit and on the surface of Mars. Yes, this is a movement away from the road that science fiction and dreamers came up with, but this is a movement, not a dead end.

At the same time, there are many attractive things in astronautics.

Space is beautiful

It just so happens that space views are beautiful. Whether it's shooting the Earth from orbit, landscapes of the solar system or astrophotos, photos and videos are eye-catching and pleasing to the eye. And, just think, there are still people who have not seen this beauty.

Earth from orbit. Even an environmental activist who hates technological progress can show this video and try to explain that we would not notice what a beautiful planet we have if it were not for astronautics.

The solar system is beautiful too. Here, for example, is chaos on Mars, a type of terrain that is not found on Earth.

And these are real photographs, which were breathed into motion thanks to computer technology.

Space is useful

A serious reversal along the path of space exploration can happen only together with a global cataclysm. Because today, astronautics has firmly entered the everyday spheres of our life and even became profitable there. Navigators in smartphones and special devices are space. The weather forecast is space. Television is also space. Satellite phones are not widely used now, but they are in demand in their niche. Space can save the life of a lost tourist or a pilot who has an accident in the wilderness, if they have the foresight to take a satellite messenger with them. Reconnaissance satellites do not bring direct profit, but they are needed for state security, so countries will not spare money for them.

Space is interesting

A hundred years ago, it was believed that Mars appeared before the Earth, and Venus - later. Accordingly, they expected to see the ruins of ancient civilizations on Mars, and dinosaurs or savages on Venus. Through a telescope, they even managed to see the channels on Mars, which, in their topology, looked more like a network. railways than geological faults. And the opaque atmosphere of Venus left the widest field for fantasy. Everything changed with the advent of interplanetary stations that were able to look at these planets up close. Yes, dreams and fantasies have crumbled, we know that on Mars, at best, life can be no more complicated than bacteria, and the giant furnace of Venus is probably dead. But it is better to know the truth than to fantasize. Besides, who knows, maybe understanding the catastrophic greenhouse effect of Venus can save us from repeating this sad scenario on Earth?

In the solar system, there is only one satellite with an atmosphere - Titan (a satellite of Saturn). Even from Earth's orbit, we could not look under its thick and opaque layer. Scientists thought that in the cold conditions of the outer solar system, the surface of Titan should be shapeless and uniform. But in 2005, the Huygens station dived into an opaque atmosphere, and it turned out that the relief of Titan is quite similar to the earth's with mountains, rivers, dunes. Only at a temperature of -180 ° C, water ice plays the role of a stone, and liquid methane acts as water. Orbital observations of the Cassini station found lakes of liquid methane. A similar story happened with Pluto, which pleased us with a diverse relief, but with the participation of liquid nitrogen.

And, for example, on Mars there is a phenomenon that is impossible on Earth. The poles of Mars are composed of water and carbon dioxide ice. And when spring comes, the carbon dioxide ice begins to melt. But, unlike water ice, it does not turn into a liquid, but immediately passes into a gaseous state. At the bottom, areas with increased pressure are formed, which break through the crust on the surface, and a gas geyser beats from the depths, taking the soil with it and forming beautiful fluffy figures. But the phenomena we are used to are also on Mars, for example, there are many dust whirlwinds recorded there, which form on Earth in warm sunny weather.

Stories like this could go on and on for a very long time. About each heavenly body You can talk about the solar system for hours and then spend a few more weeks talking about stars, nebulae, quasars, black holes and other deep space objects. We would not know all this if it were not for astronautics. And, think about how many interesting discoveries await us!

Space is a complex technique

As one of the branches of human activity, astronautics works with very complex and interesting technology. Just think, next year will be forty years since the launch of spacecraft Voyager, and these probes are still working. Once again, probes launched in 1977, when many readers were not yet in the world, are flying in space now in working condition. Voyagers even continue to collect and transmit scientific information to Earth about what is happening at a distance of more than fifteen light hours from us. In 10-20 years, the transmitters may turn out to be too weak to be heard on Earth, they were not counted on for such a range and period of operation, but it is not a fact that the probes will fail by that time. Similar examples show rovers, for example, "Opportunity" has already exceeded the warranty period of 90 days by more than 50 times.

In astronautics, in addition to the highest reliability, there is also unsurpassed accuracy. For example, the domestic telescope "Radioastron" at the beginning of 2016 received images with a resolution of 21 microseconds of arc. This is comparable to the size of a matchbox on the surface of the Moon, when viewed from the Earth (anticipating questions, the telescope operates in the radio range, so it makes no sense for them to shoot the Moon). This resolution allows Radioastron to look at black holes at a distance of 900,000 light-years, much like the Interstellar characters saw them.

Space is big projects

More than 400 thousand people worked on the American manned lunar program "Apollo". And now the International space station weighing more than 400 tons, which was collected by space agencies around the world. At the same time, a new unit, docking with the station, could be manufactured on the other side of the planet, but this did not prevent it from falling into place without problems. And people have been on the ISS continuously (of course, replacing each other) for more than fifteen years.

Space is wonderful people

Selection for astronauts weeds out people with a weak psyche and whiners. There are no standards of beauty for astronauts, but, for some reason, it turns out that even outwardly astronauts are cute, both at the dawn of the space age, and now.

Space is a glorious story

The history of astronautics is breathtaking. Castles in the air dreamers and science fiction. First experiments. The conquest of technology, physics and materials by the pioneers of astronautics. The elegance of design solutions. Successes and failures. Heroes who became the first, and those who gave their lives in the name of progress.

Do you know, for example, that Gagarin could have died at least three times on his first flight? Moreover, if in the first case he was saved by an impeccably working technique, then in two cases he himself, using his professionalism and training, corrected the situation. And in the American lunar program, the landing on the moon included two stages, when the failure of the equipment would lead to the death of the astronauts, because there were no backup options.


Regardless of who you are, the cosmos is ready to shower you with its treasures. Funny stories, heights of pathos and real tragedies. Breathtaking technology and wonderful people. Distant beauty and pragmatic utility. Space is wonderful!

Space is beautiful, but, in general, very strange. Planets revolve around stars that die and go out again, and everything in the galaxy revolves around a supermassive black hole that slowly sucks in anything that gets too close. But sometimes the cosmos throws up things so strange that you twist your mind into a pretzel trying to figure it out.

Pillars of Creation

As Douglas Adams once wrote, “Space is big. Really big. You can't even imagine how mind-blowingly big it is." We all know that the unit of measurement used to measure distances in space is the light year, but few people think about what this means. A light year is such a long distance that light - something that travels the fastest in the universe - travels this distance in only a year.

This means that when we look at objects in space that are really far away, like the Pillars of Creation (a formation in the Eagle Nebula), we are looking back in time. How does it work? Light from the Eagle Nebula takes 7000 years to reach Earth and we see it as it was 7000 years ago because what we see is reflected light.

The consequences of this glimpse into the past are very strange. For example, astronomers believe that the Pillars of Creation were destroyed by a supernova about 6,000 years ago. That is, these Pillars simply do not exist anymore. But we see them.

Red Square Nebula

Objects in space are, for the most part, very round. Planets, stars, galaxies and the shape of their orbits all resemble a circle. But the Red Square Nebula, an interestingly shaped cloud of gas, is, uh, square. Of course, astronomers were very, very surprised, since objects in space do not have to be square.

Actually, it's not really a square. If you take a close look at the image, you will notice that across the shape is formed by two cones at the point of contact. But then again, there aren't many cones in the night sky. The hourglass nebula glows so brightly because at its very center is bright Star where the cones meet. It is possible that this star exploded and went supernova, causing the rings at the base of the cones to glow more intensely.

Collisions of galaxies

In space, everything is constantly moving - in orbit, around its axis, or simply rushing through space. For this reason - and thanks to the incredible force of gravity - galaxies collide constantly. This may not surprise you - just look at the moon and understand that the cosmos likes to keep small things near large ones. When two galaxies containing billions of stars collide, it's a local disaster, right?

In fact, in galaxy collisions, the chance of two stars colliding is practically zero. The fact is that in addition to the fact that space itself is large (and galaxies too), it is also quite empty in itself. That is why it is called "outer space". Although our galaxies look solid from a distance, keep in mind that our nearest star is 4.2 light-years away. It's very far.

Horizon problem

Space is a complete mystery wherever you look. For example, if we look at a point in the east of our sky and measure radiation background, and then do the same at a point to the west, which will be separated from the first by 28 billion light years, we will see that the background radiation at both points is the same temperature.

This seems impossible because nothing can travel faster than light, and even light would take too long to travel from one point to another. How could the microwave background stabilize almost uniformly across the universe?

This can be explained by the theory of inflation, which suggests that the universe stretched out over large distances immediately after the Big Bang. According to this theory, the universe was not formed by stretching its edges, but space-time itself stretched like chewing gum in a fraction of a second. In that infinitely short time in this space, a nanometer covered several light-years. This does not contradict the law that nothing can move faster than the speed of light, because nothing has moved. It just expanded.

Think of the original universe as a single pixel in an image editing program. Now scale the image by a factor of 10 billion. Since the entire dot is made of the same material, its properties - including the temperature - are uniform.

How will a black hole kill you?

Black holes are so massive that the material begins to behave strangely in close proximity to them. One can imagine that being sucked into a black hole means spending the rest of eternity (or wasting the remaining air) screaming hopelessly in a tunnel of nothingness. But do not worry, the monstrous gravity will deprive you of this hopelessness.

The force of gravity is stronger the closer you are to its source, and when the source is such a powerful body, the magnitudes can change dramatically even over short distances - say, the height of a person. If you fall into a black hole feet first, the force of gravity acting on your feet will be so strong that you will see your body stretch out into spaghetti lines of atoms that are drawn into the very center of the hole. You never know, suddenly this information will be useful to you when you want to dive into the belly of a black hole.

Brain Cells and the Universe

Recently, physicists have created a simulation of the beginning of the universe, which began with the Big Bang and the sequence of events that led to what we see today. A bright yellow cluster of densely packed galaxies in the center and a "network" of less dense galaxies, stars, dark matter, and more.

At the same time, a student at Brandeis University was investigating the interconnection of neurons in the brain by looking at thin slices of mouse brains under a microscope. The image he got contains yellow neurons connected by a red "web" of connections. Doesn't it remind you of anything?

The two images, although very different in scale (nanometers and light years), are strikingly similar. Is this just a normal case of fractal recursion in nature, or is the universe really just a brain cell inside another vast universe?

Missing baryons

According to the Big Bang theory, the amount of matter in the universe will eventually create enough gravitational pull to slow the expansion of the universe to a halt. However, baryonic matter (what we see - stars, planets, galaxies and nebulae) is only 1 to 10 percent of all the matter that should be. Theorists have balanced the equation with hypothetical dark matter (which we can't observe) to save the day.

Every theory that tries to explain the strange absence of baryons is left with nothing. The most common theory is that the missing matter is composed of the intergalactic medium (dispersed gas and atoms floating in the voids between galaxies), but even taking this into account, we still have a lot of missing baryons. So far, we have no idea where much of the matter that should actually be is.

cold stars

There is no doubt that the stars are hot. This is as logical as the fact that snow is white, and two times two is four. When visiting a star, we would be more worried about how not to burn out, rather than how not to freeze - in most cases. Brown dwarfs are stars that are quite cold by stellar standards. Recently, astronomers discovered a type of star called Y dwarfs, which are the coldest subspecies of stars in the brown dwarf family. Y-dwarfs are colder than the human body. At a temperature of 27 degrees Celsius, you can safely touch such a brown dwarf, unless its incredible gravity turns you into mush.

These stars are damn hard to spot because they give off virtually no visible light, so you can only look for them in the infrared spectrum. There are even rumors that brown and Y-dwarfs are the very “dark matter” that has disappeared from our Universe.

The solar corona problem

The farther an object is from a heat source, the colder it is. That's why it's strange that the Sun's surface temperature is about 2760 degrees Celsius, and its corona (something like its atmosphere) is 200 times hotter.

Even if there may be some processes that explain the difference in temperature, none of them can explain such a big difference. Scientists believe that this has something to do with small inclusions. magnetic field, which appear, disappear and move on the surface of the Sun. Since the magnetic lines cannot cross each other, the inclusions rearrange themselves every time they get too close, and this process heats up the corona.

While this explanation may seem neat, it is far from elegant. Experts cannot agree on how long these inclusions last, let alone the processes by which they could heat the corona. Even if the answer to the question lies in this, no one knows what causes these random inclusions of magnetism to appear at all.

The black hole of Eridani

The Hubble Deep Space Field is an image taken by the Hubble Telescope of thousands of distant galaxies. However, when we look into "empty" space in the region of the constellation Eridanus, we see nothing. At all. Just a black void stretching for billions of light years. Almost any "void" in the night sky returns images of galaxies, albeit blurry, but existing. We have several methods to help determine what dark matter might be, but they leave us empty-handed when we look into the void of Eridanus.

One controversial theory is that the void contains a supermassive black hole around which all nearby galactic clusters revolve, and this high-speed rotation is combined with the "illusion" of an expanding universe. Another theory says that all matter will someday stick together, forming galactic clusters, and drifting voids will form between the clusters over time.

But that doesn't explain the second void astronomers have discovered in the southern night sky, which this time is about 3.5 billion light-years wide. It is so wide that even the Big Bang theory can hardly explain it, since the Universe did not exist long enough for such a huge void to form by ordinary galactic drift. Maybe someday all these mysteries of the universe will become just seeds in a glass, but not today and not tomorrow.

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Each of us has heard more than once that space is something outside our planet, it is the Universe. In general, space is a space that stretches endlessly in all directions, including galaxies and stars, and planets, cosmic dust and other objects. There is an opinion that there are other planets or even entire galaxies that are also inhabited by intelligent people.

A bit of history

The middle of the 20th century was remembered by many as the space race, the winner of which was the USSR. In 1957, it was first created and launched artificial satellite, and a little later, the first living being also visited space.

Two years later, an artificial satellite of the Sun entered orbit, and a station called Luna-2 was able to land on the surface of the Moon. The legendary Belka and Strelka went into space only in 1960, and a year later a man also went there.

The year 1962 was remembered for the group flight of ships, and 1963 for the fact that for the first time a woman was in orbit. Man managed to reach open space two years later.

Each of the subsequent years of our history was marked by events related to

The station of international importance was organized in space only in 1998. It was the launch of satellites, and the organization and numerous flights of people from other countries.

What does it represent

The scientific point of view says that space is certain parts of the universe that surround themselves and their atmospheres. However, it cannot be called completely empty. It has been shown to contain some hydrogen and has interstellar matter. Scientists have also confirmed the existence of electromagnetic radiation within it.

Now science does not know the data on the final limits of the cosmos. Astrophysicists and radio astronomers claim that instruments cannot "see" the entire cosmos. This is despite their workspace spanning 15 billion

Scientific hypotheses do not deny the possible existence of universes like ours, but there is no confirmation of this either. In general, space is the universe, it is the world. It is characterized by orderliness and materialization.

Learning process

Animals were the first in space. People were afraid, but wanted to explore the unknown spaces, so dogs, pigs and monkeys were used as pioneers. Some of them returned, some did not.

Now people are actively exploring outer space. It has been proven that weightlessness adversely affects human health. It does not allow fluids to move in the right directions, which contributes to the loss of calcium in the body. Also in space, people become somewhat chubby, there are problems with the intestines and clogging of the nose.

In outer space, almost every person gets "space sickness". Its main symptoms are nausea, dizziness, and headache. Hearing problems are the result of this disease.

Space is the space in whose orbits you can observe the sunrise about 16 times a day. This, in turn, negatively affects the biorhythms, prevents normal falling asleep.

It is interesting that the development of a toilet bowl in space is a whole science. Before this action begins to be perfect, all astronauts practice on a mock-up. Technique is worked out over a certain period of time. Scientists tried to organize a mini-toilet directly in the spacesuit, but this did not work out. Instead, ordinary diapers began to be used.

Every astronaut, after returning home, wonders for some time why objects fall down.

Not many people know why the first food in space was presented in tubes or briquettes. In fact, swallowing food in outer space is quite a challenge. Therefore, food was pre-dehydrated to make this process more accessible.

Interestingly, people who snore do not experience this process in space. It is still difficult to give an exact explanation for this fact.

death in space

Women who have artificially enlarged their breasts will never be able to know outer space. The explanation for this is simple - implants can explode. The same fate, unfortunately, can befall the lungs of any person if he finds himself in space without a spacesuit. This will happen due to decompression. The mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and eyes will simply boil.

Space in ancient philosophy

Space is in philosophy a kind of structural concept that is used to designate the world as a whole. Heraclitus used the definition as a “world-building” more than 500 years ago BC. This was supported by the pre-Socratics - Parmenides, Democritus, Anaxagoras and Empedocles.

Plato and Aristotle tried to show the cosmos as an extremely complete being, an innocent being, an aesthetic whole. The perception of outer space was based largely on the mythology of the ancient Greeks.

In his work "On Heaven" Aristotle tries to compare these two concepts, to identify similarities and differences. In Plato's Timaeus, there is a fine line between the cosmos itself and its founder. The philosopher argued that the cosmos arose sequentially from matter and ideas, and the creator put his soul into it, divided it into elements.

The result was the cosmos as a living being with a mind. It is one and beautiful, includes the soul and body of the world.

Space in the philosophy of the 19th-20th centuries

The modern industrial revolution has completely distorted previous versions of the perception of outer space. A new "mythology" was taken as a basis.

At the turn of the century, such a philosophical trend as cubism arose. He largely embodied the laws, formulas, logical constructions and idealizations of Greek Orthodox ideas, which, in turn, borrowed them from ancient philosophers. Cubism is a good attempt by a person to know himself, the world, his place in the world, his vocation, to determine the basic values.

He did not go far from ancient ideas, but changed their root. Now the cosmos is in philosophy something with design features that were based on the principles of Orthodox personalism. Something historical and evolutionary. Outer space can change for the better. Biblical traditions were taken as a basis.

The cosmos, in the view of the philosophers of the 19-20s, combines art and religion, physics and metaphysics, knowledge about the world around us and human nature.


It can be logically concluded that the cosmos is the space that is a single whole. Philosophical and scientific ideas about it are of the same nature, with the exception of ancient times. The topic "space" has always been in demand and enjoyed a healthy curiosity among people.

Now the universe is fraught with many more mysteries and mysteries that you and I have yet to unravel. Each person who finds himself in space discovers something new and unusual for himself and for all mankind, acquaints everyone with his feelings.

Outer space is a collection of various matters or objects. Some of them are closely studied by scientists, and the nature of others is generally incomprehensible.

What do we know about space? Most of us cannot answer the simplest questions about this mysterious world, which, despite this, attracts and interests us. This article presents the most interesting general information about space, which will be useful for everyone to know.

  • We (all living beings) are flying in the space environment at a certain speed, which is equal to 530 km/sec. If we take into account the speed of movement of our Earth in the galaxy, then it equates to 225 km / second. Our galaxy (the Milky Way), in turn, moves in space at a speed of 305 km/sec.
  • A giant space object - the planet Saturn actually has a relatively small weight. The density of this giant planet is a couple of times lower than that of water. Thus, if this cosmic body try to drown in water, this will not work.
  • If the Jupiter planet were hollow, then all the known planets of our solar planetary system could fit inside it.
  • Reducing the periodicity of the rotation of the planet-Earth will move the Moon away from it by about four centimeters annually.
  • The first "star catalog" was compiled by Hipparchus (astronomer) in 150 BC.

  • When we look at the most distant (dimmest) stars in the night sky, we see them as they were about fourteen billion years ago.
  • In addition to our luminary, we have another approximate star "Proskima Centauri". distance to given space object equates to 4.2 light years.
  • The "red giant" named "Betelgeuse" has a huge diameter. For comparison, its diameter is a couple of times greater than the orbit of our Earth around the star.
  • Every year, the galaxy in which our planetary system is located produces about 40 new stars.
  • If one spoon (tea) of substance is removed from the "neutron star", then the weight of this spoon will be equal to 150 tons.

  • The mass of our luminary is more than 99% of the mass of its entire planetary system.
  • The age of the light emitted by our luminary can be equated to only 30 thousand years. It was thirty thousand years ago that a certain energy was formed in the luminary, which to this day reaches the Earth. By the way, solar photons get to the aforementioned planet on which we live, in just eight seconds.
  • The eclipse of our star can last no more than seven and a half minutes. The lunar eclipse, in turn, has a longer duration - 104 minutes.
  • The "solar wind" is the cause of the mass loss of our luminary. In 1 second, this luminary loses more than 1 billion kg due to this “wind”. By the way, one "windy particle" can destroy an ordinary person, approaching him at a distance of 160 kilometers.
  • If our Earth were spinning in a different, opposite direction, then the duration of the year would be less by a couple of days.
  • Every day, our planet is experiencing a “meteorite bombardment”. Why don't we see this? Most of the space objects falling on us are very small, so they do not have time to reach the surface and dissolve in our atmosphere.

  • Our planet has far more than one satellite. Modern scientists have determined that four objects fly around it at once. Of course, the most famous of them is the Moon. In addition to it, an asteroid (5 kilometers in diameter) flies around us, which was discovered in 1896. To be more precise, this object revolves around the star, but with a certain frequency, the same as ours. Therefore, he is always with us. It is impossible to see it with the naked eye.
  • The condensation of "cosmic matter" is the cause of the periodic increase in the mass of our planet. Every 500 years, its mass increases by about one billion tons.
  • The Big Dipper is not a constellation, as many people think. In reality, this is "asterism" - a visual cluster of stars that are very impressively distant from each other. Some Ursa stars are even located in different galactic formations.

Initially, the planet Uranus, discovered by W. Herschel in 1781, was called the "Star of George." This was ordered by George III, who wanted the last discovered planet of the Solar System to be named after him.

If two parts of a meteorite come into contact in outer space, they will be soldered together. If this happens on our native planet, then they will not unite, since metals tend to oxidize on our planet. The equipment that astronauts use while working outside the space station spontaneously oxidizes on Earth, so it does not stick together in outer space.

Satellite vehicles created by engineers during their flight in space obey certain physical laws, which were first described by Newton.

Since 1980, sections of our satellite, the Moon, have been officially sold, and they cost a lot. To date, about seven percent of the surface of the natural satellite has been sold. The cost of forty acres is now no more than $150. The lucky person who bought the plot receives a certificate and photographs of his "lunar land".

  • In 1992, the official couple Jen and Mark went into space. To this day, they are considered the first and only spouses who visited space together. The couple flew into space on the ship "Endever".
  • All those who have been in space for a certain time (1-2 months) grow by about five centimeters due to spinal sprain, which then, after returning to Earth, can adversely affect health.
  • A satellite orbital system can photograph three million square kilometers of the Earth in half an hour, an airplane in twelve years, a person by hand in approximately 100 years.
  • In 2001 held interesting experiment, after which they found out that astronauts snoring at home in outer space lose this bad habit.
