Oleg Marzoev 58th Army. Oleg Marzoev

Oleg Marzoev 58th Army.  Oleg Marzoev

Oleg Marzoev @oleg_marzoev

Reserve officer. Vladikavkaz.

    390 Posts


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  • On behalf of the Marzoev family, I express immense gratitude to everyone who shared the bitterness of loss with us and inform you that the 40-day commemoration since the death of my mother, Marina Sidorovna Marzoeva (Bekmurzova), will take place on Monday, January 14, at the address: Vladikavkaz , Magkaeva str. 59 (cafe "Metelitsa" at the entrance to the village of Holtsman).

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  • My mother, Marzoeva (Bekmurzova) Marina Sidorovna, passed away.

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  • Left in reserve. I made the decision based on personal circumstances, contrary to the opinion of the command, a prestigious promotion, love for the army and what was in my heart. “At one’s own request” is a terse formulation that does not convey conflicting feelings. Back in 2003, when I was forced to long years interrupt service due to serious family circumstances, life was divided into before and after, and I tried to explain to myself that I couldn’t step into the river of time twice. And yet, after 30, against the backdrop of the Crimean events, having decided that on the threshold big war, returned to duty, wanting to be useful. Whether it worked is another question. During these years, he served, as he felt, without illusions about himself, but even at the age of 35, realizing that, if not for circumstances, he could have already been a lieutenant colonel, he was still happy to wear lieutenant’s shoulder straps. The prefix “in reserve” doesn’t change much for me; service to the Motherland is a state of mind. To the end, I was never able to perceive the army as a job, a source of income, and, leaving for the reserve without an apartment and a pension, I do not regret the financial side. I regret that the children’s dad will now come home from work out of shape. But now he will come) The combat effectiveness of the army did not suffer in any way with my departure, the best remained) Everything is absolutely fine with me, too, and I, comrades, are still nearby, ready to support my own even against superior enemy forces) These army years were interesting and rich, I am grateful to everyone with whom we, even if only a little, tried to do for the army, the republic and the country, to contribute to what is truly valuable and eternal. And the level from which it has now gone into reserve allows war time take the position of deputy regiment commander, the enemies know this, they are afraid and will not start a war)) Peaceful skies, comrades, I am sincerely proud to be an officer in the defense of our invincible army - an integral part of our great people.

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  • The last marshal celebrates his 94th birthday today Soviet Union Dmitry Timofeevich Yazov. Front-line soldier, participant in the Cuban events under the command of Army General Pliev, the last Minister of Defense of the USSR. In the photo: Dmitry Yazov and Stanislav Marzoev.

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  • 101 years ago the Great October Socialist Revolution took place, but much of what we are told about it has no relation to reality. To put it succinctly and in your own words, then first you need to remember that revolutions are carried out from the outside. Even before October (November) - in February 1917, the special services foreign countries, primarily England and the USA, a coup d'etat was carried out on the territory of the Russian Empire, accompanied by betrayal on the part of the bourgeois elite. They, having forced the tsar to abdicate, created a Provisional Government, which was headed by the traitor Kerensky, the prototype of Gorbachev. All his actions were aimed at the final weakening state power, the destruction of the warring and victorious (!) army, as its stronghold, and the planned transfer of the reins of power to one of the parties created by foreign intelligence services, specifically the Bolsheviks, as having become the most organized and powerful. That is, February and October revolution They were steering from the same backstage, which was not at all German, contrary to myths. It was with the hands of England and the USA in the First World War Russia and Germany were drawn in with the goal of weakening them and subsequent destruction through revolution. By 1917, Russia, as often happens with it, in spite of everything, did not weaken, but on the contrary began to win at the front, intending to capture the Bosphorus and Constantinople, that is, to establish Russian control over the entire Black Sea coast. The “allies” certainly could not allow this, especially so as not to disrupt it in Petrograd palace coup, which in the event of such a victory would be impossible for any money. Taking into account the peculiarities of his character, pressure was put on the king, he abdicated the throne in favor of younger brother, the one that was planned, did not want to take power, after which that same corrupt “elite” was, as it were, “forced” to take no one’s power into their own hands, in order to then transfer it to the Bolsheviks. Immediately from...

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  • A magnificent and unexpected gift from wonderful person, Minister of Culture of the Republic of South Ossetia, Zasseeva Zhanna Vissarionovna, for which I am very grateful!) Alas, at one time I did not even have time to become an October student, but Soviet ideals are especially close, I am sincerely glad to have, albeit not entirely deservedly, such an exclusive Komsomol set, especially Moreover, this is not just an anniversary souvenir product, of which millions were distributed by the date, but a rare Tskhinvali batch, valuable also because South Ossetia is one of those few territories former USSR, which has preserved the spirit bequeathed by previous generations. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that such wonderful South Ossetian milk chocolate exists! Wine “Nectar of the Scythians”: although I don’t drink it, the name alone is intoxicating) And the book “South Ossetia - Country of the Sun”, both in form and in content, is simply excellent! I was not an October boy, I did not become a pioneer, But I always loved the party and the Komsomol with all my heart! :-) I dedicate this impromptu to the 100th anniversary of the Komsomol))

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  • Hero of our time. Hero of Russia, holder of three Orders of the Red Star, three Orders of Courage, veteran of the war in Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Chechnya, Georgia... Officer of the 45th Intelligence Brigade airborne special forces. Symbol, pattern, example. Looking at the awards of Anatoly Vyacheslavovich Lebed, it is difficult to imagine something more. He can rightfully be considered a Hero of our time, as Colonel General Shamanov called him. Biography of A.N. Swan is unique. Also in school years made.. more than 300 parachute jumps! Then emergency service in the airborne assault regiment, then flight school and, having received the rank of lieutenant, he went to war in Afghanistan. There, as a helicopter flight technician, he went on foot attacks with GRU special forces groups! As a flight engineer, he received three military Orders of the Red Star! Then the collapse of the Soviet Union, he was transferred to the reserve. He did not see himself in civilian life, and when the opportunity arose, he went to Yugoslavia as a volunteer to defend the Serbian people from aggression. There, an Ossetian volunteer, Albert Andiev, fought shoulder to shoulder with him; they acted as part of the same reconnaissance group and were friends. When militants attacked Dagestan, Anatoly Lebed went there as a volunteer. Reinstated in the ranks of the Armed Forces in the 45th Airborne Special Forces Reconnaissance Regiment. During the second war in Chechnya, he plowed through the mountains as part of a reconnaissance group in the most difficult areas, in 2003 he was blown up by a mine, lost the foot of his right leg, but did not leave the service! Continued to go on reconnaissance missions using a prosthesis! And in 2005 he performed another feat, for the courage and heroism shown during the execution military duty, he was awarded the title of Hero of Russia! Knight of three Orders of Courage! In 2008, he participated in the war with Georgia in the Abkhaz direction, acting as part of a group that captured the naval base in Poti and sank Georgian Navy boats. Became the second holder of the modern Order of St. George, IV Art. They asked him why he was going to war again, why he was freezing in the mountains and risking his life, because

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  • Thousands of sons of Alanya are inscribed in the glorious history of military intelligence Russian Empire, Soviet Union and Russian Federation. The first in this line of generations who is remembered today is the Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel General Mamsurov Hadji-Umar Dzhiorovich, who started in intelligence back in civil war, he is also the legendary “Colonel Xanthi”, one of the founders of the GRU, this is the Hero of the Soviet Union Khadzhimurza Mildzikhov, a scout, who single-handedly destroyed 108 Nazis in battle, this is a full holder of the Order of Glory, the intelligence officer Edzaev Akhsarbek Aleksandrovich, from the walls of Vladikavkaz, he smashed the enemy first to Europe, and then in Japan, this is a full holder of the Order of Glory, scout sergeant Viktor Mikhailovich Konyaev, the last of the heroic list of Ossetian veterans, who passed away in 2016, a native of Vladikavkaz, intelligence chief of the 58th Army, Hero of Russia (posthumously), Colonel Stytsina Alexander Mikhailovich.

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  • 7 Gazdanov brothers from Ossetia died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. There were three such families in the USSR: the Sidorovs, the Queens and the Gazdanovs; no one suffered more terrible losses. Grief cannot be measured in numbers; the death of one cannot be measured in the same way as the death of seven. Yet it is an unthinkable loss. Three families in the entire vast USSR, two Russian and one Ossetian. These are not just numbers, statistics, they are a tragic, but very vivid symbol of the attitude of the small Ossetian people to the defense of a great country. This is an indicator of how unacceptable it was for the Ossetians to remain on the sidelines when trouble came. That is why in that Great War the Ossetian people became the first in the country in terms of the number of Heroes of the Soviet Union per capita. This is also statistics, but it also speaks volumes. Someone said that it would be better to sit in the rear, then there would be more Ossetians now. But then they would no longer be Ossetians, and who cares how many there were. Half a century later, on November 4, 1992, three Slanov brothers died in battle while defending Ossetia, becoming a symbol of that brutal undeclared war. Times do not change people. We bury the best to become better. I really want to believe in this.

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  • Walk of Fame in Vladikavkaz, anniversary of the death of the deputy commander of the 58th Army, Colonel Stanislav Marzoev.

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  • Red Square. November 7, 1982. In the parade squad is Captain Stanislav Marzoev, a young veteran of the Afghan war, a student at the V. Lenin Military-Political Academy. Photo from the front page of the newspaper "Red Star".

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  • Colonel Stanislav Marzoev died in the line of military duty on November 3, 2002. The helicopter in which he, the deputy commander of the 58th Army, was returning from the combat area in Chechnya, took off from the Grozny airfield, heading for Vladikavkaz. The militants were waiting for this board. The vehicle, which had reached an altitude of almost a kilometer, was launched from a man-portable anti-aircraft missile system. The rocket crashed into the engine, the helicopter caught fire and, losing control, began to fall rapidly. A military professional, a man of enormous courage and endurance, Stanislav Marzoev knew that there was practically no chance of survival, but he did not give in to impending death and fire. There were no parachutes on board. The count went on in moments. Throwing his last challenge to death, Colonel Marzoev opened the door, grabbed a soldier sitting nearby, forcefully pushed him out of the dying helicopter, and only then left the burning car himself. Seconds later, the helicopter exploded in the air and then crashed to the ground, incinerating the remaining 7 passengers and crew. A special forces officer, a paratrooper with enormous combat experience, Colonel Stanislav Marzoev, during his long career military career often looked death in the eye. Every year, making hundreds of flights to the combat zone, he was always located in the helicopter cabin close to the door, every second he was ready for any development of the situation. Dozens of people later recalled how he often said: “We are at war and every second is a risk. In the sky, at a height, when a rocket hits the helicopter engine, there is no more time, enormous pressure and temperature are created on board in moments, the flame incinerates everything, nothing remains of the people. Whatever the height, you need to leave the burning side. Let it be not in order to survive, but so that the family has something to bury...” This is a worldview of a special order, which is difficult to comprehend, but for him it was natural. He was ready for anything, did not surrender to death, even in a situation that fetters the will of people: other cases when a downed helicopter is abandoned in this way are not known even in war. Already falling from a kilometer height, he took off his pea coat and used it to dampen the speed of his fall. He fought to the last.

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  • Patriotic War 1992 In the fall of 1992, I studied in the 2nd grade of the fifth Vladikavkaz gymnasium. We had just moved then; my father, a lieutenant colonel in the GRU special forces, was transferred from Transcaucasia to North Ossetia in the wake of the collapse of the USSR. The first quarter ended and I stayed with my grandparents on Borodinskaya Street, in the city center. In the last week of school, classmate “...” did not come to class and we never saw him again. A few days before, several large green boxes, similar to boxes with weapons, were brought into the neighboring yard where “...” lived, and where our windows looked out. It was already uneasy then, there were different rumors. Therefore, when my grandmother saw this, she immediately called the police. After the call, 5 minutes later, even before the squad arrived, the boxes were hurriedly taken out and taken away... They had their own informants there then. We didn’t see those neighbors after that either. On the night of October 30-31, 1992, my father called us and told us not to go outside, turn off the lights, close the curtains and not go near the windows. He said that armed gangs attacked the border villages of the republic, and battles were also taking place in Vladikavkaz. There is such an expression, “quiet horror,” when we use it in everyday life, we don’t really think about the meaning, but this is exactly what was felt in the atmosphere then. Not fear, but horror, a feeling of impending disaster. This is how that war began for me. In the following days there was intense shooting somewhere very close; at night I remember tracers in the sky, right above our yard. Neighbors erected barricades on the street and kept watch. I only remember the third day of my father in camouflage, who stopped by for literally 5 minutes and drove back. Many years later they told me how he organized the defense general military school and the left bank near the bridge to Yuzhny, as he participated in clashes in villages captured by militants. He himself never spoke about this, and in his personal diary he left only one entry: “There is a war going on.” I remember he then brought a black kitten from the front line, which climbed into their armored personnel carrier and his father decided to take it with him, giving it the nickname “...”. For many more months, when I went to bed, I closed the curtains, remembered about snipers, and when I read a book on the balcony, I sat right under the parapet to hide from the enemy’s bullet if he suddenly sat down on the opposite roof. AND..

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  • The 1992 war is not an “event” or a “conflict”; it is the Patriotic War of multinational Ossetia against armed gangs that committed military aggression with the aim of genocide of the people of Ossetia, occupation of its territory and undermining the state security of Russia.

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  • Why were you personally or were you not on Freedom Square in Vladikavkaz on October 22, 2018, to express your attitude towards the closure of the Electrozinc plant? Not counting plainclothes employees, officials and politicians who were present on the square due to official necessity, the rest were only about 300 people, rounded up. That is, those who evacuated from the city a day earlier and almost all returned were represented by at most 1%. I believe that coming or not coming to the square is not an indicator, those who came are not heroes, those who did not come are not indifferent. Situations and reasons are different, but it would be useful to analyze this nonsense in order to understand whether there is such a thing in our republic. civil society in a constructive understanding of this phenomenon and how the mechanism of reincarnation of thousands of likes and comments into a devirtualized collection of such seemingly active representatives of the Internet works.

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  • The desire to take children out of the city after the fire at the Electrozinc plant is, in the opinion of a number of wise “experts,” nothing less than “panic” or even “hysteria.” You would refrain from making judgments, if only because everyone will decide for themselves what to do. Using the same wise patterns, those who remained can be characterized much more impartially. Living near Electrozinc (and for the whole of Vladikavkaz the word “near” is applicable), in such good weather taking the children out of town is by definition correct solution, and what if 5000 square meters the chemical workshop of this toxic plant is on fire, if there are deaths known, if the fire has been extinguished for at least 10 hours and the sky of the city is clouded with black smoke, if hundreds of people physically felt the emissions because it became difficult for them to breathe, then the decision is to protect children from the possible effects of this man-made disaster becomes at least correct, logical, and understandable. And if you don’t have children or don’t have the opportunity to take them out, if you’re simply lazy or full of doubts, if you can’t leave the city due to official or political reasons, then that’s your business, but don’t judge other people. I remember how a year ago there was provocative information about an attack on Vladikavkaz by 120 militants, then many people called me, I definitely reassured them, I knew that this was a hoax, because otherwise, I would have been alerted and would have been fighting in an urban environment with a machine gun or blocking the area where the militants were located. But people’s anxiety was understandable; I simply wouldn’t dare call them alarmists and hysterics, although I knew 100% that they were worrying in vain. And now there is at least someone who is ready to assure citizens that with the environment in Vladikavkaz now everything is 100% the same as at the same time yesterday?! Is there such a person?! The question is rhetorical.

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You've reached the end of the list.

– Oleg, let’s start from the beginning: both your grandfather and father were military men. And the first question is this: did you have a question about who to be, or was it a foregone conclusion?

- There is authority in our family military service as absolute as it is impossible to imagine that a man who chose a different path would be subjected to persuasion and agitation. It's either inside you or it's not. There are professions that we do not choose; they choose us.

– But still, the decision to become a military man came by itself, or did the authority of your elders dominate you?

– The decision was natural, based on complete freedom of choice. I would not like to base an interview on autobiography, but I will give an example of how motivation is formed that influences the choice of profession. There is such a defining phenomenon as personal example. The environment in which you are formed also plays an important role. In my case, these are the military garrisons of Transcaucasia and the North Caucasus during the period of local conflicts, when there were storming of military towns by militants, and special forces with machine guns who were on duty at the entrances of houses. From the age of three, my father took me to the training grounds, sat me down next to him in the tank and off I went: day and night driving. I fired a machine gun for the first time when he was still taller than me. At the age of five, my father and I went up in a helicopter, he jumped out with a parachute in front of me, and I returned with the crew and met him on the ground, I made my first jump at the age of 14. Drive military equipment learned earlier than a civilian car. At the same time, there were never lectures on the topic that I must become a military man and continue the dynasty. On my mother’s side, for example, all of them are doctors, I could have made such a choice, no one interfered, but where is medicine, and where am I, because this is also not just a profession, it is a calling. When the time came, I simply said that I would enroll in military school.

– We’ll talk about dad separately, so I’d like you to talk about grandfather. Did you talk to him about the war?

– My grandfather, a colonel, who went to the front at the age of 17, defended Moscow, commanded a battalion at Stalingrad, never talked about the war, he simply remained silent in response to questions. Instead, the wall of military orders and medals on the ceremonial jacket spoke. My father’s younger brother, a military officer who was almost continuously in combat areas, was also always silent. I gave some answers to myself when I visited him after being seriously wounded in the hospital. Father, special forces officer, who has gone through, perhaps, all the conflicts modern history, Afghanistan, Transcaucasia, North Caucasus, did not talk to me about the war, he talked about peace, almost constantly being where the fighting was going on, and took me with him on business trips so that I could see everything with my own eyes. Military service for me from early childhood ceased to be synonymous with romance.

- But then there was a moment when you had to give up your dream...

— Yes, due to difficult family circumstances. Then he tried to return for several years, but due to the many years of reforms that had begun, when tens of thousands of officers were fired, he managed to get back into service only in 2014. By age he could have been a major. Now a lieutenant.

— Does this create certain difficulties for you? So you don’t have any complexes about this?

This is not a problem for me. Everything is as it is. The only important thing is that I am back in action, doing what I love and have the opportunity to be useful.

– Before I ask the next question, I want to tell you a story about a meeting with your father, Stanislav Marzoev. We communicated only once, but our conversation lasted more than 3 hours. And we talked, you know what? About literature, philosophy, even Buddhism. This meeting really changed my attitude towards the army, towards people in uniform. Because before her, like many others, I imagined her from jokes about martinets who painted the grass in green color. My question is the following. Much has been written about Russian officers, and many films have been made. How do you think, when did the army change, the attitude towards the Russian officer? How and why did the image of a pre-revolutionary officer-intellectual replace the portrait of a Soviet soldier?

– A Soviet officer is no less an intellectual. Explaining the prevailing stereotypes, let us remember that there were two difficult periods in the army, tectonic breakdowns - 1917 and 1991. After the revolution, despite tragic events, The Armed Forces were able to preserve themselves and the country, many traditions, continued to develop, and win the Great Patriotic War. No other army in the world could have accomplished what the Red Army did. The authority of the military personnel was indisputable and fully supported by the state. But from the period of so-called “perestroika”, a reverse process began of open discrediting the army and everything that previous generations fought for and created for. One of the main blows was directed at the Armed Forces. Our country is surrounded by potential enemies, the largest on the planet, and the army is the basis of its security and sovereignty. Of course, the officers were always perceived as the last line of defense, and they were hit mercilessly. The internationalist soldiers also suffered. While still defenders of that great country, they already felt hatred, discontent, and misunderstanding. Everything that should not exist in principle. Then everything that happened in our North Caucasus, in Transcaucasia: our army, absolutely torn to pieces, betrayed and, as it seemed to our enemies, demoralized, went to fulfill its duty in a stream of lies and hatred, false anti-army propaganda. But despite all this, the army carried out its tasks. Of course, all this could not help but affect the atmosphere within the teams, and the fact that many officers stopped believing in what they were doing. But the uniqueness of our state is that in the most difficult times, patriots remain in the army and other spheres, who, regardless of the times and morals, simply served the Fatherland. As Serbian Patriarch Paul said, “We cannot turn the earth into heaven, but our task is to make sure that it does not turn into hell.” At the turn of the 90s, this very problem was being solved in our country, and our soldiers and officers were at the forefront.

– I completely agree with you, but I am interested, first of all, in the spirit of the army, which, in my opinion, left along with the exterminated Russian officers...

- No. A lot of officers remained in Russia, many have already sworn allegiance Soviet power. Post-revolutionary events were similar to the 90s - times of unrest and bloodshed. The country was betrayed, the army was betrayed and thrown into the maelstrom of civil war, the officers, splitting into different camps, fought for their country as they understood it and their Oath. And yet, having shed rivers of blood, we did not lose ourselves either then or now, we came to our senses, came to our senses, despite all the efforts of our enemies. This is the uniqueness of our state and the Armed Forces. Of course, this did not happen without consequences. We have lost, irrevocably lost, many and many things. But the spirit and patriotism were preserved. And let our opponents spend unimaginable means so that this spirit is eradicated from the Armed Forces, so that Russia loses two of its allies - the Army and the Navy, but they failed to do this. And it won't succeed. And the Russian officer is a historically collective concept, it goes through the centuries, without regard to nationality. I, an Ossetian by nationality, am proud to bear the title of Russian, Russian officer. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the chance to be a Soviet officer.

We haven't heard talk about a professional army for a long time. Is it possible in Russia, without involving conscripts?

– You can’t hear any conversations, because they moved from words to action. A professional army is possible; its backbone is already being successfully formed from contract servicemen. And, of course, trained, motivated people must go into battle. Especially in modern conflicts, having the prefix “local”. The core of the army should be formed from contract soldiers, but a contract army in our country in its pure form is unacceptable in the sense that the population should be involved in military training, the rest of the guys need to visit training grounds in order to understand what weapons and military equipment are and how to use them address. Everyone must be ready to defend the Fatherland with arms in hand.

– There was a time when young people en masse abandoned the army. Today they even talk about cases where people pay money to join the army. It seems to me that this is still more connected with a certain civilian career, for which a military ID is required. And what else needs to be changed in the army itself so that people join it at the call of their hearts, and not for a military ID?

– The army is a projection of society, it all starts with the family, with kindergarten, schools, streets. When processes in our country as a whole are normalized, first of all, I am now talking about the military patriotic education, civil responsibility, then there will be fewer questions for the army. After all, military service begins precisely with civil responsibility: if you recognize this territory as your Motherland, you one way or another strive to support and defend it.

At the same time, it is necessary to optimize the methods of service and timing. They say a year is not enough. I am sure that in many cases a year is even a long time. There are people who, by their mentality and character, are far from the army. They could prove themselves in many other directions. We must give them the basics of military service, but there is no point in immersing them in an army environment for many months, there is no benefit, on the contrary. Many options are currently being considered. For example, serving in the so-called intellectual troops; the army needs intellectuals. An alternative service that has not gained popularity. At the same time, it should offer a wider range of destinations. And when every citizen realizes that he has a choice in the way he performs his service, when this system works effectively for us, the attitude will also change, which, without any doubt, has already changed for the better.

— Do you think that the term of military service, reduced to a year, can be revised even lower? Now, on the contrary, they again want to return to the two-year plan...

– We must create optimal conditions for service for each and every one, I am sure that it is possible to prepare a conscript soldier, give him skills within the framework of his military specialty, in 3 months, not even in a year. It all depends not on “how much”, but on “how”. And this is a well-founded historical precedent: if during the Great Patriotic War we trained a lieutenant in 3 months, then why in Peaceful time We won’t be able to prepare ordinary stock within the same period? We can. If we assign lieutenant ranks to graduates of military departments who are very vaguely familiar with army life, then why can’t we, within three months of intensive combat training, award a military ID to the rank and file?

With all due respect to people with extensive military experience who believe that this year is not enough for military training, I am sure that these are largely stereotypes. What goals do we pursue by conscripting people into the army? We must train them in military craft, so that in the event of mobilization, he will take his place in the ranks. Does a person really need a year to study a machine gun, learn how to shoot it and drive a combat vehicle? No, you need much less. We take him away from civilian life for a year: he still doesn’t have time to become a military man in spirit, but he may well miss opportunities. We send him to other regions, tear him away from his family. On the one hand, it hardens, but I don’t see the need for it. They were conscripted for 3-6 months at their place of residence, without spending huge amounts of money on rotating thousands of conscripts between regions and forward into civilian life. This way we can reach everyone, absolutely everyone. Then once every five years, again, hold short-term military training for everyone, and he will remember everything. This is more effective than serving for a year or two and then never really returning to it.

If the system of initial military training in schools works effectively, if DOSAAF and reservist training are powerful, if people, when joining the ranks, are engaged only in combat training, and not in many related and unusual functions, then a year will become an unreasonably long period of military service. Of course, this is an overload on the military registration and enlistment offices and recruitment system, but we would rather spend the extra money on this and save many times more on the maintenance of hundreds of thousands of conscripts.

And the main thing here is psychological attitude to the service. It’s one thing when you go away for a year and quite another when it’s a matter of months. Everything is perceived easier, more optimistic, young people will comprehend military science, realizing that every day counts and is filled with combat training. Then there will be an optimal balance between people who join the army to get a ticket, and those who want to connect their fate with the Armed Forces and become professional contract soldiers.

- Many people use it as an example Israeli army. Is this model applicable in Russia?

– Due to territorial, historical and many other reasons, the Israeli model in its pure form is unacceptable for our country. We are dealing there with a mononational state, mononational armed forces, with a very young state, with specific conditions for the emergence of this state. With a special mentality of the people, with its own tasks and ambitions, which it solves in this moment. Our situation is completely different. But at the same time, we could certainly use a lot of what this country has managed to accumulate. Including the possibility of service for girls. They also serve here now, but not in all positions.

But we should not forget that service in Israel is compulsory. On the one hand, the understanding of the importance of service there is very high. But on the other hand, Israel provides such serious benefits for those who served, and everything overlaps so much for those who did not serve, that it is difficult to understand where their patriotism is and where their calculation is.

I am sure that absolutely everyone should have skills in handling weapons, every soldier should know his place in the ranks. Maybe what I say will hurt the ears of pacifists, but any person, when war or trouble comes, must understand that it will be too late to practice jurisprudence, the moment may come when he will have to take up arms.

- So you think that it might happen that everyone will need to take up arms? Or will there be a different war in the 21st century?

“I’m sure we should be ready for this.” I believe that such a moment should NOT come. But, despite the 21st century, robots do not fight today and, as practice shows, soldiers still march, lead still flies and people die. It is also important to understand here: our opponents understand perfectly well what we are capable of, they are constantly monitoring the situation. Our unpredictability gives us a very big “plus”. Even during the collapse of the army, they were afraid of us, because it is impossible to eradicate patriotism from Russia. All the same, there is an officer sitting somewhere over some button, and he will not be able to betray his country.

But besides the nuclear button, there are many options in which we will not be able to use this weapon. That is why our opponents’ awareness that our population is ideologically and psychologically ready to defend its territory is no less and even a stronger deterrent than all weapons of mass destruction.

– Then I understand that you are a supporter of the State Duma’s initiatives, which today want to return military disciplines to school, including even knife fighting?

- Of course, initial military training should be in schools. Another thing is what form it will be offered today. It is impossible to restore the Soviet experience into Russian ones without changes. modern schools. Also, experience cannot be taken literally. foreign countries. Today the realities are completely different. Each initiative must be carefully considered. After all, we send children to schools so that they get an education, and not become soldiers. Who are the initiators proposing to staff teachers in this discipline, which program they offer. In a word, I am for thoughtful initiatives, for the modern format of the NVP, the main thing is that all this does not become another example of populism. Well, so that it is interesting for children and useful for society. And since these lessons will shape the children’s attitude towards the armed forces, towards their country, we cannot afford ill-considered steps.

Ossetia has unique military traditions, it is necessary to fight for them. Never has any national republic in the North Caucasus been able to boast of a single higher military educational institution. There were three of them in Ossetia! This is unprecedented. We, having three military schools, lost them. Why this happened is another question. Russia lost, Ossetia lost. I remember how our combined arms school was closed - the only one that trained mountain riflemen. And this happened exactly before the war in the Caucasus, and it cannot be called an accident. Many years later, already in the 2000s, the Institute of Internal Troops was also closed. But there was no longer any sabotage. I have spoken with many graduates of this institute who testified how, because large quantity Discipline of local boys has decreased. We ourselves must educate a person going to a military school or the army with high responsibility, so that he understands where he is going, that he is part of the people and will be judged by him. This is a very serious problem today. And today the bulk of our guys serve with honor. But there are others, their percentage is no longer within the margin of error and this is a reason to think seriously. Today we have Suvorov School, there is a submarine “Vladikavkaz”, the crew of which is called from Ossetia. From this perspective, it is necessary to work, to work to preserve and enhance military traditions.

– Oleg, a question that has always interested me: can we afford decent conditions of service in the army? I’m not talking about weapons and physical training now, about banal life. I understand that the army is not a sanatorium, but this is not a punishment.

– The process of creating comfortable working conditions is going more than successfully. There are practically no barracks with common sleeping quarters for several dozen people anymore. Today, 4 people live in one room with a separate shower, there is a washing machine, and a place where you can iron your things. The nutrition of military personnel is at a completely different level than before. When I was still a cadet, the allowance was the same as that of conscripts, and I remember this meat from 1947 from the New Zealand USSR. The uniform has become qualitatively different, much more convenient and practical. In all areas, our Armed Forces are reaching a qualitatively different level. As for contract soldiers, for example, those who serve in our republic, their salary is higher than the national average - this is the region. Many stereotypes that have become attached to the army, of course, still exist. But today they are largely unfounded.

And yet the question is not about money, conditions of service and uniforms: people must restructure themselves psychologically. We literally put people from the 90s and early 2000s into the new ones, modern conditions. It takes time to rebuild, and today there are all the conditions for this. I now combine two positions - unit commander and battalion political officer. This is not a parade unit; it is constantly engaged in combat training. We are being equipped with the latest technology, weapons, communications, and equipment; today we have ample opportunities to implement the rights and guarantees of military personnel. But sometimes a whole range of those same social everyday problems. You start to figure it out: the person says, I don’t have this. If you look further, it turns out that in order to get this, a person must take a step, but he is hampered by the experience of past service, stereotypes that suggest that this cannot happen in principle. And many from high ranks the rank and file have not yet readjusted, have not realized that they are being provided with a completely different format of service and require a different approach. Need time. The leadership of the Armed Forces today is the most professional and modern in recent history, which means the process of stabilization and development will proceed at a steady pace.

- Political officers in Soviet army were a separate caste, so to speak. How has their work changed? modern army? Are political normations being carried out?

- IN Soviet time there was only one party, and political officers were the conductors of its policies and ideas. They had greater status than even unit commanders. Today it would be more correct to call my position “deputy commander for personnel relations.” We communicate everything that happens in the world to our personnel. Some may think that a soldier should think less and follow orders... The Charter says that you must first carry out the order, and then you can appeal it. But there is the letter of the law, and there is the spirit of the law. And this is precisely why we need to develop the thinking of young guys. It is necessary to create conditions for a correct collective understanding of what we are doing, where we are going, and what can await us. In principle, I don’t understand how it is possible to come to work every day at 6 in the morning and leave at 12 at night without the most powerful internal motivation, given the colossal physical and psychological stress.

The Armed Forces need understanding and support from society and the people they protect. A striking example of this is the tragic year 2008. We remember that many of us were ready to defend the Motherland, but due to objective circumstances, only the army could win this war, it was the 18-19-year-old guys in the uniform of the Russian army who went to their death, it was they who won that war. And these guys are now on the territory military units. And I really want the process of interaction between soldiers and civilian youth to be more active. There are interesting ideas, and we will implement them. This is necessary for both our military personnel and our civilian population, the people of our republic. Civil society must know who is protecting them, and vice versa, our guys must know whose world they are protecting.

– So should society join the army, or vice versa?

– This should be a mutual process. Society is not part of the army, the army is part of society. People come from society to serve. Parents of conscripts must realize that the future of not only their children, but the country as a whole depends on their attitude towards the army. We must understand that any of our problems is not a reason for criticism and slinging mud. They say correctly: when criticizing - suggest, when offering - lead, when leading - answer. If we say that we have problems in the army, they are, first of all, of a psychological nature. No matter how difficult it was at all times with salaries and allowances, the moral and psychological state of military collectives was always in the first place. Because a person performing combat missions must be motivated not only by finances. In the 90s they often said “poor hungry soldier.” But it was precisely such a poor and hungry soldier who, despite everything, defeated any opponent, because historically it happened that way. And no one has yet explained this. Today this soldier is already well equipped and much better prepared. It's time to break old stereotypes and do it together.

We must be prepared for war, doing everything to ensure peace. No one except the military understands this so keenly. In order for there to be no war, we should not say: don’t go to serve. In order for there to be no war, on the contrary, we must say: “Guys, we all must be ready for this war.” And then no one will dare to come to us with war.

– But you agree that the army is still one of the most closed institutions of society? This, of course, has its own objective reasons. But, still, what should the army itself do to become closer and more understandable?

– Remember, Elbrus, how the idea for this interview came about. I came to the editorial office to express my opinion on a broken tree during the parade, when a topic not worth discussing filled the information space. This shouldn't happen. Especially in Ossetia. And then you and I already talked about the patriotic education of youth. I absolutely do not accept patriotic education only within the framework of military parades. But we do not yet have a systematic approach in this direction. There is no communication system between the army and the civilian population. There are many ideas, a number of them are being implemented.

But, for example, I have several hundred people subordinate to me, they have a lot of tasks and problems. In Soviet times, political officers were very important institution in the army, in each company there was a political officer, and today per battalion, which is about 500 people, there is 1 political officer. Agree that it is impossible to send this political officer to schools and universities for military-patriotic education. Although it will begin academic year, we will try to fix it. I think we need to give our children – schoolchildren and students – the opportunity to come to the training ground so that they can drive combat vehicles and shoot with all types of weapons. And so that this is not a formal “day open doors", No. This should be a separate and ongoing program. Powerful, comprehensive. To do this, we must carve out time from our schedule. This is precisely why the army does not go to the people - there are too many tasks facing us. But the revolution, as they say, is the work of the young. We have already started this process.

— Are you talking about projects like “Polite KVN”?

– Yes, and this is just the beginning. Military parades are important, but this is not all that you and I can do to bring the people and the army closer together. We have already begun to implement unique off-format military-patriotic, cultural, social projects, both on the territory of military units and training grounds of the 58th Army, and beyond, under the general name: “Polite Ossetia - Polite people!”, where the main goal is cultural integration, familiarizing military personnel with the traditions, history and mentality of the people of the republic on the territory of which they serve and which they defend. It is especially important that the youth of Ossetia get the opportunity to better know the army and its traditions. Private initiative, having appeared not in high offices, is receiving increasingly wider support, both among the civilian population and among the military.

A number of activities have been planned to form a systematic work. These are not only entertainment events with the prefix “polite”, this is, for example, a traditional Ossetian kuvd, which will be held on the territory of a military unit, including a cultural program, where the main goal is the cultural integration of military and civilian youth, familiarizing military personnel with traditions, history and mentality of the people of the republic, on the territory of which they serve and which they defend. Another idea is for conscripts to attend lectures at higher education institutions. educational institutions republics, where they can temporarily plunge into the atmosphere higher education, will have the opportunity to communicate informally with peers from Ossetia. This is the real interaction between the army and society. All this is just part of a comprehensive concept that has no analogues anywhere else. We will only be for it if similar activities are adopted in other regions of Russia, but where, if not in Ossetia, this example should be set. And seeing how much the people of our republic support such initiatives, appreciating the sincere and unparalleled attitude of the people of our republic towards the army, you feel a sense of pride that we are preserving the traditions and mentality that have been formed over centuries, the lion’s share of which has always been the attitude towards military service.

The process is underway, we just need time and support from people and society. But for my part, I can assure you that we will do this. I believe that this is especially important in Ossetia.

– Oleg, well, one last question: everyone who watched the Parade on Red Square unanimously spoke about pride in their country. Objectively, the spectacle was impressive. But let's look at this from a different angle: soldiers and military equipment are, first of all, a threat? It turns out that pride in the country and patriotism are based on strength?

– The Ministry of Defense is called upon to protect its people. When people see unparalleled military equipment, cast ceremonial “boxes” that radiate the powerful energy of winners, they feel that the army is ready to fulfill its tasks and ensure the security of the state. And in the faces of these guys they see that the country remains true to itself. Their grandfathers and great-grandfathers walked along these paving stones to the front. In the 45th Victory Parade, we also didn’t want to scare anyone. But, unfortunately, the realities of the world are as follows... And the more powerfully we march in parades and act in exercises, really showing our readiness to defend our Fatherland, the less we will have to participate in war with these weapons.

On behalf of the Marzoev family, I express immense gratitude to everyone who shared the bitterness of loss with us and inform you that the 40-day commemoration since the death of my mother, Marina Sidorovna Marzoeva (Bekmurzova), will take place on Monday, January 14, at the address: Vladikavkaz , Magkaeva str. 59 (cafe "Metelitsa" at the entrance to the village of Holtsman). - 9 months ago

Left in reserve. I made the decision based on personal circumstances, contrary to the opinion of the command, a prestigious promotion, love for the army and what was in my heart. “At one’s own request” is a terse formulation that does not convey conflicting feelings. Back in 2003, when I was forced to interrupt my service for many years due to difficult family circumstances, life was divided into before and after, and I tried to explain to myself that I couldn’t step into the river of time twice. And yet, after 30, against the backdrop of the Crimean events, having decided that a big war was on the doorstep, he returned to duty, wanting to be useful. Whether it worked is another question. During these years, he served, as he felt, without illusions about himself, but even at the age of 35, realizing that, if not for circumstances, he could have already been a lieutenant colonel, he was still happy to wear lieutenant’s shoulder straps. The prefix “in reserve” doesn’t change much for me; service to the Motherland is a state of mind. To the end, I was never able to perceive the army as a job, a source of income, and, leaving for the reserve without an apartment and a pension, I do not regret the financial side. I regret that the children’s dad will now come home from work out of shape. But now he will come) The combat effectiveness of the army did not suffer in any way with my departure, the best remained) Everything is absolutely fine with me, too, and I, comrades, are still nearby, ready to support my own even against superior enemy forces) These army years were interesting and rich, I am grateful to everyone with whom we, even if only a little, tried to do for the army, the republic and the country, to contribute to what is truly valuable and eternal. And the level from which he has now retired allows him to take the position of deputy regiment commander in wartime, the enemies know this, they are afraid and will not start a war)) Peaceful skies, comrades, I am sincerely proud to be an officer for our invincible army - an integral part of our great people. - 11 months ago

The last Marshal of the Soviet Union, Dmitry Timofeevich Yazov, celebrates his 94th birthday today. Front-line soldier, participant in the Cuban events under the command of Army General Pliev, the last Minister of Defense of the USSR. In the photo: Dmitry Yazov and Stanislav Marzoev. - 12 months ago

101 years ago the Great October Socialist Revolution took place, but much of what we are told about it has no relation to reality. To put it succinctly and in your own words, then first you need to remember that revolutions are carried out from the outside. Even before October (November) - in February 1917, the intelligence services of foreign states, primarily England and the USA, carried out a coup d'etat on the territory of the Russian Empire, accompanied by betrayal on the part of the bourgeois elite. They, having forced the tsar to abdicate, created a Provisional Government, which was headed by the traitor Kerensky, the prototype of Gorbachev. All his actions were aimed at the final weakening of state power, the destruction of the warring and victorious (!) army, as its stronghold, and the planned transfer of the reins of power to one of the parties created by foreign intelligence services, specifically the Bolsheviks, as the one that had become the most organized and powerful. That is, the February and October revolutions were ruled from the same behind the scenes, which was not at all German, contrary to myths. It was through the hands of England and the United States that Russia and Germany were drawn into the First World War with the aim of weakening them and subsequent destruction through revolution. By 1917, Russia, as often happens with it, in spite of everything, did not weaken, but on the contrary began to win at the front, intending to capture the Bosphorus and Constantinople, that is, to establish Russian control over the entire Black Sea coast. The “allies” certainly could not allow this, especially so as not to disrupt the palace coup in Petrograd, which in the event of such a victory would have been impossible at any cost. The king, taking into account the peculiarities of his character, was put under pressure, he abdicated the throne in favor of his younger brother, who, as planned, did not want to take power, after which that same corrupt “elite” was, as it were, “forced” to take nobody’s power into their own hands, in order to then transfer it to the Bolsheviks. Immediately from... - 12 months ago

A magnificent and at the same time unexpected gift from a wonderful person, the Minister of Culture of the Republic of South Ossetia, Zhanna Vissarionovna Zasseeva, for which I am very grateful!) Alas, at one time I did not even have time to become an October student, but the Soviet ideals are especially close, I am sincerely glad to have, even if not quite deservedly, with such an exclusive Komsomol set, especially since this is not just an anniversary souvenir product, of which millions were distributed by the date, but a rare Tskhinvali batch, valuable also because South Ossetia is one of those few territories of the former USSR, which has preserved the spirit bequeathed by previous generations. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that such wonderful South Ossetian milk chocolate exists! Wine “Nectar of the Scythians”: although I don’t drink it, the name alone is intoxicating) And the book “South Ossetia - Country of the Sun”, both in form and in content, is simply excellent! I was not an October boy, I did not become a pioneer, But I always loved the party and the Komsomol with all my heart! :-) I dedicate this impromptu to the 100th anniversary of the Komsomol)) - 12 months ago

Hero of our time. Hero of Russia, holder of three Orders of the Red Star, three Orders of Courage, veteran of the war in Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Chechnya, Georgia... Officer of the 45th Airborne Special Forces reconnaissance brigade. Symbol, pattern, example. Looking at the awards of Anatoly Vyacheslavovich Lebed, it is difficult to imagine something more. He can rightfully be considered a Hero of our time, as Colonel General Shamanov called him. Biography of A.N. Swan is unique. Even during my school years I made... more than 300 parachute jumps! Then military service in the airborne assault regiment of the Airborne Forces, then flight school and, having received the rank of lieutenant, he went to war in Afghanistan. There, as a helicopter flight technician, he went on foot attacks with GRU special forces groups! As a flight engineer, he received three military Orders of the Red Star! Then the collapse of the Soviet Union, he was transferred to the reserve. He did not see himself in civilian life, and when the opportunity arose, he went to Yugoslavia as a volunteer to defend the Serbian people from aggression. There, an Ossetian volunteer, Albert Andiev, fought shoulder to shoulder with him; they acted as part of the same reconnaissance group and were friends. When militants attacked Dagestan, Anatoly Lebed went there as a volunteer. Reinstated in the ranks of the Armed Forces in the 45th Airborne Special Forces Reconnaissance Regiment. During the second war in Chechnya, he plowed through the mountains as part of a reconnaissance group in the most difficult areas, in 2003 he was blown up by a mine, lost the foot of his right leg, but did not leave the service! Continued to go on reconnaissance missions using a prosthesis! And in 2005 he accomplished another feat; for the courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty, he was awarded the title of Hero of Russia! Knight of three Orders of Courage! In 2008, he participated in the war with Georgia in the Abkhaz direction, acting as part of a group that captured the naval base in Poti and sank Georgian Navy boats. Became the second holder of the modern Order of St. George, IV Art. They asked him why he was going to war again, why he was freezing in the mountains and risking his life, because - 12 months ago

Thousands of sons of Alanya are inscribed in the glorious history of military intelligence of the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation. The first in this line of generations who is remembered today is the Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel General Mamsurov Hadji-Umar Dzhiorovich, who started in intelligence back in the civil war, he is also the legendary “Colonel Xanthi”, one of the founders of the GRU, this is the Hero of the Soviet Union Khadzhimurza Mildzikhov, a scout, single-handedly destroyed 108 Nazis in battle, this is a full holder of the Order of Glory, scout Edzaev Akhsarbek Aleksandrovich, who smashed the enemy from the walls of Vladikavkaz, first to Europe, and then in Japan, this is a full holder of the Order of Glory, foreman scout Konyaev Viktor Mikhailovich, The last of the heroic list of Ossetian veterans, who passed away in 2016, is a native of Vladikavkaz, intelligence chief of the 58th Army, Hero of Russia (posthumously), Colonel Alexander Mikhailovich Stytsina. - 12 months ago

7 Gazdanov brothers from Ossetia died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. There were three such families in the USSR: the Sidorovs, the Queens and the Gazdanovs; no one suffered more terrible losses. Grief cannot be measured in numbers; the death of one cannot be measured in the same way as the death of seven. Yet it is an unthinkable loss. Three families in the entire vast USSR, two Russian and one Ossetian. These are not just numbers, statistics, they are a tragic, but very vivid symbol of the attitude of the small Ossetian people to the defense of a great country. This is an indicator of how unacceptable it was for the Ossetians to remain on the sidelines when trouble came. That is why in that Great War the Ossetian people became the first in the country in terms of the number of Heroes of the Soviet Union per capita. This is also statistics, but it also speaks volumes. Someone said that it would be better to sit in the rear, then there would be more Ossetians now. But then they would no longer be Ossetians, and who cares how many there were. Half a century later, on November 4, 1992, three Slanov brothers died in battle while defending Ossetia, becoming a symbol of that brutal undeclared war. Times do not change people. We bury the best to become better. I really want to believe in this. - 12 months ago

Red Square. November 7, 1982. In the parade squad is Captain Stanislav Marzoev, a young veteran of the Afghan war, a student at the V. Lenin Military-Political Academy. Photo from the front page of the newspaper "Red Star". - 12 months ago

Colonel Stanislav Marzoev died in the line of military duty on November 3, 2002. The helicopter in which he, the deputy commander of the 58th Army, was returning from the combat area in Chechnya, took off from the Grozny airfield, heading for Vladikavkaz. The militants were waiting for this board. The vehicle, which had reached an altitude of almost a kilometer, was launched from a man-portable anti-aircraft missile system. The rocket crashed into the engine, the helicopter caught fire and, losing control, began to fall rapidly. A military professional, a man of enormous courage and endurance, Stanislav Marzoev knew that there was practically no chance of survival, but he did not give in to impending death and fire. There were no parachutes on board. The count went on in moments. Throwing his last challenge to death, Colonel Marzoev opened the door, grabbed a soldier sitting nearby, forcefully pushed him out of the dying helicopter, and only then left the burning car himself. Seconds later, the helicopter exploded in the air and then crashed to the ground, incinerating the remaining 7 passengers and crew. A special forces officer, a paratrooper with enormous combat experience, Colonel Stanislav Marzoev, during his long military career, often looked death in the eye. Every year, making hundreds of flights to the combat zone, he was always located in the helicopter cabin close to the door, every second he was ready for any development of the situation. Dozens of people later recalled how he often said: “We are at war and every second is a risk. In the sky, at a height, when a rocket hits the helicopter engine, there is no more time, enormous pressure and temperature are created on board in moments, the flame incinerates everything, nothing remains of the people. Whatever the height, you need to leave the burning side. Let it be not in order to survive, but so that the family has something to bury...” This is a worldview of a special order, which is difficult to comprehend, but for him it was natural. He was ready for anything, did not surrender to death, even in a situation that fetters the will of people: other cases when a downed helicopter is abandoned in this way are not known even in war. Already falling from a kilometer height, he took off his pea coat and used it to dampen the speed of his fall. He fought to the last. - 12 months ago

Patriotic War of 1992 In the fall of 1992, I studied in the 2nd grade of the fifth Vladikavkaz gymnasium. We had just moved then; my father, a lieutenant colonel in the GRU special forces, was transferred from Transcaucasia to North Ossetia in the wake of the collapse of the USSR. The first quarter ended and I stayed with my grandparents on Borodinskaya Street, in the city center. In the last week of school, classmate “...” did not come to class and we never saw him again. A few days before, several large green boxes, similar to boxes with weapons, were brought into the neighboring yard where “...” lived, and where our windows looked out. It was already uneasy then, there were different rumors. Therefore, when my grandmother saw this, she immediately called the police. After the call, 5 minutes later, even before the squad arrived, the boxes were hurriedly taken out and taken away... They had their own informants there then. We didn’t see those neighbors after that either. On the night of October 30-31, 1992, my father called us and told us not to go outside, turn off the lights, close the curtains and not go near the windows. He said that armed gangs attacked the border villages of the republic, and battles were also taking place in Vladikavkaz. There is such an expression, “quiet horror,” when we use it in everyday life, we don’t really think about the meaning, but this is exactly what was felt in the atmosphere then. Not fear, but horror, a feeling of impending disaster. This is how that war began for me. In the following days there was intense shooting somewhere very close; at night I remember tracers in the sky, right above our yard. Neighbors erected barricades on the street and kept watch. I only remember the third day of my father in camouflage, who stopped by for literally 5 minutes and drove back. Many years later, they told me how he organized the defense of the combined arms school and the left bank near the bridge to Yuzhny, how he participated in clashes in villages captured by militants. He himself never spoke about this, and in his personal diary he left only one entry: “There is a war going on.” I remember he then brought a black kitten from the front line, which climbed into their armored personnel carrier and his father decided to take it with him, giving it the nickname “...”. For many more months, when I went to bed, I closed the curtains, remembered about snipers, and when I read a book on the balcony, I sat right under the parapet to hide from the enemy’s bullet if he suddenly sat down on the opposite roof. I.. - 12 months ago

The 1992 war is not an “event” or a “conflict”; it is the Patriotic War of multinational Ossetia against armed gangs that committed military aggression with the aim of genocide of the people of Ossetia, occupation of its territory and undermining the state security of Russia. - 12 months ago

Why were you personally or were you not on Freedom Square in Vladikavkaz on October 22, 2018, to express your attitude towards the closure of the Electrozinc plant? Not counting plainclothes employees, officials and politicians who were present on the square due to official necessity, the rest were only about 300 people, rounded up. That is, those who evacuated from the city a day earlier and almost all returned were represented by at most 1%. I believe that coming or not coming to the square is not an indicator, those who came are not heroes, those who did not come are not indifferent. Situations and reasons are different, but it would be useful to analyze this nonsense in order to understand whether civil society exists in our republic in a constructive understanding of this phenomenon and how the mechanism of reincarnation of thousands of likes and comments into a virtualized collection of such seemingly active representatives of the Internet works. - 1 year ago

The desire to take children out of the city after the fire at the Electrozinc plant is, in the opinion of a number of wise “experts,” nothing less than “panic” or even “hysteria.” You would refrain from making judgments, if only because everyone will decide for themselves what to do. Using the same wise patterns, those who remained can be characterized much more impartially. Living near Electrozinc (and for the whole of Vladikavkaz the word “near” is applicable), in such good weather taking children out of town is by definition the right decision, and even if 5000 square meters of the chemical workshop of this poisonous plant is on fire, if it is known about the dead, if at least 10 hours and the sky of the city was covered with black smoke, if hundreds of people physically felt the emissions, because it became difficult for them to breathe, then the decision to protect children from the likely impact of this man-made disaster becomes at least correct, logical, and understandable. And if you don’t have children or don’t have the opportunity to take them out, if you’re simply lazy or full of doubts, if you can’t leave the city due to official or political reasons, then that’s your business, but don’t judge other people. I remember how a year ago there was provocative information about an attack on Vladikavkaz by 120 militants, then many people called me, I definitely reassured them, I knew that this was a hoax, because otherwise, I would have been alerted and would have been fighting in an urban environment with a machine gun or blocking the area where the militants were located. But people’s anxiety was understandable; I simply wouldn’t dare call them alarmists and hysterics, although I knew 100% that they were worrying in vain. And now there is at least someone who is ready to assure citizens that with the environment in Vladikavkaz now everything is 100% the same as at the same time yesterday?! Is there such a person?! The question is rhetorical. - 1 year ago

18 years ago, the immortal feat was accomplished by the legendary 6th company of paratroopers. Over the years, a whole generation of young people has grown up. There, at an unnamed height in the Argun Gorge, their 18-19 year old peers stood to death in the name of ensuring that they live today under a peaceful sky and the war goes on far from our land.
When in February 2018 in Syria, fighting international terrorism thousands of kilometers from our borders, the pilot, Major Filippov, heroically died, his feat became the personification of how one dies but does not give up Russian officer. 18 years ago, 90 such Heroes fought against more than 2 thousand militants. It was a battle comparable in heroism and self-sacrifice to the feat of Panfilov’s men and the defenders of the Brest Fortress.

At the end of February 2000, when the federal group of troops and forces took control of all major settlements Chechnya, more than two thousand militants, thrown back from the plain, accumulated in the Argun Gorge. The passes were already blocked by our troops, the path to the neighboring country that supports the separatists was cut off for the militants, and Russian army began to pull forces towards the exit of the gorge to block and destroy the bandits. Realizing that soon the trap would slam shut and no one would be able to get out of it, the thugs decided to break through towards Dagestan in order to sow bloody terror there. It is difficult to imagine how many tragedies could have happened in peaceful cities and villages if they had been able to carry out their plans, but only one company of the 104th regiment of the 76th Airborne Division from Pskov set out on a collision course with this mass of militants, brutalized by hopelessness occupy one of the heights in the blocking area.

On February 29, 2000, making a difficult multi-kilometer march through the snow-capped mountains, tired soldiers, loaded with equipment and ammunition, stretched out for several hundred meters when the lead patrol entered into battle with the advance detachment of militants. There was no longer time to organize fortification defense. The first dead and wounded appeared. A landing is a landing, a special will and character: having reported about the clash, they did not retreat, they organized a defense and at first did not even ask for help. Back then, no one could have imagined that there would be more than 2 thousand militants...

The paratroopers began to dig in at an altitude of 776.0. On one side there is a cliff, on the other there are impassable mountains. The enemy has only one way - through them. And a huge mass of bandits, pulling up their reserves, went like an avalanche towards the company’s positions. Wave after shaft, doped with drugs, they came and went towards our fighters, but the paratroopers over and over again threw back the enemy, littering the heights bristling with trunks with their corpses. Then the enemy began to fire at the paratroopers’ positions with mortars, throwing more and more reserves into battle, and the density of fire small arms and grenade launchers became so high that the lead seemed to be a solid wall. Having assessed the unprecedented number of the enemy, the battalion commander, who was with the company, requested support. The separation from the main forces, difficult weather conditions and the number of the enemy played a fatal role, but one platoon was still able to get through to them. Aviation did not work, visibility was zero, there was thick fog, which is what the militants were counting on when planning a breakthrough. Our artillery actively turned on and plowed the area, but the terrain and dense forest were in favor of the bandits, and the positions of the company fighting to the death were in close contact with the thick of the concentration of militants and the fire had to be adjusted to the side.

90 fighters, the overwhelming majority of them young guys, stood up as an impregnable wall, entering into an unequal battle with a twenty-fold superior in number, armed to the teeth, trained enemy and held out for more than 19 (!) hours, destroying over 200 bandits. The same number were crushed by military artillery fire. When forces and ammunition were already running out... the remaining fighters called artillery fire on themselves and went into hand-to-hand combat...

How to evaluate this Feat, how to explain self-sacrifice, which has no analogues in recent history? After all, the militants offered them to retreat and go their separate ways, asking them to let them through, promising both huge money and life. But the paratroopers accepted the battle and almost everything

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