Quotes about loneliness. Loneliness among people or complete isolation - which is worse? I'm lonely only among people

Quotes about loneliness.  Loneliness among people or complete isolation - which is worse?  I'm lonely only among people

Confession of the soul...

I wonder if there are people in the world who have never experienced the feeling of loneliness?
I think not...Every person experienced it, only everyone felt it in their own way, since people are unique, individual and inimitable, according to at least, I would like to sincerely believe in this...
We wander through life like lonely travelers and wayfarers. Someone, I think, is lucky and meets a like-minded traveler, and the Path becomes what is called “together and together”, people walk hand in hand, support each other if there is a deviation from the Path, because “m,y fully responsible for those who were tamed!” Those who, not only were “unlucky”, but simply circumstances did not work out so that a fateful meeting took place, passed by and did not notice... These travelers are walking alone, busy with their own affairs and thoughts...busy with themselves, and not with someone...What then? Search? And if there is, but after a while you understand that this is not the traveler with whom you can go the whole way, that this is just a companion to the crossroads or fork in the road, that you will go together, but only until some moment on the Path, but, undoubtedly , you need to thank such companions for everything - for the experience, for the seconds of happiness and unhappiness, smile and move on.
Loneliness... there is nothing in it that frightens people so much at first, it is just one of the many feelings and states that should be experienced...
Vologdina K.V)


Christina! Why are you so interested in the topic of loneliness? Are you about 90 years old and your husband died? Yes, in this case you will feel the cruelty of loneliness. In your youth, it simply cannot be, because there are so many people nearby, whether you like it or not, and your life interests will still come into contact with the circle of people like you. What kind of loneliness could one talk about, for example, to me, when I was constantly busy and needed by others, when without my decision some action could stop?
Christina! Your “Confession of the Soul” should be decorated with a different photograph than the one posted. Tell me, what kind of “loneliness” can this happy girl have, spreading her arms towards the WORLD in which she will live? More optimism, Christina, in spite of all the negativity. And let him burst with envy that you are happy and feel good in this world.

Stas, thank you for your thoughts.
This work is a reflection, it is faceless and does not relate to anyone in particular. That is, it is written, but this does not mean that I am writing about myself as a lonely person.
I care about different topics, believe me:):):)!
Of course, more optimism, without a doubt :)!

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This state occurs when you are convinced (and this belief can be true or deceptive) that there is not a single person in the whole world who understands and appreciates you. You retreat into your shell, cutting off all but the most necessary contact with the outside world. After work, you return to an empty apartment and spend the evening alone. At night you wake up from the slightest rustle. You freeze in horror: what if there is someone in the room? And at the same time, you are horrified by the thought that there is no one here and cannot be.

This loneliness is one of the most difficult feelings a person can experience. Isolation from the outside world makes you desperate and it seems like nothing can help you. But even in this state you can find positive side. When suffering reaches a critical point and becomes almost unbearable, it often becomes a very strong motivation to go out into the world and start again.


During a storm, any harbor is good. To the human soul Communication is as necessary as oxygen to the body. We all dream of passionate love and friendship for all time, but if now these dreams seem unattainable, you

Any communication would be helpful. Even if you have a few words with the seller at the store or go to your neighbor for salt, this will help you maintain contact with the outside world.

When you feel lost and abandoned, take advantage of every opportunity to connect. For a lonely person, a completely random acquaintance at first glance often becomes the straw that helps to escape. If possible, see a therapist or sign up for group classes.

Change yourself.

Loneliness is a great engine of progress. To get rid of this unpleasant feeling, we can overcome our complexes, shyness, and self-doubt. Do you feel awkward in the company of unfamiliar people? Very good. Be shy, worry, even cry if necessary and go through your entire wardrobe. And then pull yourself together, get dressed, comb your hair and go out to people. Do it, no matter the cost.

Most The best way make contacts - try to understand the people around you and help them understand you. Some communication techniques may also be helpful. For example, a fail-safe technique when meeting people is to ask people questions, because few people can resist the temptation to talk about themselves and their loved ones.

It is unlikely that the first person you meet will be exactly the person you have been looking for all your life. But somewhere there are probably people who, just like you, are looking for someone with whom they can have a heart-to-heart talk. Do not despair. You will definitely find each other. But only if you look.

Forced loneliness

This can happen even to those who are usually surrounded by loving family and loyal friends. Sometimes circumstances are such that you have to move - temporarily or permanently. Because of work, health conditions, as a result of marriage, in the end. And then, suddenly finding yourself far from your loved ones, you feel abandoned and lonely.


If you've been separated for a short time, tell yourself: It's just wonderful that I have someone to miss. Time spent alone will help you realize love and show your loved ones how much you care about them. Indeed, in a normal situation, people often do not even tell each other about their feelings, considering that this goes without saying. When you are separated, feelings become heightened. Modern technologies allow you to maintain communication at any distance - telephone and Internet are at your disposal around the clock. Talk about what is happening to you, write letters. It may very well be that you will be able to get to know people you have known for a long time from a new perspective. And finally, do not forget the folk wisdom: if you cannot be close to those you love, love those who are close to you.

Change yourself.

If life circumstances have separated you from your loved ones for a long time, you face a difficult decision. And yet you need to accept it and determine what is more important to you: the circumstances that keep you away from your loved ones, or the people close to you themselves. Sometimes it turns out that even the most brilliant career in the capital or abroad is not worth separation from those you love. It happens that for the sake of loved ones you have to forget your pride, ambitions and

even what previously seemed an unshakable life principle. Every new day opens up new opportunities. And it’s up to you how you manage them.

Loneliness in the face of death

A person comes into this world alone and leaves alone. This is the law of nature, and no miracle cure can protect us from loss and separation. When someone close to you leaves forever, explanations and consolations do not help. Suddenly you find yourself in the face of a terrible force that you cannot resist. And any words are useless.


Since ancient times, people, faced with love and death, have called on art for help. They sang, composed stories, and covered the walls of their homes with intricate patterns. Art can help you too. Read, watch movies, go to exhibitions, listen to music. By and large, the entire centuries-old culture of mankind is an appeal to unattainable lovers. And perhaps the very feeling of belonging to eternal values ​​will help you.

Change yourself.

If you have previously enjoyed what others have created, try creating it yourself. Even if you have never been creative, take a risk. Dance, draw, write, embroider, sing, learn to play musical instruments. Most likely, you will not reach the heights of Picasso and will not become Mozart. But you will definitely find a way to express your feelings. And this is the first and most important step towards accepting what happened and moving on, keeping in your heart the image of someone who is truly dear to you.

Why doesn't anyone get close to you?

1You are unfriendly. If you smile at people you know, look them in the eyes, and talk kindly, then you are taking a step towards getting closer.

2 You are taciturn. You may not be able to carry on a conversation because you're tired or just shy, but the other person thinks you're bored and decides to leave you alone.

3 You are too arrogant. Very often lonely people are people who value themselves very highly. And therefore it is difficult for them to communicate with someone on equal terms. There is no doubt, you need to value your merits. But still, building relationships on the fact that those around you are worse than you is also not a solution.

4 You talk a lot and listen little. Ideally, interlocutors should talk and listen for approximately equal amounts of time.


Is loneliness a disease?

Sometimes reluctance to be in society can be a symptom of the so-called social anxiety syndrome. When communicating, do you often worry that you might offend or humiliate others? If you have an important meeting or conversation coming up, do you start to worry a few days in advance? Do you feel nervous, blush or sweat while talking? If you answered “yes” to these questions, seek qualified help.

Loneliness is one of the most painful human conditions. And yet, if this moment If you communicate with people less than you would like, don’t despair. There are situations when solitude is very useful: it gives you the opportunity to collect your thoughts, evaluate the situation, and develop a plan for the future. Animals always lick their wounds alone - this is how nature ordered.

Sometimes loneliness can be deceiving. It seems to you that not a single soul can understand you, but in fact, you simply do not yet know how to explain to others what exactly you expect from them. People can't read minds. Frank conversation can change a lot.

These days, people have more opportunities to communicate than ever before. Telephone, Internet, mobile systems allow you to contact anyone anywhere globe. But, despite these possibilities, there are not fewer lonely people among people. If you've recently divorced, you probably feel lonely. The most important thing in this situation is not to rush as quickly as possible to find a new contender for your hand and heart. You risk starting a series of hasty affairs that leave you with nothing but a feeling of emptiness. Take your time, everything will come in due time. And new love is worth the wait

This state occurs when you are convinced (and this belief can be true or deceptive) that there is not a single person in the whole world who understands and appreciates you. You retreat into your shell, cutting off all but the most necessary contact with the outside world. After work, you return to an empty apartment and spend the evening in. At night you wake up from the slightest rustle. You freeze in horror: what if there is someone in the room? And at the same time, you are horrified by the thought that there is no one here and cannot be.

This loneliness is one of the most difficult feelings a person can experience. Isolation from the outside world makes you desperate and it seems like nothing can help you. But even in this state, you can find a positive side. When suffering reaches a critical point and becomes almost unbearable, it often becomes a very strong motivation to go out into the world and start again.


During a storm, any harbor is good. Communication is as necessary for the human soul as oxygen is for the body. We all dream of passionate love and friendship for all time, but if these dreams seem unattainable now, you will benefit from any communication. Even if you have a few words with the seller at the store or go to your neighbor for salt, this will help you maintain contact with the outside world.

When you feel lost and abandoned, take advantage of every opportunity to connect. For a lonely person, a completely random acquaintance at first glance often becomes the straw that helps to escape. If possible, see a therapist or sign up for group classes.

Change yourself

Loneliness is a great engine of progress. To get rid of this unpleasant feeling, we can overcome our complexes, shyness, and self-doubt. Do you feel awkward in the company of unfamiliar people? Very good. Be shy, worry, even cry if necessary and go through your entire wardrobe. And then pull yourself together, get dressed, comb your hair and go out to people. Do it, no matter the cost.

The best way to network is to try to understand the people around you and help them understand you. Some communication techniques may also be helpful. For example, a fail-safe technique is to ask people questions, because few people can resist the temptation to talk about themselves and their loved ones.

It is unlikely that the first person you meet will be exactly the person you have been looking for all your life. But somewhere there are probably people who, just like you, are looking for someone with whom they can have a heart-to-heart talk. Do not despair. You will definitely find each other. But only if you look.

Forced loneliness

This can happen even to those who are usually surrounded by loving family and loyal friends. Sometimes circumstances are such that you have to move - temporarily or permanently. Because of work, health conditions, as a result, in the end. And then, suddenly finding yourself far from your loved ones, you feel abandoned and lonely.


If you've been separated for a short time, tell yourself: It's just wonderful that I have someone to miss. Time spent alone will help you realize love and show your loved ones how much you care about them. Indeed, in a normal situation, people often do not even tell each other about their feelings, considering that this goes without saying. When you are separated, feelings become heightened. Modern technologies allow you to maintain communication at any distance - telephone and Internet are at your disposal around the clock. Talk about what is happening to you, write letters. It may very well be that you will be able to get to know people you have known for a long time from a new perspective. And finally, do not forget the folk wisdom: if you cannot be close to those you love, love those who are close to you.

Change yourself

If life circumstances have separated you from your loved ones for a long time, you face a difficult decision. And yet you need to accept it and determine what is more important to you: the circumstances that keep you away from your loved ones, or the people close to you themselves. Sometimes it turns out that even the most brilliant career in the capital or abroad is not worth separation from those you love. It happens that for the sake of loved ones you have to forget your pride, ambitions and even what previously seemed an unshakable life principle. Every new day opens up new opportunities. And it’s up to you how you manage them.

Loneliness in the face of death

A person comes into this world alone and leaves alone. This is the law of nature, and no miracle cure can protect us from loss and separation. When someone close to you leaves forever, explanations and consolations do not help. Suddenly you find yourself in the face of a terrible force that you cannot resist. And any words are useless.


Since ancient times, people, faced with death, have called on art for help. They sang, composed stories, and covered the walls of their homes with intricate patterns. Art can help you too. Read, watch movies, go to exhibitions, listen to music. By and large, the entire centuries-old culture of mankind is an appeal to unattainable lovers. And perhaps the very feeling of belonging to eternal values ​​will help you.

Change yourself

If you have previously enjoyed what others have created, try creating it yourself. Even if you have never been creative, take a risk. Dance, draw, write, embroider, sing, learn to play musical instruments. Most likely, you will not reach the heights of Picasso and will not become Mozart. But you will definitely find a way to express your feelings. And this is the first and most important step towards accepting what happened and moving on, keeping in your heart the image of someone who is truly dear to you.

Why doesn't anyone get close to you?
  1. You are unfriendly. If you smile at people you know, look them in the eyes, and talk kindly, then you are taking a step towards getting closer.
  2. You are taciturn. You may not be able to carry on a conversation because you're tired or just shy, but the other person thinks you're bored and decides to leave you alone.
  3. You are too arrogant. Very often lonely people are people who value themselves very highly. And therefore it is difficult for them to communicate with someone on equal terms. There is no doubt, you need to value your merits. But still, building relationships on the fact that those around you are worse than you is also not a solution.
  4. You talk a lot and listen little. Ideally, interlocutors should talk and listen for approximately equal amounts of time.


Is loneliness a disease?

Sometimes reluctance to be in society can be a symptom of the so-called social anxiety syndrome. When communicating, do you often worry that you might offend or humiliate others? If you have an important meeting or conversation coming up, do you start to worry a few days in advance? Do you feel nervous, blush or sweat while talking? If you answered “yes” to these questions, seek professional help.

Loneliness is one of the most painful human conditions. And yet, if at the moment you communicate with people less than you would like, do not despair. There are situations when solitude is very useful: it gives you the opportunity to collect your thoughts, evaluate the situation, and develop a plan for the future. Animals always lick their wounds alone - this is how nature ordered.

Sometimes loneliness can be deceiving. It seems to you that not a single soul can understand you, but in fact, you simply do not yet know how to explain to others what exactly you expect from them. People can't read minds. Frank conversation can change a lot.

These days, people have more opportunities to communicate than ever before. Telephone, Internet, mobile systems allow you to contact anyone anywhere in the world. But, despite these possibilities, there are not fewer lonely people among people. If you've recently divorced, you probably feel lonely. The most important thing in this situation is not to rush as quickly as possible to find a new contender for your hand and heart. You risk starting a series of hasty affairs that leave you with nothing but a feeling of emptiness. Take your time, everything will come in due time. And new love is worth the wait.

Comment on the article "All alone among the people"

It does not say what to do with a woman who cannot communicate with anyone or do anything interesting due to the fact that she is attached to an infant. The child still doesn’t understand anything, he won’t be able to talk, he can’t even surf the Internet for a long time, the child won’t allow it! The husband is at work until late in the evening, and the woman has to sit within 4 walls!

15.02.2006 01:28:21,

Total 1 message .

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I'm alone among people
My soul is alien to them.
And in this grief of my days,
The tragedy of my fate.

When it hurts me -
It's not anger in me, but sadness.
I'm so sorry for all the people
In their darkness, in their dim sleep.

But I keep quiet and hide.
And, leaving into the darkness of the night,
I carry it, unnecessary to anyone,
A sadness that no one understands.

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You are now reading the poem I am alone among people, poet Censor Dmitry Mikhailovich

Loneliness among people, or Why am I not like everyone else?

The search query about loneliness among people is not that rare. This means that this problem haunts many. But how can you find it on the World Wide Web? necessary information that can help overcome the loneliness that is felt even among people?

Namely, I would like to receive:

A recognizable description of the condition;

Understand the causes and consequences of where loneliness comes from;

Reviews real people who were able to overcome loneliness.

Fortunately, such information is available in system-vector psychology Yuri Burlan. So, everything in order.

“I don’t remember when this emptiness settled in my heart. Among colleagues at work, in noisy in public places and even at home among loved ones, a feeling of loneliness and melancholy covers me. They don't understand me, and I don't understand people. Empty talk, mundane goals in life. No point. But why are they okay with this? Why am I different? Why am I lonely? What is wrong with me?"

Some people are plagued by loneliness early age. In kindergarten, such children stay apart from the noisy crowd of children. Quiet, calm, they prefer to sit on the sidelines. Since childhood, they have been interested in questions: “Why am I me, and not my brother or sister? What do we live for? What is a sense of life?". Such children are not just why, their questions are always about the global, and therefore often baffle adults.

As teenagers, they withdraw into themselves even more, going out into the world computer games or rock music. Possessing good abilities to take an innovative approach to solving various problems, such students cease to respect not only their classmates, but also their teachers. Moving away from others, they begin to experience loneliness, which covers them among people: their peers, family and friends.

Trying to fill the void, such teenagers become desperate and may get carried away with all sorts of spiritual practices or drugs.

With age, loneliness, even among people, does not go away. Work, career, family - all this does not bring real satisfaction. On the contrary, loneliness becomes more and more powerful, painful, unbearable. Sometimes the condition can be so severe that it is accompanied by complete internal devastation, insomnia, migraines or depression.

Who is haunted by loneliness?

“Loneliness suffocates, drowns, does not allow you to breathe freely. Every moment you realize how far you are from others. It's like you're from another planet. It’s impossible to get used to it.”

If you are attentive to the descriptions of the state of feeling loneliness different people, you can notice something in common - loneliness haunts smart, extraordinary people, who potentially have a powerful abstract intellect. Their main desire is to search for the meaning of life. Not finding an answer to the questions “Who am I?” and “why am I here?”, they feel deeply unhappy. Among people they are always strangers and misunderstood.

According to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, such people have a sound vector that is dominant and can drown out all other desires. Food, sleep, romantic relationship, material values- all this mundane stuff does not bring meaning and fulfillment to the sound artists.

But are all people with a sound vector doomed to experience loneliness?

History shows that among sound engineers there are many realized scientists, talented musicians, outstanding composers, famous writers who had no idea what loneliness was. They didn't just feel comfortable around people. They lived for them. What is the secret of these famous people?

How to overcome loneliness - is there a magic pill?

“It’s so painful to be misunderstood by loved ones, there’s a gap between me and my family, I feel loneliness even in my family.”

According to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, each vector (a set of innate properties and qualities) is given to a person to fulfill a certain role in society. The specific role of a person with a sound vector is to focus on the world outside.

In ancient times, sound people listened to the night savannah alone, trying to hear any rustle in order to warn their relatives about an approaching predator. It is interesting that modern sound engineers have the same biorhythms. They prefer to stay up late at the computer or book, and in the morning it is very difficult for them to wake up.

What could be that magic pill that can get rid of loneliness among people? Focusing on other people.

Yes, yes, precisely on those people whom sound engineers often consider not so smart, down-to-earth. The very people who irritate and do not understand are the salvation. Moving away from people is a path to nowhere; it is a guarantee that sooner or later loneliness will overtake you and will violently strangle you, taking away all your strength.

Focusing on the psyche of other people is the secret thanks to which owners of the sound vector became famous writers or outstanding musicians. Trying to understand human nature, they realized themselves the best way. They identified individuals among people. Seeing beauty in some, vices in others, they vividly expressed them characteristics in musical or literary works.

Break the bonds of loneliness once and for all

Today, in order to overcome loneliness among people, to find the best realization, it is enough to understand the structure of the psyche of other people and focus on them.

With the help of the knowledge of system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, thousands of listeners got rid of the nagging feeling of loneliness and uselessness among people. They found the best fulfillment for themselves, learned to build relationships that fill their lives with meaning and joy. Their loneliness among people is a thing of the past.

“...The main thing is that the training took off my small, inconspicuous headphones, which were so tightly blocking external world that my whole life passed only inside, as in a prison. It was a loner. Even my great love was mixed with fear.
One can write endlessly about the extraordinary changes that have happened to me: there are many of them, they are dear to me, I am constantly discovering whole worlds...”

“...This world is here. He is real! And the meaning of life is also here and you need to look for it only here! Not alone, but among other people! It is in us and it is different for everyone! And everyone has their own search. I think I'm where I need to be. I want to enjoy this life, hear the sounds of birds, hear how this earth rotates, and know that everything is here for a reason. That we all walk and live for a reason. That everything and everyone has its own purpose and meaning in the existence of everyone on this earth! Maybe this is the very answer about the meaning that you are always looking for?..”
