International Mother Language Day. Entertainment scenario “Native Language Day” for children of senior and preparatory groups Mother Language Day holiday entertainment

International Mother Language Day.  Entertainment scenario “Native Language Day” for children of senior and preparatory groups Mother Language Day holiday entertainment

D/garden "Akzharkyn»

Holiday scenario

for the Day of Languages ​​of the Republic of Kazakhstan

"Orchestra of Friendship"

for children senior group.

Musical director: Shcherbakova L.V.

Target: Introduce children to the holiday - Day of Languages. Introduce culture different nations: folk songs, games, music, folk musical instruments, national costumes, with an emphasis on three languages ​​- Russian, Kazakh, English. Develop the ability to move to music. Enrich your musical experience. Improve performing skills. Cultivate interest in the culture of different nations, respect for people of different nationalities.

Children enter the hall to cheerful music. Line up in a semicircle.

Presenter: Today we celebrate the holiday

And we speak different languages.

We welcome guests from all over the planet,

There is an Englishman, a Russian and a Kazakh.

The anthem of Kazakhstan is being performed

Reb 1: To us in Kazakhstan

Everyone lives together!

Reb 2: Live in peace and harmony

The people need it!

Reb 3: Otan senin ata-anan

Otan - dosym, bauyryn

Otan audan, auylyn

Otan tarikh, Otan tel.

Reb 4: Arkem tilin suyedi,

Kadirleymiz muny biz.

Kazak tili kieli,

Memlekettin tilimiz.

Reb 5: So that in Kazakhstan

Friends to understand

You must

Learn Kazakh language!

Reb 6: And in English,

Not a secret,


All white light.

Reb 7: Collected under friendly shanyraқ

Peoples of Kazakhstan.

Meet today, kindergarten,

Guests from different countries.

The children sit down.

Presenter: And here are the first guests!

Walks in to English music Jack (gentleman with a cane and a hat)

Jack: Hello! Hello, my friends!

It was not in vain that I rushed from England.

My name is Gake.

Presenter: Hello hello,

Mister Jack!

Jack: I found out by chance from friends

Why did you invite guests?

Presenter: Of course, the name was Mister Jack.

We have a holiday today,

It's Language Day in the garden!

Jack: Day of Languages? How interesting!

Presenter: Our guys in kindergarten speak Russian and Kazakh languages. And for you they can perform a song in your native language - English.

An individual song is performed “ Good morning »

Jack: Thankyou, Guys! Thanks a lot! I am very glad that people in Kazakhstan speak English. Accept instruments as a gift, let them sound in a friendly orchestra.

Good bay, I have to go

See you friends!

Presenter: Goodbay, Jack! Guys, let's play an English folk game.

is being born
a game "What's the time Mr. Wolf?" (Variant of tag. The “Wolf” sits at a distance and pretends to be sleeping. Children come up to him and ask: “What’s the time Mr. Wolf?”), - to which the “Wolf” answers : “It is time for lunch!”, after which he catches someone who becomes the next wolf...)

Presenter: Someone is in a hurry to visit us again.

Marusya (in Russian costume) comes in to a Russian melody.

Marusya: I am Marusya from Russia,

I was in a hurry to see you in kindergarten.

Presenter: What a beautiful sundress!

Every guest in the hall is welcome!

Kazakhstan Russian brother,

Young and old know this,

We are at our holidayeat

Now let's sing ditties!

Chatushki (4 girls in Russian costumes):


Put your ears on top of your heads, listen carefully,

We will sing ditties for you very wonderfully!

1. I was sitting on a mountain ash tree, the cats were tugging at me,

Little kittens scratched at the heels!

2. I have clubfooted roosters on my sundress,

I’m not a clubfoot myself, the grooms are clubfooters!

3. There is a glass on the table, and there is dough in the glass,

Mom and dad, goodbye, I'm already a bride!

4. Don’t look at me that I’m short!

If I had a hat and boots, I’d love it! what a mess!


We sang ditties for you, whether good or bad,

And now we would like you to clap for us!

Marusya: I give you painted spoons

Let the friendly orchestra knock a little! (says goodbye, leaves)

I hear the clatter of hooves,


The horseman Anuar appears to the sound of the clatter of hooves.

Anuar: Salemetseң der me, old man!

Menin atym Anuar.

Presenter: Salemetsiz be, Anuar!

Be a guest at our holiday!

And our guys will tell you poems in Kazakh.


.Ana telim uranym

Ana tilim kuralym

Ana tilim bolmasa

Mykty bolmas turagym.

2.Ana tilim menin

Aldigen anim

Ana tilim demim

Ana telim zhanym

3.Zhelep – zhebep pirimiz

Taza bolsyn denimiz

Zhaukazyndai zhalynyp

Orkendesin tilimiz.

.Tugan tilim – tirligimnin aigagy,

Tilim barda aytylar cheese oidagy.

Ossetilim, men de berge Osemin,

Oshsetilim, men de berge Oshemin.

Anuar: I suggest you play the game,

We can recognize the fast and dexterous.

The game “Who is stronger” is being played

(boys arm wrestle in twos)

Anuar: Kazakh instruments were brought to you by Anuar,

Let them sound in the orestre: sau, bolydar, balalar!

(gives tools, leaves)

Presenter : Guys, how many tools?

We've got it together! Let's play with you

in an interesting game “Merry Orchestra”.

The game "Merry Orchestra" is being played

(on noise instruments)

Leading: Kindergarten is our common home,

It's good to live there.

Song “Let there always be sunshine” (in 3 languages)

Presenter: Each language is a whole world.

Language is the living soul of the people, their joy,

pain, memory, treasure. There is no such language

which would not deserve respect.

I wish you to live in friendship. And let it be above us

There will always be a peaceful sky and the gentle sun will shine!

The children return to the group.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution cities of Naberezhnye Chelny

Combined kindergarten No. 44 “Cinderella”

Prepared and carried out:

Sungatullina Rizidya Faikovna

Tatar language highest qualification category,

teaching experience

in preschool educational institution for 34 years,

Shaikhutdinova Rauza Suleymanovna

children's education teacher

Tatar language 1st qualification category,

teaching experience

in preschool educational institution for 43 years

Gilmanova Liliya Gennadievna


teaching experience

in preschool educational institution for 7 years.

Naberezhnye Chelny


Scenario of artistic and literary intellectual eveningdedicated International Day native language
“Mother tongue is my wealth”

(for children of the senior, preparatory group)

Target: Introduce children to International Mother Language Day. Give an idea of ​​what a native language is and why it is called native. To develop moral and patriotic feelings and national identity in children.

Educational objectives:

To consolidate children’s ideas and knowledge about the culture and language of the Russian and Tatar people. To promote increased interest in the native language, the sound of words in the languages ​​of different nations.

Continue to introduce the life and work of the Tatar patriotic poet Musa Jalil

Developmental tasks:

Develop communication skills between children of different nationalities.

Contribute to the formation of artistic, aesthetic, and intellectual abilities.curiosity, desire for new knowledge and interest in languages.

Educational tasks:

To instill in children a sense of pride for their people, for their native language, for their Motherland

Focus on universal human values ​​and tolerance.

Integration educational areas:

- Social and communicative development: assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral values.

- Cognitive development: formation of ideas about the small Motherland and Fatherland, about the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

- Speech development: mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture

- Artistic and aesthetic development: music perception, fiction, folklore; stimulating empathy for characters in works of art.

- Physical development: mastering outdoor games with rules.

Equipment and materials: national costumes for presenters and children, costume for the role of the Wise Owl; game manuals (drum“Field of Miracles”, scarves for the game “Yurt”, ribbon, pens and sheets of paper for intellectual games).

Preliminary work with children: distribution between groups of dramatizations of fairy tales. Learning poems, songs, folk games. Decoration of the central wall.

Teacher training: prepare a script. Conduct a conversation with teachers and parents about the upcoming holiday.

Progress of the event: 2 presenters and children in Tatar and Russian national costumes come to the center. 1-presenter in Tatar, 2-presenter in Russian - greet the children (“Is ә nmesez", "Hello").

1 presenter :

And, tugan tel, and, matur tel,

Әткәм- әнкәмнн body

Donyada kүp nәrsә beldem

Sin tugan tel arkyly.

2 presenter:

Oh my tongue, we are forever

Inseparable friends

Since childhood it became clear to me

My joy and sorrow.

Children, it’s not for nothing that we started today’s holiday with the poem “Native Speech” by Gabdulla Tukay. After all, we celebrate the holiday - “Native Language Day”.A person's closest and dearest people are his parents. This means that the language they speak is called native.

Each nation has its own unique culture, history, way of life, traditions. And, of course, the language. Save it very much important task. Just as the language is dear to us, like our own mother, like the Motherland. Our ancestors named it their native language. After all, only that person is capable of learning other languages ​​who knows his native language perfectly, reads and is interested in the culture of his native people, loves and is proud of his native language.

1 child:

Everyone has a languageThat dear forever,No native languageThere is no man!

2nd child:

Donyada in - in matur il

Ul - minem tugan ilem.

Donyada in - in matur tel

Ul minem tugan tele.

3rd child:

Your tongue is a guide to the mind and heart,Without it you will find yourself in a dead end.Your language is your life, your dreams,You are no longer you without him.4th child:

Tugan telemdә soylәshep

Yashim min tugan ilә.

Tugan il” digan sүzne dә

Әytәm min tugan telә.

5th child: We sing to them, we talk to them,From birthAnd to the native languageThere is great zeal!

6th child:

Tel keshene dus itә

Ber-bersenә berketә

White, dusty, sin russian

how to use your bodyI'm still performing sch and children together: Happy Mother Language DayWe congratulate you,We state the factWhat a language we know!

2 presenter:

The kindergarten is decorated with balloons

We welcome and invite guests

And a song in your native language

We sing loudly and joyfully.

Song “The children of the whole earth are friends” V. Viktorov.

2 presenter:

Writers and poets of our multinational Motherland loved, sang, and enriched the language. From generation to generation they passed on the beauty and richness of their native language. What Russian and Tatar writers and poets do you know?(children's answers).

(The Wise Owl enters the hall under the call sign of the program “What, where, when”, a pen in her hands, holding a large folder).

Wise Owl:

Yes, yes, yes, I know that too. I read many works of these writers in the large forest encyclopedia. And it also says...

(The presenter interrupts her)

2 Presenter: wait, wait, let me ask: Who are you?

Wise Owl: I am the wisest, wisest, well-read owl who knows everything about everything, because I am interested in everything. For example, I know that February 21 is International Mother Language Day. I know thaton globe There are about six thousand languages. Among them, the Russian language and the Tatar language are considered one of the rich and beautiful languages.

In our Motherland - Russia, Russian is the native language for 130 million people and serves as the main means of communication between people of other nationalities.

2 Presenter: Wise Owl, thank you for such important information. Our children are also very inquisitive and are also interested in everything. We love and learn our native language, we respect people of other nationalities, because only in friendship is it easy to live. It’s not for nothing that they say that “Friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than wealth.”

Wise Owl: This is very good. Then let them guess my riddles:

    Soyage yuk, teshe yuk,

Soylәmәgәn sүze yuk. (tel)

    Always in your mouth, never swallowed.(language)

    A wet calf lies behind the fence.(language)

Do you know proverbs and sayings about your native language? (Yes).

(The Wise Owl points with a feather to a group of children who take turns telling sayings and proverbs)

- Language is the soul of the people;

Tele barnyn ile bar;

- Language will take you to Kyiv;

Tel - belem achkychy;

Don't be hasty with your tongue, be hasty with your deeds;

Az with Oylә, kup tyңla;

The word is not a sparrow, if it flies out you won’t catch it b;

Tele tatlynyn dusy kup;

Language is the key to knowledge.

Bakhetle balanyin tele tatly.

Wise Owl: Well done, for such smart and inquisitive children I propose an intellectual competition.

Intellectual competition “Who more words will make up.”

(From the given words: 1.”Pencil”, 2.”Preschooler”, children and teachers together make up as many words as possible, after 1 minute they pronounce them in turn. The Wise Owl determines the winner).

Wise Owl: yes, you are intellectuals. This is exactly what I wanted to make sure of, because forest dwellers This folder was given to the smartest, most inquisitive children.(Leaves the folder and leaves).

Presenter: What did the Wise Owl leave us? (Reads: for the game “Field of Miracles.” He takes out envelopes from the folder and places the Field of Miracles on the drum)...

Let’s start playing “Field of Miracles” by spinning the reel.

game “Field of Miracles”

(in the envelopes are portraits of writers whose fairy tales children will dramatize, portraits of poets whose poems they will tell.

Preparatory groups: A. S. Pushkin, S. M. Marshak, M. Jalil;

Senior groups: K. Chukovsky, Mikhalkov, M. Jalil.

After the drum stops, take out the writer’s portrait from the envelope. Children call his name and his works. A group that has previously prepared a performance (dramatization, poetry, musical and literary composition...) is invited.

When the portrait of Musa Jalil appears on the reel,

2 Presenter: February 15 is the birthday of the poet and patriot Musa Jalil. In his poems he called for love and defense of the Motherland. He himself, with arms in hand, went to liberate his homeland from enemies...

He faced a lot of trials, but he did not break and remained faithful to his homeland and people. He had to write poetry in very difficult, inhuman conditions.

The feat of Musa Jalil was immortalized by the people. On the most important square of the city of Kazan, in front of the Kremlin, as a symbol of patriotism, love for the Motherland and people, there is a monument to Musa Jalil. The Opera and Ballet Theater in the capital of Tatarstan bears his name.

In our city, one of the main avenues was called “Musa Jalil Avenue”... We remember the patriotic poet, we are proud of him; we love his poems.(Children recite poems by Musa Jalil).

(Between children's performances there are musical and game breaks).

Musical breaks:

1. Individual song in the Tatar language “Chikertkә” L. Batyr - Bulgaria.

2. Russian folk dance “Quadrille”

Game breaks:

1. Tatar folk game (in Tatar language): "Kapkala"

Children holding hands stand in a circle, forming a gate. One couple walks in a line through this gate, the children all say these words together:

Әйдә bezgә kilegez(Come to us)

Kapkalardan keregez(Go to the gate)

Өebezgә үtegez, (Come to our home)

Kunak bulyp kitegez(Please stay with us)

Gөrlәp bәyrәm itegez.(Holiday, we have fun)

The “gate” closes at the last word, and “catches” this pair of children. The game is repeated. The captured children form a "Gate".

2. Russian folk game: "Zarya"

Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - Dawn - walks behind with a ribbon and says:


Red maiden,

I walked across the field,

Dropped the keys

Golden keys

Blue ribbons,

Rings entwined -

I went to get water.

With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes the dawn. The game is repeated.

3. Bashkir game "Yurt".

Children stand in a circle. In the corners there are chairs covered with painted scarves.

Children walk in a circle saying:

We are funny guys

Let's all gather in a circle.

Let's play and dance

And let's rush to the meadow.

Children run in all directions to the sound of cheerful Bashkir music. The music stops - the children run to the chairs, using scarves to make a yurt. The winners are the children who made the yurt the fastest.

2 presenter: You guys are great, you completed all the tasks of the Wise Owl. Only one envelope remained unopened, what is there?(opens). There are diplomas in the following nominations: “The most inquisitive group”, “The most erudite group”, “The most artistic group”, “The most intellectual group”.(Diplomas are presented).

2 presenters come to the center

2 presenter: We started our today's holiday with a poem by Gabdulla Tukay, and we also want to end it with his own poems and a song written to his words.

“...We sang a song with the people of Russia,

There is something common in our way of life and morality...

Our friendship cannot be broken forever

We are strung together by a single thread.”

1 presenter:

Tatarcha and Yakhshy Bel,

Ruscha da Yakhshy Bel.

Ikese dә bezneң өchen

In kirkle, back tel.

Song “Tugan Tel”, lyrics by G. Tukay, folk music


    Zakirova K.V. Balachak Alany:balalar bakchasy tәrbiyacheәre һәm әti – әnilәre өchen reader.-Kazan:RIC,2011.

Entertainment scenario “International Language Day” for children of senior and preparatory groups

Description: The entertainment is aimed at introducing children to the International Language Day holiday. This scenario will be useful for educators and music directors in preparing for GCD and entertainment.
Target: Introduce children to International Mother Language Day. Develop curiosity, desire for new knowledge and native language.
- consolidate children’s knowledge about the culture and language of Russian, Khakass and English people. To promote increased interest in the native language, the sound of words in the languages ​​of different nationalities.
- to instill in children pride in their native language, for their people and a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities, their language and culture.

Progress of entertainment:

Children enter the hall to the music and sit on chairs.

Leading: Hello guys and dear guests. When we use the words “friends” in our speech, our speech becomes accurate, bright, expressive, and interesting. What helps us communicate? (language). Today is February 21st every year, the country celebrates International Mother Language Day. There are many languages ​​on the globe. Even when you were just born and were very small, your mothers sang lullabies to you in your native language. How do you understand what your native language is? (which we speak). What language do we speak? (in Russian)
Leading: What republic do we live in? What nationalities live in our republic? Each nation has a unique culture, history, traditions and, of course, language. Today at our holiday we will learn about representatives of different nations.
To the music, a teacher in Russian costume enters the hall:
Hello! Our Russian language is rich and beautiful! There are so many words in it, this is the native language of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Gogol, whose fairy tales we often read. Love your Motherland, your language, your people!
Children: On the day of your native language, I wish you to cherish it. So that speech is easy,
Without repeating swear words,
Speak well -
A kind word is nice!
That's why the tongue came,
To communicate clearly on it.
Leading: Name proverbs and sayings that talk about language.
- The tongue is sharper than a razor.
- Language will take you to Kyiv.
- A tongue without bones, it babbles whatever it wants.
- My tongue is my enemy.
- Don’t rush with your language – hurry with your actions.
- Listen more and talk less.

Guest from Russia: Now let's play.

Russian folk game "Zarya"
Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - Zarya - walks behind with a ribbon and says:
Dawn - lightning,
Red maiden,
I walked across the field,
Dropped the keys
Golden keys
Blue ribbons,
Rings entwined -
I went to get water.
With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes Dawn. The game is repeated.
Leading: Guys, the Russian people have a lot of not only games, but also songs. Now we will perform the round dance “Like on thin ice”

Song - round dance “Like a thin summer” - preparatory group (piano)
Leading: Of course, many people of different nationalities live in Khakassia (Russians, Khakassians, Ukrainians and Belarusians)

A guest from Khakassia (teacher) enters the hall accompanied by music.
Says greetings in the Khakass language.

Guys, let's play with you in the Khakass folk game “Bear and Stump” - senior group:

The driver and the “bear” are selected, the rest are “stumps”. They sit in a circle facing the center of the circle, leaving passages between each other. The driver moves between the stumps, slightly touching the tops of the heads at the same time singing the song: “Chaby, chaby, bear, stump.” The bear sneaks up next. , to catch and stain him. If he catches him, then they will both become stumps and sit down, and others will be chosen instead of them. And everything starts all over again.

Guest from Russia: Each nation has its own traditions, culture and language. All this distinguishes each nation from each other. This is what makes people proud of belonging to a particular nation. And the language conveys all the features of the people’s way of life. Therefore, many of them, even small ones, try with all their might to preserve their language, paying tribute to their ancestors and their uniqueness.

Leading: In our kindergarten we educate children of different nationalities. We hope that everyone’s native language is dear and interesting. The same word sounds different in different languages.

Guest from Russia: In Russia, Russian is the language of interethnic communication. But there is also a language of international communication - English. In any country in the world they study and know English, wherever you go on a trip, English is your main assistant.
A guest from England enters to the music and greets the children: Hello!
Offers to play an English game with children:
“Let's do everything as I do” (voiceover, soundtrack plus)
Performed in a circle, standing still, with the end of each phrase - the leader’s movements are repeated.
1. Do you all like to play? (Yes)
Do you all like to play? (Yes)
Come on, all together, all at once. Well, shall we play now? - 2 r.

2. Come on, clap like I do - clap, clap.
Come on, clap like me.
Come on, all together, all at once
Only here they clap like that. – 2 r

3. Come on, stomp like me.
Let's all stomp like me.
Come on, all together, all at once.
Only here they stomp like that.

4. Come on, say hello!
Well, say hello!
Come on, all together, all at once.
They only greet us like that - 2 rubles

5.Come on, say: Ha-ha-ha,
Come on, say: Ha-ha-ha,
Come on, all together, all at once,
It's only us who laugh like that.

6. Let's all shout: Hurray-ah-ah!
Let's all shout: Hurray!
Come on, all together, all at once, hurray!
Only here we have fun!

Leading: Indeed, all languages ​​are beautiful, every language is beautiful. Don’t forget, love your native language, take care of it, be proud of it!
Leading: Live together in peace and harmony with children of different nationalities. I wish you happiness, health, kindness.
And now we invite you to sing a song about friendship “I want” (children from the vocal circle)

Song “I want”, arrangement Yuri Elash

1. So that you and I can be friends
I want and I want.
So that everyone is happy
I want and I want.
To make the flowers smile
I want and I want.
To make the stars light up
I want and I want.

2. Become a cherished dream
I want and I want.
And be filled with spring
I want and I want.
So that mom doesn't be sad
I want and I want.
And she always loved me
I want and I want.

Leading: This is where our holiday ends. Thank you all for your attention.
Photo for memory.
Costumes: Russian, Khakassian, English; ribbon, horse on a stick, costumes for Vanya and girlfriends; bear mask; It is possible for children R.N. costumes.
Repertoire: Round dance “Like thin ice”, song “I want”
Games "Dawn", Khakass folk game - "Bear and Stump"
English game - “Let's do everything as I do”

Speech development lesson

Lesson summary on speech development
"International Mother Language Day"

Nizamova T.Kh., teacher for teaching the Tatar language, D/S No. 5, Leninogorsk RT

Goals and objectives: Develop aspirations to be tolerant in human society; foster internationalism; promote development oral speech students.

Progress of the event:

Senior group No. 1 performs the song “How beautiful our Russia is”

Leading: Russia is a multinational state. Each nation has a unique culture, history, traditions and, of course, language. More than 130 languages ​​are spoken in our country. What languages ​​can we hear in our region? (children's answers).

Leading: We can hear Russian, Tatar, Chuvash, Mordovian, Ukrainian, Armenian, Georgian and other languages. In our country, all citizens can use their native language, but the means of interethnic communication is the Russian language.

Guys, are there any Tatars among you? What about the Chuvash? Is there anyone of Mordovian nationality? I will now call guys of different nationalities. Say phrases to each other in your native language. Did you understand each other? Probably not. What language in our country helps people of different nationalities understand each other? Of course, Russian.

There is such a good word - “our”.

And may you be a Tatar, Yakut or Chuvash,

Was he born Russian, Mordovian, Ossetian,

Be a kind and loving son to your Motherland!

If you want to beat fate,

If you are looking for joy in a flower garden,

If you need solid support,

Learn Russian language!

He is your great, mighty mentor,

He is a translator. He is a guide.

If you storm knowledge steeply,

Learn Russian language.

Leading: Every year since 2000, International Mother Language Day is celebrated on February 21. This holiday is still very young. He is only 13 years old. We believe. That this holiday is very important and necessary. Without language the world would not exist. Just as a fish cannot live without water, so a person cannot exist without language. In language we think, communicate, create. On International Mother Language Day, all languages ​​are recognized as equal because each is uniquely suited to human purpose and each represents a living heritage that we must take seriously and protect.

Each nation has its own characteristics, traditions, culture and language. All this distinguishes each nation from each other. This is what makes people proud of belonging to a particular nation. And the language conveys all the features of the people’s way of life. Therefore, many of them, even small ones, try by all means and forces to preserve their language, their pride, paying tribute to their ancestors and their uniqueness.

In our kindergarten we educate children of different nationalities. We hope that everyone’s native language is dear and interesting. The same word sounds different in different languages. Let's play translator.

Who knows. How do Chuvash people say hello in their native language? (Melle Halsham?) People of Mordovian nationality? (hello, chumbra) Tatars? (Isenmesez) The British? (Hello)

What does the word “mother” sound like? Mordovians - Avai, Chuvash - Anne, Tatars - әni...

What about “dad”? Mordovians - aunt, father...

Liana Mubarakshina from senior group No. 2 will congratulate us on Mother Language Day in Russian.

On Mother Language Day

I wish you to keep it,

So that speech is easy,

Without repeating swear words,

Speak well -

A kind word is nice!

That's why the tongue came,

To communicate clearly on it.

Leading: Each people praised its own language. Poems, songs, epics, tales were written in the native language

Now let's listen to poems in different languages.

Khuzina Kamilla from preparatory group No. 2 will recite the poem “Tatar Tele” by Nazhip Madyarov.

Tatar tele-minem tugan tele,

Soyleshuye rahet st telde.

Shul tel belen koilim...

Shul tel belen soilim

Milletteshem bulgan kherkemge.

Donyalar kin, anda iller bik kup.

Tugan ilem minem ber gene.

Tugan ilemde de teller bik kup,

Tugan telem minem ber gene.

Evdokia Alekseevna will read a poem in her native Mordovian language.

Sofia Grigorieva and Sergei Kudashov from senior group No. 1 will also recite poems in the Mordovian language.

Sisters and Kuzmina Vika and Dasha will recite a poem in their native Chuvash language.

Asanne with kukamai.

Kiltham asanne patne

Perinche ep hanana

Asanna, tap, asanna

Perre var - ha Mashanna.

Menshen val sana yalan

Kukamai tese chenet?

Vladik Matveev will read us a poem in the Chuvash language.

Ugolnikova Nadya loves her native language

Our orchestra has a little bit of everything:

The bell rings, the accordion sings.

And now for you, performed by a children's orchestra (preparatory group No. 1) a Tatar folk melody will sound.

And now the song “Tugan Tel” from the repertoire of Zulfiya Minkhazheva will be performed by the children from preparatory group No. 2.

Each of the peoples of our region has wonderful dances; they are connected with its culture and way of life. Dancing is the embodiment of the soul of the people, their national traditions.

And now the Russian folk dance with scarves will be presented to us by children from preparatory group No. 1.

From birth, the child hears the sounds of his native language. The mother sings lullabies, the grandmother tells fairy tales.

We offer a poem in Moldovan, read by Nastya Raku, from preparatory group No. 1.

Bye-bye! Bye-bye!

Sleep, my dear, sleep!

The swan curled up in the reeds,

A sweet dream touched him.

The dog is dozing in the kennel,

And the fox sleeps in the hole.

Piggy fell asleep in the stable

And from there - not a peep!

A brown bear sleeps in a den,

Even the sleeping one is very strict!

A star lights up

The moon sends dreams to the earth.

Sleep too, my champion,

A funny dream awaits you.

Bye-bye! Bye-bye!

Close by, go to sleep!

And now the guys from senior group No. 2 will show the Tatar national round dance game “Zhyrly Biyu”.

Today Nina Egorovna came to visit us. She will give us a song in her native Chuvash language.

There are many big countries in the world,

And there are many small ones,

And for any nation

Your language is an honor.

You have the right to be proud, Frenchman,


You always say Indian

About your language.

Chinese, Turkish, Serbian or Czech,

Dane, Greek or Finn, -

Of course, your native language is dearer to you than everyone else.

In Russia, Russian is the language of interethnic communication. But there is also a language of international communication - English. In any country in the world they study and know English, wherever you go on a trip, English is your main assistant.

Now listen to the song on English language performed by children from preparatory group No. 1.

The Russian people have a lot of proverbs and sayings about language. Let us remember them. Let's play the game “Continue the proverb.”

The tongue is sharper... (razors).

Language to Kyiv... (will bring it).

The word is not a sparrow... (if it flies out, you won’t catch it).

The word is silver, but silence... (gold)

Smart speeches and listen... (Nice).

A man without a homeland. What is a nightingale without... (songs).

The wind destroys mountains, the word raises nations. (proverbs about language)

A bird is visible by its feathers, and a person by its speech. (proverbs about language)

I started talking, that’s how I need to finish the conversation. (proverbs about language)

It’s short and clear, and that’s why it’s wonderful. (proverbs about language)

An extra word causes annoyance and brings shame. (proverbs about language)

Don't waste your words. (proverbs about language)

It's good to sing together, but to talk separately. (proverbs about language)

It's easy to say, but difficult to do. (proverbs about language)

The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won’t catch it. (proverbs about language)

Smart speeches are pleasant to listen to. (proverbs about language)

Now let’s listen to the song “Tugan Tel” performed by guests from school 4.

Now let’s listen to a song in Ukrainian performed by Victoria Alexandrovna Ban, our kindergarten teacher.

It's time for the holiday

There is laughter and song.

The game is calling us to visit us -

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 24 “Berezka” of a combined type in the city of Belebey municipal district Belebeevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan


holiday "Mother Language Day"

with children of the senior (logop.) group


Teacher Gareeva G.N.

Target: To instill in children a sense of love for the Motherland, respect and interest in their native language, in the traditions and customs of the country; intensify creative activity each pupil; develop a friendly attitude towards peers.

Presenter: Good afternoon dear friends! It is no coincidence that we have gathered today. Today we have a big holiday - International Mother Language Day. And in this hall representatives of different nationalities gathered to sing the praises of their great native language.

Each nation has its own characteristics, traditions, and culture. All this distinguishes each nation from each other. This is what makes people proud of their language.

It has become a good tradition in our kindergarten to hold Mother Language Day, where pupils of every nationality fascinate us with the culture of their people, envelop us warm air friendship. After all, our republic is the most multinational in Russia.

And I will be the first to invite representatives of Tatar nationality to join us.

1 point. Hәerle kөn, isәnmesez kaderle kunaklar!

2 points. Isanmesez diep suz bashlyimyn

Tanyshular shulai bashlana.

Isanmesez diep suz bashlasam

Bakhetem arta, kүңlem shatlana.

3 points: Without Tatarlars! Shushi isem belen

Җirdә yashәү үze ber bәkhet,

Yashibez without bu җirda

Bar halyklar belen berlishep!

Presenter: Rәkhmat. Representatives of Russian nationality are invited.

1 child. Good afternoon dear friends!

2nd child. Hello, dear parents!

3 child. Our Tatarstan

Famous for friendship

We should live in Tatarstan

I really like it.

1 child. Today is a good day for us

Everyone around is having fun

They dance and clap their hands

Well, we are not lagging behind.

Leading: Thank you. And I invite the next nationality. Meet the baptized Tatars.

1 child: Isanmesez, kaderle kunaklar!

2nd child: Salam, duslar!

3rd child: Duslar bulyp yashik gөrlәp

Ohshash bezneң tellur, gadatlar

Tynychlyk һәm duslyk chәchәk atsyn

Urtak bezneң җirdә telәklәr.

Leading: Thanks everyone. The great Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukai was right when he wrote:

We sang songs with the people of Russia

There is something common in our everyday life and morality,

Years passed one after another -

We joked, we always worked together

Our friendship cannot be broken forever.

We are strung on a single thread.

People's memory stores a thousand melodies. They are the priceless heritage of our ancestors. Every nation is rich in songs. In the old days they said, “Where many songs are sung, life is fun.” And the Tatar folk music page opens song “Ommegolsem”

Presenter: Rәkhmat. The next word is given to the Russians.

Song "In the Blacksmith"

Presenter: Thank you. Meet the baptized Tatars.

Song “Argy yaktan kildenme”

Presenter: Well done! Dance is a special kind of art. It reflects feelings; through dance we understand the world. Dancing is also an excellent cure for many diseases, blues and boredom. It's time for folk dancing.

Your attention Tatar folk dance

Presenter: Thank you. Meet Russian folk dance.

Presenter: Well done. For you dance of the Tatar-Kryashen “Chyn-Chyn”әytemen”

Presenter: Rәkhmat.

Presenter: Thank you everyone for the wonderful dance performance

Magic wand, be kind

Let us in through the gates, open up miracles.

My friend, wand, look

Don't lead us and the children down!

Games are ahead of us.

Let's play Tatar folk game “Tubәtay”

Russian folk game “Burn, burn, clear”

Folk game baptized Tatars “Plagueүрдәк,plaguekaz"

Presenter: Bashkortostan is a multinational republic. In this regard, culinary traditions are very diverse. Every nation has its own culinary traditions. And today we will see what our guests will delight us with..

Tatars: Chak-chak is a symbol of the hospitality of the Tatar people and a sweet gift for any occasion. After celebrating the millennium of our capital, almost the whole world learned about this wonderful, delicious delicacy. On the one hand, it symbolizes “sunny Tatarstan” with its bright color, on the other – the cordiality, friendliness and unity of the Tatar people, and all peoples living on the fertile land. However, the most important thing in any dish is the taste. As they say, it's better to try once. Bon appetit!

Russians: Pelmeni is a traditional Russian dish, hearty and tasty. There are many recipes for making dumplings , which differ in size, filling, and cooking method. But classic dumplings are a win-win option, simple and tasty, a way to feed the whole family. Dumplings are a mysterious and almost magical dish; it is no coincidence that in some areas dumplings were called sorcerers. Learning how to cook them is quite simple, just like becoming a connoisseur and a real dumpling gourmet. Believe me. the taste of real dumplings is worth it

Baptized Tatars: The national cuisine of baptized Tatars is rich in its cultural traditions, dating back centuries. Over the centuries-old history, unique customs of national cuisine have developed, which have retained their popularity to this day. Tabikmek is the national dish of baptized Tatars. Traditional tabikmek is a lean flatbread stuffed with mashed potatoes or millet milk porridge, generously greased with butter. It is very tasty and satisfying, can be served as an independent main dish, and good for breakfast with sweet tea. Bon appetit!


Tөrle-tөrle telә soylәshsәk tә

Tөrle-tөrle millәt bulsak ta

Tik ber beznen tugan ilebez

Shunda dus һәm tattoo yashibez


Russians, Kazakhs, Tatars and Armenians,

We are black, and blond, and dark, and white

In Tatarstan on our native land

We all live as a big and friendly family.

Baptized Tatars:

Friendship of peoples is not just words

The friendship of peoples is forever alive.

Friendship of peoples, happy children,

The ear is in the field and strength is in full bloom.

Presenter: Today we saw how children of different nationalities sing and dance. They speak different languages, but they all love their home, family, their homeland, they want to live cheerfully, amicably and peacefully. And we will finish our holiday “ Round dance of friendship.”
