Children's design circles. Informatics club program "designing virtual excursions"

Children's design circles.  Computer Science Club Program

DatsoPic 2.0 2009 by Andrey Datso

Which club should I send my child to? V Moscow? Our review - about educational centers Moscow, in which children construct robots, assemble models with remote control, conduct a lot of honey mushrooms, etc.


In the second pavilion of VDNKh, the most unusual “Roboschool” in Russia has been opened: one of the teachers here is the android Thespian.
In total, 4 courses are open at RoboSchool. There is “Robotics”, where they introduce the basics of design, modeling and programming, and teach how to create smart electronic machines. You can choose the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) program, which consists of engineering lessons and experiments. In the Electrical Mechanics course, students will learn to distinguish resistors from transistors, assemble radios and other equipment.
Industrial design is also provided in the “Roboschool”. During the classes, children will not only learn the history of modern design, but will also create art objects on their own. The best creations will be in the Robostation Hall of Fame.
Age: from 6 years
How much: 5200 rubles per month

Open prototyping laboratory "Laba"

The first techno-coworking space in Russia is also an educational platform. The Lab provides training computer programs for drawing and 3D modeling, organize master classes on 3D printing, 3D scanning, and working with laser machines. By the way, in most cases, “Laba” is designed for adults - people come here to work on 3D printers, plotters, milling cutters and other sophisticated equipment.
The center offers about 10 areas for children, the most interesting of which are shipbuilding, aircraft modeling and robotics. According to the co-founder of Laba, Maxim Pinigin, in a techno-coworking space you will be able to implement any idea, “from a stool to a satellite.” Regardless of the age of the inventor.
Age: from 7 years
How much: from 5000 rubles per month

Science Festival

"Celebration of Science" is an interactive and educational programs for children from 8 to 13 years old. You can arrange a scientific holiday, a master class, a birthday party or an entire scientific festival. The goal is to popularize science and show children that all this can not be abstruse and boring, but exciting and interesting. Secrets of film special effects technology, physical and chemical experiments, entertaining mathematics - children are usually delighted.
In addition to major events and holidays, you can sign up for classes and courses. Now there is an intensive course “Engineering Creativity” (for children 9-12 years old), “Electricity for Inventors” (for children 9-12 years old) and “Chemistry in the lives of children and adolescents” (for children 8-12 years old). The “Engineering Creativity” course will teach children prototyping and modeling, develop spatial thinking and fine motor skills. In the course on electricity, children will learn how to assemble electrical circuits and even make a real lightsaber. Chemistry is pure joy, reactions and experiments.
Age: from 8 years
Price: from 6900 rubles for 7 lessons

Math clubs from the creative laboratory “2×2”

Main value creative laboratory “Twice Two” - in its teachers. The center's math circles are staffed by people who are in love with numbers and formulas. They manage to infect children with a passion for exact sciences: GPA students in mathematics at school are 4.58, they often take prizes at city and Russian Olympiads.
In order to study in a circle for free, you need to go through several interviews. Only the most mathematically capable are accepted here.
Age: from 7 years
How much: classes are free

House of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth (DNTTM)

Palace branch children's creativity on Vorobyovy Gory boasts a rich selection of scientific directions, from robotics and paleontology to astronomy and robotics. There are 11 chemistry clubs here alone.
The House of Creativity pays special attention to children interested in technology. For example, the center offers several radio electronics courses. The beginners' class involves soldering electronic circuits and creating simple electronic devices. In the course “Radio Engineering” they study radio-electronic designs, and in the lessons “Entertaining Electronics” they learn to read and make simple circuits.
Age: from 7 years
Price: classes are free

Engineering Center of the Museum of Cosmonautics

Why does a plane or rocket fly? How does the Universe work, who can go into space and what is a spacesuit for? At the Engineering Center of the Museum of Cosmonautics, you can get answers to thousands of questions. This year, the “Space Squad” club was opened here, where, in addition to theoretical knowledge, you can take psychological tests (almost like astronauts!), work out on the SOYUZ-TMA docking simulator and receive a “Test Cosmonaut” certificate.
And for those who prefer to work on Earth, there is a three-year program of the Vostok design bureau. Future engineers will become familiar with the basics of electrical engineering, computer programming and 3D modeling, learn how to work on a breadboard, read and draw electrical circuits, and write codes.
Age: from 9 years
Price: from 200 rubles per lesson

Center for Design Creativity "Start Pro"

The center is called “children’s Skolkovo”: “Start Pro” contains one of the best scientific bases in the country. There are 6 laboratories open here, in which about 60 programs are presented. Thus, in “Entertaining Mathematics” they teach how to solve complex puzzles, in the “Graphical environment LabVIEW” - to create robots and develop simple applications, and in “Stroymaster” - to work with tools, natural materials and metal.
Yes, and no boring lectures: the center’s teachers know how to talk simply about complex things, turn science into a game, and boring school items into exciting quests.
Age: from 8 years
Price: free

Center additional education"Young motorist"

This is the most provocative children's center in Moscow: for example, they allow you to ride motorcycles here from the age of 8! Young riders are taught the basics of motorcycling, how to repair equipment and provide first aid in case of accidents. Both equipment and motorcycles are provided by the center.
In addition, here you have the opportunity to learn everything about the structure of the car, learn the rules of the road and even pass a traffic rules exam.
Although most of all children respect the practical part of the lessons: they start driving here at the age of 12. Students race go-karts, participate in rallies and win prizes in Russian automobile competitions.
Age: from 7 years
Price: free

Young Railwaymen's Club at the Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

If your child loves trains, you should take a closer look at the courses at MIIT. During the classes, children learn the history and structure of railways, study the composition of electric locomotives and carriages, and become familiar with the rules of “railway traffic” and railway professions. Every summer in Kratovo, near Moscow, the club’s pupils have an internship on Malaya Moskovskaya railway. Children can try themselves as a controller and conductor of a passenger car, a track fitter, and even a driver.
Bonus: successful completion of studies in the club gives the right to preferential admission to MIIT, all other things being equal.
Age: 7-11 grades
Price: free

Children's Center for Scientific Discovery "Innopark"

An ideal format for those who have not yet decided on their preferences. Innopark provides short courses that provide interesting information about the world of science and technology.
In total, the center has developed 4 programs. Thus, the course “Everything on the Shelves” covers optics, mechanics, electricity and astronomy. During the classes, children will have to make a diffraction grating, create optical illusions, assemble a battery from vegetables and make a lunar rover. You can choose one of two courses, “Robotics” or “Science in the Palm of Your Hand,” where children will get acquainted with physics, biology, chemistry and geography, and also carry out experiments.
Age: from 5 years
Price: from 2700 rubles for 4 lessons

Digital home

3D scanners, 3D printers, powerful computers, neurotechnical equipment - “Digital House” resembles an exhibition of the achievements of modern technology. True, in this “museum” you are allowed to touch any exhibits with your hands.
In the center you can practice robotics - using Lego Mindshtorm EV3, Lego WeDo and Arduino construction sets, children assemble both simple models and technically complex devices. Another popular direction of the “Digital Home” is 3D design. In practice, children learn to work with the latest machines and even create their own unique objects.
Age: from 5 years
Price: from 4,000 rubles per month

The education system has the following responsible tasks, which are:
— teaching students the basics of science and profession;
— learning to independently expand your knowledge;
— education of an ideologically tempered and comprehensively developed personality.
The main direction in pedagogy is how the creative abilities and creative activity of students will develop. This will help expand the scope of the lesson, and learning in other forms will continue beyond its boundaries.
Modern society requires that a child be raised as a comprehensively developed personality. Therefore, approaches regarding the organization of educational space are changing significantly. Trends related to modernization modern education during the transition to second generation standards, they are trying to significantly increase the volume extracurricular activities students. This direction of development is justified because it has positive sides, which consist in how to most effectively organize students’ leisure time throughout the working day, how to implement a meta-subject approach in education. This form of organizing cognitive activity is not new, but for the first time it is planned to place serious emphasis on it.
Some researchers believe that the reason for the emergence of Russian out-of-school education is the fact of the appearance in the 30s of the 18th century. in Shlyakhetskoe cadet corps literary circle. His students a little later began to publish their own printed organ, the name of which is “Idle time, used for benefit.” Other researchers - with the initiative of the advanced intelligentsia, which received the support of influential teachers and public figures such as: I.A. Korf, N.I. Pirogov, K.D. Ushinsky, associated with the creation of out-of-school institutions - Sunday schools, public libraries, reading rooms. It must be remembered that the main task of out-of-school education is to create and implement democratic programs for the development of education in Russia.
S.T. Shatsky, L.D. Azarevich, L.K. Shleger, A.U. Zelenko, A.A. Fortunatov, A.P. Lesgaft, E.N. Medynsky believe that the main task of extracurricular activities is to develop the child’s personality. It was assumed that out-of-school organizations are trying to help children choose activities they like and create conditions for reasonable leisure. According to S.T. Shatsky, the mug should reveal everything that was “suppressed in children by living conditions.”
According to E.N. Medynsky, the term “out-of-school education” is extremely unfortunate. That education, which was called extracurricular, is considered a continuous process that accompanies the development and formation of an individual throughout her life.
Subject interest groups are the most common form of organizing extracurricular activities related to how children’s creative abilities develop at school. Through the active work of various circles, children’s aesthetic culture and hard work are fostered, their polytechnic horizons are expanded, and their ability to perceive and feel beauty is developed.
In the process of studying in a circle, children deepen their knowledge and skills related to the matter that interests them, and then use them in work, which is useful for society, at school and at home. If a teacher is able to consider and unravel the interests, inclinations, abilities and talents of his students, and also create opportunities for the development of creativity, then he will bring up a creator in every student.
In the 19th century, in the research of cultural scientists, the concept of “innovation” first arose, which meant the introduction of certain elements of one culture into another.
J. Schumpeter is considered the founder of the theory of innovation. In 1912, he published his work entitled “The Theory of Economic Development,” where innovation is a means of entrepreneurship in order to make a profit. According to the author, entrepreneurs are “economic entities that carry out new combinations and act as an active element.”
Creativity is understood as an activity that results in the creation of new material and spiritual values. Since creativity is a cultural and historical phenomenon, it has a psychological side: personal and procedural. It provides that a person has abilities, motives, knowledge and skills, thanks to which a completely new, original and unique product arises. In the process of studying individual characteristics, the main role of imagination, intuition, unconscious components of mental activity, individual need in self-actualization, disclosure and expansion of one’s creative capabilities.
Nowadays, teachers are faced with the task of organizing the educational process in such a way that the creative activity and individual abilities of students develop. According to V.A. Sukhomlinsky, “a child by nature is an inquisitive researcher and discoverer of the world. Therefore, let a wonderful world open up before him in living colors, bright and vibrant sounds... through a fairy tale, fantasy, play, through unique children’s creativity - the right path to a child’s heart.”
The creative (innovative) activity of students is to identify new aspects of the phenomena that are being studied, to expand and deepen knowledge. Students who work creatively do not use only a textbook, but use scientific literature, reference books and encyclopedias. Working with the textbook, they find questions that need to be studied further, and also conduct independent research. The main thing in the creative activity of students is the procedural side, the methods they use when mastering knowledge. At the same time, students can not only study certain phenomena, express their own attitude to what they are studying, have their own point of view, transfer known solution methods to new conditions, but also find completely different methods.
In extracurricular activities, a special environment of enthusiastic teachers and children arises, which is filled with emotions. This is a world of creativity, manifestation and disclosure by each child of his interests and hobbies.
Subject interest groups are the most popular form of organizing extracurricular activities that deal with the development creativity At school. The main goal of these clubs is to engage the child in a certain scientific field, launch a program of creative discoveries, and expand the range of activities. The most effective learning mechanisms will be in the classroom, but only if the lessons are structured “from simple to complex.” In the process of overcoming difficulties that are feasible for a child, each time he will climb the steps of knowledge. In this case, the teacher is obliged to use differentiated tasks. The main thing is that the child is not afraid to make a mistake. Therefore, the teacher should not suppress the desires of children, their impulses of creativity and ideas, but support them and guide them.
By organizing extracurricular activities related to innovation creative activity students, it must be remembered that the guiding principle is to provide all students with the opportunity to satisfy all aspirations and develop abilities. The child’s interest, which arises in the classroom, during work, watching programs on TV, reading an article in the newspaper, can be developed and deepened in circle classes, where the teacher may not follow the program.
Technical clubs work according to programs or thematic plans, which have some differences with training programs. Each program consists of practical activities with the necessary theoretical information that children must learn.
The circle program is not always mandatory in all its parts. It depends on the conditions, on the skills of the teacher, on the interests and preparation of students. That is why you can change its theoretical and practical parts.
In addition to theory, the program consists of a huge amount of practical work, which, unfortunately, cannot be an end in itself. In the process of its implementation, children must acquire labor skills, the ability to use various tools, skills in installation work, the ability to read a drawing, understand the design of a model or machine and operate it.
In order for labor training at school to become more new and non-standard, it is proposed to identify a new group of non-traditional materials, which will significantly expand and diversify the types of activities in labor lessons. “Non-traditional” materials are materials that can replace the usual ones used in labor classes.
A new, unconventional design material is often used - the remains of polypropylene pipes, which are used for installing a heating system and a water supply and sewerage system in premises. A huge number of things are also made from them: furniture, greenhouses and greenhouses, interior items: chandeliers, lamps, panels, etc.
In the course of studying and analyzing the theory related to the innovative creative activity of students, a conclusion was made: special issues in the work of the teaching staff are those that relate to improving the methodology for organizing classes on technical creativity during extracurricular time. It must be remembered that students do not immediately know how to make new creative solutions, since each of them has its own potential. All creative abilities must be developed.
So, the work of a circle at school is effective if it is related to general education subjects. This integration of classroom and extracurricular activities can increase children’s motivation both for the subject and for club activities.
Through technical and artistic creativity circles, it is possible to reveal the creative potential of students, psychologically and practically prepare them for work. The activities of these circles are an element of educational work. Their goal is to solve complex pedagogical problems, which are to:
— to cultivate aesthetic culture and hard work in students;
— expand their polytechnic horizons;
— provide students with the opportunity to communicate fruitfully with peers and the teacher;
- develop a conscious and respectful attitude towards the work of other people, understand the importance of your work.
The most effective tool in the work of technical creativity circles is considered to be the project method, the authors of which are V.V. Guzeev, N.Yu. Pakhomova, J. Dewey. With its help, design is included in the educational process as a type of activity. The project method involves a technology for organizing educational situations in which the student will be able to pose and solve his own problems, and the teacher will be able to support the student’s activities. The problem for the student must be important and culminate in the creation of a product. During the implementation of project activities, the functions of the participants in the process change. The teacher is obliged to advise, motivate, observe, facilitate, and the student is obliged to choose, create a system of relationships with people, and evaluate.
Children often want to make some product with their own hands during craft lessons, but do not always have the opportunity to work out each creative project in detail. During the circle classes, every child has this opportunity. At the same time, the composition of children taking into account age is important, since junior schoolchildren can receive advice regarding the choice of material and development of the best idea, not only from the teacher, but also from older children school age. They will learn how they made products from similar materials, work with them, and receive a master class. Children of senior school age, in this case, get the opportunity to to some extent feel like teachers, professionals, and sometimes look at themselves from the outside and pay attention to what they need to work on.
There is another criterion for the work of the circle, which is the level differentiation of students. The features of this technology were described in their works by I.E. Unt, T.K. Donskaya, A.S. Granitskaya and V.V. Firsova. The technical creativity club is a vivid example of external differentiation of students, since its participants are two categories of children: gifted, who are interested in educational field“technology”, and children who find it difficult to study the subject and who are trying to improve the level of their skills in a circle. By combining all children into a group, a question arises related to effective internal differentiation, namely: combining into different groups, taking into account abilities, adjusting the level of complexity of the tasks, and helping in choosing objects of project activity.
So, the combination of two educational technologies contributes to the effective organization of the work of a technical creativity circle at school and the achievement of certain results in the subject “technical work”, which consists of increasing academic performance in the subject and effectively organizing work with gifted children.
The main feature of the circle at school is to attract children from the “risk group”, in other words, students who are capable of committing criminal or delinquent acts. Adolescent children who are registered with police departments, when they begin to attend club classes, often find themselves in creativity, fit well into the team and happily spend all their free time in workshops.
The positive dynamics of the quality of knowledge that students received in the subject, and the tendency for the stability of these indicators, is the result of the successful interaction of educational programs with extracurricular activities programs.
Successfully realizing themselves in creativity, students feel satisfied with the results of their own activities, and the state of a person that corresponds to the greatest satisfaction with the conditions of his life, the fullness and meaning of life, the fulfillment of his human purpose, is happiness. According to experts in the field of elixology, when a student is happy, the teacher is happy and inspired by success.
Summing up the work of the circle at school, its impact on the education, upbringing and personal development of students, we must not forget that the activities of the circle are closely related to the school program. With the transition to second generation standards, this association will take its rightful place in new system organization of the educational process. Every teenage child should be given the opportunity to realize their creative potential, receive satisfaction from the results of their work, and feel their importance and involvement in a common cause.

In the second pavilion of VDNKh, the most unusual “Roboschool” in Russia has been opened: one of the teachers here is the android Thespian.

In total, 4 courses are open at RoboSchool. There is “Robotics”, where they introduce the basics of design, modeling and programming, and teach how to create smart electronic machines. You can choose the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) program, which consists of engineering lessons and experiments. In the “Electromechanics” course, students will learn to distinguish resistors from transistors, assemble radios and other equipment.

Industrial design is also provided in the “Roboschool”. During the classes, children will not only learn the history of modern design, but will also create art objects on their own. The best creations will be in the Robostation Hall of Fame.

5200 rubles per month

Museum of Entertaining Sciences "Experimentanium"

An ideal platform for holding open lessons and interactive activities. We follow the latest trends
in the field of additional education for children. Our educational courses allow you to broaden your child’s horizons, acquire useful skills and knowledge that open up new prospects in modern world. And most importantly, we know how to make the educational process fun and enjoyable for children!

In the new school year, a “Laboratory” of entertaining sciences opens its doors in our museum, in which children will be able to get acquainted with natural science and technical laws in practice under the guidance of real scientists. We have also prepared an interesting program of popular science lectures from the already beloved “Scientists for Children” series. And for fans of design and programming, enrollment is already open for Robotics courses and drone piloting school!

The minimum cost of 1 lesson in the course is 1000 rubles

Open prototyping laboratory "Laba"

The first techno-coworking space in Russia is also an educational platform. The Lab provides training in computer programs for drawing and 3D modeling, and organizes master classes on 3D printing, 3D scanning, and working with laser machines. By the way, in most cases, “Laba” is designed for adults - people come here to work on 3D printers, plotters, milling cutters and other sophisticated equipment.

The center offers about 10 areas for children, the most interesting of which are shipbuilding, aircraft modeling and robotics. According to the co-founder of Laba, Maxim Pinigin, in a techno-coworking space you will be able to implement any idea, “from a stool to a satellite.” Regardless of the age of the inventor.

From 5000 rubles per month

Science Festival

“Celebration of Science” is an interactive and educational program for children from 8 to 13 years old. You can arrange a scientific holiday, a master class, a birthday party or an entire scientific festival. The goal is to popularize science and show children that all this can not be abstruse and boring, but exciting and interesting. Secrets of film special effects technologies, physical and chemical experiments, entertaining mathematics - children are usually delighted.

In addition to major events and holidays, you can sign up for classes and courses. Now there is an intensive course “Engineering Creativity” (for children 9-12 years old), “Electricity for Inventors” (for children 9-12 years old) and “Chemistry in the lives of children and adolescents” (for children 8-12 years old). The “Engineering Creativity” course will teach children prototyping and modeling, develop spatial thinking and fine motor skills. In the course on electricity, children will learn how to assemble electrical circuits and even make a real lightsaber. Chemistry is pure joy, reactions and experiments.

From 6900 rubles for 7 lessons

Math clubs from the creative laboratory "2×2"

The main value of the creative laboratory “Twice Two” is its teachers. The center's math circles are staffed by people who are in love with numbers and formulas. They manage to infect children with a passion for exact sciences: the average score of students in mathematics at school is 4.58, they often take prizes at city and Russian Olympiads.

In order to study in a circle for free, you need to go through several interviews. Only the most mathematically capable are accepted here.

House of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth (DNTTM)

The branch of the Palace of Children's Creativity on Sparrow Hills boasts a rich range of scientific fields - from robotics and paleontology to astronomy and robotics. There are 11 chemistry clubs here alone.

The House of Creativity pays special attention to children interested in technology. For example, the center offers several radio electronics courses. The beginners' class involves soldering electronic circuits and creating simple electronic devices. In the course “Radio Engineering” they study radio-electronic designs, and in the lessons “Entertaining Electronics” they learn to read and make simple circuits.

There are classes for free

Engineering Center of the Museum of Cosmonautics

Why does a plane or rocket fly? How does the Universe work, who can go into space and what is a spacesuit for? At the Engineering Center of the Museum of Cosmonautics, you can get answers to thousands of questions. This year, the “Space Squad” club was opened here, where, in addition to theoretical knowledge, you can take psychological tests (almost like astronauts!), work out on the SOYUZ-TMA docking simulator and receive a “Test Cosmonaut” certificate.

And for those who prefer to work on Earth, there is a three-year program of the Vostok design bureau. Future engineers will become familiar with the basics of electrical engineering, computer programming and 3D modeling, learn how to work on a breadboard, read and draw electrical diagrams, and write code.

From 200 rubles per lesson

Center for Design Creativity
"Start Pro"

The center is called “children’s Skolkovo”: “Start Pro” contains one of the best scientific bases in the country. There are 6 laboratories open here, in which about 60 programs are presented. Thus, in “Entertaining Mathematics” they teach how to solve complex puzzles, in the “Graphical environment LabVIEW” - to create robots and develop simple applications, and in “Stroymaster” - to work with tools, natural materials and metal.

Yes, and no boring lectures: the center’s teachers know how to talk simply about complex things, turn science into a game, and boring school subjects into exciting quests.

For free

Center for additional education "Young motorist"


This is the most provocative children's center in Moscow: for example, they allow you to ride motorcycles here from the age of 8! Young riders are taught the basics of motorcycling, how to repair equipment and provide first aid in case of accidents. Both equipment and motorcycles are provided by the center.

In addition, here you have the opportunity to learn everything about the structure of the car, learn the rules of the road and even pass a traffic rules exam.

Although most of all children respect the practical part of the lessons: they start driving here at the age of 12. Students race go-karts, participate in rallies and win prizes in Russian automobile competitions.

For free

Young Railwaymen's Club at the Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

If your child loves trains, you should take a closer look at the courses at MIIT. During the classes, children learn the history and structure of railways, study the composition of electric locomotives and carriages, and become familiar with the rules of “railway traffic” and railway professions. Every summer in Kratovo, near Moscow, the club's pupils have an internship on the Small Moscow Railway. Children can try themselves as a controller and conductor of a passenger car, a track fitter, and even a driver.

Bonus: successful completion of studies in the club gives the right to preferential admission to MIIT, all other things being equal.

7-11 grades

For free

Children's Center for Scientific Discovery "Innopark"

An ideal format for those who have not yet decided on their preferences. Innopark provides short courses that provide interesting information about the world of science and technology.

In total, the center has developed 4 programs. Thus, the course “Everything on the Shelves” covers optics, mechanics, electricity and astronomy. During the classes, children will have to make a diffraction grating, create optical illusions, assemble a battery from vegetables and make a lunar rover. You can choose one of two courses, “Robotics” or “Science in the Palm of Your Hand,” where children will get acquainted with physics, biology, chemistry and geography, and also carry out experiments.

From 2700 rubles for 4 lessons

Digital home

3D scanners, 3D printers, powerful computers, neurotechnical equipment - “Digital House” resembles an exhibition of the achievements of modern technology. True, in this “museum” you are allowed to touch any exhibits with your hands.

At the center you can practice robotics - using Lego Mindstorm EV3, Lego WeDo and Arduino construction sets, children assemble both simple models and technically complex devices. Another popular direction of the “Digital Home” is 3D design. In practice, children learn to work with the latest machines and even create unique objects themselves.

From 4,000 rubles per month

Yulia Suvorova
Work program for circle work on design and modeling for older children “Magic Workshop”

"Magic Workshop"

Educator:Suvorova Yu. M.

Explanatory note

There is always something for skillful hands to do,

If you take a good look around.

We can create a miracle ourselves

With these skillful hands.

Construction (construo – build, create)- view productive activity, during which the child, independently or together with an adult, creates a structure from parts, for which he must learn certain methods of action.

The “Magic Workshop” club program is aimed at developing cognitive and research activity in preschoolers, developing constructive skills and abilities, and developing children’s creative abilities. Throughout the entire period of study, children become more familiar with the types and types of construction. The club program includes both technical and artistic design.

In technical design, children display real-life objects. At the same time, they model their main structural and functional characteristics. The technical type of design activity includes: design from building material (wooden painted or unpainted parts of geometric shape); constructing constructors from parts that have different methods of fastening. In artistic design, children, when creating images, not only (and not so much) display their structure, but express their attitude towards them, convey their character, using color, texture, and shape. The artistic type of design includes design from paper and design from natural material.

The existence of two types of children's design - creative and technical, each of which has its own characteristics, requires a differentiated approach to managing them.

In terms of preparing children for school, constructive activity is also valuable because it develops the ability to closely connect acquired knowledge with its use, the understanding that knowledge is simply necessary for success in activity. Children are convinced that the lack of necessary knowledge about the subject, constructive skills and abilities is the reason for failures in creating a structure, an uneconomical method of its manufacture, Bad quality result of the work. In educational situations, through constructive activities, important qualities are formed in a preschooler; the ability to listen to the teacher, accept a mental task and find a way to solve it.

The topics of classes are built taking into account the interests of students and the possibility of their self-expression. In the course of mastering the content of the program, the pace of development of special skills, the level of independence, and the ability to work in a team are taken into account. The program allows you to individualize complex work: stronger participants will be interested in a complex design, while less prepared ones can be offered a simpler work. At the same time, the educational and developmental meaning of the work is preserved. This makes it possible to warn the student against the fear of difficulties, to encourage him to create and create without fear.

The program provides 1 lesson per week in the afternoon - Monday/Friday (every other week). Continuous duration directly educational activities for children 5-6 years old – 20-25 minutes. Implementation period from September to May.

Goal and objectives of the program

To form in children a sustainable interest in design and modeling.



Improve the ability to work with various materials for design, taking into account their properties and expressive capabilities during the design process.

To consolidate the ability to identify, name, and classify various volumetric geometric bodies and architectural forms that are part of Lego constructors.

Strengthen the ability to use various types of composition to create three-dimensional structures.

Strengthen the ability to create plot-based constructive images.

Strengthen the ability to compare geometric shapes with each other and objects of surrounding life.

Strengthen the ability to highlight an image in various geometric bodies.

Improve the ability to use various techniques and techniques in the process of creating a constructive image.

Continue to teach how to make a design using verbal instructions, descriptions, conditions, diagrams.

Learn to independently transform materials in order to study their properties in the process of creating constructive images.

Strengthen the ability to select adequate ways to connect parts of a structural image, making them strong and stable.

Strengthen the ability to find replacements for some parts with others.

Improve the ability to bend paper of different densities in different directions.

Learn to work according to ready-made patterns and drawings.


Continue to develop a sense of form and plasticity when creating buildings and crafts.

Strengthen the ability to use compositional patterns: scale, proportion, plasticity of volumes, texture, dynamics (statics) in the design process.

Continue to develop visually effective and visual-figurative thinking, imagination, attention, memory.

Improve your ability to plan your activities.

Strengthen and expand the child’s vocabulary with special concepts: substitute, structure, etc.


Cultivate interest in the art of design.

Expand children's communication abilities.

Promote the creation of play situations, expand children's communication abilities.

Improve work skills, create a work culture, teach accuracy, the ability to use materials carefully and economically, and keep the workplace in order.

Types of design.

According to materials used in the design process:

Construction from a construction set (Lego)

Construction from waste material.

Construction from paper and cardboard

Paper plastics;


Volumetric paper and cardboard modeling.

Conditions for the program

The club's work program is designed for one year of study. Training is carried out taking into account individual abilities children, their level of knowledge and skills. In classes, children are given opportunities to satisfy their interests by actively involving them in creative activities.

The program provides 1 lesson per week in the evening – Monday/Friday (every other week).

Principles of organizing the work of the circle

1. The principle of systematic and regular training.

2. Availability. The content of the program, topics and teaching methods correspond to age characteristics students, their level of development and cognitive abilities, as well as the individual characteristics of the child.

3. Visibility (availability of demonstration material) and accessibility of the presented material for children of this age category

4. Systematicity and sequence of presentation of material from “simple to complex”.

5. Strength of mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities - precise definition of the goals of the classes. Each child imagines what result is expected at the end of the lesson, what knowledge and skills he will acquire, and where he can apply them.

6. The principle of even distribution of the load, taking into account the individual capabilities of each child, avoiding overwork.

7. Novelty. To develop interest, it is necessary to constantly introduce elements of novelty at all stages of the educational process.

A variety of methods and techniques are used to teach children design and modeling.

Visual: Examination of finished buildings in class, demonstration of fastening methods, techniques for selecting parts by size, shape, color, methods of holding them in the hand or on the table.

Information-receptive:Inspection of parts and material, which involves connecting various analyzers (visual and tactile) to get acquainted with the form and structure of determining the spatial relationships between them (on, under, left, right. Joint activity of the teacher and the child.

Reproductive: Reproduction of knowledge and methods of activity (form: collecting models and structures based on a sample, conversation, analogue exercises)

Practical:Children use in practice the knowledge they have acquired and the work techniques they have seen.

Verbal: Short description and explanation of actions, support and demonstration of samples, different versions of models.

Problem: Statement of the problem and search for a solution. Creative use of ready-made tasks (objects, their independent transformation.

Game: Using the plot of games to organize children's activities, characters to play out the plot.

Partial search: Solving problem problems with the help of a teacher.

Expected learning outcomes:

As a result of training in this program, children are expected to acquire the following knowledge, skills and abilities:

Children's mastery of non-traditional design techniques from various materials.

Ability to work with different materials.

Ability to follow verbal instructions from the teacher.

Increasing the level of development fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Persistent interest and desire in children to experiment, combining different types materials at work.

Mastering work culture and teamwork skills.

Increasing the level of communication skills, creativity, fantasy, imagination.

Monitoring methods:

regular monitoring during the GCD process

Analysis of children's activity products

Diagnostic cards (every quarter)

In the process of implementing the additional education program, the integration of all educational areas is ensured:

Cognitive development: introducing children to various materials for compositions, identifying them by touch; familiarization with design techniques, cultivating a desire to participate in joint work activities, careful attitude to materials and tools;

Social and communicative: solving problem situations, developing friendly relationships, developing skills free communication with adults and children, developing the ability to express one’s point of view.

Artistic and aesthetic development: poems and stories according to the topic of the lesson, listening to musical works.

Physical development: physical education lessons, developing the ability to follow the rules of safe work with the materials and tools used, developing coherent speech.

Speech development: development of vocabulary, formation of grammatical structure

Calendar and thematic planning

There are three sections:

1. Construction from Lego - 11 hours

2. Working with paper and cardboard – 13 hours

3. Working with waste material – 12 hours

Total: 36 hours


1. Diagnostics

2. Diagnostics

3. Introductory lesson: “What is origami” - Office paper, diagrams of basic forms.

4. “In a certain kingdom of paper state...” - Tinted paper Green colour, scissors, glue.


1. Autumn trees - Paper bags, colored paper, scissors, glue.

2. Mushrooms - Plastic bottles, tape. Stencils, colored cardboard.

3. Hedgehog - Office tinted paper

4. “Travel to the country – Lego set”


1. Bridge over the river - Constructor - "Lego"

2. Well-Constructor-"Lego"

3. Hut on Chicken Legs - Construction Set - "Lego"

4. “How a flap twisted into a Stolbushka doll” -Fragments of fabric of different colors and sizes, scissors, strong threads.


1. Birds - Tinted paper, corrugated paper.

2. Pencil with a toy - Cardboard sleeve, rigid thread (or thin colored wire, colored paper, scissors, glue.

3. “How we built the estate of Father Frost - White paper strips, scissors. Rolls of foil, small household molds for frames of “ice” sculptures.

4. Without which there is no carnival and masquerade - Soft loose paper, plastic trays, glue brushes, glue, frame molds, elastic bands.

5. Foam rubber toys - Foam rubber, strong threads, buttons, paints, brushes.


1. Aquarium - Plastic bottles (large, shells, pebbles, colored cardboard, glue, scissors.

2. Goldfish - Plastic bottles (large, shells, pebbles, colored cardboard, glue, scissors.

3. Labyrinth-Constructor-Lego


1. Truck-Constructor-“Lego”

2. Ships are sailing - Constructor - "Lego"

3. Sailor - Disposable tableware, paper, thread, tape.

4. Air fleet - Tinted paper, felt-tip pens.


1. “What is a house and ten pens in it?” - Pieces of fabric of different colors, strong threads.

2. Chick in the nest - Wire, washcloth, egg cells, colored paper, glue, scissors.

3. Children - Lego constructor

3. Zoo - Constructor - "Lego"

4. Clown - Colored paper, scissors, glue. Wrappers.


1. Flying saucer - Disposable plate, cocktail tubes, colored paper, glue, scissors.

2. Rocket - Constructor - "Lego"

3. Robot - Constructor - "Lego"

4. Pinwheel - tinted paper.

1. Soldier's cap - Tinted paper

2. Military equipment - Matchboxes, corrugated matches. cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue.

3. Diagnostics

4. Diagnostics

Working with paper and cardboard.

Work using the Origami technique. The traditional technique of folding paper figures, popular in Japan, is now of great interest to teachers and parents. This is due to the unique possibilities of influence of “origami” on the development of children. Folding figures has a beneficial effect on the development of finger and hand movements, attention, memory, logical thinking, creative abilities. Origami classes help develop perseverance, accuracy, independence, and determination. During classes and using the resulting figures, the teacher can solve many teaching and educational problems. Folding the figures is accompanied by educational stories of various directions. When creating paper models, the child constantly works with geometric shapes: begins folding by performing actions on the plane of the original geometric figure - a square (rectangle); in the process of folding in the child’s hands, one geometric figure is transformed into another. Working with geometric figures, children consolidate information about their structure (sides, angles, vertices, aspect ratio, etc., signs of their similarities and differences. When making some classic figures, preschoolers learn about some customs that exist in Japan. Origami classes include contains cultural information. When folding the figures, the teacher provides children with environmental information, especially if these are animal figures. Classes are accompanied by information about birds and animals living in our country.

Paper plastics.

The work is based on the children’s skills acquired in appliqué and origami classes: folding paper in different directions, symmetrical, silhouette, contour, multi-layer cutting, gluing, etc.

The perception of the beauty of natural forms through practical activities contributes to instilling in children a caring attitude towards the world around them, the development of the emotional and sensory sphere, artistic imaginative thinking, realization of their creative potential.

Learning Objectives:

Teach various techniques for working with paper.

Develop the ability to work with glue, glue parts, attaching one to another;

Learn basic techniques in the “paper plastic” appliqué technique (tearing, crumpling, rolling into a ball);

Teach children techniques for working with scissors: cut paper in different directions: straight, diagonally, cutting corners of squares and rectangles; cut long and short strips.

Learn to make basic toys - homemade products from bent cardboard: Teaches the elements of folding paper using the Origami technique.

Promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands; develop precision and coordination of hand and eye movements; flexibility of hands, rhythm.

Working with waste material.

Practical work with a variety of waste materials encourages children to be creative, provides for the development of manual labor and design skills, introduces them to the techniques of working with various tools, teaches careful handling of them, promotes the development of coordination of finger movements, develops fine motor skills of the fingers, and fosters perseverance and independence. Many of the proposed crafts involve using them in everyday life, and an important point in their manufacture is the strength of the structure. Working with different materials, children become familiar with their properties, varied structure, acquire labor skills and abilities, and learn to think. Some operations require effort, the use of the most dangerous tools, especially in the preparatory stage, and the teacher takes on this stage of work.

LEGO - construction

LEGO - the designer is widely used in continuous educational activities on construction and solves the following problems: develops thought processes (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, etc.). A fairly effective means of activating thinking is designing from models, diagrams, drawings, plans, samples, and from memory.

The use of LEGO promotes:

1) the development of sensory concepts in children, since details are used different shapes, painted in primary colors;

2) development and improvement of higher mental functions/ memory, attention, thinking, emphasis is placed on the development of such thought processes as analysis, synthesis, classification, generalization

3) training the fingers of the hands, which is very important for the development of fine motor skills of the hand and will further help prepare the child’s hand for writing;

4) unity children's group, developing a feeling of sympathy for each other, because children learn to solve problems together, distribute roles, and explain to each other the importance of this constructive solution.

Materials, tools, equipment necessary to implement the program:


Waste material (foam rubber, plastic bottles, wire, bottle caps, disposable tableware, etc.)

Cardboard and tinted paper in different colors.

Glue, oilcloths


Templates, stencils
